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1提高坐果率1)控梢旺长.对生长势强的结果梢,在花前对花序上部进行扭梢或留5~6片大叶摘心,副梢留1~2片叶反复摘心.2)喷布硼肥.花前对叶片、花序喷布一次0.2%~0.3%的硼酸或0.2%硼砂溶液,连喷2~3次.3)赤霉素处理.盛花期用30 mg/L赤霉素溶液浸花序,不仅能提高坐果率,增大果个,而且可以提早10天成熟上市.  相似文献   

本试验研究了巨峰葡萄摘心处理后叶内氮素的变化情况,结果表明,在花前两周和花前1周分别对结果新梢进行摘心,其控制旺长的天数为8-12天,因为葡萄从开花至坐果的天数约为7-10天,花前1-2天进行结果新梢摘心,能更好地提高坐果率。  相似文献   

春季对苹果植株进行单侧和双侧断根处理,研究距树体不同距离、不同深度断根修剪对苹果新梢生长和坐果的效应。结果表明,距树50cm单侧断根、断根深度40cm与距树50cm双侧断根、断根深度40cm,新梢长度减少了16.66%、21.85%,副梢长度减少了23.74%、18.16%,坐果率82.55%、81.67%,果径80.48mm、82.54mm。这两个处理起到较好的控旺作用,同时坐果和果径未受到明显影响。对于规模化果园,长势较强的品种萌芽期机械断根是一种比较省力高效的控旺手段。  相似文献   

以4年生酿酒葡萄"赤霞珠"为试材,花前10d在1m~2架面分别保留9、12、15、18个新梢,研究花前不同新梢保留量对葡萄以及对应葡萄酒理化指标和酚类物质的影响,以探讨花前1m~2架面不同新梢留梢量对"赤霞珠"葡萄与葡萄酒品质的影响。结果表明:随着花前新梢保留量的递增,葡萄中可溶性固形物和pH呈现下降趋势,总酸含量呈现显著升高趋势;花前1m~2架面保留9个新梢的葡萄中固酸比最高(6.13),固酸比最低的为花前1m~2架面保留18个新梢(3.59);与之对应的葡萄酒中总酸含量和pH变化趋势与葡萄中一致。对于葡萄与葡萄酒中的酚类物质而言,花前1m~2架面保留12个新梢能够使葡萄果皮和葡萄籽中的酚类物质(单宁、总酚)得到更好的积累,从而使对应的葡萄酒中酚类物质(单宁、总酚、总花色苷)含量最高;而花前1m~2架面保留9个新梢的葡萄与葡萄酒中酚类物质含量在4个处理中均为最低,即花前1m~2架面保留9个新梢不利于单宁、总酚等酚类物质的积累,原因可能是因为葡萄果实暴露阳光过多会加速糖的积累,加速果实成熟,却不利于酚类物质的积累;试验表明,"赤霞珠"葡萄在花前1m~2架面保留12个新梢能够获得更良好的品质,进而使葡萄酒的质量得到显著提升。  相似文献   

不同激素处理红地球葡萄果穗试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同激素处理红地球葡萄果穗的试验结果表明:花前6d用25mg/L赤霉素喷花穗、花后14d用50mg/L赤霉素蘸果穗,拉长果穗作用明显,成熟期比对照提前18d;用1%三高素花后24d蘸穗,对果穗增大作用显著。综合分析看出,赤霉素的优点是拉长穗轴作用明显,穗形松散,坐果率较高,含糖量较高、口感较好;缺点是果粒椭圆、稍软。三高素的优点是果粒稍大、硬;缺点是果粒核心大、着色稍差。四川膨大素的优点果粒最圆,坐果率高,果粒较硬,含糖量较高;缺点是果梗短粗,果穗紧凑。  相似文献   

苹果新品种岳帅由辽宁果树所以金帅为母本,红星为父本,杂交育成。1997年春引入我区,当年高接于8年生北斗树上,次年结果,平均株产15.8kg,1999年平均株产达92.5kg,是一个较好的中晚熟品种。 一、生物学特性 该品种树势强健,树姿开张,新梢萌芽率高,成枝力中等,新梢粗壮。嫁接当年新梢平均生长量100cm以上,次年开花结果。花序坐果率达92.5%,花朵坐果率28.9%:腋花芽坐果率20%,花朵坐果率18%,有较好的丰产性。 岳帅在牟平区4月初开始萌动,4月下旬开花,比富士早1~2天。果实9用初开始着色,10月上旬成熟。果实近圆形,果形指数0.89,平均单果重213g.最大果重378g。果面底色绿黄,70%以上果面着桔红色霞,覆有红色条纹。果肉白色、细脆,酸甜适口,可溶性固形物15.8%,有香味,品质上。普通贮藏可  相似文献   

PP333对‘红提’葡萄新梢生长和坐果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验以5年生‘红提’葡萄为试材,研究使用不同浓度PP333处理对新梢生长和坐果的影响。结果表明,4个浓度的PP333均能明显地抑制新梢生长,提高坐果率,对副梢的抑制作用强于主梢。其中浓度为2 000 mg/L处理的坐果率最高,对副梢数量、节数、节间长度的抑制效果最明显。  相似文献   

大樱桃应用PBO控长促花效果好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大樱桃生长旺,花芽形成难,过去施用多效唑控旺促花虽有一定效果,但对树体危害较大,果实品质也会下降.我们用了江阴果树促控剂研究所生产的PBO,取得了很好的控长促花效果. 1)使用方法.为了控梢促花,一般在6月上旬和7月初各喷1次150~200倍液PBO.幼树在5月上中旬(新梢速长期)喷120~150倍液,6月中旬再喷1次.为了提高坐果率,花前7~9天喷1次120倍液PBO.  相似文献   

1葡萄二次结果处理对象2。3年生幼树和3~4年生旺树上部部分旺长大枝,2葡萄二次结果的方法2,1利用夏芽副梢二次结果技术两种方法:第一种是对主枝重摘心,逼发副梢直接带果穗。此法带果穗率较低;第二种是对主枝正常摘心,促发副梢,对副梢留2~3个叶,进行连续摘心,直至果穗长出为止。此法带果穗率较高,并且比冬芽二次结果成熟早。  相似文献   

以丝瓜品种‘美佳’为材料,研究不同生长调节剂不同浓度、不同处理时期和不同处理部位对丝瓜早期坐果的影响。结果表明,4种生长调节剂对丝瓜早期坐果的影响从大到小依次为2,4-D萘乙酸赤霉素0.0075%芸苔素。当2,4-D处理浓度为15~20 mg/kg时,丝瓜早期平均坐果率达到78.05%,坐果效果最佳;当用20 mg/kg 2,4-D处理花前1 d丝瓜时,早期平均坐果率达到92.3%,坐果效果最佳。不同生长调节剂处理丝瓜不同部位对早期坐果影响不同,2,4-D(20 mg/kg)处理花朵的坐果率高于处理整个果实的坐果率,而萘乙酸(100 mg/L)处理整个果实的坐果率高于处理花朵的坐果率。  相似文献   

The weekly rates of shoot extension and total growth in leaf length of the glasshouse tomato variety Potentate increased from germination until soon after the start of ovary swelling. It is postulated that when, or soon after, the first flower primordia were initiated, an internal reaction was stimulated that eventually resulted in the cessation of the progressive increase in the rates of shoot extension and growth in leaf length. Increase in the rate of vegetative growth ceased soon after the start of ovary swelling, but this occurred even when no ovaries were allowed to swell.

The diameter of the shoot was unaffected by removal of leaves but increased when no fruits were allowed to develop. Conversely, shoot extension growth was unaffected by removal of fruit but decreased when alternate immature leaves were removed, although the removal of mature leaves had no effect on shoot extension growth.

Removal of leaves was associated with a reduction in total fruit volume and an increase in total leaf length.

Removal of immature fruit was associated with an increase in total leaf length. Removal of alternate immature fruits had little effect on total fruit . volume ; the difference between normally fruiting plants and plants from which alternate fruits had been removed was less than 0?5%.  相似文献   

The treatment of grape inflorescences with CCC before anthesis increased fruit set, but it did not increase the fertilization of ovules. CCC applied to different parts of a shoot had effects remote from the point of application. The effects included reductions in leaf expansion, internode elongation and rate of leaf emergence. The size of the effects was directly correlated with the amount of tissue treated and was inversely correlated with the amount of fruit set. If shoot tips were removed, CCC treatment was without effect on set. It has not been possible to link the data with changes in chlorophyll concentration. It is suggested that the effect of CCC on fruit set is due to a correlated inhibition of shoot growth whereby organic nutrients are diverted to the developing ovaries.  相似文献   

以七年生八棱海棠/SH6/‘晋富’果树为试材,以灌水量和施氮量为固定因子,在富士果树不同生育期开展不同配比氮磷钾滴灌耦合试验,通过采用2因子3水平正交组合研究各试验小区富士果树新梢生长及各生育期果实的各项品质指标,进行主成分分析研究对比,以期为明确滴灌条件下追施磷钾肥的最佳配施比例和时期提供参考依据。结果表明:在P2与K2协同作用下富士树体新梢生长旺盛,果实单果质量较高,果肉紧致细脆,着色均匀,果品耐贮性高。在高磷水平时果实酸度适中,中磷水平酸度较低。综上所述,在该试验区以田间持水量90%、60%为滴灌水上下限,通过基施有机肥,追施100 L·hm^-2氮肥并耦合施用常规用量×70%的磷钾肥有望基本实现富士果树节水节肥,优质高产。  相似文献   

以初果期库尔勒香梨为试验材料,采用人工点粉、液体授粉和干粉喷粉3种人工辅助授粉方式,研究了不同授粉技术对库尔勒香梨果实坐果率、果实品质以及授粉用工情况的影响及不同植物生长调节剂配方对库尔勒香梨果实产量及品质的影响,筛选出最佳的人工辅助授粉技术及最终确定不同植物生长调节剂最优配方,以期为库尔勒香梨提质增效提供参考依据。结果表明:不同人工辅助授粉技术对果形指数、总糖、可滴定酸、可溶性固形物等4个指标影响不显著,但可以显著提高库尔勒香梨的坐果率和产量,其中液体授粉效果最佳,从经济效益来看,液体授粉的花粉用量和人工成本显著低于人工点粉、干粉喷粉。喷施不同植物生长调节剂配方可以显著提高库尔勒香梨坐果率和产量,而配方处理2、处理7、处理8、处理9对库尔勒香梨的脱萼率、单果质量、可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量提高最为显著,处理8效果最佳,分别达到了75.83%、152.22g、15.00%、10.97%。  相似文献   

调亏灌溉条件下鸭梨营养生长、产量和果实品质反应的研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
调亏灌溉条件下的研究结果表明,无论在1期(萌芽至盛花后25d)还是在2期(盛花后25~80d)进行调亏灌溉,树体营养生长受到显著抑制,新梢长度较对照下降15%~25%,夏季修剪量减少18%~33%,树体叶片的相对含水量显著下降,对成龄叶片叶面积和比叶重的影响差异不显著。各处理其花朵坐果率均大于85%,没有显著抑制果径和果实鲜重的增长。在水分胁迫处理结束时,2期胁迫和1+2胁迫处理果实的可溶性固形物含量、还原糖含量和全K含量显著高于对照,1+2胁迫处理的果径和果实鲜重也受到了显著抑制。在采收时各水分胁迫处理与对照相比,在产量、单果重和果实可溶性固形物含量方面无显著差异。  相似文献   

螺旋环剥对幼龄荔枝树生长结果的调控作用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
周贤军  赖军 《园艺学报》1996,23(1):13-18
‘糯米糍’和‘桂味’荔枝幼树不挂果现象相当普遍。采用螺旋环剥能显著促进成花、改善花质、减少落果、增加产量,改善品质。糯米糍、桂味幼树在生理落果期间出现旺盛的根梢生长峰,但其成年树和坐果比较正常的怀枝幼树都没有出现这种旺盛生长,表明了品种和树龄特性的差异。螺旋环剥明显减少生理落果期间的根与梢的生长量,使果实在与根、梢之间的库力竞争中获得优势,因而有利于坐果和果实生长。  相似文献   

Fruit set was increased by removing all shoots 5 days after full bloom and at weekly intervals thereafter from trees of Sunset and Laxton’s Fortune, but removing shoots from Fortune trees 25 days after full bloom produced no beneficial effect on fruit retention. All treatments resulted in a heavier rate of fruit shedding during the ‘June drop’ period than occurred from control trees, and at harvest the trees without shoots had fewer fruits, and lower yields, than the controls. In a comparison of shoot removal and shoot tip removal starting 15 days after full bloom on Fortune trees, both treatments improved set, but whereas shoot removal caused a heavier ‘June drop’ compared with untreated trees, shoot tip removal increased the number of fruits retained to harvest and produced a yield increase. The difference between the two treatments in their influence on fruit retention, during and after the ‘June drop’, is accounted for by the beneficial effect of a relatively small number of leaves on each tipped shoot. Studies on the pattern of distribution of photosynthates, using 14CO2 and autoradiography, produced results supporting the concept of competition between fruits and shoots and also showed changes in the pattern of assimilate movement brought about by shoot tip removal. It is concluded that competition between fruits and shoots, occurring during blossoming and the following 2–3 weeks, may limit fruit set, but the presence of shoot leaves is beneficial to fruit retention in the later part of the season, particularly during the ‘June drop’ period.  相似文献   

土壤水分亏缺降低猕猴桃枝叶生长发育的质量与数量、叶片光合速率、果实大小、品质与耐贮性能。土壤水分过多或淹水导致根系生长与吸收活力下降,是果实增长缓慢的主要生态因子。综合分析表明,猕猴桃生长与结实所需的最适土壤相对含水量为65%—75%,低于60%或高于80%的土壤湿度对根系生长、叶片光合作用及果实增长均有抑制作用。  相似文献   

The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean region under warm climates. Fig yield is governed by the previous crop load and is strongly dependent on shoot length. Special cultural practices are required to stimulate new vegetative growth that will ensure regular and high productivity. The present study focused on the use of the rest breaking agent hydrogen cyanamide (HC) as Dormex to enhance vegetative growth, which influences the yield. A field trial was held in northern Tunisia (36° 49′ N; 9° 48′ E) on mature fig trees cv. Zidi. In reference to untreated trees as control, two hydrogen cyanamide treatments at 1% and 1.5% HC were considered. Bud break rate, vegetative growth, starch content of shoots, yield, and fruit characteristics were assessed. Results indicated that 1.5% HC significantly increased shoot length, fruit number per shoot, and yield. It advanced bud break by 10 days and fruit ripening by 7 days compared to the control. However, leaf number, leaf area, and starch content seem to be unaffected by hydrogen cyanamide treatments. Regarding fruit quality, a 1.5% HC dose significantly increased dry matter content, while fruit diameter and total soluble solids remain unaffected. In conclusion, hydrogen cyanamide could be used under warm conditions to improve vegetative growth of fig trees cv. Zidi and consequently fig productivity. Application of 1.5% HC 40 days before bud break was the most effective in increasing shoot length and yield.  相似文献   

To elucidate the fate of photosynthates from different current shoots and their influence on fruit growth and bud differentiation in neighboring spur complex during the period of rapid fruit growth in two late-maturing Japanese pear cultivars: ‘Atago’ and ‘Shinkou’ with contrasting fruit size, 13C labeling of single shoot was done to investigate of C-relations in fruit branches of eight shoot-combinations. The results showed that all of the current shoots investigated (bourse shoots of nonfruiting spur, bourse shoots of fruiting spur, extension shoot, nonfruiting spur, vegetative shoot, and water sprout) could export photosynthates to the neighboring fruit and buds. Water sprouts together with vegetative shoots, bourse shoots, and extension shoots are important source for fruit growth after shoot growth termination during the period of rapid fruit growth in production of late-maturing pears. The carbon transfer rate from the neighboring to the fruit bearing spur is depent (i) on the types of shoot which acts as C source, (ii) on the position of the fruiting spur and (iii) on the source-sink distance. Furthermore, the cultivar difference in carbon partitioning from different current shoot-combinations confirmed that the movement of photosynthates into the fruit was determined by sink strength of the fruit, and ‘Atago’ exhibited a greater relative sink strength of fruit than ‘Shinkou’. In addition, vegetative shoots are very important C sources for fruit growth in ‘Atago’ and the growth pattern of bourse shoot seriously affects C allocated to fruit in ‘Shinkou’.  相似文献   

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