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开发新的抗螨药物势在必行,而香精油及其组分具有显著的抑螨效果。百里酚(香精油的一种主要组分)及其一些组分,在实验室试验中其杀螨率一般都超过90%,而且对蜜蜂危害小,长期使用后在蜂蜜中的残留量很低,但要应用于养蜂生产,还有许多工作要做。对香精油在蜂群抗螨中的应用情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

饲料中的螨害及其防治   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沈兆鹏 《饲料工业》1995,16(8):38-39
饲料中的螨害及其防治中国储粮害虫防治中心,国内贸易部成都粮科所沈兆鹏饲料不仅会发霉、生虫,而且还会遭受到螨类的危害。有时,饲料中螨类危害所造成的经济损失,比生虫还要大。处于温度适宜、湿度较大的地区,螨类对饲料的危害尤为突出,是饲料工业和家畜养殖的弊病...  相似文献   

张翠平 《中国蜂业》2009,60(2):51-52
大蜂螨是危害西方蜜蜂最严重的寄生螨。大蜂螨的防治方法很多,目前使用最广、效果最好的仍然是化学杀螨剂。然而,采用化学杀螨剂治螨,会造成蜂产品的药物残留,而且大蜂螨很容易产生抗性,其弊端是显而易见的。近年来,大蜂螨的生物防治及抗螨蜂种的培育已越来越受到国内外研究人员及养蜂者的关注,发展势头良好。  相似文献   

单王多箱体治螨与常规蜂群治螨差别不大,但单王多箱体蜂群的群势大蜂数多,防治上更加严格,难度和工作量也更大。单王多箱体蜂螨的防治是和蜂群的发展同步进行的,在早春和晚秋无蜂子期多采用水剂、粉剂治螨;在有子期多采取螨扑、烟熏剂进行控螨。秋繁期前为防治大、小螨为害采取甲酸刷脾进行防治。如果蜂群螨害严重,可采取人为断子的方法。在防治蜂螨的过程要注意掌握好剂量和防治的细节,才能有效地防治蜂螨。  相似文献   

通过对螨病的病原体、螨病的流行情况及螨病的发病机理调查研究 ,阐述了螨病及其可操作的有效防治措施。  相似文献   

唐辉  邓欢 《北方蚕业》2012,33(3):39-40
介绍了蒙自地区桑园朱砂叶螨的形态特征、生活习性及其危害情况,提出综合防治措施,指出化学防治的效果好、见效快。  相似文献   

犬皮肤病类型多样,病因复杂,症状虽有相似之处,但又各差异,在临床上只有弄清病因,正确诊断,才能收到良好的治疗效果,本文将犬常发生的寄生虫性皮肤病及其防治方法介绍如下:1犬常见寄生虫性皮肤病及其特征犬寄生虫性皮肤病是由某些寄生虫的侵入、移行和寄生造成的,能引起犬皮肤病的寄生虫常见的有犬疥螨、犬痒螨、犬蠕形螨、犬恶丝虫、虱、蚤、蜱等。1.1犬蠕形螨性皮肤病是由蠕形螨寄生于犬毛囊或皮脂腺而引起的一种顽固性寄生性皮肤病,多发生于3~1个月的幼犬,成年犬常见于发情期及产后的雌犬,应激常可诱发本病,部分犬发…  相似文献   

国内外蜂螨防治动态简述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冯峰 《蜜蜂杂志》2000,(7):18-18
蜜蜂病虫害防治是控制蜜蜂疾病传播,保护蜂群健康,提高蜂产品产量和质量,促进养蜂业发展的重要技术措施。下面就蜜蜂寄生螨防治的国内外动态作一简要介绍。1在抗病育种与选种方面的研究英国学者亚当应用欧洲黑蜂与驯化的意大利蜂杂交培育成功抗壁虱病的高产蜜蜂新品种“布克法斯特(Buckfast)”对控制壁虱病的传播蔓延起到了重要作用。近些年来,国内外许多学者一方面通过杂交方法开展抗病育种研究 ;另一方面开展抗病选种研究,由生产品种选择抗螨抗病的品种。波兰华沙大学威尔克(Woyke)教授先后在阿富汗、印度和中国作…  相似文献   

畜禽有机氟中毒的发生与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机氟化合物是现今应用最为广泛的农药之一。具有一个羧基的有机化合物及其衍生物具有杀虫毒鼠的性能。二次大战期间合成了氟乙酸钠用作战争毒气。战后开始用于灭鼠,至50年代各国相继大批生产,在严格管理下,用于防治蚜、螨、疥,草原鼠和灭除杂草等。有机氟化合物品种很多,并且新的制剂不断出现。目前最常用的有:氟乙酞胺(敌蚜螨、PAA),主要用作杀虫(蚜及螨)、灭鼠,有内吸和触杀作用,并有熏蒸作用。氟乙酸钠(SFA)主要用作杀鼠剂,也用作内吸性杀虫剂。甘氟(又称鼠甘伏),是氟醇类有机化合物,主要用作草原灭鼠,常同磷…  相似文献   

不同治螨药物防治蜂螨效果的对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用螨扑立克、新世纪螨净和螨净等药物进行防治螨病效果试验。结果表明,螨扑立克、新世纪螨扑疗效较好,治螨率达90%以上,三种药物对蜂王产卵、幼虫孵化及封盖子脾表现正常,无不良药物反应。  相似文献   

Viruses of the honey bee have been known for a long time; however, recently the attention of scientists and apiculturalists has turned towards the relationship between these viruses and the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni. Although clinical symptoms indicated the presence of some of the viruses of bees in Hungary, none have previously been isolated or identified. During July unusual adult bee and brood mortality was observed in some colonies of an apiary in Budapest known to be infested with Varroa jacobsoni. Large amounts of acute paralysis virus (APV) were detected serologically in healthy honey bee pupae killed by the injection of a bacteria-free extract of diseased adult bees. Crystalline arrays of 30 nm particles were seen in ultrathin sections of the tissues of injected pupae and naturally infected adult bees. In spite of the application of acaricide treatments the bee population in several colonies had collapsed by the end of summer and the apiary suffered severe wintering losses.  相似文献   

采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取北京柠檬叶片、枝干和果皮的精油,并进行GC-MS分析,共鉴定出38种成分,其中叶片23种,枝干21种,果皮29种。3份精油主要挥发油成分均为D-柠檬烯,相对含量分别为52.85%、53.03%和51.23%;共有成分14种,特异性成分分别有4种、3种和14种。通过对3种食源性细菌的抑菌活性的测定,3份柠檬精油均有一定程度的抑菌作用,其中,叶片精油对大肠埃希氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌效果最佳,且抑菌圈直径最大;果皮精油对伤寒沙门氏菌的抑菌效果最佳,抑菌圈最大。研究结果表明,柠檬不同部位精油活性成分含量差异较大,在对其开发利用时,可考虑各自优势,合理利用柠檬的叶片、枝干和果皮,为柠檬资源合理化和精细化的开发利用提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

The European honey bee (Apis mellifera) has the unusual status of being an inherently wild species from which a natural foodstuff (honey) is derived by manipulating its behaviour to deposit this in man-made wooden frames. Bees also produce propolis and Royal Jelly which can be harvested but their most important effect is one not immediately obvious as an economic product: that of pollination. Bee diseases are predominantly infectious and parasitic conditions accentuated by the close confinement in which they congregate, either in man-made hives or in colonies in a natural cavity. Treatment or at least control of some of these conditions can be attempted. In some cases natural bee behavioural traits limit the effect of the disease while in others, such as the notifiable disease American foulbrood, destruction of the colony is the only method of control. The mite Varroa jacobsoni can be controlled by the synthetic pyrethroids flumethrin and tau-fluvalinate. The introduction of these products has heightened veterinary interest in this important invertebrate species.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to characterize the in vitro antimicrobial activities of 3 essential oils [oregano, rosemary, and a commercial blend of essential oils (BEO)] against pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria and to evaluate their effects on broiler chicken performances. The chemical composition of the essential oils was determined using the gas chromatography interfaced with a mass spectroscopy. The disc diffusion method, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were applied for the determination of antimicrobial activities of essential oils. In vivo study, a total of seven hundred fifty 1-d-old male broiler chickens were assigned to 6 dietary treatment groups: basal diet (control; CON), CON + 44 mg of avilamycin/kg (A), CON + 100 mg of rosemary essential oil/kg (ROS), CON + 100 mg of oregano essential oil/kg (OR), CON + 50 mg of rosemary and 50 mg of oregano essential oils/kg (RO), and CON + 1,000 mg of BEO/kg (essential oil mixture, EOM). The essential oils isolated from rosemary and oregano were characterized by their greater content of 1,8-cineole (49.99%) and carvacrol (69.55%), respectively. The BEO was mainly represented by the aldehyde (cinnamaldehyde) and the monoterpene (1,8-cineole) chemical groups. The results of the disc diffusion method indicated that the rosemary essential oil had antibacterial activity (P ≤ 0.05) against only 3 pathogenic bacteria, Escherichia coli (8 mm), Salmonella indiana (11 mm), and Listeria innocua (9 mm). The essential oil of oregano had antimicrobial activities (P ≤ 0.05) on the same bacteria as rosemary but also on Staphylococcus aureus (22 mm) and Bacillus subtilis (12 mm). Oregano essential oil had greater (P ≤ 0.05) antimicrobial activities against pathogenic bacteria than rosemary essential oil but they had no synergism between them. The BEO showed an increased antimicrobial activity (P ≤ 0.05) against all studied bacteria (pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria) except for Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The supplementation of the basal diet with avilamycin or essential oils improved (P ≤ 0.05) broiler chicken BW, BW gain, and G:F compared with the CON diet. There were no differences in growth performances among birds fed A, ROS, OR, RO, or EOM diets. In general, essential oils contained in rosemary, oregano, and BEO can substitute for growth promoter antibiotics. Although the 3 essential oils had different antimicrobial activities, they exhibited the same efficiency in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

分别利用28种植物精油对蓝莓雌果蝇做嗅觉实验,研究不同精油对蓝莓雌果蝇的趋避效果。结果表明:葡萄柚精油、尤加利精油、没药精油、杜松精油、欧薄荷精油、柠檬精油、天竺葵精油、茶树精油、丝柏精油和葡萄籽油对蓝莓雌果蝇有强烈驱避效果,驱避效果均达到80%以上,其中葡萄柚精油驱避效果最好,达到93%;而百里香精油、茴香精油和罗勒精油对蓝莓雌果蝇表现为较强的引诱性,引诱效果达到70%以上,其中罗勒精油引诱性最强,引诱效果为76.7%。  相似文献   

The toxicity of six plant essential oils to the chewing louse, Bovicola (Werneckiella) ocellatus collected from donkeys, was examined in laboratory bioassays. The oils examined were: tea-tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), peppermint (Mentha piperita), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labillardiere), clove bud (Eugenia caryophyllata) and camphor (Cinnamomum camphora). All except camphor oil showed high levels of toxicity, with significant dose-dependent mortality and an LC(50) at concentrations of below 2% (v/v). Hundred percent mortality was achieved at concentrations of 5-10% (v/v). Two essential oil components: eugenol and (+)-terpinen-4-ol showed similar levels of toxicity. The data suggest that these botanical products may offer environmentally and toxicologically safe, alternative veterinary pediculicides for the control of ectoparasitic lice.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic resistance is a worldwide concern in small ruminant industry and new plant-derived compounds are being studied for their potential use against gastrointestinal nematodes. Mentha piperita, Cymbopogon martinii and Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oils were evaluated against developmental stages of trichostrongylids from sheep naturally infected (95% Haemonchus contortus and 5% Trichostrogylus spp.) through the egg hatch assay (EHA), larval development assay (LDA), larval feeding inhibition assay (LFIA), and the larval exsheathment assay (LEA). The major constituent of the essential oils, quantified by gas chromatography for M. piperita oil was menthol (42.5%), while for C. martinii and C. schoenanthus the main component was geraniol (81.4% and 62.5%, respectively). In all in vitro tests C. schoenanthus essential oil had the best activity against ovine trichostrongylids followed by C. martini, while M. piperita presented the least activity. Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oil had LC(50) value of 0.045 mg/ml in EHA, 0.063 mg/ml in LDA, 0.009 mg/ml in LFIA, and 24.66 mg/ml in LEA. The anthelmintic activity of essential oils followed the same pattern in all in vitro tests, suggesting C. schoenanthus essential oil could be an interesting candidate for nematode control, although in vivo studies are necessary to validate the anthelmintic properties of this oil.  相似文献   

植物精油作为抗生素添加剂的替代产品具有很多优势,但是植物精油的化学成分非常复杂,作者就植物精油的主要成分及生物学功能的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

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