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白头叶猴采食植物初析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
白头叶猴是仅分布于热带北缘广西西南部岩溶区的猴类,属国家一级保护动物。对白头叶猴采食的植物进行初步分析表明,其食性较复杂(共采食138种植物),以常绿和落叶的乔木、灌木和藤本植物为主;以桑科、大戟科、蝶形花科、鼠李科、苏木科、葡萄科和萝摩科等被采食的种类较多。多属森林的中下层成分,其中有100种为民间常用的中草药,32种为常见动物(牛、羊、猪、马)的饲料植物,未发现其采食裸子植物、禾本科植物和珍稀植物。初步认为白头叶猴的采食不会对当地植被造成大的威胁,但对其攀登栖息所造成的影响尚未研究。  相似文献   

经样地调查统计表明,广西崇左生态公园、北京大学生物多样性研究基地白头叶猴栖息地的植被是由热带科属的、具草质(纸质)叶的、中小型的、全缘叶的高位芽植物为主体组成的,原生植被为热带季雨林。但现存植被则是原生植被受不同程度干扰后形成的多种次生植被类型,且都处于向上演替的过程之中,保存最好的是苹婆纯林及其与青檀组成的混交林。研究还表明,只要生境植被保持良好的向上演替,白头叶猴也必将得到有效的保护。  相似文献   

2014—2015年,通过实地样方调查和文献查阅,对广州市常见杂草植物进行统计分析,在选取的36个样点中杂草植物共计39科98属133种,以菊科和禾本科为主。其区系组成成分多样,科的分布类型以世界分布为主,比例超过50%,其次是泛热带分布类型。属的分布类型泛热带分布有45个属,比例为45.92%;世界分布含有16个属,比例为16.33%;两者构成了广州常见杂草植物的属区系主体。在广州的杂草植物中,外来入侵植物有11科19属21种,菊科是主要入侵植物,种数最多;分析其属的分布类型表明,泛热带分布有10属,所占多达52.63%。入侵植物原产美洲居多,以草本植物为主;草本植物能快速适应环境并繁殖。  相似文献   

元阳梯田全福庄流域水源涵养林的植物多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
元阳梯田已有1 200多年的历史,水源涵养林的存在对于梯田的延续具有重要的价值。为得到元阳梯田水源涵养林的植物多样性分布特征,对元阳梯田全福庄流域4种主要植被类型水源涵养林下的植物物种数量特征、物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度等多样性规律进行了标准样地调查。结果表明,研究区共有植物155种,隶属66科,其中,山茶科、禾本科、蓼科植物占有绝对优势,不同植被类型森林群落的优势种不同;物种丰富度大小为:次生常绿阔叶林>杂木林>次生落叶阔叶林>人工水冬瓜林;物种多样性特征表现为,乔木层:次生常绿阔叶林>次生落叶阔叶林>杂木林>人工水冬瓜林;灌木层:次生常绿阔叶林>杂木林>次生落叶阔叶林,人工水冬瓜林无灌木层分布;草本层:次生落叶阔叶林>人工水冬瓜林>次生常绿阔叶林>杂木林。植被分布的物种丰富度和均匀度对物种多样性存在交叉影响。  相似文献   

山体滑坡是卧龙自然保护区常见自然灾害,多由山区大雨或地震灾害引起。利用样方法对11个卧龙自然保护区滑坡山体自然恢复5 a后的植被进行调查,并选取一个人工恢复样地为对照,研究滑坡区域次生群落的物种组成、区系成分和先锋物种。调查区域内分布有植物44科103属119种,其中灌木29种,草本90种,包括卧龙植物普查未发现的新记录植物18种。被子植物在科、属、种数均占绝对优势。区系成分分析显示植被自然恢复早期的39科种子植物分属5种地理成分,以世界广布的科数量最多;同时对作为区系地理分类依据“属”的分析显示,98属种子植物可划分为11种分布类型,其中温带分布类型的属占非世界分布属数的90.91%,说明调查区域植被具有温带性质。自然恢复样地的群落结构和物种丰富度明显优于人工恢复样地,通过重要值计算确定不同自然恢复边坡灌木层和草本层优势先锋物种,为卧龙未来滑坡山体人工植被恢复的本地物种选择提供科学依据。  相似文献   

北江干流河岸带不同植被类型植物物种多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北江干流河岸带4种典型植被类型(竹林、草地、混交林和桉树林)为研究对象,采用样方法调查分析其群落特征和物种多样性,运用冗余分析(RDA)探讨北江河岸带植物物种多样性与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:北江河岸带植物物种受热带季风气候影响,植物种类繁多,共调查到59科116属136种植物,群落科属组成分散;4种植被类型的物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性和均匀度指数变化规律一致,均以混交林最高,竹林次之,桉树林最低,但各植被类型间差异并不显著,说明北江河岸带不同植被类型维持物种多样性的异质性较小,其作用更多体现在为不同物种提供栖息地;RDA结果显示,植物物种丰富度、均匀度和多样性指数与乔木层高度、草本层盖度和海拔均呈正相关,而与至河流距离和土壤含水量呈负相关,在选取的7个环境因子中,海拔对北江河岸带植物物种多样性的影响最大,土壤含水量影响次之,至河流距离影响最小。  相似文献   

动物标本在动物学教学中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物标本是动物学教学中最好、最直观的教具和观察材料.主要种类有浸制标本、剥制标本、骨骼标本、干制标本和玻片标本等。广西大学动物学标本室保存了动物标本1350种.3276份.包括虎纹捕鸟蛛、虎纹蛙、金钱龟、蟒蛇、巨蜥、海南虎斑璃、金雕、黑熊、穿山甲、克隆牛和白头叶猴等珍稀物种。动物标本在动物学教学中的作用,主要是使动物学教学更为直观和形象.活跃动物学教学的课堂气氛.增加学生学习动物学的浓厚兴趣以及提高学生的动手能力。  相似文献   

研究了不同寄主植物与斜纹夜蛾喜食程度、生长发育及存活率的关系结果表明 ,斜纹夜蛾喜食植物依次为槟榔芋 >莲藕 >甘蓝 >青菜 >水蕹菜 >黄牙白 >棉花 >大豆 >萝卜 >豇豆 >木耳菜 ;较喜食植物依次为花生 >芝麻 >酸模叶蓼 >四叶萍 >甘薯 >绿豆 >黄瓜 ;其余为次要寄主植物。斜纹夜蛾幼虫取食不同寄主植物 ,其发育历期、蛹重、蛹羽化出成虫比率均有显著差异 ,取食芋头、水蕹菜、青菜、甘蓝、豇豆和莲藕等作物叶片的幼虫发育历期较短 ,蛹较重 ,蛹羽化率较高 ,而取食棉花、大豆和向日葵叶片的幼虫历期相对较长 ,蛹较小 ,蛹羽化率相对较低。  相似文献   

海南次生植被与其土壤性质的关系探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨小波 《土壤》2003,35(5):429-434
在野外调查和室内分析的基础上,对海南岛热带次生植被及其土壤性质变化关系开展了研究。结果表明,热带森林在不同程度的人为干扰下,形成了多样化的次生植被类型,在调查区域内植物群落类型多达36种。其中,次生密林有10种类型;次生疏林有4种;灌丛有11种,草地11种。结果还表明,不同植被类型的土壤肥力状况从大到小依次为次生林>灌丛>草地。植被性状、植被与土壤复杂关系主要体现在:(1)次生植被类型的物种组成特性间相关性较大;土壤各营养元素含量之间的相关性变化较大;(2)植物组成特征与土壤各营养元素含量之间的相关性系数普遍偏小。  相似文献   

通过野外调查,对分布于福建将石自然保护区、浙江开化古田山自然保护区、广东仁化丹霞山国家地质公园、湖南沅陵借母溪自然保护区和贵州荔波茂兰自然保护区内的5个乌冈栎天然群落的物种组成进行了研究。结果表明:①5个地区乌冈栎群落内共有植物227种,隶属于60科130属,群落组成以乔木和灌木为主,稀草本和藤本植物,其中被子植物多样性要明显高于裸子植物;各地群落中的优势科或优势属具有强烈的中亚热带背景。②重要值-面积曲线研究表明,乌冈栎群落取样的最小面积与中亚热带常绿阔叶林最小取样面积接近,其值在600~800 m2之间。③Raunkiaer频度定律分析表明,乌冈栎群落物种组成表现为A>B>C>DB>C>D>E两种形式,低频度物种在各地群落中占有较高的比例,少数种成为群落的优势种,群落物种组成较为分散。④采用Jaccard相似性系数对各群落科-属-种的相似性比较分析表明,科-属-种的相似性比例分别为0.373~0.561、0.211~0.338和0.074~0.220,其中贵州茂兰自然保护区的物种组成相似性与其他地区有较大的差异。  相似文献   

The white-headed langur is classed as a category I species under the Wild Animal Protection Law in China. It is distributed only in Karst hills in four counties (Longzhou, Ningming, Chongzuo and Fusui), in the southern Guangxi province of China. The Mingjiang River and the Zuojiang River form its southern, western and northern boundaries, and the Shiwandashan Mountains restrict its range in the east. Population surveys conducted in the 1980s showed that there were a total of 630 individuals in Guangxi, including 244 in Longzhou and Ningming counties, 117 in six fragments of Chongzuo County and 272 in nine patches of Fusui County. Surveys conducted by our group and Guangxi Forestry Bureau indicated that a total of 580-620 white-headed langurs still live in the above four counties, including 210-240 in Longzhou and Ningming, 90-100 in Chongzuo and 250 in Fusui. According to our statistics, only about 200 km2 of habitat remains within the current range of the white-headed langur and this is separated as a total of 16 patches in 13 townships. Shangjin and Xiangshui in Longzhou county and Tingliang and Tuolu in Ningming, form the largest patch of the range, with total area of 68 km2, while in Chongzuo and Fusui County, the habitat is heavily fragmented with six patches of 43.5 km2 in Chongzuo and nine patches of 88 km2 in Fusui. At present, the white-headed langur is still suffering from heavy habitat deterioration and human disturbance such as cultivation, tree-cutting for firewood, and poachings even though the government has made many efforts to protect this endangered species, such as putting it as a category I species for protection and designating the nature reserve and stations.  相似文献   

Introduced species may impact native species and communities in many ways. One which has received relatively little attention is by serving as resources for natives, thereby altering their ecology. We address such impacts on the California butterfly fauna as currently understood. Eighty-two of California's approximately 236 butterfly species (34%) are reported as ovipositing or feeding on introduced plant taxa. Many more utilize introduced plants as nectar sources. Interactions with introduced plant taxa are not distributed evenly among butterfly species. Alpine and desert butterflies interact with relatively few introduced plants because few exotic plant species have reached and successfully colonized these habitats. Other California butterfly species are specialists on particular plant families or genera with no exotic representatives in California and have thus far failed to recognize any introduced plants as potential foodplants. Some California butterflies have expanded their geographic ranges and/or extended their flight seasons by feeding on exotic plants. However, negative impacts of exotic plant species can also occur. At least three of the state's butterfly species currently lay eggs on introduced taxa that are toxic to larvae. Impacts of introduced plant taxa on California's butterflies are expected to increase as both habitat conversion and alien introductions accelerate.  相似文献   

The habitat utilisation by ungulates in a newly created tiger sanctuary of the southwestern Nepalese Terai is analysed. While most of the Royal Karnali-Bardia Wildlife Reserve is covered by a rather homogeneous belt of moist subtropical deciduous forest, one section of the reserve supported a wide variety of habitat types. In this area, flood plain, savannah, and several riverine forest associations intergraded with stands of the dominant Shorea robusta forest. Free-living mammals responded to this ecological heterogeneity, permitting an analysis of habitat preferences by the following species: chital Axis axis, nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus, hog deer Axis porcinus, barking deer Muntiacus muntjak, swamp deer Cervus duvauceli, sambar Cervus unicolor, and two primate species, common langur Presbytis entellus, and rhesus monkeys Macaca mulatta. Differences in feeding and anti-predator strategies offered a degree of ecological separation between most of the ungulates studied. Changes in plant distribution and phenology affected ungulate food habits, energy budgets, movements, and seasonal distribution. A special feeding relationship between certain ungulates and langur and rhesus monkeys was observed. The sambar, an ungulate capable of exploiting a feeding niche in continuous climax forest, appears to be best adapted to the habitat types which dominate most of Karnali-Bardia, while only 30% of the reserve could be considered prime habitat for the chital, the most abundant grazing ungulate in the reserve. Proposals to improve habitat conditions for grazing ungulates through an experimental programme integrating controlled burns, water hole development, and the creation of openings in continuous climax forest are examined.  相似文献   

Population-level impacts of insect herbivory on rare and endangered plants are poorly understood, being frequently suggested but seldom quantified. We compiled 37 studies from the primary literature encompassing 35 rare plant species and at least 63 insect herbivore species, and assessed patterns in the effects of insect herbivores on rare plant populations and vital rates. Only three studies directly quantified effects of insect herbivory on population size or growth rate, with the vast majority instead extrapolating from vital rates to population size. Few studies (eight) studied herbivory experimentally, and feeding guilds other than seed predators have been relatively neglected. Estimates of population-level impacts vary extremely widely, but for many rare plants insect herbivores cause major reductions in survivorship or fecundity or can even drive local extinctions. Four studies documented positive (plant-) density dependence in insect attack, suggesting that herbivores may have a stabilizing influence on plant populations and thus may play a role in regulating rare plant population size. Most reported herbivores of rare plants are oligophagous or polyphagous, but monophagous herbivores of rare plants do exist, and there was no detectable difference in impact among specialization classes. Attack on rare plants by escaped biocontrol agents can sometimes have significant population-level effects, but such cases appear uncommon. Because insect herbivory can strongly suppress rare plant populations or vital rates, we need to know much more about what ecological and evolutionary factors determine the population-level impacts of insect herbivores. We suggest several ways in which the results of such research could inform conservation practices for rare plant species – for example, the possibility of different management regimes for plants under attack by monophagous, oligophagous, and polyphagous herbivores.  相似文献   

Global and regional species conservation efforts are hindered by poor distribution data and range maps. Many Indian primates face extinction, but assessments of population status are hindered by lack of reliable distribution data. We estimated the current occurrence and distribution of 15 Indian primates by applying occupancy models to field data from a country-wide survey of local experts. We modeled species occurrence in relation to ecological and social covariates (protected areas, landscape characteristics, and human influences), which we believe are critical to determining species occurrence in India. We found evidence that protected areas positively influence occurrence of seven species and for some species are their only refuge. We found evergreen forests to be more critical for some primates along with temperate and deciduous forests. Elevation negatively influenced occurrence of three species. Lower human population density was positively associated with occurrence of five species, and higher cultural tolerance was positively associated with occurrence of three species. We find that 11 primates occupy less than 15% of the total land area of India. Vulnerable primates with restricted ranges are Golden langur, Arunachal macaque, Pig-tailed macaque, stump-tailed macaque, Phayre’s leaf monkey, Nilgiri langur and Lion-tailed macaque. Only Hanuman langur and rhesus macaque are widely distributed. We find occupancy modeling to be useful in determining species ranges, and in agreement with current species ranking and IUCN status. In landscapes where monitoring efforts require optimizing cost, effort and time, we used ecological and social covariates to reliably estimate species occurrence and focus species conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Invasive plants are, simply by occupying a large amount of space in invaded habitats, expected to impose a significant impact on the native vegetation and their associated food webs. However, little is known about the impact of invasive plants both on native vegetation and on different invertebrate feeding guilds at the habitat level. Yet, studies addressing multiple trophic levels, e.g. plant species, herbivores, predators and detrivores, are likely to yield additional insight into how and under which conditions invasive weeds alter ecosystem structures and processes. We set out to assess whether plant species richness and invertebrate assemblages in European riparian habitats invaded by exotic knotweeds (Fallopia spp.) differed from those found in native grassland- or bush-dominated riparian habitats, which are both potentially threatened by knotweed invasion. Our findings suggest that riparian habitats invaded by knotweeds support lower numbers of plant species and lower overall abundance and morphospecies richness of invertebrates, compared to native grassland-dominated and bush-dominated habitats. Total invertebrate abundance and morphospecies richness in Fallopia-invaded riparian habitats were correlated with native plant species richness, suggesting that there is a link between the replacement of native plant species by exotic Fallopia species and the reduction in overall invertebrate abundance and morphospecies richness. Moreover, biomass of invertebrates sampled in grassland and bush-dominated habitats was almost twice as high as that in Fallopia-invaded habitats. Large-scale invasion by exotic Fallopia species is therefore likely to seriously affect biodiversity and reduce the quality of riparian ecosystems for amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals whose diets are largely composed of arthropods.  相似文献   

Invasion of non-native species is among the top threats for the biodiversity and functioning of native and agricultural ecosystems worldwide. We investigated whether the herbivory of the slug Arion vulgaris (formerly Arion lusitanicus; Gastropoda), that is listed among the 100 worst alien species in Europe, is affected by soil organisms commonly present in terrestrial ecosystems (i.e. earthworms—Annelida: Lumbricidae and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi—AMF, Glomerales). We hypothesized that slug herbivory would be affected by soil organisms via altered plant nutrient availability and plant quality. In a greenhouse experiment, we created a simple plant community consisting of a grass, a forb, and a legume species and inoculated these systems with either two earthworm species and/or four AMF taxa. Slugs were introduced after plants were established. Earthworms significantly reduced total slug herbivory in AMF-inoculated plant communities (P?=?0.013). Across plant species, earthworms increased leaf total N and secondary metabolites, AMF decreased leaf thickness. Mycorrhizae induced a shift in slug feeding preference from non-legumes to legumes; the grass was generally avoided by slugs. AMF effects on legume herbivory can partly be explained by the AMF-induced increase in total N and decrease in C/N ratio; earthworm effects are less clear as no worm-induced alterations of legume plant chemistry were observed. The presence of earthworms increased average AMF colonization of plant roots by 140 % (P?<?0.001). Total shoot mass was significantly increased by AMF (P?<?0.001). These data suggest that the feeding behavior of this invasive slug is altered by a belowground control of plant chemical quality and community structure.  相似文献   

Little information is available on insect resistance mechanisms and inheritance in biomass grasses. Although reduction of lignin in biomass grasses in order to increase the efficiency of fermentation may result in increased susceptibility to insect feeding, other resistance mechanisms may be more important. Field grown leaves of two tetraploid parent (Kanlow N1, Summer) and 14 progeny switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) plant clones selected for a diversity of plant form and ranges in lignin levels were tested for leaf resistance to feeding by the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith), a grass feeding insect pest. Although lignin generally appeared important as a resistance mechanism only at early season stages, replicate clones of two low lignin progeny plants generally remained resistant to fall armyworm feeding. Mechanical damaging increased resistance to fall armyworm feeding in several of these plants. Degrees of resistance were sometimes associated with leaf form of progeny. These results indicate there are likely multiple insect resistance mechanisms operating at different stages in switchgrass, and that segregation of some mechanisms appears related to growth form of the plants.  相似文献   

本研究对邛海湖湿地水生维管植物种类及分布状况进行了调查。结果表明,邛海湖湿地现有水生维管束植物77种,隶属于25科50属。其中,蕨类植物5种,隶属2科3属;被子植物72种,隶属23科47属。从植物生态类型和生活型方面来划分,邛海水生维管束植物可分为湖区水生维管植物、河口滩涂植物和湿生植物三种类型。它们主要分布在湖泊的北面、西面和南面。区系分析结果表明,邛海水生维管束植物共有7种分布类型,其中以世界性分布型植物种最多。邛海湿地自然着生的水生植物群落破坏严重,挺水植物以上群落基本消失,浮水植物和沉水植物分布区锐减,分布深度退缩,分布密度减小。针对邛海湿地水生维管束植物存在问题,笔者提出了相应的解决方法和建议。该研究为邛海湿地的恢复和重建提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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