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In darkness, most Erysiphe pisi conidia responded rapidly to contact with a hydrophobic artificial substratum and released extracellular material (ECM) in the same way as on pea cuticle. On this substratum and barley leaf epidermis, conidia then produced a germ tube that emerged close to the substratum, contacted it, and differentiated an appressorium. By contrast, on a hydrophilic substratum, ECM release and germination were delayed and infrequent, and germ tubes often emerged and faced away from the substratum toward vertical light, thereby failing to make contact and form appressoria. This finding supported the hypothesis that ECM release is involved in both triggering germination and sensing substratum contact. Exposure to white light dramatically affected the germ tube emergence site so most emerged from a site in the conidial wall facing the light. Lateral light did not affect the frequency of germ tubes making substratum contact; but when lit from above, most germ tubes emerged up, facing away from the substratum. The germ tubes formed in light were longer than those formed in darkness, but no phototropism was found for the elongating tubes. Examination of Blumeria graminis indicated that its conidia and germ tubes are insensitive to white light.  相似文献   

The conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh), following contact with a host surface, first form a short germ tube, called the primary germ tube (PGT), and then an elongating germ tube emerges. It differentiates into an appressorial germ tube (AGT), and then the AGT elongates and swells. It forms a hooked, appressorial lobe that penetrates the epidermal cell wall of the host. In a series of infections, the positive role of PGT in the morphogenesis of the fungus is unclear except for the possibility reported by Carver and Ingerson that the growth of a long germ tube, with the potential to differentiate into an appressorium, seems to be dependent on the perception of a suitable host surface through contact with the PGT. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to further clarify the role of PGT in the morphogenesis of the fungus. When the conidia of Bgh were inoculated onto the coleoptile surface whose cuticle was removed with cellulose acetate, the emergence of the AGT was delayed. This delay was related to the length of the PGT. That is, on the cuticleless coleoptile surface the PGT tended to continue elongating without stopping. If there were gaps on the coleoptile surface such as a cell border on the more hydrophilic substratum like cuticleless coleoptile surface, the PGT stopped elongating there and after that the AGT emerged. Moreover, the length of PGT in the beginning of AGT emergence was same as that of the PGT after appressorium formation. This means that PGT elongation had stopped when AGT began to emerge. Therefore, it is necessary to stop the PGT elongation for the triggering of AGT emergence.  相似文献   

Germling development by Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei was compared between conidia held in a simulated air-borne state on microthreads constructed from safety-line threads produced by orb--weaving spiders (Araneus diadematus), and conidia inoculated onto glass, agar, or living or dead barley coleoptile epidermes. Suspended conidia germinated but generally produced only multiple short germ tubes. Conidia on living or dead coleoptiles, bathed from beneath with 0.01 Ca(NO3)2 solution, generally produced one short germ tube and a second germ tube which elongated and formed a normal appressorium. On glass and agar, multiple short germ tubes were sometimes formed but long germ tubes were formed less frequently than on host epidermis. When conidia with short germ tubes were transferred from microthreads to coleoptiles, they produced a long germ tube which differentiated an appressorium. Conidia with a single short germ tube were also transferred from microthreads so that only the tip of the short germ tube was in contact with a leaf epidermal strip layed on agar, whilst the conidium rested on the agar. Long germ tubes were formed more frequently by such conidia than by controls which had no contact with the leaf epidermis. This suggested that a stimulus causing elongation of the second tube was perceived through the short germ tube in contact with the epidermal strip. Where long germ tubes made contact with the epidermal strip, normal appressoria were formed more frequently than where the long tube made contact with the agar surface alone. The results indicate that germlings develop through distinct stages in response to particular stimuli.  相似文献   

When the conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) are inoculated on barley coleoptile cells they produce short germ tubes called primary germ tubes (PGTs) about 2 h after inoculation. We evaluated the positive role of a PGT in inducing accessibility of the host cell under the germ tube. When an appressorium (APP) penetrated the same cell on which a PGT was present, the ratio of haustorium formation (penetration efficiency) was significantly higher than when an APP penetrated the cell adjacent to the one on which a PGT was present. When an APP penetrated the cell laterally adjacent to the one on which a PGT was present we killed the cell under the PGT by puncturing it with a microneedle and then investigated the penetration efficiency of the cell adjacent to the dead cell. As a control we killed the cell longitudinally adjacent to the one on which a PGT was present and investigated the penetration efficiency of the laterally adjacent cell. The results showed that the penetration efficiency of the former was significantly lower than that of the latter. This suggests that some accessibility factor might transfer from a cell on which a PGT is present to a laterally adjacent cell. The existence of a conidium body but not a PGT was not effective for induced accessibility of the host cell. Moreover, when a Bgh germling was removed 6 h after inoculation and another germling was transferred to the same cell, the penetration efficiency was significantly higher than that of control. As a control, a Bgh germling was transferred to a cell on which no germling was present. These results suggest that the existence of PGT is effective for induced accessibility of a host cell when penetrated by Bgh. However, it is unclear whether or not a PGT secretes some substance(s) which suppresses the resistance induction of a host cell.  相似文献   

为了解橡胶树2种炭疽病菌的侵染结构发育分化过程,采用平板菌落生长速率法测定了3株胶孢炭疽菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides和3株尖孢炭疽菌C.acutatum的菌丝生长速率,测量其分生孢子大小,显微观察2种炭疽菌在疏水表面诱导下侵染结构的发育分化过程。结果表明,胶孢炭疽菌菌丝生长速率为0.96~1.36 cm/d,显著高于尖孢炭疽菌的菌丝生长速率0.72~0.89 cm/d,但二者分生孢子大小无显著差异。在疏水表面诱导下,2种炭疽菌分生孢子在接种2~6 h后开始萌发,12 h孢子萌发率为71.70%~88.05%,13~16 h开始分化附着胞,24 h附着胞形成率为48.99%~70.74%,36 h菌丝诱发形成大量附着枝,48 h后分生孢子产生的次生菌丝也可诱发形成附着枝,附着枝呈圆形、姜瓣形、梨形或不规则形。分生孢子极易产生,可在菌丝顶端成簇或菌丝侧面排列产生,也可由分生孢子形成的芽管产生,或在芽管分化附着胞过程分枝形成分生孢子;附着胞多着生于芽管顶端,少数附着胞顶端可继续萌发类似短芽管结构,再次分化形成可黑色化的次级附着胞。表明橡胶树2种炭疽菌不同菌株间分生孢子萌发时间、孢子萌发率、附着胞形成时间和形成率有一定差异,但种间无明显差异;橡胶树炭疽菌分生孢子极易形成,在疏水表面容易分化形成附着胞和附着枝,说明具有极强的适生性。  相似文献   

The infection process of most rust fungi start with spore germination, directional growth of the germ tube towards a stoma, differentiation of an appressorium over the stoma, and penetration into the substomatal cavity. In the South American wild barley Hordeum chilense Roem. & Schult., wide variation occurs in the degree to which several rust fungal species are able to form appressoria over the stomata. Apparently, features of the plant may hamper early stages of the infection process. Such an early defence is called avoidance. In order to find out how germ tube growth is directed towards stomata, and whether the cuticular wax layer plays a role in this orientated growth and in appressorium differentiation, several orientation and differentiation parameters of Puccinia hordei germ tubes were measured on H. chilense leaves with and without the wax layer. Orientated growth of the germ tubes started upon contact with the epidermal cell junctions. The growth of lateral branches of the germ tube over the first epidermal cell junction that it meets, may help the germ tube to grow along the transverse axis of the leaf. No evidence was found of attraction of the germ tube to stomata. Removal of the cuticular wax layer did not result in loss of germ tube orientation. This suggests that the leaf wax layer has no role in the guidance of germ tubes. On high avoidance accessions, removal of the wax layer allowed appressoria to develop over stomata that would otherwise be overgrown. No effect of the cell widths in stomatal complexes was found on the chance that stomata were overgrown. This suggests that the overgrowth of stomata on H. chilense leaves by P. hordei germ tubes is mainly caused by the wax covering of the stomatal apparatus.  相似文献   

Appressorial differentiation by conidia of the barley powdery mildew fungus, Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei, is dependent on perception of multiple leaf-derived signals. Recently, we have demonstrated that cAMP signalling and PKA play an important, but complex, role during early B. graminis conidial development. Here, we demonstrate that a rise in cAMP levels correlates with conidial differentiation on the barley leaf surface. No change in cAMP levels is observed when conidia fail to differentiate on a non-inductive surface. Moreover, the cAMP levels appear to both increase and decrease during conidial development on barley leaves, suggesting that appressorial differentiation requires differential activation of the cAMP-signalling pathway. In addition, we have dissected the time periods over which cAMP, the cAMP analogue 8-Br-cAMP, and the PKA inhibitor H89, are able to affect conidial differentiation. This reveals that H89 is only active prior to 4 h post-inoculation, corresponding to the initiation of appressorial germ tube development, whereas only cAMP and 8-Br-cAMP inhibit the later process of appressorial hooking, at 4–8 h post-inoculation. Thus, we provide data that supports a model in which cAMP signalling is required to be active to trigger initiation of appressorial germ tube development and inactive to allow subsequent appressorial germ tube hooking.  相似文献   

Leaves of tomato and barley were inoculated with conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei race 1 (R1) or Oidium neolycopersici (KTP-01) to observe cytological responses in search of resistance to powdery mildew. Both conidia formed appressoria at similar rates on tomato or barley leaves, indicating that no resistance was expressed during the prepenetration stage of these fungi. On R1-inoculated tomato leaves, appressoria penetrated the papillae, but subsequent haustorium formation was inhibited by hypersensitive necrosis in the invaded epidermal cells. On the other hand, KTP-01 (pathogenic to tomato leaves) successfully developed functional haustoria in epidermal cells to elongate secondary hyphae, although the hyphal elongation from some conidia was later suppressed by delayed hypersensitive necrosis in some haustorium-harboring epidermal cells. Thus, the present study indicated that the resistance of tomato to powdery mildew fungi was associated with a hypersensitive response in invaded epidermal cells but not the prevention of fungal penetration through host papilla.  相似文献   

A technique to improve the sporulation of Microdochium nivale in culture and to produce mycelium-free conidial suspensions was evaluated using cellophane-covered potato dextrose agar (PDA). Time to sporulation was significantly shorter on the cellophane-covered PDA (P < 0.001), yields of conidia were higher (P < 0.01) and conidial suspensions were produced virtually free of the mycelial fragments present in suspensions from PDA only. The conidial inoculum produced on cellophane had lower pathogenicity to wheat cv. Equinox in a detached leaf assay, showing significantly longer incubation periods (P < 0.05) and latent periods (P < 0.01), than conidia produced on PDA alone. However, the apparent decline in pathogenicity of conidial suspensions produced on cellophane compared to PDA alone was small.  相似文献   

Rice leaves were inoculated with spores of Magnaporthe grisea, and the number of fluorescence-labeled spores that attached to the leaf surface were counted before and after leaves were dipped and then stirred in water. Just 5% of the spores were retained on the leaf surface 1h after inoculation; the percentage retained then increased rapidly between 1.25 and 1.50h, and most had attached by 2h. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that most conidia were lying on a few wart-like protuberances 2–4µm high. Spores became attached when the germ tubes were long enough to reach the leaf surface, at least 3µm, by mucilaginous substances at the tip. Retained spores swayed when water was added under the cover glass from one side, indicating that the attachment was confined to the tips of germ tubes. Spores are attached to the rough leaf surface by mucilaginous substances – not at the tip of spore as reported on smooth artificial substrates but at the tip of the germ tubes.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of Botrytis cinerea conidia were monitored for two seasons in a strawberry crop in Moguer (Huelva, southwestern Spain). Concentrations of conidia were estimated using a Burkard volumetric spore sampler. A diurnal pattern of conidial release was observed. Airborne conidial concentration was significantly and positively correlated with the average solar radiation and mean temperature, and negatively with rainfall and relative humidity. Among the weather variables considered, solar radiation showed the most consistent results in the regression analysis, explaining over 40% of airborne conidial concentration variability. Correlation between Botrytis fruit rot incidence and accumulated number of conidia over seven days was significant and positive. Two regression models containing three variables explained over 62 and 52% of the fruit rot incidence variability. A positive but non-significant correlation was established between B. cinerea incidence in flowers and airborne conidial concentration. It was not possible to fit a consistent regression model to relate flower infection incidence to conidial concentration or weather variables.  相似文献   

不同杀菌剂对黄瓜靶斑病菌的毒力作用特性比较   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为筛选防治黄瓜靶斑病的有效药剂,采用菌丝生长速率法、孢子萌发法和芽管伸长法测定了19种杀菌剂对黄瓜靶斑病菌的毒力,探究了4种毒力较高杀菌剂对病原菌菌丝形态的影响。结果表明:氟啶胺、吡唑萘菌胺、咯菌腈和四霉素对黄瓜靶斑病菌菌丝生长、孢子萌发和芽管伸长各生长发育阶段均有较强的抑制活性,其中,4种药剂抑制菌丝生长的平均EC50值分别为0.516 3、1.538、1.605和0.648 2 mg/L,抑制孢子萌发的平均EC50值分别为0.164 4、1.359、1.127和0.002 5 mg/L,抑制芽管伸长的平均EC50值分别为0.189 6、0.144 7、0.060 4和0.001 5 mg/L;啶酰菌胺、百菌清和肟菌酯3种不同作用机制杀菌剂对黄瓜靶斑病菌孢子萌发和芽管伸长的抑制活性较强,3种药剂抑制孢子萌发的平均EC50值分别为1.564、0.373 0和0.021 3 mg/L,抑制芽管伸长的平均EC50值分别为0.629 5、0.233 4和0.405 0 mg/L,但对菌丝生长的抑制作用较弱,平均EC50大于16 mg/L;氟啶胺、吡唑萘菌胺、咯菌腈和四霉素可引起黄瓜靶斑病菌菌丝不同程度的异常生长,主要表现为菌丝隔膜间距变小、菌丝节间肿大、主菌丝上二次分枝发生频繁、菌丝变形黏连、菌丝新分枝处生长受抑制或分生孢子生长变形。研究表明,氟啶胺、吡唑萘菌胺、咯菌腈和四霉素对黄瓜靶斑病菌具有较高的毒力,在黄瓜靶斑病的田间防治中具有较好的开发应用潜力。  相似文献   

Pyricularia oryzae (rice blast) conidial development at pre-penetration stage determines success or otherwise of infection inside the rice host plants. Studies on conidial germination and growth on the leaf surface in commercial rice (Oryza sativa) report differently, dependent upon host type and level of blast resistance. Although wild rice (O. australiensis) is known to be an alternative host of blast, the interaction between P. oryzae conidia and wild O. australiensis on its leaf surface has not been previously studied. We found significant (P?<?0.001) differences in conidial development between two blast isolates with different virulence in terms of conidial germination, germ tube growth and appressoria formation on both wild and cultivated rice. Conidial germination at 6 h post-inoculation (hpi) for the virulent isolate was significantly (P?<?0.001) delayed. Germ tubes of the avirulent isolate conidia grew significantly (P?<?0.001) faster and with significantly (P?<?0.001) longer germ tubes than from virulent conidia. Appressoria development for the virulent isolate was significantly (P?<?0.001) faster at its later growth stages of 12 and 18 hpi when approximately 100% of germ tubes formed appressoria. In contrast, formation rate of appressoria for the avirulent isolate was significantly (P?<?0.001) slower and only reached 76% of germ tubes forming appressoria. Appressoria formation on O. australiensis was significantly (P?<?0.001) greater than the formation on O. sativa for both virulent and avirulent P. oryzae at 12 hpi, a clear indication that host type influences the extent of appressoria formation.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, relative humidity (RH), leaf wetness and leaf age on conidium germination were investigated for Spilocaea oleagina, the causal organism of olive leaf spot. Detached leaves of five ages (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after emergence), six different temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C), eight wetness periods (0, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 h), and three RH levels (60, 80 and 100%) were tested. Results showed that percentage germination decreased linearly in proportion to leaf age (P < 0.001), being 58% at 2 weeks and 35% at 10 weeks. A polynomial equation with linear term of leaf age was developed to describe the effect of leaf age on conidium germination. Temperature significantly (P < 0.001) affected frequencies of conidium germination on wet leaves held at 100% RH, with the effective range being 5 to 25°C. The percent germination was 16.1, 23.9, 38.8, 47.8 and 35.5% germination at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C, respectively, after 24 h. Polynomial models adequately described the frequencies of conidium germination at these conditions over the wetness periods. The rate of germ tube elongation followed a similar trend, except that the optimum was 15°C, with final mean lengths of 175, 228, 248, 215 and 135 μm at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C, respectively after 168 h. Polynomial models satisfactorily described the relationships between temperature and germ tube elongation. Formation of appressoria, when found, occurred 6 h after the first signs of germination. The percentage of germlings with appressoria increased with increasing temperature to a maximum of 43% at 15°C, with no appressoria formed at 25°C after 48 h of incubation. Increasing wetness duration caused increasing numbers of conidia to germinate at all temperatures tested (5–25°C). The minimum leaf wetness periods required for germination at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C were 24, 12, 9, 9 and 12 h, respectively. At 20°C, a shorter wetness period (6 h) was sufficient if germinating conidia were then placed in 100% RH, but not at 80 or 60%. However, no conidia germinated without free water even after 48 h of incubation at 20°C and 100% RH. The models developed in this study should be validated under field conditions. They could be developed into a forecasting component of an integrated system for the control of olive leaf spot.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum coccodes is currently being investigated as a mycoherbicide against the weed velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). Two isolates ofPseudomonas spp. (Ps2 and Ps5) reduced the percentage of germ tubes and increased appressorial formation ofC. coccodes on detached leaves of velvetleaf. A study was conducted to see whether this effect could be attributed to competition for nutrients or iron betweenC. coccodes andPseudomonas spp. Ps2 and Ps5 had no effect on early spore germination, but reduced the percentage of germ tubes at 24 and 30 h, compared to the nontreated control. This reduction was diminished by the addition of nutrients but not Fe3+. Ps2 and Ps5 stimulated the formation of dark-coloured appressoria without germ tubes (AWGT), but this stimulation was diminished by the addition of nutrients or Fe3+. Germ tube branching at 30 h was also inhibited by the bacteria, but was not diminished by the addition of nutrients or iron. EDTA stimulated conidial germination at 10 h, which was reduced by the addition of Fe3+. However, EDTA did not stimulate the formation of appressoria (AWGT). These results suggest that the reduction in the percentage of germ tubes and the increase in the percentage of appressoria induced by the bacteria may be due to the competition for carbon or nitrogen. Iron competition may also be involved in the stimulation of appressorial formation, but not in the reduction in germ tube percentage and branching. Phylloplane bacteria may compete for carbon, nitrogen and iron, limiting the saprophytic phase of the pathogen on the phylloplane and accelerating the development of the parasitic phase. This may enhance the field efficacy ofC. coccodes as a biocontrol agent against velvetleaf.  相似文献   

In Ehime Prefecture, Japan, lettuce leaf spot (Septoria lactucae) caused huge losses in marketable lettuce yields. To explore potential measures to control disease outbreaks, the effects of inoculum density, leaf wetness duration and nitrate concentration on the development of leaf spot on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) were evaluated. Conidia were collected from diseased plants in an infested field by single-spore isolation and were used to inoculate potted lettuce plants with different conidial concentrations. Lesions developed on inoculated lettuce plants at inoculum concentrations from 100 to 106 conidia/ml. The disease was more severe when the inoculum exceeded 102 conidia/ml, and severity increased with increasing concentrations. Assessment of the relationship between disease development and the duration of postinoculation leaf wetness revealed that symptoms appeared when the inoculated plants remained wet for 12 h or longer. The number of lesions and total nitrogen content in the lettuce leaves both increased when nitrate was applied.  相似文献   

Cochliobolus miyabeanus forms a specialized infection structure, an appressorium, to infect rice. Contacting a hard surface induces appressorium formation in C. miyabeanus, while the hydrophobicity of the substratum does not affect this morphogenic infection event. To determine whether the calcium/calmodulin-dependent signaling system is involved in prepenetration morphogenesis in C. miyabeanus, the effects of a calcium chelator (ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid; EGTA), phospholipase C inhibitor (neomycin), intracellular calcium channel blocker (TMB-8), calmodulin antagonists (chlorpromazine, phenoxybenzamine, and W-7), and calcineurin inhibitor (cyclosporin A) on morphogenesis and infection were examined. Addition of Ca2+ and the calcium ionophore A23187 did not affect conidial germination, while the number of appressoria decreased with higher concentrations. EGTA inhibited conidial germination and appressorium formation. The calcium channel blocker did not affect appressorium formation at any concentration; however, calmodulin antagonists and the calcineurin inhibitor specifically reduced appressorium formation at the micromolar level. One of the calmodulin antagonists, W-7, also inhibited accumulation of mRNA of the calmodulin gene within germinating conidia and/or appressorium-forming germ tubes. Thus, biochemical processes controlled by the calcium/calmodulin signaling system seem to be involved in the induction of prepenetration morphogenesis on rice.  相似文献   

The formation of lesions on ray florets of gerbera flowers caused by single conidia ofBotrytis cinerea was studied in two cultivars infected by two isolates of the pathogen. No differences in reaction after inoculation with conidia of either isolate were seen on either cultivar. The conidia produced usually one germ tube not longer than 10 m, but conidia with five germ tubes were also seen. Direct penetration of germ tubes through the upper cuticle of ray florets was observed. No appressoria or other specialised structures were observed before penetration, and degradation of the cuticle did not occur. Germination of conidia and subsequent flower infection was dependent on the availability of free water, but not on the addition of external nutrients.Between 18 to 25°C, fungal development usually stopped after cuticle penetration, two to four cells around the site of penetration becoming necrotic. This number did not increase when inoculated flowers were subsequently placed at 4°C, conditions conductive for the formation of spreading lesions. When flowers were incubated constantly at 4°C, lesions became visible 3 days after inoculation as a group of 10 to 14 cells. Initially from a vesicle-like structure, mycelium spread subcuticularly or in the lumen of epidermal cells resulting in the death of 40 to 50 cells at 18 days after inoculation. Ungerminated conidia and conidial germlings which has not yet penetrated the cuticle did not cause any visible symptoms in underlying epidermal cells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Powdery mildew disease on poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) growing in commercial greenhouses was first observed in the United States in 1990 and has become an economically significant problem for poinsettia growers in the Midwest and northern United States since 1992. The temporal development of infection structures produced by conidial germ tubes of the pathogen (Oidium sp.) and the effect of high temperature on their development were investigated using poinsettia leaf disks placed in humidity chambers. Observations were made using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. At 20 degrees C (85% relative humidity), conidia germinated and formed an appressorium within 6 h of inoculation. Germination over time followed a monomolecular curve (r(2) = 0.77, P 相似文献   

The dynamics of the production of Stemphylium vesicarium conidia and Pleospora allii ascospores from different inoculum sources on the ground were compared in a model system of a wildflower meadow mainly composed of yellow foxtail, creeping cinquefoil and white clover. The meadow was either inoculated (each October) or not inoculated with a virulent strain of S. vesicarium, and either covered or not covered with a litter of inoculated pear leaves. Spore traps positioned a few centimetres above the ground were exposed for 170 7-day periods between October 2003 and December 2006. Ascospores and conidia were trapped in 46 and 25% of samples, respectively. Ascospore numbers trapped from the pear leaf litter were about five times higher than those from the meadow, while conidial numbers were similar from the different inoculum sources. The ascosporic season was very long, with two main trapping periods: December–April, and August–October; the former was most important for the leaf litter, the latter for the meadow. The conidial season lasted from April to November, with 92% of conidia caught between July and September. The fungus persistently colonized the meadow: the meadow inoculated in early October 2003 produced spores until autumn 2006. The present work demonstrates that orchard ground is an important source of inoculum for brown spot of pear. Thus, it is important to reduce inoculum by managing the orchard ground all year long.  相似文献   

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