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微生物制剂又称微生态调节剂。它是从天然环境中筛选出来的微生物菌体经培养繁殖后制成的含有大量有益菌的活菌制剂.它对提高养殖对象的产量和收获规格,稳定水质和底质,增强养殖对象的免疫力和抗应激能力。降低饵料系数以及减少发病率等方面有明显的效果。在水产养殖中现已普遍使用。施用时应注意如下事项:  相似文献   

目前,青虾养殖过程中多采用直接向养殖池塘中投放抱卵虾养成的方法,虽然操作简单、易于实施,但幼体成活率低、孵化不同步、密度无法控制,造成青虾规格参差不齐、总体偏小、商品率低。专池繁育青虾仔虾再按计划放养,越来越多地被养殖户接受。然而,由于青虾苗种培育产量低、放养量多、运输难度大等因素的制约,造成市场上大规格苗种供不应求。  相似文献   

为了充分利用资源,挖掘水体生产潜力,提高养殖效益,近年来,我们在不影响河蟹产量的情况下,利用蟹池套养青虾、鳜鱼等特种水产品进行养殖试验,取得了良好效果,并已形成了比较成熟的套养模式。一、套养模式1.蟹池套养青虾一方面,利用青虾摄食河蟹的残饵,增加青虾产量,防止败坏水质;另一方面,青虾可作为河蟹的饵料,减少河蟹自相残杀,提高河蟹成活率,从而达到降本增效的目的。套养方式主要有3种:一是在2月份放养规格为体长3cm的幼虾0.4kg/亩~0.5kg/亩;二是在4月下旬至5月中旬放养抱籽虾0.3kg/亩;三是在7月份放养规格为体长1.5cm~2.0cm的虾苗1.0…  相似文献   

为了解微生物制剂在水产养殖环境修复中的作用机制,采用聚合酶链式反应—变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)方法,研究不同微生物制剂对养殖池塘上覆水和沉积物中细菌群落的影响。结果显示,施用微生物制剂前后,试验塘上覆水样品中细菌的DGGE优势条带无明显变化,细菌群落组成没有明显差异,提示微生物制剂对试验塘上覆水中的细菌群落组成影响很小。相对而言,施用过微生物制剂的池塘相对于对照池塘其细菌群落结构发生的变化较大;泼洒EM菌原粉3 000 g/hm2加芽孢杆菌原粉750 g/hm2的试验塘沉积物中细菌群落2 d内发生了较大变化,之后相对稳定,对照池塘和泼洒EM菌原粉3 000 g/hm2加光合细菌原粉1 500 g/hm2的试验塘沉积物中细菌群落组成变化很小。  相似文献   

为了充分利用资源、挖掘水体生产潜力,提高养殖效益,在不影响河蟹产量的情况下,我们利用蟹池套放青虾、鳜鱼等特种水产品进行养殖试验,取得了良好的效果,每亩水面可增加效益200~500元,目前已形成了比较成熟的套养模式。一、蟹池套养青虾一方面利用青虾摄食河蟹残饵,防止败坏水质;另一方面青虾可作为河蟹饵料,减少河蟹自相残杀,提高河蟹成活率,同时又增加青虾产量,从而达到降本增效的目的。主要有3种套养方式:一是2月份每亩放养规格为3厘米的幼虾0郾4~0郾5千克;二是在4月下旬至5月中旬每亩放养抱籽虾0郾3千克;三是在7月份每亩放养规格为1郾5~…  相似文献   

青虾是江、浙、沪一带平常百姓餐桌上 常出现的佳肴,市场需求极大,每年6月底 至11月份的夏秋季养殖是全年青虾养殖 关键时期。目前在很多地区,青虾养殖面积 大,但养虾风险仍较高,集中表现为:青虾 产量低,上市规格小。而我们通过几年的成 功养殖,夏秋季虾亩产达75kg,并达到了较 大规格。现将养殖技术要点总结如下: 一、池塘要求。开挖新池长度不限,池 宽限制在20-30m之间,最好以南北向为 好,池深1.8m,水位可保持在1.2-1.5m,坡 度1:3或1:4。新塘养殖在春季应以大量 猪、牛、羊粪育肥,再配合以…  相似文献   

蟹池混养青虾,需把好四个环节:1放养大规格的青虾苗最好是在上年秋繁未达到上市规格的青虾苗,规格要求在2.5cm以上。这样的青虾苗,躲避敌害的能力强,成活率高。一般每667m~2蟹池放养1万~1.5万尾。即使放养后有一部分青虾苗被蟹取食,也能保证蟹池内的青虾有一定的密度。  相似文献   

我们在推广青虾养殖中采取了苗种选优、大规格放养、合理种草、优质饵料投喂、使用增氧机增氧、生物制剂及底改养护水草与水质等多项关键技术,改变原来池塘养殖青虾低水平、随便养的习惯意识,近  相似文献   

潘云俊  朱观平 《水产养殖》2012,33(11):31-32
为充分利用水面资源,提高蟹池综合养殖经济效益,在河蟹池套养青虾的基础上,增加青虾放养量,提高青虾产量,实施河蟹、青虾混养模式,进一步提高养殖经济效益,为此在南京市禄口街道黄令养殖场陈全圣养殖户的河蟹养殖基地开展了混养技术试验.  相似文献   

池塘集约化网箱养鳝水质调控和病害防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了池塘集约化网箱养鳝水质调控和病害防治技术.试验池投放滤食性和刮食性鱼类,移植水草,周期性施用微生物制剂,适时加换水和调节水体pH值;放养鳝种前对池塘、网箱、鳝种进行消毒灭菌;驯食成功后及时内服药饵驱虫灭菌,定期外泼、内服药物预防,发现病症及时治疗等方法调节水质、防治病害.对照池水质调控和病害防治方法即一般养殖户做法,方法单一、无计划和规律,缺乏科学性.试验过程中定期测定水质和黄鳝生长指标,并做好养殖记录.结果表明,试验池主要水质分析指标均优于对照池,试验池黄鳝平均成活率比对照池高21.4%,平均规格大34.5 g/尾,平均产量高1.33 kg/m2,平均效益高63.8元/m2.规模区试进一步验证了试验结果,说明试验设计的水质调控和病害防治方法科学、有效、可行.  相似文献   

湛江港沙湾对虾养殖场虾池水质状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2002年4~7月,对湛江港沙湾对虾养殖场虾池的水质及对虾的生长情况进行连续监测,应用单项指标评价、富营养化评价等方法,对该养殖场的水质状况进行了评价和营养分级。结果表明,该养殖场的水质呈高N低P状态,水温、DO和大部分池的pH、DRP符合第二类海水水质标准,DIN超标,超标率达70%,该养殖场目前处于P中等限制潜在性富营养水平阶段。  相似文献   

Common water quality variables in nine, inland low‐salinity shrimp ponds in Alabama exhibited wide variation in concentrations among ponds and over time. Shrimp performance also varied considerably among ponds in 2008 as follows: survival, 16–128%; production, 928–5950 kg/ha; feed conversion ratio (FCR), 1.18–2.89. Measured water quality variables were not at concentrations high enough to be lethal to shrimp; but water temperature, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, total ammonia nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium were occasionally outside optimum ranges for shrimp production and may have stressed shrimp. Survival and production both were positively correlated (P < 0.05) with increasing concentrations of methyl orange alkalinity, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Negative correlations (P < 0.05) between production and higher pH and water temperature may have resulted from lower water temperature and pH during final days of the crop in ponds harvested in October rather than from an actual effect of temperature and pH on growth. Nevertheless, those variables that were outside optimal ranges or correlated with shrimp survival or growth should be further investigated to ascertain whether or not excursions outside optimum ranges are harmful and to determine if observed correlations are causal.  相似文献   

Rural shrimp farmers in Thailand are being encouraged to adopt practices that will reduce the quantity and improve the quality of their effluent. A simple and cheap option for small-scale shrimp farmers is to use settlement ponds to store and remediate discharge water before being re-used. We undertook a detailed study of the settlement ponds in a small-scale commercial black tiger shrimp farm typical of rural Thailand. We found that over a 9-week period, following the harvest of one of the two farm production ponds, total nitrogen (TN) concentrations in the water column were reduced by 30%, with the greatest removal (56%) occurring during the fifth week. There was a 10% increase in dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations during the trial. Sediments were a source of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), and the re-mineralisation rate was the highest in the first two settlement ponds. Coconut fronds added to two of the four settlement ponds to increase the surface area available for microbial activity were found to provide a site for microbial re-mineralisation of TAN, the photosynthetic uptake of TAN and oxidised nitrogen (NO x ) and nitrification. The water column was a net assimilator of TAN through autotrophic uptake. This study has shown that settlement ponds are capable of reducing water column N concentrations; however, sediment must be managed to reduce re-mineralisation during successive cropping cycles. In addition, coconut fronds were shown to improve N removal, although they should be periodically removed to maintain efficiency.  相似文献   

施振宁  柏张春 《水产科学》2011,30(9):568-571
在6口面积均为0.4 hm2的微咸水池中养殖凡纳滨对虾,密度为7.5×105尾/hm2,其中4口混养锦鲤,密度分别为1500、3000、60001、2 000尾/hm2,研究混养锦鲤对凡纳滨对虾池水质及产量影响。结果表明:混养池水质比较稳定,透明度、NH4+-N和NO2--N波动幅度较小且数值较低,混养池对虾平均产量为3345 kg/hm2,比单养池平均产量2268 kg/hm2高47.5%,其中混养锦鲤3000尾/hm2的池虾产量最高,达到3765 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The effectiveness on water quality, population density of bacteria, and shrimp production in ponds treated with commercial probiotics was tested in Penaeus vannamei ponds in Hai-yan, China. Six ponds with replicates for treatment and control were used. Results showed that the probiotics could improve the population density of beneficial bacterial flora, reduce concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, and increase yields of shrimp. The average counts of Bacillus sp., ammonifying bacteria, and protein mineralizing bacteria were found to be significantly higher in treated ponds compared to control ponds ( P  < 0.05). In control ponds, an increase in presumptive vibrios was observed and the average density was up to 2.09 × 103 cfu/mL, whereas that was only 4.37 × 102 cfu/mL in treated ponds ( P  < 0.05). The use of probiotics also significantly increased dissolved oxygen ( P  < 0.05) and reduced dissolved reactive-phosphorus, total inorganic nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand ( P  < 0.05). An average of 8215 ± 265 kg shrimp/ha was obtained in treated ponds with a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.13 ± 0.05 and survival rate of 81.00 ± 6.25% compared with 4985 ± 503 kg shrimp/ha, 1.35 ± 0.12 and 48.67 ± 3.51%, respectively, in control ponds. This indicates that the addition of the commercial probiotics had a noticeable influence on water quality of shrimp ponds and shrimp production.  相似文献   

Agricultural limestone and burnt lime are applied either to the water during shrimp production or to pond bottoms between shrimp crops. However, unless the total alkalinity and total hardness of pond water is below 50 mg/L as equivalent CaC03 or the pond soils are acidic (pH < 7), liming is of little or no value. The use of burnt lime should be avoided because this material can cause high pH in water and soil. Chemical fertilizers or manures are used to fertilize brackishwater ponds. Fertilization programs for brackishwater ponds usually require more nitrogen (N) than those for freshwater ponds. Phosphorus (P) fertilization is important both in brackishwater and freshwater ponds. Because water is exchanged often in brackishwater ponds, fertilizer should be applied in small doses and at frequent intervals. Most managers of brackishwater ponds prefer a large proportion of diatoms in the phytoplankton community. An N:P application ratio of 20:l in ponds favors diatoms; in fiberglass tanks with water of low silica concentration, fertilization with silica encouraged an abundance of diatoms.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations in waters of 10, inland, low‐salinity shrimp ponds in Alabama tended to be greater than those found in normal seawater – molybdenum, boron and silicon were exceptions. Concentrations of most trace elements varied greatly among ponds on individual sampling dates, and average concentrations based on all sampling dates in individual ponds also varied considerably. The analytical method used, digestion of water samples in nitric acid followed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry, measured total concentrations of trace elements – free ions, hydrolysis products, ion pairs, coordination compounds (chelated forms) and particulate forms. Free ions are the toxic forms of most trace elements and the ionic concentration is much less than the total concentration of a trace element. Based on total concentrations of trace elements, it is doubtful that free‐ionic concentrations of trace elements were great enough to harm shrimp. The fact that no negative correlations were noted between trace element concentrations and shrimp survival and production supports this conclusion. However, positive correlations (P < 0.05) between shrimp survival and production and increasing concentrations of zinc, cobalt and iron should be investigated further to ascertain if additions of these elements to ponds might improve shrimp performance.  相似文献   

通过测定凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)生长性能和监测池塘水质变化,研究分段养殖模式在对虾养殖过程中的应用价值.养殖实验在6口池塘内(0.267 hm2/口)进行,首先在其中2口池塘内进行对虾的中间培育,养殖密度为300×104尾/hm2.经过36 d和48 d的中间培育后,将对虾先后转移到其他4口池塘内,养殖密度为60×104尾/hm2,分别记为T1和T2组.剩余的对虾继续养殖在中间培育池塘内,记为C组.结果显示,经过分段养殖的T1和T2组对虾,在分池养殖阶段7d内,生长速度均明显增加,其特定生长率(SGR)分别达到9.36 %/d和6.76 %/d;养殖期间,T1组具有最大的SGR (9.36 %/d)和饲料投喂量,然而其饲料系数(FCR) (1.053)高于T2组(0.822);经过分段养殖的对虾FCR均低于C组(1.082).在分池养殖阶段的大部分时间,T2组对虾的SGR高于T1组;C组NH4+-N、NO2-N和Chl-a浓度低于T1组和T2组,而颗粒物含量(TPM)和总磷(TP)高于T1组和T2组;T2组Chl-a含量明显高于T1组和C组.结果显示,经过48 d中间培育后,即对虾体重约为2 g时进行分池养殖仍可保证对虾在较长时间内保持较大的生长速度,对于饲料的节约具有重要意义.由于分池养殖阶段具有较多的饲料投喂,经过36 d中间培育后的对虾具有最大产量.分池养殖池塘内饲料投喂少于全期养殖,有利于养殖系统的稳定,然而单位时间内投喂量增加则会影响水质.分段养殖模式在提高分池养殖阶段对虾的生长速度和保持水质稳定方面具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

采用低频率运转循环水处理系统(含粗滤器、臭氧仪、气液混合器,蛋白分离器、暗沉淀池等)联用池内设施(微泡曝气增氧机与净水网)开展凡纳滨对虾室内集约化养殖实验。研究了养虾池以水处理系统调控水质效果及氮磷收支。结果表明,养虾水经系统处理后,NO2-N(53.4%~64.5%)、CODMn(53.4%~94.4%)与TAN(31.6%~40.4%)被显著去除,有效改进虾池水质;养殖周期内未换水与用药,虾池主要水化指标均控制在对虾生长安全范围,7号实验池(100 d)与8号对照池(80 d)主要水化指标变化范围:DO分别为 5.07~6.70 mg/L和4.38~6.94 mg/L,TAN 0.248~0.561 mg/L和0.301~0.794 mg/L,NO2-N 0.019~0.311 mg/L和0.012~0.210 mg/L,CODMn 10.88~21.22 mg/L和11.65~23.34 mg/L。7号池对虾生长指数优于8号池(80 d虾病暴发终止),单位水体产量分别为1.398 kg/m2与0.803 kg/m2。氮磷收支估算结果:7号与8号池饲料氮磷分别占总收入:氮93.70%与92.37%,磷98.77%与99.09%;初始水层与虾苗含氮共占总收入6.30%与7.63%,磷共占1.23%与0.91%。总水层(含排污水)氮磷分别占总输出:氮56.45%与59.86%,磷53.26%与55.79%;收获虾体氮磷分别占总输出:氮37.07%与31.94%,磷21.37%与13.11%。7号池饲料转化率较高;池水渗漏与吸附等共损失氮磷分别占总输出:氮7.00%与9.34%,磷25.37%与31.10%。实验结果表明,虾池以低频率运转循环水处理系统联用池内设施可有效控制水质与虾病,具较高饲料转化率。  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the culture of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in inland low‐salinity water in Alabama and other states in the Sunbelt region of the US. However, the growing season is truncated as compared with tropical or subtropical areas where this species is typically cultured, and temperature is thought to be a major factor influencing shrimp production in the US. This study, conducted at Greene Prairie Aquafarm located in west‐central Alabama, considered water temperature patterns on a shrimp farm in different ponds and different years; and sought possible effects of bottom water temperature in ponds on variation in shrimp survival, growth and production. Water temperature at 1.2 m depth in 22 ponds and air temperature were monitored at 1‐hr intervals during the 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 growing seasons. Records of stocking rates, survival rates and production were provided by the farm owner. Correlation analysis and linear mixed model analysis of variance were used. Results showed that hourly water temperatures differed among ponds. The range of water temperature in each pond explained 41% of the variance in average final weight of shrimp harvested from each pond. In conclusion, the results suggest that variation in water temperature patterns has considerable influence on shrimp growth and survival in ponds.  相似文献   

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