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西藏阿里地区小反刍兽疫流行病学调查研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2007年7月,我国西藏阿里地区首次证实爆发小反刍兽疫疫情,为了认识小反刍兽疫疫情在我国的地理分布、宿主范围等流行状况,我们开展了以血清学和病原学为基础,并结合现场调查的研究。结果表明疫情于2005年冬从边境传到日土县热角村,通过混群、混牧以及引种等方式将疫情进一步扩散,到2007年9月,PPR在阿里地区日土县、改则县、革吉县、札达县均有发生,我国快速采取有效措施,疫情得到控制。  相似文献   

<正>小反刍兽疫为高度接触性外来动物疫病之一,其病毒的致病率高,具有高死亡率特征,所以国际动物卫生组织规定小反刍兽疫为必须上报疫病。首次在我国发现小反刍兽疫疫情是在2007年7月西藏地区,在2013年11月新疆的几个市县也发现了该疫情,相继在2014年宁夏也发生了此疫情。由此可见,小反刍兽疫疫情逐步向国内蔓延,对畜牧业安全生产造成严重危害。因此,有效的实验室诊断方法在小反刍兽  相似文献   

正7月发生两起小反刍兽疫疫情7月21日,经国家外来动物疫病研究中心确诊,江西省吉安市泰和县部分养殖户发生小反刍兽疫疫情,发病羊67只,死亡67只。7月21日,经国家外来动物疫病研究中心确诊,浙江省金华市浦江县在部分养殖户发生小反刍兽疫疫情,发病羊47只,死亡1只,扑杀123只。重庆市现实"畜牧家庭医生"兽医服务制度7月2日,重庆市荣昌县畜牧兽医受理服务承诺制度正式实施,养殖户只要一个电话就可以预约畜牧服务,全县20多万养殖户有了343位"畜牧家庭医生"。服务  相似文献   

7月发生两起小反刍兽疫疫情7月21日,经国家外来动物疫病研究中心确诊,江西省吉安市泰和县部分养殖户发生小反刍兽疫疫情,发病羊67只,死亡67只。7月21日,经国家外来动物疫病研究中心确诊,浙江省金华市浦江县在部分养殖户发生小反刍兽疫疫情,发病羊47只,死亡1只,扑杀123只。重庆市现实"畜牧家庭医生"兽医服务制度7月2日,重庆市荣昌县畜牧兽医受理服务承诺制度正式实施,养殖户只要一个电话就可以预约畜牧服务,全县20多万养殖户有了343位"畜牧家庭医生"。  相似文献   

农业部新闻办公室2007年7月26日发布。西藏自治区日土县于2007年7月25日发生小反刍兽疫疫情。[第一段]  相似文献   

正小反刍兽疫于2007年7月26首次传入我国西藏自治区日土县,2013年12月从境外再次传入新疆,2014年1月24日甘肃省武威市古浪县发生羊小反刍兽疫疫情。由于小反刍兽疫发病迅速,死亡率高的特点,小反刍兽疫疫情在一定的时间和范围内影响了活羊的价格。对畜牧业的发展受到一定的限制。1病原及流行病学该病的病原为副粘病毒科麻疹病毒属的小反刍兽疫病毒,病毒呈多形性,只有一个血清型,4  相似文献   

<正>小反刍兽疫又称为小反刍兽伪牛瘟,是由小反刍兽疫病毒引起的一种急性病毒性传染病。主要感染小反刍动物,以发热、口炎、腹泻、肺炎为特征。OIE将其列为A类疫病,我国将其列为一类动物疫病。小反刍兽疫属于一种外来动物疫病。我国于2007年7月首次在西藏阿里地区的4个县确诊小反刍兽疫疫情,近几年在新疆、甘肃、内蒙古、山东、辽宁、湖南等地先后发生了小反刍兽疫疫情。积极探索小反刍兽疫的各种综合防控措施,对于有效控  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫是由小反刍兽疫病毒引起的一种严重的烈性、接触性传染病。主要感染小反刍兽,其中山羊和绵羊高度易感。此病被世界卫生组织(OIE)规定为A类疫病,我国规定为一类动物疫病。2007年7月,我国西藏的阿里地区首次暴发小反刍兽疫,死亡近300只山羊和绵羊,给当地的养羊业带来很大的经济损失。近年来该病在非洲、中东以及与我国接壤的南亚地区呈蔓延的趋势,并且作为一种重大的跨国动物疫病。  相似文献   

2014年3月11日,湖南省邵阳市洞口县毓兰镇金竹村部分养殖户饲养的羊出现疑似小反刍兽疫症状,发病羊360只,其中死亡234只。24日,湖南省动物疫病预防控制中心诊断为疑似小反刍兽疫疫情。25日,经国家外来动物疫病研究中心确诊,该起疫情为小反刍兽疫疫情。经调查,此次发生的小反刍兽疫疫情是由外地活羊调运传入。  相似文献   

小反刍兽疫病毒引起的小反刍兽疫是一种主要发生于山羊、绵羊及一些野生小反刍兽的类似牛瘟症状的烈性接触性A类传染病.本病自1942年在象牙海岸首次记述以来,先后给非洲、中东等地区的小反刍动物养殖业带来严重灾害.到2006年初,我国周边孟加拉国、尼泊尔、印度、巴基斯坦等先后暴发疫情,近几年呈现蔓延趋势.2007年7月我国首例小反刍兽疫疫情在西藏发生,至今该病已严重威胁到我国小反刍兽的健康.本文结合当地养殖情况,对羊小反刍兽疫的临床诊断进行简要阐述.  相似文献   

The feet of horses, sheep, and goats of different breeds and from many different localities were examined for Chorioptes bovis. In horses, mites were mainly found in the Belgian and Frisian breeds (40% and 62% infected, respectively). In sheep and goats, respectively 63% and 86% were infected. In horses as well as in sheep and goats, mange-lesions were rarely seen. A number of sheep and goats were examined for mites and lesions quantitatively. In sheep all mites were restricted to the region close to the accessory digits and the claws. In goats the average number of mites was higher than in sheep, and mites could be found on all locations of the feet at least as far as the carpal and tarsal joint. Both in sheep and goats the biggest density of mites was found just below the accessory digits. When crusts were present, they were generally small and hidden under the coat. In sheep, which were housed for a long period, crusts were seen more often and were more distinct than in pastured animals. A negative correlation between the number of mites and the presence and extensiveness of crusts was observed. A possible explanation for this phenomenon is suggested. From the results of this study it is clear that there is no necessity to list chorioptic mange in sheep and goats as a notifiable disease.  相似文献   

This study was conducted between April 2000 and March 2001, in 12-month period. During the study, local slaughterhouses were visited periodically for 1 year to examine the internal organs (livers, lungs, spleens and hearts) for the presence of cysts and total 1355 cattle, 218 sheep and 104 goats were examined for the cystic echinococcosis (CE). It was found that 13.5% of cattle, 26.6% of sheep and 22.1% of goats were infected with this disease. While cysts in cattle (P < 0.001) and goats (P > 0.05) were found mostly in lungs (88.5 and 82.6%, respectively), but they were mostly found in livers (P > 0.05) in sheep. In addition to this, three spleens and one heart in cattle were infected with CE. In this study, the prevalence of CE and the number of cysts in ruminants were found different when the cattle, sheep and goats examined were stratified based on age. The prevalence and the number of cysts increased with age approaching an asymptotic prevalence of one in the oldest animals (P < 0.05). The number of cysts in cattle, sheep and goats were increasing at a rate of 0.31, 0.63 and 0.42/year, respectively. The economic decrease in the value of the carcasses because of the discarded liver and lung as a result of CE was estimated as 1.1% (7.5 US dollars per cattle) for cattle, 4.37% (3.2 US dollars per sheep) for sheep and 4.26% (2.9 US dollars per goat) for goats. The minimum total loss for all infected animals was determined to be 583 US dollars in infected animals, based on the market prices in the year 2002.  相似文献   

The duration of viraemia and the serological responses were studied in two breeds of sheep and two breeds of goats, experimentally infected with bluetongue (BT) virus serotype 4. Viraemia, detectable by cell culture and embryonated chicken egg inoculation, lasted from the third to sixth day until the 27th-54th day post infection (p.i.). Significant differences between sheep and goats were not recorded. Lesbos sheep and goats together appeared to have significantly longer viraemias (n = 9, mean 41.3 days) than east-Friesian sheep and Saanen goats (n = 10, mean 30.4 days, p = 0.0039). Serological response was studied by competitive ELISA (c-ELISA) and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) tests. The c-ELISA was more sensitive in detecting BT virus antibodies in all animals than the AGID tests. No significant differences were observed between sheep and goats or between breeds. The epidemiological significance of subclinical infection and the extended BT virus viraemias in Lesbos sheep and goats, in relation to the maintenance of the virus and to overwintering is discussed.  相似文献   


The feel of horses, sheep, and goats of different breeds and from many different localities were examined for Chorioptes bovis. In horses, mites were mainly found in the Belgian and Frisian breeds (40% and 62% infected, respectively). In sheep and goats, respectively 63% and 86% were infected. In horses as well as in sheep and goats, mange‐lesions were rarely seen. A number of sheep and goats were examined for mites and lesions quantitatively. In sheep all mites were restricted to the region close to the accessory digits and the claws. In goats the average number of mites was higher than in sheep, and mites could be found on all locations of the feet at least as far as the carpal and tarsal joint. Both in sheep and goats the biggest density of mites was found just below the accessory digits. When crusts were present, they were generally small and hidden under the coat. In sheep, which were housed for a long period, crusts were seen more often and were more distinct than in pastured animals. A negative correlation between the number of mites and the presence and extensiveness of crusts was observed A possible explanation for this phenomenon is suggested. From the results of this study it is clear that there is no necessity to list chorioptic mange in sheep and goats as a notifiable disease.  相似文献   

This study was conducted between April 2000 and March 2001, in 12‐month period. During the study, local slaughterhouses were visited periodically for 1 year to examine the internal organs (livers, lungs, spleens and hearts) for the presence of cysts and total 1355 cattle, 218 sheep and 104 goats were examined for the cystic echinococcosis (CE). It was found that 13.5% of cattle, 26.6% of sheep and 22.1% of goats were infected with this disease. While cysts in cattle (P < 0.001) and goats (P > 0.05) were found mostly in lungs (88.5 and 82.6%, respectively), but they were mostly found in livers (P > 0.05) in sheep. In addition to this, three spleens and one heart in cattle were infected with CE. In this study, the prevalence of CE and the number of cysts in ruminants were found different when the cattle, sheep and goats examined were stratified based on age. The prevalence and the number of cysts increased with age approaching an asymptotic prevalence of one in the oldest animals (P < 0.05). The number of cysts in cattle, sheep and goats were increasing at a rate of 0.31, 0.63 and 0.42/year, respectively. The economic decrease in the value of the carcasses because of the discarded liver and lung as a result of CE was estimated as 1.1% ($7.5 per cattle) for cattle, 4.37% ($3.2 per sheep) for sheep and 4.26% ($2.9 per goat) for goats. The minimum total loss for all infected animals was determined to be $583 in infected animals, based on the market prices in the year 2002.  相似文献   

The clinical pathology of Schistosoma curassoni infection in sheep and goats was studied for 22 weeks following experimental infection with 7000 and 4000 cercariae, respectively. Excretion of eggs began at week 7 after infection: in goats the numbers increased to 30 to 50 eggs per gram faeces (epg) at weeks 8 to 18, followed by a reduction. In a pregnant goat, epg values increased markedly before and after parturition. The mean faecal egg counts in sheep were lower than in goats, increasing to a maximum level of 30 epg at weeks 16 and 17 after infection. Infected sheep maintained growth rates roughly comparable with controls, whereas infected goats failed to gain as much weight as the controls. Infected goats and sheep produced eosinophil counts of about 3 x 10(3) mm-3, five and eight weeks after infection, respectively. Sheep developed a progressive anaemia from week 11 after infection, in goats blood values remained within normal limits. Differences in serum protein concentration were observed between infected and uninfected goats about nine weeks after infection, but not in sheep. Increased total protein values, hyperglobulinaemia and lowered albumin to globulin ratios were features of infected goats. Serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, total lactate dehydrogenase and bilirubin were not significantly changed. The mean recovery in sheep was 608 worms, in goats 428 worms, but the total tissue egg counts were higher in the latter. Of the total eggs deposited in the goats 92 per cent were found in the liver with 51.5 per cent in the ovine liver. The histopathological changes were studied.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the infectivity of ovine and caprine strains of Dichelobacter nodosus for both sheep and goats. DESIGN: Pen experiments in which 20 sheep and 19 goats were challenged directly with the two strains, and transmission experiments on pasture, using donors infected by experimental challenge. RESULTS: Sheep and goat strains of D nodosus infected both animal species in experimental challenges. Animals so infected transmitted footrot to both sheep and goats on pasture plots. A significantly smaller proportion of goats than sheep was infected when challenged with either strain. The interval between exposure and development of footrot in goats was longer than in sheep when recipient animals were exposed to infected donors on pasture. The disease was less invasive in goats than in sheep. CONCLUSIONS: With the strains of D nodosus used there was no evidence of host specificity. Direct transmission of footrot can occur between sheep and goats in the same environment. There is a need to include goats in ovine footrot eradication programs and vice versa.  相似文献   

A slaughterhouse survey to determine prevalence and larval burden of Oestrus ovis larvae in sheep and goats was performed monthly during one year in Pézenas, South of France, northern mediterranean region. A total of 1303 sheep and goat heads were selected at random. O. ovis larvae were found in 274 sheep out of 631 (43.4%), and the prevalence rate varied from 14.3% in February to 65% in October. The mean number of larvae in infected sheep heads was 10.86 with 9.24 L1, 0.91 L2 and 0.71 L3. One hundred and ninety-one goats out of 672 were infected (28.4%), and the prevalence rate varied from 6.25% in September to 47.1% in April. In infected goat heads, the mean parasitic burden was 5.35 with 4.04 L1, 0.73 L2 and 0.58 L3. These results confirm worldwide observations indicating that the prevalence and the parasitic burdens are less in goats than in sheep.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究藏绵羊和山羊在相同营养及湿热应激条件下血清激素、抗氧化和免疫指标的变化规律,考察湿热应激对藏绵羊和山羊生长性能、抗氧化能力以及免疫功能影响的差异。选取年龄和体重[(45.83±3.54)kg]相近的藏绵羊与山羊(波尔山羊×本地黄羊)各6只,试验共进行135 d,其中预试期15 d,正试期120 d。每日测定温湿度指数(THI),每月测定藏绵羊和山羊的血清相关指标。结果表明:1)5—7月份,羊舍THI随月份的增加显著升高(P0.05),6—8月份羊舍THI均大于72,因此将6—8月份定为湿热应激期。2)7、8月份藏绵羊和山羊直肠温度和呼吸频率均显著高于5月份(P0.05),且湿热应激期内藏绵羊直肠温度和呼吸频率均显著高于山羊(P0.05)。3)正试期内,湿热应激使得藏绵羊和山羊的干物质采食量最大降幅分别为10.70%和10.44%,平均日增重(ADG)最大降幅分别为50.00%和47.82%。4)羊舍THI由71.17(5月份)升高到76.82(7月份),藏绵羊和山羊血清皮质醇和胰岛素浓度显著升高(P0.05),血清葡萄糖和三碘甲状腺原氨酸浓度显著降低(P0.05)。湿热应激下,藏绵羊血清中生长激素和甲状腺素浓度的最大降幅均大于山羊。5)除藏绵羊7月份和山羊8月份血清总抗氧化能力,藏绵羊和山羊7、8月份的血清超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性和总抗氧化能力均显著低于5月份(P0.05)外,血清丙二醛浓度均显著高于5月份(P0.05)。湿热应激下,山羊血清超氧化物歧化酶活性、总抗氧化能力和丙二醛浓度变化幅度均大于藏绵羊。6)与5月份相比,藏绵羊和山羊8月份的血清免疫球蛋白A、免疫球蛋白M、免疫球蛋白G和白细胞介素-2浓度显著降低(P0.05),而血清肿瘤坏死因子-α浓度则显著升高(P0.05)。湿热应激下,藏绵羊血清免疫球蛋白、白细胞介素-2和肿瘤坏死因子-α浓度的变化幅度均大于山羊。综上所述,湿热应激状态下藏绵羊和山羊的呼吸频率和直肠温度升高,抗氧化能力和免疫功能降低,从而导致生长性能降低。藏绵羊生长性能和免疫功能受湿热应激影响较大,而山羊抗氧化能力受湿热应激影响较大。  相似文献   

Dissemination of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infections in Norway is affected by the different control strategies used for maedi-visna virus (MVV) infections in sheep and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) infections in goats. Here we investigated SRLV phylogenetic group variants in sheep. CAEV-like isolates, belonging to phylogenetic group C, were found among both seropositive sheep and goats in mixed flocks, in which sheep and goats are kept together. Intra-herd clustering confirmed that mixed flock animals were infected by the same virus variant, suggesting ongoing interspecies transmission. Few sheep flocks were found to be infected with the MVV-like phylogenetic group A. The apparent absence of SRLV group A type in goats is probably due to the MVV control programme and animal management practices. SRLV group C targets lungs and mammary glands in sheep, and induces typical SRLV pathological lesions. SRLV group C isolated from the sheep mammary glands suggested a productive infection and potential for transmission to offspring. SRLV group C was most prevalent among goats. A lower PCR sensitivity in seropositive sheep suggested a lower load of SRLV group C provirus in sheep than in goats. Higher genetic divergence of group C than in other SRLV groups and extensive heterogeneity among group C isolates in the matrix C-terminal region demonstrate the need for identifying conserved target regions when developing PCR protocols for SRLV detection. As sheep and goats may serve as reservoirs for all SRLV genogroup types, successful control programmes require inclusion of both species.  相似文献   

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