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孟昭聚  王廷鸿 《中国家禽》2000,22(10):19-19
坏死性肠炎是由 C型魏氏梭菌引起的一种急性传染病,该病属条件性疾病。从 1999年 12月至 2000年 3月在我地区大批流行,给养鸡业造成巨大经济损失。现将蓬莱市潮水镇一肉鸡场发病情况介绍如下。 1发病情况及临床症状   潮水镇某商品肉鸡场,存养 37日龄 AA肉鸡 7 200只,于 1999年 12月 13日发病。发病前 5 d每天死亡 2~ 4只鸡,采食量正常,发病的 5 d中,每天死亡 50多只,最多的 1 d死亡 100只。病鸡表现精神沉郁,拉稀、肛门周围粘有黄绿色或白色稀粪,采食量明显下降。 2剖检变化   病死鸡体况良好,均为急性死亡。剖检见到肝…  相似文献   

Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria acervulina were administered orally to cage-housed broilers at a dose of 3.5 X 10(5) resulted in mild subclinical coccidiosis. Clostridium perfringens incorporated in feed at a level of 2.5 X 10(8) organisms/g. produced lesions characteristic of necrotic enteritis. Mortality of 8% (7/80) occurred in birds fed a ration inoculated with Cl. perfringens alone. Mortality of 35% (28/80) was observed in birds which received an oral dose of E. acervulina and which were fed simultaneously with a ration containing Cl. perfringens. Birds which were fed an inoculated ration two days after an oral dose of E. acervulina showed 41% (33/80) mortality. Birds which received an inoculated ration for two days before administration of an oral dose of E. acervulina demonstrated 18% mortality (15/80). Birds which were fed an inoculated ration four days after an oral dose of E. acervulina showed 10% mortality. Infection with E. acervulina reduced the pH of intestinal contents with a simultaneous depression in serum protein. A 39% increase in intestinal passage time from 178 to 248 minutes occurred on the fifth day after infection with E. acervulina. These experiments suggest that necrotic enteritis, attributed to proliferation of a toxigenic strain of Cl. perfringens, followed intestinal stasis and minimal lesions induced by mild intestinal coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Sporulated oocysts ofEimeria acervulina were administered orally to cage-housed broilers at a dose of 3.5×105 resulted in mild subclinical coccidiosis.Clostridium perfringens incorporated in feed at a level of 2.5×108 organisms/g. produced lesions characteristic of necrotic enteritis. Mortality of 8% (7/80) occurred in birds fed a ration inoculated withCl. perfringens alone. Mortality of 35% (28/80) was observed in birds which received an oral dose ofE. acervulina and which were fed simultaneously with a ration containingCl. perfringens. Birds which were fed an inoculated ration two days after an oral dose ofE. acervulina showed 41% (33/80) mortality. Birds which received an inoculated ration for two days before administration of an oral dose ofE. acervulina demonstrated 18% mortality (15/80). Birds which were fed an inoculated ration four days after an oral dose ofE. acervulina showed 10% mortality. Infection withE. acervulina reduced the pH of intestinal contents with a simultaneous depression in serum protein. A 39% increase in intestinal passage time from 178 to 248 minutes occurred on the fifth day after infection withE. acervulina. These experiments suggest that necrotic enteritis, attributed to proliferation of a toxigenic strain ofCl. perfringens, followed intestinal stasis and minimal lesions induced by mild intestinal coccidiosis.  相似文献   

谢殿峰1974年出生在江苏丰县农村,当时的丰县农村家家户户穷的叮当晌。谢殿峰姊妹5A,连饭都吃不饱,高中还没毕业为贴补家用就在丰县一打井队找了个临时工,那年他才18岁。干了不到一年,便辞了这份工作,到菜市场摆起了蔬菜摊,经营的品种除了时令的蔬菜,还卖冻鸡架子,由于他诚信经营再加上当地人喜欢吃这个。所以生意非常好。当时货都是从二道贩子手里接,价格较高,他就琢磨去徐州肉联厂搞批发。随着对这个行业了解的不断深入,谢殿峰已不满足当个小菜贩子零售鸡架子,便尝试着干起了批发商。  相似文献   

鸡球虫病是养禽业中常见的一种寄生虫病,临床表现主要以出血性肠炎、血痢,雏鸡的高度发病率和死亡率为特征。球虫感染往往对肠道粘膜造成损伤,从而继发或并发肉鸡坏死性肠炎,对肉鸡生产危害极大。最近一段时间,本地发生此病较多,经笔者治疗多例,效果较好。  相似文献   

家禽坏死性肠炎是由产气荚膜梭菌引起的家禽最重要的梭菌性肠炎.坏死性肠炎的主要致病因子、重要毒素成分的分子结构及毒株的免疫学特性研究是开发新型疫苗的基础,本文就家禽坏死性肠炎疫苗的基础研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

Experimentally induced necrotic enteritis in chickens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 1.3 to 10% incidence of necrotic enteritis was experimentally produced in broiler-type chickens in three of five trials. The incidence range observed was considerably narrower and lower than the 5.6-37.3% range reported in the literature. Clostridium perfringens was inconsistently isolated from the liver and intestine of dosed chickens.  相似文献   

8月份以来,我省平原县某地饲养的杂交肉食鸡出现了以饲料消化不良、粪便变稀、变绿、略带红色或桔红色等特征的疾病,当作大肠杆菌病、球虫病进行治疗,效果较差。后来笔者经过临床剖检及实验室诊断,确定为魏氏梭菌引起的肉鸡坏死性肠炎。现将其诊治过程报道如下。1发病情况山东省平原县的几处养鸡场(户),共发病肉杂鸡9500只,日龄6~20d左右。发病5d内共死亡350只左右,死亡率3.68%。使用环丙沙星、庆大霉素、痢特灵等治疗效果不佳。2临床症状及剖检变化病鸡表现为打喷嚏、甩头、流涕、呼噜,眼睑肿胀,排红色或桔红色粪便,呈现水样腹泻,精神沉郁…  相似文献   

坏疽性皮炎是一种急性、以皮肤发红、肿胀、渗出性炎症为主要特征的传染病,常常造成肉鸡和肉种鸡的淘汰和散发性持续死亡,给肉种鸡养殖业带来一定的经济损失。  相似文献   

坏死性肠炎(Necrotic enteritis,NE)是由产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridum peerfringens)引起的的一种肠道细菌性疾病,主要发生在鸡、火鸡和少数其它禽种.该病的主要特征是病原菌产生的毒素导致肠粘膜受损.此病呈世界性分布,由于禽只死亡或更温和的亚临床感染病型、生长缓慢和饲料利用率差,给肉鸡生产者造成巨大经济损失.在商品化饲养的肉鸡群,临床疾病通常发生在2~5周龄.  相似文献   

坏死性肠炎(NecroticE nteritis,NE)又称肠毒血症,是由产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens)所引起的家禽细菌性肠炎。球虫病(coccidiosis)也是导致家禽业经济损失非常严重的常见疾病。由于球虫抗药性和药物残留的问题,在球虫病控制中免疫预防取代抗球虫药已成为趋势,二者常相伴或相继发生。但球虫病活卵囊疫苗的应用是否增加坏死性肠炎的发生一直受到广泛关注。本文综述了坏死性肠炎发生的主要原因及与球虫病的关系、以及抗球虫药物、球虫病活卵囊疫苗对坏死性肠炎的关系等。  相似文献   

魏峰 《中国家禽》2002,24(5):17-17
1发病情况 2001年7月23日新城子区财落镇某养鸡户饲养135日龄蛋鸡1200只,从130日龄开始发病,3~4天后出现死亡.  相似文献   

1999年至 2 0 0 0年 9月 ,我校共诊治鸡坏死性肠炎 1 0 0余例 ,治愈病鸡近万只。现举 1养鸡户的诊治情况报告如下。1 发病情况  2 0 0 0年 7月锦州义县七里河一养鸡户共养海兰蛋鸡 3 0 0 0只 ,1 2 0日龄 ,发病 4天 ,出现症状的 2 0 0多只 ,死亡 3 6只 ,夜间死亡多。曾用过环丙沙星、抗球虫药 ,未见效果。2 临床症状及病变 病鸡鸡冠苍白 ,精神萎靡 ,食欲减退 ,腹泻排黑红色煤焦油样便 ,有时混有肠粘膜。病变发生在小肠后段 ,浆膜充血 ,小肠膨胀 ,肠腔内充满泡沫样污褐色液体 ,有两只鸡肠粘膜脱落。3 实验室诊断3 .1 采肠内容物及肠粘膜…  相似文献   

The pathology of necrotic enteritis in domestic fowl   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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