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传染病是对警犬危害最为严重的一大类疾病,不但给养犬业带来巨大的经济损失,而且更会给警犬技术工作带来严重的阻碍,是警犬技术工作者关注的重点,目前采取的预防接种措施也主要是针对犬的传染病而进行的。从目前来看,我国警犬传染病呈现以下特征:病毒性传染病仍然是危害最大的疾病,其中犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病是当前流行广泛、危害或潜在危害最严重的两种疾病,犬冠状病毒病呈一定程度的流行并有逐年上升的趋势;细菌性传染病(尤其是人犬共患传染病)不容忽视、寄生虫感染率很高等。  相似文献   

犬冠状病毒病的病原,诊断及免疫研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬冠状病毒病是由犬冠状病毒(CanineCoronavirus,CCV)引起犬发生的一种以胃肠炎为主要症状的高度接触性传染病。该病最初由Binn等[1]首先报道。血清学调查研究发现,该病呈世界性分布,我国也有军犬、警犬、实验犬和民用犬的发病报道,且有流行趋势。犬冠状病毒病在临床上主要表现为呕吐、血便和严重脱水,对幼犬危害严重,发病率和死亡率都很高,是当前对养犬业危害较大的疾病之一。目前国内随着犬瘟热、犬细小病毒性肠炎等疫苗的研制成功和广泛应用,犬这些急性恶性传染病已基本得到了控制,但对于犬冠状病…  相似文献   

犬腹泻性传染病发病率较高,危害大,是威胁犬的生命最主要的一类疾病,如犬瘟热、犬细小病毒感染等疾病常常造成犬的死亡,因此,作为养犬人员应了解、熟知犬常见腹泻性传染病的特点及诊断要点,使病犬能够得到及时的诊断及救治,将损失减至最小。本文从犬常见腹泻性传染病病原、流行特点、临床诊断要点及实验室诊断方法等方面阐述了犬几种常见传染病的诊断要点。  相似文献   

随着人们生活条件的改善,家庭养犬越来越多.养犬的主要品种有狮子犬、牧羊犬、猎犬、西德红、西德黑盖、俄罗斯红、大丹犬或西德猎犬、警犬及各种宠物犬等.无论饲养哪种犬,如果对携带人畜共患的传染病、寄生虫病等的认识不足,忽视人犬的保健,都易对家庭、对社会造成严重的危害.为保证人犬健康,应注意以下几个方面:  相似文献   

疾病是引起犬死亡的主要原因。目前已发现的犬病有500多种,但并不是所有疾病都有相同的发生率。据南京某犬病门诊的统计,在1994~1998年收治的病犬中,传染病病犬占732%,普通病病犬占侣.5%,寄生虫病病犬占5.3%,其它病犬占3%。在传染病中以犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病、犬传染性肝炎发病率高,尤其是  相似文献   

犬细小病毒感染的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
犬细小病毒感染(Canine parvovirus infection)是由犬细小病毒(CPV)引起的犬的一种急性传染病,以严重肠炎综台征为特征的犬科和鼬科动物的重要传染病。我国于1982年由梁士哲等证实此病后,在东北、华东和西南等地区的警犬和良种犬中陆续发生和蔓延。特别是该病于2001年广泛流行,给养犬业造成了极大的危害。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
犬细小病毒病,又称犬细小病毒性肠炎,是由犬细小病毒(Canine parvovirus,CPV)引起的一种高度接触性传染病。犬细小病毒病分布于全世界,我国也时有发生。本病以剧烈呕吐、出血性肠炎、白细胞显著减少为主要特征,不同品种和年龄的犬都易感,在幼犬中的发病率和死亡率都很高,8月龄以内幼犬的死亡率高达70%。近几年来,随着我国军犬、警犬、实验用犬和宠物犬饲养量大幅增加,以及异地交流日渐增多,犬感染细小病毒日趋严重,给犬饲养业带来了重大的经济损失,成为犬饲养业危害最大的疫病之一。现就近几年来我国对CPV的研究现状报道如下。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们膳食结构的改变,肉用犬的需求量越来越大,但要想养好肉用犬,做好肉用犬疾病的预防工作是十分重要的。犬的疾病有很多种,包括传染病、寄生虫病、内科、外科及产科病,而危害最严重是传染病,其次是寄生虫病,这些疾病往往是大批发生,常引起多数肉用犬的发病和死亡,甚至会波及全群,严重影响养犬业的发展。为了预  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒CPV引起的一种急性传染病,又称犬传染性出血性肠炎。自1995年至2000年到崇安兽医站就诊的1235只病犬中,患犬细小病毒病的犬达563只,占门诊病例的45.6%,死亡86只,死亡率15.3%,治愈477只,治愈率84.7%。犬细小病毒病是近年来我市发病率高,死亡多,危害严重的犬传染病之一,严重影响着我市刚刚兴起的养犬业发展。为此,笔者翻阅参考资料,利用门诊病例,开展了对该病诊治方法的研究、有效地提高了犬细小病毒病的诊治效果,使该病的治愈率由70.1%提高到94%…  相似文献   

<正>传染病对犬的健康和宠物事业发展的危害严重。目前,流行较为普遍和严重的犬传染病包括犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病、犬传染性肝炎、犬副流感、犬冠状病毒、狂犬病以及钩端螺旋体等,尤其以犬瘟热和犬细小病毒最为流行。以上流行的传染病虽有疫苗进行预防,但兽医临床上,一些犬在接种疫苗后不能抵御相应疾病的发生。接种疫苗后的犬仍发生相应疾病的现象称为免疫失败。  相似文献   



To determine whether dogs with spontaneously-occurring diabetes mellitus demonstrate serological reactivity to proinsulin.

Sample population

Serum samples were collected from 15 newly-diagnosed diabetic, 15 insulin-treated diabetic and 15 non-diabetic control dogs.


Canine proinsulin was cloned into a prokaryotic expression vector to generate recombinant poly-histidine-tagged protein in Escherichia coli. A Western blotting assay was developed for detection of proinsulin autoantibodies in canine sera.


Reactivity to canine proinsulin was detected in 3 of 15 control dogs, 8 of 15 newly-diagnosed diabetic dogs and 6 of 15 insulin-treated diabetic patients. Of these reactors, only 1 control dog, 1 newly-diagnosed diabetic dog and 3 insulin-treated diabetic dogs recognised porcine insulin by ELISA, suggesting that the remaining proinsulin reactors might have been recognising proinsulin-specific epitopes.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

This study suggests that proinsulin autoantibodies are present in a proportion of diabetic dogs. Further work is required to refine the assay and clarify the significance of these autoantibodies.  相似文献   

The EEGs of 144 dogs with encephalitis have been analysed. The value of electroencephalography in differential diagnosis, prognosis, and assessment of progress is discussed.
Résumé. On a analysé les électro-encéphalogrammes de 144. chiens atteints d'encéphalite et discuté la valeur de cette méthode d'investigation en ce qui concerne le diagnostic différentiel, la prognose et les possibilités d'apprécier l'évolution de l'affection.
Zusammenfassung. Die EEGs von 144 Hunden mit Encephalitis wurden analysiert. Die Bedeutung der Elektroencephalographie fur die Differentialdiagnose, Prognose und Beurtei-lung des Heilungsfortschrittes wird besprochen.  相似文献   

遗传标记是指可追踪染色体、染色体某一节段、某个基因座在家系中传递的任何一种遗传特性。它具有两个基本特征,一是可遗传性,二是可识别性。因此,生物的任何有差异的突变型均可作为遗传标记。遗传标记主要包括形态标记、细胞学标记、生化标记和DNA分子标记四类,本文对犬微卫星  相似文献   

Cytokeratin expression was assessed in footpad epidermis from dogs using immunohistochemistry. Four groups of dogs were studied: dogs with experimentally induced distemper and with canine distemper virus (CDV) in footpad epidermis (group 1, n = 7); dogs with experimentally induced distemper and without CDV in footpad epidermis (group 2, n = 4); inoculated dogs without distemper and without CDV in the footpad epidermis (group 3, n = 8), and noninoculated dogs without distemper (group 4, n = 2). No increase in thickness of the footpad epidermis was present in any of these groups. Sections of metacarpal or metatarsal pads were stained for cytokeratin (CK)14 (proliferation-associated), CK10 (correlated with early differentiation), and for involucrin (associated with terminal differentiation). CK14 was present in basal keratinocytes of all groups, but staining intensity decreased towards the corneal layer in groups 2-4, but not in group 1. CK10 was present in the spinous and granular layer of all groups, but staining of the granular layer was much stronger in group 1. Involucrin was present in the granular layer of footpads of group 1 and only in the upper part of this layer in groups 2-4. The results demonstrate increased staining intensity and/or wider distribution within the footpad epidermis in group 1 dogs when compared to the other groups. This was interpreted as up-regulation in expression of these proteins. These findings suggest that presence of CDV antigen and mRNA in footpad epidermis was associated with an increase in expression of CK14, CK10 and involucrin. The potential role of this up-regulation in cytokeratin expression in the development of CDV-induced digital hyperkeratosis remains speculative at the moment and requires further studies.  相似文献   

CD20 expression in normal canine B cells and in canine non-Hodgkin lymphoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the expression of CD20 in normal canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells, normal canine spleen, and canine non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) to determine the feasibility of using this antigen as a diagnostic aid and as a possible target for therapy. An antibody generated against a C-terminal (intracytoplasmic) epitope of human CD20 recognized proteins of 32-36 kd in normal and malignant canine lymphocytes. This antibody showed restricted membrane binding in a subset of lymphocytes in peripheral blood, in the B-cell regions from a normal canine spleen and lymph node, and in malignant cells from 19 dogs with B-cell NHL, but not from 15 dogs with T-cell NHL. The patterns of CD20 reactivity in these samples overlapped those seen using an antibody that recognizes canine CD79a. This anti-CD20 antibody is therefore suitable as an aid to phenotype canine NHL. In contrast, normal canine B cells were not recognized by any of 28 antibodies directed against the extracellular domains of human CD20 (including the chimeric mouse-human antibody Rituximab) or by any of 12 antibodies directed against the extracellular domains of mouse CD20. Thus, the use of CD20 as a therapeutic target will require the generation of specific antibodies against the extracellular domains of canine CD20.  相似文献   

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