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Postural origin theory predicts that body postures are related to hand preference in nonhuman primates due to hemispheric specialization. Foot preference, especially in manipulating objects, is also a good predictor of hemispheric specialization in humans. We studied limb (hand and foot) preferences in 11 captive adult black‐and‐white snub‐nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) to see how limb preference is influenced by postures and foot manipulation. Hand preference was significantly different for this group between quadrupedal standing and clinging postures, and sitting and clinging postures, but not between bipedal standing and clinging postures. Individuals were significantly more likely to use the right hand in the clinging posture than in quadrupedal standing or sitting postures. In the sitting posture, individuals maintained their respective hand preference even when the food was on the other side of the body. There was a gender difference in the sitting posture, where females preferred their right hand but males preferred their left. Individuals who did not routinely use their feet to manipulate objects, compared to those who did, shifted to greater right hand use from the clinging posture to the bipedal posture. One male individual and his offspring were more likely to use their feet to manipulate objects than the rest of the monkeys. In the present study, we reveal the first evidence of a postural effect on hand preference in R. bieti as well as a foot preference in this species. Our results mostly agree with the postural origin theory and hemispheric specialization.  相似文献   

Group living provides various advantages to individuals in regards to protection avoidance, intergroup competition, productive success and social information. Stable one‐male units (OMUs) consist of relationships between the adult females and the resident male as well as the relationships among adult females. Based on continuous observation of a reproductive group of golden snub‐nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, we analyzed the relationships among adult individual dyads within 4 OMUs. The results indicated that in golden snub‐nosed monkey societies, females not only had no strong tendency to build a relationship with the resident male in the OMU but also had no strong tendency to build relationships with other females in the OMU. In comparison with hamadryas (Papio hamadryas) and gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada), the relationships within golden snub‐nosed monkeys OMUs showed neither the star‐shaped pattern observed in hamadryas baboons nor the net‐shaped pattern observed in gelada baboons. We concluded that the relationships within golden snub‐nosed monkey OMUs indicated a third pattern in nonhuman primate societies. Future research is required to determine the potential mechanisms for such a pattern.  相似文献   

Sleeping site locations are important to free‐ranging primate groups. Sites are strategically selected by primates so as to optimize security, comfort and foraging efficiency. Data were collected on the distribution of sleeping sites of the Yunnan snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) between Sep 2005 and Sep 2006 at Gehuaqing in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, China. We identified 54 sleeping sites, which were used 137 times during the study period. These sleeping sites were distributed throughout the monkey group's total home range. R. bieti preferred certain sleeping sites over others: 63% of the sleeping sites were used 2 or more times in 13 months. Groups reused locations in an unpredictable long‐term pattern, but avoided using the same sleeping site on consecutive nights. To reduce the time and energetic costs of travel, monkeys preferred sleeping near commonly used feeding sites. We recorded 124 feeding sites in the home range, which were used 174 times. A total of 27 sleeping sites were also feeding sites, and all remaining sleeping sites were close to feeding sites. There was a positive correlation between the intensity of use of sleeping sites and feeding sites. The present study suggests that the availability and the location of immediate sources of food is a key factor in the choice of sleeping sites.  相似文献   

Inter‐group conflicts are common among many group‐living animals and involve potentially complex motivations and interactions. Mammals living in multilevel societies offer a good opportunity to study inter‐group conflicts. This study is the first to explore the function of sex‐specific participation during inter‐group conflicts within a multilevel society at the individual level. The Sichuan snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is an endangered seasonal breeding species living in a multilevel society. From Sep 2007 to May 2008 we recorded 290 inter‐group conflicts of a free‐ranging provisioned band of R. roxellana in the Qinling Mountains of China to investigate the function of individual aggression during inter‐group encounters. Our findings show that adult males were the main participants in inter‐group conflicts, while females took part in them only occasionally. The male participation rate during the mating season, when adult females were estrous, was significantly higher than that during the non‐mating season. Furthermore, males directed their aggression to other males, and directed more intense aggression towards bachelor males than towards other resident males. For both sexes, the participation rate as initiators was higher in the winter than that in the spring; and there was a significant positive correlation between group size and the participation rate as initiators. Our results suggest that inter‐group aggression in Sichuan snub‐nosed monkeys is linked to both mate defense and resource defense.  相似文献   

李明杰 《野生动物》2012,33(6):350-353
金丝猴是中国特有的珍稀动物,野外川金丝猴分布于四川、甘肃、陕西及湖北,群栖于高山密林中,过着典型的树栖群聚游荡生活,以采食各种植物的枝、叶、果实为生,其性聪慧机敏、胆小怕惊。长期以来,金丝猴在移地保护人工圈养过程中,其生活质量和存活率均不理想。本文结合近十多年来人们在金丝猴的生理生态、生活习性、饲养管理与疾病防治方面的认识和研究,以及南京红山森林动物园多年来金丝猴的饲养管理经验与教训,对金丝猴的饲养管理和疾病防治方面作一深入探讨和综述。  相似文献   

Although there are some reports that have described primates eating animals, it is unknown whether predation on vertebrates exists in herbivorous leaf‐eating primates. We have witnessed firsthand wild Sichuan snub‐nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) preying on and consuming Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus meruld) in the Qinling Mountains of China. This event suggests that R. roxellana, which has previously been described as a herbivorous leaf‐eating primate, may be partially carnivorous and the correct classification of this species would be omnivorous. Furthermore, food‐share behavior among higher‐ranked members occurs in a one‐male unit when vertebrate prey is hunted by this species.  相似文献   

2012年1月至3月,本研究采用粪便分析法对黔金丝猴冬季的食物利用进行了调查研究。结果表明在此期间黔金丝猴采食植物部位有嫩枝、树芽、叶片、花、树皮以及果实和种子,食物种类较多。其中,地表灌木层木姜子属(Litse asp.)的嫩枝是黔金丝猴取食较多的采食对象。本次研究也首次发现黔金丝猴食用地面上的四照花果实。我们推测黔金丝猴利用落地果实的现象可能是该物种对温带森林中高质量食物果实和种子利用最大化的一种适应。建议在温带灵长类生态行为研究中,加强对落地果实、矮小灌木和草本植物等猴群食源植物的监测,以期精确地探讨物种的食性以及对环境的适应。  相似文献   

The cao vit gibbon is a critically endangered species. Only approximately 110 individuals remain in degraded karst forest along the China‐Vietnam border. Karst forest is unusual gibbon habitat. Currently, the canopy height of cao vit gibbon habitat is approximately 10 m. Research on the locomotor behavior of gibbons living in this particular forest type might provide important insight into locomotor stability and variability of gibbons. We used 5 min scan samples to record the locomotion mode, support use and canopy strata of gibbons in 3 groups for 2096 h between January 2008 and December 2009. Although cao vit gibbon habitat has a lower canopy in comparison to that of other forests inhabited by gibbons, cao vit gibbons displayed a similar overall locomotor pattern to other gibbon species (Symphalangus syndactylus, Hylobates lar and Hylobates agilis) in which brachiation dominate their locomotor behavior. Cao vit gibbons spent most of their time travelling on inclined branches (2–10 cm) in the middle stratum through the forest canopy. Adult females appear to more often employ safer modes of locomotion (bridging more often and brachiation less), while adult males choose riskier modes (leaping more and climbing less). As gibbons increased in body weight, as they grew from infant to adult, they tended to use larger supports. This research documented that locomotor behavior in Hylobatidae is strongly determined by anatomical characters, but cao vit gibbons also show the ability to use various supports, enabling them to survive in karst forest.  相似文献   

Extractive foraging (EF) involves the exploitation of hidden or embedded foods, generally any food that is not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, EF is particularly important for survival in marginal habitats as it provides seasonal fallback foods in low food availability seasons. Although many studies consider primates’ EF behavior and category, colobine species are usually categorized as non‐extractive foragers and few studies quantitatively examine their EF behavior. In this study, we examined the EF behavior of one colobine species, the gray snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi), at Yangaoping in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou. We recorded 6 categories of EF behaviors. The most frequently sought‐out foods were seeds, young bamboo and invertebrates. Extracted foods accounted for an average of 26.02% of feeding records. As the monkey engages in little EF behavior in the winter when the food availability is low, these results seem to do not support the hypothesis that EF serves to secure additional resources during lean times in marginal or seasonal habitats. According to these findings, we suggest R. brelich should be considered as an extractive forager. Our study also highlights the need for increased representation of colobines in the EF literature to better inform the discussion concerning its link to primate brain evolution.  相似文献   

We examined the criteria for sleeping place selection in a social band of Rhinopithecus bieti (black‐and‐white snub‐nosed or golden monkeys) living in the mountainous Samage Forest, Baima Snow Mountain Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China. We performed principal component analysis and found that slope aspect, tree height and trunk diameter were likely key variables influencing selection of sleeping places. Sleeping sites were preferentially located in mixed deciduous/conifer forest. The monkeys slept exclusively in evergreen trees, of which 82% were conifers (mostly Picea likiangensis and Tsuga dumosa) and 18% evergreen oaks (Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon and Quercus spp.). Sleeping trees were tall (mean 30.5 m), had high boles (mean 18.4 m), large diameters (mean 62.6 cm) and large crown areas (mean 57.9 m2). A comparative analysis of phytological and architectural features between trees in “sleeping site plots” (n= 18) and trees in “non‐sleeping‐site plots” (n= 66) revealed that diameter, crown surface area and tree height were significantly (P < 0.01) larger in the former compared with the latter. All investigated roosting sites were situated on steep mountain slopes. Valleys and mountain ridges were avoided. We also detected re‐use of roosting sites on several occasions, but not on consecutive nights. It is most likely that a mix of factors (stability of trees, access to food, unit cohesion, monitoring potential) explains the pattern of sleeping site preference, but predation at night seems to be only slightly important. Climate appears to have a profound influence on patterns of sleeping site selection in the monkeys' harsh temperate habitat. This is demonstrated by the monkeys' preference for mixed forest at medium elevations over montane fir forest at high elevations and slopes instead of ridges, with reduced exposure to wind and precipitation inherent in the former. We also emphasize the possibly substantial role that non‐environmental factors (the nature of social organization and socio‐behavioral strategies) play in determining sleeping site use in R. bieti and other primates.  相似文献   

Following significant developments in technology, alternative devices have been applied in fieldwork for animal and plant surveys. Thermal‐image acquisition cameras installed on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been used in animal surveys in the wilderness. This article demonstrates an example of how UAVs can be used in high mountainous regions, presenting a case study on the Sichuan snub‐nosed monkey with a detection rate of 65.19% for positive individual identification. It also presents a model that can prospectively predict population size for a given animal species, which is based on combined initial work using UAVs and traditional surveys on the ground. A great potential advantage of UAVs is significantly shortening survey procedures, particularly for areas with high mountains and plateaus, such as the Himalayas, the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, Hengduan Mountains, the Yunnan‐Gui Plateau and Qinling Mountains in China, where carrying out a traditional survey is extremely difficult, so that species and population surveys, particularly for critically endangered animals, are largely absent. This lack of data has impacted the management of endangered animals as well as the formulation and amendment of conservation strategies.  相似文献   

During a mast‐fruiting event we investigated spatial variability in fruit availability, consumption, and seed removal at two sympatric tree species, Manilkara bidentata and M. huberi (Sapotaceae) at Nouragues Natural Reserve, French Guiana. We addressed the question of how Manilkara density and fruits at the community level might be major causes of variability in feeding assemblages between tree species. We thus explored how the frugivore assemblages differed between forest patches with contrasting relative Manilkara density and fruiting context. During the daytime, Alouatta seniculus was more often observed in M. huberi crowns at Petit Plateau (PP) with the greatest density of Manilkara spp. and the lowest fruit diversity and availability, whereas Cebus apella and Saguinus midas were more often observed in M. bidentata crowns at both Grand Plateau (GP), with a lowest density of M. bidentata and overall greater fruit supply, and PP. Overall, nearly 53% and 15% of the M. bidentata seed crop at GP and PP, respectively, and about 47% of the M. huberi seed crop were removed, otherwise either spit out or defecated beneath trees, or dropped in fruits. Small‐bodied primates concentrated fallen seeds beneath parent trees while large‐bodied primate species removed and dispersed more seeds away from parents. However, among the latter, satiated A. seniculus wasted seeds under conspecific trees at PP. Variations in feeding assemblages, seed removal rates and fates possibly reflected interactions with extra‐generic fruit species at the community level, according to feeding choice, habitat preferences and ranging patterns of primate species.  相似文献   

The means of orientation is studied in the Vietnamese pygmy dormouse Typhlomys chapensis, a poorly known enigmatic semi‐fossorial semi‐arboreal rodent. Data on eye structure are presented, which prove that Typhlomys (translated as “the blind mouse”) is incapable of object vision: the retina is folded and retains no more than 2500 ganglion cells in the focal plane, and the optic nerve is subject to gliosis. Hence, Typhlomys has no other means for rapid long‐range orientation among tree branches other than echolocation. Ultrasonic vocalization recordings at the frequency range of 50–100 kHz support this hypothesis. The vocalizations are represented by bouts of up to 7 more or less evenly‐spaced and uniform frequency‐modulated sweep‐like pulses in rapid succession. Structurally, these sweeps are similar to frequency‐modulated ultrasonic echolocation calls of some bat species, but they are too faint to be revealed with a common bat detector. When recording video simultaneously with the ultrasonic audio, a significantly greater pulse rate during locomotion compared to that of resting animals has been demonstrated. Our findings of locomotion‐associated ultrasonic vocalization in a fast‐climbing but weakly‐sighted small mammal ecotype add support to the “echolocation‐first theory” of pre‐flight origin of echolocation in bats.  相似文献   

The highly polymorphic genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) not only play a major role in immunity resistance, but also seem to provide hints for mate choice in some animal populations. In the present study we investigated MHC‐related mate choice in a small natural population (group size 40–55 individuals) of a polygynous primate, the Sichuan snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). We found that there was no evidence either for MHC‐disassortative mating, or for females to mate with males based on MHC heterozygosity or specific alleles. Nevertheless, of the 11 alleles identified, we found that the frequencies of 2 alleles, Rhro‐DRB2 (P < 0.01) and Rhro‐DRB5 (P < 0.05) were higher in offspring than in their parents. These findings suggest that MHC‐DRB in this population of R. roxellana is unlikely to be associated with mating preferences. Limited female opportunities for mate choice are likely due, in part, to the harem breeding structure present in R. roxellana, and the relatively small number of resident adult males in our study band (N = 4–6). In addition, we suggest that differences in the frequency of particular alleles across generations may be linked to parasite resistance in a fluctuating environment; however, confirmation of this finding requires further study.  相似文献   

When forced to drop from the plant, flightless arboreal insects can avoid reaching the risky ground by maneuvering their body through the air. When wingless pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) are threatened by natural enemies, they often drop off their host plant while assuming a stereotypic posture that rotates them in mid‐air, aligning them with their feet pointing downwards. This position may increase their chances of re‐clinging onto lower plant parts and avoid facing the dangers on the ground, although its effectiveness in realistic field conditions has not been tested. We performed both laboratory and outdoor experiments, in which we dropped aphids upon host plants to quantify clinging success in plants with different characteristics such as height and leaf size. Live aphids had twofold higher clinging rates than dead ones, indicating that clinging success is indeed affected by the active aerial‐righting of dropping aphids. The ability to cling was positively dependent on the plants' foliage cover as viewed in vertical direction from above. Therefore, we released aphids in commercial alfalfa (Medicago sativa) fields with varying plant heights and foliage cover and induced them to drop. Most (up to 75%) of the aphids avoided reaching the ground in taller plants (65 cm), and 17% in shorter plants (21 cm), demonstrating the efficiency of the aphids' response in averting risks: both those of an approaching enemy on the plant and the plethora of new risks on the ground. Evidently, even in complex field environment, the aerial‐righting mechanism can substantially reduce the possible risks following escape from a predator.  相似文献   

High glycaemic feeds are associated with the development of insulin resistance in horses. However, studies that evaluated the effect of high glycaemic feeds used horses that either ranged in body condition from lean to obese or were fed to increase body condition over a period of months; thus, the ability of high glycaemic feeds to induce insulin resistance in lean horses has not been determined. This study evaluated the insulin sensitivity of 18 lean horses fed a 10% (LO; n = 6), 20% (MED; n = 6) or 60% (HI; n = 6) non‐structural carbohydrate complementary feed for 90 days. Although both the MED and HI diets increased insulinaemic responses to concentrate feeding in relation to the LO diet (p > 0.05), neither induced insulin resistance, as assessed by glucose tolerance test, following the 90‐day feeding trial. Interestingly, the post‐feeding suppression of plasma non‐esterified fatty acids was less pronounced in HI‐fed horses (p = 0.054) on days 30 and 90 of the study, potentially indicating that insulin‐induced suppression of adipose tissue lipolysis was reduced. As insulin‐resistant animals often have elevated plasma lipid concentrations, it is possible that altered lipid metabolism is an early event in the development of insulin resistance. The effects of high glycaemic feeds that are fed for a longer duration of time, on glucose and lipid metabolism, should be investigated further.  相似文献   

Effects of feeding lycopene isomers to laying hens on egg qualities such as lycopene concentration and color of the yolk were investigated. Firstly, to evaluate the dietary transfer of lycopene to egg yolk, (all‐E)‐lycopene–rich diets (lycopene content, 100, 200, or 300 mg/kg diet) were fed to hens for 21 days. Lycopene in egg yolk could be detected after 4 days or more from the start of feeding, and the lycopene concentration increased according to the feed amount and period. Even though most of the dietary lycopene was the all‐E‐isomer, more than 65% of lycopene in egg yolk was present as Z‐isomers. Thus, the effect of lycopene Z‐isomer content in the diet (lycopene content, 200 mg/kg diet; lycopene Z‐isomer content, 35.1% or 61.3%) on egg qualities was investigated. As the Z‐isomer content increased, the lycopene concentration in the egg yolk increased, for example, when fed a diet rich in Z‐isomers (61.3%), the lycopene concentration in the egg yolk was approximately three times higher than when fed the (all‐E)‐lycopene–rich diet for 21 days. The results indicated that Z‐isomers of lycopene had higher bioavailability and/or higher transfer efficiency to the egg yolk than the all‐E‐isomer.  相似文献   

记录1只人工育幼白颊长臂猿明显异常行为的矫正过程,矫正内容包括:(1)毛巾脱离训练;(2)吮吸手指、身体撞地、过度紧迫3种刻板行为矫正;(3)树栖行为恢复训练3部分.矫正采用环境丰容与食物丰容相结合的方式,幼猿由原简单布置的育幼室迁到备有较多攀爬绳索、可见同类行为模式、自然植被丰富等具有相当丰容程度的新笼舍,投喂方式由定时定点转为散放、不定时放置食物.毛巾脱离训练成功后,采用事件取样法对该长臂猿异常行为和树栖时间进行观察记录,结果表明幼猿吮吸手指、身体撞地、过度紧迫3种异常行为分别由原来87.6%、26.4%、17.2%降至44.8%、0%、0.2%;并成功激发其树栖生活的正常行为模式.休息、取食、运动行为由原来的40%、6%、3%提高至58%、17%、18%.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Acute monensin intoxication in equids is well described; however, the long‐term effects of sublethal intoxication and ability to return to previous use are less well understood. Long‐term observations may allow improved estimation of prognosis in cases of sublethal intoxication. Objectives: To assess horses and ponies exposed to sublethal amounts of monensin for evidence of chronic sequelae and ability to return to prior/intended use. Methods: Twenty‐nine horses and 8 ponies were assessed utilising serum biochemistry, treadmill exercise stress testing, electrocardiography, and pre‐ and post exercise echocardiography ≥6 weeks after ingestion of monensin‐contaminated feed. Animals with evidence of monensin‐induced cardiomyopathy were re‐examined after a period of rest of ≥11 months. Follow‐up information was obtained by owner telephone interview ≥52 months after exposure. Results: During resting echocardiography, 11 animals had reduced/low‐normal left ventricular fractional shortening (FS); an increase in FS in 8 of these animals was measured ≥11 months later. Six animals had reduced or low‐normal FS during post exercise echocardiography. Two horses had ventricular premature depolarisations during exercise. Follow‐up information was available for 35 animals: 21 returned to athletic/reproductive use, 13 were retired immediately and one died. Mean FS increased significantly (P<0.001) between initial and second examination in 15 animals that underwent resting echocardiography on 2 occasions. Conclusions: Some equids exposed to sublethal doses of monensin may not develop permanent myocardial disease and a return to athletic/reproductive use is possible. Potential relevance: Exercise stress testing, echocardiography and electrocardiography may be useful for detection and monitoring of cardiac dysfunction in equids exposed to monensin and determining whether a return to athletic/reproductive use is possible.  相似文献   

The effects of non‐starch‐polysaccharide‐degrading enzymes, added to a maize silage‐ and grass silage‐based total mixed ration (TMR) at least 14 h before feeding, on the rumen bacterial population were investigated. Six non‐lactating Holstein Friesian cows were allocated to three treatment groups using a duplicate 3 × 3 Latin square design with three 31‐day periods (29 days of adaptation and 2 days of sampling). Treatments were control TMR [69% forage and 31% concentrates on a dry matter (DM) basis] or TMR with 13.8 or 27.7 ml/kg of feed DM of Roxazyme G2 liquid with activities (U/ml enzyme preparation) of xylanase 260 000, β‐glucanase 180 000 and cellulase 8000 (DSM Nutritional Products, Basel, Switzerland). The concentrations of 16S rDNA of Anaerovibrio lipolytica, Fibrobacter succinogenes, Prevotella ruminicola, Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Selenomonas ruminantium and Treponema bryantii, and their relative percentage of total bacteria in rumen samples obtained before feeding and 3 and 7 h after feeding and from two rumen fractions were determined using real‐time PCR. Sampling time had only little influence, but bacterial numbers and the composition of the population differed between the transition layer between rumen fluid and the fibre mat (fraction A) and the rumen fluid (fraction B) highlighting the importance to standardize sampling. The 16S rDNA copies of total bacteria and the six bacterial species as well as the population composition were mainly unaffected by the high levels of exogenous enzymes supplemented at all sampling times and in both rumen fractions. Occasionally, the percentages of the non‐fibrolytic species P. ruminicola and A. lipolytica changed in response to enzyme supplementation. Some increases in the potential degradability of the diet and decreases in lag time which occurred collaterally indicate that other factors than changes in numbers of non‐particle‐associated bacteria are mainly responsible for the effects of exogenous enzymes.  相似文献   

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