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荸荠球茎的形成与膨大   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荸荠的匍匐茎是陆续发生的,其数目也不断增加,在杭州气候条件下,大约到9月中、下旬基本不再增加。匍匐茎发生后,便开始伸长生长,接着以横向膨大生长为主。 球茎大量形成时间在9月中、下旬,以后各时期也有新球茎形成。单个球茎从开始膨大到停止膨大约经历70天,其中生长最快的时间为球茎开始膨大后20天左右和40~70天,其间经历一个体积和重量增加的“快-慢-快”过程。 荸荠植株生长过程中干物质的分配情况是:球茎形成前主要分配给叶状茎和根系;球茎开始形成至淀粉快速积累期,主要分配给叶状茎和球茎;淀粉快速积累期后,主要分配到球茎中.在所有器官中,叶状茎中干物质的分配率为最高。  相似文献   

研究了慈姑田间越冬过程中球茎主要碳水化合物的代谢。研究结果表明,冬季气温降低时,慈姑球茎的含水量始终保持在较低水平,甚至有所下降;第2年春,气温回升,含水量缓慢上升。可溶性总糖含量在冬季有上升趋势,随着春季气温回升,含量逐渐下降。蔗糖含量变化趋势与可溶性总糖一致。还原糖含量呈"下降—上升—下降"的变化规律。果糖含量基本不变。总淀粉含量在冬季略有下降,随着春季气温回升,含量迅速下降;支链淀粉含量变化呈逐步下降趋势;直链淀粉含量和支链淀粉/直链淀粉含量比值变化在品种间存在明显差异。  相似文献   

荸荠球茎萌发与形成过程的生化变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了荸荠(Eleocharis tuberosa Schulf.)种用球茎在萌发、新球茎形成过程以及匍匐茎中碳水化合物组分和转化酶、淀粉酶活性的变化。试验结果表明,种用球茎萌发时,贮藏态养分不断转化为可利用态养分,淀粉逐渐减少,而糖逐渐增加。在新球茎形成过程初期,其内部的淀粉含量逐渐增加。在杭州地区,10月下旬至11月下旬为球茎的淀粉迅速积累期。但到球茎成熟后。淀粉含量又开始下降。这种变化被认为与形成过程的温度有关。 不论是分株型匍匐茎还是球茎型匍匐茎,在生长过程中,糖类均不断增加,其中以还原糖增加最多,而果糖较少。在球茎中则还原糖、葡萄糖及果糖均逐渐减少,而蔗糖则大为增加。 在生长过程中各器官中的转化酶活性前期有所上升,但后期不断下降,而淀粉酶活性不断增高,其中以球茎中淀粉酶增加最多,而匍匐茎中则增加不多。  相似文献   

荸荠是我国特色水生蔬菜,目前关于荸荠球茎膨大机理的研究尚处于起步阶段,为此利用树脂切片技术,观察了不同发育时期荸荠球茎的组织和细胞形态,分析了球茎中淀粉粒的积累过程和分布规律.试验发现,膨大50 d时,薄壁细胞中的淀粉粒大量积累、互相挤压,占据细胞内较多的空间,甚至影响了细胞核的形态,说明淀粉积累是球茎干物质含量增加的主要因素;为适应球茎发育后期的迅速膨大,表皮细胞的长度被拉伸数倍,说明球茎表面积的增加主要是通过表皮细胞的伸展;为适应球茎发育后期的迅速膨大,表皮细胞的长度被拉伸数倍,说明球茎表面积的增加主要是通过表皮细胞的伸展,而不是表皮细胞数目的增加.  相似文献   

刮老乌慈姑养分吸收和分配动态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对江苏里下河地区种植的刮老乌慈姑氮、磷、钾养分吸收和分配特性进行了研究。结果表明,每生产1 000 kg鲜慈姑,N、P2O5和K2O的最大吸收量分别为11.21 kg、7.67 kg和18.34 kg,吸收比例大约为3∶2∶5;氮、磷、钾肥的施肥吸收率分别为25.19%、18.07%和69.23%。刮老乌慈姑氮素的关键供给期为茎叶生长期、球茎膨大期和衰老成熟期,3个阶段的氮素吸收比例为6∶2∶2;磷、钾元素的关键供给期为茎叶生长期和球茎膨大期,2个时期的吸收比例为7∶3。因此依据慈姑养分吸收规律,移栽前要足施有机肥和氮、磷、钾三元素,移栽后60 d需补充氮素、120 d需补充氮、磷、钾三元素,145 d需补充氮素,以满足刮老乌慈姑的需肥特点。  相似文献   

朱顶红原产美洲热带,在植物学分类上属石蒜料(Amaryllidaceac)孤挺花恤(Amaryllis),多年生草本,具膨大的鳞茎,直径6cm以上的鳞茎可形成花芽。朱顶红的鳞茎从叶芽萌发到开花结实再到重新形成花芽完成一个生长周期大约为一年时间,在生长适温下9-10个月完成营养生长和开花,然后需要2-3个月时间的低温诱导,以干球茎储藏或低温培育均可,促进鳞茎重新形成花芽。  相似文献   

为了解不同切块魔芋植株生长及其产量特点,以清江花魔芋为材料,对100、150、200 g 3种质量切块的植株生长和产量结果进行调查。试验结果表明,切块质量与植株高度及收获率、单株产量、小区产量有显著正相关关系,随着切块质量的增加,植株的收获率、繁殖系数及产量随之增加,但球茎膨大系数随之减小;100~200 g切块种植1 a的单个新生球茎质量在198.95~310.19 g,球茎膨大系数为1.55~1.96,繁殖系数为1.79~2.32。  相似文献   

近几年来,江苏里下河地区晚水慈姑的种植面积不断扩大,据统计仅宝应县1998年种植面积就达333.3h奸(5000亩),667d产1000-1250kg高产田可达1500kg。现将晚水慈姑生育特性及高产栽培配套技术介绍如下。1晚水慈始生育特性①大田生长期短里下河地区晚水慈姑的前茬作物多为早稻、早藕,栽植期一般在8月上旬,较迟的可达8月中旬,11月下旬开始收获,大田生长期100天左右,较伏水慈姑缩短1个月左右。②大田地上部茎叶旺长期短里下河地区晚水慈站地上部的生长,一般到9月上旬即显著减慢,出叶速度由旺长期(8月20日至9月上旬)3-4天出一叶减…  相似文献   

以山东莲藕地方品种"齐头"为试材,采用田间池栽试验,在莲藕不同生育期动态取样,测定各器官的干物质量和氮、磷、钾养分含量,计算各生育时期养分积累量,明确莲藕干物质积累及氮、磷、钾的吸收规律,以期为黄河中下游地区莲藕合理施肥提供参考依据。结果表明:莲藕干物质积累呈"慢-快-慢"的变化趋势。膨大茎形成期是莲藕干物质积累最快的时期,积累速率为每株29.27 g·d^-1。根状茎膨大之前,干物质主要集中在叶片和叶柄中,膨大之后,叶片和叶柄中的营养物质逐渐向膨大茎中转移,膨大茎中干物质最终积累量占全株的66.68%。不同时期莲藕氮、磷、钾的吸收积累量不同。膨大茎形成期莲藕对氮、磷、钾的积累速率最大,分别为每株0.46、0.18、0.56 g·d^-1,积累量分别占全生育期的49.50%、31.49%、39.56%。整个生育期莲藕氮、磷、钾吸收积累量的比例为1∶0.62∶1.53。根状茎膨大之前,莲藕氮和磷主要集中在叶片中,钾主要集中在叶柄中,之后随着地下根状茎的膨大,叶片和叶柄中的养分逐渐向地下部分转移,成熟期地下膨大茎中氮、磷和钾积累量分别占全株积累总量的71.97%、69.54%和87.89%。综上所述,莲藕前期以营养生长为主,根状茎膨大之后,以贮藏生长为主,膨大茎形成期为莲藕生长的关键时期。  相似文献   

以银条为材料,探讨了银条根状茎中维生素C(VC)、抗坏血酸氧化酶(AAO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)在其根茎膨大时期含量的积累变化。结果表明:在根茎开始膨大60d后,VC含量最高达61mg/100g;AAO酶活性在根茎膨大后30d达最大值0.147mg/g;SOD和POD酶活性在银条根茎膨大后75d达到最高值为9.05U/mg和13.60nmol.min-1.g-1;PPO在根茎膨大过程中出现上升-下降-上升的趋势。  相似文献   

A three-year experiment on the high-temperature treatment of tulip bulbs established that yield could be increased by between 8 and 31 % for bulb weight or between 14 and 29 % for numbers of large bulbs, depending upon season, associated with a near-complete flower kill. The optimum pre-treatment storage temperature was 17°C, and the best date (of the five tested) for starting blindstoken at 33°C for one week was 20th-21st September.

Yield increases were greater when the blindstoken treatment was applied to bulbs whose shoots were short; later treatment, or treatment after pre-treatments which allowed faster shoot growth, were less effective. For optimum flower kill and yield increase the shoot should be about 1 cm high at treatment. Bulb weight and large bulb number were correlated, suggesting that the treatment increases total bulb weight by increasing bulb size rather than by differentially affecting the growth of daughter bulbs.

No adverse effects of the treatments were observed when the bulbs were forced in a glasshouse the following season.  相似文献   

为了明确脱毒大蒜的田间农艺性状和提质增产效果,采用脱毒民乐紫皮大蒜为试验材料,与未脱毒常规大蒜进行田间比较试验,比较分析了大蒜的生育期、农艺性状与产量和品质。结果表明:与常规大蒜相比较,脱毒大蒜物候期提前3~12 d,生育期缩短了9 d,易形成壮苗;株高、株幅、假茎高、假茎粗、叶长、叶宽、蒜薹长、蒜薹粗、单薹质量等9个农艺数量性状指标增长极显著,增长率分别为19.28%、18.44%、17.77%、18.97%、22.42%、11.52%、33.80%、27.45%、77.90%,叶片数增长显著,增长率为8.80%。蒜薹、鳞茎增产率分别达到136.0%、55.5%,一级鳞茎直径和单鳞茎质量最高达91.21%和90.81%,叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b分别增加19.05%、18.84%、18.99%,鳞茎总糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C、大蒜素含量分别增加59.45%、19.86%、23.08%、49.41%,各指标均极显著增加。脱毒有利于提高大蒜生长势,增强农艺性状与单株产量间的相关性,提升商品率和品质,增产效果显著。  相似文献   

The partition of dry matter between leaf and bulb with sheath was studied in relation to the post-harvest physiology of cvs Bola and Robusta grown at three sites for two seasons and dried and stored under standardized conditions. Foliar fall-over was synchronous at all sites in each season but the effects of site showed that crops either partitioned dry matter to the bulb early, lost less fresh weight in drying and sprouted later in store, or partitioned dry matter late, lost more fresh weight in drying and sprouted sooner in store. Crops showing the former behaviour were associated with low rainfall and a high number of day degrees between 6° and 20°C during early growth. There was up to 10 days difference between the sites in 50% sprouting dates. Bulbs of cv Bola sprouted earlier than those of cv Robusta, and bulbs harvested when foliar fall-over was negligible sprouted before those from later harvests. There were no site effects on plant maturity, on bulb growth regulator content (cv Robusta one year only), on sugar content at harvest or during storage, on bulb respiration rates at the end of drying or in the spring, or on bulb weight loss during storage.  相似文献   

Changes in endogenous abscisic acid and soluble sugars levels during dormancy-release of lily bulbs of Lilium rubellum were investigated. Shoot emergence and flowering of the bulbs stored for 14 weeks at 4 °C occurred more synchronously, and the time span from first to last flower in the plants was shorter than those of bulbs stored for 10 weeks at 4 °C. Longer duration of bulb storage showed accelerating effects of increasing leaf number and stem length but negatively affected flower size. Flower number per plant was not much influenced by bulb storage duration. Concentration of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) level in the bulbs during bulb storage decreased as storage duration increased, and it remained at a constant level after being stored for 10 weeks. This result suggests that the decrease in the endogenous ABA level during bulb storage is correlated with dormancy-release. Concentrations of soluble sugars also changed during bulb cold storage. Sucrose concentration increased as the chilling term increased to 10 weeks but decreased afterward. Glucose and fructose increased from the beginning of chilling to the end of a 14-week cold storage.  相似文献   


Changes in fruit weight, total soluble solids (TSS), sugar content and postharvest ethylene production during fruit development were compared on fruit of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill., cv. Big Sister) pollinated at different times (early, at the beginning of April, 1995 and late, at the end of May, 1994). Fruit weight increased by growth, independently of pollination times. Changes in TSS and sugar content were strongly affected by pollination time. In late pollinated fruits, both TSS and sugar content increased during the growth period, 110–160 d after pollination, while neither increased with fruit growth in early pollinated fruit. Moreover, changes in TSS and sugar content after ripening depended not only on pollination time but also on the growth period. With late pollination, fruit harvested after 140 d became edible after ripening. The TSS and total sugar contents, (the sum of fructose, glucose and sucrose contents) increased to about 20° Brix and above 16%, respectively. But early pollinated fruits were not edible after ripening, since total sugar content increased only to about 7%, even though they kept growing for 160 d on the tree. The maximum rate of ethylene production declined and the number of days to the ethylene peak from harvest is also reduced with growth in both cases. These changes were closely correlated with days after pollination (r>0.9) regardless of pollination time. Comparisons of accumulated temperature suggest that temperature at pollination time and during the resting period of growth affected fruit development. These results indicate that neither fruit weight nor number of days after pollination is a suitable index for harvesting time.  相似文献   

以脱毒嘉定白蒜为试材,研究水肥供给对组培苗和组培鳞茎的生长及原原种质量的影响以及继代次数和组培鳞茎播期对原原种质量的影响,然后进行脱毒原种和常规蒜种的生产比较试验。通过水肥供给试验筛选出最佳处理组合(组织类型为组培鳞茎、32 孔穴盘、灌溉时间为30 min、补肥间隔为14 d);15 代组培鳞茎相比8 代组培鳞茎更适合用于嘉定白蒜原原种繁育;相对晚播有利于提高原原种鳞茎中正常分瓣比例,但是显著影响鳞茎生物量的积累;在生产比较试验中,脱毒大蒜原种各项生长指标以及鳞茎质量均显著优于常规蒜种。试验结果为实现嘉定白蒜脱毒种苗的产业化提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

不同贮藏温度下兰州百合种球淀粉代谢与萌发关系初探   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:36  
 不同的贮藏温度和贮藏时间,兰州百合鳞茎碳水化合物含量均有显著差异。顶芽6℃处理的淀粉含量最高,10℃处理最低;鳞茎盘的淀粉含量与之相反;鳞片的淀粉含量随着贮藏温度的降低而下降。鳞茎各部位可溶性糖的含量以及顶芽和鳞片的淀粉酶活性随着贮藏温度的升高而降低,鳞茎盘的淀粉酶活性为6℃处理最高,2℃处理最低。淀粉含量和淀粉酶活性呈极显著负相关。贮藏初期的34 d,顶芽在鳞茎内迅速发育,鳞茎内物质变化最活跃:淀粉含量明显下降,淀粉酶活性迅速增大,可溶性糖含量显著升高。顶芽和鳞茎盘的变化幅度大于鳞片,外部鳞片的变化幅度大于中部和内部鳞片。贮藏温度与贮藏时间之间的显著互作影响碳水化合物的代谢及鳞茎的萌发。在本试验中,2℃贮藏101 d为解除休眠的最佳处理。  相似文献   

以自繁的新铁炮百合‘雷山'鳞茎为材料,研究不同摘顶处理对采收鳞茎生理生化指标的影响.结果表明:以现蕾期摘顶处理对鳞茎的影响最大,不仅使鳞茎周径增大,鲜重增加明显,而且鳞茎的干物质含量、淀粉含量、蛋白质含量以及还原糖含量都极显著增加,蛋白质含量的增加有助于提高其抗热性;过氧化物酶活性则极显著降低,在贮藏过程中其代谢活性低,比较有利于鳞茎贮藏.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2004,102(4):433-440
Carbohydrate partitioning was investigated in different plant organs of Lachenalia cv. Ronina during bulb production under a low temperature regime. At 4-week intervals, data were collected on bulb, roots, leaves, inflorescence and carbohydrate composition. The roots and especially the bulb were found to be the main starch sinks of the plant, whilst the leaves and the inflorescence were the main source for soluble sugars. Changes in the starch concentration closely followed dry weight changes in the bulb during the growing season. When bulbs were initially exposed to a low temperature, starch was converted to soluble sugars, but thereafter sugars were low, indicating continued export and conversion to starch. Low sugar levels in the leaves and high levels in the inflorescence, with continuous starch increase in the bulb and roots, probably indicate that the inflorescence, but especially the leaves, produced ample photosynthates during the growing season.  相似文献   

长白山百合的离体快繁技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确长白山百合离体组织培养及植株的再生能力,对长白山百合不同部位的组织进行了离体培养,并进行了不同培养激素的对比试验.结果表明:长白山百合外中部鳞片小鳞茎形成率明显高于内部,再生小鳞茎的出现部位主要位于鳞片基部;在附加不同激素水平及其配比的MS培养基上培养,长白山百合以MS(植物组织培养基本培养基)+0.5mg/L BA(细胞分裂素)+0.1 mg/L NAA(萘乙酸)+3%蔗糖和MS+0.5 mg/L BA+0.5 mg/L NAA+3%蔗糖等2个培养基生长最好.  相似文献   

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