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对铁力林业局茂林河林场硬阔叶混交林进行不同强度的修枝,并对林下更新的各树种的生长情况进行调查分析,结果表明:强度修枝的林分,林下各树种的地径和苗高的生长高于弱度修枝10%和20%以上,方差分析结果显示差异显著,说明在该地区的硬阔叶混交林内人为的强度修枝,可以改善林内通风透光条件,加快林下更新苗木的生长,有利于林分达到可持续经营。  相似文献   

我国杨树人工林面积位居世界之首,开展杨树修枝可以显著提高杨树人工林的经济效益和生态效益。目前,国内外尚未对杨树修枝研究进展进行评述。笔者论述了杨树修枝的理论基础,对杨树修枝技术以及杨树修枝效果进行了探讨,分析了修枝对杨树生长、生理、干形和材质的影响。同时指出了我国杨树修枝存在的不足,并提出了展望。  相似文献   

树木修枝是减少枝桠,促其通直圆满,提高树干质量的重要措施。在目前杨树大量发展的情况下,有必要重视修枝技术的研究。为了探讨不同修枝技术对杨树材积生长量的影响,从1976年开始,对新疆杨采用不同修剪强度进行了对比试验,结果如下:  相似文献   

修枝是提高树干质量 ,促进林木生长 ,减少病虫害的重要技术措施。但多年来 ,平原地区以杨树为主的“四旁”和林网树木 ,多数因修枝过早、过重 ,或不修枝、修枝过轻 ,严重地抑制和削弱了林木生长势 ,降低了出材率。为此 ,我们于 1997年春在武城县郑夏路对 1994年春定植的毛白杨林网树木进行了修枝试验。修枝强度分别是修干高的 1/ 3、1/ 2、2 / 3,结合控制大侧枝进行。结果表明 ,不同的修枝强度 ,对树木生长有显著影响。以修枝 1/ 3的处理最好 ,可显著促进生长 ,其他两组的生长量 ,随修枝强度加强而减少。这是由于一次修剪过重 ,造成光合面积…  相似文献   

为了摸清修枝对湿地松中龄林干形的影响,以湘北7年生833株·hm-2和6年生2 500株·hm-2湿地松为研究对象,研究了不同强度修枝对湿地松中龄林干形的影响,修枝后4 a的结果表明:不同强度修枝对2种密度6个干形指标的影响均随修枝强度的增大而增大,随修枝时间的推移而变小,对低密度干形的影响比高密度更大;不同强度修枝使湿地松中龄林自然整枝推迟,促进冠长的生长,总体使胸高形数生长量低于对照,使冠高比生长量不同程度高于对照,低密度中高强度修枝、高密度各强度修枝均使高径比生长量不同程度高于对照,修枝总体使湿地松中龄林的干形更为饱满;对7年生低密度采用1/2的中度修枝、6年生高密度采用1/3的低强度修枝对湿地松干形培养更为有利。  相似文献   

不同修枝强度对油松生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了不同修枝强度对油松胸径和树高生长的影响,结果表明不同修枝强度下胸径和树高生长量为:1/31/21/502/3,说明合理修枝能有效促进油松生长。  相似文献   

杨树幼林开始修枝的年龄为栽后2~3年。修剪季节一般在萌芽前1个月内进行。这时修枝伤流轻,愈合快。晚冬修枝切口易受冻害,夏季修枝伤流过多,影响树势。修剪强度应掌握在20%~30%。弱度修枝能使直径生长量提高2.4%;中、强度修枝直径生长量下降12.9%;高度下降18.1%~14.1%。合理的修剪强度,应当以不破坏林地郁闭、不降低林木生长量、不造成树冠头重脚轻为原则。杨树幼林在郁闭前,林内光照条件尚好,则少修枝或不修枝,尽量保留较大树冠,以增加光合面积,但必须疏除竞争枝。杨树郁闭后,树干粗度8~10厘米,除去树冠下部垂死的枝条,树冠保留干高度2/3,…  相似文献   

杨树移栽后立即采取适当的修枝措施,可减少和控制缓苗期叶片的生长量,增加根系生长量。由于地上部分水分蒸腾面积的减少和地下部分吸水能力提高,使树体含水量增加,因而提高了杨树抵抗溃疡病的能力。采用修枝技术不仅可以收到显著的防病效果,对提高幼树成活和生长均有显著效果。  相似文献   

通过对福建省宁化国有林场36年生福建柏林下套种闽楠生长效果进行分析研究,结果表明:闽楠适合在福建柏成熟林林下套种,在套种前,需对福建柏进行择伐并修枝;福建柏择伐后保留密度对套种的闽楠生长具有显著影响,保留密度300株/hm2的闽楠生长最好,平均胸径4.3cm,平均树高5.4m,胸径、树高生长量的高低顺序依次为300株/hm2﹥600株/hm2﹥900株/hm2;在相同保留密度下福建柏修枝对林下套种闽楠生长具有显著影响,修枝高度6米的林下套种闽楠生长效果最好,平均胸径4.2cm,平均树高5.5m;闽楠平均胸径和平均树高依次是福建柏修枝高度6m﹥4m﹥不修枝。  相似文献   

为比较不同树种遮荫对香榧幼龄期生长的影响,选择板栗、厚朴、杉木、杨梅4个树种进行林下套种香榧试验,以同种林分林缘裸露的山地种植香榧为对照。结果表明:林下套种香榧,平均成活率均极显著高于对照,不同树种之间成活率差异不显著;新梢年均生长量均极显著高于对照,且板栗林下套种香榧的新梢年均生长量极显著大于其它3个树种。说明以板栗遮荫最有利于香榧幼龄期生长。  相似文献   

南方地区杨树胶合板材定向培育技术的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
随着工业技术的发展,工业生产对木材和其它林产品提出了更高、更新的要求,要求各类用材实行定向培育,这是世界人工林发展出现的战略变化1)。杨树具有生长快、成材早、产量高和易于更新的特点,为最适的短轮伐期工业用材林经营树种(方升佐等,1993)。所谓定向培育,是指按最终用途所确定的对木材原料的要求,采用集约经营等科学管理措施,生产出种类、质量、规格都大致相同,价格具竞争力的大批木材原料。本文简要总结了南方地区杨树胶合板材定向培育技术中关于无性系选择、立地控制、密度控制、栽植材料选择及优化栽培模式等研究…  相似文献   

以怀宁县皖河滩地杨树林为研究对象,对修枝前后林木与土壤中的养分含量进行了研究。结果表明:(1)一定修枝强度下,修枝对杨树的树高和胸径生长影响显著(P〈0.05),但随着修枝强度增大对树高生长的影响是先增大后减小,而对胸径的影响是一直增大。(2)修枝会降低林地土壤全氮含量,但对土壤全氮、全磷、速效磷和钾含量影响不显著(P〉0.05)。(3)修枝对不同土层深度土壤养分影响不显著(P〉0.05),但全氮、全磷、速效磷含量均随着土层深度的加深而逐渐减少,钾、钙、镁含量基本相同;同一修枝强度下,各种养分含量在不同方向基本持平,只有钙的含量在每个方向都是以轻度修枝最大。(4)植物各器官中,全氮含量以根最高,3种修枝强度下,随着年龄增大枝的全氮含量降低,根的全氮含量增加。同时,修枝对上部枝的全氮含量影响显著(P〈0.05);修枝强度对中部枝和大于5mm根的全氮含量影响显著(P〈0.05);修枝对植物各组分全磷含量影响不显著(P>0.05);除中部枝的钙含量在轻度修剪与强度修剪有显著差异外(P〈0.05),修枝对植物钾、钙、镁的影响不显著(P〉0.05),但随着枝的生长钾、钙、镁的含量有降低的趋势;随着根的生长,钾、钙、镁的含量变化规律不明显。  相似文献   

对2007年春营造的Ⅰ-69杨进行了不同修枝处理,探讨了修枝起始年龄、修枝季节对修枝口愈合的影响。结果表明:Ⅰ-69杨修枝口(宽度W)越小,其完全愈合所需时间越短,完全愈合率也越高,宽度W<4 cm修枝口的完全愈合率明显大于W≥4 cm修枝口。修枝口愈合受到修枝枝龄的影响,随着枝龄的增长,较大修枝口所占比重增大,死枝修枝口数量也增多,修枝口的完全愈合率和愈合生长率均下降。修枝口愈合也受到修枝季节的影响,与冬季、夏季修枝相比,春季修枝的完全愈合率、愈合生长率明显较高。综合考虑修枝对杨树胸径生长量的影响,笔者认为Ⅰ-69杨的修枝起始年龄以第1轮枝条的年龄达到4年时为宜,修枝季节以春季(3月下旬至4月上旬)为宜。  相似文献   

杨树修枝新方法与修枝技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析现有3种主要杨树修枝方法的弊端的基础上,笔者成功探索了一种新的杨树修枝方法——年龄轮生枝法,在此基础上对杨树的修枝机理与必要性、修枝林分选择条件、修枝季节、修枝年龄与修枝对象、修枝质量标准、修枝工具等进行了新的研究,发现萌芽前一段时间是最佳的修枝季节。  相似文献   

Pruning allows knot-free timber to be obtained, thereby increasing the value of the highest-value wood products. However, the effect of pruning on growth is under discussion, and knowledge about the tree response to the simultaneous development of thinning and pruning is scarce. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of the interaction of thinning and pruning on tree and stand level and the annual radial growth of two pine species native to Mediterranean mountains. We used long-term data of three trials installed in pine stands where several combinations of pruning and thinning were developed. Five inventories were carried out for each trial, and the mean dasometric features of the different treatments were compared using linear mixed models including a competition index. In addition, we collected cores from ten trees per plot in order to evaluate the annual response of trees to the thinning and pruning. We analyzed the annual radial growth using a semiparametric approach through a smooth penalized spline including rainfall and temperature covariates. Pruning did not show any effect on growth. However, larger diameter and increased annual radial growth were found in thinned plots, both with and without pruning, as compared to unthinned plots. Also, we found significant effects of climate on annual radial growth. We recommend the application of thinning and pruning in stands of Mediterranean mountains in order to get knot-free timber since growth reduction was not found in thinned stands.  相似文献   

Pruning loblolly pine trees is sometimes practiced to improve wood quality even though reduced growth following treatment may occur. Two experiments were established in February 2000 in the Piedmont region of Virginia, USA, to examine the impact of timing and intensity of pruning on subsequent growth of young loblolly pine trees. Results of one study indicated that there is a window of opportunity during the early portion of stand development where up to 50% of the live crown length can be removed without a significant loss of long-term height or diameter growth. Within a year following pruning at ages 3, 6 and 9 (all pruning treatments occurred prior to crown closure), crown mass had been restored and growth comparable to an unpruned control resumed. By age 11 there were no significant differences in cumulative height or dbh of any of the one-lift pruning treatments and the control. Findings from a second study planted at closer spacings where pruning treatments occurred at crown closure (age 6) showed that pruning some of the trees in a loblolly pine plantation does not result in a loss of long-term height or diameter growth or crown dominance for the pruned trees as compared to their unpruned neighbors. For both studies, growth reductions following pruning were small and transitory.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of various thinning and pruning methods on the knots (number and size) and lumber recovery from Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hay.) plantation trees. The results showed that heavy thinning caused more knots and larger-diameter knots than medium or no thinning; moreover, pruning caused fewer numbers of knots and smaller-diameter knots than no pruning. Better-quality Taiwania trees occurred with the no-thinning/no-pruning treatments, as shown by analyzing the knots, although the results also showed that the healing process seemed to have produced not completely clear wood during the 9 years after the pruning treatment. The thinning intensity slightly enhanced the lumber recovery of logs. Pruning did not affect lumber recovery from taiwania trees and logs. Thinning increased the lumber recovery per tree due to an increase in the diameter at breast height.  相似文献   

修枝作为一种传统的森林经营措施,在调节林分结构、调控林木生长、提高木材质量、维持林分稳定性等方面具有重要作用。探索科学合理的修枝技术是国内外林业科技工作者的研究热点。文中综合国内外的研究进展,从林内小气候、林下植被以及林地土壤3个方面阐述了林木的修枝效应,以期揭示林木修枝对环境的作用规律,为人工林修枝技术的研究与应用提供依据;同时指出当前我国林木修枝工作中存在的问题,并提出展望,以期为今后的研究和生产实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Maltoni  Alberto  Mariotti  Barbara  Jacobs  Douglass F.  Tani  Andrea 《New Forests》2012,43(5-6):869-885

Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, an invasive gall wasp originating from Asia, is the latest serious pest attacking Castanea sativa Mill. in Europe; the negative effects on fruit and wood production are considerable. The most effective defense strategy is biological control, but parasitoid effectiveness requires at least 6–10 years to reduce damage to acceptable levels. In Italy, prolonged productivity losses could adversely affect human activity in chestnut orchard stands, resulting in negative socio-economic and hydrogeologic consequences. Thus, it is necessary to quickly reduce the impacts of the infestation to avoid degradation of chestnut stands during the time delay required for parasitoid efficiency. We examined green pruning as a means to reduce negative impacts of gall wasps and stimulate healthy shoots in a young chestnut coppice in Central Italy. Two different pruning cuts (Long- and Short-cut) on growing shoots and four timings of application were tested. The development and phytosanitary status of nodes was observed over 2 years on pruned and control sprouts. Pruning was effective in reducing gall wasp damage though responses varied among pruning techniques and application times. Long-cut pruning made in spring during the full growth phase induced a higher number of new and better-developed shoots. Pruning during the end of the egg-laying period of the gall wasps promoted development of only healthy new shoots. Our results indicate that is possible, by choosing the best combination of time and technique, to identify a pruning method useful to maintain growth and development of C. sativa stands threatened by D. kuriphilus.


苗木品质的好坏直接影响到造林的成败。在起苗到造林的过程中 ,由于对苗木处理不当 ,苗木地上或地下部分常易遭受损伤 ,或丧失水分 ,从而影响苗木的生活力 ,甚至导致造林失败。研究上述不良现象对苗木品质的影响 ,为起苗到造林过程中的苗木保护提供依据具有重要意义[1] 。1 材料与方法1.1 材料杉木 [Cunninghamia lanceolata( Lamb.) Hook.]1年生播种苗于 1999年 3月 2 0日随机起自安徽省宣州市敬亭山绿化管理处苗圃。起苗后立即按国标 [2 ] 的要求测定苗高、地径、长度≥ 5 cm侧根数等形态指标。测定时 ,发现 3级以下的苗木随时剔除。…  相似文献   

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