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氨化处理是化学处理的一种,也是迄今为止应用最为广泛的一种秸秆处理方法。现介绍实用秸秆的氨化处理方法,供农民朋友参考:1麦秸氨化的好处1.1可将秸秆有机物消化率提高10%~12%,粗蛋白含量由3%~4%提高到8%,甚至更高。1.2处理后的秸秆适口性好,采食时间较不处理时大大缩短。1.3氨可防止饲料霉变,还能杀死野草籽,可很好地保存含水率偏高的粗饲料。2氨化方法2.1尿素(或碳铵)处理法根据秸秆重量,称量出尿素(剂量见下表),将尿素溶于水,拌匀,再用喷壶喷到切短的秸秆上,边喷洒,边搅拌,一层层喷洒,…  相似文献   

氨化法调制粗饲料是最有前途的粗饲料加工方法。因为:①氨化处理可提高饲料中营养价值。多数秸秆、蔗渣及其它粗饲料含氮量在0.5—1%之间,其中表现消化率非常低。经氨处理后的粗饲料的含氮量可提高0.8—1%,相当于提高粗蛋白含量5—6%。用无水氨处理秸秆,营养价值可提高1.9—2.2倍,蛋白含量增加2倍,并可分解木质素形  相似文献   

黑龙江省每年农作物秸秆的产量高达5000万吨,牧业有75%的粗饲料由秸秆提供,但秸秆直接用作粗饲料的营养价值很低,消化率仅为25%~35%,不适合直接当作饲料饲养畜禽,必须经过适当处理。经过多年试验,在广泛吸取了目前秸秆处理方法优点的基础上,哈尔滨市乳家科技饲料有限公司开发了一种高效秸秆微生物调制剂一“乳家秸秆生物贮料调制剂”。  相似文献   

<正> 据有关资料统计,每产1公斤粮食或油料就有1.2公斤的秸秆、秕壳,全国年产秸秆6亿吨,用做饲料的约2亿吨。饲料热喷技术是一项新的饲料加工技术,但在生产上实际应用热喷饲料饲喂畜禽,目前还少有报道。为拓宽奶牛粗饲料来源,探索用热喷处理的秸秆饲喂奶牛的可行性,1988年3~4月我们场进行了用热喷处理玉米秸代替一部分羊草饲喂奶牛的饲喂试验。  相似文献   

黑龙江省每年农作物秸秆的产量高达5000万吨,牧业有75%的粗饲料由秸秆提供,但秸秆直接用作粗饲料的营养价值很低,消化率仅为25%-35%.不适合直接当作饲料饲养畜禽,必须经过适当处理。经过多年试验,在广泛吸取了目前秸秆处理方法优点的基础上,哈尔滨市乳家科技饲料有限公司开发了一种高效秸秆微生物调制剂一“乳家秸秆生物贮料调制剂”。它是一种由多种丝状真菌,芽胞杆菌和一些益生菌组成的复合菌种固体发酵剂,能将农作物秸秆转化为秸秆生物饲料。我们在黑龙江省绿色草原牧场做了应用秸秆生物饲草喂养奶牛的试验,现报告如下:  相似文献   

热喷是将物料(秸秆、饼粕和鸡粪等)装入饲料热喷机内,向机内通入热饱和蒸气、经过一定时间后使物料受高压热力的处理,然后对物料突然降压.迫使物料从机内喷到大气中,从而改变其结构和某些化学成分,并经消毒、除臭,使物料变为更有价值的饲料的一个压力和热力加工过程。因此,饲料热喷技术是由特殊的热喷装置及其特有工艺流程来完成的。目前,国内生产的饲料热喷机是由内蒙古畜牧科学院发明.由呼和浩特市锅炉厂生产的热喷6型饲料加工机.实际上是一种间歇式气流膨化机。  相似文献   

我国秸秆饲料的分布及加工发展现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
秸秆饲料是以稻草、麦秆、玉米秆、花生藤等农作物秸秆为原料,混入秸秆活干菌经发酵而成的一种饲料。农作物秸秆粗纤维含量很高,约占30%-50%;而粗蛋白质含量很低,禾本科秸秆的粗蛋白含量为3.2%-6.2%;豆科秸秆的粗蛋白质含量稍高,约为6.8%-11.1%,将经加工调制的秸秆饲料直接饲喂家畜,其消化率和营养价值有较大提高。  相似文献   

秸秆是农作物收获籽实后残余的茎秆和叶片。其粗纤维含量高达30%~50%,蛋白质为2%~8%,粗灰分在6%以上,除维生素D外其它维生素的含量均极低,是一类体积大、适口性差、营养价值较低、消化率不高的粗饲料。但是,秸秆饲料的来源广、种类多、数量大、价格低,含有植物光合作物所积累的一半以上的能量,作为非竞争性的饲料资源,只要能够进行合理的加工调制,  相似文献   

农作物秸秆饲料化高效利用新技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 农作物秸秆饲料加工技术 1.1 物理法 切碎是最简单和最普遍的物理处理方法,其他还有浸泡、磨碎、蒸煮、高压蒸气处理、热喷、膨化和辐射等,而秸秆揉搓加工和秸秆饲料压块技术是近年来发展起来的物理法的新方法,这些方法能提高农作物秸秆的适口性,增加采食量,提高消化率,但不能改变农作物秸秆的组织结构或提高营养价值.  相似文献   

秸秆氨化是指用氨水、液氨、尿素或碳铵等化学药剂,在密闭条件下处理秸秆,以提高秸秆消化率、营养价值和适口性的加工处理方法。我国有丰富的农作物秸秆资源,但秸秆本身粗蛋白、消化能、维生素、钙、磷等营养物质含量和消化率较低,因而用作饲料的比例很低,即使用作饲料也往往因加工利用不当,使得秸秆的利用率和饲料报酬较低。从生态效益、社会效益和经济效益几个方面来考虑,对于秸秆的利用必须采取科学的加工方法,提高其适口性和消化率,为畜牧业提高充足的基础饲料。秸秆加工处理的方法很多,其中氨化是一种效果较为理想的加工方法…  相似文献   

对芭蕉芋渣进行了氨化和发酵处理,评价了不同处理芭蕉芋渣作为猪饲料的饲用价值。结果表明:氨化处理提高了芭蕉芋渣总氮含量,粗纤维由22-32%下降为13.71%;发酵处理芭蕉芋渣粗蛋白含量由2.91%增加至15.36%,粗纤维含量由22.32%下降为11.53%。育肥猪对芭蕉芋渣的消化率很低,干物质的消化率为11.27%,粗蛋白消化率为30.23%,粗纤维消化率仅为6.09%;氨化处理芭蕉芋渣干物质消化率提高11.45%,粗纤维消化率提高12.48%;发酵处理芭蕉芋渣干物质消化率提高5.99倍,蛋白质消化率提高2.61倍,粗纤维消化率提高6.72倍。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of replacing Tifton 85 hay (0, 33, 66, or 100 %) with by castor bean hulls on the intake and nutrient digestibility and performance of 28 noncastrated lambs, averaging 7 months in age, 19.5?±?2.0 kg average live weight, fed on diets based on forage cactus. The animals were housed in individual pens for 100 days. The digestibility trial occurred 40 days after the start of the performance using LIPE® as an external indicator for estimating fecal dry matter production. The replacement of hay with Castor beans hulls linearly decreased the intakes of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, organic matter, and crude protein and reduced the digestibility coefficients of the dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, organic matter content, crude protein, and total digestible nutrient content. The hot carcass and true carcass yields were not influenced by the treatments and the feed conversion increased linearly. The empty body weight, live weight at slaughter, hot and cold carcass weights, total gain, and average daily gain decreased linearly with the replacement. The replacement of Tifton 85 hay with castor bean hulls reduced the intake of dry matter, crude protein and energy, consequently reducing the performance of the animals. However, as the regression coefficients were of low magnitude, data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared using the Dunnett test with diet without castor bean hulls set as the control treatment. The Tifton 85 hay can be replaced up to 66 % by castor bean hulls in finishing diets for lambs.  相似文献   

本试验以乌珠穆沁育成公羊为研究对象 ,在中国北方典型草原地区冬春季节测定不同持续时间的能量和蛋白质限制对于蛋白质消化率、代谢率的影响规律。研究结果表明 :(1)试验分期和试验期温度是独立于营养限制而显著影响蛋白质消化代谢的因素。(2)蛋白质消化率、代谢率随着营养限制的持续而呈现显著或极显著的下降趋势 ,当营养限制结束后恢复到对照组的水平。(3)蛋白质消化率受环境温度影响不明显 ,蛋白质代谢率随环境温度升高出现先降后升的明显趋势。(4)蛋白质消化率、代谢率的变化规律可以用干物质食入量、能量蛋白比、蛋白质食入量和试验分期、环境温度建立数学模型来描述。  相似文献   

Diversity of chemical composition, in vivo digestibility and in situ dry matter degradability of oat hay (Avena sativa) were studied. Oat hay samples obtained from 22 batches imported were analyzed for chemical composition. The result showed a wide range of variations in crude protein (3.9–8.8%, on a dry matter basis), crude fiber (22.1–35.2%), nitrogen free extract (50.0–66.0%), organic cellular contents (23.4–40.0%), organic cell wall (53.1–70.8%), organic a (4.1–9.8%), organic b (49.0–63.8%) fractions and the estimated total digestible nutrients (50.3–63.8%) from the organic components. Of these, four oat hay samples were used for the measurement of dry matter intake, in vivo digestibility and in situ dry matter degradability in sheep. Significant differences were observed for the dry matter intake, in vivo digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract, dry matter disappearance at 48 h and effective degradability at k = 0.05 h?1 of the samples (P < 0.05). The results revealed a wide range of diversity of nutritional quality of the imported oat hay that could have an affect on production potential in animals.  相似文献   

氨化处理对豆秸营养价值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验研究了用碳酸氢铵对豆秸进行氨化处理,测定了处理前后秸秆主要化学成分变化,并用尼龙袋法测定了其瘤胃干物质降解率。结果表明:与未处理秸秆相比,氨化处理后其粗蛋白质(CP)含量提高66.0%(P<0.01),中性洗涤纤维(NDF)降低4.5%(P<0.01),瘤胃干物质(DM)降解率提高15.3%(P<0.01),但钙磷无显著变化。  相似文献   

The harvesting remains of sugar cane (crowns, leaves, sheaths, parts of stalks), which are rich in crude fibre, were investigated. The content of crude nutrients, their digestibility and the energy concentration of the harvesting remains largely correspond to the values of cereal straw. After the treatment with growing amounts of NaOH (0, 4, 6, 8, 10 g/ 100 g DM) a significantly increasing digestibility of the dry matter (31.9, 47.0, 56.1, 61.9, 67.6%) was ascertained in in-vitro experiments. In digestibility experiments with wethers an increased digestibility of the dry matter from 36.6 to 57.6% and of the energy from 39.3 to 56.2% after the treatment with 4 g NaOH/100 g DM could be ascertained in comparison with untreated harvesting remains. Energy concentration increased from 324 to 445 EFU cattle/kg DM and thus approached that of the hay of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), one of the most important fodder grasses of Cuba. After the feeding of harvesting remains treated with NaOH significant changes in the water and mineral metabolism could be ascertained.  相似文献   

王冲  娄玉杰 《家畜生态》2004,25(3):10-13
本试验以绵羊作为研究对象,通过常规养分测定、消化试验和瘤胃降解试验(尼龙袋法),对生物纤维饲料的常规养分、饲用价值、瘤胃降解特性进行了探讨。结果表明:生物纤维饲料中干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分、无氮浸出物、钙和磷的含量分别为:65.61%、21.97%、1.88%、3.00%、7.79%、30.97%、0.85%和1.13%;绵羊对生物纤维饲料的干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰份、无氮浸出物和能量的消化率分别为74.71%、84.81%、72.24%、72.68%、45.41%、77.52%、77.76%;同时测得生物纤维饲料原样中的消化能为10 100kJ/kg;生物纤维饲料干物质的有效降解率为61.75%,而蛋白质的有效降解率为73.73%。  相似文献   

环境温度变化明显影响奶牛日粮营养物质的消化率,试验以8头泌乳奶牛分别在春季、夏季进行消化试验,以比较季节温度变化对奶牛日粮营养物质表观消化率的影响。结果表明:春季奶牛日粮粗蛋白质、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维的表观消化率分别为57.79%、45.77%和39.08%,相应夏季的表观消化率则为68.3%、67.81%和51.09%,夏季的营养物质表观消化率显著高于春季(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The average digestibility coefficients of feed mixture nutrients in pigs infected medium severely to severely by the helminths Ascaris suum and Oesophagostomum dentatum were lower in comparison with the post-dehelminthization condition (dry matter by 3.1%, crude protein by 6.7%, fat by 8.9%, nitrogen-free extracts and fibre by 2.2%, organic matter by 3.1%). The content of total digestible nutrients made 679 g in infected pigs and 708 g in dehelminthized pigs. In the period following the experimental infection of pigs by the helminths Ascaris suum, characterized by the formation of antibodies and adaptation after heavy injury of the organism, the digestibility coefficients of feed mixture nutrients were in comparison with the state prior to infection influenced positively. In two metabolism trials, on the 9th to 13th day after infection the digestibility coefficients increased as follows: of dry matter by 4.8% and 3.6%, crude protein by 8.2 and 4.2%, nitrogen-free extracts and fibre by 2.0 and 3.5% and organic matter by 3.0 and 3.3%. The decrease in fat digestibility coefficients was observed in both cases, by 12.4% and 9.9%. Prior to infection the content of total digestible nutrients was 712 g and 682 g, after infection 731 g and 707 g.  相似文献   

Four colostomized laying hens per group were given a ration of barley and soya bean oil meal (SBM) with 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5% SBM resp. The crude protein intakes were 14.0, 17.7 and 21.4 g per animal and day. The lysine intake raised from 681 mg (group 1) to 1275 mg (group 3) per animal and day. The digestibility of dry matter and of the N-free extracts of the ration decreased with the rising SBM portion in the ration. The digestibility of crude protein remained constant. The investigated amino acids (Lys, His, Arg, Cys, Met) were higher digested in the 37.5% SBM ration than in the 12.5% SBM ration. The following digestibility values for SBM were found by means of the difference method: Dry matter 52.5%, crude protein 83.1%, crude fat 51.7%, crude fibre 5.5%, N-free extracts 50.6%. The level of the SBM did not influence the digestibility of the crude nutrients. The apparent digestibility of lysine from SBM depended on the level of intake and was found to be 82.3, 83.4 and 89.0%, resp. There were no differences in the digestibility of other amino acids.  相似文献   

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