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侵蚀坡地龙眼园套种绿肥的综合效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闽东沿海地区山地坡度较大 ,水土流失严重 ,导致果园土壤不同程度受到侵蚀。近年来 ,在龙眼开发性生产中 ,虽然重视了水土保持工作 ,但由于缺乏有效的培肥地力措施 ,致使许多侵蚀坡地龙眼园的地力没有得到有效改善 ,导致龙眼树早衰 ,产量、品质、效益受到很大影响。为此 ,我们从 1999— 2 0 0 1年连续 3年对侵蚀坡地龙眼园进行套种绿肥试验 ,旨在探索套种不同绿肥对改变侵蚀坡地龙眼园土壤理化性状、提高树体营养、增加龙眼产量和改善果实品质的综合效应 ,为选择合适的绿肥和侵蚀坡地果园的持续利用与发展提供依据。1 材料与方法1.1 试材…  相似文献   

以15年生密植低产椪柑园为对象,通过树体改造(间伐+树冠控制)、土壤改良、花果调控(疏果)、采前控水、完熟采收等措施进行改造后,统计树冠生长情况、产量、果实品质与经济效益。结果表明,采前控水和完熟采收能有效提高果实可溶性固形物含量,树体改造、花果调控与改良土壤能显著增加果园经济效益。  相似文献   

减施化肥对京津地区苹果生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探究化肥减施、化肥减施配合生物活性素施用对京津苹果园土壤及果树生长发育的效应。【方法】以京津地区4个不同树龄的正常管理‘富士’果园为试验点,试验设置3个处理:化肥减施30%、化肥减施30%配施生物活性素、对照。【结果】处理后,发现化肥减施30%有降低土壤pH的作用,对土壤养分、树体生长、单株产量和果实品质无显著影响;化肥减施30%配合施用生物活性素显著提高了花芽数量,增加了两个试验点(BJ-2、TJ-1)的花序数量。化肥减施以及生物活性素的施用将是一个长效过程,还需进一步试验加以验证。【结论】京津苹果园可减施化肥30%,在本地区减施化肥并施用生物活性素,可在一定程度促进树体生殖生长,降低土壤pH,不影响果实成熟和品质。  相似文献   

乔砧密植苹果树常因树体高大、光照不良等原因导致结果性能衰退,产量、品质降低。本试验旨在通过树体主干落头开心辅之隔株间伐,探讨延长乔砧密植苹果树经济寿命和提高果实品质的方法。1 材料与方法试验在洋北乡七里村果园进行,该园土壤沙质,有机质含量0.97%,pH值7.6。试验树1985年定植,品种为富士,海棠砧木,株行距3m×4m,冠径4m×5m,自由纺锤形整形,年平均株产32.8kg。1995年冬采用隔株间伐并对保留株主干留2.0m左右落头开心,侧枝延长头重截,其余枝缓放不剪,加大肥水供给,其它田间管…  相似文献   

栽植密度过大是灵川脆蜜金桔果实外观及内在品质下降的主要原因,为改善灵川脆蜜金桔的果实品质及提高产量,于2013~2014年对灵川脆蜜金桔进行密植低效园间伐改造试验。结果表明,实施疏株间伐改密为稀,进行树形修剪,可降低树冠覆盖率,改善果园通风透光条件,提高果树立体结果能力,优质果比例提高,产量提高75 kg/hm2,果品销售价格提高1元/kg,成本投入减少40650元/hm2,纯收入增加65220元/hm2,实现了节本增收的目的,极大提高了果园经济效益。  相似文献   

近年来 ,长治市相当一部分果园由于修剪过重和偏施氮肥 ,造成树冠郁闭 ,光照恶化 ,果品产量、品质受到很大影响。为此 ,我们于 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年在新红星、乔纳金果园 (株行距 3m× 4m)采取了秋季疏枝调整树体结构 ,收到了显著效果。现介绍如下。1 疏枝对象和依据 ①疏枝对象主要是部分着生密挤的骨干枝及骨干枝和中干上的大型结果枝组 ,应根据枝量多少 ,在 2a(年 )内分批疏掉 ,避免一次疏枝过量 ;②在采果后至落叶前疏去影响光线的枝 ;③疏掉部分大枝 ,可增加有效叶面积 ,减少枝叶无效消耗 ,有利于树体养分的积累 ;④秋季树体有机营养基…  相似文献   

乔砧密植园普遍存在果园郁闭,产量、品质下降等问题,其树形改造应掌握及时间伐,降低群体密度;根据树体基础,确定目标树形;提干适中,保持树体健壮;落头忌急,避免上强下弱;保护伤口,加强肥水管理等要领。  相似文献   

乔化密植红富士苹果园改造试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以陇东黄土高原区15年生乔化密植红富士苹果为试材,研究了间伐、提干、落头3种处理树体光合特性、花芽量、果实产量和品质的变化。结果表明,间伐、提干、落头3种处理均能提高红富士苹果树的光合效率、产量和果实品质,其中隔株间伐处理效果最好;行株距为4m×3m,盛果期干高100~110cm,落头高度230~280cm,每667m2枝量8.5万条是成龄乔砧红富士苹果比较理想的指标。  相似文献   

何小勇  谢建秋  何林 《中国果树》2000,(1):23-23,25
龙眼是我国重要的亚热带果树 ,在生产中长期存在产量低、大小年严重及落花落果等问题。CPPU是日本协和株式会社推出的苯基脲类植物生长调节剂 ,在诱导单性结实、增加果重、提高坐果率和果实品质方面效果明显。本试验探讨了 CPPU对提高龙眼品种石硖产量和果实品质等的效应 ,以期为龙眼生产提供新技术。1 材料与方法  试验于 1997— 1998年在广东省梅州市丙村果场进行 ,试验园土壤为红壤土 ,p H值 5.80 ,肥水管理一般。供试品种为石硖 ,9年生 ,树势中庸 ,结果量大体一致。处理方法为叶面喷布或浸沾花穗和果穗 ,CPPU处理浓度为 10、 2…  相似文献   

品种更新换代,接穗质量至关重要。为了探讨不同质量接穗对树体结构、果实品质和产量的影响,我们借庙西村1991年栽的劣种树需要换头的机会,于1995年进行高接试验,取得了明显的效果,现总结如下。1 试验材料与方法试验设在临沭县临沭镇庙西村果园。1991年3月建园,株行距3m×...  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of branch and tree thinning on growth, yield and fruit quality in 8-year-old non-astringent persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.f.) trees in a high-density orchard over 6 years in Korea. Adjacent trees in the rows were removed in 2008 (first-year thinning) or in 2010 (gradual thinning). Trees in the second treatment also had 25% of the main scaffold branches removed in the first two seasons. Control plots were left unthinned. First-year thinning elevated leaf macro-nutrient concentrations, increased the production of short fruiting shoots (less than 20 cm) per tree, decreased water sprout development and weight of pruned biomass, and increased fruit set compared with values recorded on control trees and with gradual thinning. First-year thinning gave higher photosynthetic photon flux in the centre of the canopy and better fruit quality. There were generally only small differences in total yield across the three treatments in individual years, but much higher total marketable yield from 2010 to 2013 in the first-year thinning plots. First-year thinning improved overall tree productivity, and the gross returns were 80% higher than those of control from 2008 to 2013 when the extra cost of the thinning was taken into account.  相似文献   


Fruit mineral concentrations measured at harvest can have major effects on apple fruit quality on the tree or during storage. Orchard practices must therefore seek to optimize fruit mineral composition. The purpose of this study was to describe and elucidate the effects of hand thinning on whole trees and individual spurs on apple fruit mineral composition. Two methods of flower and fruitlet thinning were compared with no thinning on `Braeburn' and `Fiesta' apple trees. Alternate whole flower/fruitlet clusters or all but one flower/fruitlet within every cluster were removed at full bloom or 14±21 d after full bloom. Alternate-cluster thinning reduced final fruit numbers per tree and fruit Ca concentrations by up to 22%, while increasing final fruit size by up to 21%, compared with no thinning. These effects on fruit Ca concentrations were also measured across a range of fruit size classes. Within-cluster thinning at full bloom or up to 21 d after full bloom also reduced fruit numbers per tree but increased fruit size substantially, by up to 65% compared with no thinning, this effect being less for later thinning. However, fruit mineral concentrations were not influenced by this treatment. Some fruiting spurs were singled to one fruit 14 d after full bloom on alternately flower cluster thinned trees and on trees that had not been thinned at bloom, and compared with unthinned spurs on the same trees. Fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit were greater for spurs bearing a single fruit (achieved by thinning manually or through natural abscission) than for multi-fruited spurs on the same trees. Spurs bearing one fruit on unthinned trees had greater fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit, but lower fruit weight than the same spurs on alternate-cluster thinned trees. However, spurs on unthinned and alternate-cluster thinned trees with the same primary leaf areas per fruit had similar final Ca concentrations. Fruit size and crop loads were found not to be important in explaining fruit Ca concentration differences between thinning methods. However our results suggest that thinning method may affect Ca accumulation in apple fruit by altering the relationship between fruit numbers and leaf areas on individual spurs.  相似文献   

Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a relatively under-developed tree crop, grown commercially in climates ranging from tropical to temperate. Orchard productivity across a broad range of tree crops has been demonstrated to be related to total light interception. However, little information is currently available for avocado. Here we document the relationships between canopy volume per hectare, total orchard light interception and yield per ha for avocados of cultivar ‘Hass’ grown in low density planting systems. Total orchard light interception increased with canopy volume, with increases in light interception per unit canopy volume becoming smaller at the higher levels of canopy volume/ha. Yield/ha increased with light interception and canopy volume up to approximately 80–84% total light interception and 30,000–35,000 m3 canopy volume/ha. It is unclear whether the trend in yield/ ha at the very highest measured levels of orchard light interception and canopy volume should be described as plateauing or declining. Mean fruit weight decreased as light interception increased, although the relationship varied between seasons. For these conventional planting systems there is no yield benefit from increasing canopy light interception above 80–84%, and there may be yield decline at higher levels of orchard light interception.  相似文献   

利用近20年烟台地区果园面积、农业生产总值和耕地面积的统计数据,分析研究了烟台地区果园面积变化的过程及引起变化的相关因素。结果表明:近20年来,烟台地区果园面积总体呈增长趋势;1986~2009年,烟台水果的产量和质量大幅提高;烟台地区果园面积变化的相关因素是:农业生产总值、比较效益、相关政策。  相似文献   

水分调控对核桃叶片结构和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 测定了沟坡梯田核桃园采用不同水分调控措施后, 核桃叶片结构指标和单株产量。结果表明,灌水225 kg/ 株、灌水150 kg/ 株、覆膜、覆草处理对核桃叶片结构影响显著, 灌水225 kg/ 株处理使核桃增产43. 1 % , 中度修剪和覆草处理增产29 %以上。  相似文献   

‘Sunred’ nectarine trees were grown in a meadow orchard system of 19,000 plants per hectare. By cutting back all tree top down to the lowest 5 cm of one-year-old wood, immediately after cropping, renewed growth was initiated, flowers differentiated, and the original size of the well-feathered tree was recovered at the end of the growing-season. Thus annual cropping was obtained with a rhythmic change of tree size between two constant levels. Three such consecutive cycles were completed with no sign of tree decline. Bud opening was delayed by about 2 weeks. Fruit bearing was very early, with fruit size smaller and ripening-time later than fruit from conventional mature trees. Yields were about 37, 62 and 94 % of the yield of a conventional adult orchard in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons respectively.  相似文献   

Early peach thinning during stage I was done at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 days after full bloom (DAFB). At each thinning time, trees were hand-thinned to achieve different crop loads by spacing flowers or fruits 10, 15, or 25 cm along the shoot on whole tree canopies. In 2001 and 2002, fruit weight decreased quadratically with increasing time to hand-thin and increased linearly with increasing spacing. In both years, fruit diameter decreased linearly with increasing time to thin and increased linearly with increased fruit spacing. In both years, number of fruits harvested and yield per tree decreased linearly with increased spacing. Hand-thinning at 0 or 10 DAFB resulted in fewer fruit and lower yield; therefore, thinning at 20 DAFB was better. The effect of time of thinning on soluble solids was not consistent. In both years spacing (i.e., crop load) did not affect soluble solids.  相似文献   

通过随机区组试验,研究了果园生草覆盖条件下不同施肥模式对红富士苹果生长、产量及品质的影响。结果表明:苹果园在生草覆盖条件下不同施肥模式处理均能提高叶片质量,促进新梢生长,其中以有机无机配施(NPKM)处理效果最为显著;同时各个施肥处理也能提高叶片矿质元素的含量,以NPKM处理最高;施肥能增加单株产量和单果重,改善果实品质,与CK对照比较,传统施肥(NP)、单施有机肥(M)、单施化肥(NPK)和有机无机配施(NPKM)处理分别增产15.40%、19.27%、30.15%和54.49%,在一定程度上降低了可滴定酸含量,果形指数、可溶性固形物、维生素C、可溶性糖含量和糖酸比也有不同程度的提高。综合分析,从土壤可持续效用的角度,M处理和NPKM处理的效果最为明显,既能增强树势,又能提高产量和改善果实品质。  相似文献   

Alternate bearing, the occurrence of high yield ‘on’ year followed by low yield ‘off’ year, is striking in pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). Floral buds of pistachio are formed a year before bloom, but abscise during the years with heavy crop (‘on’ year). Abscission of floral buds is due to competition between growing seeds on 1-year-old shoots and developing buds on current season growth. We studied the effects of chemical fruit thinning on alternate bearing and nut characteristics in a commercial orchard of ‘Owhadi’ pistachio cultivar during 2003–2004 in Rafsanjan, Iran. In both years, ethephon (100 and 200 mg l−1), naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (125 and 250 mg l−1) and urea (2.5 and 5%) were applied to the branch units of each individual ‘on’-year trees. The results showed that ethephon at both concentrations significantly increased fruit thinning and floral bud retention for the subsequent year. Other treatments also increased fruit thinning and floral bud retention but were inferior to ethephon.  相似文献   

朱玉芳  王齐瑞 《北方园艺》2011,(19):198-200
针对城郊型观光葡萄园的特点,从品种选择、果园模式、架式和效益估算几方面,对城郊观光型葡萄园进行研究分析.指出了葡萄早实、丰产、高效及其树种优势和产业特点,非常适于城郊观光园型果树种植,城郊观光型葡萄园建设也为城郊农业生产结构调整提供一个新思路.  相似文献   

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