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1973~2003年中国林业生态足迹的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态足迹是评价可持续发展能力重要指标之一,该方法自提出以来得到广泛关注和迅速应用。首先,本文分析了中国1973-2003年木材生产、进口和出口情况,结果表明,中国在1973-1995年期间木材生产呈明显波动变化趋势,1995年后呈现连续下降趋势;木材进口在1995年后特别是天然林保护工程实施后呈增长趋势,而木材出口在1995年后呈逐年下降趋势。然后,采用改进的生态足迹方法(即森林可持续产量法与森林实际生产法)计算了中国1973-2003年间的林业生态足迹(包括进口与出口林业生态足迹),分析表明,1978-1988年期间,实际生产法计算林地真实面积小于可持续产量法计算结果,而1989-2003年正相反,上述两种方法的计算结果均大于用全球产量计算的林业生态足迹。说明中国在1978-1988年间森林资源消耗量大于生长量,林业发展是不可持续的;1989年后森林资源消耗出现长大于消的局面,林业朝着可持续的方向发展,但同林业发达国家相比仍有较大的差距。最后,讨论了林业生态足迹与国家重要政策(包括外贸、经济与森林保护政策)的关系,并提出了减少林业生态足迹与增强林业可持续发展能力的几点建议。图3表1参31。  相似文献   

The relation between the Faustmann model and “a forestry of prices” as a concept of thought was examined. At first, the meaning of the Faustmann model in economic sciences is the explanation of allocation and distribution by prices. The rotation age determination plays a secondary role only. Secondly, “a forestry of prices” as an application of the “free to choose” way of thinking is explained. The concept allows us to understand how individuals of anonymous groups achieve forest sustainability and provide forest environmental goods. Thirdly, the relation between the Faustmann model and “a forestry of prices” is discussed. For this purpose, the Faustmann model is described as a scientific laboratory. It helps us to observe how equilibrium arises as a non-intended result of individual welfare maximization in anonymous interactions. And conversely with the help of “a forestry of prices”, we understand also that the individual maximization approach of the Faustmann model re-enacts the unintended interaction situations in anonymous group. With help of the Faustmann model, we can understand deep aspects of “a forestry of prices”. Vice versa, “a forestry of prices” shows the meaning of the formal solutions of the Faustmann model.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that forests are perceived differently according to the cultural background of the visitor. Different cultural groups tend to have diverse perceptions of tree species, landscapes, or gardens. In this research project, we conducted interviews of German and Japanese groups (each group consisting of three or more people), to identify their perspectives in exploring the theme of “cut” and “dead” wood. For this purpose, we interviewed 20 groups from each cultural background (40 data sets in total). Each group was asked to categorize 36 pictures chosen from photographic contests. The results were examined with PCA and cluster analysis. The quantified results of the two national groups highlighted the dichotomy of the cut and dead wood relationship. The method and materials used gave robust results. Differences between the two groups were identified by their perceptions of cut and dead wood. The results are insightful from a methodological and political rationale. First, new insights were gained by adopting group-based interviews using pictures from photographic contests. Research about public perceptions in forest science is often dominated by a focus on verbal inquiry. This study explored similar questions, using visual materials. The interviews consisted of visual materials to overcome bias in languages or the question order. Second, the results indicated the influence of “close-to-nature forestry” policy on public perceptions. While German society has a wide practice of leaving dead wood in forests based on their close-to-nature forestry policy, there is no equivalent Japanese concept. Although Japan and Germany both face pressures for economic restructuring and public participation, the difference in public perception of forestry can lead to a difference in acceptance for the same policy. If such differences are to exist, we can observe that the legitimacy of forestry in the two countries is reconstructed in different ways.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Forsttechnische Verfahren sind selbst nicht nachhaltig, beeinflussen aber die nachhaltige Forstbewirtschaftung in vielf?ltiger Weise: Sie k?nnen einerseits direkten Einflu? auf Umwelt und Gesellschaft ausüben, andererseits indirekt die Leistungen der Forstwirtschaft oder die Wirkungen des Waldes st?ren oder f?rdern. Um sie umfassend zu beurteilen, müssen neben den klassischen Kriterien “Funktionsf?higkeit” und “Effizienz” auch die “?koeffizienz” und die ?kologische, soziale und die ergonomische “Vertr?glichkeit” beachtet werden. Bei der daran anschlie?enden Entscheidung für ein Verfahrenoder die Nullvariante - verlangen verschiedene Hürden wie Skalenniveaus, Werte, Restriktionen, Zielkonzept des Betriebes und Unsicherheiten bezüglich Wirkungen der Verfahren oder künftiger Entwicklungen nach einem umfassenden Modell, für das ein Vorschlag unterbreitet wird. Schlie?lich wird postuliert, da? sich unter anderem an der im Wald eingesetzten Technik entscheiden wird, ob künftig den Forstleuten noch die Kompetenz zugestanden wird, den Wald zu bewirtschaften. Summary Technical processes in forestry are not sustainable as such, but affect sustainable forest management in many ways. They may have a direct effect on the environment and society or they may indirectly either interfere with or promote benefits from forestry and the effects of the forest. For a comprehensive assessment of these effects “eco-efficiency” and ecological, social and ergonomie “compatibility” have to be taken into consideration apart from classical criteria such as “functionality” and “efficiency”. When deciding in favour of a process - or the control variate - various obstacles such as scale levels, values, restrictions, operational objectives and uncertainties regarding the effects of processes or future developments call for a comprehensive model, as proposed in this study. Finally, the postulate is advanced that it will also depend on the technics used in the forest whether forestry experts will be considered sufficiently competent to continue to manage our forests in the future.  相似文献   

Past monoculture forestry in China has contributed to countrywide ecological disasters and economic difficulties in forestry regions. China‘s new forestry programs, Natural Forest Conservation Program and Returning Farmlands to Forests Program, provide opportunities for ecosystem management of mountain forests in China. A decision support system, FORE-STAR, has been developed for better managing and protecting natural forests in Changbai Mountain area. It uses GIS-based forest inventory data at a scale of forestry bureau. The first version contains two sub-modules: forest operation and forest res-toration. Under each sub-module, users can compare several decision options and make optimal choices. It can help field for-esters, forest managers, and policy makers make multi-objective and consistent decisions in planning forest management at hierarchical administrative scales.  相似文献   

从山区林业生产实践出发,阐述了山区林业在生态省建设中的地位和作用,分析了山区林业可持续发展的制约因素,提出了抓山区林业可持续发展,促生态省建设的对策.  相似文献   

文中利用HP滤波法对林业产出、林业资本、林业劳动、林业产业结构升级以及林业生态政策进行趋势成分剥离,从而得到相应的波动指标;在此基础上构建时变参数状态空间模型分析林业产业结构升级对林业经济波动的影响,并以我国黑龙江省为例进行实证分析。结果表明:黑龙江省林业产业结构升级对林业经济波动具有明显的熨平效应,但是随着时间的推移这种熨平效应愈加平稳。  相似文献   

生态林业,高效林业与林业分类经营   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
林业分类经营是中国林业发展之路,生态林业是应用理论和技术原则,高效林业是目标,集约经营是技术要求,社会主义市场经济是新经济体制,它们之间有机地组成一个整体,形成具有中国特色的林业发展之路。  相似文献   

段军 《绿色科技》2019,(17):127-128
指出了受自然或人为因素的影响,林区土壤流失、空气污染、生态失衡等环境问题屡见不鲜,影响着人与自然的协同发展。为了更好地解决生态问题,从林业育苗技术规程出发,就程序化育苗推动生态林业发展,提出了相应的技术措施,以期实现生态林业建设中种苗资源的有效供应。  相似文献   

豆科植物在退耕还林中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
豆科植物种类丰富,形态性状多样,多数能改良土壤肥力、保持水土、提供多种植物性经济产品,产生良好的经济效益。在退耕还林(草)中推广栽植适宜的豆科植物,将有助于促进山区经济结构的调整,对山区退化生态环境的植被恢复和坡耕地退耕还林(草)的实施具有重要的作用和意义。  相似文献   

An overview of the “Three-North” Shelterbelt project in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The "Three-North" Shelterbelt is the largest and most distinctive artificial ecological engineering project in China.It has been conducted since November 25,1978 in the "Three-North" (i.e.,Northeast China,North China and Northwest China) regions.In this study,the background and the essential benefits of the "Three-North" Shelterbelt project are summarized.The basic status and future development of the "Three-North" Shelterbelt project are also studied.As well,we tried to discuss the problems existing in the current shelterbelt system and the strategies to conduct this ecological project rationally.  相似文献   

保护和发展竹林资源是建设山区生态林业的重要组分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国当前人工造林中树种单一与严重存在的“针叶化”问题,从竹业与生态林业的关系着眼,重点分析竹类资源的多样性特点在优化森林生态系统结构中的功能及在建设山区生态林业中发挥竹类资源的优势与山区宜林地资源的复杂性密切结合。较系统地论述保护和发展竹林资源是建设山区生态林业的重要组分,两者是不可分割的有机统一体。  相似文献   

根据扬州环境优势和生态城市建设需求,以林网化-水网化相结合的中国城市森林规划理念为指导,进行了以扬州市区为核心、面向市域的开放统一的林业发展规划。    相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der frühen Nachkriegszeit ist in Schweden eine weitgehende Interessenidentit?t von Forstwirtschaft und Naturschutz festzustellen. Auftretende Probleme wurden im Sinne des klassischen “Reservatdenkens” gel?st, entweder durch wenig aufwendige arealbezogene Rücksichtnahmen der Forstwirtschaft oder Unterschutzstellung besonders empfindlicher Bereiche. Seit dem Beginn der Umweltdebatte in den sp?ten 60er Jahren sind die Gegens?tze jedoch immer tiefgreifender geworden, da nahezu alle forstlichen Routinema?nahmen (v. a. Gro?kahlschlagbetrieb und Biozidapplikation) heftig kritisiert werden. Die Vertreter von Natur- und Umweltschutz haben es auf dem Weg über eine Sensibilisierung von ?ffentlichkeit und Politikern verstanden, der Forstwirtschaft empfindliche Restriktionen aufzuerlegen.
On the development of the conflict of interests between forestry and environmental protection in Sweden
Summary In the early post-war period, forestry and nature conservation can be seen to have shared the same interests in many ways. The problems that arose were solved along the lines of classical “reservation thinking”, either by minimizing the impact of forestry measures in small areas, involving little effort and expenditure, or by protecting especially susceptible areas by turning them into nature reserves. However, since the discussion on the protection of the environment began in the late 1960's, the inconsistencies have become more and more pronounced, as nearly all routine forestry measures (in particular large-scale clear fellings and the application of biocides) have come under strong criticism. By alerting the general public and applying pressure to politicians, representatives of nature and environmental protection have managed to subject forestry to quite considerable restrictions.

在安图县福兴林场生态公益林现状调查基础上,分析其水源涵养功能和建设与经营中存在的重管护轻抚育、树种组成单一、群落结构简单、林分密度较大、水污染较严重、补偿标准低及管护投入不足等问题。从绿色发展理念出发,提出了科学规划,建立完善的生态公益林管护机制;优化营林措施,有效提高林分质量;合理补偿,健全补偿金保障机制;合理利用,增强自我经济补偿能力;创新生态文化,推进森林康养新业态健康发展等生态公益林可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

山区林业的再生资源前景十分广阔,是可持续发展赖以生存的基础性产业,在促进地方经济发展、优化生态环境中发挥了不可替代的作用,是山区人民脱贫致富奔小康的重要来源之一,是一项富民强县、生态立县、林业活县的公益事业。笔者在调查研究的基础上,针对性地提出了兴山县实现林业强县的对策,为科学决策提供参考。  相似文献   

Koch  Niels Elers  Skovsgaard  J.P. 《New Forests》1999,17(1-3):11-22
Following the introduction of planned forestry and the regular high forest system more than 250 years ago, forests in Central Europe became increasingly shaped by plantation silviculture. Many natural woodlands were replaced by planted forests, and forest plantations are still being established through afforestation of extensive land areas. Nowadays, forests are managed for many different purposes, including wood production, recreation, ecological, cultural, and amenity values, biodiversity, and soil and groundwater protection. This brings new challenges to forest management and silviculture. To reach a sustainable forestry, in the sense of Brundtland (WCED 1987), we are now reshaping European forestry toward a more nature oriented silviculture. Maybe forestry in the United States and elsewhere can benefit from the mistakes made in Europe during the last two centuries and take a shortcut toward sustainable forestry.  相似文献   

水土流失不仅会破坏生态平衡与人们的生活环境,从长远角度来看,还会阻碍社会进步及经济发展。退耕还林与水土保持有着密不可分的关系,基于退耕还林和水土保持两个角度进行阐述,分析目前退耕还林当中存在的问题,并就退耕还林和水土保持的关系展开探讨。  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid to the question of whether and how community forestry links with poverty reduction in the mountainous regions in developing countries. Household-based community forestry was first implemented in Yunnan and spread over other parts of China in the 1980s. In this forestry management system, rural households are the main actors. Household forestry is a form of small-scale community forestry and suits the rural areas of China, where social overhead capital and skilled human resources are lacking. Community forestry has played a remarkable role in guiding and facilitating rural poverty alleviation in Huoshan County, Anhui Province. This paper describes how the community forestry project in Huoshan County has helped the farmers improve their livelihoods through the creation of a forestry model involving science and technology demonstration households and independent farmers’ organisations. The sustainable poverty alleviation model developed in Huoshan has proved to be effective in poverty alleviation and environmental protection, featuring the participatory forestry components of the project, namely household forestry, science and technology demonstration households, and independent farmers’ organisations. With technological and financial aid from government, the local farmers were able and willing to establish this small-scale forestry management system, planting fast-growing multiple-use tree species with substantial economic benefits.  相似文献   

The development status of the ecological industry in the state-owned forest areas in Heilongjiang is introduced,and the fact that "Ecological industrialization,industry ecology" is the development trend and inevitable choice of forestry industry is stated  相似文献   

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