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选用360只60日龄大发肉鸡随机分为4个组分舍饲养,每组90只,组内设6个重复。对照组喂基础日粮,试验1组喂基础日粮+2%中药基础方,2组喂基础日粮+1%中药基础方+1%A因子,3组喂基础日粮+2%A因子,测定肉鸡生产性能和粪便中主要臭气化合物含量的各项指标。试验结果表明,试验2组植物型除臭剂极显著提高鸡日增重(P〈0.01),饲料报酬有提高趋势(P〉0.05);粪便中乙酸、丙酸、戊酸和甲酚含量都低于对照组(P〉0.05);丁酸和吲哚极显著低于对照组(P〈0.01);异戊酸和3-甲基吲哚含量显著低于对照组(P〈o.05)。说明在肉鸡的基础日粮中添加1%中药基础方和1%A因子的植物型除臭荆能促进肉鸡消化吸收,提高生产性能和饲料转化率,并能降低鸡粪便中臭气化舍物的含量,能有效减少对空气的污染。  相似文献   

为验证益生菌对猪舍环境中臭气强度、氨气浓度、硫化氢浓度的影响,试验选择4栋保育舍和2个化粪池,随机分为试验组和对照组,每组2栋保育舍和1个化粪池。试验周期为28天。试验组保育猪日粮中中额外添加饲料伴侣,比例为4%。试验组每周喷雾除臭无敌3次,每次间隔2~3天。试验组化粪池试验当天喷洒除臭无敌2次,以后每5天喷洒一次除臭无敌。结果表明:试验组臭气强度均低于对照组。试验组猪舍环境中氨气浓度、硫化氢浓度均低于对照组。试验证明,益生菌能够改善猪舍环境和化粪池中的臭气强度、氨气浓度、硫化氢浓度,为猪只健康生长繁殖提供良好环境,为解决养殖小区周边"臭气扰民"提供了确实可行的有力途径。  相似文献   

近年来,随着畜禽规模化养殖快速发展,畜禽养殖场产生的氨气、硫化氢、挥发性有机物等臭气,严重影响了畜禽正常的生长、生产和养殖场区及周边环境,养殖场臭气污染治理问题亟待解决。目前,畜禽养殖场臭气除臭方法主要有物理法、化学法和微生物法,通过改变恶臭气体的物象和结构、减少产生量,从而达到减排除臭的效果。  相似文献   

为了探讨蚯蚓粪减少臭气产生的机理,研究了蚯蚓粪的除臭作用及对家禽粪便中主要产臭气生物的影响。结果表明:与添加灭菌土或灭菌蚯蚓粪组相比,添加30%没有灭菌的蚯蚓粪能有效的减少鸡粪氨气和硫化氢的含量,并对产生臭味的大肠杆菌和变形杆菌有明显的抑制和杀灭作用。  相似文献   

试验以木醋液为青贮添加剂,设计4个剂量梯度(3、6、9和12mL/kg),以蒸馏水替代木醋液作为对照,探讨其对苜蓿青贮品质的影响。结果表明:(1)木醋液各剂量处理对青贮苜蓿粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、木质素和淀粉含量无显著影响(P0.05),但12mL/kg剂量处理显著降低了粗脂肪含量(P0.05);(2)木醋液各剂量处理显著降低了青贮苜蓿酸性洗涤不溶蛋白和中性洗涤不溶蛋白的含量(P0.05),说明木醋液可在一定程度上提高青贮苜蓿蛋白的利用率;(3)木醋液各剂量处理能显著降低青贮pH值(P0.05),显著提高乳酸含量(P0.05),说明木醋液在一定程度上提高了青贮苜蓿发酵品质;(4)隶属函数综合评价显示,木醋液3mL/kg、6mL/kg和9mL/kg可显著提高青贮苜蓿品质(P0.05),其中以3mL/kg最佳。  相似文献   

生物土壤滤体除臭装置处理猪粪恶臭效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自行研制的生物土壤滤体除臭装置处理猪舍蓄粪池臭气,研究除臭可行性。通过生物滤池填料的筛选、填料层高度和初始含水率等工艺参数的优化以及不同通气量和气体浓度等受控条件的研究,明确最佳除臭条件和除臭效果。结果表明:气体氨气(NH3)浓度≤32.7 g/m3、甲烷(CH4)≤12.5 g/m3时,以腐殖土/蛭石(1∶1)为填料、填料层高度为60 cm、填料初始含水率为50%,控制通气量在1.7 m3/h时装置去除臭气效果最佳。生物土壤滤体除臭装置对一定浓度的蓄粪池臭气具有较好的除臭效果,适用于新农村的中小型家庭猪舍蓄粪池臭气处理。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨木醋液对蛋鸡生产性能及蛋品质的影响。将192只219日龄海兰褐蛋鸡随机分成A、B、C、D 4组,分别饲喂添加0%、0.5%、0.75%、1.0%木醋液的饲料,日饲喂量为124 g。每组设3次重复,每重复16只,试验期80 d。结果表明,添加0.5%、0.75%木醋液处理组产蛋量、产蛋率、蛋白质及钙含量比对照组均有不同程度的提高,且胆固醇含量明显降低。添加1.0%木醋液处理组产蛋量、产蛋率比对照组有所下降。试验结果证实,蛋鸡饲料中添加适量木醋液具有提高蛋鸡生产性能及蛋品质的作用。  相似文献   

[目的]为提高玉米秸秆的饲用效果,[方法]分别用稀释倍数为2倍、4倍、6倍的木醋液处理玉米秸秆,[结果]秸秆的颜色,气味以及常规养分均发生变化。4倍稀释液处理后玉米秸秆粗蛋白达到6.7%,效果显著。用浓度为0.5%,1.0%,1.5%的木醋液处理玉米秸秆,对肉牛进行饲喂试验,处理后饲料适口性有很大改善;体重比对照组提高8kg,饲料转化率提高。[结果]通过木醋液的处理,可以使玉米秸秆的营养价值得到提高,适口性得到改善,可以为牛羊等反刍动物提供优质的粗饲料。  相似文献   

针对畜禽粪便(半)开放式堆肥臭气扰民问题,通过设计一种过程除臭装置以减少臭气对周边环境的影响。该除臭设备由翻抛机上的高位喷洒单元和低位喷洒单元组成,其中,每个喷洒单元包括除臭液储存罐、增压泵机、输送管路、输送管路支架、喷头和控制系统。低位除臭单元除臭剂为小分子有机酸,高位除臭单元除臭剂为功能微生物菌剂。翻堆时,自动控制系统开启增压泵机,抽取除臭剂向已翻抛过的堆体表面喷洒。该装置臭气减排情况表明,其能够显著降低翻抛过程中释放的氨气和硫化氢含量(P0.05),脱除效率分别为90%和85%。翻堆后4 h检测结果显示,通过喷洒至堆体表面的有机酸中和作用和微生物转化作用,可在静置期将氨气释放量降低40%以上,并有效降低硫化氢释放量。说明该除臭装置能够有效减少堆肥过程释放至环境中的氨气和硫化氢。  相似文献   

蛋鸡舍臭气浓度影响因素的灰色关联分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在多种除臭药物对比试验的基础上,运用灰色系统理论分析了蛋鸡舍臭气浓度影响因素的关联序列。结果表明,影响蛋鸡舍臭气浓度的主要因素是排粪量、气流速度、排磷量、舍温、日龄等;几种药物对蛋鸡生产性能都有显著影响。本文的分析结果为制定蛋鸡舍无臭饲养综合技术方案提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

本文用苹果木醋液对畜禽粪便进行杀菌试验,将木醋液原液及按1:1,1:2稀释液作为杀茵剂,分别作用于鲜粪30min及60min,然后接种于普通平板上培养24h,结果显示木醋液能有效的杀灭细菌,原液作用60min后几乎能杀死粪便中的全部细菌;苹果木醋液对鲜畜禽粪便有很好的杀菌效果,可用于畜禽粪污处理。  相似文献   

试验旨在探讨基础日粮中添加不同比例木醋液对蛋鸡高峰期生产性能、肠道菌群和在粪便上喷洒木醋液对舍内氨气浓度的影响。试验选用体重相近的产蛋高峰期180日龄海兰灰240只,分4个处理组,每组3个重复,每个重复20只。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮中分别添加0.5%、1.0%、1.5%的木醋液。试验期45 d。结果表明,与对照组相比,1.0%木醋液组显著提高平均蛋重、平均采食量和产蛋率(P<0.05)。0.5%、1.0%木醋液组的平均产蛋重显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。1.0%木醋液组、1.5%木醋液组的大肠杆菌数量和沙门氏菌数量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),乳酸杆菌数量显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。与喷洒前相比,木醋液在喷洒后的第7~14 d的7:00和16:00舍内的氨气浓度显著降低(P<0.05),16:00舍内氨气浓度整体上高于7:00的舍内氨气浓度。试验表明,日粮中添加适量的木醋液可以显著提高蛋鸡生产性能和降低舍内氨气浓度,缓解蛋鸡夏季应激反应,维持肠道健康,提高免疫力。  相似文献   

A combination of a microbial laccase and wood vinegar was used to treat the shell surface of boiled eggs. The laccase enhanced the sterilization effect of phenolic compounds contained in the wood vinegar and resulted in prevention of microbial infection of the boiled eggs after storage for 21 days at 40°C and 75% relative humidity. Significant phenoxy radicals, formed by the catalytic reaction of the laccase, could be detected in the shell of the boiled eggs.  相似文献   

[Objective] The paper was to observe the clinical effects of compound Chinese traditional preparation Shenwudi oral liquid on prevention and treatment of piglet diarrhea, and to explore the diarrhea prevention and growth promotion effect of Shenwudi power on weaned piglets as the medical feed additive. [Method] Diarrhea piglets were randomly grouped, and the clinical prevention and treatment effects of Shenwudi oral liquid were observed. Meantime, the effects of Huangzhi oral liquid and levofloxacin mesylate and sodium chloride injection were determined and compared with that of Shenwudi oral liquid. Shenwudi powder was added into the specific feed of weaned piglets at the dose of 5 g/kg, to observe its diarrhea prevention and growth promotion effect on weaned piglets. Compound amoxicillin powder was added in drug control group at the dose of 0.3 g/kg; no drug was added in blank control group. [Result] The cure rate of sucking piglets by Shenwudi oral liquid was 88.57%, and its protection rate was 100%; the cure rate of weaned piglets by Shenwudi oral liquid was 90.00%, and the total effective rate was 95.00%; the protection rate of weaned piglet diarrhea by Shenwudi powder mixing feed was 100%, and the average daily feed intake on the 42~(nd) day was extremely higher than the blank control group(P0.01). [Conclusion] Shenwudi oral liquid can be used for prevention and treatment of sucking piglet diarrhea.Meantime, Shenwudi mixing feed has good prevention effect and significant growth promotion effect on weaned piglet diarrhea.  相似文献   

[目的]试验旨在研究青海省引进夏洛莱牛的育肥效果、屠宰性状和肉质品质,评估夏洛莱牛在青海省推广及杂交利用的可行性,[方法]在青海锦绣农业发展有限公司开展了引进6月龄夏洛莱牛与本地自繁6月龄西门塔尔牛的育肥对比试验,最后对15月龄夏洛莱牛和本地西门塔尔牛进行屠宰性能测定,分析其屠宰性能、胴体和肉质品质的差异。[结果]结果表明,夏洛莱牛在青海西宁育肥后可达到屠宰率57.80%,净肉率46.40%,胴体产肉率80.30%,肉骨比4.23,各项指标均优于本地西门塔尔牛;夏洛莱牛肉中必需氨基酸含量及必需脂肪酸含量分别为7.96%和3.29%,与本地西门塔尔牛无显著差异。[结论]综上所述,夏洛莱牛具有良好的生长性能和屠宰性能,其肉质营养水平与本地西门塔尔牛接近,因此,夏洛莱牛适合在本地育肥并推广。  相似文献   

娟姗牛(Jersey)引种观察初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为了寻求适应广西乃至我国南方的乳用黄牛品种。[方法]我所从新西兰引进一批娟姗牛。通过对娟姗牛适应性观察及其生产性能测定,取得良好效果。[结果]表明:公、母犊牛平均初生重分别为22.75±2.94kg和20.99±2.94kg,6月龄平均体重分别为126.14±19.15kg和126.17±12.22kg,一岁牛平均体重分别为272.67±54.27kg和225.61±27.33kg,四岁母牛平均体重为443.04±62.78kg。母牛第一胎305d平均泌乳量4477.05±635.77kg(4%标准乳)。[结论]娟姗牛适应高温高湿气候环境条件,具有适应性强、耐粗饲、抗热性能良好、抗病力强、泌乳性能高、乳质浓厚、乳脂率高等特点,是一个适应南方饲养的优良乳用黄牛品种,应加快推广应用。  相似文献   

选择45头体况良好60日龄左右杜长大三元杂交健康仔猪,分为3组,每组设3个重复,每组重复5头。各组添加药物成分,检测其血液指标的变化。A组添加0.5%中药制剂,B组添加0.5%木醋液,C组添加0.5%中药+木醋液(1:1)。试验结果表明,淋巴细胞A、B、C3组之间差异极显著(P〈0.01);谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶A、C与B组之间差异极显著(P〈0.01),总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白A组、C组与B组之间差异极显著(P〈0.01),甘油三酯、总胆固醇B组与A组、C组之间差异极显著(P〈0.01),这说明A、C两组在提高动物机体对营养物质消化吸收和代谢率、提高育肥猪免疫力方面优于B组,而B组在降低胆固醇和甘油三酯方面好于A、C两组。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of dietary charcoal powder including wood vinegar compound liquid (CWVC, 4 : 1) on intestinal villus histology, piglets were fed 0, 1, 3 and 5% dietary CWVC diets for 30 days. Feed intake and body weight gain were measured during the experimental period. At the end of the experiments, intestinal villus height, epithelial cell area and cell mitosis were examined using light microscopy (LM), and the duodenal villus tip surface was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Feed efficiency tended to be improved in the CWVC group. The 3% CWVC group showed the highest value, followed by 1% CWVC group of most LM parameters in most intestinal parts, but the 5% CWVC group showed the almost similar value compared with the control. In addition, on the duodenal villus tip surface, the 3% CWVC group showed a clearer cell outline, larger cells and cells protuberated further into the lumen than those of the 1% CWVC group. However, the 5% CWVC group showed faint SEM features than the 1% CWVC group. The present trend of improved feed efficiency after feedings of dietary CWVC demonstrates that the CWVC could be incorporated into piglet diets up to 3% level, and that the CWVC might activate intestinal functions both at villus and cellular levels.  相似文献   

To determine if bedding has any influence on the time horses spend recumbent, 8 horses kept on straw and 8 kept on wood shavings were observed from 10:00 to 5:30 for two successive nights. Observations were conducted using time-lapse video recordings. Lying down and rising behavior, as well as frequency and duration of bouts spent in lateral and sternal recumbency, was registered. The results showed that horses on straw were lying in lateral recumbency three times longer than horses on shavings (P < .001), whereas the time horses spent in sternal recumbency did not differ. The longest period of noninterrupted lateral recumbency was longer for horses on straw than for those on shavings. Because horses must lie down, preferably in lateral recumbency, to achieve paradoxical sleep, the reduced time spent in lateral recumbency in horses on wood shavings may affect their welfare and performance. Independent of the bedding, we further observed that, as the horses got up from recumbency, most of them made attempts to roll over before rising. This behavior appeared to be caused by some difficulty in rising, possibly due to the box size, and might have a connection with the fact that horses sometimes get stuck against the box wall.


Many riding horses spend the majority of their life in an artificial environment. Horse owners keep their horses under certain conditions because of tradition, because they want to make the horse feel comfortable from a human point of view, or to reduce the amount of work involved in horse husbandry. Often the choice of bedding substrate is made from a subjective point of view without assessing both short-term and long-term effects of the bedding. Part of the reason is that only few studies have analyzed horses' preferences for different bedding substrates and their effect on the time horses spend recumbent. In one study comparing straw and wood shavings, no significant preference was found.[1] In another study comparing plastic, wheat straw, and wood shavings, the time horses spent standing, sleeping, or lying down was not affected significantly by the bedding substrates. [2] Mills et al [3] found that horses, given a choice between straw and wood shavings, spent significantly more time on straw. Whereas the substrates had no significant effect on behaviors such as eating, lying, and standing alert, horses spent more time performing bedding-directed behaviors on straw but more time dozing on shavings. Finally, it has been reported that the use of nonstraw bedding may increase the risk of abnormal behaviors such as weaving. [4]As far as bedding properties are concerned, Airaksinen et al[5] concluded that air quality in the stable and utilization of manure can be improved by selecting a good bedding material. According to Reed and Redhead, [6] both straw and shavings are economical and easy to obtain, and they make a bright, comfortable bed. Straw bales are convenient to store, but may be eaten by the horse, are labor intensive, and may be dusty or contain fungal spores. Wood shavings are not eaten by the horse and are good for respiratory problems but need to be kept very clean because they are porous. In addition, they are not as warm as straw because they do not trap air the way straw does.Electroencephalographic (EEG) studies in cats have demonstrated that sleep can be divided into two stages of differing electrocorticographic (EcoG) patterns, ie, slow-wave-sleep (SWS) and paradoxical sleep (PS).[7] During PS, bursts of rapid eye movements (REM) can be seen at irregular intervals. [8] In humans, dreaming occurs during this stage. [9 and 10] Horses are able to sleep while standing, [11] but in this position they only go into SWS. [14, 15 and 16] During PS there is a complete abolition of muscular tone of antigravity muscles and of neck muscles, as shown in cats. [17] In horses, there is a gradual loss of muscular tone until the middle of the recorded SWS period, whence it decreases to a negligible amount during PS. [15] Consequently, muscular tone disappears entirely at the onset of PS. [18] Horses are unable to complete a sleeping cycle without lying down to enter PS. [8, 19 and 20] They normally fall asleep while standing and, when they feel confident about their environment, lie down in sternocostal recumbency. [8] Thereafter, they proceed to lateral recumbency and enter PS. [14 and 19] Dallaire and Ruckebusch [18] demonstrated that the SWS state was infrequent in the standing animal and most often occurred during sternocostal recumbency with the head resting or not on the ground. PS occurred in both sternocostal and lateral recumbency, although the animal frequently had to readjust its position into sternocostal recumbency due to the disappearance of neck muscular tone.The sleep pattern of horses depends on many circumstances, such as age,[21, 22 and 23] diet, [16] and familiarity with the environment. When horses are put outdoors it may take some days before they lie down. If one horse that is familiar with the environment lies down, the others usually follow. [8 and 13] Dallaire and Ruckebusch [16] subjected three horses to a four-day period of perceptual (visual and auditive) deprivation. After this period total sleep time increased due to an augmentation of both SWS and PS. Finally, there is large individual variation between horses in the time they spend recumbent and sleeping. [15]Horses spend 11% to 20% of the total time in recumbency.[11 and 15] Lateral recumbency represents about 20% of total recumbency time, and uninterrupted periods of lateral recumbency vary from 1 to 13 minutes (mean, 4.6 min). [14 and 16] Steinhart [11] found that the mean length of uninterrupted lateral recumbency periods was 23 minutes, the longest period being one hour. Total sleeping time in the stabled horse averages 3 to 5 hours per day or 15% of the total time. [8, 13 and 16] Keiper and Keenan [24] found similar time budgets in feral horses that were recumbent approximately 26% of the night. PS is about 17% to 25% of total sleeping time, and the mean length of a single PS period is 4 to 4.8 minutes. [13 and 18]In stabled horses sleep is mainly nocturnal and occurs during three to seven periods during the night.[8, 13 and 16] Ruckebusch [13] observed that neither sleep nor recumbency occurred during daytime in three ponies observed for a month and, in another experiment conducted on horses, PS occurred only during nighttime. [15] A group of ponies observed for more than a month between 8:45 and 4:45 spent only 1% of the daytime recumbent.[25] The maximum concentration of sleep occurs from 12:00 to 4:00 .[8, 16, 18 and 24]The purpose of this study was to examine two groups of horses in a familiar environment, one group kept on a bedding consisting of straw, and the other kept on wood shavings, and to determine if there was any difference between the two groups in the time they spend recumbent.

Materials and methods

Housing. The study was conducted in one of the biggest riding clubs in Denmark, housing about 150 horses. The 18 horses used in the study stood in three different parts of the stable. They were all stabled in boxes measuring 3 × 3 m and subjected to the same feeding and management routine. They were unable to see their next-door neighbor because of a tall wooden board, but they were able to see the horses stabled on the opposite side of the corridor through bars. Nine horses were stabled on wheat straw (15 cm long, dry matter content 87-88%) and nine on oven-dried wood shavings (80% spruce and 20% pine, dry matter content 82%).Animals. All horses used in the study were privately owned. They had been kept in the boxes in which they were observed a minimum of three weeks. Three of the horses were mares and 15 were geldings. Most of them were Danish Warmblood used for dressage riding. Their ages ranged from 5 to 18 years (mean, 10.6 y) and their height ranged from 1.60 to 1.76 m (mean, 1.68 m). All horses wore a blanket. Age and sex distribution between the two groups is shown in Table 1.  相似文献   

本试验旨在评价酒糟、醋糟等非常规饲料资源的饲用价值,为酒糟醋糟资源应用于肉牛养殖提供数据参考。试验选用山西不同地区酒糟、醋糟试样5个,试样编号分别为白酒糟、啤酒糟、醋糟1、醋糟2、醋糟3,发酵原料分别为白酒糟(高粱)、啤酒糟(大麦+大米)、醋糟1(高粱+大麦)、醋糟2(大麦+玉米)、醋糟3(高粱+玉米)。通过实验室常规方法测定样品常规营养成分以及利用体外产气法和尼龙袋法评价其饲用价值,同时建立体外法与尼龙袋法测定干物质降解率的回归方程。结果表明:5个样品的干物质(DM)含量为23.25% ~ 42.96%,粗蛋白质(CP)含量分别为啤酒糟(31.84%)>白酒糟(14.58%)>醋糟3(14.40%)>醋糟1(12.21%)>醋糟2(8.46%)。醋糟1的中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量均为最高,其次为醋糟2、醋糟3,白酒糟NDF含量最低。啤酒糟的72 h产气量(GP72)显著高于白酒糟(P < 0.05)。体外产气法和尼龙袋法测定的酒糟72 h干物质降解率(IVDMD72、DMD72)显著高于醋糟(P < 0.05)。5个试样的IVDMD72与DMD成正相关,随着降解时间增加其相关性逐渐增加。综上,酒糟的CP含量较高(14.58% ~ 31.84%),醋糟NDF、ADF含量相对较高(59.59% ~ 64.91%,38.78% ~ 54.78%)。结合GP、IVDMD及DMD结果,酒糟消化性能优于醋糟。以IVDMD建立估算DMD的回归公式为DMD72=-19.215+1.645IVDMD72(R2=0.912,P < 0.05)|以IVDMD建立估算DM有效降解率(ED)的回归公式为ED=-12.448+1.045IVDMD72(R2=0.929,P < 0.01)。 [关键词] 醋糟|酒糟|体外产气法|尼龙袋法  相似文献   

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