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渔业在我国国民经济中占有重要地位和作用,水产技术推广体系是保证我国渔业持续健康发展的基础。本文采用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)中的BCC模型分析2013—2015年全国各地区的水产技术推广资源配置效率,以探究我国各地区水产技术推广资源配置效率的差异。结果表明,我国水产技术推广资源整体配置效率不高,区域间的配置效率差异明显,中南地区水产技术推广资源配置综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率都高于全国平均水平,东北地区低于全国平均水平。建议通过增加水产技术推广资源总量、因地制宜的配置水产技术推广资源、建立水产技术推广体系联合协作工作机制等方法来提高水产资源配置效率。  相似文献   

根据2018年中国淡水养殖地区统计数据,分析2018年中国淡水养殖技术效率水平。通过构建DEA模型,测算不同地区淡水养殖的效率值。结果表明:2018年中国整体淡水养殖技术效率较高,为0.85;不同地区的技术效率水平值存在差异,最高值为1.00,最低值为0.76。从空间分布看,7个区域的技术效率值不同,但没有明显区别,因此认为技术效率与空间分布无明显关系。基于研究结果,从技术创新、交流合作、产业结构等方面提出了相关建议,以期为中国淡水养殖效率研究提供可参考的资料。  相似文献   

我国各沿海省市海洋渔业产出效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋渔业作为我国海洋经济的传统产业之一,其投入产出效率的高低,不仅关系到海洋资源的可持续发展,而且在我国海洋经济的发展进程中起着至关重要的作用。运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)和Malmquist指数,计算我国各沿海省市的渔业产出效率,结果表明:在技术效率和技术进步共同作用下实现了全要素生产率(TFP)的增长,其中技术效率的增长幅度略小于技术进步,但部分省市仍存在产出不足和投入冗余等现象。  相似文献   

文章采用DEA(数据包络)分析方法,从纵横两个方向对陕西省农业生产综合技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率进行分析,对非DEA有效的地区进行松弛量分析和射影调整,指出其非有效的原因及程度,并给出其应调整规模的正确方向和大小。  相似文献   

上市公司是各行业内的代表性企业,各行业都十分重视对本行业上市公司经营效果的研究。特别是资产运营效果的研究。而针对水产类上市公司的相关研究却很少,本文正是基于此,利用DEA数据包络分析模型,对当前以水产为主业的六家上市公司的资产运营效果进行了有效性分析和规模效益分析,其中,三家DEA无效,两家具有较大的规模增加潜力,并提出相应的改进方法。  相似文献   

我国作为世界上最大的水产品出口国,水产品出口额在全球市场所占比重不断提高,但是自2010年起我国水产品出口增长速度开始变缓。为了弄清楚出口贸易效率与出口增速的关系,本文选取2001-2015年我国30个主要水产品出口贸易国的数据,构建随机前沿引力模型,分析我国水产品出口贸易效率及潜力。结果表明:贸易双方人均国内生产总值、进口国人口规模对我国水产品出口贸易具有积极的推动效应,而贸易距离对我国水产品出口产生较大的负效应;2001-2015年我国水产品平均出口贸易效率整体水平较低,贸易潜力提升空间巨大。因此,我国应促进水产品产业结构升级,加快建设绿色贸易通道,开发欧盟、俄罗斯和挪威等拥有巨大潜力的新兴市场。  相似文献   

中国水产种业技术创新现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡红浪  韩枫  桂建芳 《水产学报》2023,47(1):019101-019101
种业是农业发展的基础,振兴种业是保障国家粮食安全的核心要素,也是保障国家安全的重要举措。种业发展涉及政策、技术和市场等多种因素。我国水产遗传育种技术发展日新月异,但与《种业振兴行动方案》提出的要求尚有差距。本文从育种技术研究、发展与应用等角度阐述了我国水产遗传育种技术发展现状,对照《种业振兴行动方案》提出的目标与任务,从种质资源保护与利用、育种技术创新、种业生产体系建设和种苗监管等方面分析了我国水产育种技术发展存在的短板,认为我国水产养殖用种总体有保障、风险可管控,也存在国内种质资源丰富但遗传改良率不高、科研育种成果多但转化效率不高、种业企业多但核心竞争力不强等3个主要问题。针对短板,本文提出加强种质资源挖掘保存与创新利用技术研究、加强现代育种技术特别是新种质创制的研究及应用、加强生产体系技术标准化应用、加强育种技术商业化应用研究、加强种业市场监管技术支撑等建议,以期为我国水产育种技术创新攻关及种业发展政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

根据2003~2009年内蒙古、宁夏和西藏的羊绒生产成本收益面板数据,本文利用DEA—Malmquist指数法,对我国羊绒生产的全要素生产率(TFP)进行了测算和分析。研究结果表明,我国羊绒生产TFP年均增长率为负且总体上呈现“N”状的变化特征;羊绒生产出现了技术效率提高与技术退化并存的现象,羊绒生产TFP的增长主要来源于技术效率的提高,但这种作用不强,技术退化则对TFP的增长形成了较强的负向作用;宁夏和西藏羊绒生产TFP均出现不同程度的下降,只有内蒙古实现了增长。最后,本文提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章在全面阐述我国生猪种业产业现状的基础上,深入分析了我国生猪种业发展面临的诸多问题,提出了解决问题的对策建议,为推动新形势下我国生猪种业健康可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>当前,我国水产种业正处于产业结构调整的关键转折期。今年的全国渔业工作会议指出了我国水产种业未来发展的方向。根据这一大方向的指引,未来水产种业发展任务是全面建立完善现代水产种业产业体系。为此,在"十二五"后期,必须在水产种业发展思路、建设任务、条件保障等方面,主动进行改革创新,为下一阶段全面推进现代水产种业发展做好准备。一、我国水产种业产业体系的阶段性评价  相似文献   

对上海市浦东新区渔业结构调整情况、渔业经济效益、渔业组织化水平和渔业技术水平等进行了概述,基于浦东新区渔业产业发展现状和产业布局情况,指出可养水面总体不足、养殖面积逐年减少、养殖效益低、渔业组织化程度较低、养殖病害频发、市场信息服务缺位等问题,以及从生产到市场销售整个产业链中存在的环节问题,并就浦东新区水产养殖绿色发展提出了相关对策和建议,可为浦东新区因地制宜提升渔业发展水平提供参考。  相似文献   

在竞争日益激烈的水产药品行业,企业为了生存和发展,纷纷加强了市场营销能力。但是,如何进行有效的市场营销工作,是摆在水产药品企业面前的一个重要问题。文章基于水产药品的市场状况,分析了品牌营销的必要性,并从企业市场战略、文化、产品质量和情感因素等方面提出了对策。  相似文献   


This study analyzed the contribution of the catfish industry to the economy of Chicot County, Arkansas, using an input-output model. The objective was to quantify the economic contribution of the industry in terms of creating new dollars, jobs, and income to the local community. Mail surveys and personal interviews were used to collect data from catfish farmers, processors and other businesses related to the catfish industry. For farmers, the information solicited included production and marketing costs, sales and employment. Out of approximately 85 questionnaires administered to catfish farms, 44 usable questionnaires were obtained for a response rate of 52%. Businesses directly related to the catfish industry provided information on employment and sales and included: processors, seiners and haulers, pond builders, tractor and equipment dealers, and feed bin manufacturers. Other businesses with indirect ties to the catfish industry included: input supply companies, banks, fertilizer and chemical companies, auto shops, electricians, and bookkeeping firms. The survey data were used to modify the IMPLAN database for Chicot County to reflect the 2001 level of catfish production, processing and services available to support the industry. This database was then used to estimate the economic impact of the industry to the county's economy. In 2001, the 85 catfish farmers in the county operated about 7,859 ha (19,500 acres). The farm-gate value of catfish production exceeded $63 million. Employment on catfish farms was approximately 510. In addition, 59 other businesses depended on the catfish industry. Results indicated that total employment created in Chicot County by businesses directly or indirectly involved with the catfish industry was 2,665 jobs. This represented 48% of all employment in Chicot County. Total tax revenue (federal, state, and local taxes) generated from both direct and indirect catfish businesses was $22 million. Combined, the total economic impact of the catfish industry in Chicot County, including direct, indirect and induced effects, was over $384 million. The output multiplier calculated for live catfish production was 6.05. Thus, each $1 of earnings by catfish farms generated $6.05 total economic activity in the Chicot County economy. If current economic difficulties should result in contractions in catfish acreage in Chicot County by 10%, unemployment rates would increase by 2%. This study demonstrates the importance of the catfish industry to the economy of Chicot County.  相似文献   


The catfish industry is the most successful aquaculture business in the US. The development and growth of the catfish industry has resulted in complex fish farm businesses that require intensive management. Technological innovations have resulted in increased yields (land use efficiency). However, in more recent years, productivity gains have not kept pace with the rate of increase in input costs. Increasing intensification of catfish production over time has been accompanied by increased use of debt capital that results in higher levels of financial risk. While still a profitable activity, real profit margins have declined as financial risk has increased. New technologies will likely continue to increase productivity over time. Market‐oriented agribusiness approaches to catfish marketing are likely to become the norm. The challenge for the catfish industry is to coordinate adoption of new higher‐cost technologies with demand increasing market development to sustain farm price levels.  相似文献   

秦皇岛是全国知名的扇贝养殖基地,贝类产业是秦皇岛市农业的主导产业之一.本次对秦皇岛贝类产业的调研,从微观的角度,考察了养殖、加工、销售、技术服务机构的经营状况;从中观的角度,考察了产业化经营组织,即养、加、销之问的利益联结机制;从宏观的角度,考察了各级政府对贝类产业发展提供的政策支撑及其效果.调研发现,秦皇岛贝类产业在...  相似文献   

渔民营销合作经济组织研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO,渔业发展面临国内国际双重严峻挑战,为了促进渔业产业化程度的进一步提高,为了大力发展渔民营销合作组织,把分散、超小规模生产经营的渔民联合起来,为提高渔民的组织化程度,提高渔业国际竞争力,合理调整渔业产业结构、增加渔民收入提出建议。  相似文献   


A questionnaire on quality management and measurement issues was conducted in the Danish seafood industry. The aim of the survey was to investigate to what extent the industry uses quality management systems, and which measurement methods are used. The results showed that the mandatory Own Check Systems, EU directive no. 91/439, were very well established. However, the application of more comprehensive systems was only found in 4% of the participating companies. Characteristics common to these companies were a high export rate, over 100 employees, and high turnover. The survey demonstrated that the measuring and control methods utilized by companies were mainly directed at controlling temperature, weight, sensory aspects, and microbes.  相似文献   

本文基于近年来凸显的蔬菜、瓜果鲜活农产品的产销衔接难、农户丰收却不增收等问题,以河北省部分果蔬产区产销情况为例,在实地调查的基础上,就果蔬产业"农社对接"、"农企对接"、"农市对接"和"农商对接"产业链模式等因素对农户增收的影响应用计量经济方法进行分析,以寻找适合于农户收入增加的果蔬产业链模式,探索解决鲜活农产品流通环节多、成本高、"卖难买贵"等问题的产业链模式发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the structure and change of the walleye pollock industry from a marketing and distribution perspective. Our focus is not only on industrial internationalisation, but also on local industry and community utilisation of walleye pollock. This is a subject of interest because its diverse utilisation has the potential to promote industrial management as well as the livelihood of local communities. We reason that Japan’s weakness in marketing, distribution and price setting of walleye pollock is largely due to its lack of competitiveness in the world market. Given the rapid decline of walleye pollock utilisation by local industry and society, it is of critical importance to take steps towards a long-term solution considering the rapid decline of walleye pollock use by our local industry and society. Our analysis indicates that Japan’s walleye pollock industry is inherently resilient, with diverse commodity chains, business flexibility and traditional food culture. However, as local industry and community have been reducing use of walleye pollock over time, there is a need to restore and reactivate the local society.  相似文献   

水产饲料营销创新的理念与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过多年的高速发展,水产饲料买方市场基本形成。本文分析了水产饲料销售的现状及存在问题,指出水产饲料企业要摆脱困境,必须实施营销创新,采用顾客满意的理念,准确定位,重视品牌建设与维护,并提出具有实践意义的营销创新方向。特别在营销理念创新、产品创新、定位创新、渠道创新、促销创新、组织创新和服务营销等方面提出具体的措施与方法。建议水产饲料企业要善于分析市场,秉承顾客满意的理念,运用STP理论,努力寻找差异化,找到属于自己品牌的蓝海。  相似文献   

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