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“龙泉码价”是我国历史上杉木原条的一种计价方法。十七世纪四十年代(明朝崇祯年间),它首创于江西省龙泉县(现遂川县),以后通行全国。因其产生于龙泉县,而称为“龙泉码价”。“龙泉码价”是世界上问世最早的比较完善的木材计量数表之一。从首创到1954年废除为止,相传沿用了三百多年。目前我国杉木产区部分自产自销的杉原条仍有沿用码两计价的习惯,但码价的应用范围越来越小。  相似文献   

随着现代计算机技术的快速发展,计算机数字图像处理技术已成为当前追逐的热点,并广泛应用在木材科学领域中。数字图像技术所具备的现性好、精度高、灵活性强等优势,为木材科学的发展提供了新手段。文中基于数字图像处理技术从木材宏观与微观方面对木材缺陷、木材纹理、细胞特征等进行综述,同时分析了木材科学研究中主要用到的数字图像处理技术,并对数字图像处理技术在木材科学中的研究方向及发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

木材中水份的数量称为木材含水量,以木材重量的百分率计算之。木材的含水量如按绝干重量为基数测定,称为绝对含水率;若按木材原始重量为基数测定,称为相对含水率。相对含水率所得的数值均小于100%。而绝对含水率,每因木材含有过多的水份时,所得的数值可大于100%,甚至于达到200%以上,其计算公式如下:  相似文献   

森林生态具有价值并且可以计量。本文利用贵州水土保持林价值计算模型中林龄和木材市场价格这两个相对变动的因素与价值之间的函数关系,编制了贵州水土保持林主要树种(类型)价值数表和数图。在为水土保持林价值动态变化进行直观、形象显示的同时,更能为贵州水土保持林在今后的评估、征占、置换、流转、转让等林业经济活动提供计量、计价的依据和标准。  相似文献   

温武 《林产工业》2007,34(6):56-58
木材作为人类历史上最古老的建筑材料之一,很少有其他的材料可与其媲美,无论从功能性、外观、效能和环保等方面,木材都具备天然的独一无二的优势和特点。特别是木材易于加工,材质轻但又坚固。其  相似文献   

本文论述了木材颜色调控技术的定义及其研究内容,回顾了木材颜色测定及其遗传变异、木材变色与防治、木材漂白、木材着色等国内外研究现状,指出了未来木材颜色调控技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

本书主要阐述了木材碳学的生态环境学意义、木材碳储量的计量方法、木材碳储量与木材性质的潜在相关性、木材碳储能的原理及应用,并以人工林碳储量和优质木材培育技术为基础,系统解析高固碳量优质人工林木材培育技术,且从木材保护、木质复合材料、木结构建筑、木材加工等角度探讨木材固碳的延伸,旨在补充和拓展木材的生态环境学特性,缓解全球气候变化产生的负面效应。本书可作为木材科学与技术、生物质复合材料、生物质能源、森林培育、建筑环境设计等领域科研院所研究人员的参考用书,亦可作为生产企业工程技术人员和管理人员的学习参考用书。  相似文献   

分析了中国木材供需的现状,主要特点为:中国木材供给与需求产量在不断扩大,已经形成木材资源供给结构调节机制。中国木材加工具有强大的技术优势,这种优势将转化为市场优势。提出林业政策和环保组织对木材供需造成一定影响,包括中国采伐限额政策、一些国家木材贸易政策等。  相似文献   

木材考古学研究是推动木质文物自然和历史信息挖掘、保护和修复的重要基础。近年来,随着古DNA捕获和测序技术的快速发展,从木质遗存中可获取古DNA信息,在木材解剖学基础上,创新开展以古DNA为核心的木材分子考古研究已成为木材考古学的前沿热点。本文首先对木材分子考古研究进行概述,从古DNA的保存和降解、获取以及数据处理和序列分析3方面归纳木材古DNA的研究进展,并指出古DNA因高度降解、含量极低和化学损伤特征导致其难于提取和信息解译的难题。然后总结木材分子考古在解读先民认知与利用森林资源方式、复原历史时期地域性森林植被类型和物种多样性以及重建古代树木应对气候和生境变化的微进化反应等方面的主要应用。最后提出该研究领域未来应优先开展的工作:1)建立考古木材标本库及其DNA信息数据库;2)研究不同时空维度下木材古DNA损伤及变化规律;3)构建稳定高效的木材古DNA提取及序列信息解译技术体系。通过进一步加强木材分子考古等多学科交叉研究,推动新理论、新方法、新技术在木材学和考古学领域的应用,为木质文物的用材树种识别、保护利用以及重建历史时期森林植被、环境气候与人类活动的耦合关系提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

一、木材抓具参数的确定木材抓具参数必须根据木材作业的工艺要求及所抓取的木材特征来确定。木材抓具参数有抓具重量、抓取量、抓腔面积、抓爪闭合时间、抓爪开度及宽度等。 (一)抓具重量(G)  相似文献   

架厢运木是我国历史上山区木材集运的一种方式,是在临时搭建的简易木结构上依靠人力拽运木材。为全面认识该传统技术,探讨其现代应用前景,通过收集整理文献资料及对贵州省锦屏县、天柱县的林业专家和参与过拉厢的人员调研访问,结合调查的文字和照片资料综合分析,对厢道的结构、厢道分类、建造程序、运木过程加以阐述,旨在展示传统架厢运木技术,供当代林业工作参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Forest certification has increased the cost of companies which has affected the international trade of wood products. This paper examines forest certification costs of companies, and based on this, uses partial equilibrium to analyze its trade restriction effects, and uses space price gradient field model to check whether it is a substitution for tariff barriers. Our conclusion shows that forest certification has restricted the trade of wood products due to its high certified cost, and clarifies that in the case of tariff reduction, trade of wood products are hindered by different levels and different costs of forest certification. This paper implies that efforts should be made to increase the amount of certified forests worldwide. It is necessary to lower the certified cost and important that government policy measures to support certification should include consideration of who bears the cost, support for aggregation of smallholder growers and improved communication in timber supply chains.  相似文献   

The paper presents a model to analyse trade in illegally harvested timber with a particular focus on trade via third party countries. The model is deduced from the conventional input–output-analysis. In contrast to this type of analysis, inverse export coefficients are introduced to analyse the effect of a certain amount of country-specific supply, e.g., of illegally harvested timber, to the use of wood and wood products of all other countries, based on trade relationships. A database has been compiled especially for application of the model. It comprises data on industrial round-wood production in terms of industrial wood harvested and removed from the forest; recovered wood fibre in the form of recovered paper and waste wood; bilateral trade of 272 wood-based commodities in m³ raw wood equivalent (rwe), and domestic use of those commodities. Two scenarios expressing high and low estimates of illegal harvesting for all countries have been employed in the model. The model reveals the trade linkages between all countries of the world and allows quantification of the global supply and use arising from illegal harvesting. Furthermore it allows calculation of the import of illegally harvested timber for each country of the world. And finally, the model likewise allows the quantification of domestic use of illegally harvested timber for each country of the world.The results show that international trade increases the global domestic supply of illegally harvested timber by more than 70% in each scenario. In particular industrial round-wood from Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Indonesia and Myanmar passes through many countries until it ends in form of finished wood products in the country of final destination. Not only due to suggested illegally harvested timber in the own country, but also due to strongly developed trade relationships, China holds the lead in total supply and use of illegally harvested timber. However this result must be seen against the background of the large population in China. This aspect also helps to explain the predominant position of China, Brazil and Russia with regard to the domestic use of illegally harvested timber. A comparison of import of illegally harvested timber on the basis of “simple” (covering only bilateral trade) and inverse export coefficients demonstrates the model's merit. The hitherto usually simple approach underestimates the “real” trade by a third up to a half.  相似文献   

木材工业是印尼仅次于石油和天然气的第3大产业。近20年来,印尼的木材工业发展迅速,已成为当今世界上最大的阔叶材胶合板生产国和出口国。本文阐述了印尼木材工业发展战略和政策,生产体系的结构与变化,以及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

我国木材进口分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国是世界上木材及木制品的生产大国,也是消费大国,又是木材进口大国,我国木材进口贸易充满了机会和挑战。通过具体分析近年我国原木、锯材、胶合板进口的品种、数量和贸易方式的变化,把握未来的发展趋势,木材经营企业一方面要关注全球木材贸易走向,快速反应,坚持多品种,小批量的经营原则。同时,还应该积极实施走出去战略,建立稳定资源渠道,占领木材进口市场竞争制高点。  相似文献   

The use of more and more electron products requires interior wood products to have the performance of electromagnetic shielding. One of the ways to realize it is to introduce the chemical plating which has already been developed in electron industry into wood processing. The paper clarifies the mechanism of electroless copper and gold plating and its application to wood. It emphasizes the development and technology of electroless copper and gold plating on wood. Meanwhile, it points out that it is highly feasible to take this technology into effect.  相似文献   

木材产品的国际贸易展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章回顾了国内外木材产品的贸易概况和趋势,讨论了环境问题对木材产品国际贸易的影响,指出入世后在全球经济一体化的新形势下,我国木材工业要根据国家可持续发展的整体目标,认清自身优势,迎接未来挑战,更好地利用森林和木材可再生资源,以更低的成本向客户提供更好的产品和服务,为生态建设、生态安全、生态文明作出贡献。  相似文献   

张晓磊 《林产工业》2020,57(1):88-90
随着我国社会主义市场经济体系的不断完善,现代化企业的管理模式和产业结构逐步科学化、精细化。而木材流通企业作为木材贸易的重要载体,应用先进的技术和经营模式强化供应链管理,有助于促进木材资源创造丰富的社会价值和经济效益。介绍了大数据环境下企业供应链管理特点,分析了木材流通企业供应链管理大数据优势,对大数据视域下木材流通企业的供应链管理进行展望。  相似文献   

BRAZIER  J. D. 《Forestry》1997,70(4):337-342
In seventy years, timber use, at first governed by craft practices,has been transformed to a technology determined by scientificprinciples, made possible by the research on wood undertakenduring the period. The pattern of this research, those undertakingit, the factors determining it and its funding in the UnitedKingdom are considered. Today, forest products research is ata low ebb, compared with that in earlier decades, but it issuggested that with a rapidly expanding UK resource, a continuingnational dependence on timber and timber products and the environmental benefits from growing and using wood, the need for aneffective forest products research capability remains as importantas ever.  相似文献   

因我国天然林禁伐,人工速生林木材和竹材成为当前木材加工利用的主要原材料,但人工速生林材质不及天然林材质,且竹材也存在截面尺寸小、用胶量大、原料利用率低等缺点.展平竹与木材正交胶合材(CLBT)由展平竹材和人工林锯材层板正交层叠制成,充分发挥了竹材优异力学性能与木材易加工等优势,既保留竹子和木材的天然纹理与结构特性,又克...  相似文献   

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