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Equine metabolic syndrome is characterized by obesity and regional adiposity coupled with evidence of recurrent laminitis. Although inflammation has been well characterized in several experimental models of acute laminitis, the inflammatory events associated with endocrinopathic laminitis are not well documented. The aim of this study was to characterize selected markers of inflammation in horses with clinical evidence of equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Neutrophil phagocytosis and oxidative burst, as well as endogenous and stimulated cytokine expression were evaluated. A marked increase in neutrophil reactive oxygen species production upon phagocytosis was observed in horses with EMS that was strongly correlated to the blood insulin concentration. Increased oxidative burst activity of neutrophils in hyperinsulinemic horses may predispose horses with metabolic syndrome to laminitis. In contrast, peripheral blood cells of obese hyperinsulinemic horses showed decreased endogenous proinflammatory cytokine gene expression (IL-1 and IL-6) and similar cytokine response following immune stimulation compared to that of control horses. This may suggest that, unlike in people, cytokine-mediated inflammation does not increase in direct response to obesity or insulin resistance in horses. This species-specific disparity may explain the difference in clinical outcomes observed in obese horses compared to obese people.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate endocrinologic test values and the response to treatment of two commonly encountered causes of endocrinopathic laminitis, equine Cushing's disease (ECD) and equine metabolic syndrome (EMS), in a veterinary practice setting. In particular, the study aimed to determine whether insulin concentration correlated to the severity of clinical laminitis in horses with EMS or ECD. Twenty-five horses were included in the study and assigned to one of three groups: ECD (n = 6), EMS (n = 10), and controls (n = 9). Blood samples were collected at an initial visit and then at regular intervals for the next 12 months. Plasma concentrations of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), cortisol, and insulin and serum concentrations of glucose and total thyroxine (T4) were obtained. Horses with ECD had significantly higher plasma ACTH concentrations than EMS horses or controls. Horses with EMS and ECD both had significantly higher plasma insulin concentrations than control horses, which was correlated with the Obel grade of laminitis (r = 0.63). After treatment, there was a trend for a reduction in plasma ACTH concentration in horses with ECD. A program of diet and exercise for horses with EMS resulted in reductions in both plasma insulin concentrations and bodyweight, which was variable, depending on the individual. There was a significant correlation between the change in plasma insulin concentration and Obel grade of laminitis (r = 0.69). This study has highlighted the importance of baseline plasma insulin concentration as a potential indicator of the susceptibility of horses to laminitis and the response to a program of diet and exercise.  相似文献   

Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is important because of its association with laminitis. Obesity and insulin resistance are two important components of EMS, and the underlying cause of this syndrome is likely to be enhanced metabolic efficiency. Affected horses are often referred to as “easy keepers” because they require fewer calories to maintain body condition, and enhanced metabolic efficiency is an inherent risk factor for EMS that may be genetically determined. Pony breeds, Morgan horses, and Paso Finos are predisposed to EMS, but this problem can be prevented through effective management. Overfeeding, abundant pasture grass, and inadequate exercise are risk factors that relate to modern management practices. Obesity and adiposity induce insulin resistance, and recent research suggests that this is the determinant of laminitis susceptibility in ponies. Increased plasma insulin concentrations are detected in most affected horses and ponies, so this serves as a useful screening test for EMS. Physical characteristics also should be examined because horses with EMS exhibit regional adiposity in the form of a cresty neck or abnormal adipose tissue deposits close to the tailhead. All horses with enhanced metabolic efficiency, obesity, or regional adiposity should be screened for EMS. The combined intravenous glucose−insulin test can be performed to diagnose insulin resistance in mildly affected horses and quantify insulin sensitivity. Most horses with EMS can be effectively managed by reducing caloric intake, decreasing the starch and sugar content of the diet, increasing exercise, and limiting or eliminating access to pasture, but medical therapy is warranted in select cases.  相似文献   

Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a widely recognized collection of risk factors for endocrinopathic laminitis. The most important of these risk factors is insulin dysregulation (ID). Clinicians and horse owners must recognize the presence of these risk factors so that they can be targeted and controlled to reduce the risk of laminitis attacks. Diagnosis of EMS is based partly on the horse's history and clinical examination findings, and partly on laboratory testing. Several choices of test exist which examine different facets of ID and other related metabolic disturbances. EMS is controlled mainly by dietary strategies and exercise programs that aim to improve insulin regulation and decrease obesity where present. In some cases, pharmacologic aids might be useful. Management of an EMS case is a long‐term strategy requiring diligence and discipline by the horse's carer and support and guidance from their veterinarians.  相似文献   

Background: Determination of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentration is a commonly used test in the evaluation of endocrine causes of equine laminitis, but the concentration in healthy horses can be high at certain times of year, which alters the specificity of the ACTH test. Objective: To determine if circulating concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, glucose, insulin, and thyroxine vary month to month in healthy horses and in horses with equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Animals: Nine healthy adult horses were studied on their farm/stable over the course of 1 year. After the diagnosis of EMS, 10 laminitic horses residing at the same farm/stable were also studied. Methods: Prospective study of healthy and laminitic horses. Plasma/serum samples were analyzed for concentrations of hormones and glucose. Results: ACTH was the only analyte to show a discrete seasonal pattern, with concentrations in healthy and EMS horses frequently outside of the reference range (9–35 pg/mL) in August through October. Insulin was elevated (>40 μIU/mL) in EMS horses during most months and median serum glucose was generally higher in EMS horses (100 mg/dL, range, 76–163 mg/ dL) than in controls (94 mg/dL, range, 56–110 mg/dL), but no seasonal patterns for insulin or glucose were found. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: An increased ACTH concentration in horses in late summer or autumn should be interpreted with caution. In contrast, insulin concentration is maintained within the reference range throughout the year in healthy horses, thus an increased insulin concentration at any time of year should raise suspicions of EMS, ECD, or both.  相似文献   

Laminitis is a systemic disease which is manifested as a non infectious condition in the foot. The management of feeding and housing conditions is necessary to treat the endocrinological and metabolic disturbances of laminitic horses. The Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) is predisposing for developing laminitis, and it is characterised by obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension and dyslipidaemia. A genetical predisposition is supposed and EMS is accompanied by a lack of exercise and inadequate energy intake. Laboratory examinations are of great importance for diagnosis. Analyses of insulin, glucose and ACTH are of interest. Several approaches to treat laminitis are available, including pharmacological and orthopaedic strategies as well as the management of the feeding and housing conditions. However, the prophylaxis to prevent laminitis has to be emphasised. Predisposed horses should be detected and adequately treated; especially weight reduction in obese horses is in the focus of interest. Horses in the acute stage of laminitis have to be stabled. Furthermore redistributing weight from the most stressed wall is necessary to prevent pain and to minimise laminar damage and displacement of the distal phalanx. In cases of displacement of the distal phalanx a close communication between the veterinarian and the authorised farrier is necessary, in these cases treatment should be supported by x-ray diagnosis. Horses have to be treated with NSAISs to ensure a proper therapy to consider animal welfare. Horses have to be fed with hay and supplemented with minerals and vitamins. Feeding exclusively straw and feed restriction has to be avoided.  相似文献   

Laminitis is a painful, inflammatory disease of the equine hoof that often results in euthanasia. Elevated plasma insulin concentrations are a predictive factor for laminitis, and in previously healthy horses and ponies, laminitis was induced by infusion of insulin. Thus, we chose to determine if an infusion of insulin would increase plasma concentrations of inflammatory cytokines and cytokine mRNA abundance in subcutaneous adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and white blood cells. Ten mature Thoroughbred mares received an insulin infusion that elevated plasma insulin concentrations for 6h or an equivalent volume of isotonic saline in a switchback design. Insulin infusion altered plasma concentrations of both TNF (P=0.037) and IL-6 (P=0.044), but did not result in consistent changes to either skeletal muscle or adipose tissue cytokine mRNA. Insulin may be involved in the production of inflammatory cytokines, and this could be a mechanism for insulin increasing the risk of laminitis.  相似文献   

Equine laminitis, a disease of the lamellar structure of the horse's hoof, can be incited by numerous factors that include inflammatory and metabolic aetiologies. However, the role of inflammation in hyperinsulinaemic laminitis has not been adequately defined. Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation results in up-regulation of inflammatory pathways and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and may be a pathogenic factor in laminitis. The aim of this study was to determine whether TLR4 expression and subsequent pro-inflammatory cytokine production is increased in lamellae and skeletal muscle during equine hyperinsulinaemia. Standardbred horses were treated with either a prolonged, euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp (p-EHC) or a prolonged, glucose infusion (p-GI), which induced marked and moderate hyperinsulinaemia, respectively. Age-matched control horses were treated simultaneously with a balanced electrolyte solution. Treated horses developed clinical (p-EHC) or subclinical (p-GI) laminitis, whereas controls did not. Skeletal muscle and lamellar protein extracts were analysed by Western blotting for TLR4, IL-6, TNF-α and suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) expression. Lamellar protein expression of TLR4 and TNF-α, but not IL-6, was increased by the p-EHC, compared to control horses. A significant positive correlation was found between lamellar TLR4 and SOCS3. Skeletal muscle protein expression of TLR4 signalling parameters did not differ between control and p-EHC-treated horses. Similarly, the p-GI did not result in up-regulation of lamellar protein expression of any parameter. The results suggest that insulin-sensitive tissues may not accurately reflect lamellar pathology during hyperinsulinaemia. While TLR4 is present in the lamellae, its activation appears unlikely to contribute significantly to the developmental pathogenesis of hyperinsulinaemic laminitis. However, inflammation may have a role to play in the later stages (e.g., repair or remodelling) of the disease.  相似文献   

Endocrinopathic causes of laminitis may be a common underlying causative pathogenesis in first-opinion or field cases presenting with laminitis, as opposed to laminitis produced in inflammatory research models. This study aimed to determine whether evidence of an underlying endocrinopathy was present in horses presented for laminitis to a first-opinion/referral veterinary teaching hospital. A second aim was to compare the signalment of horses and ponies with laminitis with the equine hospital population during the same period. All horses presenting for laminitis at Helsinki University Equine Teaching Hospital, Finland, over a 16-month period were examined for an underlying endocrinopathy. Horses presenting for laminitis were compared with the hospitalized population over the same period. There were 36 horses presented for laminitis, and evidence of endocrinopathy was present in 89%. Of the horses showing an underlying endocrinopathy, one-third had a diagnosis of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, and two-thirds showed basal hyperinsulinemia indicative of insulin resistance, without evidence of hirsutism. Phenotypic indicators of obesity were present in 95% of horses with basal hyperinsulinemia without hirsutism. Compared with the hospital population during the same period, horses with laminitis associated with an underlying endocrinopathy were significantly older and more likely to be pony breeds. Our data support that endocrine testing should be performed on all cases of laminitis that do not have a clear inflammatory or gastrointestinal origin.  相似文献   



Increased blood insulin levels are associated with an increased risk of pasture‐associated laminitis in equids.


To determine the relationship between plasma insulin, leptin, and lipid levels, and measures of oxidative stress with adiposity in mature light breed horses.


300 randomly selected light breed horses, aged 4–20 years.


A random sample of horses (140 mares, 151 geldings, and 9 stallions) was drawn from the VMRCVM Equine Field Service practice client list. Evaluations occurred June 15 – August 15, 2006, with all sampling performed between 0600 and 1200 hours. Concentrate feed was withheld for at least 10 hours before sampling. Plasma was analyzed for insulin, glucose, leptin, triglycerides, nonesterified fatty acids, and measures of oxidative stress. Body condition score was determined as the average of 2 independent investigators.


Overconditioned and obese horses had higher plasma insulin (< .001) and leptin (< .01) levels than optimally conditioned horses. Obese horses had higher triglyceride levels (= .006) and lower red blood cell gluthathione peroxidase activities (= .001) than optimally conditioned horses.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Maintaining horses at a BCS <7 might be important for decreasing the risk of pasture‐associated laminitis.  相似文献   

Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is prevalent in the equine population, and somatostatin analogs might be useful for diagnosis and/or treatment of EMS in horses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the glucose and insulin responses to subcutaneous and intravenous administration of somatostatin. Six healthy research horses were included in this prospective study. An initial pilot study was performed to assess several different doses (10–22 µg/kg [4.5–10 µg/lb]) in two horses, then a final dosage of 22 µg/kg (10 µg/lb) was administered to six horses IV and SQ in a two‐period randomized cross‐over study performed over a 3‐month study period. Blood samples were collected for measurement of plasma insulin and glucose concentrations during a 24‐hr study period. Both IV and SQ somatostatin resulted in decreased insulin and increased glucose concentrations. SQ somatostatin resulted in a longer clinical effect, with return to baseline insulin occurring at 1.5 hr postadministration, versus 45 min for IV. Both IV and SQ administration of somatostatin to normal horses resulted in decreased insulin and increased glucose concentrations, likely due to suppression of insulin secretion by somatostatin. A more prolonged effect was seen following SQ administration as compared to IV administration, and no adverse effects were noted at varying doses. This study provides additional information regarding the effect of somatostatin administration on insulin and glucose concentrations in clinically healthy horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate genetic and metabolic predispositions and nutritional risk factors for development of pasture-associated laminitis in ponies. DESIGN: Observational cohort study. ANIMALS: 160 ponies. PROCEDURES: A previous diagnosis of laminitis was used to differentiate 54 ponies (PL group) from 106 nonlaminitic ponies (NL group). Pedigree analysis was used to determine a mode of inheritance for ponies with a previous diagnosis of laminitis. In early March, ponies were weighed and scored for body condition and basal venous blood samples were obtained. Plasma was analyzed for glucose, insulin, triglycerides, nonesterified fatty acids, and cortisol concentrations. Basal proxies for insulin sensitivity (reciprocal of the square root of insulin [RISQI]) and insulin secretory response (modified insulin-to-glucose ratio [MIRG]) were calculated. Observations were repeated in May, when some ponies had signs of clinical laminitis. RESULTS: A previous diagnosis of laminitis was consistent with the expected inheritance of a dominant major gene or genes with reduced penetrance. A prelaminitic metabolic profile was defined on the basis of body condition, plasma triglyceride concentration, RISQI, and MIRG. Meeting > or = 3 of these criteria differentiated PL- from NL-group ponies with a total predictive power of 78%. Determination of prelaminitic metabolic syndrome in March predicted 11 of 13 cases of clinical laminitis observed in May when pasture starch concentration was high. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Prelaminitic metabolic syndrome in apparently healthy ponies is comparable to metabolic syndromes in humans and is the first such set of risk factors to be supported by data in equids. Prelaminitic metabolic syndrome identifies ponies requiring special management, such as avoiding high starch intake that exacerbates insulin resistance.  相似文献   

High insulin concentrations are a common clinical feature of equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) and insulin dysregulation. Hyperinsulinemia can induce laminitis, so reduction of insulin concentrations in response to an oral challenge should decrease risk. In human studies, diets containing a polyphenol (resveratrol) led to improvements in insulin sensitivity. In rodents, the addition of leucine to a resveratrol supplement caused a decrease in the amount of resveratrol needed to achieve a clinical effect. We hypothesize a supplementation with a low dose of a synergistic polyphenol and amino acid blend including leucine (SPB+L) would improve metabolic health in EMS/insulin dysregulated horses. Fifteen EMS/ID horses received a high or low dose of SPB+ L daily for 6 weeks. Insulin during an oral sugar test (OST), body condition score, weight, baseline high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin, triglycerides, nonesterified fatty acids, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were assessed before supplementation (PRE) and after supplementation (POST) via paired Student’s t-tests and a repeated-measures mixed-model analysis of variance (significant at P < .05). There were no differences between doses. Horses in the POST group weighed significantly less, had significantly higher baseline HMW adiponectin concentrations, and had significantly lower insulin concentrations at 60- and 75-minute time points (P < .05). Insulin concentrations of the horsesin the POST group, but not in the PRE group, were lower and similar to results from the study conducted three years before the present study (PRIOR) for 0- and 60-minute time points (P < .002). An increased HMW adiponectin level supports increasing insulin sensitivity after supplementation. These results suggest that SPB + L supplementation at either dose leads to improvements in the clinical manifestations of EMS/insulin dysregulation, potentially reducing laminitis risk.  相似文献   

Certain management practices tend to promote the development of obesity (metabolic syndrome) in mature horses as they enter their teenage years. These management practices include the provision of starch-rich (high glycemic index) and fat-supplemented rations to healthy horses that are relatively inactive. Some horse breeds and ponies appear to be genetically predisposed to metabolic syndrome. The accretion of intra-abdominal adiposity by equids is associated with the development of insulin insensitivity (hyperinsulinemia), glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insidious-onset laminitis. Omental adipocytes are metabolically active, secreting free fatty acids and hormonally active mediators including cortisol, leptin, and resistin that might contribute to persistence and worsening of insulin refractoriness and the obese phenotype. We have hypothesized that obesity-associated laminitis arises as a consequence of vascular changes and a hypercoagulable state, similar to the development of atherosclerosis in human type 2 diabetes. Several molecular mechanisms that might serve to explain the development of insulin insensitivity as a result of excessive adiposity have been incriminated. Little investigation into the relationship between obesity, insulin insensitivity, and laminitis in horses has been reported to date. Insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance can be improved by dietary restriction and exercise aimed at reversing omental obesity. Management practices that promote the development of obesity are likely initiated during the first 10 years of the horse's life. Veterinarians and horse owners must recognize that mature-onset obesity in adult horses is associated with a risk for development of laminitis. Obesity and insulin insensitivity might be prevented if horse owners can be educated to feed rations with a relatively lower glycemic index to inactive horses. Investigative research pertaining to the development of antiobesity drugs for human patients is continuing. Greater than 30 new pharmaceuticals are in various stages of research. However, it will likely take many years before any of these drugs are shown to be useful and safe in horses. Lifestyle changes in the form of diet and exercise patterns are still the crux of therapy for both human and equine patients.  相似文献   

Two common endocrine disorders, pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction and equine metabolic syndrome, predispose horses and ponies to laminitis and may even induce the condition. The exact mechanisms involved in endocrinopathic laminitis have not been elucidated but hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance are currently being investigated. Obesity and regional adiposity may also contribute to laminitis susceptibility through the release of inflammatory cytokines and adipokines. In the case of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, glucocorticoid excess is likely to weaken hoof structures, alter vascular dynamics within the foot and induce or exacerbate insulin resistance. This review will summarise current theories regarding the pathophysiology of endocrinopathic laminitis and provide recommendations for the diagnosis and management of these common equine endocrine disorders.  相似文献   

Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a worldwide disease in horses that parallels human diabetes mellitus type 2. In both diseases, patients show an altered peripheral insulin sensitivity as a key feature. In humans, multiple studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect of magnesium supplementation on insulin sensitivity. However, serum magnesium levels vary and are therefore not a reliable indicator of the patients’ magnesium status. Determining the intracellular free magnesium concentration appears to be a more sensitive diagnostic indicator. In this study, the free intracellular magnesium concentration was measured using mag‐fura 2 spectrophotometry in blood lymphocytes in 12 healthy, non‐obese horses at 9 a.m., 12 a.m. and 4 p.m. to establish reference ranges according to a protocol designed for human blood lymphocytes. Additionally, the serum magnesium concentration was measured. In all horses, the total serum magnesium concentration was within the reference range. The mean free magnesium concentration in blood lymphocytes of all horses was 0.291 ± 0.067 mmol/L with no significant difference between the time points. The reference range for the free intracellular magnesium concentration in equine lymphocytes was set at 0.16–0.42 mmol/L. The established values are slightly lower than those in healthy humans. The designed protocol for the measurement of the intracellular free magnesium concentration might be an excellent research tool to assess the cellular magnesium status and to reliably diagnose an altered magnesium homeostasis in EMS. Further studies shall elucidate possible alterations in cellular magnesium status in horses with EMS.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how insulin and leptin concentrations varied in a large population of privately owned horses. Further, the study was designed to examine the relationships between insulin and leptin with innate (sex, age, breed) and managerial (diet, exercise) factors in these horses. Resting blood samples (for determination of glucose, insulin, and leptin concentrations), body condition scores, feed information, and health history were collected from 366 privately owned horses. In this group of horses, 48% were considered overweight (Body Condition Score ≥6) and 8% were considered hyperinsulinemic (insulin concentrations >30 μU/mL). Confirming the findings of studies within research herds, both insulin and leptin concentrations were found to be correlated with body condition score (P < .001). It was also found that geldings had higher insulin concentrations than mares (P < .05). Ponies were found to have higher insulin and leptin concentrations as well as higher body condition scores, than several other breeds examined. While not a specific measure of insulin sensitivity, resting insulin concentrations have been associated with quantitative measurements of insulin sensitivity and may be useful in large-scale studies for estimating insulin and glucose dynamics. Because of the association between insulin resistance and obesity with diseases such as laminitis, the findings of the present study may help owners identify horses that may be at risk for the development of such conditions.  相似文献   

Objective-To determine whether the method of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration (intermittent vs continuous) affects the magnitude and duration of the systemic inflammatory response in horses and whether prolonged (48 hours) endotoxemia induces laminitis. Animals-12 healthy adult horses (10 mares and 2 geldings). Procedures-Horses were randomly assigned to receive LPS (total dose, 80 μg; n = 4) or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (80 mL/h; 4) via constant rate infusion or 8 bolus IV injections of LPS (10 μg, q 6 h;4) during a 48-hour period. Physical examinations were performed every 4 hours, inflammatory cytokine gene expression was determined for blood samples obtained every 8 hours, and IV glucose tolerance tests were performed. Results-All LPS-treated horses had signs of depression and mild colic; those signs abated as the study progressed. Administration of LPS increased expression of interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8, but results were not significantly different between LPS treatment groups. Cytokine expression was significantly higher on the first day versus the second day of LPS treatment. Interleukin-1β expression was positively correlated with rectal temperature and expression of other cytokines. Glucose and insulin dynamics for both LPS groups combined did not differ significantly from those of the saline solution group. Signs of laminitis were not detected in any of the horses. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Horses developed LPS tolerance within approximately 24 hours after administration was started, and the method of LPS administration did not affect the magnitude or duration of systemic inflammation. Laminitis was not induced in horses.  相似文献   

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