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The analysis of long-term weather records and data on the water budget in a 3-m-deep layer of typical chernozems in the reserved steppe area has shown considerable changes in the soil hydrological regime under the impact of climatic fluctuations. In the past 34 years, the warm season has become more humid and the cold season has become warmer in comparison with the climatic norm. These changes have been accompanied by the settling of trees and shrubs on the reserved steppe territory; more frequent cases of water percolation throughout the entire profile of chernozems owing to the increased accumulation of water reserves in the fall, winter, and spring seasons; less active evapotranspiration of soil water during the growing season; and the smaller deficit of soil water in the fall. In general, the chernozems have become better moistened, which has led to certain changes in their genetic features.  相似文献   

A generalized chronosequence of changes in the morphometric parameters of chernozems in the past 5100 years is analyzed. It is shown that the development of chernozems in the center of the East European Plain is characterized by both long-term (interglacial, encompassing the entire Holocene) and short-term (within separate climatic periods of the Holocene) trends. The long-term trend of the evolution of ordinary chernozems developed from the loess-like calcareous loam consists of a continuous increase in the thickness of the soil humus profile and an oscillating increase in the depth of the carbonate accumulations. The Late-Holocene short-term trends of the natural evolution of chernozems are characterized by the high spatial heterogeneity related to the patterns of climatic fluctuations and to the lithological composition of parent materials. In that period, the thickness of genetic horizons in the forest-steppe chernozems was increasing faster than that in the steppe chernozems.  相似文献   

Regularities of the moisture regime of soddy-podzolic soils in Moscow Meshchera region under the impact of different surface planning operations were studied in the recreational zone. Soil moisture was determined in the samples taken with an auger. Data on the dynamics of soil moisture in 2014–2016 under different surface conditions—natural and artificial covers (backfill, mulching materials, and paving elements)— were obtained. A reliable (at the level of significance α = 0.05) increase in the soil water content in the 1-m-deep layer was observed on average for all years of research in three experimental variants: a “dry creek” cover with a possible additional inflow of water, mulching of a flat soil surface with shell rock, and mulching with pine needles. The increase in the soil water reserves on these plots reached 31.4, 22.5, and 19.4% in comparison with the control, where the average soil water reserves did not exceed 112 mm of the water layer and were close to the water content at 0.7 of the field water capacity (108 mm of the water layer). In comparison with the control, the unsealed areas of the soil within the rockery and within the paved surface were characterized by the decrease in the water storage by 4.0 and 11.2–30.7% during relatively wet and dry years, respectively. In wet years, this difference was statistically insignificant; in dry years, it was significant. The analysis of chronoisopleths of soil moisture attested to differentiation of the studied variants according to the degree of moistening of the soil profiles.  相似文献   

“White Pulp Soils” are eutric Planosols, their permeability profile being caused more by stratification than by lessivage and most likely not by ferrolysis. For climatic reasons their water/air regime differs very much from many other surface water soils, dry periods being more typical for the early and wet ones for the late summer. This may influence the diagnostic weight of the profile morphology and the transferability of ecological threshold values from stagnosols of other regions.  相似文献   

A field trial was carried out during 1993–94 and 1994–95 winter seasons on Udic Ustochrept to evaluate the performance of dryland barley under varying profile moisture status and nitrogen levels. Three levels of initial moisture status of the root zone profile were: wet (100% field capacity), moderately wet (50% field capacity) and dry (rainfed) as the main treatment. The sub treatments were 0, 40, 60 and 80 kg N ha?1. During 15 to 60 days after sowing (DAS) availability of soil nitrogen and its uptake by the crop attained the highest values under wet regime. However, at 105 and 130 DAS dry moisture regime resulted in maximum values of both available soil nitrogen and plant nitrogen contents. In the same tune biomass production attained the higher values under wet regime as compared to the dry regime during 15 to 60 DAS and the trend was reverse at 105 DAS. Grain yield attained the highest value under dry regime followed by wet and moderately wet regimes. Irrespective of the profile moisture status both productivity and nitrogen use efficiency enhanced with the increase in nitrogen doses from 0 to 80 kg ha?1. Role of nitrogen was more pronounced under wet regime.  相似文献   

选取位于河南中西部褐土土类的7个典型单个土体作为研究对象,通过土壤剖面形态特征和理化性质的分析,确定了它们在中国土壤系统分类中的位置.按照《中国土壤系统分类(第三版)》诊断标准,供试剖面中诊断出包括黏化层、钙积层、雏形层、氧化还原特征、温性土壤温度状况、半干润土壤水分状况等诊断层和诊断特性,7个剖面中,4个划归淋溶土纲...  相似文献   

The carbonate profiles of Chernozems bear important information on soil processes and can be successfully used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. In the Northern Caucasus region, Russia, carbonate profiles of Chernozems were compared under anthropogenic (irrigation) and natural changes of moisture regime. The results for irrigation served as the basis for understanding the response to natural climatic changes. A soil chronosequence, consisting of soils buried under archaeological mounds dated to >5000, 3800–4000 and 1600–1700 BP and modern surface soils, was studied in a similar way. The soils buried >5000 and 3800–4000 BP had distinctive migrational and segregational carbonate accumulations (CAs). The migrational forms occurred in the surface horizons and contained 89–92% calcite with the highest dissociation temperatures. In the soils buried 1600–1700 BP the carbonate profile was clearly defined in terms of migrational CAs; they occurred only in the deeper horizons, had no clear boundaries and were diffused throughout the soil mass. In the modern surface soils the migrational CAs have almost disappeared, and the segregational CAs have the largest halos of recrystallised carbonates. The values of δ13C for CAs in the soils buried >5000 and 3800–4000 BP were lighter than in the soils buried 1600–1700 BP and the modern surface soils (−10.6‰ to −9.9‰ and −9.6‰ to −8.8‰, respectively). We conclude that the climate of the region during the second half of the Holocene changed from relatively dry and warm in the Atlantic period (>5000 BP) to more humid and cooler in the early Subboreal (5000–4000 BP). Since 4000 BP the climatic conditions have remained relatively stable with some changes in moisture regime resulting from human activities in recent centuries.  相似文献   

The shallow groundwater hydrology of a sequence of red, yellow, and grey earths (Paleustalfs, Plinthustalfs and Ochraqualfs of “Soil Taxonomy”) was monitored over a 9-year period (1973–1982) along a drilled transect of 30 boreholes near Torrens Creek, in northeastern Australia. Climatic analysis shows an aridic soil moisture regime under which soil water surpluses should not occur, and thus significant hydromorphism would not be expected in the soils. The present study has demonstrated, however, that profile saturation and groundwater tables may be expected to develop at various depths in the soils as often as 1 year in 3. Besides, strong linear relationships were found between a number of morphological features of the soils and various hydrological regimes currently active in the profiles: the depths to the upper limits of brown, brownish red, or red mottles, to the upper limit of ironstone gravels, and to the maximum content of clay are all most closely related to the mean position of the shallowest water tables observed; the depths to grey mottles and to mottles with chromas of two or less are most directly related to the depths at which the soils are saturated for 5 weeks; the depth to the maximum content of ironstone gravels and to the base of the solum are most closely associated with the depth at which the soils are saturated for 10 to 15 weeks; and dominantly grey colours in the strongly mottled subsols are best related to profile saturations for at least 21 weeks. The results indicate that the gley features present in the soil profiles could have developed, at least in part, in response to the current soil hydrological regime.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in surface soil moisture during dry and wet weather conditions have been recorded over a 3.68 ha gully catchment in central Spain. During dry weather conditions this spatial pattern was characterised by areas of relatively wet and dry soil, forming a mosaic of areas with contrasting hydrological response. Semi-variogram analysis has indicated that these areas are spatially isolated and unconnected, with the effect that surface runoff from source areas within the catchment may be re-absorbed by surrounding areas which act as sinks for overland flow. Consequently during dry weather conditions, variation in the soil's physical and hydrological properties, as reflected by spatial differences in soil moisture, may be advantageous in minimising widespread catchment runoff and erosion, by creating spatial isolation of runoff producing areas and by promoting discontinuity in hydrological pathways. During wet weather conditions, however, extensive saturation, exceeding a catchment wetness threshold, increased spatial continuity in hydrological pathways, regardless of the spatial variation in soil hydraulic properties, resulting in widespread runoff and erosion. Management strategies should therefore aim to raise this wetness threshold value, by improving the soils physical and hydrological properties. The creation of a mosaic pattern of areas with contrasting hydrological response may prove to be an effective management strategy in runoff and erosion control in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

黄土高原小流域土壤水分及全氮的垂直变异   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了研究黄土高原土壤中水分及全氮垂直分布及变异情况,对陕北神木县六道沟小流域中苜蓿地、荒草地、农地、柠条地以及油松地5种不同植被类型下0~800 cm土层中土壤含水率和土壤全氮进行了测定和分析。土壤含水率在垂直方向上呈现出干湿交替的层状分布。植被类型影响土壤水分含量的垂直剖面分布;各植被类型下相对高湿层和低湿层出现的深度不同;不同深度土层平均土壤含水率不同。农地及退耕荒草地土壤水分涵养较好,垂直方向上含水率变化较大;人工植被苜蓿、柠条消耗土壤水分较多,土壤含水率变化相对平缓;油松地平均土壤含水率及变化幅度居中。研究区域中,土壤全氮含量水平较低,表层发生陡降后,在20 cm以下土层中仍以很小的变幅降低,变化平缓。柠条地土壤全氮含量高于其他植被类型。  相似文献   

为探究干热河谷冲沟沟床土壤水分时空分异特征,选取了元谋干热河谷1条典型冲沟,对其不同分段(沟头、上游、中游、下游)下10,20,30,40,60,100 cm土层的土壤水分开展定位监测。结果表明:(1)沟床不同分段各土层(除100 cm土层外)含水量整体变化趋势一致,均表现为明显的干湿季特征;湿季(5—10月)土壤水分相对较高(7.64%~28.91%),受降雨影响大;干季(11—次年4月)则长期处于较低水平(6.11%~11.97%)。(2)沟床土壤水分从沟头至下游沿程变化在干湿季有明显差异,湿季表现为先减小后增加,下游(17.36%)显著高于沟头(15.46%)和上游(12.19%);干季则是先减小后增加再减小,沟头(10.64%)显著高于上游(6.74%)和下游(9.10%)。不同土层深度上,浅层(10—20 cm)和深层(60—100 cm)土壤水分含量在干湿季均较高,水分最小值出现在30—60 cm土层,其中干季30 cm土层水分亏缺严重。(3)沟床土壤水分最高日期通常出现在7日内累积降雨达76.1 mm以上的年最大降雨月当月;最低日期通常出现在持续无降雨条件下,如干季末期,...  相似文献   

An attempt is made to investigate the soil permittivity regime which is predicted by ML2 theta probe in cases where a nonuniform soil moisture profile prevails. Our investigation was performed in laboratory columns, under temperature-controlled conditions for a number of different porous media. Five distinct cases, where the moisture regime could be established in a predesigned manner were tested. These are: (a) Air over a water or ethanol layer of changing thickness. (b) Air over a saturated porous material of changing thickness and the same in the reverse order. (c) Dry porous material over the same but saturated porous material of changing thickness and vice versa. (d) Gradual wetting from the top surface of initially dry soils. (e) Initially saturated vertical soil profiles, left to gradually dry by evaporation from both open surfaces (top and bottom).From our experimental investigations it is shown that the bulk dielectric constant predicted by the ML2 probe in nonuniformly wet profiles irrespective of their layer thickness is closely described by the arithmetic averaging scheme. This fact makes the water content predictions from the manufacturer calibration equations for these cases, seriously overestimated. A comparison of the actual water contents with those predicted with the calibration equations of Robinson et al. [Robinson, D.A., Jones, S.B., Blonquist, J.M., Friedman, S.P., 2005. A physical derived water content/permittivity calibration model for coarse–textured layered soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69 (5), 1372–1377] gives very satisfactory results.  相似文献   

栓皮栎林分枯落物对土壤-植物系统水分运动的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]分析枯落物层对森林生态系统水分循环的作用。[方法]利用稳定同位素技术,测定了在旱季和雨季栓皮栎木质部水分以及枯落物层和不同土壤层水分的同位素特征。通过对比不同环境条件下(干旱期和降雨前后)枯落物层和土壤水分同位素组成的变化,并根据其与植物茎水分同位素特征的差异判断栓皮栎不同季节的水分利用来源。[结果]在旱季,随着干旱期的进行,对于平均枯落物层厚度,表层0—30cm土壤水分同位素特征由于蒸发分馏的影响逐渐变得富集,而对于因为特殊地形而造成的未分解枯落物层较厚的地方,则土壤水分同位素特征随着干旱期的进行几乎不发生变化;栓皮栎的水分来源主要集中在表层,随着干旱期的延长没有发生变化;在雨季,极端降雨后,土壤同位素特征表明枯落物截留降雨的效应明显,被枯落物截留的雨水以活塞流的形式继续向土壤入渗,栓皮栎的水分来源主要来自于表层0—10cm枯落物层(分解层)的土壤;土壤剖面水分同位素特征呈现的梯度变化与土壤层的结构有关。[结论]枯落物层的厚度,特别是未分解层,对土壤水分的同位素特征影响有差异;枯落物层的水文效应也间接改变了植物的水分利用。  相似文献   

The direction and stages of pedogenesis, rate and scales of changeability, and type of evolution of chernozems in the steppes of the Lower Don are ascertained by studying the archaeological monuments of the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, and Middle Ages. It is shown that the soil formation process was characterized by cyclicity, and evolutional soil transformations took place at the level of subtype. The paper ascertains the polygenetic character of modern chernozems, whose evolution during the second half of the Holocene was predominantly low-contrast, inheriting, and transforming. The processes forming the humus, salt, gypsum, and carbonate profiles, as well as the processes of solonetzization-desolonetzization, were the most dynamic. The fundamental differences in the genesis of different parts of the humus profile are revealed. The role of climatically pulsing solonetzicity in forming the specific Azov chernozems is for the first time ascertained.  相似文献   

东北黑土区降水特征及其对土壤水分的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
水分是东北黑土区农业生产的主要限制因子,为了探讨东北黑土区可持续的土壤水分管理方式,该研究以中国科学院海伦农田生态系统野外科学观测研究站内为基础,利用SPI(standard precipitation index)值(标准降水指数)研究了该地区1952-2008年的大气降水情况,同时分析了土壤水分对大气降水(1999-2008年)的响应。1952-2008年平均年降水量为540 mm,标准差为121 mm,生长季内平均降水量为473 mm,占年平均降水量的87.60%。利用标准降水指数(SPI)将1952-2008年大气降水划分为7个不同的干/湿状态,分别是极端干旱,严重干旱、中等干旱、平常年份、中等湿润、非常湿润和极端湿润。分析近10 a(1999-2008)大气降水的SPI值发现极端干旱的年份有增加的趋势,同时对生长季末期土壤含水量的影响表现为湿润的年份(2003年,SPI值=1.5)能够显著增加土壤含水量(639.70 mm),而在极端干旱的年份(2004年,SPI=-2.6)土壤含水量达到了最低值(512.21 mm)。年际间降水量的差异也影响了土壤的供水特征特,同时肥料的施用增加了作物对土壤中水分的消耗。根据降水合理地管理东北黑土区的土壤水分对农业的可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

刘成功  贾小旭  邵明安 《土壤》2022,54(1):24-31
土壤水分的多尺度高效监测是土壤水文过程研究的基础.近些年以电阻率成像法、探地雷达法和电磁感应法为代表的地球物理方法,凭借多尺度适用性和微扰动原位监测的优势被广泛用于土壤水文学研究.本文在介绍以上3种代表性地球物理技术工作原理的基础上,初步总结了地球物理方法应用于水文学研究中的进展,讨论了地球物理手段未来应用于土壤水文学...  相似文献   

It is shown that the water content in the upper part of chernozems in Western Siberia in the late fall period exceeds the field capacity. An ice-rich barrier is formed in the humus horizon of these soils at temperatures below zero in the cold period. This barrier has both negative and positive effects. Being impermeable for snowmelt water, it favors the development of erosion processes. At the same time, it prevents infiltration of snowmelt water beyond the soil profile with the formation of a percolative water regime (favoring soil leaching) in the chernozems.  相似文献   

Positive and negative characteristic of chernozems have been revealed from the database on the properties of Ukrainian soils, which includes information about more than 2000 soil profiles (considered as the most probable and characterizing the current state of the soils) and the optimal parameters of soils. The main problems that hamper the production of high crop yields on these soils are as follows: the deficit of productive moisture, the moderate reserves and negative balances of nutrients, and degradation processes as a result of unbalanced and unsatisfactory land use. The chernozems are characterized by the risk of overcomepaction (especially in the under-seed layer of the soils in the spring because of the water content being close to that of the soil physical maturity and the decreased bulk density and clodding during the basic cultivation. The water stability of the soil structure of chernozems is significantly lower than that of their natural analogues. The maintenance and sustainable use of chernozems in Ukraine require a corresponding strategy: programs, laws, monitoring, the newest conservation technologies, and tight control of their implementation.  相似文献   

基于帕尔默旱度模式的干旱识别及其特征值频率分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
干旱过程识别及干旱特征值频率分析是旱灾风险管理的重要基础性工作。目前干旱频率分析中存在的主要问题有:水文干旱指标易受人类活动影响,其序列的一致性条件常难满足;基于阈值的干旱过程识别法中存在着阈值无明确物理意义;干旱历时定义为干旱过程中的时段数,会使过程中有较多旱情缓解期但烈度并不大的干旱因干旱历时较长而被识别为严重干旱;干旱烈度常不具有时间可比性。采用受人类活动影响较小的气象因子为输入,基于帕尔默旱度模式计算了研究区逐时段的干、湿状态及帕尔默干旱指数,根据其干、湿状态及帕尔默干旱指数识别了干旱过程,以干旱过程中处于干期状态的时段数为干旱历时并以干旱过程中具有时间可比性的帕尔默水分距平指数的累积值为干旱烈度。在采用适线法确定干旱历时、干旱烈度分布的基础上,利用GH Copula函数构建了两者的联合分布,计算了昆明站1951-2011年干旱事件的重现期,其中2009-2010年干旱为61 a资料中最严重干旱,重现期达64.7 a一遇。经与昆明实际旱情及由降水、径流指标识别的干旱过程比较,表明基于帕尔默旱度模式识别的干旱过程能较好地反映实际旱情,与由径流指标识别的干旱过程具有较高一致性,而与未涉及地表水文过程的降水指标识别的干旱过程有所差异。研究结果为旱灾危险性评估提供参考。  相似文献   

Terre Rosse and Rendzinas occur on limestones close together under the same climatic conditions. Their differences in iron oxide mineralogy are believed to be due to differences in the pedoclimate. We monitored the soil moisture tension and the soil temperature over nearly 3 years in Terra Rossa-Rendzina pairs on hard limestone and soft chalk in Israel. The Terre Rosse dried out more rapidly than the Rendzinas mainly because of their smaller water-holding capacity. In summer, average soil temperatures in the Rendzinas were significantly lower than in the Terre Rosse. Haematite dominates the red Terre Rosse and goethite the yellower Rendzinas. This difference appears to be related to the soil climate, specifically the moisture regime of the two soils, and supports the hypothesis that release of Fe and formation of ferrihydrite in Terre Rosse during the wet winter is followed by transformation to haematite during marked desiccation in the dry summer. By contrast, wetter soil conditions in the Rendzinas direct the formation of Fe oxides more towards goethite. either directly or by transformation of ferrihydrite via solution.  相似文献   

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