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有限供水条件下灌区优化配水   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以水库灌区为例,以次灌水量田间优化配水为基础,研究了由多水源供水,种植多种作物的一般灌区在有限供水条件下的优化配水问题,实例研究表明,在干旱年本模型比传统的模拟配水模型能增加较多的效益。  相似文献   

基于多目标优化的灌区水资源承载力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据灌区用水结构特点,综合考虑水资源与社会经济以及生态环境之间的动态联系,建立用水总量控制条件下的灌区水资源承载力多目标优化模型。以江西省赣抚平原灌区为例,得出现状年及规划年灌区水资源系统能够支撑的社会经济发展规模,利用相对承载指数和区域协调发展指数评价了灌区水资源承载力。结果表明:现状供水相当充裕,水资源综合承载指数大于1,水资源承载能力没有得到充分发挥;用水总量控制条件下,规划年水资源综合承载指数小于1,灌区水资源不足以支撑经济社会的发展。农业用水优化配置方案下,水资源承载力有所增强,表明农业用水优化配置是提高水资源承载力的有效手段。在实现农业用水优化配置及污染物排放量控制的条件下,灌区水资源、经济、环境的协调度达到0.99以上,真正实现了经济发展与环境保护的双赢。  相似文献   

基于不确定性区间作物水分生产函数,选取春小麦、玉米、棉花和白兰瓜这4种典型作物,建立不确定性条件下灌溉水资源优化配置模型,并将气象因子(蒸发蒸腾量和相对湿度)的不确定性引入其中,以反映气候变化对灌区配水的影响.结果表明,在石羊河流域民勤地区,玉米单方水经济效益较低,故其优化灌溉定额相比现状灌溉定额变化较大.棉花是单方水经济效益最大的作物,其次是白兰瓜,所以当可用水量短缺时,在确保粮食安全的前提下,为降低因灌溉缺水而带来的经济损失,要优先保证棉花和白兰瓜灌溉用水.引入气象因子的灌区水资源优化配置模型区间优化配水定额范围更广,反映出气象因子对灌区配水的影响.本研究验证了不确定性方法在实际应用的可行性,可为灌区水资源合理分配提供更可靠的科学依据.  相似文献   

采用AcrEngine作为开发平台,建立了灌区水资源优化配置决策支持系统。该系统包含数据库、模型库、方法库以及人机交互界面。其中模型库中包含水库优化调度模型和渠系工作制度优化模型。其中水库优化调度模型以年总引水量最大为总目标,以各水库月引水量之和最大为阶段目标,考虑库容约束、引水量约束、引水沟过流限制、水库库容瞬时约束以及非负约束5个约束条件。渠系工作制度优化模型是建立在3个目标函数基础上的多目标优化模型,即上级渠道流量波动最小、渠道渗漏损失最小、配水量与需水量的差值最小,同时考虑配水连续性、配水量、流量以及灌溉可供水量4个约束条件。以蜻蛉河灌区为例,优化结果表明水库优化调度模型可以解决多水库向单一水库引水问题,模型可得到不同频率下水库优化调度方案,优化结果合理。渠系工作制度优化模型能很好地解决云南高原灌区灌溉系统的渠系配水问题,缩短了渠系运行时间,提高了渠系运行的稳定性,减少了渠系渗漏损失,使得灌溉供需更加平衡。基于AcrEngine平台建立的水土资源优化配置支持系统,解决了水资源优化调度以及山丘区渠系调水配水不合理的问题,提高了云南高原灌区灌溉用水管理水平,并为抗旱减灾提供了决策支持。  相似文献   

针对大型灌区作物种植结构复杂、不同区域作物需水量差异较大的特点,以GIS为平台,建立了灌区月灌溉用水量分布式优化模型.模型将灌区栅格化,以每个栅格的月灌溉用水量作为决策变量,以作物生育阶段作物水分生产函数为基础,以灌区作物产量最大为优化目标,考虑了水量平衡、渠系配水能力、水资源投入量、灌水时间、可供水量以及非负共6个约束条件.以澳大利亚马兰比季灌区2006—2007年8月、10月和12月的优化结果为例,优化后月灌溉用水的高峰期与河流径流的高峰期同期,且优化后的灌溉用水量小于同期观测值.此外,优化后的配水结果存在将有限的水资源向经济价值高的作物转移的趋势.因此,月灌溉用水量分布式优化模型可以用于大型灌区内不同尺度月灌溉用水量的优化模拟,且优化后的配水方案更加节水高效.  相似文献   

基于评价的水资源优化模型适用性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了比较不同目标的水资源优化配置模型在黑河中游的适用性,在充分考虑地表径流随机性的基础上,分别构建以灌区农业水生产力最大、农业灌溉损失最小、净经济效益最大为目标函数的灌区水资源优化配置模型,并引入多指标综合评价法以及熵权法对3个优化模型的配置结果进行综合效应评价.评价结果显示,基于黑河中游水资源利用现状,以灌区农业水生产力最大为目标函数的模型,更适合现阶段黑河中游灌区水资源配置要求.使用灌溉水生产力最大为目标函数的优化模型对有限水资源进行优化后的配水方案整体用水比现状水平年减少了334×108 m3,灌溉水生产力增加了0453 kg/m3,用水成本比实际减少了421×107元.评价结果验证了水资源优化配置模型方案评价的可行性.  相似文献   

为实现田间科学用水,优化灌溉渠系配水模型,发挥灌区用水调度决策能力,提高灌区现代化水平,针对现有的渠系优化配水模型与算法进行了梳理总结。灌溉渠系优化配水模型主要分为两种:以特定指标最优为目标函数和被配水渠道采用轮灌编组时输水损失最小为优化目标。在掌握国内灌溉渠系用水调度以及灌区管理规范的前提下,系统论述了两类模型的建模思想、目标函数以及算法机理的研究,重点分析当前主流的灌溉渠系配水优化目标函数,并总结了求解模型引用的智能算法。在深入探究应用实例的基础上,通过对渠系优化配水模型的综述,讨论未来研究新方向,旨在精炼出一种适用于我国灌区的多目标优化模型,拟解决当前渠系水利用率低等问题;研究结论还提出嵌入算法的渠系间形成远程管理、联合调度、智慧调控、高效配水的新思路,这为灌区构建输配水模型和落实信息化管理提供借鉴与理论指导。  相似文献   

根据非充分灌溉理论,按大系统分解协调原理,建立了以总效益最大为目标的灌区灌溉水资源递阶控制优化模型,对灌区多水源进行优化配水研究。在理论研究基础上,还对灌区水资源的优化利用引入决策支持系统知识,研制"大型灌区水资源决策支持系统"软件。经实际运行,该程序具有友好的图形界面,较强的计算功能和数据库的管理功能,可为水资源优化配置和水资源管理研究作参考。  相似文献   

灌区渠系优化配水研究对灌区从用水管理向需水管理转变具有重要意义.目前,天牛须搜索算法已被广泛应用于生产实际,而在渠系优化配水方面的应用较少.为探究天牛须搜索算法在渠系优化配水领域的可行性与合理性,以大功灌区西一干渠干支2级渠系输水过程中渗漏量为优化目标,渠道运行时间及输水流量为决策变量,构建渠系配水模型,并采用天牛须搜索算法进行模型优化求解.结果表明,天牛须搜索算法求解结果中配水时间较传统配水时间缩短7 d,配水效率提高35%.渠系渗漏量为34.99万m3,占总配水量6.69%,干支2级渠系水利用系数提高为0.704.天牛须搜索算法在解决高维渠系优化配水问题上表现良好,能够贴近渠系实际运行情况并合理进行水资源配置.  相似文献   

基于农业可持续发展的锦西灌区灌溉水资源配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索不确定环境下通过灌溉水资源优化配置方法促进灌区农业的可持续发展,选取黑龙江省锦西灌区为研究区域,以随机规划、多目标规划等方法为基础展开研究。结果表明:优化后不同供水情景下,灌区灌溉总耗水量节约1.3~3.9亿m3,灌溉水资源生产力提高0.85~1.01kg/m3,可促进农业经济效益增长0.18~6.90亿元,且优化后各配水方案中生态配水量控制在0.4亿m3以上,降低农业污染物排放量1.28~3.13万t,灌区农业生产环境显著改善。优化后,不同情景、不同模糊隶属度函数所对应的各灌溉水资源配置方案的经济效益、生态效益、社会效益均存在明显差异,不确定性要素对灌区农业可持续发展影响显著。以农业经济效益、水资源利用均衡性指数、农业水分生产力、农业污染物排放强度、GWP排放量以及农业水资源利用比率为主要指标,对优化后各配水方案的综合可持续性进行分析,确定各供水情景下的最优配水方案,最优方案的可持续性指数均高于0.4。最优配水方案可在稳定灌区粮食产量的基础上,有效提高水资源利用效率,改善灌区生态环境,保障灌区农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

A European irrigation map for spatially distributed agricultural modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a pan-European irrigation map based on regional European statistics, a European land use map and a global irrigation map. The map provides spatial information on the distribution of irrigated areas per crop type which allows determining irrigated areas at the level of spatial modelling units. The map is a requirement for a European scale assessment of the impacts of irrigated agriculture on water resources based on spatially distributed modelling of crop growth and water balance. The irrigation map was compiled in a two step procedure. First, irrigated areas were distributed to potentially irrigated crops at a regional level (European statistical regions NUTS3), combining Farm Structure Survey (FSS) data on irrigated area, crop-specific irrigated area for crops whenever available, and total crop area. Second, crop-specific irrigated area was distributed within each statistical region based on the crop distribution given in our land use map. A global map of irrigated areas with a 5′ resolution was used to further constrain the distribution within each NUTS3 based on the density of irrigated areas. The constrained distribution of irrigated areas as taken from statistics to a high resolution dataset enables us to estimate irrigated areas for various spatial entities, including administrative, natural and artificial units, providing a reasonable input scenario for large-scale distributed modelling applications. The dataset bridges a gap between global datasets and detailed regional data on the distribution of irrigated areas and provides information for various assessments and modelling applications.  相似文献   

节水灌溉的作物需水量试验研究   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:28  
对节水灌溉条件下的冬小麦、夏玉米、棉花和水稻需水量进行试验研究 ,结果表明 ,节水灌溉模式对作物需水量变化产生较大影响。与浅水灌溉模式相比 ,控制灌溉模式的水稻需水量减少 3 4.6% ,覆膜旱作节水模式的水稻需水量减少 3 9.94%。采用节水灌溉模式后 ,冬小麦需水量减少 1 0 %左右 ,夏玉米需水量减少1 3 % ,棉花需水量减少 3 0 %。因此 ,对大田农作物进行高效节水灌溉 ,能在获得高产 (增产 )的前提下 ,较大幅度地减少作物的蒸发蒸腾量 ,其中无效蒸腾量的减少成为主要因素之一  相似文献   

美国德克萨斯州高地平原区地下水灌溉管理方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
德克萨斯州高地平原区是美国灌溉和旱地作物的生产基地,其灌溉水源主要来源于奥加拉拉(Ogallala)地下水含水层。然而,自从1950年灌溉农业发展以来,由于对奥加拉拉含水层地下水的过度开采,使得区域地下水位严重下降,有些地区地下水位下降超过50 m。为了保护地下水资源和实现地下水可持续利用,2000年以来美国德克萨斯州高平原地区在节水压采方面开展了一系列工作,取得了较好的成效。采取的主要措施包括:用德克萨斯州高地平原蒸腾蒸发网络(The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration Network, TXHPET)进行灌溉及地下水管理,改变作物品种,改进灌溉技术,改变种植结构,保护性耕作方法,加强降雨管理,将小部分灌溉农田转为旱作农田等。该区域1958年的灌溉面积为183万hm~2,1974年灌溉面积达到峰值,为242万hm~2;1989年灌溉面积降为159万hm~2,由于喷灌技术的推广应用,2000年灌溉面积恢复到187万hm~2。1958年大多数灌区为地面灌溉,仅有11%的灌溉面积为喷灌。1974年之后,灌溉总面积在减少,主要灌溉方式转为喷灌,中心支轴式喷灌面积稳步增长。自1989年之后,喷灌在该区域快速发展,2000年喷灌面积已占该区域灌溉面积的72%。早期的喷灌系统在较高压力下运行,自20世纪80年代,低压喷灌系统已全面使用。我国华北地区长期超量开采地下水与美国德克萨斯州高原区地下水超采情况及问题相似。兹系统介绍了美国德克萨斯州高地平原区在地下水超采情况下采取的综合措施拟为我国地下水超采地区的地下水管理工作提供技术与经验参考。  相似文献   

水稻节水灌溉的研究,各地均在开展。本文针对南水北调东线第一期工程规划范围内1400万亩水稻灌溉用水量大,而水资源短缺,远途调来的水更为珍贵的状况,从水稻耗水量,灌溉方式等方面较系统地研究了水稻节水灌溉问题,提出了推广湿灌的科学依据,以及这一措施所能产生的经济效益。  相似文献   

With a population of more than 150 million, Pakistan cannot meet its need for food, if adequate water is not available for crop production. Per capita water availability has decreased from 5600 m3 in 1947 to 1000 m3 in 2004. Water table has gone down by more than 7 m in most parts of the country. Present need is to identify and adopt measures, that will reduce water use and increase crop production. This study was conducted in farmers’ fields during 2002–2004 to evaluate the water use efficiency and economic viability of sprinkler irrigation system for growing rice and wheat crops. Yields and water use were also measured on adjacent fields irrigated by basin flooding, which were planted with the same crop varieties. Sprinkler irrigation of rice produced 18% more yield, while reducing consumption of water to 35% of that used in the traditional irrigation system. Sprinkler irrigation of wheat resulted in a water use efficiency of 5.21 kg of grain per cubic meter of water used compared to 1.38 kg/m3 in the adjacent flooded basins. Benefit–cost analysis showed that adoption of rain-gun sprinkler irrigation for rice and wheat is a financially viable option for farmers. While these findings show large potentials for improving water use efficiency in crop production they also indicate that a large portion of the water applied in traditional flooded basin irrigation is going to groundwater recharge, which has high value near large cities which draw their water from the aquifer.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of farm ponds in a context of declining supplies in a major canal command within the Zhanghe Irrigation System (ZIS), in Central China. As dam supplies have been diverted to higher-valued uses (hydropower, cities and industry), farmers have responded by constructing small storages within their fields. These farm ponds have given them sufficient flexibility in water supply to practice varying forms of alternate wetting and drying irrigation for rice without compromising yields and incomes. Ponds are recharged by a combination of return flows from irrigation and runoff from catchment areas within the irrigated perimeter. Various scenarios of water supply incorporating the main reservoir, in-system reservoirs, farm ponds and irrigation practices were simulated using the OASIS model. OASIS integrates surface and groundwater flows, and contains a crop growth module to aggregate the impacts of different water management regimes. The modelling and sensitivity analysis show that further reductions in main reservoir supplies will have a negative effect on rice production in dry and average years, and that ponds have played a crucial role in adapting agriculture to reduced canal supplies. The flexibility allowed by the ponds has resulted in increased water productivity, except in high rainfall years, but net depletion has not decreased, as local supplies have substituted for water from the main reservoir. The study demonstrates the importance of properly accounting for return flows and the necessity to understand crop production in relation to the actual depletion of water (as evapotranspiration) within an irrigation system.  相似文献   

Due to urban growth, some agricultural lands have been replaced by residential, municipal, and industrial areas. In some cases the remaining agricultural land will not have enough water because of transfers from agriculture to M&I (municipal and industrial) users. Therefore, in many places, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, the use of treated wastewater as a reliable source of irrigation water has already been, or will be, considered in the future. Due to its unique characteristics, this new resource has many challenges that cannot be ignored, such as health issues, water quality, and long- and short-term effects on soils and crops. The study described herein considered the development of a new GIS-based model for planning and managing the reuse of treated wastewater for the irrigation of agricultural and green lands, considering various factors such as population and urban growth. The model is composed of several different modules, including an urban growth model. These modules are designed to help in the decision-making process for allocations of water resources to agricultural areas, considering factors such as crop types, crop pattern, water salinity, soil characteristics, pumping and conveyance costs, and also by comparing different management scenarios. Appropriate crops that can be grown with a specific water salinity and soil characteristics, proper water resources for each farm (according to pumping and conveyance costs, and analysis of water demand, and water supply) can be determined through the application of this model. The model can also rank agricultural areas and open spaces in and near an urban area according to their suitability for irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

There are numerous models capable of simulating crop behavior under different water stress conditions. However, none of them takes into account the effect of irrigation water uniformity on yield. The model developed simulates the uniformity effect on yield and the repercussion on gross margin (GM). The application of the model to a maize crop in Albacete (Spain) indicates that for the same irrigation depth, an increase in uniformity of water in the soil (CU) corresponds to a 4% increase in yield for the common irrigation strategy in the area, and a 6.8% increase in yield for the optimal irrigation schedule established by the model. Values of percentage of adequately irrigated area (a) between 50 and 80% appear to be adequate for values of CU > 80%. This effect has special relevance on the GM mainly when designing the irrigation strategy of areas with limited water resources. This leads to improvement of CU from 75 to 95% for the common irrigation depth applied to maize and may increase GM up to 27%. For small irrigation depths, the effect of CU on GM is reduced. The maximum GM is reached at ETa/ETm < 1 and a <100%. The paper also describes a methodology for determining the most suitable irrigation schedule under regulated deficit irrigation conditions.  相似文献   

基于DP-PSO算法的灌区农业水资源优化配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对引水灌区,考虑灌溉用水总量约束和时段可供水量约束,以单一作物非充分灌溉下灌溉制度优化为第一层,区域多种作物种植结构及水量分配为第二层,分别采用动态规划和粒子群算法求解,建立了基于DP-PSO算法的灌区农业水资源优化配置模型。针对多重约束问题,提出了一种初始化粒子群的方法,并通过粒子速度的动态变化来保证每代粒子都满足约束,提高了算法的收敛速度和收敛精度。以赣抚平原灌区为对象,考虑降雨和水源可供水量不同步的特点,计算了3种降雨频率、多年可供水条件下的农业水资源优化配置方案。结果表明,基于DPPSO算法的农业水资源优化配置模型合理可靠,为引水灌区农业水资源优化提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

Due to the rapid depletion of water resources, water must be used more efficiently in agriculture to maintain current levels of yield in irrigated areas. The efficiency of irrigation systems can be increased by adjusting the amount of water applied to specific conditions of soil and crop, which may vary in a field. Taking into account spatial and temporal variability, it is evident that an equipment capable of providing different irrigation levels is necessary to meet the water requirement of the soil. This work aims to develop and evaluate a flow rate sprinkler to be used in center pivots or linear moving irrigation systems, with potential for utilization in irrigation scheduling. A prototype was developed by duplicating its calibrations, and discharge coefficient adjustment was carried out in the laboratory. To predict the flow rate, a successful model that represented the operation of the flow rate sprinkler was established. The calibration of the flow rate sprinkler prototype showed satisfactory statistical and technical results. Automation of the prototype was achieved by driving a step motor using communication from the parallel port of a microcomputer, which was controlled by a software developed for this purpose. The results were satisfactory and technically feasible.  相似文献   

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