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犬螨病治疗倍硫磷注射按每千克体重0.03ml,大犬肌注0.17ml/只,小犬肌注0.09ml/只,隔周再注射一次,对化脓的配合用青霉素治疗。治疗中用2%来苏尔溶液清洗患部,犬窝及场地喷洒消毒。2周可愈。以上二则本刊辑犬螨病治疗...  相似文献   

阿维菌素浇注剂对牛痒螨病的疗效试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择自然感染牛痒螨的杂交牛30头,将其分成6组,每组5头,第1-4组分别用阿维菌素浇注剂(阿维必淋)按0.2,0.3,0.4和0.5mg/kg体重剂量在牛背部皮肤1次浇注给药;第5组用阿维菌素注射液(阿福丁)皮下1次注射;第6组为不治疗对照组。通过治疗后不同时间对每头试验牛皮肤固定部位的寄生虫检查和临床观察结果,评估阿维菌素浇注剂对牛痒螨病的疗效。治疗后第7d显微镜检查时,仅从阿维菌素浇注剂0.2  相似文献   

应用10%杜鹃液、10%杜鹃液+0.6%敌百虫液、10%烟草液、1%敌百虫液对4.5月龄力克斯青年兔的螨病进行了治疗试验。结果表明,10%杜鹃液、10%烟草液等中草药浸出液对家兔螨病有较好治疗作用,特别是应用杜鹃液在10%浓度下配合0.6%敌百虫液治疗家兔螨病的效果优于传统的1%敌百虫液。  相似文献   

1983—1984年贵南牧场从新疆伊犁引进褐牛280多头,部分牛有螨病,因未引起重视,螨病感染到四分场的半数以上牛群,给该场的畜牧业生产带来了一定的损失,后经诊断为痒螨病。我们于1986年4月,使用双甲脒、溴氰菊酯、速灭杀丁等三种药物做杀螨疗效试验,以便为今后防治提供依据。一、药物:20%双甲脒:天津人民农药厂生产。5%溴氰菊酯:商品名为培特,法国罗素优克福公司生产。20%速灭杀丁:  相似文献   

犬皮肤螨病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寄生于犬皮肤的螨,损害犬的健康与外貌,且其中有的可感染人。据有关资料记载,寄生于犬的螨有4科4属5种犤1犦。但泉州的一家动物检疫所,对前来就诊的皮肤病犬进行统计,发现的犬皮肤螨种类主要为犬疥螨和犬蠕形螨。现就这两种皮肤螨病的诊治情况报道如下。1病原及流行病学1.1病原犬疥螨虫体近于圆形,浅黄色,雌螨大小为0.33~0.45mm×0.25~0.35mm,雄螨大小为0.2~0.23mm×0.14~0.19mm,虫体背面有锥突、鳞片和刚毛,腹面有四对粗短的足,足上有爪和吸盘。犬蠕形螨身体细长柳叶形,呈蠕虫状,…  相似文献   

猫疥螨病治疗用0.25%氯丹悬浮液或0.03%-0.06%林丹悬浮液药浴,还可用2%硫磺石灰水浴液药浴。1周后再重复1次。猫疥螨病治疗...  相似文献   

1白痢杆菌病该病由鸡白痢沙门氏杆菌引起。病鹑虚弱、怕冷挤堆、闭目垂头、两腿叉开、双翅下垂、食欲减退、拉白色稀粪粘附于肛门周围。剖检可见十二指肠出血严重,小肠盲肠有灰白色坏死灶,泄殖腔内有白色恶臭稀粪。严重者卵巢变绿色,输卵管被白色坚硬物充满,粘膜肿胀充血。防治方法:①可用青霉素每只每次1万单位肌肉注射,一天2次;②链霉素按0.05%饮水投服,连用20天;③金霉素按每只每天6毫克混料饲喂;④用0.02%~0.03%痢特灵或0.03%~0.04%土霉素拌料喂饲,连用5~7天。2新城疫由新城疫病毒引起…  相似文献   

经肉眼观察,取鳃粘液镜检和剖检诊断确诊为草鱼烂鳃病的鱼场,按每天0.01~0.03g/kg鱼重混入饲料中投喂(以华西鱼炎王主药计算用量),连喂3~6d的治疗烂鳃病的试验,其结果,痊愈率为81.67%。有效率为5.0%,总有效率为96.67%。同时以呋喃唑酮作疹效对比试验。  相似文献   

牛疥癣,又称牛癞子、疥疮、螨病,是由于疥螨寄生于皮肤,引起皮肤发炎,被毛脱落,皮肤增厚,病牛奇痒脱毛为特征的一种传染性皮肤病,秋末冬初或春季发生最多,如治疗不及时,可使牛只消瘦,役力减退,甚至感染并发症而死亡。笔者1985~1987年间用中药共治疗牛疥癣233例,治愈227例。其中一次治愈163例,复发后第2次治愈者64例,治愈率占97.1%,现将方药报  相似文献   

本试验分两组,为一般感染组和严重感染组。试验结果表明,灭虫丁对绵羊痒螨有强的驱杀作用,选用0.2mg/kg剂量皮下一次注射,一般感染组第20天病羊治愈率为100%,而严重感染组治愈率仅为75%,病羊仍有12.5%的虫体存活,需作第二次治疗。  相似文献   

为了验证国产杀螨新药12.5%双甲脒乳剂防治獭兔螨病的效果,本试验将12.5%双甲脒乳剂按1:250冲淡配成0.05%浓度,先对五通桥区及雅安市两地各50只病免进行小区典型治疗试验,用药浴、喷淋、涂抹法治疗。结果对怀孕母兔、带仔母兔及仔兔均极安全,治疗7d后镜检,螨虫死亡,痒感消失,体重增加,症状痊愈。7~10d再用同法治疗一次巩固疗效。同时配成0.1%乳剂喷洒兔舍,作环境消毒,连续观察43d,无一只复发。接着在五通桥区和雅安地区大面积推广应用,共治疗病兔93,750只,总有效率达99.12%,取得了满意的治疗效果。  相似文献   

羊螨病是由痒螨或疥螨等螨类在羊皮肤寄生而引起的一种慢性寄生虫病,主要在秋冬季节发病,其特征是皮肤发炎、剧痒、患部脱毛、消瘦。主要对该病的病原、临床症状及防治措施等作一介绍,以期为有效防治该病提供参考。  相似文献   

As part of a continuing programme to aid in the development of new acaricides, the potentials of three synthetic pyrethroids, permethrin, cypermethrin and decamethrin, were assessed against a range of resistant strains of the cattle tick (Boophilus microplus). The compounds were shown to be acaricidal, with decamethrin the most effective, giving efficient control of susceptible and organo-phosphorus resistant strains of the cattle tick at concentrations as low as one fifth of those previously used for any commercial acaricide. However higher concentrations were required for satisfactory control of the DDT-resistant strain. Permethrin-selection of a field strain containing a low percentage of DDT-resistant ticks led to rapid development of resistance to a level equivalent to that of the DDT-resistant strain. Further selection increased resistance to permethrin to a higher level than that shown in the DDT-resistant strain. This increased resistance to permethrin appears to be restricted mainly to this compound and is not associated with a marked increase in resistance to cypermethrin, decamethrin or DDT. The potential of organo-phosphorus compounds to potentiate the pyrethroids when the two classes of compounds are used as mixtures against the pyrethroid-resistant and susceptible strains was confirmed.  相似文献   

牛疥螨病是牛养殖业中的常见疾病,主要疥螨寄生引起,是一种皮肤性疾病。发病之后皮肤溃烂、结痂、化脓,有奇痒的症状,会导致皮肤的增厚。随着牛养殖业的规模化发展,该病发生的概率逐年提升,长期患病会影响红牛的正常休息和采食,造成红牛体重的下降,影响郏县雪花牛肉的品质。  相似文献   

为了研究山羊痒螨病对机体氧自由基及抗氧化系统的影响,分别对感染山羊和健康山羊GSH-Px、T-SOD、CAT的活力和MDA、LPO的含量进行了测定。试验结果显示,感染组山羊血清中GSH-Px活力极显著低于对照组(P<0.01),T-SOD活力极显著低于对照组(P<0.01),MDA含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),LPO含量极显著高于对照组(P<0.01);感染组与对照组CAT活力差异不显著。试验结果表明,山羊患痒螨病后,体内氧自由基含量升高,抗氧化酶活力降低,脂质过氧化物含量上升。  相似文献   

Records of domestic animals brought to the Veterinary Entomology Laboratory for diagnosis of suspected lice and mite infestation over a 10 year period were analysed. From a total of 794 suspected cases, 137 (17.3%) and 247 (31.1%) were positive for lice and mange mites respectively. The most common lice species recorded were Linognathus vituli (66.7%) on cattle, L. ovillus (83.3%) on sheep, Haematopinus suis (100%) on pigs and Menacanthus stramineus (54.5%) on poultry. Other lice species recorded included Haematopinus bovis and Solenopotes capillatus on cattle, Damalinia ovis on sheep, Linognathus stenopsis and Menacanthus stramineus on goats, Goniocotes sp. on a horse, Linognathus setosus and Menacanthus stramineus on dogs, Goniodes gigas, Lipeurus caponis, Menopon gallinae and Chelopistes meleagrides on poultry. The most common mite species were Demodex folliculorum on cattle (96.9%) and on dogs (80.8%), Sarcoptes scabiei on pigs (100%) and Notoedres cati (80.3%) on rabbits. Other mite species included Psoroptes communis, Cheyletiella parasitivorax, Ornithonyssus gallinae and Dermanyssus gallinae.  相似文献   

Circulating lymphocyte numbers are elevated in horses with the allergic skin disease sweet itch and skin lesions are typified by an infiltrate of eosinophils and mononuclear cells, the latter of which have not been fully characterised. The aim of the present study was to characterise the lymphocyte subpopulations in the circulation and skin of ponies with sweet itch by flow cytometry and a newly developed modified alkaline phosphatase immunohistochemical technique. Sweet itch ponies were found to have significantly greater numbers of circulating CD5+ and CD4+ T-lymphocytes than normal animals. Increased numbers of CD3+ T-lymphocytes, most of which were CD4+, and eosinophils were present in the skin of these animals following intradermal injection of a Culicoides antigen extract (97 +/- 21 vs. 449 +/- 49 CD3+ T-lymphocytes/mm2 in deep dermis of vehicle vs. antigen injected sites; 83 +/- 8% CD4+ T-lymphocytes at antigen injected site). T-lymphocytes, which are thought to be important in the pathogenesis of human allergic skin disease, may therefore contribute to the development of sweet itch lesions via the release of cytokines which can cause eosinophil accumulation and activation. An understanding of the pathology of this disease may lead to a more rational approach to therapy.  相似文献   

犬耳痒螨病是由犬耳痒螨(Otodecees cymotis)寄生于耳道内引起的皮肤寄生虫病。犬耳血肿是在外力作用下致使犬耳部血管破裂、出血,血液集聚在耳软骨与耳廓内侧皮肤之间形成的肿胀。耳痒螨病是引发耳血肿的重要病因,一旦发病需要及时治疗,严重者采用手术疗法。对一例犬耳痒螨病引发耳血肿进行了诊治,特将诊治过程和相关分析做具体介绍,以供临床参考。  相似文献   

Wall R  Bates P 《Veterinary parasitology》2011,175(1-2):129-134
A series of in vitro and in vivo assays were conducted to examine the effects of trans-cinnamic acid ethyl ester on Psoroptes mange mites. In vitro, 24h after exposure to the test material at concentrations of 10, 1 or 0.1% (v/v), 100, 74 and 20% of mites had died, respectively, compared to 8% following exposure to the control (0.05% SDS only). The different life-cycle stages were affected similarly by the test compound. The concentration required to produce 95% mortality 24h after exposure to the test compound was 6.29% (95% confidence interval 4.98-8.88). Tarsal contact of the mites with the test compound was also sufficient to achieve high levels of mortality; 100% death was observed when the mites were placed in contact with either sheep skin circles treated to give 0.01 ml/cm(2) or polyester cloth circles treated with 0.03 ml/cm(2). However, the residual activity of both skin and cloth treated with 0.03 ml/cm(2) was completely lost after 7 days. In vivo, trans-cinnamic acid ethyl ester suspended in 2% (w/v) lecithin was applied as a spray formulation to eight sheep with active artificial infestations of sheep scab. Seven of the 8 treated sheep were cured and remained completely clear of scab mites for 56 days. However, 33 days after treatment 2 adult female mites were observed on one of the eight treated sheep and the mite population on this sheep subsequently recovered. In contrast, in a control group of two infested sheep, treated with a 2% (w/v) lecithin only, mite populations increased as expected in a typical scab infestation, but eventually self-cured in one animal. The data suggest that, with appropriate development of suitable application technology, trans-cinnamic acid ethyl ester could have a role as a potential therapeutic treatment for active sheep scab, however the short residual period of activity is likely to limit its use in commercial sheep flocks.  相似文献   

Ectoparasites of sheep in Britain include the tick Ixodes ricinus, the blowfly, Lucilia sericata, the ked, Melophagus ovinus and the lice, Damalinia ovis and Linognathus ovillus. The most important ectoparasite, however, is the mite Psoroptes communis ovis which causes sheep scab. This notifiable disease was eradicated from Britain in 1952 but was reported again in 1973. The control of ectoparasites depends largely on the efficient application of insecticide to the fleece and skin. Plunge dipping in a bath is generally regarded as the most efficient method and is compulsory for the control of sheep scab but it is not always the most convenient. After the eradication of sheep scab in 1952 plunge dipping was no longer compulsory and jetting, spraying and showering techniques were then employed for the other ectoparasites.  相似文献   

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