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Summary. Seedlings and plants derived from single-node rhizome fragments of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea were grown in au unheated glasshouse, separately or together with wheat ( cv. Kolibri), in sandy loam soil in well-spaced pots, adequately watered and moderately fertilized. Samples of crop and weeds were taken for growth analysis in mid- May, late June and early August (when the wheat was ripe).
On average, wheat decreased the weight of weed shoots by 84% and of rhizomes by 77%, but the weeds decreased the weight of wheat shoots by only 7% and of grain by 13%. Without wheat, seedlings of both weed species had, by late June, grown as much as plants from rhizomes, but with wheat, the weed seedlings were throughout most of the experiment more susceptible to competition than were plants from rhizomes. There was no simple relationship between the final dry weights of the weeds and the amount they decreased wheat yield: although Agropyron seedlings in competition with wheat were much lighter than Agrostis from rhizomes, they decreased grain yield of wheat as much, suggesting that they competed more intensely for a limiting factor, possibly nitrogen.
It is concluded that the faster initial growth rate of wheat seedlings relative to the weeds from rhizomes and a larger initial seed reserve relative to the weed seedlings enabled the wheat to dominate the weeds.
Comparaison de la croissance et comportement compétitif de plantules et de plantes issues de rhizomes d'Agropyron repens ( L.) Beauv. et d' Agrostis gigantea Roth  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of winter wheat, winter rye, winter barley, spring barley, and fallow cultivated as for a winter cereal, on germination and growth of wild oats ( A. fatua ) was investigated on a naturally-infested field. Treatments were continued for 2 years on the same plots and in the third year all plots were cropped with spring barley. Wild oats were not allowed to shed seeds.
A. fatua was controlled by a dense crop of an autumn-sown cereal. The crop genus was unimportant provided it grew well on the site; its effectiveness depended on its density when the wild oats germinated in spring. Winter wheat and winter rye were equally effective. Even in a light crop of barley, wild oats grew much less vigorously than on the fallow plots. Beyond a certain crop density dependent on soil fertility, further increase in crop did not decrease the size of wild oats. The heaviest crop did not completely suppress the wild oats.
The crop affected the wild oats mainly by decreasing growth of the seedlings, but under winter wheat and winter rye some wild oat seeds may have remained dormant, germinating in the spring barley in the third year, perhaps because the crops decreased the soil moisture content. Nitrogenous fertilizer increased the weight of both crops and wild oats. Barley was more severely affected by soil acidity than wild oats and on acid areas of barley plots the wild oats were larger than where the pH was higher. In wheat and rye which were scarcely affected by soil acidity the size of the wild oat plants was unaffected by soil pH.
L'effet du competition des céréales sur la germination et le développement d' Avena fatua dans un champ naturellement infesté .  相似文献   

Summary. In March 1969 Agropyron repens was planted into the seebded of a spring barley crop undersown with perennial ryegrass cv. S.24. Different fertilizer and cutting treatments were imposed throughout 1970 and 1971 and plots were assessed for A. repens growth at regular intervals up to September 1971. Until the end of June 1971 there was little difference in growth of A. repens under the different treatments, although there was so little growth during much of this period that a high proportion of the rhizome recovered was that produced in the late summer and autumn of 1969, before the ley had fully established.
Between early July and mid September 1971 there was considerable rhizome growth on the plots receiving the least intensive cutting treatments, this being most marked at the high nitrogen level.
The practical implications of these results for the arable part of a rotation are discussed and three main conclusions are suggested: (1) Regardless of management, a ley is not an effective means of reducing an infestation of A. repens ; (2) the sowing of a ley should be preceded by measures to reduce A. repens infestation. Growth of A. repens in the establishment year may be minimised by direct sowing of ryegrass, rather than undersowing; (3) the shallow growth habit of A. repens in a ley points to the need for cultivations as a complement, or as an alternative, to mouldboard ploughing, when the ley is broken.
Elude de la croissance d 'Agropyron repens (L) Beauv. dans une culture de ray-grass  相似文献   

Summary. Survival of wild oat seeds (mainly Avena fatua ) under leys on clay soils was investigated in two field experiments. During the first year under ley the number of seeds decreased by 41 % and 86% respectively. Subsequent decreases were less, and after 5 years under ley there were still enough of the original seeds left to produce infestation of a cereal crop. These results suggest that a long ley is not an efficient way of eliminating wild oat seeds from soil, and that a 1-year ley may be almost as effective as one of 5 years.
When a ley was ploughed, the number of wild oats germinating decreased as the number of years under ley and the age of the seeds increased, but was scarcely affected by the weather. In contrast, charlock ( Sinapis arvensis ) germination did not decrease with increasing age of seeds up to 5 years, but was greatest in years with most rain during April and May.
Survivance de semences de Folle Avoine (Avena fatua L . et A . ludovieiana Dur.) et de Moutarde des champs (Sinapis arvensis L.) dans le sol sous prairie temporaire  相似文献   

Summary. Seeds of Avena fatua and A. ludoviciana were sown at a depth of 15 cm or mixed into the top 5 cm of soil in small field-plots at Rothamsted and subjected to 5 different regimes of depth and frequency of cultivation for 3 years, after which all plots were dug to 15 cm in spring and autumn for a further 4 years. Seedlings were counted and no plants were allowed to produce seeds. After 7 years, soil-samples showed that very few intact seeds of A. fatua and none of A. ludoviciana remained, although less than 20% of the seeds sown had produced seedlings. Laboratory tests after 4 to 8 years'dry slorage showed seeds of both species to be viable. The maximum survival of viable seeds, estimated by seedling-emergence, was 61 months for A. fatua and 33 months for A. Indoviciana . Seeds of A. fatua survived slightly longer at 15 cm than in the top 5 cm of soil. Survival of A. ludoviciana was less affected by depth and cultivation, except that birds ate some shallow-sown spikelets in the first fortnight after sowing. A. fatua germinated in spring and autumn, and A. tudoviciana in winter, irrespective of age of seed and cultivation of soil. Frozen soil delayed emergence of A. ludoviciana seedlings lor varying periods between December and March. Seedlings of A. ludoviciana were slightly more winter-hardy than A. fatua . More seedlings of A. fatua appeared in the second spring than at any other time, but 80% of the seedlings of A. ludoviciana appeared in the first autumn and winter.
Effets de la profondeur d'enfouissement des graines et de la fréquence des façons culturalles sur la longévité et la germination des semences de Folle-Avoine (Avena fatua L. et A. ludoviciana Dur .)  相似文献   

Summary. The growth of Agropyron repens seedlings, or of clones derived from them, raised from seeds collected from different areas was compared; the growth of seedlings raised from seeds from single spikes and from seeds of a cross of two clones was also compared.
The number and length of shoots and the amount of rhizome produced differed between seedlings from different areas. Seedlings with a large weight of rhizomes often had a small weight of shoots. Many of the differences found between seedlings from different areas were confirmed by comparing clones established from some of them. Comparisons of both seedlings and clones showed that the percentage of shoots that developed spikes differed between genotypes; clones with the least weight of rhizome tended to have most weight of spikes. Large variations also occurred between clones established from seedlings from a given area, particularly in the way their dry weight was partitioned between primary and secondary shoots and in the time the spikes emerged.
The amount of rhizome per seedling varied greatly between seedlings from seeds from single spikes and from seeds from a cross of two clones. There was some evidence of a negative correlation between per cent shoot and per cent rhizome dry weight with seedlings from single spikes and between number of shoots and number of rhizomes per seedling with seedlings from a cross of two clones.
Variation en croissance de plantules issues de semences et de clones d' Agropyron repens (L) Beauv.  相似文献   

A series of experiments using N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (glyphosate) for controlling Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. is described. Glyphosate, applied to undisturbed stubble in 1971 and 1972 controlled A. repens well. Rotary cultivation 5 weeks (1971) or 8 weeks (1972) prior to treatment, or 8 days after treatment (1972) did not affect the subsequent control. In two out of three experiments control of this weed resulted in significant increases in barley yield. This increase especially in one experiment was partly due to the inability to produce a good seedbed on the untreated control plots because of the vegetation. On the site where no increase in yield was measured, the population of A. repens was much less. Lutte contre l'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. dans les chaumes, avec le glyphosate Une série d'essais utilisant la N-(phosphonométhyl) glycine (glyphosate) pour lutter contre l'Agropyron repens (L) Beauv. sont décrits. Le glyphosate appliqué sur des chaumes non retournés en 1971 et 1972 a fait preuve d'une bonne efficacité contre A. repens. Une façon culturale rotative exécutée 5 semaines (1971) ou 8 semaines (1972) avant le traitement, ou 8 jours après le traitement (1972) n'a pas affecté Fefficacité ultérieure. Dans deux des essais sur trois, l'efficacité contre cette mauvaise herbe s'est traduite par une augmentation significative du rendement de l'orge. Cette augmentation, en particulier dans un essai, a été provoquée en partie par l'impossibilité d'obtenir un bon lit de semence dans les parcelles non traitées, en raison de la végétation. Dans les emplacements où il n'a pas élé constaté d'accroissement de rendement, la population d'A. repensétait beaucoup plus faible. Die Bekämpfung von Agropyron repens (i.) Beauv. auf der Stoppel mit Glyphosate Es wird eine Reihe von Versuchen beschrieben, in denen N-(Phosphonomethyl)glycin (Glyphosate) zur Bekämpfung von Agropyron repens (L) Beauv. eingesetzt wurde. Die Anwendung von Glyphosate in unbearbeiteter Stoppel in den Jahren 1971 und 1972, führte zu einer guten Bekämpfung von A. repens. Fräsen 5 Wochen (1971) bzw. 8 Wochen (1972) vor der Behandlung, oder 8 Tage nach der Behandlung (1972), beeinträchtigte den Bekämpfungserfolg nicht. In zwei von drei Versuchen bewirkte die Queckenbekämpfung einen gesicherten Mehrertrag bei Gerste. Besonders in einem Versuch war dieser Mehrertrag auf die starke Verqueckung in Unbehandelt zurückzuführen, wo eine optimale Bereitung des Saatbetts nicht möglich war. Dort, wo kein Ertragszuwachs festgestellet werden konnte, war die Verseu-chung mit A. repens viel schwächer.  相似文献   

Summary. Small plots of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, were shaded with ‘Tygan’ screening fabric which transmitted approximately 46% of daylight. In 1968, plots were either shaded or unshaded throughout the experiment (from mid-May until September) and in 1969, some plots were also shaded early (mid-May to mid-July) or late (mid-July to September). In both experiments continuous shading halved rhizome dry weight but had a much smaller effect on shoot dry weight. It also decreased rhizome dry matter by 5%. With early shading there were fewer shoots and ears until mid-July but this difference disappeared by September, because plants shaded early produced more shoots and ears after mid-July than unshaded plants. Early shading slightly decreased the final percentage of shoots that developed ears. Early shading increased shoot height by mid-July and late shading increased it by the end of the experiment. Effets de la diminution de l'intensié lumineuse sur la croissance de l'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, au champ Résumé. De petites parcelles d'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. ont été ombragiés avec du ‘Tygan’écran en treillis qui ne laisse passer que 46% environ de la lumère du jour. En 1968, les parcelles furent ombragées ou non pendant toute la durée de l'expérience (de mi-mai à septembre); en 1969 certaines parcelles furent aussi ombragées précocement (de mi-mai à mi-julliet) ou tardivement (de mi-jmllet à septembre). Dans les deux expériences, l'ombrage continu réduisit de moitié le poids sec des rhizomes mais eut un effet beaucoup plus faible sur le poids sec de la partie aérienne. II réduisit également de 5% la matière sèche des rhizomes. Avec un ombrage précoce, il y eut moins de tiges et d'épis jusquà mi-juillet, mais cette différence n'existait plus en septembre paree que les plantes ombragées précocement produisirent après la mi-juillet, plus de tiges et d'épis que les plantes non ombragées. L'ombrage précoce diminua le pourcentage final des tiges qui produisirent des épis. L'ombrage précoce augmenta la hauteur des tiges à la mi-juillet et l'ombrage tardif eut le même effet à la fin de I'expérience. Auswirkungen verringerter Lichtintensität auf das Wachstum von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Im Feld Zusammenfassung. Kleine Parzellen mit Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. wurden mit ‘Tygan’ Abschirmmaterial, das etwa 46% des Tageslichts durchliess, beschattet. Im Jahre 1968 wurden die Parzellen während der gesamten Versuchadauer (von Mitte Mai bis September) entweder beschattet oder nicht beschattet; 1969 wurden auch einige Parzellen früh (von Mitte Mai bis Mitte Juli) oder spät (von Mittc Juli bis September) beschattet. In beiden Experimenten reduzierte durchgehende Beschattung das Rhizom-trockengewicht um die Hälfte, hatte jedoch eine weit geringere Auswirkung auf das Trockengewicht der oberirdischen Teile. Die Rhizomtrockensubstanz war um 5% vermindert, Bei früher Beschattung würden bis Mitte Juli weniger Schosse und Ahren gebildet; dieser Unterschied war jedoch bis September wieder verschwunden, da beschattete Pflanzen ab Mitte Juli mehr Schosse und Ähren produzierten als unbeschattete. Frühe Besehattung führte zu einer leiehten Verringerung des Prozentsatzes der Schosse, die Ähren bildeten. Die Länge der Sehosse war Mitte Juli durch frühe Beschattung vergrössert und am Ende des Experiments durch späte Besehattung.  相似文献   

Summary. A factorial experiment with couch grass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) grown in boxes examined the effects of rhizome fragmentation, planting depth and shoot removal on the survival of rhizome pieces, new rhizome growth and rhizome carbohydrate reserves.
Burial to 4 in. depth in sandy loam soil led to the death of 54% of 1 in. long rhizome pieces and 28% of 3 in. pieces. With all the segment lengths tested deeper planting decreased the proportion of buds which produced shoots.
Shoot removal every 14 days decreased the dry weight and carbohydrate content of the planted rhizomes and prevented new rhizome growth. Segments 1 or 3 in. long lost their carbohydrate reserves more quickly than 9 in. pieces. Rhizomes planted at 4 in. depth contained less carbohydrate after establishment than shallow-planted material, and produced less new rhizome growth.
IS Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.–Quelques effets de la fragmentation et de l'enfouissement du rhizome et de la defoliation  相似文献   

Experiments with young plants of seven cultivars and species in the Gramineae (Lolium perenne L. cv. S 23, Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. S 22, Lolinm multiflorum Lam. cv. Tetrone, Triticum aestivum L. cv. Janus, Avena sativa L. cv. Peniarth, Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Zephyr, Avena fatua L.), showed that those grown at a high nitrogen level were more susceptible lo paraquat than those grown at a low level. Similarly, high levels of phosphorus increased the susceptibility of plant5 of A. saliva to this herbicide. However, potassium, at the levels used, had no effect on paraquat phytotoxicity. Two further experiments, with Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv., indicated that nitrogen did not influence the phytotoxicity of paraquat; neither did it encourage the recovery of foliage, nor the production of rhizomes following spraying, despite a direct effect of nitrogen on the growth and development of the unsprayed plants. A mechanical defoliation treatment was less effective than paraquat in controlling the growth of this weed. Swards of L. perenne grown under a low nitrogen regime were slightly more susceptible lo paraquat and showed less recovery than those grown under the higher nitrogen conditions. The results are discussed In the context of the physiology of herbicides and of agricultural practices. Influence des conditions de nutrition sur l'activité du paraquat Des expériences réalisées avec de jeunes plantes de sept cultivars ou espèces de Graminée (Lolium perenne L. cv S 23, Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv S 22, Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv Tétrone, Triticum aestivum L. cv Janus, Avena saliva L. cv. Peniarth, Hardeum vulgare L. cv Zephyr, Avena fatua L.) ont montré que les plantes cultivées i un taux d'azote élevéétaient plus sensibles au paraquat que celles cultivées à un taux faible. De la même maniére, des taux élevés de phosphore ont accru la sensibilité des plantes d'A. saliva á cet herbicide. En revanche, le potassium, aux taux utilisés, n'a pas eu d'effet sur la phytotoxicité du paraquat. Deux expériences nouvelles avec Agropyron repens (L.) Beauy., ont montré que l'azote n'avait pas d'influence sur la phytotoxicité du paraquat, il ne facilite ni la repousse du feuillage, ni la production de rhizomes aprés le traitement, malgré un effet direct de l'azote sur la croissance et le développement des plantes non traitées. Une défoliation mécanique a été moins efficace que le paraquat pour maitriser la croissance de cette mauvaise herbe, Des gazons de L. perenne cultivis à un faible taux d'azote ont été légèrement moins sensibles au paraquat et ont manifests un meilleur pouvoir de recuperation que ceux cultivés à un niveau d'azote éievé. Ces résultats sont discutés dans le contexte de la physiologie des herbicides et des pratiques culturales. Der Einfluss des Ernährungszustandes auf die Wirkung von Paraquat In Versuchen mit Jungpflanzen von sieben Gräsern (Lolium perenne L. Sorte S 23, Lolium multiflorum Lam. Sorte S 22, Lolium multiflorum Lam. Sorle Tetrone, Triticum aestivum L. Sorte Janus, Avena sativa L. Sorte Peniarth, Hordeum vulgare L. Sorte Zephyr, Avena fatua L.) waren die, die bei hohen Stickstoffgaben wuchsen gegenüber Paraquat empfindlicher als die, die unter weniger Stickstoff wuchsen. Ähnlich reagierte A. saliva auf Phosphor: hohe Phosphorgaben erhöhten die Empfindlichkeit gegenüber diesem Herbizid. Kalium hatte bei den verwendeten Düngungsstufen jedoch keinen Einfluss auf die Phytotoxizität von Paraquat. Zwei weitere Versuche mit Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. zeigten, dass Stickstoff die Phytotoxizität von Paraquat nicht beeinträchtigte. Trotz der direkten Stickstoffwirkung auf das Wachstum der unbehandelten Pflanzen, wurde bei den mit Paraquat behandeltcn weder die Wiederbegrünung, noch die Rhizombildung gefördert. Die mechanische Entfernung der Blätter war für die Bekämpfung dieses Ungrases weniger wirkungsvoll als eine Paraquatbehandlung. Grasnarben von L. perenne die bei wenig Stickstoff wuchsen, waren gegenüber Paraquat geringfügig empfindlicher und erholten sich schlechter als solche mit guter Stickstoff Versorgung. Die Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit der physiologischen Wirkung der Herbizide und den landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken besprochen.  相似文献   

Summary. The growth of seedlings of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth, in pots was studied in two experiments in 1968 and 1969. In Experiment 1 their growth was compared with that of wheat and in Experiment 2 they were grown in sandy loam (Woburn) and silt loam (Rothamsted) soil at four levels of nitrogen. Both species grew faster than wheat, mainly because they had a larger leaf area ratio. Tillering began earlier in wheat, but continued longer in the grasses, which eventually had many more shoots. Ears emerged in the order: wheat before Agropyron before Agrostis. Although Agrostis had much lighter seeds than Agropyron, it grew faster, but Agropyron initiated rhizomes sooner, usually when it had 1–2 tillers and 4 leaves. Agrostis did not initiate rhizomes until it had at least 10 tillers and 6 leaves. In Experiment 2 the seedlings at first grew more in Woburn than in Rothamsted soil but later more in Rothamsted than in Woburn soil. There was no evidence of a species/soil interaction but nitrogen had more effect on both species in Woburn than in Rothamsted soil. Neither soil type nor nitrogen affected the time at which rhizomes were initiated. Etude de la croissance de plantules d'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth. Résumé. La croissance de plantules A'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth, cultivdes en pots a étéétudiée au cours de deux expériences en 1968 et 1969. Dans la premiére experience, leur croissance fut compareée à celle du blé et dans une seconde experiénce, ces deux espéces furent cultivées sur un sol sablo-limoneux (Woburn) et sur un sol argilo-limoneux (Rothamsted) á quatre niveaux d'azote. Les deux mauvaises herbes poussérent plus vite que le blé, principalement en raison de leur rapport plus éalevé de surface foliaire. Le tallage commenga plus tot chez le bié, mais se poursuivit plus longtemps chez les deux mauvaises herbes qui, en fin de compte, eurent plus de tiges. L'épiaison se produisit dans l'ordre suivant: bléa, Agropyron, Agrostis. Bien que I'Agrostis ait des semences plus petites que I'Agropyron, il poussa plus vite, mais I'Agropyron émit des rhizomes plus tôt, habituellement au stade 1 à 2 talles et 4 feuilles. L'Agrostis n'émit pas de rhizome avant d'atteindre au moins le stade 10 talles et 6 feuilles. Dans la deuxième experience, les plantules poussérent d'abord plus dans le sol de Woburn que dans celui de Rothamsted mais, plus tard, plus dans le sol de Rothamsted que dans Celui de Woburn. II ne fut pas décelé d'interaction entre le sol et les espéces, mais I'azote fit un effet plus marqué sur les deux espéces dans le sol de Woburn que dans celui de Rothamsted. Ni le type de sol, ni le niveau d'azote n'eurent d'influence sur l'époque à laquelle les rhizomes commencérent de croître. Untersuchungen zum Wachstum von Keirnpjlanzen von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Und Agrostis gigantea Roih. Zusammenfassung. Das Wachstum von Keimpfianzen von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth, in Töpfen wurde 1968 und 1969 in zwei Versuchen untersucht. In Versuch II wurde das Wachstum mit dem von Weizen verglichen. In Versuch II wurden sie in sandigen Lehmboden (Woburn) und Silt-Lehm-(Rothamsted) Boden bei vier Stickstoffstufen angezogen. Beide Arten wuchsen in erster Linie wegen ihres grösseren Blattflächenanteils schneller als Weizen. Die Bestockung begann fruher bei Weizen, zog sich jedoch bei den Gräsern, die schliesslich wesentlich mehr Halme hatten, langer hin. Ahrenschieben erfolgte am frühesten bei Weizen, dann bei Agropyron und schliesslich bei Agrostis. Obgleich Agrostis viel leichtere Samen hatte als Agropyron, wuchs es schneller, doch entwickelte Agropyron fruher Rhizome, nornialerweise bei 1–2 Bestockungstriebe und 4 Blättern. Agrostis entwickelte Rhizome nicht ehe es mindestens 10 Bestockungstriebe und 6 Blätter hatte. In Versuch II wuchsen die Keimpflanzen zunächst besser in Woburn- als in Rothamsted-Boden, später wieder besser in Rothamsted als in Woburn-Boden. Es gab keine Anhalts-punkte für eine Interaktion zwisehen den Arten und dem Boden, doch wirkte Stickstoff bei beiden Arten besser in Woburn- als in Rothamsted-Boden. Weder Bodentyp noch Stickstoffmenge beeinflussten den Beginn der Rhizombfldung.  相似文献   

Summary. .
Plants of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. which bad been sprayed with N-(1,1-dimethylpropynyl)-3,5-dichlorobenzamide (pronamide) were examined for changes in external and internal morphology at various times after spraying. Cell enlargement, some necrosis, and an increase in nuclear volume characterized treated rhizome apices. Abnormal metaxylem vessel elements and necrotic phloem were characteristic of the rhizome vascular tissues. Roots showed precocious differentiation and maturation of tissues and eventual vacuolation of the apical maeristem, resulting in complete inhibition of root growth. Nuclei of root meristem cells were much enlarged and contained several nucleoli.
Effets du N-(1,1- diméthylpropynyl )-3,5- dichlorobenzamide sur l'anatomie de l' Agroyron repens ( L. ) Beauv.  相似文献   

Summary. Spikes oi Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. were collected from field crops (mostly spring barley and winter wheat) in England and Wales near the time of crop harvest. Seeds per spike were counted and their germination tested in soil in the glasshouse.
About 95% of the samples contained viable seeds; about one third of the samples had fewer than 5 viable seeds/spike, a third between 6 and 15 and a third more than 15. The average number of viable seeds/spike for all samples was 13. Spikes from spring barley (152 samples) had an average of 11 and a maximum of 51 viable seeds and those from winter wheat (42 samples), 20 and 48 respectively. Samples collected within 3 weeks after mid-July had fewer viable seeds/spike than those collected later. Samples containing morphologically-different spikes had more viable seeds/spike than apparently uniform samples, and spikes from dense field populations more seeds than those from sparse populations.  相似文献   

The effect of site of application was studied on the performance of barban, benzoylprop-ethyl and difenzoquat agaínst Avena fatual, and of glyphosate against Agropyron repens (L,) Beauv. In all cases, performance was increased when the herbicide was applied towards the leaf or plant base. In general, treating the youngest, fully expanded leaf gave the best performance. Thus for plants at growth stages 12, 13 and 14 (Zadoks, Chang & Konzak, 1974) a greater reduction in foliage weight was obtained when the first, the first or second, and the third leaves were treated respectively. Lengthening the drying time of the herbicide solution also helped to increase the efficacy of difenzoquat. The amount of epicuticular wax varied considerably between different areas on the leaf and it is suggested that this could be an important factor in determining herbicide performance. Influence du site d'application sur l'efficaeité du glyphosate contre Agropyron repens ainsi que du barbane, du benzoylprop-éthyle et du difenzoquat contre Avena fatua. L'influence du site d'application sur l'efficacité a étéétudié pour le barbane, le benzoylpropéthyle et le difenzoquat contre Avena fatua (L.) ainsi que pour le glyphosate contre Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Dans tous les cas, l'efficacité a été accrue quand l'herbicide a ésé appliqué vers la base de la feuille ou de la plante. En géneral le traitement de la plus jeune feuille complétement développée a donné le meilleur résultat. Ainsi, pour des plantes aux stades de croissance 12, 13 et 14 (Zadoks, Changet Konzak, 1974). une réduction plus importante du feuillage a été obtenue lorsque, respectivement, la première, la première ou la seconde. et la troisième feuille ont été traitées. L'augmentation de la durée du séehage de la solution herbicide a aussi aidéà accroïtre l'efficacité du ilifenzoquat. La quantité de cire épicuticulaire variant considérablement selon les différentes régions de la feuille, il est suggéré que ceci pourrait ètre un facteur important susceptible de modifier l'efficacité de l'herbicide. Der Einfluss des Applikationsortes auf die Wirkung von Glyphosat gegen Agropyron repens und von Barban, Benzoylprop-äthly und Difenzoquat gegen Avena fatua Es wurde der Einfluss des Applikationsortes auf die Wirtung von Barban. Benzoylprop-äthyl und Difenzoquat gegen Avena fatua (L.) und von Glyphosat gegen Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, untersucht. In allen Fällen war die Wirkung verbessert, wenn das Herbizid in die Nähe des Blattgrundes oder der Pflanzen-basis apptiziert wurde. Im allgemeinen wurde die beste Wirkung durch Behandlung des jüngsten, voll entwickelten Blattes erzielt. Daher wurde bei Pflanzen im Entwicklungsstadiurn 12, 13 und 14 (Zadoks, Chang und Konzak, 1974) eine stärkere Erniedrigung des Blattgewichts erreicht, wenn das erste, das erste oder zweite, bzw, das dritte Blatte behandelt wurde. Durch Verlängerung der Antrocknungszeit der Herbizidlösung wurde ausserdem die Wtrksamkeit von Difenzoquat verbessert. Die Menge an epikutikulärem Wachs war zwischen den versthiedenen Blattbezirken recht verschieden und es wird angenommen, dass diese Tatsache ein wichtiger Faktor ist, der die Herbizidwirkung bestimmt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. In den Jahren 1962–64 wurde in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit Unterstützung der Pflanzenschutzämter eine Erhebung über den gegenwärtigen Verbreitungsstand des Flughafers ( Avena fatua L.) durchgeführt. Nach den ermittelten Ergebnissen kommt der Flughafer in allen Anbaulagen Westdeutschlands vom Norden bis zum Süden in unterschiedlicher Befalistärke vor. Es zeichnet sich allgemein eine Tendenz zur Zunahme der Verbreitungsgebiete ab. Die am stärksten mil Flughafer verseuchten Landschaftsräume deckcn sich grösstenteils mit den überwiegend auf Sommergerstenanbau konzentrierten Lagen. Die Verunkrautung mit Flughafer ist in Süddeutschland wesentlich ausgeprägter als in Norddeulschland, Ein kartographischer Vergleich des Flughafervorkommens in Westdeutschland von Zade aus dem Jahre 1909 und vom Verfasser aus dem Jahre 1965 zeigt deutlich, dass der Befall mit A. fatua gebietsmässig und nach der örtlichen Besatzdichte im Verlaufe von über fünf Jahrzchnten eine erhebliche Ausdehnung erfahren hat.
The present distribution of wild oat ( Avena fatua L.) in the Federal German Republic  相似文献   

Summary. Two techniques for the comparative evaluation for the control of couchgrass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) were tested in 1960, and it was concluded that the more practicable was the one in which known lengths (96 in.) of couchgrass rhizome fragments were planted in a plot of 10 × 2 ft. The rhizomes were allowed to grow and herbicides were applied when the shoots were 6–9 in. high. Two to 3 months later the rhizomes were carefully dug up, weighed, measured and dried. Dry weight of rhizomes was used as a measure of the quantity of couchgrass present. Four trials of spring applications, and two of autumn applications are reported.
Of the commercially available herbicides, amitrole-T, TCA and dalapon were effective in that order, and presented no insuperable problems of persistence in the soil. Fenac and atrazine showed little promise. Spring applications of herbicides were considerably more effective than autumn treatments.
Essai d'herbicides pour la lutte contre Agropyron repens  相似文献   

Summary. Herbicide combinations containing paraquat were synergistic and provided control of established Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. (quackgrass) sods for the entire growing season. Paraquat applied at 0–5 lb/ac with simazine or diuron at 4–0 lb/ac was more phytotoxic than either herbicide applied singly and the enhanced activity was more than additive. This synergism was not due to increased absorption or translocation of either herbicide in aerial portions of the plant. Paraquat applied to the shoot increased the susceptibility of quackgrass to simazine action through the soil. Pre-treatment of quackgrass with aminotriazole or amitrole-T at 10 lb/ac 7 days before paraquat application at 0–5 lb/ac provided increased toxicity over that obtained when the two herbicides were applied together or singly. Subsequent studies indicated that aminotriazole applications prior to shoot destruction by either paraquat or clipping resulted in more chronic aminotriazole toxicity. Using methyl-14C-paraquat it was found that aminotriazole pre-loading also increased the movement of paraquat in and out of the treated leaf. This increase was even more pronounced with amitrole-T. When the two herbicides were applied together, antagonism in absorption and translocation occurred. Action synergique de combinaisons d'herbicides comprenant du paraquat sur Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.  相似文献   

研究了小麦活体、小麦水提液及小麦次生代谢产物丁布对几种杂草的异株克生活性。小麦与马唐、反枝苋、野燕麦、早熟禾、稗草等杂草混播的盆栽试验呈现出小麦播种密度越大,杂草种子萌发率越低的趋势。小麦水提液对马唐、反枝苋、早熟禾、稗草、野燕麦根和茎的生长均有明显的异株克生作用,IC50(根)<1.5 mg/mL,IC50(茎)<3.0 mg/mL,而对黑麦草、圆叶牵牛无明显的抑制活性。除马唐外,小麦水提液对供试杂草种子萌发抑制效果不明显。小麦次生代谢产物丁布对3种不同杂草的根、茎总体抑制效果为反枝苋>马唐>野燕麦,IC50(根、茎)<1.5mg/mL,IC50(种子萌发)<3.5 mg/mL。比较IC50可知,生物活性:丁布>小麦水提液。丁布是小麦中具有异株克生活性的次生代谢物。  相似文献   

Summary. Tracer studies using single drops of solutions containing 3–amino-1,2,4–triazole-5–14C (aminotriazole-14C) or 2,2–dichloropropionic acid-2–14C (datapon-14C) revealed that in couch plants (Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) growing under field conditions in the autumn and at the stage where the aerial shoots were 40–50 cm long, both compounds moved in both symplast and apoplast. Dalapon was less mobile in the symplast than aminotriazole and only negligible amounts of dalapon were translocated to the rhizomes. The nodes of the treated shoots appeared to act as barriers to translocation, a phenomenon more pronounced for dalapon than for aminotriazole.
Application to a basal green leaf led to a more uniform distribution of the compounds within plants and rhizomes than when the application was made to the youngest fully-expanded leaf.
In couch plants with aerial shoots 10–15 cm long treated in the stubble, the distribution of both aminotriazole and dalapon was mainly restricted to the treated shoots. Even 15 days after application only trace amounts of radioactivity could be found in the rhizomes and untreated shoots.  相似文献   

Summary. The main shoot or selected tillers of seedling plants of Poa pratensis L. were supplied with 14CO2 and the distribution of 14C-assimilates was followed by autoradiography. The primary tillers were initially supplied with 14C-assimilates from the main shoot but, once established, became independent of the parental shoot for carbohydrates. Similarly, developing rhizome-tillers were supported by the main shoot and established primary tillers but soon became self-supporting, Defoliation of all the tillers of the plant but one led to the defoliated primary and rhizome tillers being supplied with radiocarbon from the remaining intact shoot. Thus, although the primary tillers and rhizome-tillers in the intact plant appear to be physiologically independent, the entire tiller-rhizome system may be re-integrated after defoliation, allowing assimilate redistribution. P. pratensis may be regarded as a convenient link between the non-weedy herbage grasses which generally lack rhizomes and the weedy rhizomatous grasses typified by Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.
Etat des relations entre les talles et les rhizomes de Poa pratensis L. Etude autoradiographique  相似文献   

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