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光储微电网混合储能系统的控制策略及开关优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统光储微电网混合储能系统控制策略将蓄电池视为容量无限大的理想元件,而实际上蓄电池容量有限,当蓄电池剩余电量达到阈值无法正常工作时传统控制策略将不适用。在二阶低通滤波法的基础上提出一种光储微电网混合储能系统的新型控制策略,同时考虑超级电容与蓄电池的剩余电量,根据储能元件的荷电状态调整储能元件输出电流参考值,维持储能元件剩余电量,但在极端天气情况下,仍需与储能元件保护开关相配合。由于采用传统储能元件保护开关的储能系统需独立的充放电电路,存在成本较高、充放电不连续等问题,因此,对储能元件的保护开关进行了改进,利用开关与二极管并联使其具有4种工作状态,在储能元件剩余电量达到阈值时,可自动恢复电量,降低了成本,提高了并网输出电能质量。最后结合新型控制策略与改进的保护开关,提出整体的混合储能系统控制方案,并用Matlab/Simulink对其进行仿真验证,结果证明了所提方法的正确性与可行性。  相似文献   

针对单电机插电式混合动力汽车在纯电动行进间电动机启动发动机时由于系统输出转矩变化进而引起整车冲击的问题,分析得到发动机点火时刻的不同及离合器接合状态的不同是造成转矩波动的原因。在此基础上,提出了基于离合器主、从动盘转速差和电机角加速度为输入量的离合器压力模糊控制的混合动力汽车模式切换动态协调控制策略,并对比了发动机目标转速点火和怠速转速点火的控制效果。最后通过台架试验以及实车道路试验对提出的控制策略进行了验证。结果表明,基于目标转速点火的协调控制策略能减小整车的冲击度。  相似文献   

为实现利用太阳能驱动半导体制冷系统保持冷藏水果鲜度,设计了一款无需高速运转压缩机驱动的制冷系统的冷藏车。选用长安跨越王X5(SC1031FRD67)普通运输车,将其设计改装为深圳市某超市食品冷藏运输车,运输500 kg苹果。首先根据深圳市当地条件计算加装冷藏车厢的隔热结构,然后根据计算的冷负荷选择56片供电电压为8.580 V的TEC1-12706型半导体制冷片,再由制冷系统日平均总用电量,根据车厢顶面积选用15个太阳能电池板,并加装铅酸蓄电池,以满足半导体制冷系统用电量。选择TS-MPPT-60L太阳能控制器对电池的输出电压进行调控后输出给蓄电池,蓄电池再输出电能给制冷系统用电负载。该半导体冷藏车的设计,解决了冷藏车耗电量高的问题,并提高了系统运行的可靠性。将清洁的太阳能用于冷藏车制冷,对无电网的边远地区食品保鲜有实际应用价值,对我国实现碳中和目标具有重要意义。  相似文献   

改进二次型Boost变换器的研究与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统二次型Boost变换器具有较高的升压能力,但其开关器件的电压、电流应力较大,增加了电路的体积与成本。笔者在传统二次型Boost变换器的基础上,结合高增益Boost三端网络,提出改进二次型Boost变换器,并对其连续工作模式下的工作原理及各开关器件的电压、电流应力进行了分析。分析结果表明,改进二次型Boost变换器不仅升压能力有所提升,而且在输出电压相同的情况下,开关器件的电压、电流应力有所降低。最后,通过仿真分析验证了该变换器的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

【研究目的】提高玉米秸的饲用价值;【方法】对玉米秸进行了不同的氨化处理并饲喂育成牛;【结果】玉米秸经盐水复合氨化处理,其粗蛋白含量、采食量和日增重比对照组分别提高了124.25%、22.26%和56.25%,每kg增重饲料成本降低15.63%。【结论】建议大力推广使用盐水复合氨化玉米秸秆,以促进养牛业的快速发展。  相似文献   

麦秸不同氨化处理对肉牛饲喂效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【研究目的】为提高麦秸的饲用价值,【方法】对麦秸进行了不同的氨化处理并饲喂肉牛试验,【结果】结果表明:麦秸经造纸废液复合氨化处理,其粗蛋白含量和日增重比对照组分别提高了111.40%和45.28%,采食量显著增加(P<0.05),每千克增重饲料成本降低25.04%。【结论】建议在秸秆的氨化处理中推广使用造纸废液复合氨化处理技术,以提高养牛业的经济效益。  相似文献   

植物原位阻截铅锌矿区土壤重金属效果和配置模式研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究铅锌矿区植物原位阻截土壤废渣重金属效果和配置模式,采用多种植物栽培和径流小区收集水样测定的方法,3年生植物的研究结果表明:苎麻、苦楝、构树可降低废弃尾沙坝地表径流水中重金属Pb负荷输出9.04%~9.64%。栾树、构树、芦苇、苦楝、刺槐可降低地表径流水中重金属Cd负荷输出67.0%~75.86%,构树、高羊茅、刺槐、栾树、芦苇、狗牙根、五节芒可降低地表径流水中重金属Cu负荷输出52.64%~70.97%,刺槐、女贞可降低地表径流水中重金属Zn负荷输出74.99%~78.35%;在重金属污染林地,刺槐可降低地表径流水中重金属Pb负荷输出40.96%,苦楝可降低地表径流水中重金属Cd负荷输出60.42%。构树通过植物富集,可以使铅锌尾矿区尾沙中Pb、Cd、As、Zn的含量分别降低31.87%、41.28%、29.48%、38.45%;女贞可以使铅锌尾矿区尾沙中Pb、Cd、As、Zn的含量分别降低27.31%、39.52%、33.47%、27.59%。植物原位阻截和修复重金属机理一是植物富集了土壤中重金属,二是植物使土壤中重金属形态发生了变化,这种机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

励磁绕组匝间短路是同步发电机常见故障之一。为保证机组和电网的安全可靠运行,有必要对该故障进行在线分析检测。首先介绍了应用于同步发电机励磁绕组匝间短路故障在线分析的磁场-电流谐波分析法、探测线圈法、多回路法、输出电气量分析法、振动分析法等的研究现状,并对几种方法进行了比较,然后对未来在线分析方法的发展方向进行了展望,对输出电气量分析法提出了两条研究思路,最后说明了在线分析方法应具有实际可行性和多用途性。  相似文献   

不同固化剂对玉米吸收铅镉的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了2个固化剂处理对玉米各部位吸收铅、镉的影响,探讨了2种改良材料在重金属中度污染土壤上的修复效果,以期为重金属复合污染石灰性土壤的安全利用提供科学依据。选用膨润土和磷酸二氢钾为固化剂材料,在中度污染耕地上进行田间试验。结果显示,膨润土与磷酸二氢钾配施可使玉米籽粒、茎叶和根中铅含量分别降低37.22%、40.18%、34.06%,镉含量分别降低24.53%、5.85%、14.82%。2种固化剂处理均能增加玉米的株高、产量和地上部干物质量,降低玉米对铅的富集系数和对镉的转运系数及富集系数,膨润土与磷酸二氢钾配施还可降低玉米对铅的转运系数。可得出结论,在重金属复合污染石灰性土壤上,膨润土与磷酸二氢钾配施一定程度上可作为理想的修复材料。  相似文献   

营养泡腾奶片的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过添加泡腾剂,使奶片溶于水后迅速溶解,具有了泡腾片的特性,实现口味上的多元化,适应不同消费者的需求。试验通过对乳粉、复合碱剂、复合酸和甜味剂不同水平的正交实验,从奶片崩解性、溶解性和口感三方面进行评定,确定奶片最佳配方为奶粉35%,复合碱27%,复合酸20%和甜味剂0.8%。为了改善口感,采用麦芽糊精对碱进行包埋,并添加了植脂末和奶油香精。为了提高奶片的营养价值,加入了VC和CaCO3等营养强化剂。  相似文献   

In order to satisfy the safety of vehicle braking and the fuel economy,a control strategy for regenerative braking force distribution is proposed by considering of battery SOC and braking severity.In addition,a CVT speed ratio control strategy is proposed to operate the motor in the high efficiency area to improve motor generating efficiency.A simulation model of mild hybrid electric vehicle is set up.Simulation result on ECE+EUDC typical driving cycles show that the effectively regenerating energy of braking of hybrid vehicle with CVT is lager than that of hybrid vehicle with MT by 2.5%.  相似文献   

目前国内外学者对插电式混合动力汽车能量管理策略进行了较为广泛和深入的研究,取得了良好的节能减排效果,为进一步提升其性能,有必要对插电式混合动力汽车能量管理策略的研究现状进行总结并对其发展趋势进行分析。首先对插电式混合动力汽车动力源能量流分配方法进行了归纳和分析,指出了当前插电式混合动力汽车能量管理策略两个亟待解决的问题:未考虑发动机冷却液温度和三元催化器温度等温度因素对油耗和排放影响;当前插电式混合动力汽车能量管理策略是以行驶功率需求作为输入,忽略了驾驶室制冷/供暖功率需求。最后提出了计及发动机冷却液温度和三元催化器温度等温度因素的能量管理策略和计及驾驶室制冷/供暖功率需求的能量管理策略两个未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Taking the hybrid electric vehicle as the investigation subject, this paper studies the remote data acquisition, supervisory control and redisplay system of the hybrid electric vehicle fault diagnosis. The system gathers the simulate CAN BUS data through serial ports by the data acquisition device and send data to the remote web servers by the GPRS wireless communication module. For the demands and features, the paper makes the module selection and design the hardware of lower computer ,and the software on the host computer and lower computer. It takes several notebooks as the simulate vehicle date emission source to make an experiment, achieving the function of wireless data transfer, data acquisition, supervisory, redisplay for multi hybrid electric vehicles at the same time, and protocol setting up. Especially the function of wireless data transfer and protocol setting up, make a big progress on the common use and convenience of fault diagnosis system.  相似文献   

The purpose of a parallel hybrid electric vehicle(PHEV) is for the best energy distribution between internal-combustion engine(ICE) and electric motor though the appropriate control strategy.It can not only keep the advantage of the ultra-low emission of electric vehicles(EV),but also take advantages of the hyperbaric energy of ICE.Simulation model for PHEV is built based on CRUISE,an auxiliary control strategy is designed,and then parameter simulation study on the control strategy is performed.The simulation results show that according to the different control requirements,the vehicle performance can be improved by adjusting!the corresponding control parameters.  相似文献   

The developmemt and research of taking fuel cell /battery as electric vehicle power is a new direction in abroad. A real-time simulation model for power driving system of a fuel cellbattery powered electric virtual vehicle is established. This electric vehicle powered primarily by 30 kw proton exchange membrane (PEM)fuel cells, with Lead-acid battery as assistant power, and with focus classis as virtual vehicle classis.The electric vehicle is simulated on the advisor platform, and the NEDC driving pattern simulation results show that the electric vehicle can satisfy the need of performance.  相似文献   

Fuzzy control strategy is used to study the fuel economy of ISG-Type hybrid electric vehicle with CVT.Based on the instantaneous state of vehicle,the fuzzy logic controller is built aiming to get minimum fuel consumption.In order to avoid the subjective factor,the control rules are established with the optimized results from the sequence quadratic programming(SQP) method.Through the second development of ADVISOR,the simulation for ISG hybrid electric vehicle at different cycles has been accomplished.The results show that the fuzzy logic control strategy is efficient in improving the fuel economy of hybrid electric vehicle.  相似文献   

Mathematical modes of engine,cooperation of motor and batteries,automatic clutch and vehicle are built with analysis of configuration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). Specifications of data input and output and signal characters are defined. Hardware in the loop (HIL) system based on MATLAB/xPC for PHEV is built up. The motor/engine drive shift control logic test of PHEV is carried with inputting real acceleration pedal data. Testing results show that automatic clutch acts abnormally. Bugs in control logic are found out. Road test results with revised control logic are very good.  相似文献   

A fuzzy multi-objective control strategy is proposed for parallel hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). By the concept of motor equivalent fuel consumption, the overall vehicle fuel economy and the corresponding emissions can be treated as the optimization objectives. Then a minimum average weighted deviation method is designed to find the Pareto optimal solution with considering the variations of objective preference in different district. The simulation on ADVISOR reveals that, compared with the rule based control strategy (RBCS), with the premise that there is no loss to power performance, the proposed fuzzy multi-objective control strategy (FMCS) not only improves fuel economy and emission level but also maintains battery SOC within its operation range more effectively.  相似文献   

The vehicle's driving performances is determined by the control strategies and constructions of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). The constructions of HEV are classified according to the change of state of charge of battery pack, and a study on current situation and trend of control strategies for HEV is presented in this paper. The research indicated that the current control strategies for HEV are not perfect and need further optimization. The control strategies should realize the optimum match among engine, motor, battery and transmission according to the characteristics of each component and vehicle's driving conditions. Many aspects including the fuel economy, emission, the life of battery pack, drivability, the reliability of each component and HEV's manufacture cost should be considered in the control strategies. A study on the control strategies and its optimization that take account of the aspects mentioned above is a work emphasis in the future. This paper also points out the PHEV equipped with small motor, small engine and continuously variable transmission is an ideal system construction for getting optimal fuel economy, lower emissions, steady drivability, lower manufacture cost and HEV's mass.  相似文献   

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