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马铃薯新型栽培种(Neo-tuberosum)双单倍体杂种的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用马铃薯新型栽培种(Neo—tuberosum,2n=4x=48)的双单倍体(2n=2x=24)与S.phureja (2n=2x=24)杂交,克服新型栽培种双单倍体雄性败育获得了成功。鉴定结果表明,杂种实生苗绝大多数保持了二倍性(2n=2x=24);实生苗可育株占总数78.36%。经减数分裂观察,入选的17个DP优良单株系主要是SDR型2n配子。为了选育出FDR型2n配子突变系,加强DP优系中的新型栽培种的遗传成分,即以D_(2012)—22(SY—m型)为母本,以DP优系为父本配制了回交组合,得到1000多粒种子,供进一步研究利用。  相似文献   

分别取来自普通栽培种(S.tuberosum)的两个一倍体品系和两个双单倍体品系的茎段和叶片,用两步法进行组织培养来加倍其体细胞染色体数目。在以MS+2.25mg/1 BAP+5mg/1 NAA 为第一步的培养基上,从一倍体和双单倍体的茎段和叶片中获得了许多再生植株,其中约60%的加倍成植株(2n=2x=24或2n=4x=48),此结果表明此法是把单单倍体(以下简称一倍体)和双单倍体转化为纯合同源四倍体的有效方法。  相似文献   

由栽培马铃薯(4x)(S.tuberosum)与富利亚薯(2x)(S.phureja)杂交获得马铃薯双单倍体。依所采用的花粉不同,这些杂交所产生的后代包括不同数目的母体双单倍体、三倍体和四倍体杂种。由于存在胚株致死现象,仅有少量三倍体产生。由2x 花粉衍生得四倍体杂种,其频率比在以不同花粉授粉的条件下,从2x 花粉获得的期望频率要高些。H(?)glund(1970)提出两个假说来解释出现大量四倍体的问题,或是2x  相似文献   

利用二倍体栽培种(S. phureja)“授粉者”(ⅣP35)诱导马铃著极早熟品种东农303 2n卵孤雌生殖获得四倍体无性繁殖系20余份。根据著肉、薯肉色的分离比例确定为第2次分裂重组核(SDR)的2n卵。此外,块茎芽眼的深浅、花粉育性和匍匐枝的长度等也有明显的性状分离。无性系PT_(3-3)、PT_(3-5)、PT_(3-6)和PT_(4-5)的花粉育性良好并产生自交实生种子以及不同无性系间的杂种实生种子。无性系PT_(3-3)和PT_(3-5)等具有一些优于亲本东农303的经济性状,如芽眼浅,薯形圆整,单株块茎产量较高。因此,由雄性不育的早期品种2n卵(SDR)孤雌生殖产生的四倍体无性系可作为选育早熟新品种的育种材料。  相似文献   

从与球茎大麦(Hordeum bulbosum L.)的种间杂交组合中可以产生大麦(Hvrdeum vulgare L.)单倍体。通常由于球茎大麦为冬性,需要春化处理才能产生花粉。为了有利于栽培大麦与球茎大麦的杂交,本研究选择并估测了中选春性无性系的胚形成率(获得的胚数/授粉小花数)和单倍体产生率(获得的单胚数/授粉小花数)。未春化处理的183个无性系有23个开花,这些无性系可产生足够的花粉。胚形成率为26.3%—86.5%,单倍体产生率为8.2%—41.9%。某些无性系优于常规的冬性无性系,它们可以用于改进大麦单倍体的形成程序。  相似文献   

本试验采用了早春播种,让其植株在冷凉的气候条件下开花,并结合蕾期授粉的方法。克服了自交不亲合性,获得了3000多粒IVP35(S.Phureja)的自交种子。 1984年以东农303(雄性不育)作被测母本,用IVP35各自交后代作授粉者所作的测交结果表明,诱发单倍体的隐性基因不只1对, 因为IVP35自交后代单株无性系间诱发单倍体的频率有显著差异。本试验还选育出了优良授粉者NEA—P16和NEA—P19。按100个浆果中产生孤雌生殖的植株来计算,NEA—P16和NEA—P19诱发孤雌生殖的频率分别为IVP35的2.66和2.48倍。与优良授粉者的选育及孤雌生殖有关的问题在本论文中也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用3个2n配子材料(2x)在马铃薯(S.tuberosum L.)中进行4x—2x,2x—4x和2x—2x的杂交,获得了4个四倍体杂种材料;然后对它们进行花药培养,共得到32个双单倍体植株。检查其中23个植株,有2株是具5%以上2n花粉粒的双单倍体,1株是重组了2n卵基因的双单倍体。由此证明花药培养的倍性操作技术是转育马铃薯2n配子性状给双单倍体的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

利用细胞工程技术创制改良甜菜基础材料的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用单倍体培养及体细胞无性系变异技术对甜菜遗传单粒种的品质和抗性进行遗传改良,可在保留原有品系优良特性的基础上,对材料的含糖、抗性等性状,在较短的时间内获得优良纯合品系。本试验采用甜菜未授粉胚珠培养和体细胞无性系变异技术,创制并筛选出甜菜遗传单粒种高糖初级品系2个、高抗褐斑病初级品系3个、高糖兼高抗褐斑病的初级品系2个,为甜菜遗传单粒种的改良打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

测定了日本小麦品种(Triticum aestium L.)和球茎大麦(Hordeumbulbosum L.)的四倍体无性系之间的配合力。为了改进小麦的杂交程序,研究了化学物质在小麦单倍体产生中对小麦配合力的特殊作用。测定了32个小麦品种,有22个是可配的、结实率10.4%-45.9%。这些可配品种在系谱上衍生自日本地方品种的杂交后代。用球茎大麦基因型作父本也极大地影响小麦品种“Fu—kuokomugi”的种子结实、结实率4.1%-50.0%。然而,当用球茎大麦最有希望的无性系授粉时,Haruhikari的不可配性乃无法得到令人满意地克服。在交杂程序上,随着授粉前应用2,4-D处理大大地提高了Fukuhokomugi的结实率,但似乎也不能有效地降低Haruhikari的不亲和性。这些研究结果证实,用可配的小麦基因型作为启动材料时,可以应用球茎大麦产生的单倍体的方法于改良小麦单倍体的产生。  相似文献   

鲜食玉米单倍体诱导率的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高佳琪  王琨  徐梅艳  毕文文  谭静 《玉米科学》2021,29(5):15-21,27
选用不同基因类型的鲜食玉米(普甜玉米、超甜玉米、加强甜玉米和糯玉米)共15个材料作为母本,4个不同诱导材料作为父本,分别在景洪冬季和昆明夏季于抽丝后的不同时期进行杂交,统计诱导的单倍体后代,研究不同遗传背景、诱导基因、生态条件以及授粉时期对单倍体诱导率的影响。结果表明,不同的遗传背景、诱导基因、生态条件以及授粉时期对单倍体诱导均有重要影响,昆明夏季进行单倍体诱导的效率显著高于景洪冬季,吐丝早期授粉比晚期授粉的诱导效率要高;不同的母本基因型与不同的诱导系都对单倍体的诱导率产生极显著影响,但同一鲜食玉米类型不同品种的单倍体诱导率表现不同,说明单倍体诱导率的表达不受甜糯基因的影响;父本诱导系的诱导率则表现较为一致,都是诱导系CAU-1和(CAU-1×CAU-5)-B的单倍体诱导率显著高于诱导系(MT1×H780)-B和MT1的诱导率。在进行鲜食玉米单倍体育种时,选用诱导系CAU-1和(CAU-1×CAU-5)-B在昆明夏季于吐丝早期进行诱导,可以大幅提高单倍体的诱导率。  相似文献   

The crossability of Group Andigena haploids was investigated in this study. Groups Phureja, Stenotomum and Tuberosum haploids were crossed to Gp. Andigena haploids reciprocally to estimate the female and male fertility of the latter. The male fertility of Gp. Andigena haploids was reflected by the average seed set from crosses to Gps. Phureja Stenotomum and Tuberosum haploids (69, 43 and 21 seeds per fruit, respectively); female fertility was expressed when Gps. Phureja or Stenotomum served as the male, yielding 48 and 38 seeds per fruit, respectively. To contrast Gp. Andigena and Gp. Tuberosum haploid male fertility, they were crossed among and between themselves. As males, Gp. Andigena haploids gave three to four times the seed set of Gp. Tuberosum haploids. Pollen tube growth was analyzed in various Gp. Andigena haploid crosses to determine the site of cross failure. The results presented provide the basis for the first step in determining the potential of Gp. Andigena haploids in the development of diploid breeding stocks and the 2n gamete approach to potato improvement.  相似文献   

Summary Male sterility in dihaploids ofSolanum tuberosum is often a barrier to their utilization in breeding and genetical studies. Although the male fertility of primary dihaploids (obtained directly from tetraploids) was generally low, a few were produced by the author which produced seed when used as pollen parents on female fertile dihaploids. The population of further generation dihaploids (from dihaploid intercrosses) produced from the showed a marked improvement in male fertility. Comparative data from measurements of different aspects of male fertility in dihaploids are presented. These showed that the weight of pollen per anther, the percentage of (iodine) stainable pollen and the number of seeds per berry were greater in further generation dihaploids than in primary dihaploids. It is suggested that interspecific crosses using dihaploids are not necessarily useful for increasing male fertility in diploid potatoes. The advantages of breeding at the diploid level withinS. tuberosum are discussed. Rare male-fertile dihaploids could be used to generate diploids with a high frequency of male fertility. These could then be used to cross with any other flowering dihaploids to combine characters at the diploid level, so exploiting the simpler genetic ratios associated with disomic inheritance.  相似文献   

用三种不同温度前处理和三种培养基相配合对7个从双单倍体马铃薯(S.tuberasumL,2n=2x=24)中随机抽取的品系进行了花药培养,选择出了较好的培养基和前处理的适宜温度及方法.从双单倍体花药中诱导产生胚状体及再生植株频率有所提高达27.5%和8.8%.倍性鉴定表明,从双单倍体诱导的胚状体分化的植株绝大多数为二倍体,而且多数为纯合体,说明这些胚状体来自己减数的配子,可能是由在胚状体发育过程中的体细胞染色体加倍形成的.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine clones (cultivars and advanced selections) ofSolanum tuberosum Group Tuberosum were pollinated with two Group Phureja-haploid Tuberosum hybrids, which produce FDR 2n pollen (ps/ps) and are heterozygous for a dominant gene (Ms/ms) which interacts with Tuberosum cytoplasm to result in male sterility. Twenty-eight and thirty-four plants from each family were transplanted to the field in two different locations, respectively. Pollen samples were collected from each plant and stained with acetocarmine glycerol jelly. Plants with over 95% unstainable pollen were considered male sterile. The families could be put into distinct classes according to the ratio of male sterile to male fertile plants; 3 sterile: 1 fertile (23 clones), 2 sterile: 3 fertile (24 clones), 1 sterile: 5 fertile (3 clones), and 0 sterile: 1 fertile (3 clones). Four families deviated significantly from any expected ratio. The variation for male fertility among families resides in the tetraploid parent, since the male parents have the same genotype (Ms/ms) for theMs locus. The locus of this gene is very distal to the centromere such the 2n gametic output is 1 Ms/Ms : 2 Ms/ms : 1 ms/ms. The variation in male sterility is explained by the presence or absence of a dominant allele of a restorer gene (Rt) in tetraploid Tuberosum. This locus is also very distal to the centromere. The frequency of theRt gene was estimated to be 0.20 in Tuberosum. The finding ofRt gene explains some of the conflicting results in male fertility of haploid Tuberosum x 2x cultivated and wild species hybrids. It also provides an opportunity to partially circumvent this male sterility. Haploids (2n = 2x = 24) extracted from 4x clones withRt genes would have male fertile progeny in crosses with species carrying theMs gene.  相似文献   

Pollen stainability over two years and microsporogenesis were investigated in seven dihaploids extracted fromSolanum tuberosum tetraploids (AVRDC-1287.19, Conchita, Merrimack and W231). Two dihaploids proved to be male-sterile and male gamete abortion is likely to be post-meiotic because a regular meiosis occurred. The other dihaploids proved to be partially male-fertile and 2n pollen producers, as well. Almost all clones showed predominantly the formation of parallel spindles. Correlations estimated between the observed abnormalities in spindle orientation and the meiotic products evidenced a high correlation between parallel/fused spindles and dyads. The dihaploids were also used as parents in crosses with tetraploids. One berry with 44 seeds was obtained from dihaploid AVI 24 used as pollen parent in 4x × 2x crosses. After 2x × 4x crosses, three dihaploids including the two male-sterile were found to be 2n egg producers. The formation of 2n gametes inS. tuberosum dihaploids is discussed in relation to a direct use of dihaploids in sexual polyploidization schemes to combine useful traits in a superior genotype at 4x level.  相似文献   

Summary Triploid plants of the common potato (Solanum tuberosum L. group Tuberosum) were derived from crosses between tetraploid varieties and selected dihaploids. The ability to induce triploidy seems to be largely dependent on the genotype of the dihaploid parent. Morphologically there was very little difference between triploids and their tetraploid siblings. Yields of triploids could be equivalent to genetically similar tetraploids.  相似文献   

通过4x—2x杂交测验,从Solanumphureja后代中筛选出9份诱导双单倍体频率和花粉育性高的授粉者.它们的平均诱导率为33株双单倍体/100个果,并具有显性纯合的胚斑标记基因(BB)和紫色胚轴标记基因(PP),可用来有效地识别双单倍体.不同的四倍体母本产生双单倍体的频率不同,中薯2号产生频率最高,达34株双单倍体/100个果,母本基因型对双单倍体的产生有很大的影响.  相似文献   

The types of reciprocal differences found in higher plants are generally limited to those characters which are controlled by one or two major genes. There are, however, a few examples where the progeny from reciprocal crosses differ in yield or other quantitative characters. Both have been ascribed mainly to cytoplasmic inheritance. In cultivated tetraploid potatoes (Solatium tuberosum Group Tuberosum) differences in yield of the progeny from reciprocal crosses have been found. These reciprocal differences are attributed to the mode of 2n gamete formation rather than cytoplasmic differences. Preliminary experiments involving reciprocal crosses between Tuberosum cultivars (2n=4x=48) and Phurejahaploid Tuberosum hybrids (2n=2x=24) indicated that some progenies from 4x x 2x crosses yield more than progenies from reciprocal crosses. It was hypothesized that the differences in tuber yield may be due to one or more of the following factors: (i) the effect of high fruit set on yield —i.e. almost 100% of the progenies from 2x X 4x crosses are male fertile and thus higher fruit set is expected than in the 4x X 2x progenies where only about 57% of the F1 clones are male fertile; (ii) the advantage of being in 4x cytoplasm if the nucleus is 4x; and (iii) the difference in mode of 2n gamete formation-first division restitution (FDR) gives highly heterozygous gametes and second division restitution (SDR) results in highly homozygous gametes. Six families of reciprocal crosses between three 4x cultivars (Merrimack, Superior, and Wis 639) and three 2x Phureja-haploid clones (W5293.3, W5295.7, and W5845.1) were planted in 1970 in Rhinelander in a split-plot design with two tubers of each clone in each of two replicates. Flowers were removed from one of the paired plants in each family. Even though the fruit yields were higher in 2x X 4x progenies as expected, tuber yields were not affected by fruit formation. Therefore, factor (i) is apparently not involved in the reciprocal differences observed. Significantly higher tuber yields were obtained from 4x X 2x families only with the 2x clone W5295.7. This eliminated factor (ii), since no difference in reciprocals was obtained with the other 2x clones. Factor (iii) could thus be responsible for differences in reciprocal crosses, since cytological observations indicate only W5295.7 of the 2x clones used forms 2n pollen by FDR.  相似文献   

Summary Dihaploid populations from 20 varieties and 11 breeding lines ofSolanum tuberosum differed greatly in the occurrence and frequency of mutant phenotypes, in tuberization, flowering, pollen stainability, 2n-pollen production and resistance toGlobodera rostochiensis pathotype Ro-1. One population contained up to 61.7% lethal mutants: 39.1% of the total of 5377 dihaploids obtained did not tuberize, and 32.4% of 825 vigorous dihaploids did not flower. Of 825 vigorous dihaploids, 26.9 and 3.9% respectively had a pollen stainability higher than 20 and 60%. Among 222 dihaploids with a pollen stainability higher than 20%. 23.0% produced some 2n-pollen and none of these had a stainability higher than 60%. Among the dihaploid populations investigated the proportion of resistant to susceptible dihaploids ranged from 8:26 to 62:8.  相似文献   

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