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植物病害时空流行动态模拟模型的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 一个描述在二维空间中单一种植或混合种植的植物群体内病害时、空流行动态的计算机随机模拟模型构建完成。模型由寄主、病原2个组分和病斑产孢、孢子传播、孢子着落、孢子侵染、病斑潜育、寄主生长、病害控制等一系列代表病害流行生物学过程的子模型构成。模型采用了面向对象的程序设计方法,用C++语言编写,能以病害流行曲线图、空间分布图、数据列表等方式显示模拟结果。测试结果表明:模型能反映植物病害流行过程的本质规律,既可作为植物病害流行学教学工具,帮助学生理解病害流行的时、空动态规律和不同因子对病害流行的影响,也可以作为研究工具,对流行学的某些理论问题进行模拟研究  相似文献   

一个描述在二维空间中单一种植或混合种植的植物群体内病害时、空流行动态的计算机随机模拟模型构建完成。模型由寄主、病原2个组分和病斑产孢、孢子传播、孢子着落、孢子侵染、病斑潜育、寄主生长、病害控制等一系列代表病害流行生物学过程的子模型构成。模型采用了面向对象的程序设计方法,用C++语言编写,能以病害流行曲线图、空间分布图、数据列表等方式显示模拟结果。测试结果表明,模型能反映植物病害流行过程的本质规律,既可作为植物病害流行学教学工具,帮助学生理解病害流行的时、空动态规律和不同因子对病害流行的影响,也可以作为研…  相似文献   

梨黑星病菌分生孢子侵染及产孢研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
 梨黑星病(Venturia nashicola Tanaka et Yamamoto)是我国梨树的重要病害。为了深入了解该病在生长季节的发病流行规律,本研究采用水合三氯乙醛饱和水溶液或乳酚油透明液透明接种鸭梨叶片,研究了梨黑星病菌分生抱子侵入及产抱过程。  相似文献   

韩国新近发生两种梨树细菌性病害,梨枝条黑枯病和梨褐色叶枯病,已流行并造成严重危害,两种病害均可随种苗传播。梨枝条黑枯病的症状、病原及危害与梨火疫病极其相近,其病原与梨火疫病菌的关系还未完全研究清楚。梨褐色叶枯病也显著影响梨的产量。建议国家立即对这两种病害采取检疫措施,以防止这两种病害传入我国。  相似文献   

梨黑星病菌寄生部位及致病作用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
 组织透明及扫描电镜研究结果表明:梨黑星病菌在叶片上主要寄生于表皮细胞和叶脉薄壁组织细胞的表面,沿细胞表面扩展。病原菌并非只在角质层与表皮细胞间生长,而且在表皮细胞和叶脉薄壁组织细胞的细胞间寄生。在大量的观察中,没有发现侵入到细胞内菌丝或菌丝变态结构。梨黑星病菌不寄生叶肉细胞,但能导致叶肉细胞病变。由于黑星病菌的寄生性既不同于专性寄生,也不同于杀生寄生,才使梨黑星病的潜育期和产孢期都长于这两类真菌病害。这是认识和研究梨黑星病发病特点和流行规律的基础。  相似文献   

梨黑星病Venturianashicola是豫东地区梨树的主要病害,近几年,发病呈上升趋势。因此,笔者于1995~1998年对梨黑星病的发病规律及防治技术进行了试验研究,初步探索出一套有效的防治措施。1为害概况1996年开封市梨黑星病大流行,此次发生早,6月下旬达到发病高峰;波及全市各梨产区,病果率、猴头果率高,落叶严重。开封市5县市梨树种植面积7600hm2,全部发病。病果率在30%以上的有4760hm2,占总种植面积的62.6%。梨黑星病为害果实、叶片,不仅影响当年果实的产量、品质和贮藏,而…  相似文献   

梨黑星病一直是陕西梨产区的主要病害.自 1998年暴发以来,梨农始终将该病害的防治当作头等大事来抓,有的已经形成一种习惯,每年都要定期喷药防治.从减少农药残留,保护环境安全,依据实情防治,节支、增效的角度考虑,每年用 5~ 7次药剂防治一种病害,是很不科学的.为了科学指导防治,我们从弄清梨黑星病发生的主要诱导因子入手,对该病暴发后几年来的气象条件进行跟踪分析,发现降雨和温度是引起该病流行的关键因子.据此,本文加以分析,以便对植保人员及梨农今后管理该病有所裨益.  相似文献   

植物抗病性分子机制   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
 植物对病原物的反应有抗病和感病两大类。从寄主-病原物相互作用角度,抗病反应又叫非亲和性反应,这一系统以寄主抗病和病原物无毒性为特征,寄主植物对病原物有抑制、排斥或减毒作用,病害不发生或受到限制;感病反应又叫亲和性反应,其特征是寄主感病和病原物毒性,结果严重发病。  相似文献   

莱阳梨肉嫩质细,清脆可口,香浓味美,驰名中外。梨黑星病Venturia Pirina(Cooke) Aderh是莱阳梨的重要病害之一,每年受害面积达1667hm2,占全市栽培梨园面积的90%以上。梨黑星病主要危害叶片和果实,叶片受害后,在叶片背面产生圆形或不规则淡黄色病斑,潮湿环境下,产生黑色霉层。果实在直径1cm大小就可受害,病斑圆形,随着果实的增长,  相似文献   

建昌县位于辽宁的西部山区,自然情况是七山一水二分田,气候条件是十年九春旱,且风大,气候干燥,但日照时长,光照充足。因此,在自然裸地栽培条件下,植物病害特别是果树病害很少成灾。但2005年本县的和尚房子和养马旬子等梨主产乡,却遭到梨黑星病(Venturia pyrina Aderh.)的严重为害,严重程度为历史罕见,导致2000hm2梨树成灾,部分梨园绝收,经济损失达1000万余元,其教训十分惨重。1梨黑星病发生的基本情况及流行特点1)症状表现与常年显著不同。多年来,梨黑星病在本县只是轻发生或零星发生。其症状表现主要是在叶背面沿叶脉出现不定形淡黄色病斑…  相似文献   

A dynamic model, called VenInf, was developed to forecast infection of pear leaves by conidia of Venturia nashicola. By simulating conidial infection processes following a rain event, the model estimates % conidia that successfully infected leaves at the end of an infection period. The model is mainly derived from logistic models developed from recent laboratory and glasshouse experimental results on infection of pear seedlings to estimate the rates of infection and mortality. It simulates the conidial infection process at 5 min intervals using temperature, relative humidity (RH), surface wetness and rainfall as input. The model was evaluated against pear scab in four unsprayed orchards in China over a 4-year period. In all orchards, all significant disease increases were associated with infection periods predicted by the model. In one orchard, in 2004 the incidence of leaf infection remained very low (<3%) during the entire season despite the model forecasting several severe infection periods. Results of orchard evaluation suggest that the model is able to identify all important potential infection periods. Thus, further field studies should be carried out to determine whether and how the model can be used in practice to assist farmers in making decisions on fungicide applications.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the production of Stemphylium vesicarium conidia and Pleospora allii ascospores from different inoculum sources on the ground were compared in a model system of a wildflower meadow mainly composed of yellow foxtail, creeping cinquefoil and white clover. The meadow was either inoculated (each October) or not inoculated with a virulent strain of S. vesicarium, and either covered or not covered with a litter of inoculated pear leaves. Spore traps positioned a few centimetres above the ground were exposed for 170 7-day periods between October 2003 and December 2006. Ascospores and conidia were trapped in 46 and 25% of samples, respectively. Ascospore numbers trapped from the pear leaf litter were about five times higher than those from the meadow, while conidial numbers were similar from the different inoculum sources. The ascosporic season was very long, with two main trapping periods: December–April, and August–October; the former was most important for the leaf litter, the latter for the meadow. The conidial season lasted from April to November, with 92% of conidia caught between July and September. The fungus persistently colonized the meadow: the meadow inoculated in early October 2003 produced spores until autumn 2006. The present work demonstrates that orchard ground is an important source of inoculum for brown spot of pear. Thus, it is important to reduce inoculum by managing the orchard ground all year long.  相似文献   

梨叶叶龄与梨黑星病菌侵染发病的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
田间试验结果表明,鸭梨叶片在生长发育期抗病性差,易感染黑星病;发育成熟后,抗病性逐渐增强。自然条件下,受叶片抗病性和孢子着落量的综合影响,鸭梨成熟叶片很少感染黑星病。鸭梨叶片从展叶到发育成熟,在梨树生长发育前期(盛花期后60d内)约需40d,后期(盛花期60d后)约需30d。正处在生长发育期的鸭梨叶片受侵染,潜育期为18-25d,发病后,病斑大,产孢期短;成熟叶片受侵染,潜育期多在40d以上,发病后,病斑小,产孢期长。梨树生长前期梨黑星病的流行主要由于大部分叶片正处在生长发育期抗病性较差;后期果实发病则主要源于成熟叶片内长期潜育和长期产孢的黑星病菌。  相似文献   

The pear production area in Israel is 1500 ha, most of which(ca 1200 ha) is located in the northern part of the country. Fire blight (caused by the bacteriumErwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslowet al.) was first observed in Israel in that region (in 1985) and the disease has prevailed there since then. In a comprehensive survey conducted in Israel in 1996–1999, data were collected and observations were made yearly in one-third to one-half of the pear production area. The aim was to document the prevalence and intensity of fire blight in commercial orchards and to use the data to evaluate the efficacy of management measures employed for its suppression. Regionwise, a severe fire blight epidemic developed in 1996, moderate epidemics developed in 1998 and 1999, and a mild epidemic developed in 1997. The intensity of fire blight in the preceding season in a specific orchard was more influential on current season severity in a season with a mild epidemic than in a season with a moderate epidemic. Analysis of disease onset records and weather data revealed that only a few (1– 3) infection episodes occurred in individual orchards each year. Comparison of fire blight intensity in orchard-plots treated before green tip with copper hydroxide with nontreated plots revealed that the treatment had no effect on disease intensity during bloom. The efficacy of bactericide sprays applied during bloom was not related to the number of sprays applied but to the timing of spraying. Adequate control was achieved in orchard-plots sprayed soon before or after the occurrence of infection episodes. Contribution no. 508/00 from the Inst. of Plant Protection, ARO, Bet Dagan, Israel.  相似文献   

The effects of copper sprays on annual and polyetic progress of citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, in the presence of the Asian citrus leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrella), were evaluated in a study conducted in a commercial orchard in northwest Paraná state, Brazil, where citrus canker is endemic. Nonlinear monomolecular, logistic and Gompertz models were fitted to monthly disease incidence data (proportion of leaves with symptoms) for each treatment for three seasons. The logistic model provided the best estimate of disease progress for all years and treatments evaluated and logistic parameter estimates were used to describe polyetic disease dynamics. Although citrus canker incidence increased during each of the seasons studied, it decreased over the whole study period, more so in copper‐treated trees than in water‐sprayed controls. Copper treatment reduced disease incidence compared with controls in every year, especially 2004–2005, when incidence was ca. 10‐fold higher in controls than in treated plots (estimated asymptote values 0·82 and 0·07, respectively). Copper treatment also reduced estimated initial disease incidence and epidemic growth rates every year.  相似文献   

Up to 2005 the sensitivity of Stemphylium vesicarium (Wallr.) Simm., the causal agent of pear brown spot, to the strobilurin fungicides kresoxim-methyl, trifloxystrobin and pyraclostrobin was still comparable with baseline values associated with good efficacy in the field. During 2006, the first resistant isolates were detected in two commercial pear orchards in the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy), one of which was affected by considerable control failure linked to strobilurin treatments as demonstrated in a field trial. In vitro sensitivity tests with 0.5 mg l−1 of kresoxim-methyl, trifloxystrobin and pyraclostrobin showed that in the population collected in the orchard with control failure the conidial germination was greater than 90% compared to an untreated control both in 2006 and in 2007, i.e. 1 year after the suspension of strobilurin applications. In the other orchard, where only a few symptomatic fruits were found and the strobilurins were still in use, the conidial germination was lower, about 50% in 2006 and 25% in 2007. The molecular analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of some monospore isolates with different levels of sensitivity confirmed the presence of the mutation causing G143A substitution in all the resistant isolates. In conclusion, both in vitro tests and molecular analysis confirmed the first occurrence of Stemphylium vesicarium resistance to all strobilurin fungicides tested.  相似文献   

Potebniamyces pyri (anamorph Phacidiopycnis piri) is the causal agent of Phacidiopycnis rot, a postharvest disease of pear fruit (Pyrus communis). Infections of pear fruit by P. pyri occur in the orchard, and symptoms develop after harvest during storage or in the market. P. pyri also is the cause of a canker and twig dieback disease of pear trees. To determine inoculum availability of P. pyri, dead bark and dead fruit spurs were periodically collected in two commercial ‘d’Anjou’ pear orchards and examined for the presence and viability of fruiting bodies of P. pyri. To determine seasonal survival of P. pyri, 2-year-old twigs of ‘d’Anjou’ pear in a research orchard were inoculated approximately monthly over 2 years with P. pyri and monitored for canker development. Inoculated twigs were removed from the trees 6 months post inoculation and examined for formation, viability of pycnidia of P. pyri, and reisolation of the pathogen. In both commercial orchards, all sampled trees were infected by P. pyri; viable pycnidia of P. pyri were observed on 42–78 % of the sampled bark and 5–32 % of the sampled fruit spurs; and viable conidia were observed at all sampling times during the fruit growing season. Apothecia of P. pyri also were observed on sampled dead bark and fruit spurs, but at a frequency ranging from 0 % to 19 %. P. pyri was recovered from inoculated twigs 6 months after inoculation at all sampling times during the 2-year study, but recovery frequency varied. P. pyri formed pycnidia on most cold-injured and inoculated twigs. The results suggest that: i) the conidial state of P. pyri is the main type of inoculum in pear orchards in the region; ii) viable inoculum of P. pyri for potential fruit infections is available during the pear fruit-growing season; iii) P. pyri can form pycnidia on cankers of twigs infected by the fungus at different seasons during the year; and iv) P. pyri can survive as mycelium in diseased pear twigs year round in the orchard.  相似文献   

辽宁海城梨小食心虫成虫发生规律调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过监测辽宁海城地区不同梨园和不同立地条件下梨小食心虫成虫的发生数量,调查了该地区梨小食心虫发生消长规律以及发生高峰期,确定了7月中下旬是喷施农药的关键时间点.在梨小食心虫蛀梨果时期,化学药剂处理园梨小食心虫数量(45.5头)比空白园内数量(59头)明显降低,并且发生高峰推迟,高峰持续时间短.对不同品种梨园的调查结果表明,南果梨园中的梨小食心虫数量明显高于尖把梨园中的数量.不同树龄对梨小食心虫发生动态也有影响,老果园第1个和第3个发生高峰均较盛果园提前.不同光照条件对梨小食心虫数量有一定影响,阳坡的梨小食心虫数量大部分时间段明显多于阴坡的数量.诱虫盆对梨小食心虫的诱捕效果好于诱虫屋效果.上述结果可为科学掌握梨园内梨小食心虫的发生规律,提出综合防治策略提供依据.  相似文献   

林木腐烂病是苹果树、梨树和杨树等林木枝干的重要真菌性病害。为了筛选出对苹果树腐烂病菌Valsa mali var. mali、梨树腐烂病菌V. mali var. pyri和杨树腐烂病菌V. sordida等3种不同寄主腐烂病菌都能有效防控的杀菌剂,本研究开展室内毒力试验比较了7种杀菌剂对3种腐烂病病原菌菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发的抑制效果,并进一步通过田间活性测定试验比较7种杀菌剂对梨树腐烂病病斑扩展和分生孢子发生的防治效果,同时测定了增效剂8.6%聚乙二醇(PEG)对7种杀菌剂的增效作用。毒力测定结果表明,苯醚甲环唑、戊唑醇、吡唑醚菌酯和丙唑·多菌灵对3种腐烂病病原菌菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发的抑制作用较强,其中EC50平均值最低的是苯醚甲环唑,而戊唑醇的MIC平均值最低,在0.33 mg/L浓度下对3种腐烂病病原菌的菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发抑制率均达到100%。田间试验结果表明,45%苯醚甲环唑SC、43%戊唑醇SC和35%丙唑·多菌灵SE对梨树腐烂病病斑扩展和分生孢子萌发的防治效果突出,其中45%苯醚甲环唑SC 30.00 mg/L对病斑扩展防治效果达到82.23%,孢子萌发抑制效果达到85.96%,田间防治效果最好。10%丙硫唑SC+8.6% PEG处理组对病斑扩展防治效果提高了15.39百分点,达到73.46%,分生孢子萌发抑制率提高了23.75百分点,达到83.06%,增效作用显著。本研究为苹果树、梨树和杨树等3种寄主腐烂病的化学防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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