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于2018年选取克里雅河下游为研究靶区布置监测断面,设置2条监测带,纵向沿河方向1条样带(共11个监测断面),横向选取3个典型断面,距河道不同距离布点(共8个监测点),获取乔灌草植被长势及每个断面地下水埋深数据。通过对研究区植物生长状况、群落分布情况的分析,讨论了植被长势与地下水埋深的关系,得出:①沿河道方向,地下水位影响植物群落的分布,监测断面1~6地下水埋深较浅,主要为芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落;断面7~11地下水埋深不断下降,则以胡杨(Populus euphratica)群落为主。②在垂直于河道500 m范围内,越往荒漠方向植被盖度越小,地下水埋深越深,各长势指标分别在距离河道150 m、200 m、300 m、400 m、500 m处差异显著(P 0. 01);③不同植物的生长对于地下水埋深的要求不同,骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)、甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)等浅根植物更容易在浅水位下生长,胡杨、柽柳等深根植物在深水位更占优势。在地下水位较深断面(7~11)与较浅断面(1~6)植物平均高度分别为100. 50 cm和149. 38 cm,后者较前者高出48. 64%。  相似文献   

以塔里木河下游输水河畔的植被覆盖度和地下水埋深为研究对象,建立遥感反演模型获取研究区植被覆盖度的空间分布,建立地下水数值模型模拟与覆盖度同时段的埋深空间分布,采用空间分析方法对覆盖度和埋深的空间分布数据进行分析,获取不同埋深区间所对应的植被覆盖度,并得出以下结论:研究区植被覆盖度在地下水0~20m的埋深区间上呈阶梯状分...  相似文献   

不同地下水埋深夏玉米产量及产量构成关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据天长市二峰灌溉试验站2009年夏玉米地下水位埋深试验资料,通过6种地下水位控制处理和对照夏玉米试验,探讨了不同地下水埋深对夏玉米产量及产量构成关系的影响。结果表明:夏玉米的地下水补水量、夏玉米生长期的土壤含水量、夏玉米叶面积指数均随着水位埋深加大而降低;夏玉米植株高度在抽雄前期受地下水埋深影响较大,到开花期则基本无影响;同时试验表明地下水位埋深对产量的影响较大,在拔节前期地下水位埋深大于60 cm或在拔节后期地下水位埋深小于40 cm将影响玉米总穗粒数和百粒重,导致严重减产。  相似文献   

荒漠河岸生态系统退化与物种多样性恢复研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过塔里木河下游生态输水后植物群落及其环境因子的调查,采用聚类分析与多样性指数,分析生态系统退化程度与时空维上物种的恢复速率差异。结果表明:塔里木河下游生态退化可以归为3类,轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化。3种退化类型的地下水埋深依次增大,物种多样性与植被盖度依次减小,沙漠化指数也依次增强。物种多样性差异与环境水分条件有着密切的关系,在地下水埋深小于5 m时,物种恢复速率的发生率达100%,而在地下水埋深大于5 m时,多样性恢复速率达46%。根据退化程度的不同与物种多样性的恢复差异,提出该区域的生态恢复应分阶段进行。  相似文献   

为了解生态输水后地下水埋深和植被的变化,采用统计方法和遥感影像数据分析输水后孔雀河地下水埋深时空变化特征、地下水埋深和累积输水量的关系以及输水后NDVI和植被覆盖度的变化。结果表明:从时间变化来看,生态输水后孔雀河地下水埋深呈现稳步抬升趋势,年内地下水埋深变化主要受人类农业生产活动影响;从空间变化来看,垂直于河道方向上各断面地下水埋深的抬升幅度随距离的增加而减小,沿河道方向上,中游断面埋深抬升变化量最大;地下水埋深与累积生态输水量呈负相关,中游断面相关性最显著;2016—2019年上游和中游断面所在的研究河段NDVI分别增长了64.28%和100%,下游河段NDVI值稳定在0.05,距河道2 km范围内植被覆盖度呈增长趋势。生态输水对孔雀河流域地下水埋深和植被已产生积极作用,建议在未来的生态输水过程中保持合理输水量的同时,加强地下水监管力度,保护生态安全。  相似文献   

以新疆奇台县地下水监测点的多年水位和相关资料为基础,探讨了地下水水位动态变化的驱动力及其预测模型。结果表明:地下水埋深的年际动态变化与地下水开采量、粮食产量、小麦价格等驱动力均有极其显著的相关关系。相关系数分别为0.9511、0.7519、0.8576。地下水年内埋深变化与农业季节性开采地下水同步,相关性显著。3月地下水位最高,7月份最低。若考虑地下水埋深变化与机井抽水之间的滞后性,其相关系数可达0.8496。人文驱动力对地下水位变化的影响远大于自然驱动力。建立的地下水埋深变化多元回归模型,模拟值精度较高,不仅能较好的反映地下水位的动态变化,也较好地显示了各自然、人文因子与地下水埋深之间的相关关系。  相似文献   

基于遥感方法的银川盆地植被发育与地下水关系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
干旱区的水文地质及生态地质环境研究一直是水文地质学的研究热点。从流域尺度上研究地下水变化的生态效应问题已经引起了广泛的关注。银川盆地地处干旱地区,自然生态环境十分脆弱,植被的发育与地下水有着极为密切的关系。由于遥感技术在大尺度问题的研究方面具有极大的优越性,因此,本文将遥感技术与地下水数据相结合,引入条件植被覆盖率的概念,对银川盆地适宜于植被生长的地下水位埋深进行了研究,并对适宜水位埋深范围内,水质矿化度的影响进行了探讨。结果表明:银川盆地适宜于植被生长的地下水位埋深范围为2-4m,在此埋深范围内,矿化度小于2.5g/L时,地下水水质利于植被发育。  相似文献   

太行山前平原地下水环境演化规律研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本文依据河北省栾城县最新的浅层地下水水位埋深与水化学等资料 ,在综合分析研究区水文地质条件的基础上 ,系统分析了研究区内地下水水化学特征和地下水埋深分布情况。结果表明 :由于长期利用石家庄市的城市污水进行灌溉 ,区内地下水水化学场已发生明显的改变 ;长期的超采地下水 ,使得本区的地下水位埋深逐年增大。地下水的水化学特征和埋深特征表明 ,在解决本区的水资源短缺问题时 ,除考虑利用各种节水措施改变目前存在的传统灌溉制度外 ,还必须考虑区内污水灌溉对地下含水层污染的可能性 ,防止污染地下水。  相似文献   

以拓展和深化区域地下水埋深预测研究为目的,运用随机理论,建立了基于加权马尔科夫链的地下水埋深预测模型,预测内蒙古河套灌区上中下游在未来时段内地下水埋深所处区间值。结果表明:节水改造后灌区中游区的地下水埋深更多的时候处于[2.380,2.742)区间,下游区的地下水埋深更多的时候处于[2.218,2.506)区间,这两个区间的数值都低于内蒙古河套灌区的临界地下水埋深2.0 m,在未来的一段时间河套灌区中下游的盐渍化有望进一步减轻。而上游区的地下水埋深更多的时候处于[1.227,1.727)区间,此区间的数值高于内蒙古河套灌区的临界地下水埋深2.0 m,在未来的时间河套灌区上游是控制地下水埋深的重点区域。  相似文献   

奇台县绿洲农田土壤盐渍化影响因素及逆向演替特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在奇台县绿洲中部平原区和绿洲沙漠交错带选择不同耕种时间的农田,分析其剖面土壤可溶性总盐、pH值含量随耕种时间的变化。探讨在地下水埋深不断下降的过程中,不同发展阶段农田土壤盐渍化的时空变化规律。研究表明:奇台县绿洲地下水埋深已低于影响地表盐渍化的地下水埋深临界值(5m),地下水矿化度低于3g/L,研究区整体处于有利于土壤盐渍化逆向演替的环境。土壤含盐量与地下水埋深关系最为密切,地下水埋深在3-5m时,土壤脱盐速度最快,大于5m时,含盐量减少的速率明显降低。土壤盐渍化逆向演替具有时空特征。时间特征表现在,无论农田在绿洲的什么位置,耕种时间越长,土壤含盐量越低,盐渍化逆向发展的越好。当农田耕种时间和地下水埋深低于临界值的时间超过20年时,盐渍土基本可以自然恢复为非盐渍土。空间特征表现在,由绿洲下部向上部,土壤盐渍化逆向演替阶段逐渐向高级过渡。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the hypothesis that the distribution of dominant plant species and characteristics of plant communities are related to groundwater depth. The results showed that variations of groundwater depth impacted distributions and characteristics of dominant plant communities. However, besides groundwater depth, the community composition and species diversity were also influenced by physiognomy of the habitat. Based on the similarity coefficient, the differences between dominant plant communities were significant at different groundwater depths. Compared with other results relating to desert vegetation and groundwater depth, variations of community distribution were similar at the large spatial scale. However, in this extremely arid region, there were significant differences in community type and community succession when compared with other arid regions, especially in relationship to deep groundwater depth. With groundwater depth from deep to shallow, communities transformed with the sequence of Alhagi communities, Tamarix spp. communities, Populus communities, Phragmites communities, and Sophora communities. At groundwater depth of less than 6.0 m, the community type and composition changed, and the species diversity increased. Among these dominant species, Tamarix exhibited the biggest efficiency in resource utilization according to niche breadth, which means it possessed the best adaptability to environmental conditions at the oasis margins.  相似文献   

SUN Lingxiao 《干旱区科学》2021,13(11):1142-1154
Net primary productivity (NPP) of the vegetation in an oasis can reflect the productivity capacity of a plant community under natural environmental conditions. Owing to the extreme arid climate conditions and scarce precipitation in the arid oasis regions, groundwater plays a key role in restricting the development of the vegetation. The Qira Oasis is located on the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert (Tarim Basin, China) that is one of the most vulnerable regions regarding vegetation growth and water scarcity in the world. Based on remote sensing images of the Qira Oasis and daily meteorological data measured by the ground stations during the period 2006-2019, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial patterns of NPP in the oasis as well as its relation with the variation of groundwater depth using a modified Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach (CASA) model. At the spatial scale, NPP of the vegetation decreased from the interior of the Qira Oasis to the margin; at the temporal scale, NPP of the vegetation in the oasis fluctuated significantly (ranging from 29.80 to 50.07 g C/(m2•month)) but generally showed an increasing trend, with the average increase rate of 0.07 g C/(m2•month). The regions with decreasing NPP occupied 64% of the total area of the oasis. During the study period, NPP of both farmland and grassland showed an increasing trend, while that of forest showed a decreasing trend. The depth of groundwater was deep in the south of the oasis and shallow in the north, showing a gradual increasing trend from south to north. Groundwater, as one of the key factors in the surface change and evolution of the arid oasis, determines the succession direction of the vegetation in the Qira Oasis. With the increase of groundwater depth, grassland coverage and vegetation NPP decreased. During the period 2008-2015, with the recovery of groundwater level, NPP values of all types of vegetation with different coverages increased. This study will provide a scientific basis for the rational utilization and sustainable management of groundwater resources in the oasis.  相似文献   

策勒绿洲是新疆典型的荒漠绿洲区,地下水是维持该绿洲及过渡带植被生长的关键因素,以绿洲灌区为主体,以2008—2015年地下水时空变化为主线,采用遥感、GS+地统计学、优化K-means聚类和空间信息叠加等方法分析绿洲地下水和地表覆被的变化特征。结果表明:(1)绿洲地下水埋深变幅最大是11号井,为9.66 m;变幅最小是25号井,为0.1 m;地下水埋深存在明显的空间自相关,相关距离为11.852 km;绿洲东北部地下水埋深明显下降,下降区域面积为184.85 km2,占绿洲面积的72%;(2)对绿洲地下水埋深进行优化K-means聚类分区,结果分为4个子区,其中第一、第二聚类中心的地下水埋深均呈现下降趋势;(3)2000—2015年绿洲土地覆盖类型发生较大转变,林地面积显著性减少了26.02 km2,草地面积增加了11.15 km2,农田向东北部明显扩增;(4)绿洲不同地表覆被类型的地下水埋深从深到浅依次为:农田>林地>草地。  相似文献   

石羊河中下游河岸带植被对地下水位变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对石羊河中下游河岸带的地下水位定位观测及植被和土壤水盐含量调查发现:河岸带地下水位与河床横向间距呈正相关;在长流水河段的河岸带,以植被类型、物种丰富度和植被盖度与河床间距的关系,判断河流影响地下水位距河床的范围约为130 m,但对于河岸带植被作用距河床横向间距可达500 m。在断流河段,距古河床0~200 m区间内分布河岸植物种。虽然石羊河下游断流,但河流地貌影响地下水位,有利于植物生长。调查区域内有5个植被型,12个群系和29个群丛,河岸带发育隐域植被类型。当地下水位≤2 m时,沼泽草甸发育;当地下水位3~6 m时,以芦苇、赖草和骆驼蓬为建群种的盐化草甸发育;地下水位≤14 m时,则柽柳灌丛繁茂。石羊河的径流量丰欠影响河岸带地下水位变化,河岸带植被组成、结构和分布响应地下水位埋深。
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Peng ZHAO 《干旱区科学》2019,11(3):461-476
Environmental heterogeneity significantly affects the structure of ecological communities. Exploring vegetation distribution and its relationship with environmental factors is essential to understanding the abiotic mechanism(s) driving vegetation succession, especially in the ecologically fragile areas. In this study, based on the quantitative analysis of plant community and environmental factors in 68 plots at 10 different transects in the Minqin oasis-desert ecotone(ODE) of northwestern China, we investigated desert vegetation distribution and species-environment relationships using multivariate analysis. Two-way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN), detrended correspondence analysis(DCA), and canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) methods were used. A total of 28 species, belonging to 27 genera in 8 families, were identified. Chenopodiaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Gramineae, and Leguminosae were the largest families. Annual and perennial herbs accounted for 28.60% of the total number of plants, while shrubs(42.90%) were the most dominant. Nitraria tangutorum was the constructive species of the desert plant community. We divided the 68 plots surveyed in this study into 7 community types, according to the results of TWINSPAN. The distribution of these 7 communities in the DCA ordination graph showed that species with a similar ecotype were clustered together. Results of CCA indicated that groundwater was the dominant factor influencing vegetation distribution, while distance between plot and oasis(Dis) and soil electrical conductivity(EC) were the local second-order factors. Our study suggests that optimizing the utilization of groundwater in oases is key to controlling the degradation of desert vegetation. The favorable topographic conditions of sand dunes should be fully utilized for vegetal dune stabilization, and the influence of soil salinity on the selection of afforestation tree species should be considered.  相似文献   

This paper,based on the analysis and calculation of the groundwater resources in an arid region from 1980 to 2001,put forward the concept of ecological groundwater level threshold for either salinity c...  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation in the lower reaches of Heihe River serves important ecological functions. However, the riparian ecosystems have been constantly deteriorating in the past 30 years simply due to water interception for oasis agricultural irrigation in the middle reaches of the river. This study pays a particular attention to Populus euphratica Oliv. forest because it is a dominant component of the riparian ecosystem in the lower reaches of Heihe River where the depth of groundwater table is the controlling factor in sustaining riparian ecosystems. To reveal leaf-related physiological responses of Populus euphratica Oliv. forest to groundwater table variations, we analyzed the relationships between the depth of groundwater table (DG) and three leaf-related parameters, i.e. leaf stomatal density (SD), specific leaf area (SLA), and stable carbon isotopic composition (δ 13 C). Our results show that the relationship between DG and leaf SD is a bi-mode one shaped by both salt stress and water stress. That is, salt stress appeared in shallow groundwater conditions and water stress happened in deep groundwater conditions, and the thin layer around 2.7 m of DG is a stress-free layer. Leaf SD fluctuated according to the DG variation, first decreased with increasing DG, then increased at depths ranging 2.7-3.7 m, and after a relatively stable plateau of SD at depths ranging 3.7-5.2 m, decreased again with increasing DG. Our results also show that SLA decreased exponentially with increasing DG and foliar δ 13 C values are also strongly dependent on DG, further demonstrating that these two parameters are sensitive indicators of water stress. The exponential curve suggests that SLA is more sensitive to DG when groundwater table is shallow and 3 m seems to be a threshold beyond which SLA becomes less sensitive to DG. Foliar δ 13 C becomes more sensitive when the groundwater table is deep and 7 m seems to be a threshold below which the δ 13 C signature becomes more sensitive to DG. These findings should be helpful in monitoring the growth and development of Populus euphratica Oliv. forests and also in providing protection measures (i.e. DG related) for Heihe River riparian forests.  相似文献   

民勤沙区主要植物群落退化特征及其演替趋势分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
优势种植物密度和优势种盖度以及全部植物密度和盖度在样方间均存在不同程度的差异,表明民勤的植物生长在受干旱荒漠环境影响的同时,局部小环境对植物的分布和生长有显著影响。沙蒿当年幼苗密度最大,但幼苗的成活率很低,群落的投影盖度越小,则当年幼苗密度越大;梭梭不能实现自然更新;沙拐枣的生态位宽度较大,各年龄小苗均存在,自然更新能力强。在民勤沙区人工梭梭林普遍退化,尤其在西沙窝一带,梭梭人工林退化更为严重,有被沙拐枣取代的趋势。由于梭梭群落均为人工林,群落内地表异质性较大,因此,草本植物种类较多。  相似文献   

以新疆准噶尔盆地南缘的绿洲-荒漠过渡带为研究区,研究该区早春自然植被的物种组成与分布,并探讨其防风效应。① 过渡带的自然植被以灌木为主,梭梭是优势种。不同样地物种的丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数差异都较大。② 对自然植被的平均高度、覆盖度、地势起伏度与0.5 m和1.5 m高度的平均风速进行线性相关分析,发现只有地势起伏度与0.5 m和1.5 m高度的平均风速呈极显著正相关关系,且平均风速随植被平均高度和覆盖度的增大有减小的趋势。③ 以Wasson 和 Nanninga 的第一种建模思路为基本模型,构建了自然植被覆盖度与相对风速的数学模型,发现两者存在负指数函数关系,并预测不同风速下,在0.5 m高度,当有效植被覆盖度达到23.16%时,自然植被的防风效能为60%;而在1.5 m高度,当有效植被覆盖度达到36.33%时,自然植被的防风效能为50%。
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