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漳州花卉出口历史悠久。概述了漳州花卉业出口的现状,分析了制约漳州花卉出口存在的问题,并提出了加强漳州花卉行业出口竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

2010年漳州花卉出口3623万美元,比上年猛增46.33%,单月出口额均超上年同期。近年来,在花博会、经贸恳谈会等一系列重要经贸活动的带动下,漳州已成为福建省最大的花卉生产出口基地和集散中心,漳州花卉快速走向国内外市场。但是,漳州花卉产业在加快发展步伐的同时,也面临着一些新的挑战。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯3月4日,漳州召开了花卉产业座谈会,总结了2009年漳州花卉产业取得的可喜成绩。2009年漳州市花卉种植面积9万亩,销售额达16.5亿元。漳州市市长陈冬在会上表示,漳州花卉生产企业要提升思路,促进市场化营销。同时加大政府引导和扶持力度,以科研机构技术支撑和企业、农户种植相结合的方式,细化社会分工,培育龙头企业,提高产品附加值,让更多企业和花农受益。会上还宣布,一个投资12亿元的大型花卉项目——海峡西岸花卉世界将落户漳州龙海市。漳州市花卉协会会长朱江兴说,该项目的成功引进,将推动龙海乃至漳州市传统花卉产业的升级,促进全市花卉产业步伐加快,推动全市花卉产业发展壮大。  相似文献   

漳州是福建花卉主产区之一,近几年,漳州花卉产业尤其是在花卉出口上取得了很大突破.近日,笔者采访了漳州市林业局主管花木产业的副局长张友炳.……  相似文献   

漳州是福建花卉主产区之一,近几年,漳州花卉产业尤其是在花卉出口上取得了很大突破。近日,笔者采访了漳州市林业局主管花木产业的副局长张友炳。  相似文献   

第十届海峡两岸(福建漳州)花卉博览会举办本刊讯11月18~22日,第十届海峡两岸(福建漳州)花卉博览会在福建漳州马口花博园内举办,同期还举办了2008年台湾农产品博览会、第二届中国蘑菇节。三会合一后的  相似文献   

本刊讯日前,漳州市花卉进出口协会在漳州正式成立,并召开了第一次会员代表大会。会议正式通过了漳州市花卉进出口协会名誉会长、高级顾问、顾问成员名单。漳州宏盛贸易有限公司总经理朱跃宁被推举为协会会长,龙海日出农业发展有限公司董事长张国鹏等9位花卉企业家当选为副会长。  相似文献   

福建漳州是我国出口小盆栽的主产地,其中尤以榕树盆景和金边虎尾兰为主。春季是漳州小盆栽集中出口的高峰期,但受国际金融危机的影响,漳州今年第一季度花卉出口同比大幅下降。据统计,第一季度全市花卉出口额531.4万美元,同比下降18%。由于经济不景气,欧美、日本等地订单锐减,  相似文献   

中国水仙脱毒种苗培育研究取得重大突破   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国水仙主产地在漳州,俗称漳州水仙。水仙既是漳州市市花,同时也是福建省省花。据2001年统计表明,漳州水仙栽种面积达333公顷,年产量稳定在2000万粒以上,为漳州特色传统花卉品种,也是福建省出口创汇的主要花卉品种之一。 水仙在长期栽培过程中由于遭受病毒的侵染,出现花叶、斑驳、褪绿、条纹、皱缩、黄化、坏死、哑花,或花朵变小,花剑明显减少,香  相似文献   

本刊讯福建漳州拟建海峡花卉集散中心引起许多港台客商的关注。在厦门举行的第15届中国国际投洽会上,香港缤纷园艺有限公司与漳州相关部门签订投资2亿元人民币的意向,规划建设盆栽花卉生产基地。  相似文献   

漳台休闲农业合作发展演变研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对漳台休闲农业合作日益深化的现状,笔者研究其发展规律和演变轨迹,为漳台休闲农业合作提供指导建议,以耗散结构理论为基础,分析漳台休闲农业合作的形成期、发展期、成熟期和衰退期的演变过程,提出通过漳台休闲农业相互市场的开放,生产要素的自由流通,以及漳台休闲农业合作机制的构建,使得漳台休闲农业得以从衰退期突变到下一个成长周期,合作深化程度从目前的产业转移阶段进入产业融合阶段,最终进入产业一体化阶段。通过漳台休闲农业合作系统的螺旋式上升,使得漳台之间的休闲农业共同市场得以形成,有利于双方共同利用资源,形成规模经济。  相似文献   

齿兰环斑病毒CP基因的原核表达及其产物抗血清制备   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本研究在于探讨侵染兰花的重要病毒之一齿兰环斑病毒(Odontoglossum ringspot virus,ORSV)的检测技术。从福建省漳州市采集感染齿兰环斑病毒的建兰病样,设计一对特异性引物扩增并克隆得到该病毒的外壳蛋白基因,该基因开放阅读框长477 bp,编码158 aa约合18.0 kDa的蛋白质,随后将目的基因插入pET-29a(+)中构建相应的原核表达载体进行诱导表达,目的蛋白经纯化后免疫家兔获得了特异性抗血清。Western blot检测结果表明,抗血清与诱导表达的ORSV外壳蛋白发生特异性反应。间接酶联免疫吸附检测结果表明,抗血清可检测病叶的最低稀释度达1:25600(v/v),最佳工作浓度为1:12800(v/v),病汁液灵敏度为0.195 mg/mL(w/v),而与TMV等11种同源或异源病毒均无明显的血清学交叉反应。  相似文献   

Leena Pietilä 《Euphytica》1995,84(2):127-131
Summary Pollination experiments were carried out on ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus), known as a very poor seed producer. All the clones used were diploids. The effect of self-vs. cross-pollination was studied in Experiment 1. Caged selfpollinated flowers produced no seeds. Different clones produced seeds in 0–8% of caged cross-pollinated flowers and in 5–19% of cross-pollinated non-caged flowers. Ulluco is thus basically an outbreeder.Experiment 2 studied whether seed set is limited by pollen availability. Total seed number per inflorescence number did not differ between plants treated with supplemental pollen and control plants; pollen availability thus did not limit seed set. The treated plants, however, produced more seeds in cross-pollinated than in other flowers on the plant, and the control flowers on treated plants produced fewer seeds than those on the control plants. In the treated plants, resources may have been allocated to artificially cross-pollinated flowers at the expense of other flowers. In some clones, seed set after artificial cross-pollination was at a level practicable for breeding work.  相似文献   

It is fundamental for gene transformation and ecosystem hazard evaluation to study the pollen characteristics of transgenic plants. In this research,the characteristics of pollen from 7-or 8-year-old transgenic apple plants carrying an exogenous Cp TI gene were analyzed. The results showed that there was no significant difference in terms of size,morphology,or exine ornamentation between the pollen of the transgenic plants and the non-transgenic control. However,the transgenic plants had more abnormal pollen grains. Of the 13 transgenic lines tested,12 had a significantly lower amount of pollen and six exhibited a significantly lower germination rate when cultured in vitro. The pollen viability of three transgenic lines was determined,with two showing significantly lower viability than the control. The transgenic Gala apple pollen grains germinated normally via controlled pollination on Fuji apple stigmas. However,the pollen tubes extended relatively slowly during the middle and late development stages,and another 8 h were needed to reach the ovules compared with the control. The gibberellic acid concentration in transgenic Gala apple flowers was lower than in the non-transgenic control during all development stages tested. The abscisic acid concentration in the transgenic flowers was lower during the pink stage,and higher during the ball and fully open stages. Microscopic observation of the anther structure showed no difference. The tapetum of the pollen sac wall in transgenic plants decomposed late and affected pollen grain development,which could be one of the reasons for the lower number of pollen grains and poor viability in the transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Patterns of flowering and seed set were explored by principal component (PC) analysis of counts of fresh flowers, total flowers and seeds at four observation times. This pattern analysis was attempted because of the complicated rhythms of flowering and seed set over an extended period. The approach was considered superior to regressions (over time) for this data because of these pattern complexities, and because these were few time-nodes. Also it avoided the need to find optimum regression functions. Parsimony was achieved with a two-component ordination based on truncation at 70% of the total variance. The results for all characters showed that the first component concentrated on the middle period of flowering/seed set, and de-emphasized the early phase. The second component emphasized the extremities of the flowering/seed set span. The first component accounted for a large proportion of total variance (45.5% to 69.2%), which indicated its importance. The general meaning of the first component was ‘median flowering’, ‘general flower production’ and ‘median-to-late seed set’ for these characters fresh flowers, total flowers and seed set, respectively. The results showed that PC analysis successfully summarized the complex patterns of flowering/seed set and revealed the pattern differences between plants. It was apparent that no particular pattern of general flowering and seed set could be regarded as ‘typical’ in meadowfoam. It was confirmed that the population was diverse, this being typical of segregating plants within a randomly fertilized population. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

月季在历史上不同国家都具有高度的象征意义和文化价值。月季被广泛用作园林观赏植物,切花,并用于香水的精油生产和化妆品行业。月季的开花和衰老的过程仍是园艺学未解决的问题,调节这些过程的机制也有待阐明。本研究从月季开花和衰老过程中的生理机制和遗传学机制方面展开了综述,探讨了影响月季开花和衰老过程的生理学和遗传学因素,重点分析了月季花衰老过程中激素、水分代谢、糖代谢、呼吸作用、抗氧化系统等生理过程的变化,并针对未来月季切花领域的育种方向提供一些思路。  相似文献   

21世纪海南花卉业发展的机遇与挑战   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
海南岛气候资源优越,花卉资源丰富,但由于起步较晚,花卉产业基础较差。通过分析海南气候、花卉种质、土地及劳动力等资源特点,针对中国21世纪花卉发展的新形势,指出海南花卉业存在的问题是:由于台风、暴雨强度大,为此需增加防范设施,从而提高花卉生产成本;交通不便,信息不灵,生产技术落后;缺乏宏观管理指导、合理布局和配套的优惠激励政策。为解决上述问题,必须采取以下措施:合理开发利用自然资源,因地制宜发展花卉;加强国内外先进技术学习与高新技术推广工作;完善花卉销售网络,落实有关扶持花卉生产的优惠政策。  相似文献   

主要是对福建省漳州休闲农业发展现状进行综合性研究,分析漳州休闲农业存在的优劣势,探讨了发展漳州休闲农业面临的机遇和威胁,并针对性提出了促进漳州休闲农业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

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