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在2013年夏季和冬季选取了总长约12 km的5条样带,调查了淮河源局部地区的鸟类多样性。本次调查共记录鸟类12目35科79种。其中古北界鸟类25种,占总数的31.6%;东洋界鸟类39种,占总数的49.4%;广布种15种,占总数的19.0%。鸟类的物种多样性在夏季要高于冬季。生态廊道内的鸟类数量和物种多样性都要高于生态廊道外。  相似文献   

大庆龙凤湿地春季鸟类多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大庆龙凤湿地在动物地理区划分上属于古北界,本次调查在其保护区内共发现鸟类71种,隶属10目27科,其中国家Ⅰ级保护动物3种,Ⅱ级保护动物11种,调查仅限于春季,一些保护区曾经出现过的国家珍稀保护动物没有被发现。由于保护区有大面积湿地,所以水禽种类占大多数,且数量众多。鸟类组成以夏候鸟为主,种类有42种,占总数的59.15%。本次调查中,古北界鸟类54种,占总数的76.06%;广布种17种,占总数的23.94%;没有东洋界鸟类的入侵。很多鸟类从这里迁徙和经过,且以古北区的鸟类为主。本次调查采用样带、样点和定点观察法,对保护区内的鸟类种类和数量做了调查统计,并分析出近几年来这里鸟类种类数量减少的原因。  相似文献   

2007年7月4~11日,对湖南两江峡谷森林公园夏季鸟类资源进行了调查。通过样线调查法并结合鸟网捕捉,共记录到68种鸟类,隶属于14目31科,占湖南省400种鸟类的17.00%。其中53种属东洋界种类、3种属古北界种类、12种属广布种;留鸟60种、夏候鸟8种。8种鸟类属国家Ⅱ级保护动物,占鸟类物种数的11.76%。根据调查结果与分析,提出了鸟类资源保护与利用的合理性建议。  相似文献   

达赉湖保护区鸟类多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁秀梅  特喜铁  郝如义 《野生动物》2010,31(1):22-25,35
2007年3~11月,在达赉湖自然保护区4个管护站周边地区,利用样带调查,记录鸟类种类和数量,分析鸟类多样性。本次调查共记录鸟类103种,隶属于14目31科。其中,非雀形目鸟类74种,占总种类数的71.8%,雀形目鸟类29种,占总种类数的28.2%,非雀形目鸟类中尤以水禽占有较大比例,共有7目9科56种,为全部鸟类种数的54.5%,占总种类二分之一以上,反映出湖区的特点。该地区的鸟类α多样性水平较高(3.6);其中,乌兰诺尔的鸟类物种数、数量、多样性指数、均匀度指数均为最高。  相似文献   

2010年3月-2013年11月,结合全国第二次湿地资源调查和全球环境基金旱地生态保护与恢复项目,采用固定半径样点法和样线法对哈巴湖国家级自然保护区鸟类资源进行了野外调查。共调查记录鸟类14目28科79种,其中,留鸟26种,占该地区鸟类总数的32.91%;夏候鸟30种,占37.97%;旅鸟22种,占27.85%;冬候鸟1种,占1.27%。繁殖鸟(包括夏候鸟和留鸟)56种,构成了该地区鸟类的主体。在繁殖鸟中,属于古北界的鸟类有43种,占76.79%;属于东洋界的有4种,占7.14%;属于广布种的有9种,占16.07%,这反映出哈巴湖保护区鸟类具有明显的北方型特征。在4种生境中,鸟类多样性指数在灌丛与草地中最大,湖泊与河流明水区以及沼泽与草甸浅水区次之,人工乔木林最小。本次调查所见鸟类中27种为保护区新分布种,其中灰斑鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)、灰瓣蹼鹬(Phalaropus fulicarius)、反嘴鹬(Racurvirostra avosetta)、鸥嘴噪鸥(Gelochelidon nilotica)、黑背白鹊鸰(Motacilla lugens)5种鸟类为宁夏回族自治区鸟类新纪录。本次研究进一步加深了对哈巴湖保护区的鸟类区系组成及各生境多样性的认识。  相似文献   

李健  蒋国福  刘文萍 《野生动物》2009,30(4):197-200
1999年9-10月,采用样方法对綦江地区森林生境、灌丛生境、农田生境的鸟类群落结构进行调查研究,结果表明:本次调查记录到鸟类79种,分属于9目25科,雀形目鸟类的种数最多,占总数的73.42%。国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类7种,占所观察到鸟类的8.86%。在调查研究的3种生境鸟类多样性从高到低的是农田生境、灌丛生境、森林生境。  相似文献   

2012年12月-2013年11月,采用样线调查和样点观察相结合的方法对合肥市董铺水库及其临近区域不同生境的鸟类资源进行了调查。共记录到鸟类14目31科87种,其中国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类1种、安徽省地方重点保护鸟类25种;古北界鸟类45种(占51.7%),东洋种25种(占28.7%),广布种17种(占19.5%);留鸟33种(占37.9%),夏候鸟19种(占21.8%),冬候鸟21种(占24.1%),旅鸟14种(占16.1%)鸟类群落多样性指数最大生境为水库周围灌丛、树林;而指数最小者为大面积水域。  相似文献   

王超  查林松  许青 《野生动物》2013,(4):208-214
2010年10月~2011年10月,对大庆萨尔图机场及周边生境的鸟类种类和数量进行了调查,调查共记录到鸟类15目29科89种,其中夏候鸟57种,约占鸟类总数的64.0%;旅鸟8种,约占鸟类总数的9%;冬候鸟6种,约占鸟类总数的6.7%;留鸟18种,约占鸟类总数的20.2%,在机场飞行区内发现鸟类20种。采用Geo InSight国际有限公司根据合同与美国空军共同开发的US BAM的避鸟模型,对大庆萨尔图机场飞行区内鸟类进行危险指数测定及排序,以便驱鸟人员明确对飞机构成威胁的鸟类种类,从而达到有针对性地驱除危险指数高的鸟类的目的。  相似文献   

2013年9月至2014年5月,利用样线法,每周两次对三亚市白鹭公园鸟类的种类和数量进行了调查,共记录到鸟类4目15科20属29种,其中雀形目鸟类17种,占58.6%;非雀形目12种,占41.4%。留鸟21种,占72.4%;冬候鸟7种,占24.1%,而夏候鸟只有一种,占3.5%。其中优势种鸟主要为小白鹭,家燕和灰背椋鸟,分别占所调查鸟类个体总数15.9%、14.4%和14.1%。鸟类多样性分析表明,ShannonWiener指数为2.61,Pielou指数为0.77,最大多样性值为3.36。  相似文献   

2016年4月至2017年3月,采用样线法对福州动物园野生鸟类进行调查,记录鸟的种类和数量,分析鸟类多样性。本次调查共记录鸟类76种,隶属于10目32科。其中,非雀形目鸟类有21种,占总种类数的27.6%,雀形目鸟类55种,占总种类数的72.4%。该地区鸟类α多样性水平较高,Shannon-Wiener指数为2.8303;均匀度也较高,Pielou指数为0.6535。  相似文献   

Staphylococci were found in the tonsils of 121 (75.2%) of 161 cattle. There were 15 different species, 10 belonging to novobiocin-sensitive species. The most predominant species was S. simulans (79.3% of the 121 carriers), followed by S. aureus (20.7%), S. chromogenes (10.7%) and S. epidermidis (8.3%). The other 11 species were present in 0.8 to 5.8%. Twenty-six unidentifiable isolates were isolated from 26 (21.5%) carriers. Sixty-two (51.2%) of the 121 carriers yielded two to five Staphylococcus species together while only one species could be found in each of the other 59 (48.8%). Combinations of S. simulans and other species were most frequently encountered in 50 (41.3%) of the 121 carriers. Twenty-four (96.0%) out of 25 S. aureus isolates, 3 (42.9%) of 7 S. hyicus isolates and 45 (25.4%) of 177 coagulase-negative staphylococci (13 species and unidentifiable isolates) isolates were phage typable. Most of S. aureus isolates were lysed by bovine phages 119 (n = 16) or 116 (n = 5). Thirty-three (25.4%) of 45 coagulase-negative staphylococci typable isolates with Pulverer's phage set showed the phage pattern ph5/ph9/ph10/ph12/ph13/U4/U14/U16/++ +U20/U46. The tonsils of cattle thus appear to be a suitable environment for Staphylococcus species, particularly novobiocin-sensitive species.  相似文献   

甘肃省昆虫病原线虫区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明甘肃省昆虫病原线虫的种类及区系分布,通过大蜡螟诱捕法对甘肃省昆虫病原线虫资源进行了调查,分离得到昆虫病原线虫种群51个,分属于8个种:斯氏线虫属(Steinernema)5种,异小杆线虫属(Heterorhabditis)3种。其中斯氏属3个种A,B,C和异小杆1个种D属于国内新记录种。调查表明:甘肃省昆虫病原线虫的优势种为Steinernema feltiae,昆虫病原线虫的分布与土壤类型及植被类型关系密切,沙壤土和壤土中线虫检出率分别为12.2%和8.8%,较粘土5.3%的检出率高,且在果园、菜地和大田中的线虫检出率分别为10.4%,9.2%和5.2%,较未耕地3.3%的检出率高,说明沙壤土和壤土适于昆虫病原线虫的种群建立,且在有农事活动的地块中昆虫病原线虫分布较多。  相似文献   

The incidence of staphylococcus species in healthy animals was investigated in young and adult individuals of cattle, in pigs and in domestic fowl, using the method of selective isolation of strains. A total of 6066 samples was examined; 4567 strains were revealed and they included all known species, except Staphylococcus caseolyticus, S. saccharolyticus, S. schleiferi and S. lugdunensis. 3.8% of strains failed to be identified with any species. The test samples were taken from slaughtered animals, only in calves intravital smears of tonsils were examined. The species most frequently isolated from the tonsil tissue in adult cattle were as follows: S. aureus (19.9%), S. saprophyticus (12.4%), S. hyicus (8.8%) and S. hominis (8.6%). The following species were isolated from the lung tissue: S. saprophyticus (28.8%), S. cohnii (10.6%) and S. epidermidis (10.2%); from the mammary gland parenchyma these were the species S. saprophyticus (17.4%), S. xylosus (13.1%) and S. epidermidis (10%). In the tonsil tissue of pigs the percent proportions of S. aureus and S. hyicus were 44.5% and 31.8%, respectively; the most frequent species detected from the lungs were S. aureus (20.6%), S. saprophyticus (12.3%), S. hyicus (12.1%) and S. epidermidis (11.5%). In domestic fowl the most frequently occurring species were S. epidermidis (23.7%), S. gallinarum (16.5%) and S. aureus (15.4%). In calves the incidence of S. xylosus (37%), S. saprophyticus (19.2%) and S. cohnii (15.2%) was found to be highest. The indicence of the other staphylococcus species in all test animals can be expressed by low percentages.  相似文献   

为了解天津北大港湿地的鸭科鸟类种类,2004年11月~2008年3月采用定位观察和线路调查相结合的方法,用计数法和网格计数法取得鸟类种类和数量,并对所得数值采用频率指数估计法,结果为鸭科鸟类8属24种。旅鸟24种,占总种数的100%;冬候鸟4种,占总种数的16.7%;留鸟1种,占总种数的4.2%。古北种13种,占总种数的54.2%;全北型9种,占总种数的37.5%;古北-东洋种2种,占总种数的8.3%。明确豆雁(Anser fabalis)、赤膀鸭(Anas strepera)、绿翅鸭(Anas crecca)、绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)、斑嘴鸭(Anas poe-cilorhyncha)和斑头秋沙鸭(Mergellus albellus)6种为优势种。Shannon-Weiner多样性指数(H′):春季>秋季>冬季>夏季。有国家二级保护鸟类4种。  相似文献   

From April 1999 to December 2000, a survey was made on the distribution of Staphylococcus species on the skin of 7 kinds of animals and humans. Staphylococci were isolated from 12 (100%) of 12 pigs, 17 (89.5%) of 19 horses, 30 (100%) of 30 cows, 73 (90.1%) of 81 chickens, 10 (40%) of 25 dogs, 23 (76.7%) of 30 laboratory mice, 20 (52.6%) of 38 pigeons, and 80 (88.9%) of 90 human beings. The predominant staphylococci isolated from a variety of animal species were novobiocin-resistant species, S. xylosus and S. sciuri regardless of the animal host species. The novobiocin-resistant species including S. xylosus and S. sciuri were only occasionally isolated from human skin. The predominant staphylococci found on human skin were novobiocin-sensitive species, S. epidermidis (63.8%), followed by S. warneri (28.8%) and S. hominis (13.8%). The results suggest that the staphylococcal flora inhabiting animal skin are different from those of human skin in regard to the predominant species isolated. In this study, we used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to examine the chromosomal polymorphisms of S. epidermidis isolated most frequently from human skin. Strains of S. epidermidis showed the greatest genomic diversity in their fragment patterns.  相似文献   

Nematodes from the ventral colon of 31 adult horses, 24 males and 9 females, in the metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro were analysed. There were 53,444 (86.4%) adults of the total recovered strongylid nematodes. They belonged to 21 species of Cyathostominae and seven of Strongylinae. Larval forms made up 13.6% (8407) of the total recovered, and 49% of the strongylid nematodes were observed in ventral colon. The most prevalent and abundant species were Cyathostomum tetracanthum, Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cylicostephanus minutus, Cylicostephanus longibursatus, Cylicostephanus leptostomus, Cylicostephanus calicatus and Cylicostephanus goldi, corresponding to 93.2% of the total adult population; these species were classified as central species, except C. goldi; and other species were classified as secondary (n = 8) and satellite (n = 14). The low Green's aggregation index, presented to central species, indicated high dispersion because they were found in a greater number of infracommunities and were proven by the greater prevalence. Only 12.1% of the horses were uninfected or infected by a single species; the other infections were multiple, ranging from 3 to 23 species.  相似文献   

为考察松嫩盐碱草地旋覆花(Inula japonica)根围AM真菌侵染特性及其多样性,本研究对黑龙江省肇东市西南部松嫩盐碱草地旋覆花根系和根际土壤进行分析。结果表明,在不同pH的土壤生境下,旋覆花根系均被AM真菌侵染,在土壤pH为8.76时,侵染率达到100%,泡囊丰度与丛枝丰度达到最大值,分别为75.67%和74.32%;在土壤pH为8.71时,侵染率为85%,泡囊丰度与丛枝丰度最低。通过形态学鉴定共分离出AM真菌8属37种,其中球囊霉属(Glomus)21种,占总种数的56.7%,为优势属,根内球囊霉(G.intraradices)和幼套球囊霉(G.etunicatum)是优势种;无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)6种,占总种数的16.2%;盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora)3种,占总种数的8.1%;和平囊霉属(Pacispora)、内养囊霉属(Entrophospora)各两种,各占总数的5.4%,巨孢囊霉属(Gigaspora)、多孢囊霉属(Diversispora)、原囊霉属(Archaeospora)各1种,各占总数的2.7%。  相似文献   

施肥对科尔沁沙质草地群落物种组成和多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以科尔沁沙质草地为对象,研究了施肥对科尔沁沙质草地群落物种组成、群落结构和多样性的影响。结果表明,1)施氮肥和氮磷肥混施均改变了群落物种组成、群落中的优势种以及植物的科属结构,显著增加了群落植被高度和盖度,其中施氮肥和氮磷肥混施比对照的植被高度均提高了64.5和66.8cm,植被盖度分别提高17.1%和18.1%。2)施磷肥对群落物种组成和群落结构影响不显著。3)施氮肥和氮磷肥混施均显著减小了沙质草地群落的Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Pielou均匀度指数和物种丰富度,其中施氮肥和氮磷肥混施分别减少物种数49.5%和51.5%。4)施磷肥对群落物种数和各物种多样性指数均无显著影响。表明除了生产力,合理的物种组成和群落结构也是受损草地生态系统恢复和经营需要考虑的因素。  相似文献   

Forty-two horses from Normandy (France) were examined post-mortem for small strongyle infections from October to March. In the positive horses, total worm numbers ranged from 234 to 90,247 (mean 11,297). Encysted larvae represented the major part of the total cyathostome burdens with a high percentage (83%) being early third stage larvae. They were mostly recovered from the caecum (48%) and ventral colon (40%) and were less present in the dorsal colon (12%). Adult cyathostomes were mainly located in the ventral colon (64%) and less frequently in the dorsal colon (27%) and caecum (9%). Twenty species of Cyathostominae were identified. The 10 most prevalent species (in sequence of prevalence) were Cyathostomum coronatum, Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cylicocyclus insigne, Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicostephanus goldi, Poteriostomum imparidentatum, Cyathostomum labiatum, Cylicocyclus ultrajectinus, Cylicostephanus calicatus and Cylicostephanus minutus which comprised 84% of the total adult population. Twelve species showed a site preference in the ventral colon, five in the dorsal colon and only one in the caecum while two species were collected in nearly equal numbers from the ventral and dorsal colon. The number of species per horse ranged from 1 to 12 with a median of 5. Infections with singletons occurred in 12.5% of the positive horses while multiple infections were encountered in 87.5%. A positive correlation was found between the intensity of cyathostome infection and its diversity, measured either by the number of occurring species or Shanon indexes.  相似文献   

云南高尔夫球场草坪杂草调查及防除对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对春城高尔夫球场草坪常见杂草进行调查.结果表明:春城高尔夫球场草坪常见杂草共19种.通过分析,球场草坪杂草优势度依次为一年生早熟禾Poa annua(63.14%)>白茅Imperata cylindrical(14.68%)>狗牙根Cynodon dactylon(11.45%)>白三叶Trifolium repens(5.56%)>水蜈蚣Kyllinga brevifolia(2.04%)>香附子Cyperus rotundus(1.08%)>红花酢浆草Oxalis corymbosa(1.04%),其中一年生早熟禾、白茅和狗牙根为优势种,白三叶、水蜈蚣、香附子和酢浆草为亚优势种.在对春城高尔夫球场主要杂草危害情况分析的基础上,提出南方草坪杂草的综合防治建议.  相似文献   

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