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阐述了强化木地板出口美国、加拿大所面对的337调查、反倾销和反补贴的情况,对强化木地板出口美国、加拿大遭遇贸易壁垒的原因进行分析,并提出解决对策。  相似文献   

欧盟是中国第一大贸易伙伴,同时也是对中国发起反倾销调查最多的世界贸易组织成员。中国商务部统计表明,2007年前11个月,中国遭遇反倾销、反补贴以及特保和保障措施等"两反两保"贸易摩擦62起,已连续12年成为全球遭受反倾销调查最多的国家。同时,中国已连续5年成为遭受337调查最多的国家。  相似文献   

美国可能对原产于中国的胶合板展开反倾销、反补贴调查本刊讯记者翁甫金报道日前,有消息称,美国胶合板生产商最近可能向该国政府提出申请,要求对原产于中国的胶合板展开反倾销、反补贴调查,美国针对原产中国胶合板的反倾销、反补贴调查将不可避免。去年年底,美国俄勒冈州的民主党参议员致信美国商  相似文献   

应对胶合板“双反”调查的分析及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国与美国在林产品国际贸易上一直纠纷不断。继2006年美国对我国林产品进行"337"调查、2010年对我国复合地板"反倾销、反补贴"调查之后,2012年,美国几家胶合板企业联合向美商务部DOC递交了关于启动对中国出口美胶合板产品"反倾销、反补贴"调查的报告。中国林产工业协会及涉案企业经过1年多的努力应诉,终于在美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)终裁环节中获得胜利。围绕美国对我国胶合板产品"反倾销、反补贴"调查胜诉案例,全面分析了"双反"调查提出的背景,简述了我国对胶合板"双反"调查的应诉情况,系统总结了应对"双反"胜诉的原因、获得的经验、产生的影响。并对今后面临问题所应采取的措施进行了深入思考。  相似文献   

加拿大边境服务署于2004年10月4日已正式立案,对原产于或出口自中国的复合地板同时进行反倾销、反补贴两项调查。这是加拿大2004年第三次对中国产品同时进行反倾销、反补贴调查。加拿大还正式立案对原产于或出口自奥地利、比利  相似文献   

今年,受人民币升值、房地产政策调控加剧以及地板行业遭遇反倾销反补贴调查等因素的影响,国内市场产品需求总量急剧减少、海外市场开拓持续萎靡,这些已经严重威胁到地板企业的生存,内外因素的双重夹击下,地板企业无不想尽办法去趟过这"不算太短的严冬"。但就是在如此条件下,"北美枫情"地板仍然产销两旺,笔者不禁有着好奇,想一探究竟。...  相似文献   

木地板 2010年10月21日,应美国硬木地板商联盟要求,美国对原产于中国的多层木地板进行反倾销、反补贴立案调查。  相似文献   

在林业产业界,无论是应对美国332、337、"反补贴、反倾销"调查,还是组织木制建材企业下乡、编制发布《全国木质门白皮书》等,"十一五"以来,一件件  相似文献   

2010年月10月,美对华开展了多层实木复合地板反倾销、反补贴调查,我公司所生产产品属调查范围,但我司出口的市场主要是欧洲市场,美国市场的客户很小,不到我公司总销量的5%。一直以来双反对于我们来说只是电视里的新闻,离我们很遥远,  相似文献   

美国华盛顿时间2010年11月12日,美国商务部公布对中国输美多层木地板产品(除竹地板、软木地板和强化木地板)发起反倾销、反补贴合并调查决定,国内有169家企业在"双反"调查之中,大自然、美丽岛、辛巴地板等多层实木复合地板生产和出口美国的企业几乎都位列其中。  相似文献   

退耕还林工程是国家恢复生态环境的重大举措 ,功在当代利在千秋 ,而作者通过对董家村退耕还林现状调查 ,发现退耕还林工程中 ,一些地方存在着诸如宣传滞后、补助兑现滞缓、管理混乱、模式单一等问题 ,针对上述问题作者认为应从宣传、检举、规划调整、科技应用等方面多管齐下 ,综合治理  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to measure the supply consequences of the thinning subsidy which was in operation during the cutting season 1979/80. The econometric analyses are based on a questionnaire to a sample of 2500 private non‐industrial forest owners, which was produced by the official Swedish investigation SOU 1981:81. The analyses show that it is questionable whether the subsidy did affect the total cut. The estimates of the supply increase range from an average of zero to 122 m3/owner. As a by‐product we obtain estimates of the price elasticity of the private non‐industrial forest owners supply curve. These estimates range from 0.63 to 1.69.  相似文献   

基于学习曲线的生物质成型燃料补贴政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国生物质成型燃料产业的调研与分析,结合该产业的发展轨迹和国家相关的规划目标,构造中国生物质成型燃料的学习曲线,利用该曲线来预测中国固体成型燃料成本的变化趋势。在此基础上,研究如果2020年我国生物质成型燃料利用量要达到5 000万吨的规模,应该如何量化并制定政府的补贴政策。结果表明,若要在2020年实现将生物质成型燃料的商业化并达到5 000万吨的利用量,生物质成型燃料的成本需降低至462元/吨,此时学习系数为0.509,学习率为70.2%。为促使生物质成型燃料的技术进步和产业化发展,需要在2020年以前对该产业进行财政补贴,最大补贴规模为2016年的6亿元,从2012年到2020年的累计补贴为41.24亿元。  相似文献   

通过对丰宁县9个乡镇25个村200个农户的问卷调查,对退耕还林过程中存在的一些问题进行了研究.结果表明,大部分农户对于国家的退耕还林政策还不是十分了解,教育程度越高的农户对政策了解程度也越高;大多数农户对于国家的退耕还林政策持支持态度,对于退耕还林政策的执行较为满意;多数农户认为,退耕还林后环境条件有了较为明显的改善;但是,多数农户认为国家的退耕还林补助期限太短,应该适当延长.同时,部分农户表示,补助期满后将会复耕.建议加大退耕还林政策宣传力度,提高农民对于退耕还林政策的了解程度,同时在后续政策的制定中,适当调整补助政策,使退耕还林工程得以长期、有序、健康的发展.  相似文献   

西南地区退耕还林现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解退耕10a来西南地区退耕还林工程实施状况,对西南退耕还林地区进行了农户调查,分析了该区退耕还林工程实施及政策执行现状和取得的成效。结果表明,退耕还林对当地生态环境和农户生活水平的改善起到了积极的作用,但仍存在着一些问题。从政策宣传、改善管理、解决农户生计、工程运行机制及相关的配套措施等方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

指出了新时期切实做好扶贫移民安置、发展移民经济,构建社会主义新农村,是当前地方政府的重要工作。而移民满意度是评价扶贫移民工作成败的重要因素,由于地区不同因素的影响,扶贫移民工作在效果上是有较大差异的,从而导致移民满意度的差异也相当明显。下盘石村和柏坡底村同属黄河流域晋陕峡谷段的国家级贫困县,仅一河之隔,同属于村内扶贫移民搬迁的对象,但在搬迁过程和结果上的差异悬殊,两村之间通过对比所表现出的问题涵盖了黄土高原区村内扶贫移民存在的主要问题。在实地调研的基础上,以晋陕两省两个自然村的农户调查数据为依据,对影响村内搬迁农民满意度差异的原因进行了分析。结果表明:两村移民满意度存在着较大的差异,而造成这种差异的原因是多方面的,主要表现在补助标准、宅基地使用费、搬迁后移民生活状况、搬迁后产业状况及搬迁过程中具体措施上的不同。  相似文献   


In forest insurance policy, coverage level and premium subsidy are two important factors that affect farmers’ decision to be insured. This paper uses data from a survey of farmers in Hunan Province of China. First, a single-bounded dichotomous-choice valuation method is used to estimate the average amount that the farmers are willing to pay (WTP) for forest insurance. The results show that farmers’ average WTP is 0.65 RMB/acre (Chinese currency is referred as RMB), which is lower than the premium level prescribed in the existing forest insurance implementation program. Second, an acreltiple-bound dichotomous-choice valuation method is used to study farmers’ WTP for acreltiple coverage levels. Results show that when coverage equals 500 RMB/acre, 1,000 RMB/acre, and 2,000 RMB/acre, the median value of the premium level of farmers’ WTP is 0.922 RMB/acre, 1.954 RMB/acre and 2.893 RMB/acre, respectively. In a situation where the current premium rates are unchanged, and the coverage level is 500 RMB/acre, 1,000 RMB/acre, or 2,000 RMB/acre, the models predict the subsidy ratio should be 53.90, 51.15 and 63.84%, respectively. Improving the coverage level of existing forest insurance policies can significantly increase farmers’ expected rate of insurance.  相似文献   

PRICE  COLIN 《Forestry》1971,44(1):87-94
Private afforestation has increased considerably since the waras a result of government income-tax and capital gains tax concessions.This type of subsidy has undesirable social effects on wealthdistribution, on land and capital allocation, and on commerciallyoptimum management; nor are the social benefits which alonecan justify subsidy of afforestation necessarily favoured. Thealleged benefits of afforestation in the Yorkshire Dales NationalPark are open to question, and the effect on amenity is likelyto be detrimental. This example is typical of many areas ofafforestation. If social benefits are expected to justify publicsupport, a new system of subsidy designed to promote these benefitsspecifically should be devised. But as our knowledge of socialbenefit is so limited, it may be preferable to suspend all subsidiesfor afforestation.  相似文献   

Great importance has been attached to the “Agriculture-Rural-Farmer” issue by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council of China. In recent years, a series of agricultural supporting subsidy policies, such as direct subsidies to grain, seed, material, and machinery purchases have been enforced, and these policies have greatly promoted the agricultural production and the incremental income of farmers. However, from the perspective of increasing the farmers’ income, although the subsidy coverage is expanding from fields to hilly areas where the farmers have made major contributions to the supply of wood and ecological security, the farmers have a low income without enough aid from the forestry fiscal subsidy policy. Foresters cannot enjoy the same policy support as farmers, because the level of forestry fiscal subsidies is obviously lower than the level of agricultural subsidies. Therefore, based on investigation, this article suggests giving more support to forest workers in terms of the promotion and optimization of forestation, forest tending, seeds and insurance subsidies, and further expanding the forestry subsidies’ category and scope and improving its standards.  相似文献   

Global climate change poses new opportunities and challenges for forestry development, and therefore developing multiple-purpose forestry is an important measure to strengthen forestry response to climate change. At present, plantation in China ranks the world first in area, but with relatively low productivity. Constantly expanding forest area and improving forest management for enhancing multiple functions and purposes of plantations are the key measures to upgrade plantation capacity to mitigate and adap...  相似文献   

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