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为研究间作功能植物对茶园主要害虫茶小绿叶蝉的影响,于2017—2018年在福建省泉州市安溪县茶园间作白三叶Trifolium repens L.、金花菜Medicago hispida Gaertn.、金盏菊Calendula officinalis L.,以自然留养杂草茶园为对照,用网捕法采集茶小绿叶蝉并于室内计数,镜检剥查法调查其茶梢着卵量。结果表明,在4种不同生境管理茶园网捕茶小绿叶蝉总个体数及每月个体数均无显著差异;茶小绿叶蝉个体数分别在2017年8月与2018年6月达到高峰。茶梢各节间着卵量不同,主要产卵在顶芽之下第2~5节间,以第4节着卵量最多。间作金盏菊茶园茶小绿叶蝉在茶梢第1节着卵量显著高于间作白三叶和金花菜茶园。不同生境管理茶园茶小绿叶蝉在茶梢第4节着卵量从大到小依次为间作金盏菊(8.13)、间作金花菜(7.50)、自然留养杂草(7.17)和间作白三叶茶园(6.57)。不同时间段4种不同生境管理茶园茶小绿叶蝉在茶梢各节之间的着卵量存在差异,且均在9月上中旬着卵量达到高峰。在茶园间作功能植物,短期内未见其显著降低茶小绿叶蝉网捕量和茶梢着卵量的效应。  相似文献   

为有效防控黏虫Mythimna separata,选用灭多威、苦参·印楝素、苏云金芽胞杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis、甲维盐和高效氯氟氰菊酯5种药剂对其卵进行室内触杀试验,比较这5种药剂对黏虫卵和初孵幼虫的触杀效果及对卵的毒力,测定不同药剂处理后黏虫卵初孵幼虫存活率、发育历期、化蛹率、蛹重和羽化率;并通过冷冻切片技术观察不同药剂处理后黏虫卵的外部形态和胚胎发育情况。室内触杀试验结果表明,苦参·印楝素浓度大于0.1 mg/L时,对产后不同时间黏虫卵的校正死亡率介于42.89%~97.34%之间,苏云金芽胞杆菌浓度为0.01 mg/L时对产后72 h黏虫卵的校正死亡率已达71.99%;各浓度苦参·印楝素和苏云金芽胞杆菌处理产后24、48和72 h黏虫卵后,其初孵幼虫校正死亡率介于39.02%~83.59%之间。苦参·印楝素对产后24、48 h黏虫卵的毒力最大,致死中浓度LC_(50)分别为0.018、0.109 mg/L;苏云金芽胞杆菌对产后72 h黏虫卵的毒力最大,LC_(50)为0.004 mg/L。黏虫卵经5种药剂处理后,幼虫化蛹率、蛹重和羽化率分别介于91.07%~93.64%、0.272~0.284 g和86.60%~87.78%之间,与对照差异不显著,幼虫存活率较对照显著下降43.02%~60.27%,幼虫发育历期较对照延长0.23~0.88 d,其中灭多威、苦参·印楝素、苏云金芽胞杆菌处理的幼虫发育历期较对照显著延长。苦参·印楝素、苏云金芽胞杆菌使胚胎无法形成正常胚带,同时会使已发育的虫体出现蜷缩、腹部皱缩;高效氯氟氰菊酯会延缓胚胎发育时间,使已形成的虫体畸形或使其肠道断裂;甲维盐影响虫体对营养物质的吸收,造成虫体萎缩,使其不能正常孵化。在黏虫卵防治中推荐使用苏云金芽胞杆菌和苦参·印楝素。  相似文献   

接虫试验表明,水稻苗期每丛稻茎毛眼水蝇卵数()、为害株数()与产量损失()的关系符合下列方程:=-7.31+3.016x1±2.15,=0.9804;=-6.7+3.53x2±2.19,=0.9802。早稻产量损失的主要原因是受害后千粒重和实粒数减少;晚稻为千粒重下降。根据当前的稻谷价格、防治费用等,导出水稻苗期稻茎毛眼蝇的经济阈值为每丛4.6粒卵或3.74株受害。经大田验证,与实际基本相符  相似文献   

稻茎毛眼水蝇生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻茎毛眼水蝇是一种水稻害虫。为阐明该虫的发生特点,为防治提供依据,作者采用室内饲养观察和田间定期调查相结合的方法,对其生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:稻茎毛眼水蝇在江西1年发生7代,以幼虫越冬。成虫羽化、交配、产卵均在白天进行。羽化高峰在7:30~10:00之间。1对成虫一生平均交配7.83次,交配持续时间平均4分48秒,经过交配的成虫比未交配的成虫每雌产卵量多10.77粒,产卵前期和寿命分别缩短68.2小时和42小时。成虫产卵喜选择矮秆品种。卵大多数产在叶片下部,单粒产,卵全天24小时均可孵化,孵化盛期在22:00至次日4:00。幼虫取食叶肉和幼穗,在叶鞘内化蛹。  相似文献   

为建立基于X射线辐照的害虫不育技术,以梨小食心虫2、5、8日龄的雄蛹为研究对象,利用X射线对其进行0(CK)、67、133和200 Gy剂量的辐照处理,明确其最适辐照蛹龄;并对最适辐照蛹龄的梨小食心虫进行X射线辐照,明确辐照处理对其羽化成虫的繁殖能力、寿命、飞行能力和交配竞争力的影响。结果表明,梨小食心虫最适辐照蛹龄为8日龄;雄蛹经67 Gy与133 Gy辐照剂量处理后,与其羽化后成虫交配后的雌成虫单雌产卵量分别为25.14粒和24.56粒,卵孵化率分别为18.21%和14.61%,寿命分别为16.80 d和15.60 d,均显著低于对照;梨小食心虫雄蛹辐照处理对其羽化成虫与雌成虫的交配次数无显著影响,但辐照处理雄蛹羽化后的雄成虫与雌成虫交配后,雌成虫的日产卵量比对照明显减少,且辐照剂量越高,日产卵量变化幅度越小,产卵期也越短;辐照处理对雄蛹羽化后雄成虫的飞行能力无明显影响,但其与雌成虫的交配竞争指数下降为0.15。  相似文献   

褐飞虱寄生性天敌两索线虫生活史的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
两索线虫(Amphimermis sp.)的幼虫寄生于褐飞虱、灰飞虱等害虫的体内,使宿主产生一系列的病理变化,直至死亡。本文较详细地报导了湖北省褐飞虱寄生性天敌两索线虫的生活史。在实验室内用感染期幼虫作感染褐飞虱的试验获得成功。根据该虫的生活史和生态习性,在汉阳县的两索线虫孳生田里,采用与水稻高产栽培相结合的保护线虫措施,可以在褐飞虱中等发生量的年份,有效地控制褐飞虱的危害。  相似文献   

田间小豆绿豆象卵空间分布型初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用5点取样法对北京地区夏播小豆田进行了调查,发现绿豆象在小豆鼓粒初期已将卵产到豆荚上,9月上、中旬为产卵高峰期,并逐渐发育成幼虫侵入豆粒中。绿豆象卵在小豆荚上的空间分布型为聚集分布,其聚集原因是由环境因素引起。9月10-15日是控制北京地区夏播小豆田间绿豆象产卵及卵发育的较好时机。  相似文献   

为明确稻田适量喷施保护性农药是否影响周边香根草对水稻螟虫的诱集效果,通过室内盆栽试验测定了在水稻和香根草上分别喷施氯虫苯甲酰胺对大螟成虫趋性及产卵选择性的影响。结果表明:在水稻上喷药后第1天,栖息在香根草上的大螟雌、雄成虫总量分别为4.2头和3.8头,显著高于水稻上雌、雄成虫的总量1.00头和0.60头;在水稻上喷药后1~3 d接入大螟,在水稻上不产卵,直到第6天才出现卵块;喷药后6 d和12 d接入大螟,在香根草上的卵粒数分别为287.2粒和309.2粒,显著高于其在水稻上的57.2粒和81.4粒,约为水稻上的5.0倍和3.8倍。在香根草上喷药后1~3 d接入大螟,成虫选择水稻居多,在香根草上的产卵量为0;喷药后6 d接入大螟,成虫对2种寄主植物的选择性无显著差异;喷药后12 d接入大螟,在香根草上的成虫数量为9.8头,约为水稻上的2.5倍,产卵量也约为水稻上的1.9倍,二者均差异显著。表明香根草喷施氯虫苯甲酰胺后其对大螟的诱集作用有一定影响,但这种影响会随着施药时间的延长而逐渐减弱。  相似文献   


Cohorts of newly laid egg masses of two pod‐sucking bugs, Nezara viridula and Piezodorus hybneri (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), were exposed to naturally occurring predators and parasitoids on soybean in unsprayed fields at four sites in Northern Sumatra. The fate of the young stages was recorded until the late first instar, before the nymphs start to disperse and feed. Partial life tables showed that mortality of N. viridula until the late first instar was 50–87%, of which 18–65% occurred during the egg stage and was mainly caused by predation; 2–26% of the eggs died of parasitism. P. hybneri which was present at only two sites, showed a 73–89% mortality until the late first instar, of which 69–85% was during the egg stage and, again, mainly caused by predation; 15–24% of the eggs died of parasitism. To evaluate the role of individual egg predator species in the field, we conducted hourly observations of exposed egg masses of the two pests. Dolichoderus sp., Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Paederus sp. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and several gryllids (Orthoptera) were most commonly encountered feeding on the eggs. An index of ‘predation pressure”; was calculated from the densities of predators in the field and from an estimate of their attack rate based on field observations of predator feeding. Two sites with low predator pressures had low predation rates, while the two sites with high predation pressures had considerably higher predation rates. The implications of the findings for IPM training in soybean are discussed.  相似文献   

Pyriproxyfen, a novel juvenile hormone mimic, is a potent suppressor of embryogenesis and adult formation of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), and the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). Dipping of cotton or tomato seedlings infested with 0 to 1-day-old eggs in 0.1 mg litre?1 resulted in over 90% suppression of egg hatch of both B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum. Older eggs were affected to a lesser extent. Exposure of whitefly females to cotton or tomato seedlings treated with pyriproxyfen resulted in oviposition of non-viable eggs. The LC90 values for egg viability of B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum exposed to treated plants were 0.05 and 0.2 mg litre?1, respectively. Treatment of whitefly larvae with 0.04–5 mg litre?1 resulted in normal development until the pupal stage; however, adult emergence was totally suppressed. Second instars of B. tabaci exposed to 5 mg litre?1 pyriproxyfen, excreted honeydew at a level similar to the control level until the fourth instar (pupation), after which a strong reduction was observed. Inhibition of egg-hatch on the lower surface of cotton leaves was observed when their upper surface was treated with 1–25 mg litre?1, indicating a pronounced translaminar effect. These findings indicate that pyriproxyfen is an efficient control agent of both B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum. The compound has been used successfully for controlling whiteflies in Israeli cotton fields since 1991. Adults of B. tabaci collected from a rose greenhouse and from adjacent cotton fields were monitored during 1991–1993 for their susceptibility to pyriproxyfen. A high level of resistance was recorded in whiteflies collected from a greenhouse after three successive applications of pyriproxyfen. Based on LC50 values, the resistance ratio for egg-hatch suppression was 554-fold and, for adult emergence failure, 10-fold. However, a single treatment of pyriproxyfen in cotton fields during the summer season (according to an insecticide resistance management (IRM) strategy) did not alter appreciably the susceptibility of B. tabaci to this compound. In order to prevent development of resistance, an attempt should be made to restrict its use to one treatment per crop season applied during the peak activity of the pest. Pyriproxyfen can be alternated with other novel compounds such as buprofezin and diafenthiuron for controlling whiteflies in cotton, vegetables and ornamentals as part of integrated pest management (IPM) and IRM strategies. In pyriproxyfen- or buprofezin-resistant strains of B. tabaci or T. vaporariorum, no appreciable cross-resistance was observed among pyriproxyfen, buprofezin and diafenthiuron.  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜在越冬寄主植物上的行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内饲养观察、田间调查和利用微型昆虫显微摄影技术,研究了禾谷缢管蚜越冬卵在越冬寄主稠李(Prunus padis)上孵化,干母、干雌取食、生长发育和繁殖等行为过程,以及形态和体色变异特点。结果表明,禾谷缢管蚜越冬卵在室内的孵化率为88.68%-92.51%;在德国北部吕贝克附近田间孵化率为24.2%。越冬卵孵化起点温度低于4℃。在室温22℃下卵孵化历期为5-7d,孵化高峰在卵孵化始期后第3-4天。一日内最佳孵化时间在05:00-07:30。在室内饲养条件下,将越冬卵孵化的干母直接移植到麦苗上,蚜虫几乎都不能存活。  相似文献   

为了解植物中特有的转录因子乙烯响应因子(ethylene responsive factor,ERF)在植物诱导抗虫反应中的作用,通过克隆1个水稻ERF转录因子基因OsERF7,并结合分子生物学、反向遗传学及生物测定,探究其在水稻防御褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens和白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera为害过程中的作用。结果显示,机械损伤处理与褐飞虱产卵雌成虫为害均能在中后期诱导OsERF7的表达。沉默OsERF7能显著降低水稻上褐飞虱及白背飞虱卵的孵化率,并延长褐飞虱卵的发育历期;与野生型水稻相比,褐飞虱和白背飞虱在沉默突变体品系R1和R30上的卵孵化率分别只有野生型水稻上的62.5%~68.3%和68.0%~76.0%,褐飞虱卵的发育历期则延长0.37~0.45 d。沉默OsERF7不影响褐飞虱产卵雌成虫为害诱导的水稻防御相关信号分子—茉莉酸(JA)、水杨酸(SA)、乙烯(ET)和过氧化氢(H_2O_2)的含量。表明转录因子OsERF7作用于防御相关信号途径的下游,并且负调控水稻对褐飞虱和白背飞虱的抗性。  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the egg material ofTraumatocampa ispartaensis Doganlar & Avcı (Lep.: Notodontidae) collected onCedrus libani A. Rich. A total of 95 egg-batches were sampled over two annual generations ofTr. ispartaensis. The number of eggs in each egg-batch varied between 39 and 245 and the length of the batches varied between 7 and 36 mm. The mean number of eggs per batch was found to be 119 and 122 in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Based on field data the oviposition period continued from mid August to mid September. The mean hatching rate of the host was found to be 85.8% and 88.9%, whereas the impact of egg parasitoids accounted for 11.3% and 7.4%, respectively in the 2 years.Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) was observed as the most abundant egg parasitoid, followed byOoencyrtus sp. nearmasii (Mercet) andTrichogramma brassicae Bezdenko. Based on the emergence dynamics of the egg parasitoids in the laboratory, it seems thatO. pityocampae emerged mainly in June whereasO. sp. nearmasii andT. brassicae emerged mainly in May. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 3, 2003.  相似文献   

东亚飞蝗产卵及蝗卵孵化与土壤含盐量的关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1.在黃海蝗区自然条件下观察,东亚飞蝗选择芦葦地、茅草地及獐毛草地产卵,不选择盐蒿地。分析結果表明选择的产卵地与土壤含盐量及含水量有密切关系。 2.以人工配制不同浓度的盐土,任飞蝗自由选择产卵,結果証明飞蝗对不同浓度盐分具有明显的选择能力。两种盐土含盐量的差異在0.25%以下时,所产的卵数約各占一半;若两者差異在0.3%以上时,产在低浓度盐土内的卵数比高浓度內显著增多。由此可知,雌蝗产卵时能选择的最低含盐量临界为0.3%。在一般中度盐土內,含盐量的差異愈大,选择力愈明显。 3.沿海蝗区蝗卵的孵化温积,因所在环境的土壤盐分、土壤水分、植被盖度以及腐植质的多少而異。芦葦地、獐毛草地的含盐量都较低。在其他条件相近的情况下,此二种植被地內的蝗卵发育温积均低于盐蒿地,由于盐蒿地土壤內盐溶液浓度大,影响卵正常吸水,因而延缓了发育期。 4.未吸水的蝗卵在人工配制的不同浓度盐土中孵育,浓度愈低,孵化率愈高。孵化的最高浓度极限为0.35%。吸水卵在含盐量1.0%以上的土壤中,其孵化率随盐分上升而递減,最高孵化的盐量极限为3.5%,二者对盐分的抵抗力差别甚大。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chlorantraniliprole formulated as a 350 g kg?1 WG (Altacor 35WG) for management of apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), blueberry maggot R. mendax Curran and cherry fruit fly R. cingulata (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was evaluated in laboratory assays and field trials. RESULTS: A tarsal contact toxicity bioassay showed that a surface residue of 500 mg L?1 of chlorantraniliprole caused significantly higher mortality of male and female flies of all species compared with a control. Male apple maggot and blueberry maggot mortality was significantly higher than that for females, but there was similar mortality of male and female cherry fruit flies. An ingestion toxicity bioassay showed that 500 mg L?1 of chlorantraniliprole in diet caused significantly higher mortality of male and female flies of all species than the control, but there were no significant differences among the sexes. Delayed egglaying by females that had ingested chlorantraniliprole was found, but there were no significant sublethal effects on either the number of eggs laid or the egg hatch. Field trials with apple maggot and cherry fruit fly showed that protection of fruit by chlorantraniliprole was comparable with that of standard broad‐spectrum insecticides. CONCLUSIONS: The present data indicate that chlorantraniliprole has suppressant activity against Rhagoletis fruit flies, preventing fruit infestation primarily through direct lethal effects. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

根据1962—1964年北京地区12块春播玉米地心叶期卵和卵虫(第一代)成活率資料,并参考国内对螟害与玉米产量損失关系的研究成果,提出了春玉米上因玉米螟为害而造成的产量損夫估計方法和药剂防治的参考指标。心叶期卵的平均成活率及其标准誤为57.4±2.9%,卵块的脫落是死亡的主要原因。幼虫期的平均成活率及其标准誤为5.64±0.89%。这两个平均成活率的变異系数都比较小,相关分析表明,百株着卵量与成长幼虫数是相关的。故可职利用卵和幼虫的平均成活率由着卵密度来估計成长幼虫密度。心叶期卵和幼虫的合計平均成活率及其标准誤为3.4±0.51%。在95%可靠性时的置信区間为3.4±1.173%,卵块的平均粒数为31.7粒。若职单株平均一虫所造成的产量損失率为5%計,可用丁式来估計产量損失: 产量損失%=[(心叶期百株累計卵块数×31.7)×(0.034±0.012)]×0.05 在經济核算士,作者初步認为职損失率1.5%作为防治标准比較合适。以此推算,欲达到这一損失率,心叶期百株累計卵块应为28块(用平均成活率計算)至21块(用成活率上界計算)。一般可定为24块。根据心叶期百株累計卵块数与累計着卵株百分率或百株高峯卵块数之間存在的相关,百株累計24块卵,相当于累計着卵株率28%,或百株高峯卵块6块。在实践上就可以用它們作为心叶期的防治指标。  相似文献   

Lectin fromGlycine max L. was extracted and purified by affinity chromatography using asialofetuin-linked porous amino-activated silica beads. The concentration-dependent effect of lectin was studied on freshly laid eggs (0–8 h old) of the melon flyBactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett); lectin failed to influence egg hatching. However, treating second instar larvae (64–72 h old) with increasing concentrations of lectin significantly reduced the development period, number of pupae and number of emergingB. cucurbitae, and was negatively correlated with the increase in the lectin concentration. The LC50 value, 54μg ml−1, was calculated on the basis of adult emergence. Treatment of the larvae (64–72 h old) with the LC50 concentration resulted in a decrease in pupal weight. The activity of three hydrolase enzymes (esterases, acid and alkaline phosphatases), one oxidoreductase (catalase) and one group transfer enzyme (glutathione S-transferase) was assayed in second instar larvae at the LC50 concentration of lectin after exposure for 24, 48 and 72 h. The activity of esterases increased significantly (P<0.01) at the three exposure intervals, whereas the activities of the three other hydrolyses and the transferases were significantly suppressed (P<0.01). http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 13, 2006.  相似文献   

The effects of the fungicides benomyl, thiophanate-methyl and triadimefon on the chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa polygoni were investigated in the laboratory. Contact with a suspension of benomyl (1.5 g a. i. litre?1 did not affect the hatchability of the eggs. Larvae were reared on shoots of knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare) that had been sprayed with suspensions of benomyl, ranging in concentration from 0.1 to 5.0 g a. i. litre?1. The mortality to the adult stage, of larvae reared on shoots treated with concentrations of benomyl of 0.5 g a. i. litre?1 and above, was significantly higher than that of control larvae. At concentrations of 2.0 g a. i. litre?1 and above, no larvae survived to the adult stage. The LD50 was 0.78 g a. i. benomyl litre?1. The LT50 values at concentrations of 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 g a. i. benomyl litre?1 were 22.6, 12.6 and 5.3 days, respectively. The mean weights of adults bred from larvae that had been reared on shoots treated with benomyl (0.5 and 1.0 g a. i. litre?1) were significantly less than those of adults bred from control larvae. The mortality of larvae, reared on shoots of P. aviculare treated with triadimefon (0.5 g a. i. litre?1) or thiophanate-methyl (1.0 g a. i. litre?1), was also significantly higher than that of control larvae. Females kept on plants of P. aviculare treated with benomyl (1.5 g a. i. litre?1) laid similar numbers of eggs to those kept on untreated plants, and the hatchability of the eggs was not affected.  相似文献   

虱螨脲对小菜蛾成虫繁殖力及子代种群发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究虱螨脲对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella成虫的亚致死作用,通过残留药膜法或饲喂法使用50 mg/L虱螨脲对小菜蛾成虫进行处理,分别测定小菜蛾成虫繁殖力、寿命和卵孵化率,通过建立小菜蛾成虫子代生命表确定虱螨脲处理成虫对其后代的影响。结果表明,残留药膜法处理后,小菜蛾成虫单雌产卵量和卵孵化率分别比对照显著降低39.09粒和19.38个百分点;饲喂法处理后,小菜蛾成虫单雌产卵量、雌成虫寿命和卵孵化率分别比对照减少13.42粒、1.56 d和72.03个百分点,卵孵化率与对照差异显著。虱螨脲处理后,小菜蛾成虫子代1龄幼虫存活率、雌成虫寿命、F_1代单雌产卵量和F_1代卵孵化率分别为74.29%、5.90 d、146.65粒和84.43%,均显著低于对照,种群趋势指数降低,表明对子代种群发展有一定的干扰作用。此外,虱螨脲处理小菜蛾雌、雄虫对其产卵量无影响,但处理雌虫显著降低卵孵化率,处理雄虫对卵孵化率无明显影响,说明虱螨脲作用于小菜蛾成虫,仅对卵子形成及受精卵的胚胎发育过程产生影响,而对精子的生成及转移无影响。表明虱螨脲可通过成虫取食或接触而控制小菜蛾种群发展。  相似文献   

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