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<正>培育高产奶牛,对于提高饲料报酬,降低饲养成本,增加泌乳量,提高经济效益等都有着密切的关系。结合生产实际分析,影响奶牛泌乳量的因素主要包括遗传因素、生理因素和环境因素3大方面。其中,选育工作是创高产的前提,饲养管理是发挥产奶性能的关键。1奶牛泌乳量的影响因素同一品种不同个体的奶牛,其泌乳量遗传性能不同,供给的饲料营养水平不同,环境和管理水平不同,泌乳量往往有很大差  相似文献   

目的:环境因素影响奶牛的泌乳量、发育、繁殖等生产性能,在奶牛生产中,得出规避环境风险因素的方法,提高奶牛生产效益、降低奶牛生产风险.方法:通过阐述温度、湿度、光照、噪音等环境因素对奶牛生产的影响,并对其影响进行分析,结果:得出通过控制水、乳汁、牛舍的温度,调整光照时间,避免噪音,控制湿度等其他环境卫生措施,提高泌乳量、增强抵抗力、提高饲料利用率、提高繁殖功能.结论:通过调整环境,可以降低奶牛生产中的风险,提高奶牛生产性能,增加养殖者经济效益.  相似文献   

衡量奶牛泌乳性能的重要指标之一就是奶牛的泌乳量。影响奶牛泌乳量的因素有很多,笔者根据多年的生产和兽医临床经验,对影响因素做了详细分析并提出了有效的应对措施。  相似文献   

许多因素会对奶牛乳脂率产生影响,例如:奶牛品种、饲养管理、泌乳阶段和饲料因素。本文着重从泌乳阶段和饲料因素两方面来综述影响乳脂率高低的原因及机理。  相似文献   

当用传统的精、粗饲料舍饲喂养奶牛时,其对饲料干物质和能量的投入量取决于泌乳量、体重、精饲料在日粮中的比例和粗饲料的质量。在这些因素中,泌乳量对采食量的影响占70%,精饲料和粗饲料分别占23%和10%。在泌乳早期泌乳量能刺激采食,而在泌乳后期采食量则会促进泌乳。在泌乳早期,如果饲料的采食高峰滞后于产奶高峰,则会导致能量负平衡,严重时还会影响到奶牛的繁殖性能和健康状况。因此生产实践中,在较低的泌乳峰值  相似文献   

奶牛的产奶量和乳品品质受饲料中蛋白质和氨基酸含量以及利用效率等因素的影响,奶牛对饲料中常规的蛋白质和氨基酸的利用效率一般较低,进入奶牛小肠的未降解蛋白质和氨基酸不足是制约奶牛高产和影响乳品品质的主要因素。此试验通过在泌乳前中期的奶牛精料补充料中添加300g/t和600g/t的脲酶抑制剂,研究脲酶抑制剂对奶牛产奶量和乳成分的影响,为脲酶抑制剂在奶牛生产的合理应用提供试验依据。  相似文献   

研究证明应用离子载体(IOP)有助于提高奶牛泌乳量和刺激免疫应答反应。目前IOP在奶牛生产应用上的一些研究成果已经被广泛应用于奶牛生产中。IOP能抑制瘤胃中的革兰氏阳性菌,改变瘤胃内环境,从而提高饲料中的氮和能量的利用率。由于能量物质的供给增大,因而奶牛的泌乳能力、产奶量、免疫应答反应也增强。资料显示泌乳奶牛服用IOP后有助于体内能量平衡、提高自身对疾病的抵抗力和增加产奶量。因而,IOP对分娩前后的奶牛,特别是那些泌乳能力强的奶牛的作用更加显著。本文的目的是针对当前IOP对奶牛泌乳量、奶牛健康以及生产性能的影响等做一综述。  相似文献   

按照不同生态和养殖环境区域合理设计泌乳牛饲料配方,将所涉及饲料原料进行加工调制成优质奶牛饲料加以日常利用,对奶牛的科学高效饲养有着非常重要意义。本试验研究3种不同饲料配方日粮对奶牛生产性能的影响,并筛选出最适饲料配方。结果表明,饲料日粮配方2是最佳泌乳牛饲养饲料配方,不仅能降低饲料投入成本,而且还能提高产奶量。  相似文献   

牛奶品质的优劣,受诸多因素的影响,如饲料组成与营养、奶牛泌乳阶段与泌乳水平、环境、疾病、品种等.本文综述了国内外有关影响牛奶中乳脂率、共轭亚油酸、乳蛋白率、体细胞数和牛奶中抗生素的饲料营养因素,从理论上阐述饲料营养与牛奶品质密切联系的内在机理,同时给出了在实际生产中如何改善牛奶品质的具体饲养和管理措施,旨在为我国奶牛饲养提供理论和实践资料,满足人们对安全、优质畜产品的需求.  相似文献   

离子载体对泌乳奶牛影响的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究表明应用离子载体(IOP)有助于提高奶牛泌乳量和刺激免疫应答反应。目前IOP对奶牛泌乳影响的一些研究成果已经被广泛应用于奶牛生产中。IOP能抑制瘤胃中的革兰氏阳性菌,改变瘤胃内环境,从而提高饲料中的氮和能量的利用率。资料显示,泌乳奶牛服用IOP后有助于体内能量平衡、提高自身对疾病的抵抗力和增加产奶量。因而,IOP对分娩前后的奶牛,特别是那些泌乳能力强的奶牛的作用更加显著。  相似文献   

产乳热是奶牛产犊后泌乳造成血钙水平下降而引发的营养代谢性疾病,其发生病率非常高,对奶牛健康和生产性能影响较大。产乳热增加了奶牛生育性炎症、生殖障碍和内分泌、消化等方面疾病发生的几率,对养殖业造成很大的损失。影响奶牛产乳热的因素有很多,不仅包括奶牛品种、年龄、体况评分、产乳热史等牛自身因子,也包括饲养管理层面的因素,如泌乳天数、干奶期、产犊间隔的控制及奶牛饲料营养水平的调控,还与气候、环境等外界因素相关,这些影响因子往往相互交织,增加了奶牛产乳热的预防和治疗难度。作者综述了奶牛产乳热的发病机理,分析研究了各种因子对奶牛产乳热的影响机制,并介绍了几种预防措施,主要包括对奶牛饲养环境的管理、产犊间隔和泌乳情况的控制和奶牛不同阶段饲料营养水平的调控,以期为降低奶牛产乳热提供理论依据。  相似文献   

研究番茄渣单贮或混贮替代部分全株玉米青贮对奶牛生产性能和经济效益的影响,为今后在奶牛科学养殖中开发和利用非常规饲料资源提供理论依据和技术支持。试验选择体重、泌乳期、胎次和产奶量相近且健康无疾病的30头泌乳前中期荷斯坦奶牛于内蒙古巴彦淖尔市临河区双河镇嘉益奶牛养殖合作社进行为期50 d的饲养试验。结果表明,番茄渣经过单贮或混贮(分别与梨渣、玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆混贮)后用于奶牛日粮中替代部分全株玉米青贮,可有效的降低玉米青贮的使用,降低生产成本,显著提高乳蛋白率(P<0.05)、乳脂率(P<0.05)和奶牛产奶量(P<0.05),提高养殖效益。番茄渣单贮或混贮可提高奶牛生产性能和经济效益,并可作为一种非常规饲料资源在奶牛业中进行推广应用。  相似文献   

本试验应用EM发酵玉米秸秆和青贮玉米秸秆饲喂奶牛,以观察两种方法处理的玉米秸秆对奶牛生产性能及经济效益的影响效果。结果表明,用EM发酵的玉米秸秆饲喂奶牛较青贮玉米秸秆饲喂奶牛,每天每头奶牛采食量提高1.03%,平均产奶量提高2.02%,经济效益提高0.13元;EM原液发酵的玉米秸秆和青贮玉米秸秆1∶1混合饲喂奶牛,每天每头奶牛采食量、平均产奶量、经济效益分别比饲喂青贮玉米秸秆的奶牛提高2.85%、2.99%和1.15元。  相似文献   

奶牛养殖过程中,围产期被认为是最重要的时期之一,在该时期奶牛从干奶状态转为泌乳状态,生理上所受的应激造成奶牛泌乳早期采食量降低,易发生能量负平衡.此外,奶牛生产性能和繁殖性能也会降低,并常常伴有一些围产期疾病的发生,如脂肪肝、酮症、乳房炎等.胆碱能影响奶牛的生产与繁殖性能,参与奶牛的脂肪代谢,可降低脂肪肝发生率,提高免疫性能.对围产期奶牛饲喂过瘤胃保护胆碱(rumen protected choline,RPC),可改善奶牛机体代谢,增加小肠胆碱供应,进而提高奶产量、改善乳成分、缓解脂肪肝、减少围产期疾病的发生.本文综述了RPC对围产期奶牛干物质采食量、生产性能、乳成分以及健康状况的影响,旨在为围产期奶牛的养殖提供理论参考依据.  相似文献   

From a long-term experiment with three different types of housing for dairy cows, preliminary results are given for milk production, feeding efficiency and reproductive performance. The three types of housing are: (1) a conventional tie-barn, (2) an insulated cubicle (free-stall) barn with slatted floors, and (3) an uninsulated loafing barn (deep-bedding).In the first year of the experiment (adaptation period), cows in the tie-stall produced approximately 10% more milk than the cows in the two loose housing systems. During the following three years of the experiment, there were no significant differences in production level, the cows in the deep-bedded loose housing being the highest producers followed by the cows in the tie-barn.Over 305-day lactation periods, cows in 1st lactation in the tie-barn produced more milk than the 1st lactation cows in the two loose housing units, although the difference was not significant. For cows in 2nd–5th lactation no significant differences in milk production were found between the tie-barn and loose housing systems except for protein percent in the milk.Calculations of feed intake and feeding efficiency showed that the overall feeding efficiency was 2.5 and 2.8% units lower for the cows in the cubicle barn and deep-bedded barn, respectively, as compared to the cows in the tie-barn.During the 4-year period the cows in the deep-bedded loose housing system showed the best reproductive performance. Number of inseminations per pregnancy, calving interval, and cows culled were lowest for the cows in this unit.  相似文献   

热应激影响荷斯坦奶牛泌乳机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奶牛在极端热环境下会产生热应激反应,导致奶牛泌乳量降低、乳品质下降。本文从热应激诱导乳腺氧化应激及影响机体激素代谢、抑制乳成分合成角度综述了热应激影响奶牛泌乳的机制,并对补饲添加剂缓解热应激的效果进行总结,以期为进一步探究热应激机理及寻求有效、合理的缓解措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Based on individual cow live weight gain, feeding strategies were designed for individual feeding of dairy cows in loose-housing systems, and examined in a four-year production trial including 115 Danish Red (DR), 91 Danish Holstein (DH), and 93 Danish Jersey (DJ). The objective of the present paper was to examine the milk yield obtained in response to three feeding strategies. The interrelationship between feed intake and live weight changes is presented in a companion paper.Cows were stalled in a loose-housing system based on automatic milking, automatic recording of feed intake and automatic weighing of the cows. All cows had 3 kg of individually separately offered concentrate (ISC) in addition to a mixed ration (MR). Cows were either allowed a medium energy MR during whole lactation (strategy MR1) or a high energy MR during early lactation, which was reduced to a low energy MR either early or late (strategy MR2-E and MR2-L). The early and late changes were defined as a live weight gain after live weight minimum at 15 and 35 kg, respectively, for DR/DH and 11 and 25 kg, respectively, for DJ. When MR energy concentration was changed, cows on the MR2 strategies were offered 3 kg per day of extra concentrate. The total allowance of 6 kg ISC was stepwise reduced to 3 kg per day as live weight continued to increase until 50 and 35 kg for DR/DH and DJ, respectively.Compared to feeding the MR1 strategy, the analysis showed that feeding the MR2 strategies did not significantly affect milk yield within primiparous DR and DH or within any DJ, as total lactation feed energy intake within these groups of cows was not significantly affected by the feeding strategy. Results obtained for multiparous DH showed that it is possible to increase milk yield without reducing the milk:feed ratio, when MR2 strategies were applied compared to the MR1 strategy. Feeding high energy rations during early lactation caused a higher peak feed energy intake within multiparous cows of DH and DR, but only multiparous DH obtained higher peak ECM yield in response to higher feed energy intake in early lactation. Across breed the results suggested that cows offered the MR2-E strategy might obtain higher lactation ECM yield compared to cows offered the MR2-L strategy due to a higher ECM yield persistency obtained by cows offered the MR2-E strategy. Results on feed intake and live weight changes presented in a companion paper indicated, that cows offered the MR2 strategies obtained a lower extent of mobilization compared to cows offered the MR1 strategy, and feeding the MR2-E strategy significantly increased duration of the mobilization period, which might have increased MR2-E cows' ability to maintain a high milk production during mid lactation.  相似文献   

影响反刍动物氮素利用效率和排放的营养实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涉及奶牛生产系统和粪肥应用的总氨氮排放参数是影响农业源氨氮排放的最敏感的参数,如何通过精细饲养来提高奶牛的氮素泌乳转化效率,降低奶牛生产系统的氮素排放,对于缓解奶牛生产系统面临的经济与环保双重压力具有重要意义。本文从饲粮的氮素水平、碳水化合物类型、氨基酸补饲、饲料添加剂、饲粮精粗比以及新型饲料原料等方面对影响反刍动物氮素排放的研究进行了综述,同时介绍了康奈尔净碳水化合物-蛋白质体系(CNCPS)模型及其改进对奶牛场氮排放估测的影响以及尿素转运蛋白对反刍动物氮素代谢的影响。  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the efficacy of a feed supplement designed to reduce the dietary availability of calcium when fed during the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, on the incidence of postparturient hypocalcaemia (milk fever) and on milksolids (MS) production in pasture-fed dairy cows in early lactation. METHODS: In Experiment 1, late-pregnant Holstein/Friesian cows, 4-10 years old, grazing pasture, were either fed the supplement (1 kg/cow/day) for 2-4 weeks prior to calving (n=11) or no supplement (n=10). Plasma calcium concentrations were measured immediately before and after a 20 h fast intended to induce hypocalcaemia at the end of this period, 1-7 days before the cows calved. In Experiment 2, mixed-breed dairy cows, 3-10 years old in 7 commercial dairy herds were fed the same supplement (1 kg/cow/day) for 1-3 weeks immediately prior to calving (n=565) or no supplement (n=614), and incidences of clinical milk fever and MS production at 6-9 weeks post calving were compared between groups. RESULTS: In Experiment 1, plasma calcium concentrations were higher (p=0.01) in supplemented than in non-supplemented cows after fasting, indicating reduced susceptibility to fasting-induced hypocalcaemia. In Experiment 2, the incidence of milk fever was lower (6.4% vs 17.1%, p=0.001) and MS production was higher (p=0.01) in supplemented than in non-supplemented cows. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results demonstrate that feeding a supplement designed to reduce dietary calcium availability for 2-4 weeks immediately prior to calving reduced the susceptibility of cows to fasting-induced hypocalcaemia, reduced the incidence of clinical milk fever and increased MS production in early lactation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The concept and product reported here have potential to provide dairy farmers with a practical means to prevent hypocalcaemia and improve milk production during early lactation.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted to evaluate effects of a fermentation extract of Aspergillus oryzae (AO) on milk production and composition, diet digestibility, and rectal temperature changes in lactating dairy cows. Treatments were incorporated as a top dressing at the morning feeding and consisted of control (90 g/d of ground sorghum) or AO (3 g of culture + 87 g of ground sorghum daily). Twenty-four mid-lactation Holstein cows were paired for production in Lactation Trial 1 (LT-1). In Lactation Trial 2 (LT-2), 46 cows (20 primiparous and 26 multiparous) in early lactation were used. Trials lasted 12 wk. In LT-1, AO supplementation increased milk yields only at 2 (P less than .05) and 8 wk (P less than .10) of treatment. Rectal temperatures were lower (P less than .05) for cows fed AO for 4 of 10 readings made during summer. Supplementation of AO culture in LT-2 (early lactation cows) increased milk production and feed efficiency (P less than .05). Inner ear temperatures tended to be lower (P less than .11) for cows fed AO. Digestion trials, conducted at the end of lactation trials, used Cr2O3 as an indigestible marker. In Digestion Trial 1, digestibilities were not significantly (P greater than .10) affected by AO supplementation. However, in Digestion Trial 2, AO increased (P less than .05) digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, NDF, and ADF. Length and number of meals were not affected (P greater than .10) by feeding AO. In summary, milk yields, efficiency of milk production, and nutrient digestibilities were higher for early lactation cows fed a high-concentrate diet supplemented with 3 g of AO/d. Mid-lactation cows fed a lower-energy diet were less responsive to AO than early lactation cows, though similar trends were shown.  相似文献   

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