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[目的]了解腐蹄病对奶牛的产奶量的影响。[方法]本文通过对15头患有腐蹄病的奶牛治疗前后产奶量的变化,分析其对产奶量的影响。[结果]结果发现,奶牛腐蹄病越严重,其患病奶牛的日平均产奶量越少,治疗后,不同程度的患病奶牛均所好转。[结论]腐蹄病对奶牛产奶量有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

奶牛蹄病是目前导致奶牛生产性能下降的疾病性因素之一,蹄病的发生不仅会影响奶牛的产奶量和身体状况,还往往会导致繁殖障碍,严重者常导致被淘汰,给奶牛场造成重大的经济损失。本文对乌鲁木齐市二宫乡三宫村某畜主家养一头奶牛蹄病患牛诊断为腐蹄病,经过修蹄、清洗消毒、抗菌消炎、保持良好的饲养环境等方法15d后,患病奶牛获得治愈。说明恰当治疗方法以及良好的饲养环境可以使奶牛腐蹄病获得较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

王惠霞  崔平  李本科 《中国乳业》2024,(2):51-54+59
[目的]为了解山东滨州地区奶牛蹄病流行病学及治疗情况。[方法]于2022年6—9月对山东滨州地区某规模奶牛养殖场5 086头奶牛进行蹄病发病调查,对比复方中草药疗法与抗生素疗法的治疗效果。[结果]调查奶牛中有1 114头奶牛患有蹄病,总发病率为21.90%,发病率占比最高的3种类型是变形蹄、疣性皮炎和腐蹄病。复方中草药治疗组患病奶牛的有效率、治愈率分别为86.67%、73.33%。抗生素治疗组患病奶牛的有效率、治愈率分别为66.67%、53.33%。[结论]山东滨州地区奶牛场奶牛蹄病发病率较高,尤其是变形蹄、疣性皮炎和腐蹄病。养殖户应根据该地区奶牛蹄病的发病特点,制定科学合理的综合防治管理措施,对奶牛蹄病采用复方中草药治疗效果优于抗生素。  相似文献   

规模牛场奶牛蹄部常见病的综合防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>规模奶牛场蹄部常见病发病率占牛群的5%~15%,严重影响了奶牛的产奶量,一头蹄变形奶牛日产量可减少0.5~1千克,一头蹄部疾病的奶牛日产奶量可减少1.5~2.5千克。如肥乡县乳旺奶牛养殖场对牛群蹄部修理时,发现蹄部疾病发生率达到10%~20%,故此病必须引  相似文献   

选取垦区的133团、134团、143团、石总场、147团、149团的12个奶牛场的902头健康奶牛和750头患有肢蹄病奶牛作为试验对象,试验从2013年6月25日开始,2016年10月15日结束,验证补饲生物素防控奶牛肢蹄病的临床效果。试验结果显示,补饲生物素3年后,902头健康奶牛中仅有11头奶牛患肢蹄病;对治疗奶牛蹄叶炎、指间皮炎、蹄糜烂和蹄底溃疡的发生有极显著效果,对治疗奶牛肢蹄病(蹄糜烂、蹄底溃疡、白线裂、蹄踵蹄尖溃疡等)的效果不显著。  相似文献   

1奶牛护蹄的重要性发展奶牛业,要靠科学的饲养管理方法。牛的护蹄是一项重要的管理技术。现在,有些饲养户对护蹄工作缺乏科学的技术指导,更重要地是忽视蹄的护理,造成蹄病和蹄的变形,导致繁殖性能下降,产奶量降低。调查研究指出,奶牛蹄病和变形蹄发病率都很高,北京市对1070头成年黑白花奶牛调查,其中,变形蹄有589头,占总数的55.05%,因变形蹄而被淘汰的牛占22.6%。据印度报道,在农场617头奶牛和363头延蹄牛中,取50头牛进行削蹄,削蹄后产奶量增加3.8%。据前苏联报道,对变形蹄牛削蹄后产奶量增加5.1%~7.1%。2如何护蹄2.1蹄的卫生牛蹄负担体重…  相似文献   

腐蹄病是奶牛常见的肢蹄病,对奶牛养殖业影响巨大。本文随机抽取涿州市5个奶牛场的腐蹄病奶牛50头,并选取50头健康奶牛作为对照,分别对其蹄角质和血清中的主要矿物元素进行了检测。结果表明:腐蹄病患牛血清中Zn的含量升高,Co、Cd的含量降低;Cr的含量升高,蹄角质中Fe的含量降低。患病组奶牛血清和蹄角质中Ca、P含量降低,钙磷平均比值降低。说明奶牛腐蹄病的发生与体内矿物元素的含量密切相关,这为该地区奶牛腐蹄病的治疗及预防提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本文对北疆某千头奶牛场2011年发生的蹄病情况进行了统计分析,结果显示:16月龄以上的青年牛、泌乳牛、干奶牛在不同程度上有因肢蹄不负重、脚尖着地、跛行造成体躯消瘦、产奶量下降等现象。这些蹄病牛只中,90%以上发生了蹄球和蹄踵角质腐烂、恶臭、发黑。针对以上现象,牧场改善了奶牛的生活环境、对牛只采取了营养调控和隔离治疗护理等综合措施,90%以上的蹄病牛只在15天内恢复了健康,新生蹄病比例从16.7%下降到2.13%,有效控制了蹄病的爆发,为进一步扩大奶牛养殖规模和实施集约化发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

奶牛肢蹄病是规模化奶牛场最常见的疾病之一,普遍认为奶牛肢蹄病对奶牛业的经济损失仅包括降低产奶量、增加药物治疗费用和奶牛的淘汰率等,近几年国内外学者报道奶牛肢蹄病对繁殖性能有着不同程度的负面影响。作者就奶牛肢蹄病对卵巢囊肿发病率、卵泡发育、发情行为、首次配种天数、空怀期天数和淘汰率影响的研究情况进行了简要综述。  相似文献   

为了减小乳房炎对奶牛业的危害,提高奶牛的泌乳量及品质,对120头患隐性乳房炎的奶牛随机分为3组,采用不同的治疗方法进行治疗。A组采用中草药进行治疗,为50头奶牛;B组用抗生素进行治疗,为50头奶牛;C组为对照组,不使用任何药物,为20头奶牛。结果表明:①A组使用中草药进行治疗,共治愈40头,治愈率高达80%,有效头数为47头,有效率高达94%,差异极显著(P<0.01);B组使用抗生素药物进行治疗,15d后共治愈17头,治愈率为34%,有效头数为22头,有效率为44%,差异显著(P<0.05);C组不使用任何药物,2头自愈,1头好转。②A组在治疗前,平均每头奶牛产奶量为18.5kg,经过15d用药后,产奶量增加到27.5kg,净增加9kg,差异极显著(P<0.01);B组在治疗前,平均每头奶牛产奶量为19.5kg,经过15d治疗后,产奶量为22.5kg,增加3kg,差异显著(P<0.05);C组不使用任何治疗措施,由于病情的加重,产奶量由原来的18.5kg降到了14.5kg,下降了4kg,损失较严重。结果:中草药治疗隐性乳房炎是目前比较好的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Although not scientifically proven, hoof trimming has been empirically shown to increase milk yields in healthy dairy cows. In this study, we examined the effect of one-time hoof trimming on blood biochemical composition, milk yield, and milk composition in healthy dairy cows. Eleven cows in the mid to late lactation period that were clinically fit and without hoof disease were subjected to hoof trimming, and metabolic profile tests and dairy herd improving tests were performed before and three weeks after the hoof trimming. The metabolic profiles showed changes in albumin, blood urea nitrogen, ammonia, glucose, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid as a result of the hoof trimming. This was indicated by the fact that the cows began to intake more roughage after hoof trimming than prior to hoof trimming, and rumen fermentation became stable. There was no change in milk yield after trimming. However, the milk fat and milk protein compositions were significantly increased after trimming.  相似文献   

Subclinical mastitis caused by streptococcal infections affected 27 of 83 cows in a commercial dairy herd. Between three and six weeks after intramammary treatment of these cows with cloxacillin, 16 (59 per cent) of the treated cows developed acute clinical mastitis associated with Mycobacterium smegmatis. None of the untreated cows was affected. Infected quarters were moderately hypertrophied and fine clots were present in the milk for three to four weeks. No cows showed systemic signs of illness. Studies carried out over 12 months showed that infected cows shed M smegmatis for three to four months and affected quarters remained hypertrophied in all but one cow after 12 months. The mean milk cell count of affected quarters fell slowly from 4,850,000/ml in the acute stage to 810,000/ml five months later and 620,000/ml 12 months later, suggesting that the organism persisted in the udder. The estimated mean loss in lactation yield for cows with M smegmatis mastitis was 10.8 per cent. Losses were greatest when the hind quarters were involved (mean 28 per cent for cows with both hind quarters affected). Ten of the 16 affected cows were ultimately culled owing to serious reductions in yield.  相似文献   

选择2~5胎成年泌乳母牛40头,按照年龄、胎次、分娩时间相近的原则随机分为试验组与对照组,每组20头,研究博威钙对产后奶牛产奶性能和健康状况的影响。试验组奶牛产后0h及12h分别投喂1粒博威钙,对照组采用常规补钙(通过输液,每头奶牛补氯化钙25g)。结果发现,与对照组相比,试验组奶牛平均日产奶量提高了2.05kg,体细胞数降低了37.3%(P<0.05);乳尿素氮的变化不显著(P>0.05)。在产后奶牛健康状况方面,试验组奶牛的亚临床型低血钙症、临床型低血钙症、隐性乳房炎、临床型乳房炎和胎衣不下的发病率均显著低于对照组,真胃移位、酮病以及蹄病方面的发病率则无显著变化。研究表明,补饲博威钙能够改善产后奶牛的健康状况,提高奶牛产奶性能和养殖效益。  相似文献   

To investigate the influencing factors of locomotion score (LS) and its impacts on production performance and blood routine index in Holstein,body condition score (BCS),LS and DHI (dairy herd improvement) of 1 486 lactating cows from two dairy farms,and the blood routine indexes of 101 lactating cows from one farm in Beijing were measured.The fixed model was used to analyze the impacts of herd,parity and lactation stage on LS,and the impacts of LS and BCS on daily milk yield,somatic cell score,milk composition and blood routine indexes in dairy cows.The results showed that both parity and lactation stage had significant impacts on LS.The LS increased with the increase of parit,the LS increased by 0.71 from first lactation to fifth and above lactation.The LS of cow in lactation stage Ⅲ(100-199 d) and Ⅵ (after 350 d) were significantly higher than cow in stage Ⅱ (45-99 d)(P<0.05),and both were higher than 2.The LS had no significant impacts on daily milk yield,milk composition and somatic cell score (P>0.05).However,the milk yield of the cow with LS≥4 was the lowest,and a decrease of 2.29 kg was found compared with the cow with LS=1.Among the various blood routine indexes,LS had significant impacts on red blood cell count,hemoglobin content,mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and lymphocyte count (P<0.05),and had no significant impacts on white blood cell count (P>0.05).With the increase of LS,the red blood cell count,hemoglobin content,mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and lymphocyte count of cows decreased with different extents.There were some problems on the body immunity and hematopoiesis of cows with poor LS.In dairy farm,regular evaluation of LS could be used to find the management problems of feet and legs,which had a great significance to reduce the loss of production performance and early culling caused by hoof disease.  相似文献   

为探究荷斯坦牛步态评分(locomotion score,LS)影响因素及其对生产性能和血常规指标的影响,本研究收集测定了北京地区2个规模化牧场1 486头泌乳牛的体况评分(body condition score,BCS)、LS和DHI(dairy herd improvement)数据,并测定了101头泌乳牛的血常规指标。采用固定模型分析了牧场、胎次和泌乳阶段对LS的影响,以及LS和BCS等因素对日产奶量、体细胞评分、乳成分和血常规指标的影响。结果表明,试验牛的胎次和泌乳阶段均对LS有极显著影响,LS随胎次的升高而增加,从1胎至5胎及以上,LS升高了0.71分;泌乳阶段Ⅲ(100~199 d)、Ⅵ(350 d以后)的LS均显著高于阶段Ⅱ(45~99 d)(P<0.05),且均高于2分。LS对日产奶量、乳成分和体细胞评分均无显著影响(P>0.05),但LS≥4分的奶牛日产奶量最低,较LS=1分的奶牛日产奶量降低了2.29 kg。各项血常规指标中,LS对奶牛红细胞数、血红蛋白含量、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度、淋巴细胞数均有显著影响(P<0.05),而对白细胞数无显著影响(P>0.05)。随LS升高,奶牛红细胞数、淋巴细胞数、血红蛋白含量和红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度均表现出不同程度的降低。LS较差的奶牛,其机体的免疫力和造血功能会受到不同程度的影响。在规模化牧场中,定期评估牛群的LS能及时发现牛群肢蹄管理的问题,对减少因肢蹄问题引起的生产性能损失和过早淘汰等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

To investigate the milk production limiting potential of a diet based on grass silage (40%), hay (15%), dried sugar beet pulp (13%) and grain compound mixture (32%), 28 multiparous cows in early lactation were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: a control group and a group receiving supplementary rumen protected methionine (RPMet) treatment (12 g intestinally available methionine/cow/day, given 1-120 days postpartum; Smartamine; RPAN's technology). The diet was formulated to meet the requirements for protein and net energy. RPMet supplementation had no significant effect on DMI (kg/cow/day), milk dry mass, milk lactose and milk urea contents. Responses for mean daily milk yield, mean milk fat and milk protein yields were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in cows supplied with RPMet than in controls. Mean daily milk yield, milk protein and milk fat yields increased by 2.4 kg, 108 g and 124 g, respectively. The mean daily milk protein and casein contents were increased by 1.8 g and 0.9 g and milk fat content by 1.2 g in 1 kg of milk, respectively. The results suggest that in cows fed grass silage and a grain compound mixture milk production is limited by methionine insufficiency, but milk production performance can be increased significantly by the addition of RPMet to the diet.  相似文献   

The milk yields of 1824 cows were used to investigate the effect of lesion-specific causes of lameness, based on farmer treatment and diagnosis of lame cows, on milk yield. A three-level hierarchical model of repeated test day yields within cows within herds was used to investigate the impact of lesion-specific causes of lameness (sole ulcer, white line disease, digital dermatitis and other causes) on milk yield before and after treatment compared with unaffected cows. Cattle which developed sole ulcer (SU) and white line disease (WLD) were higher yielding cattle before they were diagnosed. Their milk production fell to below that of the mean of unaffected cows before diagnosis and remained low after diagnosis. In cattle which developed digital dermatitis (DD) there was no significant difference in milk yield before treatment and a slightly raised milk yield immediately after treatment. The estimated milk loss attributable to SU and WLD was approximately 570 and 370 kg, respectively. These results highlight that specific types of lameness vary by herds and within herds they are associated with higher yielding cattle. Consequently lesion-specific lameness reduction programmes targeting the cow and farm specific causes of lameness might be more effective than generic recommendations. They also highlight the importance of milk loss when estimating the economic impact of SU and WLD on the farms profitability.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine the effect of estrus on the daily milk yield in Holstein cows and to investigate the chance of using the possible milk yield changes in determining the estrus. During the 3-year period of the study, 103 dairy cows were observed 4 days before and 4 days after daily milk yield of 240 estruses and a total of 2174 daily milk yields were evaluated. Variance analysis was used to determine the factors affecting the daily milk yield, and the LSD test was used for multiple comparisons. Insemination year, insemination season, number of lactation, milk yield group, and daily milk yield of lactation period were found to be significant (P?<?0.01). On the other hand, the effect of estrus days on milk yield was insignificant. In the days of estrus, the least square mean of milk yield is 31.0 kg, while the lowest and highest milk yields are 10.2 kg and 62.9 kg. The daily milk yield in the estruses decreased by an average of 300 g, which decreased to 400 g by continuing 1 day after the estruses. The next day, however, it increased rapidly by 600 g, and then dropped again, probably due to the effect of metestrus. It was found that, among all estruses, 31.3% of cows decreased their milk yield, whereas 26.5% of cows increased their milk yield. However, 42.2% of cows both decreased and increased their milk yield in different estruses. The interval between birth and the first insemination after were found to be longer (97.5 days and 92.9 days) at high milk-yielding cows compared to the low milk-yielding cows. According to the results of this study, daily milk yield changes could not be used as an estrus indicator.


To investigate the effect of hoof trimming before the dry period, the hooves of 10 cows (trimmed group) were trimmed at 79.6 +/- 8.6 days before parturition and the hooves of 52 cows were left untrimmed (control group). Blood biochemistry and hormone concentrations were investigated for 6 cows from each group. The daily milk yield after parturition in the trimmed group tended to be higher than that of the control group. Between 0 and 30 days after parturition, the levels of non-esterified fatty acids were significantly lower stet, and the plasma glucose and glucose disposal rates were significantly higher in the trimmed group. The plasma cortisol concentration was stable before and after parturition in the trimmed group. Hoof trimming before the dry period appears to reduce stress and maintain the nutritional conditions of perinatal dairy cows.  相似文献   



This study investigated the effect of milk yield on blood flow variables in the milk vein and musculophrenic vein in dairy cows.


Five healthy dry cows, five cows with a daily milk yield of 10 kg and five others with a daily milk yield of 20 kg underwent B-mode and colour Doppler sonographic examination. The diameter of the veins, blood flow velocities and blood flow volumes were measured on both sides in standing, non-sedated cows using a 7.5 MHz linear transducer.


Lactating cows had significantly higher blood flow velocities in the milk vein than dry cows; the maximum blood flow velocity of dry cows and those with a daily milk yield of 10 and 20 kg were 14.04, 38.77 and 39.49 cm/s, respectively, the minimum velocities were 0.63, 3.02 and 2.64 cm/s, respectively, and the mean maximum velocities were 8.21, 26.67 und 28.22 cm/s, respectively. Cows producing 20 kg of milk a day had a blood flow volume of 3.09 l/min, which was significantly higher than 0.79 l/min recorded in dry cows. Lactating cows had significantly higher mean maximum blood flow velocities in the musculophrenic vein than dry cows. Blood flow variables of both veins did not differ significantly between the left and right side.


This study showed that milk yield has a profound effect on blood flow variables in the milk vein and to a lesser extent the musculophrenic vein. This must be taken into consideration in future Doppler sonographic studies of these veins and possibly other vessels. Furthermore, measurements on one side are representative of both sides.  相似文献   

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