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植被管理是人工林管理的重要措施之一,对人工林的生产力有着重要影响。本文总结了前人在植被管理对人工林初植苗木存活率、幼林生产力、树木养分吸收、树木对土壤中水分的吸收和利用、树木光合作用的影响相关的研究结论。  相似文献   

黄土高原华北落叶松人工林生长动态的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从华北落叶松人工林生长进程、株数分布规律及不同地区的人工林生长比较分析 ,探讨了华北落叶松人工林在内蒙古黄土高原适宜条件下造林成功的事实。用灰色关联分析研究了影响树木生长的主要立地因子 ,并对树木的生长状况进行了预测 ,提出了一些经营建议  相似文献   

文章概括了温度和降水对树木年轮宽度的影响,分析了树木年轮学的研究方法和最新研究进展,探讨了目前树木年轮学研究中的不足。目前树木年轮学研究主要集中于对偏远和高寒地区天然林林缘木或边缘木的研究,对人工林研究甚少。树木年轮研究对取样环境的严格要求,使研究工作受到限制,不能充分反映气候变化对林木年轮生长的影响,应充分考虑林分密度等林分结构对林木径向生长的影响,扩大研究领域。在不同季节气候因子对人工林年轮宽度影响机理方面有必要深入研究。  相似文献   

修枝是培育优质人工林无节材的主要营林措施。为了满足人们对高品质木材的需求,众多学者开展了修枝对人工林生态系统影响的系列研究。文中在总结国内外人工林修枝研究成果的基础上,分别从修枝对人工林生长、林下植被发育、土壤肥力、木材材性的影响等方面,综述了修枝对人工林生态系统影响的研究进展;指出目前人工林修枝研究中存在的问题,提出今后应加强人工林修枝的理论基础研究、制订不同树种人工林的修枝技术规范和标准、加强修枝对人工林生态系统长期影响的定位研究、研发适应山地作业的修枝机器人等建议,为人工林修枝及无节材培育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

魏洁 《山西林业》2015,(3):17-18
通过对油松人工林树木高、胸径、蓄积生长量、尖削度和林下植被的调查,证明抚育能促进树高、蓄积的增长,并且能形成较好的杆形,提高优良木比例,同时增加了林分的生物多样性。  相似文献   

为研究混交方式对杉木人工林生长量以及林下植被长期影响,以龙岩市永定区坎市镇秀山村2013年杉木人工林为研究对象,以杉木的胸径、树高、材积、林下植被数量特征及物种组成为指标,评价了不同混交方式对杉木生长量以及林下植被物种丰富度的影响,结果表明:采取杉木×南方红豆杉混交模式的杉木生长量最优。  相似文献   

随着全球变化和CO2浓度的上升给全球气候和社会经济发展带来影响,土地利用变化中人工林对大气CO2的吸收已越来越得到人们的关注。本文在肯定人工林生长形成碳汇的基础上,分析了不同研究方法对人工林碳汇大小的影响、人工林的强度管理(如造林前植被的清除、造林整地、森林采伐、施肥和间伐等)对土壤碳库的影响及其人工林地土壤碳库的动态变化。  相似文献   

人工林林下植被对林地土壤质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工林长期连续经营会导致林地土壤质量下降,然而,研究发现,人工林林下植被可有效改善林地土壤质量。文章对人工林林下植被保持水土、防治荒漠化,促进养分循环及对林地土壤的改良作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

林下植被组成和功能研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林下植被作为森林生态系统的一个重要组成部分, 在维护森林多样性、推动森林生态系统流程和功能中扮演着重要的角色。目前, 关于林下植被的研究已有上百年历史, 其中在森林群落分类、更新演替、养分循环及稳定生产力等方面做了大量研究。文中从林下植被的定义及其组成、演替和功能等方面综述了近年来林下植被的研究进展, 并探讨了如何综合研究演替以及干扰对林下植被组成的影响、林下植被对气候变化的可能响应以及如何将林下植被作用及功能的研究理论应用于近自然人工林建设和管理实践中。  相似文献   

选取江西省吉安县人工林中31个样地。通过比较这些样地的林下植被丰富度,多样性指数,以及林分因子的差异,揭示了南方松人工林林下植被的多样性总体状况以及南方松人工林林下植被的多样性。研究结果表明:(1)郁闭度对林下植被生物量影响较大。(2)吉安县人工林各样地多样性总体状况无明显差异,受林分因子影响不显著,可能与当地土壤理化性状有关系。(3)南方松人工林林下植被生物多样性在20年以前与20年以后有个突然增高的现象,上层林木只有在20年以后其林下植被才能够发育得良好。  相似文献   

本文根据我国人工林长期发展实践经验和“七五”“八五”期间针对我国人工林发展中存在问题所做的科技攻关成果进行归纳总结,为人工林的持续经营提供科技支撑。主要内容包括人工林培育上的6个方向(或目标),即定向、速生、丰产、稳定、优质和高效,以及按生态系统管理要求提出的人工林育林体系上的5个控制:遗传控制、立地控制、密度控制、植被控制和地力控制。按照上述6个方向和5个控制在人工林培育上的实施,人工林的长期生产力将会得以保持,人工林多功能培育效果也得以实现。  相似文献   

关于我国人工林长期生产力的保持   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了保持我国人工林的长期生产力和提高森林质量,达到可持续经营的目的。作者在以往研究工作的基础上,广泛收集了国内外有关成果与资料,概括论述了我国人工林森林生产力的现状、不能保持生产力的原因与机理以及长期保持人工林生产力的技术对策。按第八次清查的全国森林资源数据,每公顷蓄积量为89.79 m^3,其中天然林为104.6 m^3,人工林为52.76 m^3,人工林森林生产力明显低于天然林;我国优势树种人工林每公顷蓄积量也不高,如杉木为69.8 m^3,马尾松为56.2 m^3,落叶松为58.6 m^3,这些数据比日本2002年3月公布的人工林相似树种的数据低很多,如日本针叶树蓄积量为227.97 m^3·hm-2,柳杉为295.83 m^3·hm-2,落叶松为189.88 m^3·hm-2。关于年生长量,按全国第七次资源清查的中龄林与近熟林的数据做统计:杉木人工林5.2~4.2 m^3·hm-2,马尾松为3.2~1.8 m^3·hm-2,柏木为3.4~3.2 m^3·hm-2;但按作者掌握的我国重点或示范性、试验性小面积人工林生长量看,却很高,按我国编制的速生丰产林标准的生长量数据看比较高。我国大面积人工林生产力不高,短周期经营的杨树、桉树人工林也不高,主要原因是:(1)纯林化与针叶化严重。按第八次全国森林资源统计,纯林占人工林的85%,而且针叶化明显,人工乔木林10个优势树种中针叶林比例高达56.9%。人工纯林结构简单,生物多样性低,生物学上缺乏稳定性。人工纯林特别是针叶纯林,抗性低,抗自然灾害和大气污染能力均差,人工纯林维护地力的能力也弱。(2)集约育林的技术措施:立地控制技术未得到推广,适地适树适品种原则在育林中未能认真贯彻;密度、植被、地力控制技术也执行不力,大面积上的人工林仍属于粗放经营;连作引起林地土壤理、化、生物特性恶化,土壤质量衰退,导致林木生长不良,林分生产力逐代下降;造林作业造成水土流失,如杉木造林,传统的育林技术未得到明显改进,福建尤溪炼山后进行的3年观测结果表明,炼山和水土流失损失的有机质高达989.35 kg·hm-2,养分586.26 kg·hm-2。桉树在砖红壤进行的机耕整地,水土流失也很严重,不合理的造林作业,最终导致土壤质量与森林生产力下降。短周期培育人工林带来了2个重要问题,一是对林地肥力要求高,二是如何利用无性系才能保持长期生产力。短周期经营采用的无性系,生长速度快,生长量大,轮伐期短,养分需求量大,如刚果12号W5无性系,通常利用地上部分,以5~7 a的轮伐期计,消耗的养分达571.75 kg·hm-2,我国培养短周期人工林的土壤质量本底原本普遍不高,如果采取连作,土壤有机质养分会明显下降,土壤质量衰退,并对其功能产生危害。我国杨树、桉树等人工林要达到短周期持续经营,还需要实行多无性系造林。我国人工林长期生产力保持的技术对策,应采取先进的集约育林措施,包括遗传控制、立地控制、密度控制、植被控制与地力控制。  相似文献   

桉树人工林在全世界的发展迅速,没有比在中国南部地区更需要一种新的木材和木纤维产品的需求。在桉树迅猛的扩张过程中,人工林可持续的生产力和合理的生态系统管理将扮演至关重要的角色。以往非可持续的农业经营导致了东门林场的土地严重退化,东门项目期间,在这些立地上重新造林证明了土壤营养的缺乏严重影响了退化立地的潜在生产力。1988年在东门进行了一个巨桉(E.grandis)早期施肥试验林植株地上部分不同器官的生物量和养分库的研究,以便更好地了解一些经营管理措施的养分结论。另一方面,林木采伐过程中养分的丧失,枯枝落叶的收集和燃烧使得土壤表面裸露,并加剧了土壤侵蚀。目前,在东门第3代、第4代集约经营的人工林的高生产力证明是高标准的经营管理的结果,林地上枯枝落叶和采伐剩余物的保留,细致的整地,土壤侵蚀的控制以及科学的施肥是关键因素;另外加上改良的遗传材料增强了生产力和收益,也增强了东门桉树人工林土壤可持续经营。一个国际林业研究中心网络得以建立,为了调查研究在同一立地上是否有可能进行连续的种植速生丰产林而对立地土壤和水资源没有损害,研究提供了大量的热带人工林有关立地管理的信息。为了优化集约经营人工林的生产力、收益率及可持续性,在华南地区有必要继续进行土壤和养分研究。  相似文献   

Most eucalypt plantations are managed in short rotations (6–8 years) and are established in regions with water and nutritional stresses of varying degrees. The mean annual increment in these regions ranges from 20 to 45 m3 ha?1 y?1 depending on the level of environmental stress. Improving natural resource use efficiency by breeding and matching genotypes to sites and using appropriate site management practices is a key challenge to sustain or increase productivity. Climate change is emerging as a driving force behind many of the current issues facing natural resources, and is likely to intensify the water constraint. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has predicted significant increases in surface air temperatures and decreases in rainfall (with more erratic rainfall patterns) over the tropics and subtropics, affecting drier regions in particular. To be truly sustainable, forest management practices must be environmentally friendly, prevent or reduce land degradation, improve biodiversity and increase resilience to climate variation and change. The main efforts should address the problems of water scarcity, low soil fertility and reduced biodiversity. Forest growers should take into account the inherent risks of different forest management systems on the regional water availability and consider reducing forest productivity in order to maintain both ecological and social equilibrium. The design and implementation of management techniques should be adapted to the specific production and protection objectives, which depend on the regional and local edaphoclimatic circumstances, water resources management, protection against soil erosion, diseases, pests, bushfires, strong winds and alien species. This paper addresses the basic requirements for integrating genetic and silvicultural strategies to minimise the water constraints in eucalypt plantations and surrounding water and native vegetation resources. We show several examples of effective forest management actions on the scale of forest stand and watershed in use in Brazil.  相似文献   

对南靖林场5a山地麻竹林生物量、生产力及能量结构进行了研究,结果表明,麻竹林现存生物量、能量贮量和移出林外利用的生产力随林龄的增大而增大,3a以后竹林地下部分生物量、能量贮量大于地上部分生物量,林下植被生物量和能量随竹龄增大而减小,1、2a竹林林下植被能量贮量高于麻竹林层;麻竹林各组分的热值为17 2059~20 2806kJ·g-1,灌木的最高,地表残留物的最低。  相似文献   

To improve the productivity and wood quality of poplar plantations, effects of four planting spacing on canopy characteristics, biomass production and stem roundness in poplar plantations were evaluated over 8 years. Planting spacing influenced canopy characteristics of the plantations, and further affected the understory vegetation and plantation productivity. Understory vegetation biomass and Shannon-Wiener index were negatively correlated with leaf area index, but both diversity indexes and aboveground biomass of understory vegetation were higher in stands with a wider spacing. Tree diameter growth increased with increasing planting spacing, while the increment in plantations of square configurations (5?×?5 m and 6?×?6 m) was higher than those with rectangular configurations (3?×?8 m, 4.5?×?8 m). The highest poplar biomass production was achieved in the plantation with 5?×?5 m spacing at age 8. Moreover, poplar trees showed a tendency with better stem roundness in a square configuration. The results suggest that planting spacing not only affect canopy characteristics, understory vegetation and tree growth but also wood quality, and square configurations (5?×?5 m and 6?×?6 m) could be a better option for poplar plywood timber production at similar sites.  相似文献   

以华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,选择18a、22a、38a等3个不同林龄的林分,每个林龄林分设置15块样地。通过样地调查,对华北落叶松人工林的林分生物量、林下植被层生物量、林分净生产力进行研究,以揭示其生物生产力。结果表明:华北落叶松人工林林分生物量随着林龄的增加而增加,18a、22a、38a的林分生物量分别为94.58t/hm2、101.19t/hm2、216.25t/hm2。各器官的生物量分配,以干材所占的比例最大,达到51.36%以上;华北落叶松人工林林下植被层中凋落物层与灌木、草本层的生物量也随着林龄的增加而不断积累;华北落叶松森林净生产力表现为乔木层的净第一生产力、不同林龄阶段的华北落叶松人工林植被净生产力均较高,达到4.60t/(hm2·a)以上,其中干材的净生产力积累最快,为2.36~3.20t/(hm2·a)。  相似文献   

杉木人工林连作生物生产力的研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
在全国杉木中心产区,选择不同栽植代数(1、2、3代),不同生长发育阶段(5、10、15、20a)及不同立地(14、16、18地位指数)的杉木人工林,进行不同栽植代数杉木人工林生物生产力的比较研究。结果表明:连栽导致了不同生长发育阶段杉木人工林生产力的明显下降,随栽植代数增加,不同生长发育阶段杉木林林分生物量逐代递减,林下植被生物量呈递增趋势,其中2、3代20a生杉木林林分生物量分别比1代下降20.24%和38.09%,3代比2代下降22.38%。同时林分树干生物量所占比例下降,根系生物量所占比例增加,连栽刺激了杉木根系生长发育,并有利于林下植被恢复。  相似文献   

The growth of 67 young hybrid (Castanea × coudercii A. Camus) and pure sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) plantations was studied in relation to ground vegetation (GV) and non-site factors such as type of site preparation, weed control (WC), disease-related damage and prior land use. The classification and regression trees procedure was used to analyse the data. Ground vegetation communities accounted for a large amount of variability in the site index (SI) and were found to be useful as predictors of chestnut site quality. The presence of broom communities indicated the best site for establishing chestnut plantations, whereas bracken and bramble communities indicated poorer conditions, although those sites can still be considered suitable for growing chestnut. Terrain covered with herbaceous communities also indicated intermediate or even good site conditions. The poorest sites were the heathlands. As regards non-site factors, only weed control was found to be a significant variable. Ground vegetation caused a significant reduction in tree growth, indicating the importance of carrying out regular weeding to improve productivity. The most positive effect of weeding on height growth was detected in terrain covered by gorse and broom, and the least positive effect was observed in heathland. The findings are important for forest management purposes, as evaluation of ground vegetation will enable rapid prediction of site productivity classes in afforested areas and help in selecting the best land for planting this species in reforestation programmes.  相似文献   

The removal or maintenance of harvest residues in eucalypt plantations may influence site quality and productivity. Removal of slash from the site may facilitate further management operations and provide a valuable energy resource, but effects on site productivity and sustainability for a rotation time span were not yet assessed under Mediterranean conditions. Therefore, a study was carried out to assess the effects of slash (harvest residues plus forest floor litter) management and soil preparation options on stand productivity and understory vegetation dynamics, hypothesizing that those options influence tree growth, forest floor dynamics and understory biomass and diversity. An experiment was installed in West Central Portugal, consisting on: removal of slash without soil preparation (R); broadcast of harvest residues on the soil surface without soil disturbance (S); as in S, but concentrating the woody debris between tree rows (W); incorporation of slash into the soil by harrowing (I); removal of slash followed by harrowing (RH); and as in I followed by ripping (IS). The experiment was monitored for a rotation time span (140 months). Maintenance of slash followed by deep soil disturbance led to the highest wood production, but differences between treatments were not significant (p > 0.05). Forest floor load and understory biomass were also similar between treatments. Ground vegetation played an important role on nutrient cycling in early rotation stages, such effect being irrespective on slash management options. Incorporation of slash into the soil followed by ripping is probably the best option to match production and environmental sustainability of eucalypt plantations in Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

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