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本试验采用实时跟踪摄像和颈静脉血管瘘连续采样,观察二花脸断奶仔猪在2h运输过程中的行为表现,并测定血浆皮质醇水平的动态变化。结果表明:运输前期(出发后15min)仔猪的探究行为和异常行为发生次数较多且持续时间较长,运输中期(出发后60~75min)此类行为显著减少(P〈0.05),而到运输后期(最后15min)几乎观察不到此类行为;仔猪的躺卧行为在运输前期和中期发生次数较少,持续时间较短,而在运输后期仔猪大部分时间都处于躺卧状态(P〈0.05);运输至中期仔猪大部分时间处于站立状态,而到运输后期站立行为显著减少(P〈0.05);仔猪蹲坐行为发生的次数和持续时间在运输的前中后无显著差异(P〉0.05)。仔猪上车后皮质醇水平迅速上升(P〈0.05),出发15min升至峰值,且保持该高水平直到2h运输结束,下车后15min皮质醇水平迅速下降至上车前15min的基础水平。  相似文献   

为研究群养和限位栏对妊娠母猪福利水平及繁殖力的影响,选取健康、3胎次、预产期接近的淮母猪30头,妊娠4周后随机分为两组,每组15头。限位栏组的15头淮母猪饲养在限位栏内;群养组15头淮母猪分3个圈饲养,每圈5头,圈舍为半开放式。结果表明,死胎数,限位栏组比群养组多1头,差异极显著(P0.01);产活仔数、弱仔数、仔猪初生个体重,群养组和限位栏组之间差异不显著(P0.05)。唾液中皮质醇含量,妊娠中期两组差异不显著(P0.05),妊娠后期限位栏组显著高于群养组(P0.05)。妊娠中期,站立行为和非摄食口部活动出现的频率两组差异极显著(P0.01),犬坐、空嚼和积极社会行为出现的频率两组差异显著(P0.05),躺卧、代谢和消极社会行为出现的频率两组差异不显著(P0.05);妊娠后期,犬坐、空嚼和非摄食口部活动两组差异极显著(P0.01),站立行为和积极社会行为两组差异显著(P0.05),躺卧、代谢和消极社会行为两组差异不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

为探究后备母猪确认妊娠转入限位栏后整个妊娠期规癖行为形成的生理机制,试验选用16头后备妊娠母猪(大白×长白),对母猪妊娠前期、妊娠中期和妊娠后期的状态行为(站立、侧卧、俯卧、犬坐)和口吻部行为(无食咀嚼、拱地、啃栏、啃槽)进行观察以及神经生理指标(5-HT、COR、DA)、免疫调节因子(IgA、IL-6、TNF-α)和miRNA进行检测,分析不同妊娠阶段母猪行为表达、理化指标和miRNA相对表达量的差异。结果表明,母猪侧卧行为次数逐渐减少,并且在各妊娠阶段差异极显著(P<0.01);俯卧行为次数妊娠后期显著高于妊娠前期和妊娠中期(P<0.05);犬坐行为次数逐渐增加,并且在各妊娠阶段差异极显著(P<0.01)。母猪无食咀嚼次数逐渐增加,并且各妊娠阶段差异极显著(P<0.01);啃槽行为次数妊娠后期显著高于妊娠前期(P<0.05);拱地行为次数妊娠后期显著低于妊娠前期和妊娠中期(P<0.05)。母猪血清中5-HT、DA含量呈下降趋势,COR、β-EP含量呈上升趋势(P<0.10);TNF-α含量妊娠后期显著高于妊娠前期(P<0.05)。母猪...  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究母牛舔舐对新生犊牛行为及血清应激和免疫指标的影响。选取30头初生重相近的健康荷斯坦母犊牛,依据其出生后被母牛舔舐的时长分为2组,每组15头。对照组(Con组)犊牛出生后仅被舔舐几下或没被舔舐,舔舐组(Lick组)犊牛出生后被舔舐15~20 min。录像记录犊牛被舔舐之后24 h的行为,检测犊牛被舔舐之后0和24 h血清应激激素和免疫相关细胞因子含量。结果表明:1)Lick组犊牛进入犊牛舍后初次成功站立用时有低于Con组的趋势(P=0.056),Lick组犊牛进入犊牛舍后在初次尝试站立至成功站立期间的尝试站立次数有低于Con组犊牛的趋势(P=0.094),Lick组犊牛初次尝试站立至成功站立用时显著短于Con组(P<0.05)。2)Lick组犊牛采食初乳时站立时长占总采食时长的比例有高于Con组的趋势(P=0.068),Lick组犊牛躺卧时长占总采食时长的比例有低于Con组的趋势(P=0.068)。3)采食初乳前后,Lick组犊牛站立时长和次数显著高于Con组(P<0.05),躺卧时长显著低于Con组(P<0.05),行走时长和次数显著高于Con组(P<0.05),探索时长有高于Con组的趋势(0.05≤P<0.10),探索次数显著高于Con组(P<0.05)。4)被舔舐之后0 h,Lick组犊牛血清皮质醇含量显著低于Con组(P<0.05)。在被舔舐后24 h,Lick组犊牛血清白细胞介素-2含量有低于Con组的趋势(P=0.097),白细胞介素-6含量显著低于Con组(P<0.05)。综上所述,母牛分娩后对新生犊牛进行15~20 min的舔舐可以降低犊牛的应激水平,增强新生犊牛的活力,同时使犊牛更为活跃。  相似文献   

为了解运输对断奶仔猪体重的影响,对2种运输密度(11.4头/m2和6.8头/m2)下的断奶仔猪(40日龄左右)在运输前后的体重变化和体表受损情况进行统计,并对仔猪行为进行观察。结果表明:①不同运输密度下的仔猪体重变化无显著差异(P>0.05);②不同运输密度下,仔猪体表受损程度无显著差异;③不同运输密度下,仔猪站立和躺卧行为所占比例及活动激烈程度无显著差异(P>0.05)。试验结果提示,在适宜的运输环境下将仔猪的运输密度从6.8头/m2提高到11.4头/m2,对仔猪的生产性能并未产生显著影响,可为断奶仔猪运输的相关规定制订提供参考。  相似文献   

为探讨不同妊娠阶段对荷斯坦奶牛心率变异性的影响,剖析不同妊娠阶段奶牛自主神经系统的特点,在奶牛群中选择健康、处于不同妊娠阶段的的4岁荷斯坦奶牛12头,其中妊娠前期、妊娠中期和妊娠后期各4头。每日7:00、13:00和18:00测定奶牛呼吸数和直肠温度,连续24h记录奶牛心率变异性数据,并采集尿液样品以检测尿液皮质醇及胰岛素含量。结果表明:1)妊娠后期活动量(ACT)、皮质醇、胰岛素显著高于妊娠前期和中期(P<0.05);妊娠中期R-R时序标准差(SD)、高频成分(HF)显著低于妊娠前期及后期(P<0.05);不同妊娠阶段相邻RR间期差值的均方根(RMSSD)、低频成分(LF)均表现显著差异(P<0.05);妊娠前期心率(BPM)、心跳间隔(IBI)分别显著低于和高于妊娠中期、后期(P<0.05);2)奶牛下午BPM、IBI分别显著高于和低于上午、中午(P<0.05),下午LF/HF水平显著高于上午、中午。不同妊娠阶段荷斯坦奶牛直肠温度、呼吸数不存在显著差异。说明:妊娠中后期迷走神经活性减弱,自主神经活性受到抑制,心脏植物神经调节功能减弱,奶牛生产关注妊娠后期的同时也要关注妊娠中期奶牛的健康问题。  相似文献   

试验利用仔猪行为以及唾液皮质醇水平探索音乐类型对于断奶淮仔猪福利水平的影响。试验选取35日龄断奶的淮仔猪80头,随机分成对照组(不播放音乐)、轻音乐组、古典音乐组、摇滚音乐组,每组20头,音量统一设定为65 db,播放时间为08:00—17:00,试验期为15 d。观察第2、8、15天仔猪的行为并记录,试验第3、14天的上午10:00采集唾液测定皮质醇水平。结果表明,轻音乐组显著增加了嬉戏行为、探究行为和修饰行为(P<0.05),极显著降低了争斗行为的发生(P<0.01),第14天的皮质醇水平极显著低于其他3组,表明轻音乐类型对提高断奶仔猪福利水平有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

以梅花鹿茸生长过程的3个重要时期——小鞍子(前期)、二杠(中期)、三杈(后期)的顶端茸皮组织为试验材料,采用BSP法对前、中、后期鹿茸茸皮组织NGF基因启动子区进行DNA甲基化检测与甲基化率的比较分析。结果表明:NGF基因在前、中、后期的茸皮组织均发生不同程度的甲基化,甲基化率分别为(23.99±0.66)%、(22.22±1.78)%和(15.10±1.55)%,但它们之间的甲基化率无显著差异(P>0.05)。NGF基因启动子区的甲基化区域共有30个CG位点,在35,39,42,52,66,95 bp处均发生甲基化,但差异不显著(P>0.05);在115,125,135 bp处前期与后期甲基化率差异显著(P<0.05),前期与中期、中期与后期均差异不显著(P>0.05);223,225,227 bp处的甲基化率前期与中期均显著高于后期(P<0.05),前期与中期差异不显著(P>0.05);在246 bp处甲基化率前期与中期、中期与后期、前期与后期均差异极显著(P<0.01);在347 bp处甲基化率前期显著高于中期与后期(P<0.05),中期与后期甲基化率差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同饲喂次数对经产和初产荷斯坦泌乳牛日常行为的影响。方法 随机选取28头泌乳天数在100 d左右的健康荷斯坦奶牛,包括14头经产牛和14头初产牛,分为日饲3次处理组和日饲2次处理组,每组包含经产牛和初产牛各7头。对泌乳牛的采食、卧床躺卧、运动场躺卧、卧床站立、运动场站立、过道站立、饮水、使用体刷、舔舐盐砖等行为进行连续5 d的观察,并对2个处理组上述行为的每日发生频率和花费时间进行比较。结果 当日饲3次变为日饲2次时,经产牛和初产牛每日采食频率和时间显著(P<0.05)降低,每日总躺卧时间显著(P<0.05)增加。日饲3次和日饲2次条件下,经产牛每日卧床躺卧、卧床上躺卧和站立、舔舐盐砖时间均显著(P<0.05)大于初产牛,经产牛每日采食、总躺卧、总站立、饮水频率和时间与初产牛差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论 当饲喂次数减少时,会对经产牛和初产牛的每日采食频率和时间以及每日总躺卧时间产生显著影响。  相似文献   

运输对荣昌猪生理生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获取荣昌猪对运输的耐受能力,以此研究针对运输的保健药品和保健措施。选择40日龄的荣昌仔猪12头,在最低气温15℃下运输2h(100km)。从前腔静脉采集运输前及运输停止后30min、运输停止后第1天、3天、7天试验组及空白对照组荣昌仔猪的血液,进行主要血液生理生化指标检测。同时,检测试验组及空白对照组荣昌仔猪在运输前及运输停止后30min、运输停止后第1天、第3天、第7天的临床三大生理指标(呼吸、脉搏、体温)。采用F检验统计分析运输前后差异显著性,比较运输对组内各组影响的差异性。结果表明,荣昌仔猪在经过运输后,尿素、肌酐、总胆固醇、甘油三酯、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶等大部分生理生化指标都有上升,与运输前比较差异极显著(P<0.01),运输前各荣昌仔猪之间的生理生化指标无显著差异(P>0.05),荣昌猪对运输的抵抗能力较差,需要在运输前后做好抗应激措施。  相似文献   

This study describes the breed-specific coping characteristics of pigs in response to transport stress. The dynamic changes of behavior, the activities of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well as the plasma concentrations of stress and metabolic hormones in Erhualian (EHL) and Pietrain (PIE) pigs during 2 h transport were investigated. The majority of the behavior of EHL pigs consisted of oral/nasal/facial (ONF) and fit behaviors during the initial observations (first 15 min after start), and these behaviors were replaced by increased time sitting and lying in later observations (middle and last 15 min of transport). In contrast, PIE pigs showed high levels of ONF behaviors in initial observation, followed by high frequency and duration of standing during the middle and the last observation period. PIE pigs demonstrated significantly higher plasma CK (P < 0.01) and LDH activities (P < 0.05). There were significant effects of time and time × breed interaction (P < 0.05) on CK activities (P < 0.01) in both breeds. Plasma ACTH levels did not differ between breeds, yet a significant effect of time (P < 0.05) was shown during transport. EHL pigs exhibited consistently higher basal and stimulated plasma cortisol levels (P < 0.05). There were significant time effects on metabolic hormones (insulin, T3 and T4) (P < 0.01), whereas no significant breed effect for these hormones were found. These results indicate that different coping strategies apply in EHL pigs, as reflected by different behavioral, endocrine and biochemical responses during transport as compared with PIE pigs.  相似文献   

During the first few days after weaning, pigs often experience BW loss as they adapt to eating solid food. During this time period, they are also known to drink excessively and develop abnormal oral behavior such as belly nosing. The excessive drinking may stem from the piglets' attempt to satiate hunger through gut fill from a familiar ingestive source. Gut fill through water intake may affect the establishment of feeding behavior. Using drinker devices other than the standard nipple drinker may ease the piglets' transition at weaning by facilitating the initiation of feeding and preventing the development of behavioral problems such as excessive drinking and belly nosing. In this experiment, we examined the effect of drinker type on water and food intake, growth rates, and belly nosing in newly weaned piglets. Eighteen pens of 15 piglets each (270 piglets total) were weaned at 18.1 +/- 0.1 d of age and housed in pens containing 1 of 3 drinker devices (standard nipple, push-lever bowl, and float bowl). Piglets' water and feed intake, water use, BW, and behavior were examined on a pen basis through 2 wk after weaning. Piglets with nipple drinkers wasted more water than the other piglets (P < 0.001; float, 295 +/- 70 mL x pig(-1) . d(-1); nipple, 1,114 +/- 63 mL x pig(-1) . d(-1); and push-lever, 186 +/- 63 mL x pig(-1) . d(-1)), whereas piglets with float bowls consumed less water than the other piglets (P < 0.001; float, 475 +/- 81 mL . pig(-1) x d(-1); nipple, 870 +/- 76 mL x pig(-1) . d(-1); push-lever, 774 +/- 76 mL x pig(-1) . d(-1)). Drinker type affected feeding behavior (P = 0.02); piglets with push-lever bowls spent less time at the feeder than the other piglets, although no difference was detected for feed intake (P = 0.64) or overall ADG (P = 0.16). Piglets with push-lever bowls also tended to perform less piglet-directed nosing behavior than piglets with the float bowl (P = 0.04). Piglets appear to use more water during the first 2 d after weaning with certain drinker devices. However, piglets do not appear to attain satiety through water consumption because most of the water used during the first few days after weaning is wasted. This excessive drinking and water wastage can be abated through the use of push-lever drinkers without negative implications for feed intake or growth rates.  相似文献   

Surgical castration of young male piglets is now a generally accepted cause of serious distress and impairment of animal welfare. Awareness of this problem has created the moral commitment to seek for practical and more humane alternatives. As one possible alternative, the application of analgesics has been installed in Germany as an interim solution by the QS system, thus mandatory for the majority of German pig producers.Two analgesics have been authorised for this purpose. Both have been shown a significant positive impact on cortisol levels if administered pre-operatively. However, their effects on pain, stress and discomfort during castration, and on the post-castration period are conflicting. Thus, the aim of the present study was to compare the effects of Meloxicam and Flunixin on cortisol levels, behavioural indices, vocalisation, and wound healing of surgical castrated piglets in the field. There was no difference in vocalisation during castration in analgesic treated and untreated piglets. Piglets castrated under analgesia still had significantly elevated serum cortisol levels 30 min post castration, when compared to the sham castrated group. Both analgesics led to a significant impairment of behavioural indices and wound healing. It is concluded that analgesics can improve the welfare of piglets during the first part of the post-castration period. However, the benefits may be considered small and may not meet the requirements of the EU. Hence it is of high importance to prevent the interim practice of surgical castration of male piglets under analgesics from becoming implemented as a permanent condition in pig production.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate stress responses evoked by 2 alternative methods for performing the following processing procedures: 1) teeth resection-clipping vs. grinding; 2) tail docking-cold vs. hot clipping; 3) identification-ear notch vs. tag; 4) iron administration-injection vs. oral; 5) castration-cords cut vs. torn. Eight to 10 litters of 8-, 2-, and 3-d-old piglets were assigned to each procedure. Within each litter, 2 piglets were assigned to 1 of 4 possible procedures: the 2 alternative methods, a sham procedure, and a sham procedure plus blood sampling. Blood was sampled before processing and at 45 min, 4 h, 48 h, 1 wk, and 2 wk postprocedure and assayed for cortisol and beta-endorphin. Procedures were videotaped and analyzed to evaluate the time taken to perform the procedure and the number of squeals, grunts, and escape attempts. Vocalizations were analyzed to determine mean and peak frequencies and duration. Piglets were weighed before the procedure and at 24 h, 48 h, 1 wk, and 2 wk afterward. Lesions were scored on a scale of 0 to 5 on pigs in the identification, tail docking, and castration treatments at 24 h, 1 wk, and 2 wk postprocedure. For teeth resection, grinding took longer than clipping and resulted in greater cortisol concentration overall, poorer growth rates, and longer vocalizations compared with pigs in the control treatment (P<0.05). For tail docking, hot clipping took longer, and hot-clipped piglets grew slower than cold-clipped piglets (P<0.05). Hot clipping also resulted in longer and higher frequency squealing compared with pigs in the control treatment (P<0.01). For identification, ear notching took longer than tagging, and ear-notched piglets had worse wound scores than tagged piglets (P<0.05). Cortisol concentrations at 4 h also tended to be greater for ear-notched piglets (P<0.10). Ear notching evoked calls with higher peak frequencies than the control treatments. For iron administration, oral delivery took numerically longer than injecting, but there were no significant differences between injecting and oral delivery for any of the measures. For castration, tearing took longer than cutting the cords (P<0.05), but beta-endorphin concentrations at 45 min postprocedure were greater for cut piglets. When measures of behavior, physiology, and productivity were used, the responses to teeth resection, tail docking, and identification were shown to be altered by the procedural method, whereas responses to iron administration and castration did not differ. The time taken to carry out the procedure would appear to be an important factor in the strength of the stress response.  相似文献   

The influence of heated mash on growth and feeding behavior of newly weaned piglets was investigated. An automatically ventilated nursery with 4 identical pens was used. Twenty piglets weaned at 21 d were housed in each pen. The experiment was repeated 3 times. In total, data were obtained from 240 piglets of 12 pens. The pens were provided with a sensor-controlled, automatic feeding device, which dosed a ready-mixed mash in a trough. In each of 2 of the pens, the feed was mixed with warm water at 36 degrees C, during the first week of weaning. This heated mash had a temperature of 34 degrees C at the outlet of the automatic feeding device (experimental group). In the 2 control groups, the water was not heated and the temperature of the mash was 14 degrees C at the outlet of the automatic feeding device. From the second week of weaning, the mash had a temperature of 14 degrees C at the outlet of the automatic feeding device in all 4 pens. Piglets were weighed at weaning, at weekly intervals through 49 d after weaning, and on d 139 after weaning. Behavior of the whole group, as well as behavior of selected focal animals, was evaluated for the first 48 h after weaning. In addition, skin condition of piglets was assessed on day of weaning and on d 7, 14, and 21 after weaning. The amount of feed consumed by the piglets was recorded on a daily basis throughout the whole period of nursery. Over the total period of the study, piglets in the experimental group gained 3.98 +/- 1.66 kg (P = 0.047) more than the control group. The difference was particularly clear during the nursery period (49 d) when the experimental group gained 0.89 +/- 0.23 kg more than the control group (P = 0.03). Although piglets in the control group consumed 37.15 +/- 0.15 kg of feed over the complete nursery period, the experimental group consumed 42.56 +/- 0.15 kg per piglet (P = 0.023). By heating the mash feed in the first week after weaning, both growth performance as well as feed consumption of piglets could be increased. No difference in feed conversion and feeding behavior was found between groups.  相似文献   

Seven experiments utilizing 77 litters of piglets were conducted to determine the relative preferences or aversion of piglets for maternal olfactory cues. A Y-maze was used to test piglet preferences for two substances at any one time. A preference index was calculated from Y-maze data to identify whether piglets expressed a preference or aversion to the two substances tested in each session. The first two experiments examined piglet preferences for maternal fecal odors, colostrum, milk, urine and skin washings at 12 h and 7 d of age. Piglets preferred the odor of nipple washings and sow feces at 12 h of age. Piglets preferred sow fecal odors at 7 d of age in one study. The third study showed that piglets could discriminate between their mother's fecal odor and fecal odors from other sows. The fourth study examined piglet preferences for maternal fecal odors at birth, 12 h and 1, 3 and 7 d of age. At all ages tested except birth, piglets preferred sow fecal odors over water. The final three studies showed that piglets did not prefer to be near novel odors (orange and banana odors), nor did they prefer to be near the putative rat maternal pheromone, deoxycholic acid. In conclusion, piglets learn their mother's odor within the first 12 h of life. Piglets are most attracted to the odors associated with maternal feces and skin secretions. Piglet odor discriminatory ability is specific for maternal odors (not just odorous substances) and very acute (they can discriminate between mother and non-mother odors). When modifying piglet behavior to improve survival, the piglet's well-developed olfactory ability should be considered.  相似文献   

Gestational housing of sows remains a controversial issue that may affect the well-being of both sows and piglets. Therefore, 2 types of gestational housing were used to evaluate the stress imposed on pregnant gilts by each system and the effects on the offspring by comparing production, physiology, and behavioral measures of the piglets. Forty-eight Landrace x Yorkshire gilts were randomly assigned to groups (G) of 4 per pen (n = 8 pens; 3.9 m x 2.4 m) or to individual stalls (S; n = 16 stalls; 2.21 m x 0.61 m). Gilts were moved into individual farrowing crates 5 d before the expected farrowing date. Piglets were weighed at birth, d 14, and d 35. Two barrows from each litter were weaned at d 14 (early weaning) and housed together in pens. Maintenance behaviors (head in feeder, drinking, lying, eating mash) were videotaped and observed for the first 3 d after weaning using a 10-min interval scan sampling. Belly nosing and play/fight interactions were recorded from video observations for 3 d postweaning. An isolation test (30-min duration) was performed on one piglet from each pen of barrows on d 35. Time spent lying, the number of jumps against test box walls, and grunts and squeals were recorded in real time. Salivary cortisol was collected at 30-min intervals from baseline, and 0, 30, 60, and 90 min posttest. Jugular blood was collected from 2 barrows from each litter on d 1, 7, 14, 17, 21, and 28. Plasma TNF-alpha was analyzed by ELISA, and haptoglobin, alpha1-acid glycoprotein, and immunoglobulin G were analyzed by radial immunodiffusion. More piglets from the S treatment needed to be fed a liquid feed at weaning and drank more frequently on d 2 postweaning (P < 0.05). Additionally, by d 35 piglets from S gilts had a lighter BW (10.3 kg) than G piglets (12.8 kg; P < 0.01). Piglets from S gilts also grunted more during the 30-min isolation test (number of grunts = 356) than G piglets (number of grunts = 138; P < 0.01). Salivary cortisol and immune measures were not different. These data show some behavioral and production differences between piglets from individually stalled gilts and group-housed gilts. Therefore, there may be production advantages to housing first parity gilts in groups.  相似文献   

In production systems, piglets usually fast for a period after weaning, thereby increasing the risk of diarrhea and a reduction in growth. The low level of eating may relate to insufficient drinking activity, as solid feed intake must be accompanied by water intake. Mixing of newly weaned piglets is a well-known stressor and a common procedure in pig production. The effect of mixing on the temporal development of eating and drinking activity in newly weaned piglets has not been elucidated. High concentrations of zinc (Zn) in the feed improve the health and performance of piglets after weaning, but the underlying mechanisms are still obscure. One possibility is that Zn affects eating and drinking behavior. The effects of mixing 4 littermates from each of 2 litters and adding zinc oxide (ZnO; 2,500 ppm of Zn) to the feed were studied in a 2 x 2 factorial experiment using 123 piglets weaned at 27 d of age. Individual eating and drinking times during the initial 48 h after weaning were analyzed on 2 levels of aggregation, day and hour. The piglets spent less time eating on the first day after weaning compared with the second day (20 +/- 5 vs. 98 +/- 10 min, respectively; P < 0.001), whereas they spent more time drinking on the first day compared with the second day (13 +/- 1 vs. 9 +/- 0.5 min, respectively; P < 0.001). Eating and drinking times were positively associated (P < 0.001). Females ate for longer than males (61 +/- 8 vs. 44 +/- 7 min/24 h, respectively, P = 0.002), whereas sex did not affect drinking time. Drinking time increased (P = 0.003) and eating time decreased (P = 0.001) with increasing preweaning growth rate and weaning weight. Neither mixing nor addition of ZnO affected the daily eating time. However, nonmixed piglets given 2,500 ppm of Zn as ZnO in the feed spent more time drinking per day (12 +/- 1 min) than did nonmixed piglets offered 100 ppm of Zn as ZnO (10 +/- 1 min; P = 0.002). Mixing also affected the hourly distribution of the drinking activity (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the drinking behavior of newly weaned piglets was more affected by the external factors, mixing and addition of ZnO to the feed, than the eating behavior. As eating and drinking are strongly associated, more focus should be paid to the water intake and the interplay between eating and drinking behavior in future studies aiming to reduce weaning problems.  相似文献   

Early weaning of piglets can lead to an increase in belly-nosing and other oral-nasal behavior (nosing, chewing, or sucking other piglets), but the causative factors involved in these behavior patterns are largely unknown. Because these behavior patterns resemble massaging the udder and sucking, they may be associated with feeding. The objectives of this study were to determine any effect of diet quality or the presence of milk in the diet on belly-nosing behavior of piglets weaned at 14 to 18 d. During the first 2 wk after weaning, piglets were fed diets differing in quality and inclusion of milk products. Six replicates of eight piglets per replicate, blocked by initial body weight, (n = 192) were offered one of four dietary treatments: HQM: high quality, high in milk products; HQ: high quality, no milk products; PQ: poor quality, no milk products; HQ+MR: high quality, no milk products (as HQ) sprayed with milk replacer five times daily. Thereafter, the piglets were fed a standard nursery diet. Feed intake was measured daily for wk 1 and again at the end of wk 2. Behavior was recorded every 5 min during two 4-h periods on d 2 to 7, 10, 14, 17 and 21 after weaning. Dietary treatment influenced ADFI and ADG during wk 1. Average daily feed intake (P < 0.05) and ADG (P < 0.05) of piglets on PQ were less than those of piglets on the other treatments. During wk 2, ADFI (P > 0.10) and ADG (P > 0.10) were the same across all treatments. Overall, ADFI was not influenced by the inclusion of milk products in the diet or the addition of milk replacer (P > 0.10); however, ADG was. Piglets on HQM had higher ADG than those on HQ during wk 2 (P < 0.05) and 3 after weaning (P < 0.05). However, milk replacer did not influence ADG (P > 0.10). Although the dietary treatments did affect ADFI and ADG, there were no effects on any behavior pattern recorded, including time spent at the feeder (P > 0.10). Lower weight-for-age piglets performed more oral-nasal behavior, in total, than higher weight-for-age piglets (P < 0.03). Neither feeding a poor-quality diet nor the presence of milk in the diet had an effect on belly-nosing or other oral-nasal behavior patterns during the first 3 wk after weaning. Belly-nosing does not seem to be associated with feeding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to establish behavioral indexes of piglet welfare. Forty‐eight piglets were allocated to either four indoor pens or four outdoor pens (six piglets per pen). The indoor system was a commercial pen that consisted of a concrete floor and a slat floor. The outdoor system had a dirt paddock with a wooden hutch. Growth performance, salivary cortisol levels, skin lesions and behaviors of the piglets were monitored for 4 weeks. Sixteen types of behaviors were recorded by using 2‐min instantaneous scan sampling for 8 h/day. Growth performance and salivary cortisol levels did not significantly differ between the two housing systems. On the other hand, skin lesions and behaviors were significantly affected by the housing system. The number of skin lesions was higher in the indoor system. In addition, piglets in the outdoor system showed more investigative and social‐play behaviors than those in the indoor system. Piglets in the indoor system showed more resting, drinking, moving, fighting, and conflict behaviors than those in the outdoor system. We conclude that investigative, social‐play and conflict behaviors may be effective indexes of the welfare level of piglets, especially investigative and conflict behaviors.  相似文献   

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