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蔡华 《花木盆景》2008,(6):31-33
一般人对于花境的陌生,是因为花境起源西方,来自于英文Flower border一词,译作花境或花径。其传统概念是园艺师们模拟自然界林缘地带各种野生花卉交错生长的状态,以宿根花卉、花灌木为主,提炼而成宽窄不一的曲线或直线式的自然式花带,表现花卉自然散布生长的景观。  相似文献   

花境植物造景的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
马彦  董然 《北方园艺》2011,(11):189-192
从花境的起源、发展以及概念开始探究,结合国内外花境的研究现状对其进行了综述。将花境定义为:模拟自然界林缘地带各种野生花卉交错生长的状态,以多年生的宿根花卉、花灌木为主,经艺术提炼用自然斑状的形式混合种植于林缘、路边、墙垣、坡地以及草坪中央等处的一种自然式植物造景形式;并提出了针对花境设计应用的4项建议,旨在为花境在我国的应用与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

徐斐 《现代园艺》2014,(20):117-118
花境是园林绿地中一种特殊的种植形式。花境的应用可以使生硬的景观变得活泼,使植物更加富有生气,使意境得到更长的延伸。按植物材料,花境可分为1~2年生草本花境、宿根花卉花境、球根花卉花境、灌木花境、专类植物花境和混合花境。按设计形式,花境可分为单面花境、双面花境和对应式花境。花境可灵活应用于公园、街道和地产景观中。  相似文献   

正花境是指利用地块边缘、园林景观重要节点等区域,混合种植花卉、花灌木,形成一种狭长的半自然式园林景观。目前,花境在公共绿地、道路美化、居民小区及家居庭院等领域应用广泛。花境是一种人工营造的植物群落,因此在花境中生存的植物群落必然依靠人为帮助才能达到设计意图,让其持续保持花境独特的绿地景观。花境的营造是一项技术性很强的工作,在设计中最重要的一点是必须做好植物材料的选择。花境中各种花卉的配置比较粗放,也不要求花期一致,但须考虑到同一季节中各种花卉的色彩、  相似文献   

对乌鲁木齐市较典型的4个公园花境花卉的应用现状进行为期1年的调查,结果表明,4个公园花境配置的花卉共有108种,其中一二年生花卉30种、宿根花卉62种、球根花卉6种、水生花卉4种、观赏草6种。总结出4个公园花境花卉的应用特点,并提出相应的发展建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

舒怡 《花卉》2018,(10)
花境是营造植物景观的一种自然方式,将宿根花卉作为主要品种,并配合花灌木、球根花卉和一两年草本花卉,类似自然界中野生花卉的生长状态,通过艺术手法对花卉进行设计和应用的一种形式。花境中一般有十几种到几十种花卉品种,建好花境需要对大量植物品种有所了解,并详细掌握各个品种的植株高度、花色和花期等,从而进行花境的设计。本文主要介绍花境的特征,并分析花卉在花境中的具体应用和养护管理的措施。  相似文献   

李蕴  王婷 《现代园艺》2014,(24):121-122
花境源于欧洲,即运用各种花卉材料,模拟自然界中植被花卉生长的环境,营造合理的空间设计,使花境在景观营造中有源于自然、高于自然的视觉效果。花境中的色彩设计可以使原本刻板的景观变得生动,让植物富有生气。本文从花境的色彩设计出发,结合植物配置的原则对苏州石湖公园的花境进行了全面论述。  相似文献   

蔡华 《花木盆景》2008,(5):36-38
初次看到“花境”两个宇时,还以为是错别字,接触园林行业后才发现花境原来是指花卉在园林道路两旁、建筑物前、绿篱前、树群前、树丛前的自然式的带状布置。它是模仿自然界深山小径两旁的各种奇花异卉自然散布生长、错落有致、垂铺林缘的景观。  相似文献   

正作为对自然景观提炼和艺术再现的园林种植绿地形式,花境有极高的观赏价值以及植物多样性保护意义。随着城市园林绿化的发展,近年来由于其讲究自然天成,野趣曼妙的景观效果深受大众的喜爱,越来越广泛应用在城市的各种绿地中。1、花境养护管理的重要性所谓"花境",是模拟自然风景中野生花卉和植物自然生长的规律,运用艺术提炼的造景手法,选择多种多年生花卉和灌木等植物为材料,自然式种植于林缘、草坪、路畔、水旁等绿地重要位置的园林造景形式。花境除了与所处  相似文献   

公园景观中采用的花镜,其实质是一种特殊的种植形式,从属于园林绿地。在公园景观设计中使用花镜,不仅可以帮助平凡的植物变得有生机,还可以呈现一种意境美。除此之外,还可以根据植物的材料将花镜分成1-2年生草本花境、宿根花卉花境、球根花卉花境、灌木花境、专类植物花境和混合花境。它的设计形式也能分为单面花境、双面花境和对应式花境。本文探讨了公园景观应用花镜的设计以及当前在城市公园中花镜绿化现状与当前的应用问题。以期为城市公园花镜设计提供一些建设性建议。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,89(4):309-316
The effect of fruit load and auxin application on the flower morphology and flower number of two aubergine cultivars was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The flowers of plants that did not set fruit showed only minor fluctuations in flower and pistil mass, and in style and anther length. However, when plants were allowed to set fruit by pollination, flower and pistil mass, and style (but not anther) length were significantly reduced during the stage of fruit growth. Style length was also reduced in flowers formed after fruit had been set parthenocarpically by the application of auxin (IAA), but there was no significant effect of IAA on style length in the absence of fruit development. The number of flowers was reduced in the presence of IAA (with or without fruit set), or following fruit set by pollination. It is suggested that fruit load and development affect flower mass and style length of aubergine whereas auxin influences the number of flowers.  相似文献   

Gladiolus plants cultivar ‘Spick and Span’ were grown in winter under natural short day (SD) or under long day (LD), with 4 hours low intensity light at midnight. Growth of the various organs was followed by periodic sampling. SD promoted flower development and advanced anthesis but reduced the final size of the flower. LD increased weight and size of leaves and flowers.Initial growth of the corm was similar under both photoperiods, but while corm growth continued throughout the growing-period under SD, it was checked under LD when flowers were developed at an enhanced rate and until anthesis. At this stage, the allocation of assimilates was directed towards the flower sink and away from the corm sink.Final corm weight was also promoted by LD. This is interpreted as an indirect effect due to increased photosynthesis of the larger LD plants. In non-flowering plants raised from cormels, SD specifically promoted corm growth, although no competing flower sink was present.It is concluded that photoperiod affects growth and development of gladiolus in two ways: directly — by affecting the partitioning of assimilates between the flower or the corm; and indirectly — by affecting the total photosynthates available to the plants by influencing foliage size and the total growth period.  相似文献   

阐述园林花卉植物的涵义、分类,分析该类植物应用的主要形式有花坛、花境、花丛与花群、花台及花池等,并对园林花卉植物在庐山风景区的应用现状进行探讨。  相似文献   

拟南芥赤霉素2–氧化酶基因AtGA2ox1在矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)中过量表达导致转基因植株开花延迟,株形明显矮化,花冠变小,花冠表皮细胞变小,但花色变化不明显。施用多效唑对矮牵牛花冠的影响与过量表达AtGA2ox1一致。用拟南芥茎特异性表达基因At3g56700的启动子驱动AtGA2ox1在矮牵牛中表达时,转基因植株的表型变化在株系间存在明显的差异,但外源基因在茎中的表达量都明显高于叶和花中的,果实和种子的发育未受影响,通过对转基因后代的筛选可以获得株形矮化,其它性状的发育受影响较小的转基因株系。  相似文献   

对分布于我国东北寒冷地区野生茶藨子属植物7个种的花器结构进行观察研究。结果表明:分为单性和两性花2种类型,雌雄异株,花序总状,单生和簇生。花器的萼片发达,着不同颜色,似花冠。单性花的花瓣很小或呈退化状态,无明显花冠;雄性花花药饱满,花粉量大,有短花丝,柱头较小,无子房;雌性花雄蕊较小,近乎无花丝,子房明显发达。两性花的花瓣为萼片2/3大小,直立抱合,抱被雄蕊,雌蕊高于雄蕊,花瓣略高于雄蕊,萼片反卷,在萼片、萼筒、子房、花柄上不同程度着生茸毛、腺点或刺毛。  相似文献   

王镛  李巧峡  孙坤  陈纹 《园艺学报》2017,44(2):323-329
紫花地丁(Viola philippica)为典型的两型花自花受精植物,具有开放花和闭锁花混合繁育系统。通过对开放花和闭锁花花芽形态发育的比较发现:开放花与闭锁花在花芽发育早期形态相似,4轮花器官原基均正常发生。出现明显差异的时期为4轮花器官原基形成以后,小孢子发育时期为产孢细胞阶段,开放花的5个花瓣与5枚雄蕊继续发育,每个雄蕊有4个花药室;而闭锁花只有2枚雄蕊继续发育,每个雄蕊有2个花药室,其余雄蕊与所有的花瓣依然为器官原基状态,不再发育。通过对花芽与叶片可溶性糖与淀粉含量的检测发现,花器官原基形成之后,开放花与闭锁花形态出现明显差异阶段开始,随着花芽的发育,可溶性糖与淀粉含量均呈上升趋势,且开放花花芽中的含量均明显高于对应发育阶段闭锁花花芽;而开放花植株的叶片可溶性糖与淀粉含量均低于闭锁花植株叶片,说明开放花所需要的能量高于闭锁花,推测可溶性糖与淀粉含量的差异与两型花发育有一定的关系。  相似文献   

The effects of pinching and lateral bud removal (deshooting) on the development of structural shoots, the number of flowers, and the average flower stem length in young rose plants were examined, using the cultivars ‘Baccara’, ‘Sonia’ and ‘Belinda’. The effect of deshooting on flower yield varied with each cultivar. It did not affect the number of ‘Baccara’ flowers, but increased ‘Sonia’ and ‘Belinda’ flower production by 50% and 75%, respectively. Leaving flowers to bloom out on plants before the start of commercial harvest resulted in a decrease in the length of the flower stems and also reduced the beneficial effect of deshooting on flower yield. Deshooting enhanced structural shoot formation (“bottom breaks”). Pinching flower buds of structural shoots increased the number of ‘Baccara’ flowers in comparison with pruning these shoots to 40–60 cm, as in common practice. Deshooting of the structural shoots of ‘Sonia’ and ‘Belinda’ increased the number of flowers in both cultivars.  相似文献   

The main factor affecting floral initiation of Geraldton Wax-Flower (Chamelaucium uncinatum) is the photoperiod, while temperature is the major factor affecting flower development. Four weeks of short days (SD) are generally required for obtaining full flowering. The number of flowers produced per plant increases with increasing the number of SD. Under mild temperatures of 2014°C (day/night), plants initiated flowers even in long days (LD). However, fewer flowers were produced and on higher nodes as compared to SD plants. Chlormequat promoted flowering under prevailing summer conditions of high temperatures and LD. Under prevailing autumn conditions favourable for flower initiation, LD treatment or weekly sprays with gibberellic acid (GA) reduced the number of flowers per plant. Combined treatment of LD and GA reduced both the flowering percentage and the number of flowers per plant. Discontinuing the LD or the GA treatments caused a resumption of full flower initiation.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod (12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 h), day temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 27 °C) and night temperature (6, 9 or 12 °C) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated by exposing 4 week old runner plants of strawberry cvs. Korona and Elsanta during a period of 3 weeks. A daily photoperiod of 12 or 13 h resulted in the highest number of plants with emerged flowers. A photoperiod of 14 h or more strongly reduced this number, while no flowers emerged at a photoperiod of 16 h. Plants exposed to photoperiods of 12 or 13 h flowered earlier and had longer flower trusses. A day temperature of 18 °C and/or a night temperature of 12 °C were optimal for plants to emerge flowers and resulted in the shortest time to flowering. A night temperature of 6 °C strongly reduced the number of plants that emerged flowers, especially when combined with lower day temperatures. Photoperiod and temperature had no effect on the number of inflorescences, all flowering plants produced on average one inflorescence. The number of flowers on the inflorescence increased with decreasing day temperature and when photoperiod was raised from 12 to 15 h. In general, ‘Korona’ was more sensitive to photoperiod and temperature as ‘Elsanta’, and had a lower optimal day temperature for flower emergence. Results of this experiment may be used to produce high quality plant material or to define optimal conditions when combining flower induction and fruit production.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of light intensity on flower greening, the Japanese hydrangea phyllody (JHP) phytoplasma-infected hydrangea cultivars ‘Midori’, ‘Libelle’, ‘Rosea’ and ‘Madame E. Mouillere’ plants were grown under different shade conditions. In the first-year experiment, the results indicate that the flowers of the JHP-phytoplasma-infected hydrangea become green under shaded conditions (70% and 49% sunlight intensities). On the other hand, under full sunlight intensity (100% sunlight intensity), the flowers of ‘Midori’, ‘Rosea’, and ‘Libelle’ plants were blue, pink or white. To calculate the percentage of flower greening, inflorescences of these plants were separated and divided into individual flowers, and classified into four types by green-area ratio, calculated using Adobe Photoshop. Under shading with one sheet of cheesecloth (70% sunlight intensity), the inflorescences of ‘Midori’, ‘Libelle’ and ‘Madame E. Mouillere’ plants were composed of more than 40% completely green flowers (0.8 ≦ green-area ratio), whereas those of ‘Rosea’ plant had 0% completely green flowers. Under shading with two sheets of cheesecloth (49% sunlight intensity), the inflorescences of ‘Midori’, ‘Libelle’ and ‘Madame E. Mouillere’ plants had more than 75% completely green flowers; ‘Rosea’ plants had 28%. In the second-year experiment, under full sunlight intensity, ‘Midori’ plants had four types of flower depending on their green-area ratio, namely, completely blue or pink, pink-green, greenish and completely green flowers. Under shading with two sheets of cheesecloth, ‘Midori’ plants had more than 90% completely green flowers. The JHP-phytoplasma could not be identified by PCR analysis in flowers with a green-area ratio = 0 (completely blue/pink/white flowers). On the other hand, in flowers with a green-area ratio > 0, the JHP-phytoplasma was detected by PCR analysis. Thus, we conclude that shading enhances flower greening in hydrangea by increasing the JHP-phytoplasma concentration in the flowers.  相似文献   

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