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浅谈水土保持法的执法主体王安明(浙江省水利厅农水处杭州310009)《中华人民共和国水土保持法》的颁布实施,标志着我国的水土保持工作已步入法制化轨道,为预防和治理水土流失提供了法律依据。水土保持法第六条规定:“国务院水行政主管部门主管全国的水土保持工...  相似文献   

福建省水土保持工作的新举措焦居仁(水利部水土保持司,北京100761)改革开放15年来,特别是近几年,福建省水土保持工作出现了好的势头,取得了可喜的进展。福建省是我国南方水土流失较为严重的省份之一。据遥感普查,水土流失面积为211.3万hm2,占全省...  相似文献   

《水土保持法》颁布实施以来,山西省结合当地实际开展各种活动宣传水土保持法制,传播水土保持专业知识,提高了广大干部群众的水保意识和法制观念。同时健全了法规体系,加强了监督机构和队伍建设,不断加大执法力度,完善监督体系,有力地推动了水土保持监督执法工作的开展。  相似文献   

<正> 水土保持是一项综合性、社会性很强的公益事业,没有各级政府和各部门领导的重视、支持,没有全民的认识、参与是很难搞好的.只有下大力气搞好宣传,普及水土保持法及水土保持有关知识,树立全民的水保国策意识和法制观念,创造一个全社会都能充分认识、支持、参与的水保工作环境,才能使水保工作搞得更好.  相似文献   

江西省龙南县以监督执法回头看为契机,顺应效能建设新形势,坚持实行水保执法职责明晰化、执法权限公开化、执法任务责任化、执法行为程序化,不断提高水保执法水平,使龙南水保行政执法逐步走向规范。目前已对行政审批项目、时限、收费对象、标准进行了细化和公告,水保方案报告书的审批时限从60日降至20日;实行了水保行政执法责任制,对局长、分管副局长、股长、执法人员的职责进行了分解,对权力进行科学配置;  相似文献   

重庆市农业综合执法工作起步较早,自1999年开始探索试点。经过近10年的具体实践,重庆市农业综合执法工作快速发展,执法体系不断完善,执法手  相似文献   

2008年8月28日,陕西略阳县水保执法专项行动在圆满通过市级验收的同时,又迅速拉开了水保执法专项行动“回头望”的工作序幕。  相似文献   

<正> 全国人大颁布的《行政处罚法》及其相关的法律法规,是为了增强行政机关对经济活动的全面干预,又将这种干预控制在可以约束的范围之内,它的颁布进一步加强、统一、规范了水保监督执法工作.自《行政处罚法》颁布以来,青海省水保监督执法机构重新调整了工作部署,开始进入了一个用《行政处罚法》强化水保监督执法工作的新阶段.  相似文献   

一起不服水保行政处罚案的启示韩凤翔(长江水利委员会农村水利水土保持局,武汉市430010)水土保持法颁布以来,全国各地水保部门都抓了一批破坏水土资源、人为造成水土流失的典型案例,有力地促进了水土保持法的宣传和贯彻执行。四川省宣汉县的一起不服水保行政处...  相似文献   

黄河流域水土保持监督执法工作迈出新步王天永(黄委会农村水利水土保持局,郑州450003)1993年,黄河流域参加全国水保执法试点的25个县(市)全部通过检查验收,达到了试点目的,收到了很好的效果。其中有10个县(市)获得全国监督执法先进集体称号,有3...  相似文献   

安阳市近10年来建成的水土保持工程的主要建设管理方式可分为3种,即:乡村组织治理,完成后分配给农户分散经营;乡村组织治理,由村成立专业队代表村集体管理;把小流域或荒山承包给个体或私人经济组织,由其自行治理和经营管护。3种建管方式中以后者为最优,其经济效益是分散经营管理的5倍、专业队经营管理的3.5倍。针对水保工程建设管理中存在的问题和适应农村税费改革等要求,提出了加快安阳市水保生态建设的建议。  相似文献   

我国滑坡、崩塌的区域特征、成因分析及其防御   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了我国滑坡、崩塌的区域分布特征,滑坡和崩塌的危害程度,滑坡和崩塌类型和成因分析,并且提出了灾害的防御措施,以期达到环境保护成为社会发展过程中的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

为探讨硒、钴在提高苜蓿生长影响,在河南省沿黄滩区,开展了硒、钴单施和配施下对紫花苜蓿生长以及产量和品质影响研究。结果表明,硒、钴单施和配合基施均能够显著提高苜蓿从现蕾到开花期的净光合能力,降低呼吸消耗,提高单位叶面积干物质的生产速率,有利于苜蓿花前青干草生产和果实发育;其中,以硒570 g/hm2、钴762g/hm2配施下效果显著,青干草增产8.06%,种子千粒重可提高12.85%。单施钴和硒钴配施还能促进0—20 cm耕层苜蓿根瘤菌的生长和积累,增强苜蓿的固氮能力。说明硒钴合理基施对苜蓿青干草和优质种子生产具有很好的应用效果。  相似文献   

Much evidence has indicated that the occurrence of montmorillonite and vermiculite containing Al-interlayers is very common in solis, particularly acid soils. Viewed in the light of soil clay minerology, it would be required to investigate the properties of their original minerals. For the latter purpose, the Al-interlayer has been removed prior to the Mg-glycerol,K-saturation and heating tests for identification of montmorillonite and vermiculite. Its removal has been accomplished in sevsral ways; KOH plus KCl (1), NH4F, KCl plus HCl (2), Na-citrate (3),400C de hydroxylation-NaOH (4) dissolution. Although these methods are effective for the removal of Al-interlayers, they seem drastically to affect the minerals or are time-consuming. Inthe course of the study of hydroxy-Al interlaid complexes of expanding 2:1 layer lattice clay minerals, the authors have noticed the difference between the (001) spacings of hydroxy-Al complexes of montmorillonite and vermiculite; the former exhibited the 20 A basal spacing at room temperature against the 14 A spacing of the latter. This difference might be useful for differentiating montnmorillonite-chlorite intergrades in soils.  相似文献   

水土保持区划可为区域水土保持规划与宏观管理、水土保持生态文明建设提供重要的参考。在《江西省水土保持区划及防治布局研究》确立的原则与方法的基础上,根据全国、全省和九江市水土保持区划划分方法,分析濂溪区各乡镇地形地貌、水土流失特点、水土流失防治及经济社会发展等的区域差异,将全区划分为城市人居环境维护区、平原农田防护水质维护区、丘陵保土生态维护区3个五级区,同时基于水土保持功能,提出了各分区的详细水土流失防治布局,为濂溪区及其他区域的水土保持规划与宏观决策,加快推进各地生态文明建设提供重要的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

平原地区河道堤防滩地的水土流失,直接淤积河床,影响行洪安全。堤防滩地的水土流失是自然因素和人为因素共同作用的结果,以新修堤防的水土流失最为严重,对其防治须实行工程措施、植物措施和人为预防相结合。  相似文献   

根据"天地一体化"技术在生产建设项目水土保持监管中的应用情况,对"天地一体化"技术在水土保持信息化应用中存在的防治责任范围图件不规范、合规性鉴定困难、未批先建等问题进行了归纳总结,并提出相应的建议,以期能为"天地一体化"水土保持监管工作逐步走向成熟提供参考,全面提升水土保持信息化建设水平,加快推进水土保持监管信息化进程。  相似文献   

The effects of biochar (maize biochar – MBC, wood biochar – WBC) and unfermented or fermented hydrochar (HTC) on the euedaphic Collembola Protaphorura fimata and on spring wheat were investigated in greenhouse experiments. The impact of char type, amount of fermented HTC, and MBC-Collembola interactions were assessed. Generally, shoot and root biomass as well as abundance of P. fimata were not affected by the different chars. However, with increasing amounts of fermented HTC the abundance of P. fimata declined, whereas shoot biomass of wheat increased. Moreover, MBC altered root morphology and resulted in thicker roots with higher volume. The latter was not apparent when Collembola were present.  相似文献   

Potatoes (Solarium tuberosum L.) and carrots (Daucus carota L.) were grown in the field on Tasmanian ferrosols (humic eutrudox) which had been limed either 2, 3, or 5 years earlier, and where tuber cadmium (Cd) concentrations in potatoes grown a few months after the liming had shown no lime response. In the current crops lime decreased potato tuber Cd by about 30% and carrot root Cd by about 50%. We attributed the decrease to more even and deeper mixing of the lime with the soil by the harvest of the first potatoes. Phosphorus (P) fertilizer residues from the earlier potato crops did not significantly affect tuber or root Cd, but there was a positive effect at 1 site where some high Cd P fertilizer had earlier been used. Neither lime nor P fertilizer residues affected potato or carrot yields. Analysis at one site of potato tubers from the upper part of the soil ridges showed that they had slightly higher Cd concentrations than did deeper tubers near the fertilizer band, whether P fertilizer was in the band or not. This suggests that either the Cd in the fertilizer band was relatively unimportant as a Cd source for the current crop, or that Cd was redistributed within the plant during the season, or both. Liming may be a suitable medium to long‐term strategy for decreasing Cd uptake by root crops, but site to site and seasonal variation can still be great, and knowledge of other major influences is needed for assurance of produce quality. Our observations need to be extended to sites which gives rise to higher Cd concentrations in agricultural produce, and to other soil types. Potato common scab was severe in the limed plots at one site. However, this site had grown 3 potato crops in 5 years, which probably exacerbated the disease. Potato processors in Tasmania demand a minimum of 5 years between successive crops which should slow any build up of scab due to liming, but more work on possible interactions between lime and rotation length on scab incidence is needed before liming can be recommended as a Cd control measure for potatoes.  相似文献   

水土流失动态监测与评价研究现状与问题   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
美国等国家已将遥感、GIS技术广泛应用于水土流失动态监测与预报,并开发出基于物理过程的土壤侵蚀预报模型。中国在水土流失地面观测、遥感监测方面已取得许多成果,但在区域土壤侵蚀评价、预报模型开发方面,缺少系列化观测与统计数据,已有的坡面土壤侵蚀模型等在通用性、适用性方面还存在不少问题。当前急需解决的问题是建立水土流失监测与评价指标体系,开发评价模型系统,建立国家水土保持信息系统  相似文献   

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