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以银狐、蓝狐、南貉、美洲貉、紫貂、水貂为试验材料,观察特种经济动物狐、貉、貂毛绒纤维的超微结构,利用扫描电镜法比较其鳞片层结构特征。结果显示:银狐针毛翘角平均值为34.6°;鳞片高度平均值为10.88μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.48μm,银狐绒毛翘角平均值为25.3°,鳞片高度平均值为11.59μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.51μm;蓝狐针毛翘角平均值为33.1°,鳞片高度平均值为15.09μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.63μm,蓝狐绒毛翘角平均值为25.0°,鳞片高度平均值为9.80μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.55μm;南貉针毛翘角平均值为35.1°,鳞片高度平均值为14.54μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.67μm,南貉绒毛翘角平均值为32.7°,鳞片高度平均值为16.41μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.65μm;美洲貉针毛鳞片高度平均值为6.05μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.26μm,美洲貉绒毛翘角平均值为25.5°,鳞片高度平均值为13.04μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.51μm;紫貂针毛鳞片高度平均值为10.18μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.54μm,紫貂绒毛鳞片高度平均值为9.24μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.52μm;水貂针毛鳞片高度平均值为11.50μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.60μm,水貂绒毛鳞片高度平均值为22.33μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.59μm。不同种的动物纤维具有独特的形态特征,在超微结构上存在明显的差别。不同种的动物纤维,其鳞片翘角、鳞片高度、鳞片厚度差异显著(P<0.05),同一种动物纤维其针毛与绒毛的鳞片翘角、鳞片高度、鳞片厚度差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

以6种野生杂皮类动物毛纤维为试验材料,测定其鳞片结构及元素组成,并利用扫描电镜比较其超微结构特征.结果显示:6种动物的鳞片结构均有差异(P<0.05),其横截面特征各异.6种野生杂皮动物毛纤维的鳞片高度、鳞片厚度、鳞片翘角等指标各异,同一种动物的毛纤维和绒纤维的鳞片层的鳞片高度、鳞片厚度、鳞片翘角等指标也不尽相同;针、绒毛中均含C、O、S、Ca,而C、O的含量比例均差异不大,针毛所含的Ca较多,而S元素较少,绒毛所含的S较多,而Ca元素较少.可依据毛纤维超微结构特征进行6种动物毛皮种类的鉴别.  相似文献   

我国毛皮 动物饲养业发 展的道路极不 平坦。1997年 以前,国内外 毛皮市场均呈 下跌的趋势, 国内市场北极 狐皮价跌得最 多。究其原 因,虽然有国 际、国内市场 疲软等客观原 因,但最主要 的原因是近年 国内毛皮兽种 类发展比例失 调,养殖种类 过于向北极狐集中,以及国产狐皮大部分品质退化、质量偏低所致。 鉴于1998年以来的毛皮动物市场的发展走势,北极狐皮可能还会在低谷徘徊1~2年,价格不会再降得更低。貉皮因处于一个低谷回潮的时期,故近2年内市场将出现持平或上升的趋势,但貉皮的起落周期较短,应注意观测其发展…  相似文献   

貉为珍贵毛皮动物,其经济价值在于皮张张面大小和毛放质量好坏。未研究对东北所产乌苏里烙和中原所产大利山貉的体尺、针毛的长度、绒毛密度、绒毛细度作了测定,弄清不同地区所产格经济性状的差异性,从而反映出不同生态环境对貉经济性状的影响,为全国人工养貉提供理论依据。  相似文献   

试验以乌苏里貉为对照,分别从繁殖性能、生长性能、毛皮品质和血液生理生化指标等四个方面对白貉进行了测定,进一步了解其生物学特性。结果表明,在相同的饲养和管理条件下,白貉和乌苏里貉窝产仔数和分窝成活率差异不显著(P0.05);生长性能中,不同毛色个体30-210日龄体重和体高差异不显著(P0.05);毛皮品质中,白貉背部绒毛长度显著高于乌苏里貉的公貉(P0.05),白貉母貉被毛密度显著高于其他种类貉(P0.05);血液生理生化指标中,除了个别指标有差异外,其他各项指标在这两种毛色的貉中无差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

<正> 一、貉的特性及人工饲养的意义在动物分类上。貉属于哺乳纲、食肉目,犬科、狸属。主要分布在我国,日本、朝鲜和苏联等国家。貉适应性强,我国许多省份都有野生貉,其中尤以黑龙江和乌苏里江流域所产的貉品质最佳。貉是珍贵的毛皮动物之一,它全身被覆丰厚的绒毛,针毛齐全而富光泽,板质结  相似文献   

哺乳动物的共同特征之一,是它们的毛皮通常由针毛和绒毛构成。在形态上一根毛的结构自外向内由三部份组成:鳞片层、皮质层和髓质层。对毛的研究主要是在无髓的羊毛和髓质不太发达的人类的毛发上进行的,因而髓质是毛的结构成份中研究最少的。哺乳动物之间髓质花纹的类型变化范围是很大的。Wildman(1954)和Appleyard(1960)从光学显微镜下观察,将其分成不同类型。他们根据髓质沿着毛纤维的纵轴是形成连续的园柱状还是不  相似文献   

研究了人工饲养的毛皮动物———乌苏里貉、北极狐貂的肝、脾的酶水解工艺 ,并对该工艺生产的水解液进行了营养评价  相似文献   

文章旨在研究日粮不同蛋白质水平对冬毛期貉生产性能、血液生化指标和毛皮性状的影响。试验选取中国农业科学院特产研究所毛皮动物实验基地的雄性乌苏里貉45只,体重约为(6.00±0.09)kg,随机分为3组,每组15只,分别饲喂高、中、低(28.81%、24.15%、22.03%)三个蛋白水平的日粮。结果显示:3个蛋白质水平的日粮对日增重、日采食量及料重比等均无显著影响(P0.05);血清尿素氮浓度,低蛋白水平组显著低于高蛋白水平组(P0.05);白蛋白、总蛋白、血清尿素氮均以中蛋白水平组最高,随着蛋白水平的增加,各个指标有下降的趋势;针绒毛平齐度高蛋白水平组显著低于中、低蛋白水平组(P0.05),针毛、绒毛细度,低蛋白水平组显著低于中、高蛋白水平组(P0.05),活体长、干皮长、干皮重、针毛长度、绒毛长度等毛皮性状均差异不显著(P0.05)。以上结果表明,在不额外添加氨基酸的条件下,日粮蛋白质水平降到24.15%基本不影响冬毛期貉的生产性能及毛皮性状,但蛋白水平降到22.03%时,对毛皮性状有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

旱獭、麝鼠、兔狲、青鼬、石貂毛绒纤维超微结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以旱獭、麝鼠、兔狲、青鼬、石貂为试验材料,观察其毛绒纤维的超微结构,利用扫描电镜法比较其鳞片层结构特征.结果显示:旱獭针毛翘角平均值为37.0°,鳞片高度平均值为7.76 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.43μm,旱獭绒毛翘角平均值为25.4°,鳞片高度平均值为14.57 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.68 μm;麝鼠针毛鳞片高度平均值为4.58 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.22 μm,麝鼠绒毛翘角平均值为24.7°,鳞片高度平均值为11.14 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.40 μm;兔狲针毛翘角平均值为31.9°,鳞片高度平均值为10.65 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.52 μm,兔狲绒毛翘角平均值为24.8°,鳞片高度平均值为9.30 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.46 μm;青鼬针毛翘角平均值为37.8°,鳞片高度平均值为4.33 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.24 μm,青鼬绒毛鳞片高度平均值为13.88 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.65 μm;石貂针毛翘角平均值为33.6°,鳞片高度平均值为23.93 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.74 μm,石貂绒毛翘角平均值为25.2°,鳞片高度平均值为29.87 μm,鳞片厚度平均值为0.64 μm.不同种的动物纤维具有独特的形态特征,在超微结构上存在明显的差别.  相似文献   

Coat colour variation is determined by many genes, one of which is the melanocortin receptor type 1 (MC1R) gene. In this study, we examined the whole coding sequence of this gene in four species belonging to the Canidae family (dog, red fox, arctic fox and Chinese raccoon dog). Although the comparative analysis of the obtained nucleotide sequences revealed a high conservation, which varied between 97.9 and 99.1%, we altogether identified 22 SNPs (10 in dogs, six in farmed red foxes, two in wild red foxes, three in arctic foxes and one in Chinese raccoon dog). Among them, seven appeared to be novel: one silent in the dog, three missense and one silent in the red fox, one in the 3′‐flanking region in the arctic fox and one silent in the Chinese raccoon dog. In dogs and red foxes, the SNPs segregated as 10 and four haplotypes, respectively. Taking into consideration the published reports and results of this study, the highest number of missense polymorphisms was until now found in the dog (9) and red fox (7).  相似文献   

试验旨在克隆北极狐及乌苏里貉抑制素α(inhibin α,INHα)亚基基因并对其进行生物信息学分析。根据GenBank中犬科INHα预测mRNA序列(登录号:XM_545660.5)设计1对引物,用RT-PCR技术从北极狐及乌苏里貉的卵巢组织中扩增出INHα亚基基因,同时将其插入到克隆载体中,进行测序及生物信息学分析。测序结果表明,北极狐及乌苏里貉的INHα亚基基因CDS序列全长为1 107 bp,编码369个氨基酸。北极狐及乌苏里貉的INHα亚基基因与犬的同源性最高,分别为97.9%与97.6%。系统进化树分析表明,北极狐及乌苏里貉与犬亲缘关系较近,同时也说明INHα亚基基因在不同物种及进化过程中具有高度保守性。对INHα亚基蛋白的高级结构预测发现,由于半胱氨酸间形成的二硫键导致其采用"蝴蝶形"或"开放手"构型,其中α-螺旋形成分子的"手腕"结构,β-折叠形成分子的"手指"结构。本研究成功克隆了北极狐及乌苏里貉的INHα亚基基因,同时进行了系统的生物信息学分析,为今后研究抑制素在卵母细胞-颗粒细胞同步发育过程中的生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Rabies seems to persist throughout most arctic regions, and the northern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland, is the only part of the Arctic where rabies has not been diagnosed in recent time. The arctic fox is the main host, and the same arctic virus variant seems to infect the arctic fox throughout the range of this species. The epidemiology of rabies seems to have certain common characteristics in arctic regions, but main questions such as the maintenance and spread of the disease remains largely unknown. The virus has spread and initiated new epidemics also in other species such as the red fox and the racoon dog. Large land areas and cold climate complicate the control of the disease, but experimental oral vaccination of arctic foxes has been successful. This article summarises the current knowledge and the typical characteristics of arctic rabies including its distribution and epidemiology.  相似文献   

根据毛皮动物肌肉特性 ,采取一些特殊的处理方法 ,研究设计出肉干、肉脯、肉肠的加工工艺流程。经小试后 ,在大型肉食品厂进行中试试验 ,生产出狐肉干、貉肉干等系列产品 ,可为毛皮动物副产品的加工利用提供新途径。  相似文献   

Prevalence of Rabies Virus in Foxes Trapped in the Canadian Arctic   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Brains and salivary glands of 521 trapped arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) submitted from four different settlement areas in the Northwest Territories were examined for rabies by the standard fluorescent antibody and mouse inoculation tests. Rabies antigen was present in 44 of 201 (21.9%) brains from foxes trapped in the Sachs Harbour area, but submissions from Cambridge Bay (127), Spence Bay (93) and Gjoa Haven (100) were negative. Virus was also present in salivary glands from 43 (97.7%) of these 44 positive foxes.

The arctic fox continues to be the main wildlife reservoir of rabies in the Canadian Arctic and foxes in the prodromal stage of the disease pose a particular threat to the trapper. Preexposure vaccination should always be a consideration in this occupational group.


The direct and interactive effects of climate change on host species and infectious disease dynamics are likely to initially manifest\ at latitudinal extremes. As such, Alaska represents a region in the United States for introspection on climate change and disease. Rabies is enzootic among arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) throughout the northern polar region. In Alaska, arctic and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are reservoirs for rabies, with most domestic animal and wildlife cases reported from northern and western coastal Alaska. Based on passive surveillance, a pronounced seasonal trend in rabid foxes occurs in Alaska, with a peak in winter and spring. This study describes climatic factors that may be associated with reported cyclic rabies occurrence. Based upon probabilistic modelling, a stronger seasonal effect in reported fox rabies cases appears at higher latitudes in Alaska, and rabies in arctic foxes appear disproportionately affected by climatic factors in comparison with red foxes. As temperatures continue a warming trend, a decrease in reported rabid arctic foxes may be expected. The overall epidemiology of rabies in Alaska is likely to shift to increased viral transmission among red foxes as the primary reservoir in the region. Information on fox and lemming demographics, in addition to enhanced rabies surveillance among foxes at finer geographic scales, will be critical to develop more comprehensive models for rabies virus transmission in the region.  相似文献   

Three 2 x 4 factorial experiments were carried out from August to September with 30 juvenile male mink, 24 raccoon dogs, and 24 blue foxes to investigate the effect of dietary glycine supply (low or high) on the efficiency of these species to excrete hippuric acid with incremental benzoate intake (0, 1, 2, or 4 mmol/kg BW). For mink, two additional treatments with 1 or 2 mmol/kg BW of ethyl benzoate were included. A basal low-glycine diet was formulated to meet the minimum protein requirements of fur animals (30% of ME). This diet was supplemented with 0 or 3 g/kg of glycine, or with 0, 1.0, 2.07, or 4.15 g/kg of sodium benzoate for mink and blue foxes, and with 0 or 4.5 g/kg of glycine and 0, 1.58, 3.17, or 6.34 g/kg of sodium benzoate for raccoon dogs, respectively. Two additional diets with .76 or 1.53 g/kg of ethyl benzoate were made for mink. Fecal and urinary benzoic and hippuric acid excretion were measured for 3 d. The 24-h recovery of [14C]benzoic acid injected intraperitoneally was measured from urine, the liver, and the kidneys. All animals appeared healthy and no clinical signs of benzoate overdose were observed. Dietary benzoate level did not affect ADFI or ADG in any species. Glycine supplementation lowered ADFI in mink. The majority of ingested benzoates were absorbed from the gut (over 95%), except in blue foxes, which excreted 6 to 15% of ingested benzoates in feces with incremental increases in benzoate intake. Urinary free benzoic acid excretion accounted for 10% of the ingested benzoates in blue foxes but less than 5% in mink and raccoon dogs. When benzoate intake was 1 mmol/kg BW, mink, blue foxes, and raccoon dogs excreted 71, 77, and 34% of ingested benzoates as hippuric acid in urine, respectively. With higher benzoate intakes, urinary hippuric acid excretion decreased quadratically with mink to 20%, and linearly with blue foxes and raccoon dogs to 45 and 16%, respectively. The hippuric acid pathway appears to be the principal route of benzoate elimination in the mink and blue fox, whereas, in the raccoon dog, other pathways appear to be more important. In mink, the elimination of ethyl benzoate did not differ from that of sodium benzoate. Because glycine conjugation is the primary route of benzoate elimination, it is recommended that benzoate content in fur animal feeds should not exceed 1 g/kg feed on an as-fed basis.  相似文献   

通过组建聊城金桥蓝狐核心群,采用等级选配、品质选配与亲缘选配等综合技术制定选育方案。经连续六个世代选育,成年种公狐体长(78.30±1.74)cm,体重(14.90±0.79)kg;成年母狐体长(65.22±1.24)cm,体重(8.49±0.32)kg。金桥蓝狐背中部被毛密度均在18000根/cm2以上,皮张尺码在000级以上占95.94%,平均产仔7.30±0.54只,断奶成活5.34±0.64只,仔狐断乳成活率70%以上。与F1相比,成年公狐体长提高11.22%(P〈0.01),体重提高48.70%(P〈0.01),成年母狐体长提高13.23%(P〈0.01),体重提高22.16%(P〈0.01),胎平均产仔降低3.95%,断奶成活降低4.47%。金桥蓝狐群体遗传性能稳定,体型外貌整齐一致,性状的变异较小。F6成年公狐体长、体重变异系数分别为2.0%和5.3%,成年母狐体长、体重变异系数分别为2.0%和3.8%。  相似文献   

北极狐、乌苏里貉精液细管冷冻技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对濒危珍稀动物种质资源的进行保护,完善精液冷冻技术方案,对北极狐37只次、乌苏里貉32只次的精液进行细管冷冻技术研究,结果表明,北极狐精液用3%柠檬酸三钠—卵黄—甘油作冷冻稀释液,乌苏里貉精液用11%蔗糖—卵黄—甘油作冷冻稀释液,在5℃冰箱内平衡1 h后,进行细管冷冻(液氮-196℃),冻溶粒子活力达4~5级。速冻法优于缓冻法。细管冻精在50℃温水中快速溶化,北极狐精液用3%柠檬酸三钠作解冻液,乌苏里貉精液用7%葡萄糖液作解冻液效果较佳。  相似文献   

北极狐化脓性子宫内膜炎病原分离鉴定   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
某养狐场饲养的北极狐于人工授精3~5日后,20%出现拒食和高热。部分病狐从阴门流出少量脓样物。对病死狐剖检,可见典型的化脓性子宫内膜炎变化。采集子宫腔脓汁分离病原,经培养和生理生化鉴定证实为假单胞绿脓杆菌。毒力测定结果表明,该菌对实验动物小鼠于接种后18小时内致死,确定其为引起北极狐原发性子宫内膜炎的致病菌。  相似文献   

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