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饲养奶牛的经济效益,主要取决 于牛奶销售价格、奶牛饲养成本和产 奶量等因素。饲养奶牛的经济效益,与 奶价成本比 (牛奶销售价格与牛奶生 产成本之比)、奶料比(奶牛头日产奶 量与头日混合精料饲喂量之比)、奶料 价格之比 (牛奶销售价格与混合精  相似文献   

在国际金融公司中国项目中心(IFC-CPDF)项目组的指导下,通过对云南洱源50户奶牛养殖示范户进行"基线调研分析→专家针对调研问题培训→培训后回访→专家再培训"的方式,以动物科学和农林经济管理理论基础为科学依据,指出洱源传统奶牛养殖中存在的问题,找出洱源传统奶牛养殖经济效益不高的瓶颈。通过专家对政府、乳制品企业、项目推广组以及奶牛养殖户的指导与培训,使洱源传统养殖技术与现代养殖技术相融合,不断提高当地奶牛的引种、选种和配种的先进性,饲养技术、配料及饲喂方法的科学性。使奶农的养殖技术、饲喂方法有很大改进,进而提高奶牛产量和质量,以户带面提高了洱源奶牛养殖技术的科学水平,在保证牛奶质量安全的前提下降低养殖管理费用,增加了奶农的经济收入,将对西南地区奶牛产业的发展起到示范作用。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的发展,人们的生活水平不断提升,牛奶作为优质的营养品进入到了人们的生活中,因此,饲养奶牛的农户也在不断增加。在奶牛的饲养过程中,一定的饲养技巧,目前我国养殖户在饲养奶牛的过程中,奶牛的乳房炎是十分常见的疾病。奶牛一段发生乳房炎就会对,奶牛的产奶量和产奶质量产生不良影响,会直接影响到奶农的经济收入。因此本文旨在通过对奶牛乳房炎发生的原因进行分析,为奶牛乳房炎的预防和治疗提供借鉴和帮助,充分保障奶农的经济效益。  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎是奶牛饲养中经常发生的疾病之一,是由于奶牛乳腺受到奶牛自身因素、环境因素、管理因素及遗传因素等影响,微生物、化学、物理的刺激后引起奶牛乳腺组织的炎症,该病能直接导致奶牛奶产量降低,作者结合实践经验简要介绍如何预防奶牛乳房炎的饲养管理措施,以有效预防奶牛乳房炎的发生,提高奶牛养殖的经济效益。  相似文献   

日本奶牛的饲养主要依赖于国外饲料的进口,国际饲料价格的上涨使得日本奶业陷入了危机,奶农的生产经营状况直接关系到奶业产业的发展。本研究基于日本社团法人中央畜产会实施的全国农户生产经营指导项目中所调查的294个奶农农户的生产经营相关数据,采用因子分析、多元线性回归分析、聚类分析方法,对影响奶农经营收入的因素进行了分析。结果表明,奶牛饲养的收益、奶牛饲养的劳动效率、饲养规模这三个因素对奶农的生产影响最大;阐明了奶农生产中存在的问题;提出了奶农生产经营的改善应该着重于适度扩大生产规模;合理进行投资,并且均衡大型机器设备和小农器具投资的比例以改善奶农饲养效率以及饲料生产效率,提高奶农的收入。最后,借鉴日本奶业生产经营中存在的问题,总结了对我国奶业发展的启示。  相似文献   

奶牛的发情鉴定与适时配种是奶农养殖奶牛的关键技术之一,这两个环节,任何一个环节没有掌握好,都会导致奶牛的妊娠失败,从而降低经济效益,增加饲养成本。为提高奶牛的一次配种成功率和减少空怀,就要求奶农具有相应的知识和技术,而且青年牛的第一次配种妊娠的时间对今后生产性能的发挥,也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

季节、饲养管理水平影响原料乳主要理化指标的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]对奶牛场所生产的原料乳进行理化指标检测,分析原料乳主要理化指标的影响因素,并提出一些解决措施.[方法]采集奶牛场的奶样,在实验室检测原料乳的主要理化指标(脂肪、蛋白质、非脂乳固体),所得数据绘制曲线图,并进行对比、分析、差异性检验,分析影响原料乳主要理化指标的因素.[结果]实验统计数据表明在实验区域和实验期间内,季节、饲养管理水平对牛奶中蛋白质、脂肪及干物质含量影响明显.通过改善奶牛圈舍条件,可以使牛奶的蛋白质、脂肪及干物质含量有所增加,并且可以缓和季节对牛奶中这些指标的影响.通过提高养殖小区的饲养管理水平,可以在原有水平上使牛奶的蛋白质、脂肪及干物质含量有所增加,并且缩小了养殖小区和核心牛场的差距.[结论]通过具体措施的实施,原料乳的主要理化指标有所增加,奶品质提高.  相似文献   

<正>奶牛饲养收入已经成为奶农的主要经济来源,必须重视科学养殖,科学的饲养技术能够维护奶牛健康,延长利用年限,充分发挥产奶性能,降低成本,增加经济效益。一、奶牛的选择1、良种奶牛的选购奶牛品种及个体的优劣决定其一生的产奶量。我国大多数奶牛场饲养的奶牛为荷斯坦黑白花奶牛,这一品种优于其他奶牛品种,产奶量高,生产性能稳定,是农户选择的对象。具体要注意以下几点。(1)选择标准:要求体格健壮,结构匀称,皮薄而富有弹  相似文献   

精准畜牧业是未来牧业的发展趋势,越来越多的奶牛养殖户开始采用精准养殖技术对奶牛场进行精细化管理。在对奶牛养殖场工作的影响方面,精准养殖技术的采用节约了工作时间、改变了工作性质、创造了新的时间关系、提高了工作的准确性,但同时也损害奶农对奶牛行为观察的敏感性,增加了奶农的精神工作量。在对人畜关系影响上加入了机器设备作为媒介,形成奶农、奶牛、机器设备相互影响的三角关系,但同时也弱化了奶农和奶牛之间的直接联系。因此,在精准养殖技术推广和使用上,必须要考虑奶农的接受程度和学习能力,减少技术给奶农和奶牛带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

正近年来,我国奶制品行业频频发生质量问题,比如"三鹿奶粉"事件等,这也就进一步限制了我国奶牛养殖业的发展,为我国奶牛养殖业带来了风险,进而也在一定程度上限制了我国奶农养殖奶牛的积极性,同时由于奶牛对饲养环境、饲料营养等方面的要求,也会进一步加剧奶牛养殖业的风险,因此,降低奶农的养殖风险,是当下我国奶牛养殖业发展的重要内容之一。一、奶牛养殖业中奶农所承受的风险(一)饲养成本上涨飞快  相似文献   

綦校海 《农业展望》2013,9(2):48-51,55
基于连续3年对湖北省随州、武穴和孝感3地900户稻农的实地调查数据,建立了计量经济模型,对稻农生产的经济效益及其影响因素进行了实证检验。结果表明,对稻农生产经济效益影响最大的是稻米出售价格;国家政策对稻农生产经济效益具有显著作用;务农人口和人均收入对稻农经济效益同样有重要作用。结合实证分析结果,最后提出了相应的政策建议,并对未来湖北省水稻生产前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

2007年下半年以来,我国原料乳价格波动情况分为3个阶段。影响其波动的主要原因有饲养成本、原料乳供求、原料乳质量、乳制品进口、国际乳制品价格、气候、疫情和政策。原料乳价格波动过大会影响奶农、乳企和消费者的利益。必须科学制定乳业发展规划,规范原料乳交易,建立监测与预警机制、合理的价格形成机制以及乳企与奶农的利益联结机制。  相似文献   

2013年,国内奶业市场供需总体偏紧,由于生鲜乳产量的下降,全国很多省市出现了阶段性"奶荒"。总体看,国内原料奶收购价格持续上涨,鲜奶零售价格高位震荡,奶粉零售价格总体略升,乳品进口继续大幅增加,出口明显下滑,新西兰所占奶粉进口比重略有下降,但仍占主导地位;国际市场乳品价格整体提升,美国牛奶产量同比略增,英国牛奶产量同比下降。2014年,国内奶业生产形势依然相对严峻,原料奶收购价格和鲜奶零售价格保持上行态势的概率较大,国际市场主要乳品价格继续上升。  相似文献   

物联网在奶牛养殖中的应用及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物联网在奶牛养殖中的应用,不仅能有效优化奶牛养殖管理模式,而且为奶牛的精细化养殖提供有力手段,为提高奶牛年产奶量以及整个奶牛养殖产业的持续发展提供动力。目前,物联网技术在奶牛养殖方面的应用主要集中在奶牛场生产环境监测、奶牛生理监测、奶牛精细饲喂、溯源信息采集4个方面,为奶牛的科学管理提供数据支持。展望未来,随着科技的不断进步,相关研究不断推进,物联网技术将会应用到奶牛养殖的各个环节,基于物联网的科学饲喂、实时监测以及智能管理将是未来奶牛养殖产业的发展方向,它将进一步提高奶牛的产量和质量,提升奶牛养殖的现代化水平。  相似文献   

白世贞  刘忠刚 《安徽农业科学》2013,(28):11494-11496
乳制品质量安全关系着消费者的身体健康和生命安全,已得到人们的普遍关注。从乳制品生产到消费的全程出发,分析在奶农饲养、原奶收购、运输和贮存、乳制品加工、乳制品运输和销售等环节存在的安全问题,并提出科学有效的保障措施,为乳制品质量安全的发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The cow stock of smallholder farmers with less than 100 cows still accounted for nearly 50% of total cows in China. Since the milk scandal occurred in 2008, raw milk safety has become focus for the sound development of the Chinese dairy industry. Adoption of on-farm milk safety measures by smallholders is a key for ensuring milk safety, and these measures are largely voluntary in nature. The recent survey conducted in northern China reveals that an overall adoption rate of various milk safety measures by smallholders is close to 48% with wide variations across the dairy farmers. We employ the Poisson regression model to study the determinants of farmers' adoption of voluntary milk safety measures. Compared with backyard dairy farmers, dairy complex and scaled dairy farms adopted more milk safety measures. Moreover, the empirical result indicates that farmers' adoption of raw milk safety measures is positively affected by farm size. These findings suggest that the changing dairy production structure towards larger farms and away from backyard dairy farming prompts smallholder dairy farmers to adopt more raw milk safety measures. This lends some support to the role of recent policy initiatives towards larger farms and away from backyard dairy farming on increasing the farmers' milk safety practices and reducing on-farm incidence of milk safety.  相似文献   

2014年1—10月,国内原料奶收购价格总体呈下行走势,鲜奶零售价格高位平稳运行,原料奶收购价格和鲜奶零售价格均高于2013年同期水平,奶粉零售价格稳中略涨,国产奶粉涨幅快于进口奶粉。受国内消费需求刺激,乳品进口继续大幅增加,奶粉进口国家仍以新西兰为主,但是从新西兰进口奶粉的比重明显下降。全球乳制品供应增加,俄罗斯禁止进口,需求下降,国际市场乳制品价格持续下滑。预计国际乳制品价格继续低迷,乳制品进口量则进一步增加,这使得国内原料奶收购价格将面临下行压力。  相似文献   

This study was to supply the systemic and full milking process data to support the implementation of both dairy herd improvement (DHI) and digital feeding of dairy cattle. This study designed the relational structured database and developed a set of digital management information system on milking process of intensive dairy farm using Visual Basic 6.0, Access databases, and Crystal report combining the milking characteristics of a grown cow, such as quality and sanitation testing indexes of raw milk. The system supplies a series of convenient, intelligent input interfaces of crude datum, and can count, analyze, and graphically show milking datum based on different types and different parities of cows or herds in a specific duration, and can dynamically produce some important derived data, such as days of grown cow, daily average of milk production of grown cow, days of cow milk production, and daily average of milking cow production; and can carry out all-pervasive data mining. With the help of system analysis and software design techniques, it is possible to realize precision farming for a dairy cattle herd based on whole digital management of milking process and realtime prediction on nutrient requirements and ration of dairy cattle, as well as dairy herd improvement.  相似文献   

庞盛林  景利 《山西农业科学》2014,(6):633-635,646
近年来,我国乳品质量安全现状持续好转,消费者的消费信心正在逐步恢复,保障乳品安全的各项治理整顿行动正在持续深入进行,山西省已经成为全国主要奶牛生产基地之一。针对山西省乳品生产质量安全现状,从生鲜乳的生产、贮运、乳制品的加工销售和政府部门的监管等方面剖析了乳制品质量安全影响因素,提出了如何进一步提升山西省乳品质量安全水平的对策:首先加快推进奶牛标准化规模养殖,扩大优质奶源基地,从源头上强化对原料乳的质量安全控制;大力推进奶牛良种工程建设,做好选种和选配工作;加强政府监管力度,全面实施生鲜乳监测计划;提高乳品生产企业管理水平,重视和抓好质量文化建设、道德文化建设,强化诚信体系建设。  相似文献   

The UK dairy sector has undergone considerable structural change in recent years, with a decrease in the number of producers accompanied by an increased average herd size and increased concentrate use and milk yields. One of the key drivers to producers remaining in the industry is the profitability of their herds. The current paper adopts a holistic approach to decomposing the variation in dairy profitability through an analysis of net margin data explained by physical input-output measures, milk price variation, labour utilization and managerial behaviours and characteristics. Data are drawn from the Farm Business Survey (FBS) for England in 2007/08 for 228 dairy enterprises. Average yields are 7100 litres/cow/yr, from a herd size of 110 cows that use 0·56 forage ha/cow/yr and 43·2 labour h/cow/yr. An average milk price of 22·57 pence per litre (ppl) produced milk output of £1602/cow/yr, which after accounting for calf sales, herd replacements and quota leasing costs, gave an average dairy output of £1516/cow/yr. After total costs of £1464/cow/yr this left an economic return of £52/cow/yr (0·73 ppl) net margin profit. There is wide variation in performance, with the most profitable (as measured by net margin per cow) quartile of producers achieving 2000 litres/cow/yr more than the least profitable quartile, returning a net margin of £335/cow/yr compared to a loss of £361/cow/yr for the least profitable. The most profitable producers operate larger, higher yielding herds and achieve a greater milk price for their output. In addition, a significantly greater number of the most profitable producers undertake financial benchmarking within their businesses and operate specialist dairy farms. When examining the full data set, the most profitable enterprises included significantly greater numbers of organic producers. The most profitable tend to have a greater reliance on independent technical advice, but this finding is not statistically significant. Decomposing the variation in net margin performance between the most and least profitable groups, an approximate ratio of 65:23:12 is observed for higher yields: lower costs: higher milk price. This result indicates that yield differentials are the key performance driver in dairy profitability. Lower costs per cow are dominated by the significantly lower cost of farmer and spouse labour per cow of the most profitable group, flowing directly from the upper quartile expending 37·7 labour h/cow/yr in comparison with 58·8 h/cow/yr for the lower quartile. The upper quartile's greater milk price is argued to be achieved through contract negotiations and higher milk quality, and this accounts for 0·12 of the variation in net margin performance. The average economic return to the sample of dairy enterprises in this survey year was less than £6000/farm/yr. However, the most profitable quartile returned an average economic return of approximately £50?000 per farm/yr. Structural change in the UK dairy sector is likely to continue with the least profitable and typically smaller dairy enterprises being replaced by a smaller number of expanding dairy production units.  相似文献   

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