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采用多性状动物模型BLUP和非求导约束最大似然法(MTDFREML)估计了引进罗曼蛋鸡纯系配套组合中4个品系9个性状的方差组分和遗传参数,并估计了固定效应的BLUE值和动物个体的加性遗传效应值(育种值),分析了测定性状的世代间遗传趋势和表型趋势。结果表明,4个系各性状的遗传力基本一致,体重、蛋重以及不同周期的产蛋量之间存在显著的正相关。蛋重与产蛋量存在较强的遗传负相关。六个世代选育后,各品系蛋重、产蛋量的平均育种值均有提高,表明对产蛋量和蛋重的选择是有效的。  相似文献   

北京鸭繁殖性能的遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用动物模型和MTDFREML软件计算北京鸭繁殖性能性状的遗传参数、育种值和母体效应,结果表明:(1)北京鸭产蛋量的变异较大。(2)北京鸭产蛋量的遗传力主要由加性效应决定,母本效应的作用较小。(3)要综合选择北京鸭的体重、蛋重和产蛋量,以便达到三者共同提高的目的。(4)对北京鸭进行产蛋量的早期选择时,应剔除开产阶段的产蛋记录,选择才较为准确。(5)北京鸭产蛋量有上升趋势,蛋重和体重有下降趋势。  相似文献   

试验旨在进行芦花鸡H系开产性状遗传参数和育种值估计,为芦花鸡H系选育提供依据。收集芦花鸡H系2016—2020年系谱信息和开产性状表型数据,利用DMU软件以平均信息约束最大似然法(AIREML)剖分表型方差,以单性状动物模型分析各性状遗传力,以多性状动物模型分析性状间的遗传相关系数和表型相关系数,并基于系谱-加性效应模型(PBLUP_A)对所有个体开产性状进行育种值估计,计算遗传进展。结果显示:芦花鸡H系开产日龄、开产体重和开产蛋重遗传力分别为0.42、0.40和0.27,开产日龄与开产体重、开产蛋重间的遗传相关分别为0.17、0.31,表型相关分别为0.11、0.18,开产体重和开产蛋重间遗传相关和表型相关系数分别为0.56和0.38;开产日龄、开产体重和开产蛋重年遗传进展分别为-0.014 d、1.14 g、0.018 g。结果表明:芦花鸡H系各开产性状均为中等遗传力性状,开产蛋重与开产日龄呈中等遗传正相关,与开产体重呈高遗传正相关,开产日龄与开产体重遗传相关较低,经过5个世代的选育,芦花鸡H系开产性状有了一定的遗传进展。对芦花鸡H系开产性状遗传参数和育种值的确定与分析研究结果,为...  相似文献   

优质黄鸡矮小型母系繁殖性能的遗传参数估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了测定广东温氏南方家禽育种有限公司黄羽矮小型母系N303品系第三世代鸡群的8周龄体重、开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重、300日龄体重、300日龄蛋重、300日龄产蛋数,试验计算了各性状的遗传力、表型和遗传相关。结果表明:除开产蛋重、300日龄体重、300日龄产蛋数外,其他性状的遗传力估计值为中等偏上,各性状遗传力估计水平与正常型品系相一致;开产日龄和300日龄产蛋数之间为中等程度的负表型和遗传相关,而开产体重和300日龄体重之间、300日龄蛋重之间为中等程度的正表型和遗传相关。  相似文献   

我国白羽肉鸡育种中,通过遗传途径提高产蛋数和控制合适的蛋重是培育优良品系的一个重要方面。为探索适合我国白羽肉鸡育种中的基因组选择模型,本研究以2 474只白羽肉鸡品系的产蛋性状为研究对象,主要分析了机器学习算法KAML、BLUP(包括:PBLUP、GBLUP、SSGBLUP)和Bayes(包括:Bayes A、Bayes B和Bayes Cπ)方法对产蛋数和蛋重性状的预测准确性,准确性以5倍交叉验证进行评估。利用系谱以及基因组信息估计了产蛋数和蛋重性状的遗传力和遗传相关。结果表明,产蛋数性状遗传力为0.061~0.16,属于低遗传力性状;蛋重遗传力为0.28~0.39,属于中等遗传力性状;产蛋数与蛋重是中等遗传负相关(-0.518~-0.184),不同阶段产蛋数之间是强的遗传正相关(0.736~0.998)。不同模型预测43周产蛋数和52周蛋重的育种值估计准确性结果表明,KAML方法对两者的预测准确性分别为0.115和0.266,与GBLUP方法(准确性分别为0.118和0.283)和SSGBLUP方法(准确性分别为0.136和0.259)的准确性差异显著,同时显著低于Bayes方法(准确性分别为0.230~0.239、0.336~0.340)的预测准确性, PBLUP方法预测准确性最低(准确性分别为0.095和0.246)。因此,在白羽肉鸡产蛋数和蛋重性状中应用Bayes方法将获得最高的育种值估计准确性。  相似文献   

用动物模型BLUP预估了麻阳白鹅核心育种群第一生物产蛋年产蛋量的育种值,并在此基础上估计了0—3世代的遗传进展和线性遗传趋势。结果表明,人工选择使麻阳白鹅0—3世代第一生物年产蛋量平均每代提高4.60个。此外,本文还就动物模型BLUP估计育种值和遗传进展的有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用连续3个世代鹅的产蛋记录和系谱数据,对鹅产蛋性状不同的选育方法进行了模拟研究。利用系谱数据,G1和G2世代产蛋数据,估计个体育种值,并依据表型和育种值数据,对G2群体按照个体表型、家系表型、个体育种值、家系育种值进行排序,各选择30%个体,寻找其在G3世代中的后代,计算不同选择方法所产生后代的表型和遗传进展,评估不同选择方法对鹅产蛋数选育的最优方法。结果表明:个体育种值选择家系育种值选择家系选择个体表型选择效果;对公鹅的选择效果对母鹅的选择效果。  相似文献   

与鸡产蛋性状相关的生化多态性位点的遗传学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金良 《中国家禽》1998,20(12):10-12
本研究检测出效应显著的两个生化多态性位点的三种生化基因型。AKP位点对于降低开产蛋重的相关效应很可能是由于基因多效性或紧密连锁所致;Es-1位点的效应虽不显著,但AB型显著降低产蛋量,此效应的遗传本质还难于确认;Tf位点对于36周龄体重的影响不属于基因多效或紧密连锁效应,可能是与距离较远基因连锁的结果,效应随基因间连锁与交换会在品系和世代间产生较大波动。生化位点与数量性状基因位点间的非紧密基因连锁可能大量存在,但育种意义不大。本研究还讨论了检测生化位点与经济性状相关效应的常用统计方法的效果。  相似文献   

对蛋鸡育种的探讨和一种估测产蛋重的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国商品蛋主要以重量论价,而育种场主要根据产蛋数选种。本文估测了京白Ⅱ系近交系4个世代若干数量性状的表型和遗传参数,并一律采用入舍鸡产量。结果表明,如果改变我国蛋鸡育种的以往方法,直接对产蛋重选种,可望带来经济效益上的真正进展。本文还用Г函数配合了日产蛋重曲线,并介绍了查表积分估测法,为估计产蛋重提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

乌骨鸡新品系产蛋性能选育效果及相关分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
赵小玲  朱庆 《中国家禽》2004,8(Z1):130-132
本文统计和分析了丝羽乌骨鸡新品系四个世代的产蛋性状,采用SAS系统中GLM模型进行冬世代间产蛋性能的多重比较,用Excel软件描绘了父母系各世代产蛋曲线,并在各开产性状间进行了相关分析。结果表明,各产蛋性状各世代间大部分差异显著;开产日龄与开产体重和开产蛋重呈极显著表型正相关(0.39565,0.19906),与300日龄产蛋量呈极显著负相关(-0.24193);开产体重与开产蛋重呈极显著正相关(0.28654),与300日龄产蛋量和300日龄蛋重呈极显著负相关(-0.64308,-0.28698);开产蛋重与300日龄产蛋量呈极显著负相关(-0.64308)。开产日龄是影响产蛋性能的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Variance components for production traits were estimated using different models to evaluate maternal effects. Data analysed were records from the South African pig performance testing scheme on 22 224 pigs from 18 herds, tested between 1990 and 2008. The traits analysed were backfat thickness (BFAT), test period weight gain (TPG), lifetime weight gain (LTG), test period feed conversion ratio (FCR) and age at slaughter (AGES). Data analyses were performed by REML procedures in ASREML, where random effects were successively fitted into animal and sire models to produce different models. The first animal model had one random effect, the direct genetic effects, while the additional random effects were maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects. In the sire model, the random effects fitted were sire and maternal grand sire effects. The best model considered the covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects or between sire and maternal grand sire effects. Fitting maternal genetic effects into the animal model reduced total additive variance, while the total additive variance increased when maternal grand sire effects were fitted into the sire model. The correlations between direct and maternal genetic effects were all negative, indicating antagonism between these effects, hence the need to consider both effects in selection programmes. Direct genetic correlations were higher than other correlations, except for maternal genetic correlations of FCR with TPG, LTG and AGES. There has been direct genetic improvement and almost constant maternal ability in production traits as shown by trends for estimated (EBVs) and maternal breeding values (MBVs), while phenotypic trends were similar to those for EBVs. These results suggest that maternal genetic effects should be included in selection programmes for these production traits. Therefore, the animal–maternal model may be the most appropriate model to use when estimating genetic parameters for production traits in this population.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters and trends for length of productive life (LPL), lifetime number of piglets born alive per year (LBAY), lifetime number of piglets weaned per year (LPWY), lifetime litter birth weight per year (LBWY) and lifetime litter weaning weight per year (LWWY) were estimated using phenotypic records of 3085 sows collected from 1989 to 2013 in a commercial swine farm in Northern Thailand. The five‐trait animal model included the fixed effects of first farrowing year‐season, breed group and age at first farrowing. Random effects were animal and residual. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.04 ± 0.02 for LBWY to 0.17 ± 0.04 for LPL. Genetic correlations ranged from 0.66 ± 0.14 between LPL and LBAY to 0.95 ± 0.02 between LPWY and LWWY. Spearman rank correlations among estimated breeding values for LPL and lifetime production efficiency traits tended to be higher for boars than for sows. Sire genetic trends were negative and significant for all traits, except for LPWY. Dam genetic trends were positive and significant for all traits. Sow genetic trends were mostly positive and significant only for LPWY and LBWY. Improvement of LPL and lifetime production efficiency traits will require these traits to be included in the selection indexes used to choose replacement boars and gilts in this population.  相似文献   

Correlated effects of selection for components of litter size on growth and backfat thickness were estimated using data from 3 pig lines derived from the same base population of Large White. Two lines were selected for 6 generations on either high ovulation rate at puberty (OR) or high prenatal survival corrected for ovulation rate in the first 2 parities (PS). The third line was an unselected control (C). Genetic parameters for individual piglet BW at birth (IWB); at 3 wk of age (IW3W); and at weaning (IWW); ADG from birth to weaning (ADGBW), from weaning to 10 wk of age (ADGPW), and from 25 to 90 kg of BW (ADGT); and age (AGET) and average backfat thickness (ABT) at 90 kg of BW were estimated using REML methodology applied to a multivariate animal model. In addition to fixed effects, the model included the common environment of birth litter, as well as direct and maternal additive genetic effects as random effects. Genetic trends were estimated by computing differences between OR or PS and C lines at each generation using both least squares (LS) and mixed model (MM) methodology. Average genetic trends for direct and maternal effects were computed by regressing line differences on generation number. Estimates of direct and maternal heritabilities were, respectively, 0.10, 0.12, 0.20, 0.24, and 0.41, and 0.17, 0.33, 0.32, 0.41, and 0.21 (SE = 0.03 to 0.04) for IWB, IW3W, IWW, ADGBW, and ADGPW. Genetic correlations between direct and maternal effects were moderately negative for IWB (-0.21 +/- 0.18), but larger for the 4 other traits (-0.59 to -0.74). Maternal effects were nonsignificant and were removed from the final analyses of ADGT, AGET, and ABT. Direct heritability estimates were 0.34, 0.46, and 0.21 (SE = 0.03 to 0.05) for ADGT, AGET, and ABT, respectively. Direct and maternal genetic correlations of OR with performance traits were nonsignificant, with the exception of maternal correlations with IWB (-0.28 +/- 0.13) and ADGPW (0.23 +/- 0.11) and direct correlation with AGET (-0.23 +/- 0.09). Prenatal survival also had low direct but moderate to strong maternal genetic correlations (-0.34 to -0.65) with performance traits. The only significant genetic trends were a negative maternal trend for IBW in the OR line and favorable direct trends for postweaning growth (ADGT and AGET) in both lines. Selection for components of litter size has limited effects on growth and backfat thickness, although it slightly reduces birth weight and improves postweaning growth.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate the genetic parameters for five composite traits and 20 individual type traits on 10 735 first‐parity Rendena dual‐purpose cows. Fixed effects included in the linear animal mixed models were herd‐year‐classifier, days in milk and age at first calving; the additive genetic effect of the animal was included as a random effect. Heritability estimates varied from 0.12 (feet) to 0.52 (stature). Genetic correlations between the individual body size traits were all ≥0.69; similar strong genetic correlations existed between traits describing similar morphological characteristics (e.g. mammary system, fleshiness). Many of the body size traits were negatively genetically correlated with animal fleshiness. Genetic trends showed that genetic merit for body size increased consistently over the last 10 years, while genetic merit for fleshiness declined. These results suggest that the characteristics of the dual‐purpose Rendena cattle are becoming more like specialized milk‐producing animals. Nonetheless, sufficient genetic variation exists to halt or reverse the deterioration in fleshiness.  相似文献   

In closed rabbit lines selected for prolificacy at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, genetic responses are predicted using BLUP. With a standard additive BLUP model and year‐season (YS) effects fitted as fixed, genetic trends were overestimated compared to responses estimated using control populations obtained from frozen embryos. In these lines, there is a confounding between genetic trend, YS effects and inbreeding, and the role of dominance is uncertain. This is a common situation in data from reproductively closed selection lines. This paper fits different genetic evaluation models to data of these lines, aiming to identify the source of these biases: dominance, inbreeding depression and/or an ill‐conditioned model due to the strong collinearity between YS, inbreeding and genetic trend. The study involved three maternal lines (A, V and H) and analysed two traits, total born (TB) and the number of kits at weaning (NW). Models fitting YS effect as fixed or random were implemented, in addition to additive genetic, permanent environment effects and non‐inbred dominance deviations effects. When YS was fitted as a fixed effect, the genetic trends were overestimated compared to control populations, inbreeding had an apparent positive effect on litter size and the environmental trends were negative. When YS was fitted as random, the genetic trends were compatible with control populations results, inbreeding had a negative effect (lower prolificacy) and environmental trends were flat. The model fitting random YS, inbreeding and non‐inbred dominance deviations yielded the following ratios of additive and dominance variances to total variance for NW: 0.06 and 0.01 for line A, 0.06 and 0.00 for line V and 0.01 and 0.08 for line H. Except for line H, dominance deviations seem to be of low relevance. When it is confounded with inbreeding as in these lines, fitting YS effect as random allows correct estimation of genetic trends.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to estimate covariance functions for direct and maternal genetic effects, animal and maternal permanent environmental effects, and subsequently, to derive relevant genetic parameters for growth traits in Canchim cattle. Data comprised 49 011 weight records on 2435 females from birth to adult age. The model of analysis included fixed effects of contemporary groups (year and month of birth and at weighing) and age of dam as quadratic covariable. Mean trends were taken into account by a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of animal age. Residual variances were allowed to vary and were modelled by a step function with 1, 4 or 11 classes based on animal’s age. The model fitting four classes of residual variances was the best. A total of 12 random regression models from second to seventh order were used to model direct and maternal genetic effects, animal and maternal permanent environmental effects. The model with direct and maternal genetic effects, animal and maternal permanent environmental effects fitted by quadric, cubic, quintic and linear Legendre polynomials, respectively, was the most adequate to describe the covariance structure of the data. Estimates of direct and maternal heritability obtained by multi‐trait (seven traits) and random regression models were very similar. Selection for higher weight at any age, especially after weaning, will produce an increase in mature cow weight. The possibility to modify the growth curve in Canchim cattle to obtain animals with rapid growth at early ages and moderate to low mature cow weight is limited.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters and genetic trends for birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), 6-month weight (6MW), and yearling weight (YW) traits were estimated by using records of 5,634 Makooei lambs, descendants of 289 sires and 1,726 dams, born between 1996 and 2009 at the Makooei sheep breeding station, West Azerbaijan, Iran. The (co)variance components were estimated with different animal models using a restricted maximum likelihood procedure and the most appropriate model for each trait was determined by Akaike’s Information Criterion. Breeding values of animals were predicted with best linear unbiased prediction methodology under multi-trait animal models and genetic trends were estimated by regression mean breeding values on birth year. The most appropriate model for BW was a model including direct and maternal genetic effects, regardless of their covariance. The model for WW and 6MW included direct additive genetic effects. The model for YW included direct genetic effects only. Direct heritabilities based on the best model were estimated 0.15?±?0.04, 0.16?±?0.03, 0.21?±?0.04, and 0.22?±?0.06 for BW, WW, 6MW, and YW, respectively, and maternal heritability obtained 0.08?±?0.02 for BW. Genetic correlations among the traits were positive and varied from 0.28 for BW–YW to 0.66 for BW–WW and phenotypic correlations were generally lower than the genetic correlations. Genetic trends were 8.1?±?2, 67.4?±?5, 38.7?±?4, and 47.6?±?6 g per year for BW, WW, 6MW, and YW, respectively.  相似文献   

Monthly test-day records of milk yield and composition in Murciano-Granadina (MG) and Payoya (PYA) dairy goats were combined with weather data from meteorological stations, to analyse the effects of heat stress on dairy traits, measured with an index of temperature and relative humidity (THI). A 'repeatability animal model' and a 'reaction norm animal model' were used to estimate genetic (co)variance components. Estimates obtained with both models were very similar. The h(2) of daily yields in MG did not vary throughout the THI scale, but the pattern of variation of content traits showed negative trends for increasing THI values. In PYA, a slight positive tendency throughout the THI scale was observed for the same traits. The genetic correlations between subsequent points in the THI scale were lower than 0.80 when they were computed between low and high THI points. The same reaction norm was observed for all traits. Using the 'reaction norm animal model', it was possible to identify those animals that show the same performance throughout the THI trajectory (robust) and those with varying performances (tolerant and non-tolerant to heat stress). Results in this study also show that heat tolerance decreases, while the genetic level for milk traits increases. Losses because of heat stress were equivalent to 1.9 and 3.1% in the yearly yield of fat and protein for MG and PYA, respectively.  相似文献   

Mixed model techniques were used to evaluate the importance of cytoplasmic genetic effects on beef cattle performance. Birth weight (BWT), preweaning average daily gain (ADG), weaning weight (WT205), postweaning gain (PG), ultrasonic backfat thickness (FAT) and predicted milk yield (MILK) data were collected in two herds of Hereford cattle located at Plymouth and Raleigh, North Carolina. Cytoplasmic lines were determined based on the foundation female in the maternal lineage of each animal. An animal model was used to account for all nuclear genetic variation among animals within herds. Direct breeding values were estimated for all animals with records and their parents for all traits. For MILK, permanent environmental effects were estimated for animals with multiple records. For preweaning traits, maternal breeding values and permanent maternal environmental effects also were estimated. In all analyses, F-tests for cytoplasmic effects were not significant. Probability values approached significance (P = .15 to P = .10) only for PG and FAT at Plymouth. Assumptions regarding the ratios of genetic and environmental variances and covariances had no effect on F-tests. Results contrast with earlier analyses of the same data in which nuclear genetic effects were accounted for by including sire and maternal grandsire in the statistical model. This study failed to show that cytoplasmic genetic effects were important sources of variation in performance; residual additive genetic effects were confounded with cytoplasmic lines for these herds. Because cytoplasmic sources may be regarded as founder effects, further research is needed in other populations.  相似文献   

Best linear unbiased predictors (BLUP) of breeding values for additive direct and additive maternal genetic effects were estimated from 3,944 purebred Yorkshire and Landrace first-parity litters recorded on the Quebec Record of Performance Sow Productivity Program and born between 1977 and 1987. Breeding values for gilts, dams, and sires were estimated using an individual animal model for measures of litter size of total number born (NOBN), number born alive (NOBA), and number weaned (NOWN). Environmental trends were estimated from average herd-year solutions, and genetic trends were estimated by regression of estimated breeding value on year of birth. Environmental trends were positive for all traits in both breeds but were significant only for NOWN in Landrace (.051 +/- .021 pigs/yr). Genetic trends were very small but were mainly negative for direct breeding value and combined direct and maternal breeding value. Significant estimates of genetic trends (P less than .05) were observed only within the Yorkshire breed, and these ranged from -.012 +/- .004 to .004 +/- .002 pigs/yr.  相似文献   

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