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我国非木质林产品资源现状及其分类体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国经济社会的发展和人民生活水平的日臻提高,开发和利用非木质林产品具有及其重要的现实意义。通过实际调研数据,以我国非木质林产品资源分布及开发利用现状为基础,参考大量的国内外相关文献,借鉴国内外非木质林产品分类经验,把我国非木质林产品资源以冯彩兰等分类方法为蓝本,分为菌类、动物及动物制品类、植物及植物产品类及生态景观和生态服务类等4个一级类,并在此基础上考虑其实用性,对类型较为复杂和运用极其广泛的植物及植物产品类划分为干果、水果、山野菜、茶和咖啡、林化产品、木本油料、苗木花卉、竹及竹制品、药用植物(含香料)、珍稀濒危植物、非木质的纤维材料和竹藤、软木及其他纤维材料等12个二级类。同时研究我国主要非木质林产品的资源分布状况及其开发利用现状,运用ArcGIS9.3生成主要产品产量产地分布图,并探讨我国非木质林产品目前存在的主要问题和解决对策,为我国即将开展的中国森林认证非木质林产品认证标准的制定工作提供前提条件,也为进一步开展非木质林产品的认证工作提供初步的研究基础。  相似文献   

世界非木材林产品发展战略   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
就世界非木材林产品的内涵、重要性及发展战略等问题进行了论述.保护和开发非木材林产品资源是发展中国家林区脱贫致富和保护天然林资源的重要途径,经济价值巨大,生态效益和社会效益显著.它可为保护我国天然林资源和林区脱贫致富提供借鉴.  相似文献   

我国是全球林产品生产、贸易和消费第一大国,因此受到国际社会的广泛关注。在木材和木制品贸易流通环节经常出现以假乱真、以次充好的现象,为国际履约执法和林产品产业监管带来严峻挑战。基于木材解剖的传统木材树种识别方法,一般只能识别木材到"属"或"类"。近年来发展的DNA条形码、近红外光谱等木材树种识别新技术虽然可以实现木材"种"的识别,但难以在口岸、现场等多场景下对大批量样本进行自动精准识别。随着计算机技术的快速发展,计算机视觉识别技术可以从不同类别图像中提取关键特征,从而对图像进行分类,为木材树种分类带来新的途径。笔者首先介绍了基于图像采集、特征提取和树种分类的传统木材树种计算机视觉识别技术研究概况,然后从图像数据集构建、模型构建训练与测试以及系统开发等应用等方面介绍了基于深度学习的木材树种计算机视觉识别技术研究应用现状,并结合国内外研究进展对基于深度学习的计算机视觉识别技术在木材树种识别领域的应用进行了展望和提出建议,以期为木材树种自动精准识别研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

食用林产品质量安全问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了食用林产品的内涵及分类,并在分析现阶段食用林产品质量安全问题基础上,提出了应对对策。食用林产品生产、初加工和销售过程中存在诸多安全隐患,食用林产品质量监测和监管体系的不健全是造成我国食用林产品质量安全问题的主要原因。只有切实建立和完善相应的法律法规,加快完善食用林产品标准体系,建立健全食用林产品安全检测体系,完善食用林产品污染物监测,才有可能从根本上解决我国的食用林产品质量安全问题。  相似文献   

世界非木材林产品的现状及其发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
随着科学技术的进步和森林综合效益的提高,非木材林产品在促进当地社区的经济发展、保护生态环境和促进林业可持续发展方面的作用日益突出。文中介绍了世界几个国家非木材林产品的生产利用、研究情况;分析了目前非木材林产品开发利用中存在的问题并提出了相应的对策;最后预测了非木材林产品的发展趋势。  相似文献   

提出了基于Web服务,结合网络数据库的非木材林产品信息平台的建设方案,分享了非木材林产品信息平台体系的结构设计和功能模块。该平台的建设可以提供一个可靠的在线型非木材林产品技术及支持产品信息资讯平台,以促进中国广西热带地区非木材林产品的可持续发展进程。  相似文献   

对高黎贡山自然保护区的非木材林产品的保护与利用进行了研究。经抽样调查,掌握了该保护区非木材林产品的采集状况。提出了影响本区非木材林产品可持续利用的3个因素,并对其进行了分析,进而阐述了对高黎贡山自然保护区非木材林产品施行合理保护与利用的9点建议。  相似文献   

为提高林产品质量,加强林产品质量监管,保障消费安全,国家林业局林产品质量检验检测 中心(广州)在2015—2018 年先后对全国88 批次的防腐木产品进行随机抽查监测,合格产品达到78 批 次,总体合格率为88.6%,并从行业现状、监测年份、省份区域、产品项目指标、产品木材种类、企业规 模及企业类型分析了全国防腐木监测的合格率情况,总结木材防腐产业存在的问题,提出木材防腐产业 发展的建议。  相似文献   

正森林认证已经获得广泛认可。非木质林产品认证作为森林认证的新领域,也开始受到国际社会广泛关注。什什么么是非木质林产品非木质林产品是在森林或任何类似用途的土地上,以森林环境为依托,所获得的除去木材以外的林下经济资源产品,包括药用和食用的植物果实,以及树脂、乳液、香精油、纤维、饲料、菌类和动物产品等。世界各国对非木质林产品有很多种叫法,如非木材林产品、林副产  相似文献   

中国湿地分类系统的研究   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53       下载免费PDF全文
在分析研究当前国际上一些主要湿地分类系统,总结国内湿地资源清查中有关湿地分类方法的基础上,结合我国实际情况和湿地资源清查数据管理的需要,提出了中国湿地分级式分类系统。该系统共为6级,第1级根据成因将全国湿地生态系统分为天然湿地和人工湿地两大类;第2级共分为9类,第3级共分为16类,第4级为基本级,共分为41类,其中天然湿地29类,人工湿地12类。对一些类型复杂的湿地,该系统还提出了第5级、第6级的分类。该系统将可尝试用于全国、流域、省区、地市等不同规模和层次湿地资源清查中的湿地分类。克服了一些分类方法中类型不全、彼此独立而导致资源调查和监测中数据不能有效利用的缺点,使任何一个规模和层次的资源数据可以和更高层次接轨,提高湿地资源数据的利用率。  相似文献   

Ever since their emergence on this planet,human beings have depended on forest resources for their requirements,ranging from food,fuel to shelter.Sustainable extraction of forest resources has been promoted by conservationists and development agencies as a feasible strategy for forest dwellers,which does not diminish the resource base.Yet surveys of actual resource use suggest that for poorer resource-dependent communities without access to markets,non-timber forest products (NTFPs) can only act as a safetynet and a supplementary income source.In southern Meghalaya of India,NTFPs and medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) have become an important source of cash and subsistence income for poor people living in or near forests.People in this region have traditionally been collecting different forest products from private forests as well as community conserved forests.The study reveals that NTFPs contribute significantly towards the annual cash income of the local population.The contribution of NTFPs to their income was highest in the case of poor families (9.89%),followed by middle income families (3.34%) and the least for the higher income families (1.34%).Our household survey revealed that 100% of the population is directly or indirectly dependent on NTFPs.Household response indicates diversity in both the types and uses of products collected.  相似文献   

This review describes the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) used for different aspects of beauty-care in Bangladesh on the basis of extensive literature survey. The diverse plant species, including used parts and using patterns for hair care, facial treatments and body care, were summarized in 13 tables. This paper accumulate the scattered knowledge regarding the use of plants in beauty-care in Bangladesh, to draw the extent of use of NTFPs in health care and to record the knowledge for assessing the possibilities of further implementation in herbal cosmetics industries. The structured knowledge can be used in policy making process for sustainable management of these valuable NTFPs leading to the conservation of the country's biological diversity. It is suggested that intensive field level research is necessary for securing sustainability of NTFPs.  相似文献   

A number of factors persist to constrain the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) market and, by extension, its potential to contribute meaningfully to livelihood development and poverty reduction objectives. To better utilise the potential of NTFPs, it is important to have a better understanding of the key factors governing the success and failure of NTFPs trade. This paper reports on the market constraints and socio-economic factors that influence trade in five top-priority NTFPs within the tropical lowland rainforests of south-west Nigeria. The NTFPs investigated were bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis), African walnut (Plukenetia conophora), chew-stick (Massularia acuminata), fever bark (Annickia chlorantha) and bush pepper (Piper guineense). Field data were collected in 10 villages located within and around Omo and Shasha forest reserves using a household questionnaire survey. The results showed that seasonality, poor transport, lack of storage facilities and market information were the four main constraints influencing marketing and trade in the NTFPs. In addition, the level of education, gender (sex), household income, ethnicity, distance to the market and access to roads significantly influenced market knowledge and information among households involved in the trade of NTFPs. There is need to improve on the limited source of NTFPs information, enhance skills for product transformation, build innovative storage facilities, and develop the process of domestication and integration in traditional land-use systems.  相似文献   


Summary Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) have emerged as a complex set of issues reflecting changes in society and how natural resources are regarded. These issues range from the sustainability of forest management practices to the relationship of diverse cultures and communities to public lands and their resources. Research and its relationship to this set of issues is a relatively unknown aspect of NTFPs.

This paper reports on early NTFP research by scientists in the USDA Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station. It characterizes efforts over approximately five years and identifies their key elements. It also discusses the role research has and could play in addressing the problems and questions associated with NTFPs and sustainable forestry .  相似文献   


This paper describes and evaluates the current role that non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and their users play on the conservation of the four protected areas-Reserva Ecológica Cayambe-Coca, Reserva Ecológica Antisana, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, and Parque Nacional Sumaco-Napo Galeras-that comprise the Condor Bioreserve. The category non-timber forest product (also referred to as non-wood forest product) encompasses a myriad of resources that reside in forests and can be useful to people. Plants from which NTFPs are derived play essential roles in tropical forest ecosystem processes such as regeneration and nutrient cycling. In the Condor Bioreserve, certain species of such plants are commercially valuable while others are endangered. People are extracting these NTFPs from the Bioreserve, yet the magnitude and frequency of such extraction is unknown. This paper examines how the three groups of land users that have been identified by The Nature Conservancy-colonists, indigenous peoples, and hacienda owners-may utilize NTFPs. Understanding the role that these plants play in the lives of its collectors is imperative for designing effective strategies to alleviate pressure that extraction may place on the Condor Bioreserve ecosystems. Data on who harvests NTFPs, which plant parts they use, what quantities they harvest, and harvest frequency must be complemented by insight into how each group benefits from these activities. Moreover, an unbiased approach must examine how NTFP extraction may enhance certain ecosystems in addition to ways in which it may hurt Bioreserve resource ecosystems.  相似文献   

Community dependence on forest resources for diverse needs has high implications for long term management of forests. Sustainable extraction of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is considered best feasible strategy for forest conservation in biodiversity rich areas. This paper examines the heterogeneity of NTFPs use by tribal communities in northeast India, a global hot spot by examining diversity of NTFPs at-large, its consumption pattern, and contribution to rural income and forest revenue. A total of 343 NTFPs recorded used for diverse purposes by tribal communities. When species choice grouped as per use category, utilization for medicinal (163 species), edible fruits (75 species) and vegetables (65 species) purposes was reasonably high. Community dependence on forest resources was 100% for firewood and house construction material. 76 plant species were sold in three major local markets while an additional 22 species traded at commercial scale mainly outside the state. NTFPs contributed 19-32% of total household income for different tribal communities, which was significant. Illicium griffithii, Rubia cordifolia, Oroxylum indicum, Swertia chirayita, Litsea sebifera, Taxus wallichiana, Valeriana jatamansii, Thalictrum foliolosum, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Everniastrum cirrhatum, Cordyceps sinensis, Aconitum fletcherianum, Nardostachys jatamansi, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Gymnadenia orchidis, Calamus, Quercus and Pinus roxbughii were important commercial species. NTFPs also generated substantial revenue to the State government, though it is falling year after year, which is alarming. To meet community livelihoods, income and forest revenue from NTFPs, it desires a thorough management plan and policy guidelines for these resources from all line departments. The knowledge on diversity, its consumption pattern, and contribution to rural income and forest revenue may enable planners to accurately plan sustainable management of NTFP resources and community development in near future.  相似文献   

Development of understory vegetation has been influenced by the many densely stocked second-growth forest stands in North America, which have an extended stem exclusion successional stage. Understory composition and structure is important for ecosystem functioning, while also having social and economic value through the harvest of certain herb and shrub species. The potential for co-management of young and mature, managed and unmanaged stands for timber and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) was assessed in two separate replicated experiments. Experiment A examined pole-sized lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) stands that had been pre-commercially thinned (PCT) to target densities of 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 stems/ha. Half of each of these four thinning units was repeatedly fertilized, resulting in eight experimental units. Experiment B examined six different stand types: young plantations, pole-sized lodgepole pine stands either PCT, PCT plus repeated fertilization, or unthinned, mature, and old growth. Fifty-four herb and shrub species were identified as potential NTFPs, with the responses of individual species, as well as mean total herb, shrub, berry-producing and overall total NTFPs being assessed. In Experiment A, mean total abundance (crown volume index) of NTFPs, as well as mean total herb NTFPs were significantly greater in fertilized than in unfertilized stands. Thinning treatments did not significantly affect NTFP volume, however, fertilization treatments produced five significant responses by individual species (Achillea millefolium, Epilobium angustifolium, Taraxacum officinale, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Rubus idaeus). In Experiment B, four of the six species responses that were significant had greater abundance in young, managed stands (young plantation, thinned, or thinned-fertilized) than in the unmanaged stands. Mean total NTFP volume and mean total herb NTFP volume also followed this pattern. A. uva-ursi, E. angustifolium, Lonicera involucrata, Sorbus sitchensis and Thalictrum occidentale all had significantly higher abundance in young, managed stands than in all other treatments. Results suggest that co-management for timber and NTFPs is possible in this ecosystem, with further research needed to evaluate livelihood values of these crops.  相似文献   

Academic scholarship and development paradigms promote non-timber forest products (NTFPs) as potential options to link environmental conservation with sustainable economic development objectives for rural communities worldwide. The açaí berry (Euterpe oleracea) is a native palm found in forest ecosystems of northern Brazil and historically extracted and sold in regional markets. Recent increases in national and international açaí demand have resulted in dramatic price increases. Management decisions on a local producer level reflect trends not typically associated with traditional NTFPs as future production and income expectations increase. This case study draws on research conducted in peri-urban communities in close proximity to Belém, Brazil. The work draws links between recent açaí intensification trends in upland areas and information pathways that are contributing to this pattern. This paper argues that external information sources regarding land use choices are prioritized over local knowledge and market indicators which previously have been described as drivers for intensification processes of NTFPs. This qualitative analysis highlights the power structures that influence information sharing and in turn, land use choices on a community level. The results of this analysis are important for NTFP intervention initiatives focused on risk management for smallholders. Finally, this study is a useful complement for ecological studies currently being conducted on intensification processes of non-timber forest products.  相似文献   

We identified the major non-timber forest products (NTFPs), their contributions to household incomes, and the determinants influenc-ing engagement of households in using NTFPs in the Bonga forest area of Gimbo and Decha Districts of Kaffa Zone, southwest Ethiopia. Six Kebeles (the lowest administrative unit in Ethiopia) were sampled from two Districts and 150 households were randomly sampled using propor-tional-to-size techniques based on the number of farm households in each Kebele. Secondary data were collected from and focus group discussions were conducted with selected individuals. The farmers diversified liveli-hood activities such as crop and livestock production, collection of NTFPs and off-farm activities. NTFPs played a significant role in household incomes. The contribution from the major NTFPs (forest coffee, honey and spices) accounted for 47% of annual household in-come. The role of NTFPs was influenced by a number of factors. Vari-ables including being native to the area (+), total land holding (+), pos-session of livestock (+) and access to extension (+) significantly affected forest coffee production. Age of household head (-), land holding (+) and distance of the market from the residence (-) significantly affected honey production. Size of landholding (+), distance to market (-) and distance of the forest from the residence (-) were significant variables determining the NTFP incomes derived by the households. Attention is needed in the design of policies and strategies for the well-being of households to the contribution of NTFPs to local incomes and the variables that affect the collection of NTFPs must be considered.  相似文献   

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