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油菜主要性状间的灰色关联度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据灰色系统理论,运用灰色关联度分析方法,对油菜的主要农艺性状与经济性状间的关系以及农艺性状、经济性状各自相互之间的关系进行了剖析研究,为确立油菜栽培的主攻方向,拟订科学的栽培调控技术提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

蓝莓种质资源表型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的以山东和吉林两地的蓝莓品种为研究对象,探究蓝莓种质资源表型性状遗传多样性,为种质资源保存和基因改良提供理论依据。方法对47个蓝莓品种表型性状进行测量,结合主成分分析、相关分析及聚类分析等方法,探讨蓝莓品种间的表型多样性。结果主成分分析表明,前4个主成分特征根值大于0.5的包含25个性状,累计贡献率达53.48%,占调查指标的67.57%。表型数量性状间呈极显著相关的有62对,显著相关的有40对。蓝莓品种种质资源表型性状变异丰富,质量性状与数量性状的香浓维纳多样性指数分布在0.32 ~ 1.36(平均0.87)和0.22 ~ 2.06(平均1.8)。其中质量性状15个,包含52个变异类型,数量性状22个,变异系数在11.39% ~ 46.98%之间。说明蓝莓表型数量性状相对于质量性状表现出更广泛的变异。对调查性状降维后,保留25个主要性状做Q型聚类分析,当欧式距离为17时,将47个蓝莓品种分为5个组群,各组群与栽培生境和栽培类群有一定相关性。结论本研究明确了吉林、山东两地的40个蓝莓品种表型多样性与亲缘关系,今后在培育蓝莓新品种选择亲本时,应着重考虑树冠型、灌丛高度、树冠长径、果粉厚度、果实萼片着生姿势、果实硬度、果实萼片长宽比、果实萼片类型、长势等指标。研究结果可为优良种质资源评价与筛选提供参考。   相似文献   

通过在临海市开展白沙枇杷大棚设施栽培试验研究,对温湿度、物候期、叶片性状、果实性状等进行了观测和比较。结果表明,通过大棚设施栽培可以减轻枇杷第一、二批花的受冻,使枇杷成熟期提早;大棚枇杷肉质细嫩,可溶性固形物含量显著高于露地栽培。同时对白沙枇杷大棚设施栽培管理中存在的问题进行了初步的探讨与分析。  相似文献   

本文对14个冬、春性小麦品种的主要性状在南北两地的遗传表现进行了比较研究。结果表明:两种环境条件下小麦主要性状对单株粒重的作用趋于吻合,南北两地小麦育种在性状遗传、相关和选择方向上具有一定的共性。通过聚美分析把供试材料分为不同的生态类群,分类结果与育种实践相一致。  相似文献   

以云南香石竹主栽大花品种为研究对象,研究不同栽培地点的香石竹生物学性状差异。结果表明,在云南香石竹主产区不同栽培地点、不同栽培品种生物学性状有差异,玉溪江川栽培的大花香石竹植株矮,茎杆粗壮,嵩明、晋宁和通海地区栽培的大花香石竹植株高但茎杆细;晋宁下石美栽培的花的综合性状优于玉溪江川栽培的花的综合性状, 玉溪江川栽培的花质量最差。主产区香石竹生物学性状的差异与当地的气候、田间管 理等有着密切的关系,研究为了解香石竹不同产区不同品种生物学性状差异提供参考价值。  相似文献   

水稻新品种辽农9911由辽宁省农科院原栽培所系统选育而成。1991年夏,做杂交组合8411/合川一号,同年冬在海南加代,与S81—675杂交,后经系统选育而成。经沈阳、海南两地繁殖、定向选育,1996年各种主要农艺性状表现稳定。2002年12月通过辽宁省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

夏玉米免耕秸秆覆盖机械化栽培技术的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
探讨了免耕秸秆覆盖机械化栽培对夏玉米外部性状、环境状况和产量性状的影响,并与6种栽培模式进行了田间对比试验。结果表明,免耕秸秆覆盖机械化种植模式有助于作物生长,土壤蓄水保墒,提高水分利用率,改善作物生长环境条件,提高玉米产量。  相似文献   

生态环境和栽培方式对小麦品质性状的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
以云南生产上推广品种为材料,种植在云南三个不同生态试点和采用两种栽培方式对小麦品质性状的变化进行了研究。结果表明,在不同生态环境下生产的小麦,品质性状有较大差异,出粉率表面为中、低海拔高于高海拔;蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉降值、面团流变学特性等则随不同品种而在不同海拔点表现不一。栽培方式也对小麦的品质性状有较大影响,田麦栽培方式明显优于地麦栽培方式,适当的灌溉和合理的施肥,既可提高产量又可提高品质。  相似文献   

高产水稻适宜基因型及株型特点模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用上海,南京两地的气象,土壤,品种及栽培管理资料建立了数据库,再通过C3ERES-RICE进行了模拟试验,研究探讨了水稻品种不同生长性状的生理效应。结果表明:增强籽粒数潜力,可在一定范围内提高籽粒数和籽粒产量;增加籽粒重能提高粒产量,但降低了籽粒数;  相似文献   

马铃薯不同覆盖厚度、不同栽培密度对产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了摸索不同厚度、不同栽培密度对马铃薯经济性状及产量的影响,找出最佳覆盖厚度和栽培密度,进行了本试验。  相似文献   

Super rice breeding in China has been very successful over the past 3 decades, and the Chinese government has made great efforts to support breeding and cultivation of both conventional and hybrid super rice. In this review, we focus on the progress in and potential of super rice breeding. After the establishment of the breeding theory and strategy of "generating an ideotype with strong heterosis through inter-subspecies hybridization, by using gene pyramiding to combine elite traits through composite-crossing to breed super rice varieties with both ideotype and strong hybrid vigor", a series of major breakthroughs have been achieved in both conventional and super hybrid rice breeding. A number of new genetic materials with ideotype have been created successfully, and the Ministry of Agriculture of China has approved 156 novel super rice varieties and combinations for commercialization. During the Developing the Super Rice Varieties Program, great attention has also been paid to the integration and demonstration of the rice production technology. Collaboration between industry and university researchers has led to technological innovations and initiation of a demonstration system for super hybrid rice. With widespread cultivation of super rice with higher quality and yield, as well as resistance or tolerance to abiotic or biotic stresses, the yield of rice production per unit has reached a new level. In addition to increased quality and yield, hybrid rice breeding has also led to improvements in many other agronomic traits, such as resistance to pests and diseases, resistance to lodging, and optimized light distribution in population. Achievements in super rice breeding and innovation in rice production have made major contributions to the progress in rice sciences and worldwide food security.  相似文献   

冬水田杂交中稻超稀栽培增产的作用时期及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以杂交中稻II优7号为材料,通过不同疏穴时期、疏穴规格与施氮处理,研究了超稀栽增产的作用时期、影响因素与施氮方法。结果表明,超稀栽培增产的作用时期是栽秧后第5周以前通过提高成穗率获得大穗而增产,最高苗期是决定成穗率的关键时期;水稻生长中期群体光照条件是影响成穗率和穗部性状的主导因素,该期增施氮肥只有在光照条件好的情况下才有效果;在超稀栽培的较小群体下,于最高苗期施氮肥具有降低苗峰、壮苗大穗,促进成穗率的提高而增产的作用。  相似文献   

采用超级稻晚稻中熟组合丰源优299,进行了不同基本苗数的大田对比试验。研究结果表明,不同基本苗对丰源优299的产量、经济性状及其他农艺性状均有显著的影响,以插植178.5万苗/hm2时的产量最高,综合农艺性状最佳。并提出,为了充分发挥超级稻组合的增产潜力,应采用相应的栽培技术和管理措施。  相似文献   

我国超级杂交稻育种研究进展及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢丽萍 《广西农业科学》2009,40(11):1501-1505
回顾了国内外超级稻育种历史,介绍了我国超级稻育种研究进展,指出我国超级稻育种在籼粳亚种优势利用及株型育种中取得了重大突破,超级稻在我国已处于大面积推广阶段。针对我国超级稻品种(组合)普遍存在适应性不广、结实率偏低、抗性及米质较差、双季超级稻品种(组合)较少及育种理论和技术还有待完善等问题,提出未来超级稻育种的策略。  相似文献   

通过对2002年在湖南长沙作一季晚稻和双季晚稻以及在海南三亚冬繁共3次种植的20个优质稻品种60份样品的碾米品质、外观品质和米饭长检测,同时对其中11个品种共33个样品的蒸煮品质化验,分析不同品种在三种环境下种植的各个品质性状的变异系数,并对20个品种进行聚类分析;按农业部颁布的食用稻品种品质NY/T-593-2002中的籼稻品质指标等级记分标准将11个品种的9个品质性状计算质量指数.结果显示:不同品种的品质稳定性不同。品质性状的稳定性与品种的质量指数等级有关,在长沙作双季晚稻种植的质量指数达三等的品种,其品质性状相对稳定;在长沙作双季晚稻种植的质量指数达二等的品种,在不适宜环境下质量指数可变为三等甚至四等。不同品质性状的变异系数差异悬殊。各个品质性状的一等至三等达标百分率因品种和环境而变化。  相似文献   

Relationship Between Grain Yield and Yield Components in Super Hybrid Rice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Chinese super hybrid rice breeding project has developed many new varieties with great yield potential.It is controversial which yield component should be emphasized in super hybrid rice production.The present study was conducted to compare super hybrid rice with common hybrid and super inbred rice and analyze contributions of yield components to grain yield of super hybrid rice under experimental conditions,and evaluate relationships between grain yield and yield components of super hybrid rice in farmer's paddy fields.Field experiments were done in Changsha,Guidong,and Nanxian,Hunan Province,China,from 2007 to 2009.Eight super hybrid varieties,one common hybrid variety,and one super inbred variety were grown in each location and year.Rice production investigation was undertaken in high-yielding (Guidong),moderate-yielding (Nanxian),and low-yielding (Ningxiang) regions of Hunan Province,China,in 2009.Grain yield and yield components were measured in both the field experiments and rice production investigation.Super hybrid rice varieties outyielded common hybrid and super inbred varieties across three locations and years.Yield potential has been increased by 11.4% in super hybrid rice varieties compared with common and super inbred varieties.The higher yield of super hybrid varieties was attributed to improvement in panicle size.Panicles per m2 had the highest positive contribution to grain yield with the exception under yield level of 10.0 to 12.0 t ha-1,and was positively related to grain yield in farmer's field at all of the high-,moderate-,and low-yielding regions.Our study suggests that panicle per m2 ought to be emphasized in super hybrid rice production.  相似文献   

介绍了兴宁市超级杂交稻示范品种概况,分析了杂交稻新品种示范结果,总结了示范区超级稻主要配套栽培技术措施,为该市超级杂交稻新品种推广应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

为筛选出杂交超级稻高产品种,引进8个超级杂交稻品种与准两优527进行对比试验。结果表明:准两优527、金优785、科优21、绵优616综合农艺性状较好,单产达12 t/hm2以上,适宜作超级稻品种在天柱县推广种植。  相似文献   

China's Super Hybrid Rice Breeding Program has made significant progress over the past two decades. In this paper, we reviewed our studies on the yield potential and stability in super hybrid rice and discussed the strategies for super hybrid rice production. The results of our studies show that rice yield potential has been increased by 12% in super hybrid cultivars as compared with ordinary hybrid and inbred cultivars. The higher grain yields in super hybrid rice cultivars are attributed to larger panicle size coupled with higher biomass production or higher harvest index. However, grain yields in super hybrid rice cultivars vary widely among locations depending on soil and climatic factors. Therefore, it is important to tailor target yield to local conditions in super hybrid rice production. The target yield for super hybrid rice production can be determined by the average yield method or the regression model method. Improving soil quality is critical to achieving the target yield in super hybrid rice production. Favorable crop rotations such as rice-oilseed rape and novel soil management practices, such as biochar addition, are effective approaches to improve soil quality. It is needed to develop simplified cultivation technologies for super hybrid rice to meet the changes in socioeconomic environments during the period of transition. There are such technologies as no-tillage direct seeding and mechanized transplanting at high hill density with single seedling per hill.  相似文献   

对三明沙县与海南三亚两地的籼光交和籼籼交杂种的农艺性状进行了初步研究。光身稻和籼稻杂交而成的籼光交组合F1代表现为穗大粒多、米质优良、产量高,具有较好的增产潜力。其中籼光交的每穗总粒数、理论产量、增产潜力等均大于籼籼交,表现出较强的杂种优势。  相似文献   

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