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环境内分泌干扰物对鱼类影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水环境中的内分泌干扰物可导致鱼类性别特征丧失和后代不能繁殖,损伤神经、免疫和内分泌系统,引起鱼类种群生存力和资源量下降。介绍了环境内分泌干扰物的概念、种类、作用机制和危害特征,着重阐述了其对鱼类生理生化的影响,讨论了环境内分泌干扰物的降解与研究前景。  相似文献   

脂肪严重沉积是当前养殖鱼类普遍发生的代谢障碍病症,其原因复杂多样。近年来,已有较多研究提示,广泛存在于自然水环境中的环境内分泌干扰物(EDCs)除了对多种鱼类的生长、发育和繁殖产生持久的慢性毒理效应之外,也对鱼类脂质代谢过程造成影响,导致脂肪沉积异常,并影响养殖鱼类的品质与食用安全性。本文首次系统回顾了近年来在EDCs影响鱼类脂质代谢研究领域中的重要研究成果,并针对持久性有机污染物(POPs)、重金属、环境雌激素和人工合成药物4大类污染物,系统总结了不同EDCs对鱼类脂质代谢的干扰作用。辨析了不同研究中EDCs对鱼类暴露方式、暴露时间和暴露浓度的差异,并由此分析同种EDC在不同的暴露环境下对鱼类脂质代谢产生的差异影响。本文在综述已有成果的基础上,提出了本领域今后的研究重点和方向,旨在为深入研究EDCs对鱼类脂质代谢的影响机制提供更多参考,进一步理解鱼类脂肪沉积的原因,为绿色可持续发展的水产养殖业提供重要的理论支持。  相似文献   

环境内分泌干扰物(EDCs),是一类存在于环境介质中并介导生物体内分泌激素的合成、释放、代谢、结合和排泄作用,对其后代产生有害影响的外源性化学物质;因干扰内分泌系统的过程与雌激素类似,故也被称为环境激素[1-2].环境内分泌干扰物分为自然存在和人为合成,人为合成的主要来源于人类广泛的农业和工业活动,如常见的有机氯农药、...  相似文献   

一、环境内分泌干扰物(E D C s)简介环境内分泌干扰物(EndocrineDisruptingChemicals,EDCs)是指一类外源性化合物进入机体后,具有干扰体内正常分泌物质的合成、释放、运转、代谢、结合等过程,激活或抑制内分泌系统功能,从而破坏其维持机体稳定性和调控作用的物质。EDCs可通过食  相似文献   

环境内分泌干扰物对水生态环境造成了严重的污染,生活在水中的鱼类也因此受到危害。从鱼类生长发育、性分化和繁殖等方面论述了内分泌干扰物对鱼类及其种群的影响,探讨了内分泌干扰物研究对于保护水生生物和渔业资源的重要性,并讨论了水体内分泌干扰物的研究趋势。  相似文献   

魏华  吕众 《中国水产》2009,(3):62-63
环境内分泌干扰物广泛存在于自然水体中,影响水生动物生存和人类健康。利用鱼类检测水中内分泌干扰物是一个有效方法。本文介绍了利用鱼类评测水中内分泌干扰物的研究现状,并展望了以鱼类作为对象更加全面的评测内分泌干扰物的前景。  相似文献   

甲状腺激素在鱼类的生长、发育、生殖等过程中均起着至关重要的作用,环境内分泌干扰物能够通过不同途径干扰硬骨鱼的甲状腺轴.本研究在介绍硬骨鱼下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴调控机制以及甲状腺激素在鱼体内动态变化过程的基础上,从甲状腺激素的合成、转运、转化、代谢以及清除等角度,总结了目前常用于指示鱼类甲状腺轴受干扰的指标,并从甲状腺轴生物标志物的研发、环境内分泌干扰物活体暴露时间和浓度选择、体外/体内相结合评价体系的建立以及微观水平指标与宏观水平指标相结合的角度,展望了该领域今后的研究重点和方向,以期为环境内分泌干扰物对鱼类甲状腺轴干扰作用研究提供更多的参考.  相似文献   

环境雌激素作为一类内分泌干扰物进入人和动物体内后能干扰机体内分泌系统的正常功能,通过多种机制表现出拟天然雌激素或者抗天然雄激素的作用。双酚A(bisphenol A, BPA)和酞酸酯(也称作邻苯二甲酸酯,Phthalic Acid Esters, PAEs)是具有雌激素类活性的环境内分泌干扰物,广泛存在于水环境中,并对水生动物,特别是鱼类的安全造成潜在威胁。本文总结了目前BPA和PAEs对鱼类毒性效应的研究成果,特别是内分泌干扰作用和生殖毒性,为评估这两类环境污染物对鱼类的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

环境雌激素作为一类内分泌干扰物进入人和动物体内后,能干扰机体内分泌系统的正常功能,通过多种机制表现出拟天然雌激素或者抗天然雄激素的作用。双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)和酞酸酯(也称作邻苯二甲酸酯,Phthalic Acid Esters,PAEs)是具有雌激素类活性的环境内分泌干扰物,广泛存在于水环境中,并对水生动物特别是鱼类的安全造成潜在威胁。本文总结了目前BPA和PAEs对鱼类毒性效应的研究成果,特别是内分泌干扰作用和生殖毒性,为评估这两类环境污染物对鱼类的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

长江下游靖江段鱼类栖息地人工修复取得初步成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>近年来,随着过度捕捞、水域污染、水利工程等人类干扰活动的日益加剧,鱼类资源已呈现出严重透支和持续衰退的局面。长江被誉为"黄金水道",承担灌溉、航运、发电等多项重要经济功能,而长江三角洲则是"长江经济带"的核心区域,所属水域生态系统的人类活动最频繁,遭受的人为干扰作用最强烈,鱼类资源保护也最迫切。人类活动引起的鱼类栖息地丧失和破坏是导致鱼类资源衰竭的重要原因。栖息地是指鱼类能够正常生活、生  相似文献   

So far, there are a number of fish genome projects, including experimental and economically important fish that provide available DNA sequence information. However, the function of a gene cannot be deduced only by its DNA sequence. Therefore, a technique with which to investigate the function of the fish gene is needed. Gene knockdown (GKD), or antisense technology, is now being used as a powerful technique to study gene functions in living organisms. GKD effects result from the introduction of an antisense molecule into living cells. The antisense agents bind to target messenger RNA, thus inactivating the target gene expression. The appropriately spatial inhibitory effects on protein production from corresponding gene resulted in the phenotypic change. Therefore, the function of the gene can be understood. To date, there are a number of antisense molecules that can affect efficient GKD in fish. These include antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNA, and ribozyme. These antisense molecules cause specific gene inhibitor effects with different mechanisms. The various antisense mechanism types facilitate a number of GKD applications with various approaches in animals. In this review, we demonstrate the characteristics of each antisense molecule, its mechanism, and its application, especially for gene functional analysis in fish.  相似文献   

水环境中镉是公认毒性最大、蓄积性最强的重金属之一,易富集于水生生物体内,对其生理代谢产生毒性效应,并通过食物链传递,威胁人类健康。本文以鱼类为代表性水生生物,综述了镉对鱼类的毒理效应研究进展。鱼类食性和摄食途径的差异造成镉在其体内的积累和分布具有生物特异性与组织差异性。水体镉浓度超标可导致鱼类的鳃和肝脏等组织结构与功能完整性受到不同程度损害,并对鱼类的抗氧化防御系统、生殖调控、非特异性免疫系统与基因表达等产生毒性效应,其毒性效应随镉暴露浓度、暴露时间、鱼类种类、发育阶段和性别不同而异。同时,鱼类的抗氧化防御系统和免疫系统在镉诱导的氧化损伤中发挥了重要的保护作用。通过总结国内外研究进展,展望今后的研究方向,为更加深入研究镉的毒理效应及机制,进而更好地控制水环境中镉污染,保护水生态环境和水生生物,以及为人类提供安全的水产品提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are widespread used and can interfere on hormone regulation with adverse consequences for both biota and human. Vitellogenin (vtg) is a yolk precursor protein synthesized by the liver in response to estrogen. In order to characterize the vtg of tropical fish Rhamdia quelen and establish a molecular biomarker, adult male individuals were exposed to 17-β-estradiol (E2) for vtg induction and anti-R. quelen vtg polyclonal antibodies production. Vitellogenic female fish were used as positive control group. E2-induced vtg was characterized as a glycolipophosphoprotein of high molecular mass with peptide mass fingerprint very similar in E2-exposed male and vitellogenic female fish. A polyclonal serum containing anti-R. quelen vtg antibodies was produced and showed high specificity and sensibility to detect the vtg of three fish species: R. quelen, Piaractus mesopotamicus and Prochilodus lineatus. Wildlife and laboratory studies reported that EDCs released into the environment may alter the levels of plasma vtg in male fish, making this protein a valuable biomarker of xenoestrogens exposure. Then, we propose the use of anti-R. quelen vtg as a tool for biomonitoring studies and water quality assessment in Brazil and South American countries where the three fish species occur.  相似文献   

鱼用疫苗的种类繁多,除传统的死疫苗、活疫苗、多价苗之外,新型疫苗包括合成肽疫苗、DNA疫苗、活载体疫苗、基因缺失疫苗等。一些与鱼用疫苗相关的领域如免疫佐剂、接种方法的研究也逐渐深入。本文对以上研究进行了概述,为我国鱼用疫苗的进一步研究和发展提供一些依据。  相似文献   

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are of substantial concern when contaminating waters. We studied gene expression of larvae from river pufferfish, Takifugu obscurus exposed to EDCs. We cloned the full‐ or partial‐length cDNA sequence of genes related to the cortisol pathway, such as the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and 90, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and the FK506‐binding protein 4 (FKBP52). The tissue and time‐dependent expression of mRNA was studied by real‐time PCR in T. obscurus exposed to two representative EDCs (bisphenol‐A and 4‐tert‐octylphenol). HSP70, HSP90, MR and FKBP52 mRNA expression level was much higher than GR and PEPCK expression. GR mRNA expression level was significantly upregulated after 48 h in both EDC‐treated fish groups compared with the control. Both groups also showed down‐regulation patterns after 48 h. The initial expression of PEPCK in both groups was down‐regulated after 24 h. In the bisphenol‐A treated group, the expression of FKBP52 showed substantially high up‐regulation from 6 to 48 h after exposure, and then strikingly reduced its expression level at 72 h. Our results provide insights into the EDCs metabolizing system of T. obscurus and offers baseline information for further research related to the possible use as a bio‐indicator of this commercially important aquaculture fish species.  相似文献   

珊瑚对环境要求较高,温度、盐度、pH、重金属、悬浮泥沙、紫外线等因素都可能造成珊瑚的退化.又因为造礁石珊瑚是现代珊瑚礁的框架,本研究首先基于造礁石珊瑚的生存状况及其与珊瑚礁生态系统的密切关系,分析了其退化原因及可能产生的后果,进而从珊瑚礁生物增殖放流、人工养殖移植技术、相关功能基因研究、科学有效的监测管理等多个角度,综...  相似文献   

水生生物作为人类生活的重要组成部分,其在养殖、运输以及展示等过程中福利水平低下现象层出不穷,寻求合适的方法来解决水生生物福利低下的问题,成为保障并提升水生生物福利的一大重要工作。环境丰容作为一项能够通过对圈养动物生存环境进行优化,提升圈养动物福利水平,使得圈养动物获得生理和心理健康,展示其自然行为的技术,成为保障和提升水生生物福利的一个重要手段。目前,与国外相比,国内对水生生物环境丰容技术的研究还处于起步阶段,如何利用环境丰容技术改善水生生物的生存环境,保障并提升水生生物福利水平日益成为研究热点。为此,本文综述了环境丰容的定义、发展历程、环境丰容与动物福利的关系以及在水生生物中的4种主要环境丰容技术。同时,就水生生物环境丰容技术存在的问题进行讨论并提出建议,以期为水生生物环境丰容提供更多方案参考和理论支撑。  相似文献   

Fish commonly use reproductive hormones (steroids and prostaglandins) both as endogenous signals between reproductive tract and brain and as exogenous signals (hormonal pheromones) that synchronize gamete maturation and/or spawning interactions between and among conspecifics. This dual function for hormonal products not only extends traditional concepts that sex hormone actions are limited to reproductive synchrony within the individual, but also implies we are unlikely to achieve a comprehensive understanding of reproductive function in any fish without knowledge of both the endogenous and exogenous actions of its hormones and related released compounds. Such knowledge is beginning to accumulate for several species (e.g. goldfish, Atlantic salmon), but even here is far from complete. Moreover, because hormonal pheromone studies have focused on oviparous gonochorists with relatively simple reproductive strategies, we know nothing about the potential hormonal pheromone functions of the numerous species with sequential hermaphroditism or alternative male strategies, or the possible changes in pheromone function associated with the numerous transitions from oviparity to viviparity. Given the insights we have gained from studies of traditional species, it seems certain that expanding hormonal pheromone research to non-traditional species exemplifying the diverse nature of fish mating systems will similarly enrich our understanding of fish reproductive function.  相似文献   

东海区资源保护型人工鱼礁生态效果评价体系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学评价鱼礁生态效果对后续鱼礁建设具有重要现实意义。从鱼礁生态效果产生原理出发,以鱼礁的自然特征、流场效应、水质与底质、饵料生物、鱼类与大型无脊椎动物5方面作为评价准则,建立了2个评价层次共29个评价指标的指标体系。在查阅文献和分析调查资料基础上,确定了定量评价指标的模糊隶属函数和定性指标的评判依据以作为评价指标的评价标准。运用三标度层次分析法确定了评价指标的权重。对2个代表性资源保护型鱼礁的生态效果进行了评价。评价结果与实际调查情况基本吻合。评价方法可以作为有关鱼礁生态效果评价的依据。  相似文献   

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