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I have attempted to give insight into many of the aspects of a corporate veterinary job in the retail pet industry. Understand that these are my experiences, and corporate jobs are as diverse as the number of corporations in this field. My experiences have been positive because I have been fortunate enough to become an integral part of a company with an outstanding company ethic regarding animal care and business as a whole. This is a dream position for a veterinarian who wishes to make a far-reaching difference for animals. At PETCO I am the Animal Advocate and I do have the responsibility to look at every situation through the eyes of the animals. I take this responsibility very seriously and understand that every decision I make has a lasting impact on not only the animals we sell but also the associates who daily give their heart and soul as they care for the animals in our stores. This is the way I have chosen to make a difference in the world: by using my veterinary education as well as my life experiences in ways that are very different from the James Herriot of old-different from the advanced veterinary practices in this new millennium but steadfastly following the same principles we promised to uphold when we took the veterinary oath... Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering,the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge. I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics. I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.  相似文献   

The eradication of parasitic diseases is not a new concept. The most successful programs of parasite eradication have occurred with species of veterinary importance. The first such program, the eradication of Texas Cattle Fever from the United States, is one of the great success stories of disease eradication. The American screwworm eradication program is ongoing and is serving as a guiding impetus for many of the ongoing or proposed vector eradication schemes around the world. The success of these programs prompted similar successful operations in human health. Although they once led the way, veterinary parasitologists have taken second place in eradication planning. The only three parasitic diseases of veterinary importance that have been targets of recent eradication programs are Hypoderma species in Great Britain and Europe, Cochliomyia hominivorax after its introduction into Libya from the Americas, and Echinococcus granulosus in Tasmania, Australia. There is also work on the eradication of the tick, Amblyomma variegatum, from the Caribbean Islands. Some animal diseases are targeted under the auspices of the human eradication programs, most notably the eradication of the tsetse fly from parts or all of Africa. This paper reviews some of the past or ongoing successful eradication programs and presents a brief summary of the history of the programs, the methods used or planned, and potential controversies surrounding their success and implementation.  相似文献   

The origin of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) African Foundation is described. The 16th WAAVP Conference held in South Africa in 1997 generated a surplus of ZAR 430 460 (US$ 70 116). This was invested and a foundation established to manage the fund with the intention of using it to the mutual advantage of the WAAVP and African veterinary parasitologists. To date, more than 110 scholarship applications have been screened, and 51 full and partial scholarships awarded to young African veterinary parasitologists to attend subsequent biennial WAAVP Conferences. This investment has grown into a very successful endowment currently valued at US$ 206 553. This article is written in response to many queries across the globe about the origin of this fund and how it has been invested, managed, sustained and utilised.  相似文献   

The future of veterinary parasitology is discussed at a time when R&D funding from the pharmaceutical industry is declining, yet the opportunities for veterinary parasitologists to diversify their activities has never been greater. Emerging and re-emerging areas requiring input from veterinary parasitologists include: veterinary public health; conservation and wildlife diseases; emerging and exotic infectious diseases; surveillance strategies; economic effects of parasitic diseases; aquaculture; molecular epidemiology; dietary and biological control of parasitic diseases; animal welfare; organic agricultural systems; novel vaccination strategies; drug target characterisation and rational drug design. Without change, the survival of veterinary parasitology as a viable, distinct discipline is under threat. In this environment, veterinary parasitologists must be adaptable, imaginative and pro-active in terms of setting the agendas for establishing strategic alliances, promoting research needs and developing research programs.  相似文献   

《活兽慈舟》(清·李南晖)是继《元享疗法马集》之后,受到我国畜牧兽医界普通重视的一部清代中兽医专著,也是我国现存中兽医古书中内容比较全面的一部著作。《活兽慈舟》继承和发扬了中医药事业,辩证正确,立法恰当,遵循自然规律,集诊治牛、马、羊、猪、犬、猫等六畜疾病和它们的正确饲养方法,及相牛和相马常识于一体,主要流传于四川南部,甘肃通渭县乃至全国,为畜牧养殖生产发展保驾护航,一直为中兽医爱好者和学者提供兽疾病治疗的思路和方法。  相似文献   

动物源细菌耐药性对动物细菌传染性疾病防治的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马苏 《中国兽药杂志》2012,46(2):50-52,56
通过阐述动物源细菌耐药性的产生及演变趋势,分析抗生素在兽医领域中的应用情况,探讨动物细菌传染性疾病的防治策略,旨在了解细菌耐药性对动物细菌传染性疾病治疗的影响,为兽用药品特别是兽用细菌疫苗的发展提供参考,促进动物卫生安全和公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

Animal diseases are known to be the origin of many human diseases, and there are many examples from ancient civilizations of plagues that arose from animals, domesticated and wild. Records of attempts to control zoonoses are almost as old. The early focus on food-borne illness evolved into veterinary medicine's support of public health efforts. Key historical events, disease outbreaks, and individuals responsible for their control are reviewed and serve as a foundation for understanding the current and future efforts in veterinary public health. Animal medicine and veterinary public health have been intertwined since humans first began ministrations to their families and animals. In the United States, the veterinary medical profession has effectively eliminated those major problems of animal health that had serious public health ramifications. These lessons and experiences can serve as a model for other countries. Our past must also be a reminder that the battle for human and animal health is ongoing. New agents emerge to threaten human and animal populations. With knowledge of the past, coupled with new technologies and techniques, we must be vigilant and carry on.  相似文献   

Being presented with the WAAVP Pfizer award for excellence in parasitological research is the pinnacle of my career. In accepting I acknowledge the support that I have received from workmates, colleagues, friends and family over the years that I have been involved in this field of endeavour. Parasitic disease is the most significant threat to the Australian sheep industry. A lack of understanding of drug action, the absence of epidemiologically-based treatment programs and incorrect or excessive chemical use has resulted in the development of worm, lice and blowfly parasites which are resistant to most existing chemotherapeutic compounds. During the past decade, difficulties in sustainable control of parasitic disease, the decline in demand for wool products and competition from less expensive synthetic fibre has halved the sheep population and profitability of the industry. Notwithstanding this, a 'right-sized', sustainable industry is emerging which will require effective chemotherapy to be the cornerstone of parasite control. Chemical intervention in parasitic disease is therefore here to stay but the paucity of new antiparasitic products in the short term dictates that present therapeutics are all that producers will have for the foreseeable future. This situation will necessitate innovative practices and formulations to provide more cost effective, efficient drug performance and to extend parasiticide life. However, the development of multiple drug resistance and reduction in funds for parasitological research seriously compromises our ability to confront these demands. With the patent life of all but the most recent macrocyclic lactone (ML) compounds lapsing, low cost development of bioequivalent generic formulations and options for innovative strategies to increase performance and market share are eagerly sought. The key to efficient drug use lies in a detailed understanding of the pharmacokinetic principles of drug action and the host animal's physiological responses to identify procedures which maximise drug availability--in essence giving the drug the best chance to work. It is therefore evident that the how, where and why of drug exchange between the bloodstream and the gastrointestinal tract are of such interest. Of particular importance is identification of the kinetic and dynamic behaviour of drug in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the role of biliary secretion and metabolic fate of biliary (and non-biliary) compounds. The extent to which biliary secreted parent drug and/or metabolites are presented to the gut lumen, reabsorbed as free compound or after deconjugation by large bowel bacteria, and participate in the enterohepatic cycle is a major contributor to parasite exposure. Integrating parasiticide disposition with host physiology, particularly relating to such aspects as gastrointestinal function, feed intake and body condition has demonstrated the value of 'whole body' pharmacokinetic studies to identify processes to increase drug efficacy. Novel formulation modifications to provide 'targeted' drug delivery including carrier technology, sustained release devices and site-directed formulations can manipulate pharmacokinetic disposition to direct or extend drug availability to the parasite infection. These research directions should be undertaken as collaborative projects between research organisations and the veterinary pharmaceutical industry. With the identification of methods to improve drug action, emphasis must then be directed towards effective communication for their implementation. It will be vital that parasitologists move out of the laboratory to actively disseminate knowledge to the producer. We are ambassadors for our profession and if we fail to communicate well the perception, and indeed the value, of our work can be at risk.  相似文献   

为便于中国兽药残留标准的改进和相关法规体系的建立提供参考,同时为中国畜产品贸易提供数据参考,保障人们的饮食安全,促进中国畜产品经济的更好发展,本研究首先对中国新国标GB 31650-2019《食品安全国家标准食品中兽药最大残留限量》中规定的猪组织中兽药残留种类和兽药最大残留限量(MRLs)标准进行了简单分析;然后对美国、欧盟、日本和食品法典委员会(CAC)规定的猪组织中兽药残留种类和兽药MRLs标准与中国新国标进行对比,通过对规定兽药总数、中国没有规定而其他标准有规定的兽药种类、其他标准严于中国标准的兽药种类等几项内容的比较,找出差异。结果显示,中国新国标做出了更加详细的补充和修改;从整体上来看,中国规定的猪组织中兽药MRLs标准越来越完善,大部分标准与欧盟、美国、日本和CAC规定标准的差距也越来越小,然而在部分种类兽药MRLs标准的规定方面和这些国家或组织仍有一定的差距。中国需加强与各个发达国家和组织的交流与合作,推进中国的兽药残留标准的发展,加快对动物产品质量安全标准的更新。  相似文献   

Goats are an important source of livelihood especially in smallholder communities. Infections with gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) remain the most prevalent parasitic diseases affecting small ruminants. The study was conducted to assess management, the level of knowledge and control of gastrointestinal nematodes. Surveys were conducted in Chipinge, Shurugwi, Binga, Tsholotsho and Matobo districts, representing the five natural/agro-ecological regions (NR) in Zimbabwe. Data was collected in 135 households using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Results indicated that goats were ranked the most important livestock species, with high flock sizes in NR IV and V. Partitioning of roles was such that the adult males were involved in decision-making while females and children were involved in day-to-day management of animals. Farmers showed low levels of input use, with natural pasture (98.4%) being the main feed source and indigenous breeds (73.2%) being kept. Farmers ranked food and financial benefits as the main reasons for keeping goats. Gastrointestinal nematodes ranked the highest as the most common disease, with majority of farmers (57%) not controlling or treating animals and 63% of farmers not having knowledge on the spread of GIN. Access to veterinary services, anthelmintic class used and breeds used by the farmers had the highest effects on parasitic infections in households. Farmer education is required for capacitation of farmer in terms of disease prevention and control so as to improve goat production.  相似文献   

Teaching of veterinary parasitology: the Italian perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The curriculum in veterinary medicine in Italy is undergoing important changes, as in the rest of Europe. The 2001 fall semester will mark the beginning of a new format for the degree in veterinary medicine and these changes will obviously affect the teaching of veterinary parasitology. In Italy, veterinary parasitology is usually taught in the third year with a disciplinary approach, similar to that described by Euzéby [Vet. Parasitol. 64 (1996) 21] and Eckert [Vet. Parasitol. 88 (2000) 117]. Approximately 90 h of lectures and 40 h of laboratory are offered and are usually divided into parasitology, followed by parasitic diseases. A more problem-oriented approach to parasitology is offered to fifth-year students within several professional routes (large animal medicine, small animal medicine, hygiene and food safety, etc.), amounting to approximately 15-60 h per student. Indeed, in the last year of study, there are less students and it is possible to present clinical cases and orient the students towards team work and critical discussion. This new curriculum guarantees a reduction in the number of lecture hours and an increase in both laboratory work and personal study, as suggested by the guidelines of the European association of establishment for veterinary education (EAEVE).  相似文献   

中兽医起源于中国古代,是具有独特理论体系和丰富诊疗手段的传统兽医学,历史悠久。西方兽医传入我国后,因诊疗便捷且收益较高,基层兽医从业者大多采用西兽医技术防治动物疾病,严重冲击中兽医的在基层的应用。本文通过分析中兽医现状与调查基层中兽医从业及发展情况,剖析其存在的问题和发展机遇,初步探讨提出解决思路,使中兽医得以更好的传承与发展。  相似文献   

Participatory epidemiology (PE) is an evolving branch of veterinary epidemiology which uses a combination of practitioner communication skills and participatory methods to improve the involvement of animal keepers in the analysis of animal disease problems, and the design, implementation and evaluation of disease control programmes and policies. This review describes the origins of PE and how the application of PE requires attention to both a participatory approach and participatory methods, supported by triangulation of data with conventional veterinary diagnostic methods. The review summarizes the various adaptations and uses of PE, including the design of primary veterinary service delivery systems, veterinary research and disease surveillance. In contrast to conventional data collection methods, an integral aspect PE is the concept of applying and evaluating new disease control programmes or surveillance systems in partnership with animal owners. In the developing regions where PE has been most commonly used, this action-orientated approach raises important challenges for veterinary institutions with limited financial resources. Information derived from PE studies can also question longstanding disease control policies and norms, nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling offers an aid to the understanding of parasitic diseases. In the past, computational limitations have meant that the role of many factors influencing the control of disease has had to be ignored or oversimplified. Using computers, these shortcomings can be overcome. Site-specific and environmental modelling offer new prospects for the management of disease. This paper illustrates the approach of computational veterinary parasitology with an application to anthelmintic and acaricidal resistance.  相似文献   

Public-health issues regarding zoological collections and free-ranging wildlife have historically been linked to the risk of transmission of zoonotic diseases and accidents relating to bites or injection of venom or toxins by venomous animals. It is only recently that major consideration has been given worldwide to the role of the veterinary profession in contributing to investigating zoonotic diseases in free-ranging wildlife and integrating the concept of public health into the management activities of game preserves and wildlife parks. At the veterinary undergraduate level, courses in basic epidemiology, which should include outbreak investigation and disease surveillance, but also in population medicine, in infectious and parasitic diseases (especially new and emerging or re-emerging zoonoses), and in ecology should be part of the core curriculum. Foreign diseases, especially dealing with zoonotic diseases that are major threats because of possible agro-terrorism or spread of zoonoses, need to be taught in veterinary college curricula. Furthermore, knowledge of the principles of ecology and ecosystems should be acquired either during pre-veterinary studies or, at least, at the beginning of the veterinary curriculum. At the post-graduate level, master's degrees in preventive veterinary medicine, ecology and environmental health, or public health with an emphasis on infectious diseases should be offered to veterinarians seeking job opportunities in public health and wildlife management.  相似文献   

Breed susceptibility for developmental orthopedic diseases in dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A large-scale epidemiological study was conducted to determine breeds at risk for 12 developmental orthopedic diseases (DODs). Developmental orthopedic diseases investigated included canine hip dysplasia (CHD); craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO); fragmented coronoid process; hypertrophic osteodystrophy; Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease; osteochondrosis of the medial humeral condyle, caudal humeral head, femoral condyles, and talar trochlear ridges; panosteitis; patella luxation; and ununited anconeal process. Dogs that were diagnosed with any one of the diseases of interest at any of 10 veterinary teaching hospitals participating in the Veterinary Medical Database from 1986 to 1995 were included as cases. Odds ratios and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine risk. Frequency of diagnosis during the 10-year period ranged from 35 cases (CMO) to 10,637 cases (CHD). The number of breeds at increased risk for a disease ranged from one (CMO) to 35 (CHD). Breed susceptibility for a DOD may suggest a genetic component in the disease etiology. The results of this study serve to increase veterinarians' awareness of breeds susceptible to DODs and may facilitate the control of such diseases by identifying breeds that might benefit from breeding programs or environmental intervention such as dietary modification.  相似文献   

新发传染病主要是人畜共患病,是世界经济和公共健康的沉重负担。这就要求加强检测、鉴别和监视传染病的能力方面投入。高致病禽流感H5N1、新甲型流感("猪流感")H1N1、非典型性肺炎、西尼罗河病毒、地方流行性狂犬病、布鲁氏菌病以及发展中国家暴发的其它人畜共患病及近期猪抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,是人类、动物及其环境相互作用的典型范例。面临中国动物和人类常见的新发传染病坚持"同一个健康"战略,这就要求业已存在的兽医和人医及公共卫生机构的通力合作。人的疾病控制系统与动物疾病控制系统虽然都已经建立,但人畜共患病的暴发表明兽医机构和人医机构密切合作的重要性。在保证环境健康的同时,通过动物疾病和人类疾病监测系统的密切合作,中国就一定能够控制人畜共患病。以这种方式进行疾病预防、监测与应对,各层面及各动物生产部门间有效的兽医推广是加强和保持健康生态环境中人和动物健康的有效办法。中国还需大量努力才能达到从制度上保证预防和消灭疾病。透明而准确的人与动物疾病监督通常会产生经济且可持续的预防疾病方法。加拿大在兽医、公共健康、食品安全和人畜共患病预防方面所发挥的作用就是与中国农业部合作,促进必要的、可持续的兽医监督网络的建设。  相似文献   

It appears that it is expected of the incumbent President of the New Zealand Veterinary Association to impart in the address to this Conference words of wisdom that have been garnered over the years; words that should encourage, challenge and maybe chastise; and I hope to do this within an optimum concentration period for this type of talk. I have selected my subject very carefully though it contains but a single word, since I believe that it can encompass the whole range of veterinary endeavour in my time.  相似文献   

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