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水芹(Oenanthe decumbens Thunb.K.Pol)为伞形科水芹属多年湿生或水生宿根草本植物.我国中南部水田、溪沟和阴湿的地方都有野生水芹生长,湖北、湖南、江西、浙江、上海等省市人工栽培水芹较多[1].我国采集食用水芹历史悠久,《吕氏春秋》有"菜之美者……云梦之芹"的记载.水芹还有一定药用价值,《本草纲目》记载,水芹具有健脾胃、降血压、清热解毒等功效[2].  相似文献   

水芹栽培技术简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水芹属伞形花科水芹属多年生水生宿根草本植物,以其嫩茎和叶柄供食用,主要在10月至次年4月分期分批上市。在我国作蔬菜栽培的水芹种主要为水芹(Oenanthe javanica(Bl.)DC.)和中华水芹(Oenanthe sinensis Dunn)。水芹在  相似文献   

介绍了苏州市水生蔬菜种质资源圃平台的建设情况;苏州市莲藕、茭白、芡实、水芹等特色水生蔬菜种质资源的收集、保存现状;提出了苏州市水生蔬菜种质资源在收集与保存中存在的问题,并对苏州市特色水生蔬菜研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

青浦水芹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水芹菜(Oenanthe stolonifera D、C、)为伞形科多年生沼泽草本植物,耐寒冷。水芹茎叶柔软,品质鲜嫩,清香爽口,产量高,供应期长,经济效益较高。而且水芹生长在秋冬季节,上市期正值元旦到春节前后的蔬菜淡季,因此颇受菜农和市场的欢迎。肯浦是上海的水生蔬菜基地,以生产茭白为主,但近年来茭白已产大于销,急需调整水生蔬菜的品种结构。因此,发展水  相似文献   

刘义满 《长江蔬菜》2010,(14):130-131
水芹[Oenanthe decumbens(Thunb)K.Pol][Oenan-the javanica(BL.)DC.,Oenanthe stolonifera(Roxb.)Wall.Ex DC.]系伞形科水芹属,为多年生、水生宿根草本植物。我国几乎分布全国,多为野生,亦有栽培。栽培区主要在江苏、安徽、江西、浙江及湖北等地,长江流域及其以南的其他部分地区亦有栽培。本文从历史角度对水芹粗作考证。  相似文献   

为收集、保存和了解江西省蔬菜种质资源现状,以江西省农作物种质资源普查与收集行动为基础,共收集到233份瓜类蔬菜资源。采用查阅文献、实地调查和田间试验相结合的方法,通过对分布在江西省11个县(市、区)、40个乡(镇)、120个村及普查县瓜类蔬菜种质资源分类、分布规律、性状特点及优异资源的重点分析。结果表明:瓜类蔬菜地方品种有6个科;部分地方品种品质较好,但纯度低、退化严重;都昌县、崇仁县、寻乌县具有丰富的瓜类蔬菜地方品种。本文对调查地区瓜类蔬菜资源现状、特色资源农艺性状特点及保护与利用进行了分析,研究结果可为江西省瓜类蔬菜地方资源的合理利用及育种工作提供参考。  相似文献   

野生蔬菜水芹栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水芹[Oenanthe javanica(BL.)DC.]又名楚葵,为伞形花科水芹属多年生草本植物,全国大部分省份均有分布,除部分城郊有少量栽培外,大多处于野生状态。水芹为高产的野生水生蔬菜,以嫩茎和叶柄炒食,其味鲜美,盛产期在春节前后,正值冬季缺菜季节,在蔬菜周年供应上有较大的实用价值。此外,水  相似文献   

一、水生蔬菜的繁育特点水生蔬菜包括莲藕、蕹莱、茭白、芋头、茡荠、菱角、慈姑、水芹、芡实、豆瓣菜、莼菜、蒲菜等,一般均为水生.仅蕹菜、芋头有旱生类型,分别称早蕹、旱芋,但旱蕹亦可水生栽培,旱芋则直栽培于潮湿地块.水生蔬菜以无性繁殖为主,除菱角、芡实用种子实生繁殖外,茭白、芋头、慈姑、茡荠、莼菜、蒲菜、莲藕、豆瓣莱、蕹菜等几乎都用无性繁殖.这不仅可以利用遗传的加性效应值,而且还能利用非加性效应值.一旦出现由遗传物质变异导致的优良变异类型即可通过无性繁殖固定利用.水生蔬菜的遗传基础杂合程度一般较高,这虽然降低了杂交育种的预见性,但增加了选择类型,通过诱变育种和多倍体育种获得新品种的机率较大.二、育种中存在的主要问题(一)新选育的品种少 80年代以前,我国水生蔬菜育种几乎为空白.现有品种主要是传统的地方品种.进入80年代后,仅武汉市蔬菜科学研究所等单位育成的莲藕(藕莲和籽莲)品种就达10余个,茭白品种近10个,其它种类则未见新品种选育成功的公开报道、目前水生蔬菜的品种结构尚不能满足发展生产的需求.(二)种质资源利用差 目前虽建立了国家级的水生蔬菜种质资源圃,保存了全国绝大多数水生蔬菜品种类型,计有材料达1200多份.对资源的研究主要限于观测描述,而对于分类学  相似文献   

我国水生蔬菜生产科研现状及发展对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水生蔬菜专指生长在淡水中 ,可作蔬菜食用的草本植物 ,大多原产我国。我国栽培的水生蔬菜现有莲藕、茭白、荸荠、慈姑、菱、芡实、水芹、莼菜、蒲菜、水芋、水蕹菜和豆瓣菜 1 2种 ,在植物学上分属于1 0科 1 2属 ,除豆瓣菜在我国作为蔬菜栽培仅 1 0 0多年外 ,其余各种都在 1 0 0 0年以上。这些水生蔬菜经各地农民长期栽培 ,相互引种和精心选择 ,保存和创造了很多地方品种 ,形成了中国特有的水生蔬菜品种资源。水生蔬菜的主要产地在水、热、光等资源比较丰富的黄河以南地区 ,大多利用浅水水面和低洼湿地进行生产 ,也可利用粮田灌水栽培。主要…  相似文献   

对保存在国家种质武汉水生蔬菜资源圃的133份水芹种质资源的主要农艺性状和营养成分进行了比较分析研究。  相似文献   

利用ISSR标记对32份安徽省地方枣种质资源及山东、河南等邻近省份的42份枣资源进行了遗传多样性分析。26条引物在74份种质中共扩增出241个位点,其中多态性位点214个,多态性比率为88.8%。利用NTSYS软件计算得到DICE相似系数为0.5936 ~ 0.9353;32份安徽地方种质共扩增出219条电泳谱带,其中186条为多态性条带,多态性比率为84.93%,32份样品遗传相似系数在0.6267 ~ 0.9353之间,表明安徽地方枣种质资源遗传多样性较为丰富。采用UPGMA法对74份种质的ISSR数据进行聚类分析,分析结果显示可分为8个类群,种质间亲缘关系与地理来源关系较为密切,来自安徽的地方种质基本上都独立聚成不同的类群,表明安徽地方枣种质与周边其它省份枣种质资源亲缘关系较远;研究结果表明体细胞突变可能是推动安徽地方枣种质进化的重要因素。  相似文献   


Twelve published simple sequence repeat (SSR; microsatellite) markers, belonging to the ssrOeUA-DCA, GAPU and UDO series, were tested in a panel of 46 accessions of olive germplasm belonging to 30 unique cultivars collected in seven Provinces of Sicily. Four well-known reference olive cultivars were also added. The analysis was carried out on an automatic capillary sequencer using fluorescent dyes, and fragment sizes were determined using internal standards. The results allowed us to rank the SSRs assayed according to their information content and reproducibility. Up to 115 alleles were identified (119, if those unique to sport mutations were included), the frequency of which allowed genetic relationships among accessions to be investigated. The probability that two unrelated genotypes displayed the same SSR pattern at all loci examined was calculated to be as low as 1.18 10–11. Sixteen accessions were identified as synonyms. Of these, eight matched perfectly with another accession at all SSR loci examined. The others showed one or two allelic differences from the reference accession. These were interpreted as mutations. Otherwise, all accessions were clearly separated from each other. Two likely parentages were also identified (‘Giarfara’ = ‘Nocellara del Belice’

‘Cacaridduni’; and ‘Pizzo di Corvo’ = ‘Nocellara Etnea’ ‘Tonda Iblea’). The genetic diversity of the pool represented by the unique accessions was very high, reflecting the richness of the olive germplasm accumulated in Sicily. A database of the accessions is available to the scientific community (http://www.unipa.it/germolive/ssr.html) to facilitate comparisons of data.  相似文献   

选取5个叶绿体DNA非编码区trnL-trnF-1、trnL-trnF-2、trnS-psbC、accD-psaI、rps16-trnQ和1个基因区域rbcL,对中国秦岭淮河以南地区的梨(Pyrus L.)资源进行遗传多样性和演化分析。将188份梨资源的测序结果整合得到长度为5 612 bp(包含缺失片段),共检测出13个单倍型、4个单一突变位点、16个简约性信息位点和14个插入/缺失片段(InDels),单倍型多样性Hd为0.7178,核苷酸多样性为0.35 × 10-3。accD-psaI区域的分析结果显示该区域的Hd值最高,为0.7177;rbcL区域的Hd值最低,为0.0317。其中162份梨资源检测出12个单倍型,Hd为0.713,核苷酸多样性为0.29 × 10-3;梨的不同地理群体中湖南省的10个梨地方品种的Hd最高,为0.889;来自贵州省的8个品种的Hd最低,为0。138份砂梨地方品种共检测出8个叶绿体单倍型,其中单倍型H2、H4和H5在130份砂梨和37份白梨品种中检测到,单倍型H6、H10、H11、H12和H13在8份砂梨地方品种‘青皮钟’、‘甜宵梨’、‘细花红梨’、‘惠阳红梨’、‘麝香梨’、‘塘湖青’、‘红粉’和‘横县浸泡梨’中检测到。Median-joining Network图显示单倍型H6和H11为古老单倍型,H1、H4和H5为较进化的单倍型。根据叶绿体DNA序列变异信息可推测秦岭淮河以南地区的砂梨和白梨亲缘关系较近,同时来自湖南地区的砂梨种质资源具有丰富的遗传多样性。  相似文献   


Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to evaluate genetic similarity and inter-relationship among31 acid citrus species and cultivars, including sour oranges (six accessions); ‘Yuzu’ (four accessions) andits relatives (21 accessions). Out of the 60 decamer primers screened, 27 were selected which produced 108 markers; 76 of which were polymorphic. Species or cultivar-specific RAPD markers were also found. A dendrogram based on genetic distance implied that sour oranges were very distinct from ‘Yuzu’ and its relatives. ‘Yuzu’ accessions were very closely linked to each other, however; for the other specimens genetic polymorphism could easily be detected by RAPDs and the genetic variation between accessions was quite high and revealed their different origins. In this study some RAPDs allowed the distinction of very close cultivars, for instance ‘Kabosu’ from ‘Aka kabosu’.  相似文献   

In the mid-1970s, a new apple variety named ‘Meran’ was discovered in South Tyrol (northern Italy), which harbours the largest continuous apple growing area in Europe. The cultivar was registered for varietal protection and patented in several countries, and was declared to be a cross of the varieties ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Morgenduft’ (synonym ‘Rome Beauty’). The parentage of ‘Meran’ has, however, been questioned, and the present study aimed to assess the descent of this cultivar by the combined use of molecular genetic and bioinformatic tools. Five accessions of ‘Meran’ were collected from three different European germplasm collections and analysed at 14 variable microsatellite DNA loci. Subsequently, computer software was used to allocate the most likely parent pair from a set of cultivars representative for the apple growing area of South Tyrol in 1975. The molecular genetic data clearly excluded ‘Morgenduft’ as a gene donor to ‘Meran’ and provided strong evidence that ‘Meran’ is a cross of the cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Jonathan’, confirming previous assumptions based on morphological traits of the tree and fruit.  相似文献   

The availability of powdery mildew-resistant raisin accessions will lower grower production costs and enhance the environment through reduced fungicide use. To achieve this objective, backcrossing has been employed with Vitis romanetii as the source of non-race-specific powdery mildew resistance. Initial crosses of powdery mildew-resistant F1 hybrid B36-45 with seeded raisin cultivars ‘Rangspray’ and ‘Raisin de Palestine’ yielded seedless powdery mildew-resistant first-generation backcross selections C87-41 and C87-106, which were used to develop second-generation backcross populations. Principal component analyses consistently identified ‘wrinkle,’ ‘meatiness,’ ‘product attractiveness’ and ‘skin persistence’ as being the quality characteristics most important in discriminating among powdery mildew-resistant raisin accessions and commercial raisin cultivars. Raisin quality ratings were much improved across most evaluated characters in second-generation backcross families as compared with parental powdery mildew- resistant accessions C87-41 and C87-106. After two generations of backcrossing, powdery mildew-resistant raisin selections were identified with product quality characteristics similar to those of commercial raisin cultivars.  相似文献   

The orchard of the Institute of Fruit Breeding of the German Federal Centre of Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants in Dresden-Pillnitz was highly affected by fire blight in 2003. Infected pomefruit trees were observed over a period of nearly 3 months. The first symptoms on pear trees were found on May 19th. The pathogen Erwinia amylovora was confirmed officially on May 26, and the last infected apple trees were detected the 11th of August. The infected trees had to be grubbed at the decision of the Phytopathological Authority. In total, 1164 apple and 478 pear trees were grubbed, including the entire pear collection of the gene bank. Of 35 wild species of pear, 49 accessions, eight accessions of six species each, showed infections. The apple collection of the gene bank included 33 wild species, with 365 accessions, and 845 cultivars and clones. Ten accessions of nine wild apple species and 81 cultivars/clones of these collections showed fire blight infection. The source of infection was the pear collection, and the distance from that source was important for the occurrence of infection. Field plots close to the pear collection had tree losses of 10–34%, while more distant plots had losses of 0–6%. Around 80% of the lost apple trees were detected and grubbed from 27th May to 11th June. Some of the cultivars bred in Dresden-Pillnitz, e.g. ‘Pilot’ and ‘Rekarda’, were affected by fire blight in most field plots, whereas most others were affected mainly only in plots adjacent to the infection source. A correlation of r=?0.72 could be calculated for rating in artificial shoot inoculations and percentage of trees of resistant cultivars lost. The cultivars ‘Pirol’, ‘Reanda’, ‘Remo’, ‘Rene’, ‘Renora’, ‘Resi’, and ‘Retina’ showed only a very low numbers of infected trees. No tree of ‘Rewena’ showed symptoms of fire blight. Despite a tendency to postblooming, only 8.9% of ‘Pinova’ trees had to be grubbed.  相似文献   

红花槭新品种‘金色秋天’   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
‘金色秋天’是从加拿大引进的红花槭实生苗中选育出的新品种。叶片为五裂,10月下旬开始逐步转为金黄色,11月中旬为最佳观叶期,观叶期达30 d。8年生母树未见开花和结实。树体生长健壮,适应性广,适合安徽省及周边地区栽培。  相似文献   

田建保  王占和  何勇  刘丽 《园艺学报》2009,36(8):1245-1245
 ‘鸡蛋李’是从意大利李树‘Susino Precoce del Italia’的自然实生后代中选育出来的优良晚熟李品种, 果大, 优质, 鲜食加工兼用, 抗性强, 丰产, 适合在山西省中部、东南部、南部及类似气候区栽植发展。  相似文献   

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