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Striped marlin (Kajikia audax) is an epipelagic species distributed in tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean. In the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, it is captured principally in commercial longline fisheries, and in small artisanal fisheries, however, it is also taken throughout its range in this region as an incidental catch of the tuna purse‐seine fishery. Previous studies suggest that overexploitation and climate change may reduce abundance and cause changes in spatial distributions of marine species. The main objective of this study was to describe the habitat preferences of striped marlin and the changes in its distribution in response to environmental factors. Habitat modeling was conducted using a maximum entropy model. Operational level data for 2003–2014, collected by scientific observers aboard large purse seine vessels, were compiled by the Inter‐American Tropical Tuna Commission and were matched with detailed (4 km) oceanographic data from satellites and general circulation models. Results showed that the spatial distribution of habitat was dynamic, with seasonal shifts between coastal (winter) and oceanic (summer) waters. We found that the preferred habitat is mainly in coastal waters with warm sea surface temperatures and a high chlorophyll‐a concentration.  相似文献   

Six striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) were caught on hook and line from recreational fishing boats near northern New Zealand (34°S, 174°E) and tagged and released with pop‐off satellite archival tags. For periods ranging from 22 to 60 days over the geographical range 168°E–170°W and 13–34°S, five tags collected a total of 202 days (range of 21–60 days) of data. These data permit the investigation of striped marlin geographical and vertical movements and water temperatures occupied from February to June 2003. One hundred and one days of geoposition data showed a preliminary view of their movements in and around New Zealand waters. Transmitted temperature and depth data indicated striped marlin spent 80% (±2%) of their time in the mixed layer including 72% (±2%) of their time in the top 5 m. Temperature data indicated 75% (±10%) of the striped marlin’s time was spent in water temperatures between 20.1 and 24.0°C. Tagged striped marlin moved faster during periods of directed movement away from New Zealand versus periods of passive movements when the fish were proximal to New Zealand or not moving in any specific direction. These data support some existing hypotheses about striped marlin physiological ecology and allow preliminary suggestions about how striped marlin bycatch might be reduced.  相似文献   

Striped bass, Morone saxatilis, were captured and released with temperature‐measuring data storage tags in Salem Sound, Massachusetts, to collect data on their thermal preferences in coastal and marine waters and to identify environmental factors that may influence temperatures experienced during their summer residence. Striped bass recaptured during summer of 2006 (21 of 151 releases) experienced a wide range of temperatures (6.5–28.0°C) while at‐large for 1–53 days. Overall mean temperature and standard deviation selected by striped bass recaptured in Salem Sound during the longest commonly‐shared duration of time (3–12 July) were 17.8 and 3.57°C, respectively. Comparison of temperature data between fish and 13 vertical arrays in Salem Sound revealed that striped bass experienced higher and more variable temperatures, and that daily changes in temperature actually experienced were unrelated to daily changes in surrounding ambient temperature. Regular cyclical changes in temperature of all striped bass and vertical arrays were identified as influences of the local tide, which contributed about a 2°C change in temperature, on average, over the complete cycle. Most striped bass appeared to limit their activities to depths shallower than the lower limit of the thermocline, above which temperatures generally exceed 9.0°C in Salem Sound. Therefore, it is likely that the vertical distribution of striped bass is restricted by the low temperatures below this depth. An implication of this finding is that the spatial distribution of striped bass may be defined coarsely by knowledge of the distribution of temperature in coastal areas.  相似文献   

The blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) is a highly migratory pelagic predator of tropical and subtropical seas. Information on the habitat use of marine species is fundamental to understanding their ecology and population dynamics and is needed to inform responsible management strategies. Using a long‐term satellite tagging data set from The International Game Fish Association Great Marlin Race, we examined habitat use and how oxygen and temperature influence the horizontal and vertical distributions of blue marlin in the Central Pacific. Blue marlin primarily occurred in warm waters (26–30°C) and exhibited a diel bimodal depth distribution across the 5‐year data record (2009–2013), with fish spending the majority of their time near the surface at night and at deeper depths during the day (25–100 m). The depth distribution of blue marlin was limited in areas where low oxygen and/or temperature conditions occur closer to the surface, with the extent of habitat compression being greatest when both oxygen and temperature were limiting. The migrations of blue marlin appeared restricted during the 2010 La Niña, when increased equatorial upwelling resulted in an extension of the cold, low oxygen waters of the cold tongue into the Central Pacific, creating a barrier to the trans‐equatorial migrations that occurred during all other tagging years. If the frequency and intensity of La Niña events increases and the oxygen minimum layer continues to expand as has been predicted under certain climate change scenarios, the migratory behavior and habitat availability of blue marlin may be impacted.  相似文献   

This study reports on the horizontal movements of swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) tagged during deep‐set fishery trials off the California coastline. Position estimates from several electronic tag types were used to better understand swordfish stock structure and regional affiliation with current boundary hypotheses used to manage swordfish in the eastern north Pacific. Swordfish were outfitted with (a) satellite‐linked mark–recapture tags (n = 66), (b) electronic data storage tags that were recaptured (n = 16), (c) fin‐mounted Argos transmitters (n = 6), and (d) satellite‐linked archival tags (n = 4). Twenty‐six percent of tagged swordfish reported close to (<225 km) their deployment location within the southern California Bight (SCB). Of the 50 swordfish that moved outside the SCB, 76% exhibited affiliation to the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) management unit, 20% moved into the Western and Central North Pacific (WCNP) and 4% spent time within both the EPO and WCNP boundaries. Mean displacement between deployment and reporting locations was 1,250 ± 1,375 km, with daily rates of movement up to 55 km/day. Seasonal migrations ranged from the equator (0.8°N.132.4°W) to the Hawaiian Islands (17.0°N/154.2°W), with multiple individuals returning to the initial tagging locations the subsequent season. Seasonal site fidelity exhibited by several individuals highlights the importance of the SCB foraging grounds. While no evidence of trans‐equatorial or trans‐Pacific crossing was documented, extensive movements validate the highly migratory nature of California swordfish and support the need for future inclusion of spatial distribution data in management. Findings suggest that SCB swordfish may exhibit a higher level of EPO connectivity than previously proposed.  相似文献   

We analyzed records of shark capture by tuna longline vessels during the period 1992–2006 to document the distribution and ecology of bigeye thresher in the Pacific Ocean. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was highest in the area of 10–15°N in the north and 5–10°S in the south. Juveniles <150 cm were also distributed in this area. Seasonal changes in the distribution of abundance are thought to represent seasonal migrations in latitude. We observed an increase in the ratio of large individuals at high latitude, likely a result of their increased thermal capacity allowing them to migrate further. Males were captured more often than females, suggesting that there is segregation by sex. Pregnant females were observed from 0°N to 36°N in the north Pacific. Neonates were observed between 10–15°N/150–180°W, overlapping with the area in which large numbers of juveniles were captured. Thus, we hypothesize that this area represents the parturition and nursery grounds for bigeye thresher in this region.  相似文献   

We report the presence of striped marlin larvae in coastal waters of the mouth of the Gulf of California, collected during seven oceanographic cruises during 1990 to 1993. From 169 sampled stations, 30 produced a total of 68 larvae of 2.4–30.5 mm total length. Most of the larvae were about 3 mm, indicating a recent spawn. The sea surface temperature at the sampled stations ranged from 19.4°C to 32.0°C, but larvae were caught at stations with temperatures between 27.8°C and 31.5°C. These results clarify the existence of a spawning area of striped marlin in the eastern Pacific, located closer to the coast than previously believed, during several months of the year.  相似文献   

The behavior of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean was investigated using archival tag data for 28 fish [49–72 cm fork length (FL) at release, 3–503 days] released in Japanese waters around the Nansei Islands (24–29°N, 122–132°E) and east of central Honshu (Offshore central Honshu, 32–36°N, 142–148°E). Vertical behavior was classified into three types based on past studies: ‘characteristic’ (non‐associative), ‘associative’ (associated with floating objects) and ‘other’ (behavior not fitting into these two categories). The proportion of fish showing associative behavior decreased and that of characteristic behavior increased as fish grew, and this shift was pronounced at 60–70 cm FL. The fish usually stayed above the 20°C isotherm during the daytime and nighttime when showing associative behavior and below the 20°C isotherm during daytime for characteristic behavior. A higher proportion of characteristic behavior was seen between December and April around the Nansei Islands, and between September and December for offshore central Honshu. Seasonal changes in vertical position were also observed in conjunction with changes in water temperature. In this study, ‘other’ behavior was further classified into five types, of which ‘afternoon dive’ behavior, characterized by deep dives between around noon and evening, was the most frequent. The present study indicated that in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, the vertical behavior of bigeye tuna changes with size, as well as between seasons and regions.  相似文献   

We studied the spawning seasonality and gonadal development of blue marlin Makaira nigricans using specimens captured around Yonaguni Island in southwestern Japan between February 2003 and February 2006. The mean (±SD) lower jaw–fork length of females (234 ± 24 cm) was greater than that of males (191 ± 12 cm). The smallest mature female and male were 183 and 160 cm, respectively. Most of the 717 females had immature ovaries. However, in March and from May to September, the ovaries of 26 females contained oocytes with yolk globules, hydrated oocytes, or postovulatory follicles. Most males had testes with a large amount of spermatozoa throughout the year. The occurrence of mature blue marlin at Yonaguni Island suggests that spawning occurs here. The mean condition factors (fatness of the fish) of both sexes decreased from March to June or July, presumably as they expended energy to reproduce. We discuss our results in the context of migration theory for blue marlin in the western North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Oceanographic conditions can affect spatial variability in fish community structures by influencing the temperature‐dependent latitudinal distribution of adult fishes and transport during their young stages. In order to examine latitudinal variability in the fish community structure within a single coastal ecosystem, quantitative sampling was conducted in the sub‐tidal zone of seagrass Zostera marina beds over a broad latitudinal scale (31.31–43.0°N: from subtropical to sub‐boreal zones, covering 80% of the latitudinal range of seagrass distribution in Japan) in the western North Pacific based on a uniform methodology. Cluster analysis with the similarity of fish communities showed that 13 sampling sites were divided into two clusters. The border between the two clusters corresponded with the area of mixing of two dominant currents, Oyashio and Kuroshio, which form a border between the warm temperate zone and the cool temperate zone off the Pacific coast of Japan. Oceanographic properties, such as major currents off the coast, are suggested to affect the latitudinal variability in the fish communities in the coastal ecosystem in the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) comprise two‐thirds of total landings of small pelagic fishes in the Canary Current Eastern Boundary Ecosystem (CCEBE). Their spawning habitat is the continental shelf where upwelling is responsible for high productivity. While upwelling intensity is predicted to change through ocean warming, the effects of upwelling intensity on larval fish habitat expansion is not well understood. Larval habitat characteristics of both species were investigated during different upwelling intensity regimes. Three surveys were carried out to sample fish larvae during cold (permanent upwelling) and warm (low upwelling) seasons along the southern coastal upwelling area of the CCEBE (13°–22.5°N). Sardina pilchardus larvae were observed in areas of strong upwelling during both seasons. Larval habitat expansion was restricted from 22.5°N to 17.5°N during cold seasons and to 22.5°N during the warm season. Sardinella aurita larvae were observed from 13°N to 15°N during cold seasons and 16–21°N in the warm season under low upwelling conditions. Generalized additive models predicted upwelling intensity driven larval fish abundance patterns. Observations and modeling revealed species‐specific spawning times and locations, that resulted in a niche partitioning allowing species' co‐existence. Alterations in upwelling intensity may have drastic effects on the spawning behavior, larval survival, and probably recruitment success of a species. The results enable insights into the spawning behavior of major small pelagic fish species in the CCEBE. Understanding biological responses to physical variability are essential in managing marine resources under changing climate conditions.  相似文献   

We have extracted information on the habitats of bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean by matching the spatial‐temporal distribution of catch and effort of purse seine and longline fleets collected by the Inter‐American Tropical Tuna Commission with oceanographic conditions and subjecting the matched data to Quotient Analysis and General Additive Models (GAMs). These analyses yielded the following results. The habitats defined by the GAM analysis of young fish differ significantly between two periods, one before and one after the introduction of fish aggregation devices (FADs). This was not true for the older fish caught by longline. We speculate that these changes were caused by the extensive use of FADs. Younger bigeye and yellowfin caught by the purse seine fleet have a different preference of environmental variables compared to older fish caught by longline. This is to be expected since tuna of different age groups have different sizes, metabolic capabilities and swimming skills. Moreover, as revealed by GAMs, the habitats of young fish differ between species to a much larger degree than those of older fish. Our results indicate the fundamental differences between fishing methods, targeted species, and operating region of the two fisheries. Specifically, young bigeye occupy equatorial waters farther from the coast and where the hypoxic layer is deeper, young skipjack occupy more productive waters associated with equatorial and coastal upwelling, and young yellowfin occupy broad areas where waters are underlain by a shallow hypoxic layer.  相似文献   

Blue marlin is distributed throughout tropical and temperate waters in the Pacific Ocean. However, the preference of this species for particular habitats may impact its vulnerability to being caught. The relationship between spatio‐temporal patterns of blue marlin abundance and environmental factors is examined using generalized additive models fitted to catch and effort data from longline fisheries. The presence of blue marlin, and the catch rate given presence, are modeled separately. Latitude, longitude, and sea‐surface temperature explain the greatest proportion of the deviance. Spatial distributions of relative density of blue marlin, based on combining the probability of presence and relative density given presence, indicate that there is seasonal variation in the distribution of blue marlin, and that the highest densities occur in the tropics. Seasonal patterns in the relative density of blue marlin appear to be related to shifts in SST. The distribution and relative abundance of blue marlin are sufficiently heterogeneous in space and time that the results of analyses of catch and effort data to identify ‘hotspots’ could be used as the basis for time‐area management to reduce the amount of blue marlin bycaught in longline fisheries.  相似文献   

Light spatfalls of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, have occurred in the estuaries of the Rivers Exe, Teign and Dart (Devon) and in the Menai Strait (Gwynedd), near to sites of commercial cultivation of this species. Comparisons of the sizes of the naturally settled oysters with hatchery oysters suggests that the spat from the River Teign and Menai Strait settled in 1989 and 1990. The springs and summers of these years were exceptionally warm with mean monthly air temperatures 0.8°-1.3°C above the 1951–1980 average for the period April to August. Although sitings of Pacific oyster spat were made in Loch Sween and Emsworth Harbour over 20 years ago, there is no evidence that self-sustaining populations have developed. The spatfalls which occurred in some coastal waters of Devon and Gwynedd in 1989 and 1990 are unlikely to sustain natural fisheries and are likely to die out as did the Portuguese oysters which occasionally settled in the River Blackwater, Essex.  相似文献   

Researchers have applied numerous techniques to improve billfish stock assessments, including habitat‐based models that incorporate behavioral and oceanographic parameters to standardize historical catch‐per‐unit‐effort time‐series data. These methods have allowed researchers to account for significant changes in the depths of pelagic longline (PLL) gear deployments over time. This study presents habitat‐use data recovered from high‐resolution 5‐ and 10‐day pop‐up satellite archival tags (PSATs) attached to 47 surviving white marlin released from commercial and recreational fishing gears offshore of the U.S. East Coast, the northern Caribbean, and Venezuela between 2002 and 2004. Data recovered from transmitting tags indicated that white marlin spent nearly half of their time associated with warm, near‐surface waters (<10 m). All fish displayed frequent short duration (mean: 39.8 min) vertical excursions from surface waters to depths averaging 51 m. Qualitative and multivariate classifications of data from completely transmitted movements of surviving white marlin revealed two major types of descents: one pattern was characterized by deep ‘V’‐shaped excursions of relatively short duration (mean: 23.4 min) while the other featured descents that were more broadly ‘U’‐shaped and confined to a specific depth range for an extended period of time (mean: 75.8 min). Based on the frequency, persistence, and patterns of these vertical movements, white marlin appear to direct a considerable proportion of foraging effort well below surface waters, a behavior that may account for relatively high catch rates of white marlin on some deep‐set PLL deployments.  相似文献   


Two hundred and thirty-nine albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) were troll-caught in the mid-Pacific Ocean and off the US Pacific Coast from June to November 2003. Catch location, harvest date, and sea surface temperature were recorded for individual fish, and lipid and moisture content in the white muscle were determined. The average weight of the alba-core was 6.07 kg and lipid content was highly variable (0.67–18.74%). There was an inverse correlation between the lipid and moisture content of albacore (R2 = 0.93), and percent lipid increased slightly in fish caught later on in the season (R2 = 0.24). Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software was used to determine correlations between lipid content and geographic location. Lipid content varied considerably among tuna caught at similar latitudes; however, most fish caught below 40°N had a lipid content of less than 10%, while the fish with the highest lipid content (13–19% lipid) were all harvested above 40°N.  相似文献   

Electronically tagged juvenile Pacific bluefin, Thunnus orientalis, were released off Baja California in the summer of 2002. Time‐series data were analyzed for 18 fish that provided a record of 380 ± 120 days (mean ± SD) of ambient water and peritoneal cavity temperatures at 120 s intervals. Geolocations of tagged fish were estimated based on light‐based longitude and sea surface temperature‐based latitude algorithms. The horizontal and vertical movement patterns of Pacific bluefin were examined in relation to oceanographic conditions and the occurrence of feeding events inferred from thermal fluctuations in the peritoneal cavity. In summer, fish were located primarily in the Southern California Bight and over the continental shelf of Baja California, where juvenile Pacific bluefin use the top of the water column, undertaking occasional, brief forays to depths below the thermocline. In autumn, bluefin migrated north to the waters off the Central California coast when thermal fronts form as the result of weakened equatorward wind stress. An examination of ambient and peritoneal temperatures revealed that bluefin tuna fed during this period along the frontal boundaries. In mid‐winter, the bluefin returned to the Southern California Bight possibly because of strong downwelling and depletion of prey species off the Central California waters. The elevation of the mean peritoneal cavity temperature above the mean ambient water temperature increased as ambient water temperature decreased. The ability of juvenile bluefin tuna to maintain a thermal excess of 10°C occurred at ambient temperatures of 11–14°C when the fish were off the Central California coast. This suggests that the bluefin maintain peritoneal temperature by increasing heat conservation and possibly by increasing internal heat production when in cooler waters. For all of the Pacific bluefin tuna, there was a significant correlation between their mean nighttime depth and the visible disk area of the moon.  相似文献   

We developed habitat suitability index (HSI) models for two size classes of Pacific saury Cololabis saira in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Environmental data, including sea surface temperature, sea surface height, salinity, and net primary production, and catch and effort data from Taiwanese distant‐water stick‐held dip net fisheries during the main fishing season (August–October) during 2002–2015 were used. Habitat preferences and suitable habitat area differed between size classes. The suitable habitat was located between 40–47.5°N and 145–165°E for large‐sized Pacific saury but encompassed a greater area (35–47°N and 140–165°E) for medium‐sized Pacific saury. Both size classes were affected by substantial interannual variation in the environmental variables, which in turn can be important in determining the potential fishing grounds. We found a significant negative relationship between the suitable habitat area and the Niño3.4 indices with a time‐lag of 6 months for the large‐sized (= ?0.68) and medium‐sized (= ?0.42) Pacific saury, respectively, as well as the total landings of Pacific saury by all fishing fleets (= ?0.46). As remotely‐sensed environmental data become increasingly available, HSI models may prove useful for evaluation of possible changes in habitat suitability resulting from climate change or other environmental phenomena and in formulating scientific advice for management.  相似文献   

北太平洋公海秋刀鱼渔场初步分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
根据2004年7~11月“中远渔1号”调查船北太平洋公海秋刀鱼渔场探捕调查的生产情况,对秋刀鱼渔场进行分析。结果发现:①秋刀鱼渔场可根据渔场位置分为北部渔场和南部渔场,北部渔场范围为44°~45°N、156°~158°E,南部渔场范围为41°~42°N、150°~151°E,南部渔场的分布范围小于北部渔场。②秋刀鱼的生产以11月份生产最好,平均日产量达22.7t,其中最高日产量为60.42t;8月份的秋刀鱼生产最差,平均日产量为2.95t,与2003年的12.05t反差较大,主要是由于受到渔场环境因子变化的影响,鱼发位置偏至俄罗斯专属经济区内的缘故。③秋刀鱼舷提网作业平均日放网次数达7.6次,最高1天放网次数达到16次,而最高网次产量为11.05t。④秋刀鱼渔获组成以中小型鱼为主,占80%以上,除7月份渔获中特大型秋刀鱼占有较大比例外,其余月份很少有特大级秋刀鱼。⑤在相近的渔场位置,秋刀鱼个体随着生产月份的推迟,鱼体呈变小的趋势。  相似文献   

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