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浅谈科研院所科研经费管理的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
科研经费是科研单位开展项目研究的物质基础,科研经费管理水平的高低对科研管理工作具有重要的影响。目前,我国科研院所在科研经费管理上存在着制度不科学、公有产权保障不足、拨款模式及会计核算监督无效等缺陷,制约了科研经费的使用效率。因此,针对我国科研院所经费管理存在的问题,积极探索提高科研经费使用效率的途径及科研经费管理创新的思路具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国农业科研投入的结构偏差及矫正   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
文章从投入主体、研究主体、研究部门、费用支出等4个方面分析了我国农业科研投入结构偏差,并借鉴国际经验,结合本国实际,有针对性地提出了矫正建议。研究结果表明,我国农业科研投入结构存在明显的不合理现象,主要表现为非政府比例明显偏高、国家级科研机构经费比例偏低、种植业研究部门比例偏高、事业费支出比例不符合国际惯例等。在国家财政投入受限的前提下,建议政府进一步完善农业科研投入机制,促进农业科研事业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

国家近年出台了一系列科研经费管理“放管服”政策,解决了困扰科学家的一些经费管理问题。但是,科研经费报销难,仍然是近期科研经费管理调研的一个重要内容。文章结合农业科研单位科研经费管理经验,思考在农业科研单位试行科研经费报销的信用机制,尝试探索运用信用机制管理思路解决科研经费报销难题,陈述了试行信用机制的管理主要内容、流程、组织机构以及有关注意事项,供各位专家参考和批评。  相似文献   

The process values of university research are important in the context of several significant social and economic trends in American life. These values are being taken into account in the design and administration of federal programs. Federal programs to support these values should be distinguished from programs to support the product values of research. Failure to distinguish between these two types of programs will lead to a further dilution of quality in programs designed to advance science as a legitimate end in itself. The scientific community can best protect its own interests by helping federal agencies and universities and colleges develop a funding system to support the process values of university research on a cooperative, regional basis.  相似文献   

浅谈农业科研事业单位财务管理信息化建设   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在科技强国的总体战略布局下,我国持续加大科研经费投入。同时,新的《政府会计制度》的颁布,对科研事业单位财务管理理念、会计核算模式、会计核算范围等领域有了新的要求。为了更好地贯彻执行《中共中央国务院关于坚持农业农村优先发展做好“三农”工作的若干意见》,农业科研事业单位财务管理向信息化发展是新形势下的必然趋势。文章分析总结了农业科研事业单位财务管理信息化建设存在的问题,构建了财务管理信息化建设框架,提出了加快推进财务管理信息化建设的意见和建议。  相似文献   

The DOD carefully evaluates its technical needs and executes programs of sponsored research and development to fulfill them. Thus, while individual projects proceed in accordance with established scientific principles of objectivity, the overall system of DOD funding allows the military to influence the development of science technology. Many have argued that this system of contracts and grants has well served science and the universities. One cannot deny that the influx of money led to rapid progress in selected scientific fields and increased scientific institutions' affluence. With this fact we have no quarrel. However, these same people often continue to argue that the systems of federal funding for science, specifically DOD funding of science, follows merely on the work's scientific merit, not on how it fits any larger scheme. They continue, that, since DOD supports good science for its own sake, the combination of military money and universities strongly encouraging faculty to seek that money encourages healthy competition for faster scientific progress. The DOD's approval process is seen to follow from the scientist up, with the military deciding which proposals for research have the most intrinsic (scientific) merit, then after the fact, thinking up a military justification for congressional budget requests. It is this latter belief with which we take issue. The DOD considers the scientific worth of the proposals for research it receives, but only after it has determined that the proposal fulfills a specific military need. This fact and its implications for the university as an institution charged with protecting the process by which man discovers new knowledge have been ignored in the debates over DOD sponsored research and development in universities. In addition, the Nixon Administration's efforts to tighten management controls over civilian research, especially in the biomedical and energy areas, promises to further undermine the university's role as an institution charged with fostering a search for truth free from bias in both methodology and subject selection.  相似文献   

借助多元回归模型,利用广东省1992-2014年统计年鉴的统计数据,对广东省农业科技投入的绩效进行评价。结果表明,农业科研业务费支出、农业科研政府拨款、农业科研机构经费支出对农民人均收入有显著影响;农业科研劳务费支出、农业科研生产性支出、农业科研课题投入经费对农民人均收入影响不大;而农业科研机构经费收入无显著影响。通过改变目前农业科技投入方式,将科研机构的体制创新和项目管理的目标导向结合;把科技研究和市场需求紧密连接起来,是提高科研经费利用效率的关键。  相似文献   

财务管理是科研基地高效运转的重要支撑,在加快科技强国建设的背景下,我国科研经费投入规模不断攀升,与此同时,对于科研基地财务管理的规范性、合理性也提出更高的要求。如何基于科研基地自身特点,在财务管理方面进行创新,提升财务管理水平,成为了科研基地运转领域的一个重要管理课题。文章首先对加强科研基地财务管理的重要意义从多个维度进行了深入探讨,随后基于笔者所掌握的情况,对于当前科研基地财务管理领域存在的突出问题进行了具体分析,最后系统探讨了科研基地财务管理问题解决策略,旨在给科研基地做好财务管理工作,实现自身的可持续发展带来一些启示。  相似文献   

以"以人为本"为核心的科学发展观,应该成为现代科研院所建设的根本指导思想。文章从以自己为本、以他人为本、以科研团队为本的角度阐述了科研人员如何做到"以人为本",并指出只有科研人员做到了"以人为本",才能成就自己,激励他人,促进科研团队和院所的和谐发展。  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金作为国家级项目的重要组成在推动我国基础研究发展中的作用日益凸显,其资助数量、类型、经费以及关联成果已经成为衡量科研单位基础创新能力的重要指标。文章通过“十三五”时期国家自然科学基金在全国整体资助情况与科研单位资助情况的对比分析,结合实际案例深入探讨,归纳总结经验并查找存在问题,从项目管理的角度提出相关对策建议,希望借助国家自然科学基金促进科研单位的基础研究发展。  相似文献   

目的对科研经费投入与创新效率进行评价,主要是为国家制定科研发展规划及政策,提高科研管理水平提供参考依据。方法标度律可以反映复杂系统的基本机制、动力学和结构。笔者将标度律推广到科研投入与产出关系的分析上,通过分析科研机构的资金以及科技人力投入与科研产出数据。结果发现科研投入与产出符合标度律关系,标度律指数基本保持稳定。基于标度律的方法,客观的对高校科研质量进行了评估,对于科技计划管理机构在高校经费投入和管理方面提供了事实依据和可量化比较的基准信息,是高校创新效率的重要参考标准,对中国在新时代完善高校科研投入和管理有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Scientists who study encryption or computer security or otherwise reverse engineer technical measures, who make tools enabling them to do this work, and who report the results of their research face new risks of legal liability because of recently adopted rules prohibiting the circumvention of technical measures and manufacture or distribution of circumvention tools. Because all data in digital form can be technically protected, the impact of these rules goes far beyond encryption and computer security research. The scientific community must recognize the harms these rules pose and provide guidance about how to improve the anticircumvention rules.  相似文献   

科研产出要达到目标,需要进行综合绩效评价,管理心理学中的目标设置理论有助于该项工作完成。科研项目的管理权在学院,但绩效评价由第三方完成。运用目标设置理论做好科研项目绩效评价应注重对目标设置理论的学习和运用,注重个人目标、学院总体目标与社会需求的密切结合,注重目标的有效性和实效性以及承诺的可信度,并注重目标的多向激励。  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1976,191(4226):459
The last two sentences of "Chicano and Native American Scientists Meet" (Science, 7 Nov. 1975, p. 546) should have read "Individual members, most of whom are Ph.D.'s in the natural sciences, are all committed ... to improving the scientific training and counseling that is available to Chicano and Native American students. At the meeting ... members ... planned activities for the coming year that will increase the number of Chicanos and Native Americans entering science and the visibility of their accomplishments."  相似文献   

以Altmetric.com公司的用户案例为分析对象,总结了科研机构、出版社、图书馆、基金会和企业这些不同主体在替代计量数据运用方面的成功经验,识别了当前替代计量数据的3种科学使用方式,即用于加强宣传推广、论证影响价值和促进科学合作。在加强宣传推广方面,替代计量数据可以提升用户体验、扩大受众范围和迎合读者兴趣。在论证影响价值方面,替代计量数据可以扩大影响力的范围、提高影响力及时性、提供资助效率反馈和用于科技考核评价。这些成功的使用方式,可以为国内研究机构、资助机构等对替代计量数据的合理使用提供参考。  相似文献   

Given the limitations of the “project” mode of development assistance, and the likelihood that funding will not be as available in the future for financing large development projects as it has in the past, it is appropriate to consider alternative mechanisms for American institutions and professionals to remain engaged in development efforts overseas. One hopes these will be more effective and cost-effective than previous channels of development aid. The “collaboration” is suggested here as such a mechanism. It involves a US university with overseas universities, government agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in interdisciplinary problem solving, with sustainable agricultural and rural development as the goal, requiring relatively modest levels of funding. There are also benefits to the US institution as it becomes more current and knowledgeable about development problems and opportunities, and better able to provide relevant teaching and research. New partnerships supported by private funding can usefully complement larger-scale official efforts and can fill in gaps where flexible operations relying on the quality of ideas and strong personal relationships offer high returns.  相似文献   

A few of the scientific challenges of polar research are reviewed, with stress on the work being done by U.S. investigators. The accomplishments that have been made are impressive, but much remains to be done. An evaluation of future research goals and priorities in science per se and in the national interest is not attempted, but a research strategy for the future, presently planned by the National Research Council's Polar Research Board, should contribute to this end.  相似文献   

数据期刊是一种新的数据出版模式,其目的在于促进数据的发现、共享、获取与复用,扩大学术影响力,推动科研创新。数据期刊的开放获取模式促进了数据成果的迅速传播,给期刊的发展带来了更广泛的读者群,产生了积极的影响。但同时,对作者付费方式的期刊发展带来不利的影响:作者收费方式导致部分稿源流失,没有发行收入导致办刊经费紧张等。文章从抓好稿件质量控制、开辟多渠道经费来源、构建合理的数据期刊评价体系、提供多元化服务四个方面提出了保持数据期刊的可持续发展的措施。  相似文献   

双一流建设背景下,高被引论文数量成为衡量高校科研水平的重要指标。现有研究大多是从学科领域视角分析高被引论文涉及的热点,鲜少以某个机构为出发点,将其发文总体情况与高被引论文情况进行对比、总结该机构高被引论文的内外部特征与规律。[目的/意义]为全面了解深圳大学高被引论文的发展现状,并就如何利用ESI和InCites培育高被引论文提供参考和建议。[方法/过程]对深圳大学在InCites和ESI中高被引论文情况与近10年SCIE/SSCI中Article与Review的统计总量进行对比分析,包括所涉及学科、研究方向、高产作者、高产期刊、合作机构、基金资助机构等,对深圳大学潜力高被引论文进行预测,最后从宏观上将深圳大学与其他代表性地方大学、广东省内高校进行对比。[结果/结论]深圳大学的科研水平在不断提高,高被引论文数也在逐年增长,但相对于上海大学、郑州大学等其他代表性地方大学还有一定差距。深圳大学需要进一步加强国际交流与合作,图书馆需要结合分析数据提供更加针对性的学科服务、培育更多的高被引论文。  相似文献   

为探讨世界高水平涉农大学的科研现状,以农业科学为例,利用文献计量学方法深入剖析了U.S.News世界大学排名中农业科学领域前4位高校即瓦赫宁根大学、加州大学戴维斯分校、康奈尔大学、中国农业大学的科研优势。研究发现:从高被引论文的作者角度来看,4所学校均形成了一定规模的高水平科研创新团队,汇集了一定数量的学科领军人物;从论文署名人数维度来分析,4所学校总体上的科研合作团队规模在逐年扩大,单独发表论文的学者比例逐年下降;从国际合作的机构分布情况来观察,4所学校都将国际合作作为促进本校科研发展的重要举措;4所学校都获得了不同渠道的基金项目资助,其中政府资助成为主体,同时科研项目资助也呈现出社会化和多元化的趋势。本研究旨在为我国高校科研管理部门的重点学科发展决策提供情报线索,对其创建世界一流大学和一流学科的路径规划提供参考。  相似文献   

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