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基于食用菌的固体有机废弃物利用现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从现阶段中国固体有机废弃物利用现状出发,结合食用菌自身生长特性以及目前国内食用菌产业的发展现状,讨论了食用菌在固体有机废弃物利用中的可行性、便利性和高效性。从食用菌对动植物生产中废弃物的利用、生物转化率的高低、菌体蛋白生产的高效性以及生产食用菌后菌渣的循环利用等方面,证实了食用菌生产能够实现生物链中生物质的多层级高效循环利用。  相似文献   

草木灰是古代居民生活的重要副产品,它经历了由废弃物到宝贵医药原材料的过程。尤其是到了明清时期,草木灰的医学应用涉及到了当时人们治病疗伤的多个方面,甚至一些用法沿用至今。然而当今学术界对草木灰在古代医学领域中再利用的系统性研究尚且是个空白。随着中国的传统医药学越来越受到学术界及世人的关注,对古代草木灰药用价值的研究就显得更加必要。文章采用文献研究法参阅了大量资料,并结合了社会调查的方法,系统的揭示了草木灰在古代医疗及生活中再利用的各种方法,如解毒、止血、治疗痢疾、治疗难产及制作保健品等等。草木灰等废弃物再利用体现了古代社会基于循环经济的一种和谐自然观和朴素的生态经济观念。  相似文献   

茶废弃物综合利用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国是茶生产与消费大国,每年产生大量茶废弃物,既污染环境又造成生物资源的巨大浪费。笔者从利用途径的角度出发,简述了茶废弃物作为原料在提取活性成分以及制备茶渣吸附剂、活性炭、生物有机肥、动物饲料、食用菌培养料等方面的研究进展,并对茶废弃物综合利用的发展趋势进行了展望。笔者认为同时采用多种技术对茶废弃物进行综合利用可提升茶废弃物的利用效率、降低生产成本,最后提出了一种简单实用的综合利用方案,可为实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

秸秆还田在植烟土壤性状改良上应用的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为提高烤烟品质,利用作物秸秆还田改良土壤理化性质从而改善烟叶品质是当前烟区的研究热点。农作物秸秆是一种重要的农业资源,秸秆还田也是有效利用秸秆资源和提高农业经济效益的重要途径,秸秆还田能明显改善土壤的理化性状,提高土壤肥力和蓄水保墒能力、增加土壤养分和有机质含量以及微生物的数量,还可以减少焚烧秸秆带来的环境污染,是保证粮食作物高产稳产的有效措施之一,又是保护农村生态环境的一项重要技术。笔者就秸秆对植烟土壤性状改良的原理、研究现状及关键技术作一阐述和分析,为更好地合理利用秸秆资源,发挥秸秆资源在农业可持续发展中的潜力提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

At present 18 wastewater treatment plants operateing in the Small towns of Three Gorge Areas of Chongqing Municipality, producing 132.95 tons surplus sludge everyday. As regards to the disposition of such numerous surplus sludge, the major disposition technique in these wastewater water treatment plants, i. e. , thickening and mechanical dewatering technique followed by feeding into the municipal solid waste landfill, seems to have a rather bad effect on the normal operation of the municipal solid waste landfill, due to the unstabilized sludge resulted from this technique of the sludge disposition and high moisture in the sludge, which is higher than 80%. This paper has paid some attention to this phenomenon. With respect to the small towns having the the municipal solid waste landfill, the techniques of mechanical dewatering, calcareousness stabilized etc. before feeding into the municipal solid waste landfill, seem to be feasible, while the composting and comprehensive utilization of sludge is available in the small towns which have no municipal solid waste landfills.  相似文献   

秸秆利用途径的分析比较   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
作为农业大国,中国的秸秆年产量在7 亿t 左右。以廉价的农业废弃物秸秆作为原料转变成能源是一项非常有价值的研究。文章从秸秆制备乙醇、甲烷-甲醇及气化、液化制备柴油几个方向进行讨论。用秸秆等废弃物制造能源引起了广泛的关注,不仅降低了成本,而且减轻了处理秸秆所造成的环境问题。通过对这些方向的原理、操作条件、设备、经济性等进行比较,进而得出秸秆转变能源途径中最有利的发展方向。结果表明,利用秸秆生产燃料乙醇,每t 秸秆产生的热量最多(18900 MJ),且产生的价值可观,纤维素乙醇的发展潜力最大。秸秆制乙醇的利用率以及经济效益较高,是一种较好的利用秸秆能源化的途径。  相似文献   

推动农业废弃物资源化利用,对当前推进中国农业生态化转型、实现人居环境的不断改善具有重要意,而科学评估现有农业废弃物资源化利用模式、了解其再利用的物质循环导向十分必要。在运用归纳演绎法梳理承德市当前废弃物资源化利用面临的形势和存在的主要问题的基础上,进行实证分析,为其今后发展提出相应对策建议。研究认为,承德市农业废弃物资源化利用方面仍存在一定问题,总体呈现在废弃物资源化利用率低、社会各级重视度低和生态化转型技术尚不成熟。在上述问题研究基础上提出对策建议,即统筹规划,加快相关政策法规落实;加强科研攻关,做到产学研相协调;激励补偿,调动社会各界对资源化利用的参与度和积极性;加快生态型农业转变,完善种养结合,打造废弃物供需平衡;构建资源化利用市场,推动相关产业融合发展。  相似文献   

蔬菜废弃物沤制液体有机肥的理化性状和腐熟特性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了探索和推广蔬菜废弃物资源化利用的新途径,试验选用白菜废弃物、西红柿秧废弃物为原料,根据不同原料和预处理方式共设12个处理,经过96天的沤制,形成液体有机肥,测量各项指标及GI值。试验结果表明,相同的沤制时间条件下,叶菜类废料中磷、钾等营养元素相对于果菜秧更易转移到肥液中;切碎预处理对叶菜类废料的影响大于果菜秧;接种沼液和纤维素菌对沤肥各项指标影响不显著;曝气明显改变了沤肥的发酵状态,特别是加快了好氧微生物对有机物的降解,增加了氮素的挥发损失,并可能使氮、磷等养分经微生物吸附而更快地向固相转移。  相似文献   

血浆蛋白功能特性及其在肉制品中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜禽血液是屠宰工业的重要副产物,我国畜禽血液资源丰富但浪费严重。血浆蛋白作为畜禽血液加工的主要产品之一,具有营养丰富、廉价易得、性能优良等特点。利用其特殊的加工特性、生物活性,开发出种类多样、质优价廉的肉制品,是畜禽血液资源利用的一条新途径。从血浆蛋白在肉品中的应用出发,综述了血浆蛋白的凝胶性、乳化性、起泡性等加工特性,总结了血浆蛋白及其改性后的生物活性,并探讨了血浆蛋白在推广应用中存在的实际问题,以期为血液资源的综合利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The housing industry, as a new economy growth point and hot point of consumption in our national economy, has huge potentials for its development. Because of the underdevelopment of the commodity housing market in our country, there are some unhealthy tendencies, such as low level of development, poor quality of housing, waste of resources, large deviation between housing function and its price, and so on. So there is urgent need to take measures for avoiding these unhealthy phenomena. It is one of the strongest measures to evaluate the economy of the commodity housing. In this paper the meaning, principle and method of the evaluation on economy of the commodity housing were discussed. It will play a positive role to promote spreading this work.  相似文献   

Based on presented tests of improvement of solid waste ground by stone column, the failure mode of lateral expansion of column body can be found. It is assumed that solid waste surrounding column is in Rankin's positive limit situation caused by lateral expansion of column body, self weight solid waste and column is neglected, the calculation theory of limit bearing capacity of stone column can be extended on equilibrium of solid waste and column. The limit bear capacity of stone column can be calculated on parameters by complete tests and reference data. The heavy dynamic penetration tests were finished in stone column and the characteristic value of bearing capacity can be recommended on blow count. It is shown that bearing capacities of calculation and field test are close.  相似文献   

In this paper, the landfill gas generation process was investigated by a landfill lysimeter of municipal solid waste (MSW) co-disposed with wastewater sludge. The experimental results show that the wastewater sludge played a role of inoculation in MSW degradation process and accelerated organic waste decomposition. Compared with the MSW landfill alone, the landfill gas generation rate of MSW co-disposed with sludge was higher by about 30%. The average CH 4 content in landfill gas reached 64%, which was much higher than in case of MSW landfill alone and useful for landfill gas utilization. It is also proved that co-disposal of sludge with MSW is a good choice for beneficial use of sludge.  相似文献   

蔬菜废弃物含有丰富的养分和营养物质,具有很高的资源化利用价值,但由于没有得到良好的利用,造成了资源浪费及环境污染。本研究综述了5种蔬菜废弃物资源化利用方式:蔬菜废弃物肥料化、基质化、饲料化、能源化、环保材料化,以期能够为蔬菜废弃物的资源化高效利用提供参考。  相似文献   

On the basis of the geographic, climatic characteristics and air pollution conditions of Chongqing city, referring to the application and development of Municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment techniques developed recently in advanced countries and other domestic cities, Varieties of MSW treatment techniques, incineration, landfill, composting, and comprehensive utilization, are analyzed in comparison. Their applying prospects and limitations in Chongqing are marked out.  相似文献   

氮肥高效利用水稻育种的现状与展望   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
我国水稻对氮肥的利用率平均仅在28%-37%之间(低于世界一般水平15-20个百分点)。江苏一季的施氮量超过国际公认的的安全标准(年施氮量225kg/hm2)达27.6%。按此标准,则每年至少造成180万吨的氮肥(纯N)的浪费。将带来严重的环境污染。缓释、控释性等有机肥料的施用,可提高氮素的利用率,但成本太高。我国科学家已在水稻第12条染色体上检出1个QTL与氮素利用率关联,且表现出显著的加性和显性效应。因此,培育适合于不同栽培条件的氮高效新品种,是切实可行的。这对于降低氮素肥料的使用量,保护环境,意义十分重大。  相似文献   

葡萄皮和葡萄子的综合利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
葡萄皮和葡萄子是酿酒后的下脚料,主要含有色素、单宁、酚类及油脂和芳香类物质,如果不及时处理影响环境卫生。综合加工这些废料(葡萄皮、葡萄子),可以变废为宝,增加收入消除环境污染,提高人民生活水平。  相似文献   

苦杏仁蛋白开发利用的前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在综述了国内外对山杏的氨基酸组成、蛋白结构及功能特性的研究的基础上,分析了影响苦杏仁蛋白加工利用的不利因素,总结了中国目前苦杏仁蛋白的加工利用研究现状,结合国内外植物蛋白加工的新趋势,提出了今后苦杏仁蛋白加工利用的研究应向开发苦杏仁蛋白与其他植物蛋白混合产品、苦杏仁蛋白与动物蛋白混合产品、苦杏仁蛋白酶解产品及苦杏仁蛋白调味品等几个方向发展。  相似文献   

Although the commercial real estate in our country has made a great progress in these years,the vacancy rate is very high.It is not only a loss to the developer,but also a waste to the social resources.As keen competition between the commercial real estate developers is on coming,the market orientation will be decisive.The Analytic Hierarchy Process(or AHP) is a qualitative and quantitative analysis method,the application of which to the business orientation can make our item more easily to succeed.In this paper,the AHP is applied to the market orientation of an item in Shenzhen.It is hoped that this will contribute to raising the decision accuracy,by formatting pair wise comparative matrixes according to the rate of contribution the variant factors applied to the target.  相似文献   

The large quantity of MSW (municipal solid waste) and ISW (industrial sold waste) piled up in Chongqing has been threatening ecological environment and water resource. Efficient management is the important guarantee of disposing solid waste. This paper describes the data system of Management Information System of the Solid Waste in Chongqing based on the GIS, construction of information database, overall structure, main functions, etc. Integrating related solid waste technology with computer and geographical system, it can provide the reliable, scientific and convenient management and decision-making support of solid waste in Chongqing. The information system, developed by means of Geographical Information System (GIS) on the basis of a great deal of data and graphs of solid waste of Chongqing, includes six sub-systems as follows:data input sub-system;data query sub-system;database management and maintenance sub-system;database of modal management sub-system;application and output sub-system;system management. This system provides friendly and easy operational interface, and plays a significant role in the disposal and management of solid waste in Chongqing.  相似文献   

浅谈烤烟基本烟田废弃物的综合利用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
基本烟田废弃物的利用不仅关系到烟农的经济利益,也关系到烟草行业持续发展和环境污染问题的解决。笔者立足于国家烟草局优化等级结构的政策,介绍了前人综合利用烟草方面废弃物的研究,为烟草田间产生的废弃物合理利用提供理论依据和方法借鉴,以期达到变废为宝和清洁烟草生产的目的。  相似文献   

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