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为探讨猪、牛、羊、马、犬、鸡、鸭和野鸟等与人类关系密切的多种动物莱姆病的血清流行病学状况,从上海地区采集血清870份,应用酶联荧光测定技术(ELFA)检测莱姆病抗体。猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭和野鸟中均未检测到莱姆病抗体,马血清中莱姆病抗体阳性率为18.5%,犬血清中莱姆病抗体阳性率为12.3%。结果表明,上海地区动物群中莱姆病的感染率相对较低,马和犬在莱姆病传播中的重要性应引起重视。  相似文献   

应用反转录—聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)技术,在国内首次从ConA诱导培养的长毛兔和獭兔外周血淋巴细胞总RNA中扩增出IL-4基因。将扩增基因克隆入pMD18-T载体,经序列测定分析表明,长毛兔和獭兔IL-4基因全长均为441 bp,两序列间碱基组成无差异(登录号:EF606761和EU639687)。长毛兔和獭兔IL-4基因编码147个氨基酸,其中前24个氨基酸组成信号肽,余下的123个氨基酸组成成熟肽。与已报道的犬、猫、人、猪、牛、羊、马、大熊猫和鼠的IL-4核苷酸同源性分别为61.8%、63.4%、69.8%、65.1%、64.1%、64.1%、63.1%、57.0%、60.5%,推导的氨基酸同源性分别为47.2%、50.0%、53.6%、52.1%、48.3%、46.9%、52.1%、43.7%、43.0%。将测序正确的阳性质粒采用脂质体法转染COS-7,用RT-PCR鉴定转染细胞中IL-4基因的表达,并通过MTT法检测到表达的IL-4蛋白具有一定的生物学活性。  相似文献   

Using antisera specific for the heavy chain of human IgE and bovine reaginic immunoglobulin, the degree of cross-reaction amongst sera from pig, rat, rabbit, guinea pig, goat, cow, horse, dog, cat and human was tested. Antihuman IgE antiserum gave strong reactions with pig, rabbit, cow, goat and human sera (100% to 15.1%) and weak reactions with rat, guinea pig, horse, dog and cat sera (10.1% to 3.22%). Antibovine reagin antiserum produced a considerable amount of cross-reaction with sera from pig, rat, rabbit, goat, horse and human (43.6% to 20.1%) with limited reactions with guinea pig, dog and cat sera (13.9% to 9.3%).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Angiogenesis is tightly controlled in the ocular tissues of domestic animals but its mechanisms are not fully understood. This is largely because of insufficient data on the expression of molecules that impact angiogenesis. Because angiostatin and one of its receptors integrin alphavbeta3 inhibit and promote angiogenesis, respectively, we hypothesized that the normal retina and cornea of domestic animals would express angiostatin but not integrin alphavbeta3. PROCEDURE: Normal eyes of the cat, cow, dog, horse, pig and rat were evaluated for angiostatin and integrin alphavbeta3 by light and electron immunocytochemistry and estern blots. RESULTS: Angiostatin was detected in the corneal epithelium of the cat, dog, horse, pig and rat, but was not found in cow corneal epithelium. Angiostatin was localized in the nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, inner and outer plexiform layers, and the photoreceptor layer of the cat, cow, dog and rat. Horse and pig retinas showed additional staining in the matrix of the inner nuclear layer. Immunogold electron microscopy further confirmed angiostatin in cat retina. Western blots showed angiostatin in corneal and retinal homogenates. Integrin alphavbeta3 was absent in cornea and retina of all the species studied. CONCLUSION: These data show that angiostatin, an inhibitor of angiogenesis, is present while integrin alphavbeta3, which promotes angiogenesis, is absent in normal cornea and retina of the domestic animals in this study with the exception being angiostatin absence in cow corneal epithelium. Therefore, angiostatin may contribute to the anti-angiogenic environment in the normal domestic animal eye while its absence in the cow may contribute to greater propensity for corneal vascularization. Because integrin alphavbeta3 is one of the receptors for angiostatin, its absence may prevent angiostatin from killing normal retinal and corneal cells.  相似文献   

Specific cell populations in the pituitary glands of the rat, cat, pig, and human being were positive for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). When reacted with prediluted rabbit anti-human TSH, LH, and FSH, antisera were not positive for the demonstration of these hormones in the horse, cow, or dog. Immunocytochemical staining was obtained in the horse, cow, and dog by the use of a primary antiserum against a specific beta-subunit of bovine TSH. The immunocytochemical staining of TSH, LH, FSH, adrenocorticotropic hormone, growth hormone, prolactin, and calcitonin was examined by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method, using standard commercially available kits. All species examined had a strong positive reaction in specific pituitary cell populations for adrenocorticotropic hormone, growth hormone, and prolactin. Sections of normal thyroid gland tissue had positive staining of C cells containing calcitonin at the dilution of 1:100 of the primary antibody in the rat, horse, cow, dog, cat, pig, and human being.  相似文献   

Nine commercially available monoclonal antibodies and two monoclonal antibodies from The American Type Culture Collection, raised against various human leucocyte surface antigens, were tested on lymphocytes from cow, sheep, goat, swine, horse, cat, dog, mink, and rabbit as well as man. Four antibodies bound to lymphocytes from some of the animals. These were the antibodies against CD8 and CD4 antigen, the antibody to C3b-receptor, and the antibody to the HLA-DR antigen. The CD8 antigen-reactive antibody reacted with lymphocytes from mink, cat, dog, and sheep, while the CD4 antigen-reactive antibody reacted with lymphocytes from mink. The anti-C3b-R antibody reacted with lymphocytes from horse, swine, dog, and cat, and the anti-HLA-DR reacted with lymphocytes from cow, goat, sheep, horse, dog, cat, and mink.  相似文献   

Leukocytes of the manatee, dog, cat, horse, rabbit, bird, and human were stained with modified Wright-Giemsa stain and myeloperoxidase stain. The predominant segmented leukocyte of the manatee stained positive for myeloperoxidase in a manner similar to the human, dog, cat, and horse neutrophil. Rabbit and bird heterophils stained unlike the manatee predominant leukocyte with myeloperoxidase stain. Eosinophils of all species examined also stained differently from the predominant manatee leukocyte. We conclude that the predominant segmented cell type of the manatee is not biochemically similar to the heterophil of the bird and rabbit or to the eosinophil of the human, dog, cat, horse, bird, and rabbit.  相似文献   

Sporozoites of Eimeria tenella, an important pathogen of poultry, were killed in vitro in a time- and concentration-dependent manner by exposure to diluted concentrations of normal human milk. Sodium cholate (bile salt stimulator) potentiated the anti-coccidial activity. The anti-coccidial activity was not found in the milk of lower mammals (cow, sheep, goat, dog). The component in human milk showing the activity was initially hypothesized to be a bile salt-stimulated lipase. However, testing of purified lipase (with or without sodium cholate) indicated no anticoccidial activity. Consequently, we theorize that the active component may be a free fatty acid.  相似文献   

6个品种马DRD4基因克隆与序列比较分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从6个品种马的血液中提取基因组DNA,根据GenBank中已发表的人、鼠、雪貂的DRD4 cDNA基因保守区序列,设计3对特异性引物,另1对由文献所得,对6个品种马的DRD4基因分4段进行PCR扩增,经电泳检测,分别呈4条特异条带,将其分别克隆入pMD19-T载体中,进行序列测定并拼接序列,得到包括所有内含子的DRD4基因序列。分析结果表明,马DRD4基因含有4个外显子和3个内含子,所得序列与人、鼠和狗同源区比对,发现其同源性都达到了75%以上。对6个品种马DRD4基因序列比较发现,不同品种马之间,第1内含子和第3外显子存在一定的变异,包括转换、颠换、插入/缺失和VNTR。  相似文献   

In the present study, the hemagglutinating activity of 9 reference strains (serovars A-I) of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale was investigated by using fresh erythrocytes from 15 different species: chicken (broiler, rooster, hen), turkey, pigeon, quail, duck, Harris hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus), house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus), cow, sheep, horse, dog, rabbit, pig, human (groups A, B, AB, and O), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). All 9 strains agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes. None of the strains was able to agglutinate hen, cow, horse, or rainbow trout erythrocytes. The number of positive reactions among the remaining species varied. Results indicate that the use of rabbit erythrocytes is better suited for testing the hemagglutinating activity of O. rhinotracheale.  相似文献   

Characteristics of minature end-plate potentials (MEPP) of isolated external intercostal muscle preparations of 7 mammalian species (dog, cat, pig, horse, cow, and goat) including 1 marsupial (opossum, Didelphis marsupialis) were determined with intracellular microelectrodes. Mean amplitude (+/- standard error of MEPP for all species was 0.60 +/- 0.06 mV, and the range was 0.28 mV (opossum) to 1.07 mV (pig). Amplitude was inversely correlated (P less than 0.01) with muscle fiber diameter which ranged from 93 mum (opossum) to 51 mum (pig). Mean values for rise time, half-decay time, and frequency of MEPP for all species were 0.88 +/- 0.07 msec, 1.89 +/- 0.16 msec, and 0.44 +/- 0.12 MEPP/second, respectively. Species differences among these measurements were not statistically significant. Resting potentials ranged from 64 mV (pig) to 75 mV (cow and opossum). Amplitude of MEPP was reduced significantly by d-turbocurarine (0.06 muM) only in preparations from the dog (P less than 0.01), pig (P less than 0.05), cow (P less than 0.01), and goat (P less than 0.01), suggesting species variations in sensitivity to this neuromuscular blocking agent. Frequency of MEPP decreased in the prescence of d-tubocurarine, but the change was not significant. The techniques utilized in this study and the results obtained will have application in evaluation of intercostal muscle biopsy preparations from these species when affected by myasthenic diseases.  相似文献   

The levels of the two primary bile acids, cholic acid (CA) and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), were determined by radioimmunoassay in cattle, horse, pig and dog serum. The mean serum cholic acid (SCA) and deoxycholic acid (SCDCA) levels of cows varied with their reproductive status, being 7.8 (+/- 3.3) and 1.5 (+/- 1.0) mumol/l in dry cows, 17.8 (+/- 6.9) and 2.3 (+/- 1.0) mumol/l in freshly calved dams, and 15.8 (+/- 5.7) and 2.3 (+/- 0.8) mumol/l, respectively, in lactating cows. The SCA level found in the immediate prepartal period and also on the day of calving corresponded to those found during the dry period, then, they tended to rise 2 days after calving and attained the peak characteristic for freshly calved dams on day 3 or 4 post partum. Feed consumption had no influence on the serum levels of primary bile acids, and circadian variations of SCA and SCDCA were also negligible. Suckling calves had much lower SCA levels (2.3 (+/- 1.0) mumol/l before feeding than cows. This initial concentration rose to 10.3 (+/- 2.9) mumol/l 1 h after feeding and returned to 5.0 (+/- 2.1) mumol/l 3 h later. Like cows, horses showed no appreciate difference between pre- and post-feeding levels of SCA (2.2 (+/- 1.2) mumol/l) and SCDCA (1.1 (+/- 0.3) mumol/l). Unlike bovines, pigs and dogs showed a considerable increase in the serum levels of the primary bile acids after feeding.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The results from studies to measure lytic complement (C') in sera of different animal species were reviewed. The traditional system, using sheep red blood cells (RBC) and rabbit antibody, was confirmed as the most sensitive to measure C' levels in man, monkey, dog, guinea pig, and rat serums. Sera C' from horse, cow, and sheep were found to be best assayed using rabbit RBC, whereas C' from goat, cat, and rabbit were best assayed with human RBC. Antibodies and C' from the same species usually mediated lysis of foreign RBC, but this lysis occurred more readily with some RBC targets than with others and may be associated with the presence of natural antibodies in the test sera. The effects of the species origin of a C' source in immunologic reactions in vitro and in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

Single-dose pharmacokinetics of detomidine in the horse and cow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pharmacokinetics of detomidine, a novel analgesic sedative, was studied in the major target species after high (80 micrograms/kg) i.v. and i.m. doses. In addition, drug residues in some organs were determined. Concentrations were measured using a sensitive, detomidine-specific radio-immunoassay method. Rapid absorption following i.m. dosing occurred. Absorption half-lives were 0.15 h (horse) and 0.08 h (cattle). The mean peak concentration in the horse (51.3 ng/ml) was achieved in 0.5 h and in the cow (65.8 ng/ml) in 0.26 h. The areas under the concentration curve after i.m. dosing were 66% (horse) and 85% (cow) of the corresponding i.v. values. Distribution was rapid with half-lives of 0.15 h (horse, i.v.) and 0.24 h (cow, i.v.). The apparent volume of distribution was higher after the i.m. dosing (horse 1.56 l/kg, cow 1.89 l/kg) than after i.v. dosing (horse 0.74 l/kg, cow 0.73 l/kg). Elimination half-lives were 1.19 h (horse) and 1.32 h (cow) for the i.v. dose and 1.78 h (horse) and 2.56 h (cow) for the i.m. dose. Total clearances ranged from 6.7 (horse, i.v.) to 12.3 (cow, i.m.) ml/min/kg. Renal clearances were less than 1% of the total clearances showing negligible excretion of the drug in urine and suggesting elimination by metabolism. A cross-reacting metabolite in urine corresponded to less than 1.5% of the detomidine dose's immunoreactivity. High-dose detomidine increased urine flow significantly. Excretion of detomidine in milk in cattle was extremely low. No detectable amounts were present 23 h after dosing.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

125-I-IgG binding activities were observed with 15 (17%) of 90 S. intermedius isolates from dogs and 39 (95%) of 41 S. hyicus isolates from pigs. Binding activities were not detected with S. hyicus isolates from cows. The IgG binding proteins of 2 S. intermedius, 2 S. hyicus, and protein A from S. aureus Cowan I were isolated from their cell surfaces. The proteins precipitated with IgG preparations from human, rabbit, pig, dog and horse, but not with IgG from cow, mouse and chicken. This indicated that these IgG binding proteins could be classified as type I receptors. In addition, the isolated proteins from all 3 staphylococcal species precipitated with polyclonal chicken anti-protein A antiserum. SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and gel isoelectric focussing of the proteins revealed numerous bands in the 42,000 D range and acid isoelectric points. The isoelectric point of the isolated proteins from both S. intermedius cultures was slightly more acidic than those from S. hyicus and S. aureus. The present results indicate a close functional and antigenic similarity, if not identity, between IgG binding proteins of S. intermedius and S. hyicus, and protein A of S. aureus.  相似文献   

A dog with severe cholestasis secondary to chronic hepatitis was treated with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA1 PO. After 2 weeks of daily treatment, the dog was more active and had an improved appetite. Monthly serum biochemical determinations and analysis of individual bile acid profiles documented improvement in hepatobiliary tests and a marked reduction in the concentrations of potentially hepatotoxic endogenous bile acids. These effects were maintained for approximately 6 months- The findings in this dog are similar to those reported for human patients treated with UDCA and provide preliminary evidence in support of its continued evaluation in the treatment of cholestatic liver disease in the dog.  相似文献   

Mean endogenous bile flow in 11 turkeys was 0.81 plus or minus 0.52 mul/g of the liver per minute (10.4 plus or minus 5.3 mul/Kg of body weight per minute). Endogenous biliverdin and bilirubin excretory rates were 0.59 plus or minus 0.31 and 0.058 plus or minus 0.018 mug/g of liver per minute (7.6 plus or minus 3.6 and 0.76 plus or minus 0.23 mug/Kg of body weight per minute), respectively. Mean concentrations of biliverdin and bilirubin in endogenous bile were 92 plus or minus 55 and 8.9 plus or minus 5.2 mg/100 ml, respectively. Livers constituted 1.36 plus or minus 0.22 percent of the body weight. Thin layer chromatographic studies revealed a heterogeneity of bilirubin conjugates in bile.  相似文献   

Studies on bone marrow extracts from ten animal species have revealed the presence of thermostable antigens. Similar antigens were found in other organs as shown by immunodiffusion and cross-reactivity was demonstrated between the thermostable proteins from horse and dog and between cow and sheep proteins. Using an immunoenzymatic reaction with glucose oxidase as the marker, the thermostable antigens were localized in the blood and bone marrow polymorphonuclear leukocytes and the myeloid cell line.  相似文献   

The serum amyloid A (SAA) protein is a characteristic and sensitive acute phase reactant in all vertebrates investigated. We molecularly cloned the equine cDNA encoding SAA from the liver of a healthy horse by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The cloned cDNA is 480 bases in length, and contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 387 nucleotides encoding a precursor SAA protein of 128 amino acids. The precursor of horse SAA seems to have an 18-residue signal peptide and differs from the reported amino acid sequences of the horse SAA by substitution of valine at residue 81. It shows high homology with SAA amino acid sequence of other species such as dog (80.6%), mink (77.5%), human (76.9%) and duck (71.9%). An insertion of eight amino acids at residues between 85 and 92, as compared to human SAA, has also been found in horse SAA. The availability of the equine SAA cDNA will provide a useful reagent for studying its role in diseased horses.  相似文献   

为了研究7种家养动物全基因组微卫星的分布是否存在差异,本试验利用软件MSDB搜索了猪、马、牛、山羊、绵羊、鸡和犬7种家养动物全基因组微卫星序列,并对其进行了分析研究。初步结果显示,7种家养动物全基因组微卫星在数量、丰度和密度上都存在差异,其中数量、丰度和密度最高的是犬,共1 436 242个位点,数量最少的是鸡,共276 564个位点,但丰度和密度最低的是马,共430 760个位点。对这些微卫星的分析表明,所有物种全基因组中单碱基重复微卫星最丰富,六碱基重复微卫星数量最少,且6种重复类型的优势微卫星都富含碱基A和T。除这些共同点之外,微卫星的分布规律也存在差异。总的来说,牛、山羊、绵羊微卫星的分布规律最为相似,鸡与其他物种微卫星的分布规律相差最远。分析还发现,7种动物微卫星长度大多集中在12~20 bp之间,这可能是受到趋同选择压力的结果。据以上可以推测,物种间微卫星的分布存在差异,但也存在一定的保守性,且物种间亲缘关系越近,微卫星的分布也越相似。以上结果为以后微卫星的功能研究提供依据。  相似文献   

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