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20 0 1年 8月 1 6日至 2 3日由省园艺学会廖振凤理事长带队一行 6人 ,对山西省农科院果树研究所 (国家枣树种质资源圃 ) ,临猗县矮化枣研究中心 ,临猗县珍稀苗木研究梨枣保鲜所 ,山西运城地区林业局矮化优良红枣繁育基地进行了考察 ,考察收获很多 ,启示很深。1 山西省枣树生产现状山西是全国枣重点产区之一 ,分布面广 ,全省 1 1 1个县市区 ,有 90多个县市区均有枣树栽培 ,品种资源丰富 ,原产山西的枣品种达1 2 1个。种植历史悠久 ,1 997年全省枣树已发展到 2 0万hm2 ( 30 0万亩 ) ,其中结果树 9.3万hm2 ( 1 40余万亩 ) ,鲜枣产量 1 .7…  相似文献   

32种果树microRNA的生物信息学预测与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过生物信息学预测miRNA的方法,采用基于生物信息学的基因搜索和同源搜索的方法成功地从NCBI数据库中登录的32种果树的EST中寻找miRNAs。从32种果树的774 400条ESTs中找到了110条miRNA前体序列,编码116条成熟体序列。利用miRbase数据库进一步分析,结果表明116个miRNAs属于45个miRNA家族,其中有7个保守的miRNA家族中的miRNA个数在5以上,20 个 miRNA家族的miRNA个数在 2 ~ 4,有18个miRNA家族的miRNA数量为1个。在柑橘、苹果、香蕉、猕猴桃和桃等果树中分别发现28、16、13、11和10个miRNAs。果树中miRNA的序列比较发现,相同家族的miRNA的序列存在一定水平的差异,其中碱基的变化包括相似频率的颠换与转换。  相似文献   

<正>1与整形修剪有关的枝芽特征概括地说,枣树共有3种枝和2种芽。枝即枣头(发育枝)、枣股(结果母枝)和枣吊(结果枝)(图1)。芽分为主芽和副芽。枣头是唯一能伸长扩大的重要营养枝,树体长高、树冠扩大以及形成结果枝系全靠枣头枝的生长发育。枣树枣头枝不像苹果等果树那样长出来是一个  相似文献   

枣树水分供需利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
枣树是我国特色优势果树和第一大干果树种,长期以来为提高枣果的产量和品质,很多学者进行了广泛的研究.水作为决定枣果收成的重要因素之一,有关枣树供水、需水及水分利用方面的研究一直以来受到重视,特别是在水资源短缺的干旱、丰子旱枣区更是作为研究的重点内容.现就近年来有关枣树水分供需利用方面的研究进展作以综述,并提出了今后应进一步加强研究的方向,以期为我国枣果生产中用水管理及枣树栽培提供参考.  相似文献   

枣是我国古老的栽培果树之一。具有结果早、寿命长、营养丰富、用途广、栽培容易、适应性强等特点,是深受广大群众喜爱的一种果树。山西地处黄河中游,是枣的发祥地之一。由于自然生态条件适宜枣树的生育,所以分布很广,资源丰富,良种较多。通过历年调查,共收集枣的品种120多个,其中优良品种有板枣、相枣、骏枣、梨枣等20余个。为了开发枣的资源,研究枣的利用,发挥枣的潜力,促进枣的发展,现将适宜制干  相似文献   

研究表明,巨峰葡萄成熟种子种壳含有很高的ABA或类似物.用40%石灰氮浸出液处理18h打破休眠的效果最好.葡萄童期阶段细胞分裂素含量低,并且随节位升高变化迟缓,当临近阶段转变时,含量急剧上升.GA_3含量童期阶段高于转变期.GA_(4+7)在阶段转变部位含量急剧下降,CTK/GA_3急剧上升.生长素含量在童期阶段随着节位升高急剧增加,临近阶段转变时含量又急剧降低.脱落酸的含量则随着节位升高有缓慢上升的趋势.  相似文献   

新疆小海子垦区枣树主要害虫危害特征及发生规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以“骏枣”为试材,采用定点定期田间调查的方法,研究了新疆小海子垦区枣树主要害虫的危害特征及其田间发生规律.结果表明:小海子垦区枣树主要害虫有枣瘿蚊、截形叶螨、枣球蜡蚧和香梨优斑螟等.枣瘿蚊1 a发生4代,主要以幼虫为害枣树的叶片、花蕾和幼果;截形叶螨危害枣树的叶片和花芽,7月上旬至8月中旬大量繁殖,猖獗为害;枣球蜡蚧1a发生1代,危害枣树枝、梢、叶及果实;香梨优斑螟1a发生3代,主要以幼虫蛀食果树主干、主枝的韧皮部.  相似文献   

苹果树枣步曲的研究简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 过去文献记载,枣步曲(Sucra jujubaChu)仅为害枣树、酸枣树,近十余年苹果、槟果、沙果等果树也发现枣步曲为害.特别是枣与苹果混栽地区的苹果树受害日趋严重.为此,我们于1976-1979年在太谷、交城和太原等地对该虫进行了调查和研究.现将结果简介如下:一、枣步曲在苹果园中的发生情况枣步曲在苹果园中一年发生一代,以老  相似文献   

2004年宁夏灵武枣树冻害调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宁夏回族自治区灵武市靠近毛乌素沙漠西缘,著名枣树地方良种灵武长枣在当地已有800余年的栽培历史.近年来,灵武长枣在当地栽植面积发展较快,矮化密植栽培面积已达3 670 hm2.除灵武长枣外,又相继从其它省区引进了不少枣品种.2004年秋冬,灵武市枣、苹果、葡萄、桃、李、核桃等果树幼树均遭受严重冻害.为分析研究我国西部半干旱地区枣树的冻害规律,2005年5月,我们对灵武园艺试验场枣树冻害情况进行了调查,现将结果简介如下.  相似文献   

周润生 《落叶果树》2021,53(1):71-73
在果树栽培中,了解树的生长结果特性,对有针对性地采取管理技术措施有指导意义。笔者根据以往的研究和有关资料,介绍枣树的生长结果特性和栽培技术要点,供栽培者参考。1枣树的生长特性春季当平均气温达到11~12℃时,枣树树液流动,气温达13℃时芽即萌发,气温升至19℃时枣头(发育枝)和枣吊(结果枝)旺盛生长。就一株树来讲,最先发出的是枣股(结果母枝)上的枣吊。  相似文献   

梨花芽休眠相关miRNA的鉴定和差异表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究梨花芽休眠进程中miRNA的表达模式和靶基因,利用Solexa测序技术、生物信息学分析和实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)技术,对内休眠、内休眠解除和生态休眠解除3个时期梨花芽的miRNA进行高通量测序、筛选和鉴定。结果表明,内休眠、内休眠解除和生态休眠解除时期3个样本文库中分别有12 276 226、10 135 952、11 453 981条Unique序列。miRNA主要分布在21 ~ 24 nt之间,其中长度为24 nt的数量最多。共检测到151个已知的miRNA,属于39个不同的家族,并利用生物信息学软件预测到了209个新的miRNAs。比较分析从内休眠进入到生态休眠解除的整个休眠转换时期差异表达的miRNA,筛选出8个miRNA(ahy-miR156b-5p、cpa-miR319、aly-miR172c-3p、aau-miR396、mdm-miR858、aly-miR171b-3p、bdi-miR160f和hbr-miR166a),其靶基因主要参与转录调控、信号传导等过程。利用qPCR验证了8个miRNA及其8个靶基因的表达。  相似文献   

AIM:To explore the effect of pinobanksin-3-acetate (PB3A) on microRNA (miRNA) expression profile of human colon cancer cells for providing new methods of treatment of colon cancer and development of targeted drug.METHODS:The method of miRNA expression profiling was used to observe the miRNA differential expression in human colon cancer SW480 cells after treated with PB3A.The expression of miRNA-198 and miRNA-296-5p in the SW480 cells was detected by RT-qPCR.The network databases of miRWalk,MicroT,miRanda and so on were used to predict the target genes regulated by these miRNAs,and pathway significant enrichment analysis was performed.RESULTS:miRNA microarray analysis showed that after treated with propolis flavonoid PB3A for 24 h,267 miRNAs with differential expression twice or more in the SW480 cells were observed.Among them,there were 30 miRNAs with 10-fold or more differential expression,in which 28 were up-regulated and 2 were down-regulated.The results of RT-qPCR showed that the expression levels of miRNA-198 and miRNA-296-5p were consistent with the results of miRNA microarray analysis,and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Bioinformatic analysis revealed that miRNA-198 has 859 target genes,and miRNA-296-5p has 906 target genes.The target genes of miRNA-198 were clustered in pathways in cancer,axon guidance,Wnt signaling pathway,regulation of actin cytoskeleton,insulin signaling pathway and MAPK signaling pathway,while the target genes of miRNA-296-5p were clustered in axon guidance,Wnt signaling pathway,MAPK signaling pathway,endocytosis,melanogenesis,insulin signaling pathway and calcium signaling pathway.CONCLUSION:Propolis flavonoid PB3A affects the expression of miRNA in colon cancer SW480 cells.The abnormal expression of miRNA-198 and miRNA-296-5p may be involved in the inhibitory effect of PB3A on colon cancer.  相似文献   

番茄茉莉酸缺失突变体灰霉菌侵染响应miRNA及其表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示miRNA对番茄灰霉菌胁迫的响应机制,以番茄茉莉酸(JA)缺失突变体def1、spr2及其野生型(CM)为试验材料,构建了3个材料接种灰霉菌前后(0 h、48 h)2个时期的miRNA文库,并采用Illumina平台测序,对测序数据进行生物信息分析,结合实时荧光定量检测目的miRNA及其预测的靶基因表达情况。结果表明灰霉菌侵染番茄后,JA缺失突变体def1和spr2的病情指数显著高于CM,H2O2含量低于CM。高通量测序鉴定了130个已知miRNA和811个新miRNA。进一步筛选出8个保守miRNA(Sly-miR156e-3p、Sly-miR166c-5p、Sly-miR171f、Sly-miR172b、Sly-miR319a、Sly-miR390b-5p、Sly-miR399b、Sly-miR482d-5p),其在6个样本中表达模式各异。预测差异miRNA靶基因122个,结合qRT-PCR技术分析了8个miRNA和8个靶基因的表达情况,与高通量测序结果基本一致。推测Sly-miR156e-3p、Sly-miR390b-5p、Sly-miR399b、Sly-miR482d-5p通过依赖JA信号途径参与番茄对灰霉病的抗性。  相似文献   

AIM:To discover the expression profile of microRNAs (miRNAs) in mouse fibrotic liver tissues induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), and to investigate the functions of these differential miRNAs based on the gene ontology (GO) analysis and KEGG Pathway analysis. METHODS:The mice were randomly divided into normal group and model group. Liver fibrosis was induced by subcutaneous injection of CCl4. miRNA expression profile of the liver tissues was assayed by a mouse miRNA microarray (Agilent 12.0). The differential expression of miRNAs between the normal and model mice was screened, and GO analysis and KEGG Pathway analysis were performed to determine the functions of these differential miRNAs. RESULTS:Thirty-nine miRNAs with differential expression were discovered in the model mice compared with the normal mice, among which 23 were up-regulated and 16 were down-regulated. GO analysis and KEGG Pathway analysis indicated that most pathological processes of liver fibrosis regulated by miRNAs included cell proliferation and activation, cell apoptosis, cell cycle, cell adhesion, inflammatory reaction, cell migration, transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling pathway, Wnt signaling pathway and proteometabolism process. GO analysis revealed that the key up-regulated miRNAs were mmu-miR-322, mmu-miR-15b, mmu-miR-195, mmu-miR-200b and mmu-miR-214, and the key down-regulated miRNAs were mmu-miR-16, mmu-miR-130a, mmu-miR-101b, mmu-miR-30a and mmu-miR-30e. Analyzing the target genes screened out by GO analysis and Pathway analysis simultaneously, we found that the key up-regulated miRNAs included mmu-miR-200b, mmu-miR-322, mmu-miR-106b, mmu-miR-23a and mmu-miR-15b, and the key down-regulated miRNAs included mmu-miR-16, mmu-miR-30e, mmu-miR-30c, mmu-miR-30a and mmu-miR-130a. CONCLUSION: Differential expression of miRNAs is discovered in mouse fibrotic liver tissues induced by CCl4 compared with the normal liver tissues. Most of the pathological processes involved in liver fibrosis may be regulated by miRNA, such as cell proliferation and activation, cell adhesion and apoptosis, cell migration and differentiation, metabolism, TGF-β receptor signaling pathway and so on.  相似文献   

闫明科  徐强  刘春燕  张琼  姚小洪 《园艺学报》2015,42(7):1260-1272
利用新一代高通量测序技术,对猕猴桃雌花和雄花中表达的小RNA进行了测序,分别得到雌花18 408 610条序列和雄花11 191 469条序列。通过生物信息学分析,共鉴定和预测得到39个保守miRNA家族和400个新的miRNA家族,其中有170个miRNA家族在雌、雄花样品间显著差异表达。对差异表达miRNA进行靶基因的预测及注释,结果显示,靶基因产物具有包含核苷三磷酸水解酶的磷酸环结构域的miRNA数量最多。在猕猴桃25号连锁群(Chr25)上共预测得到3个miRNA,其中novel-ach-miR362的靶基因Achn298021可能与猕猴桃花的性别发育有关。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of 20–24 nt, endogenously expressed, non-coding RNAs that play important regulatory roles in plants and animals. To identify miRNAs potentially involved in tissue development and compound anabolism, we studied miRNA expression profiles in endosperm of coconut at different developmental stages. Based on the annotation in miRBase (release 10.1), we measured a total of 179 miRNAs in immature (95 expressed miRNAs) and mature tissues (176 expressed miRNAs) using microarrays, respectively. The comparative analyses on miRNA expression profiles between these two groups of tissues showed that 23 miRNAs were up-regulated and nine miRNAs were down-regulated in matured endosperm. We further confirmed the increased expression of four miRNAs and decreased expression of a miRNA in immature endosperm using real-time PCR. Moreover, we computationally predicted the target genes of 32 miRNAs with differential expression (p < 0.01), and identified the lowest-score targets of six miRNAs. Finally, we discussed the potential functional relevance of several differentially expressed miRNAs.  相似文献   

以‘锦橙’、‘资阳香橙’、‘飞龙枳’实生苗和‘锦橙’/‘资阳香橙’、‘锦橙’/‘飞龙枳’嫁接苗为试材,通过荧光定量PCR检测miRNA及其靶基因在嫁接苗和实生苗叶片和根系中的表达差异,分析嫁接对柑橘microRNAs及其靶基因表达的影响。结果证明嫁接对柑橘miRNA的表达有直接的影响。嫁接的影响更多地是促进接穗中一些与调控植物生长发育、胁迫应答及激素信号转导相关的miRNA的表达,并抑制了其对应靶基因的表达;而在砧木中,嫁接对根系的影响较多表现为抑制与植物生长发育、胁迫应答相关的miRNA的表达,促进其靶基因的表达。受影响的miRNA的种类及其表达的差异水平在不同砧木间有明显差异。  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the differential microRNA expression profiles between laryngeal cancer and adjacent normal laryngeal mucosa. METHODS:Forty two pairs of laryngeal cancer tissue and adjacent normal laryngeal mucosa tissue were collected. Ten pairs of samples were used for determining microRNA expression by the method of miRNA microarray chip. Data analysis was performed to find out the significant differential microRNA expression profile in laryngeal cancer, and the difference was verified by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis on another 32 pairs of samples. Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay and colony-forming assay were used to analyze the proliferation of Hep2 cells induced by miR-125a-5p. RESULTS:Both miRNA microarray and qRT-PCR showed that the expression of let-7f-5p, miR-10a-5p, miR-125a-5p, miR-144-3p, miR-195-5p and miR-203 was down-regulated in laryngeal cancer tissues. miR-125a-5p suppressed the proliferation of Hep2 cells. CONCLUSION:The results of microarray are accordant with those of qRT-PCR. Significant difference of miRNA expression profiles between laryngeal cancer and adjacent normal laryngeal mucosa indicates that miRNAs may play a role in carcinogenesis and progression of laryngeal cancer. miR-125a-5p inhibits the proliferation of Hep2 cell, indicating a novel therapeutic target against laryngeal cancer.  相似文献   

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