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黄兰芳 《绿色科技》2013,(6):115-118
从室内绿化装饰的意义和作用、室内绿化装饰的植物选择、室内绿化装饰的基本原则、室内绿化装饰的主要形式和室内绿化装饰的设计五个方面阐述了室内植物在现代居室绿化装饰中扮演的重要角色。指出了在当代城市环境污染日益恶化的情况下,改善城市环境,改善室内居住环境的质量显得尤为迫切。植物是大自然生态环境的主体,通过室内绿化把生活、学习、工作、休息的空间变成"绿色的空间",是环境改善最有效的手段之一,这种无形的环境效益和有形的生产效益一样重要。  相似文献   

合理运用观叶植物提高室内绿化装饰效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观叶植物是目前世界上最为流行的观赏植物,用它作为室内点缀和环境装饰已形成风气。从多角度出发,阐述了提高其室内绿化装饰的效果的装饰原则及方法。  相似文献   

现代家庭居室绿化装饰艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着人们生活水平的提高,居住条件的改善,人们已不满足于新式家具、灯光、音响等居室装饰,进而追求更高层次的具有生命力的绿化装饰。基于此,作者在介绍了居室绿化的作用的基础上重点阐述了居室绿化植物选择的基本原则和不同居室空间绿化装饰的艺术技巧。  相似文献   

现代居住空间的绿化装饰是室内环境艺术设计的重要组成部分。该文从分析现代居住空间的环境特点人手,重点论述了现代居住空间绿化装饰的理论基础及美学原理,并对不同居住空间的绿化装饰类型进行了系统阐述及典型设计,以期为室内环境艺术设计及现代家居生活提供参考。  相似文献   

章对当前室内植物装饰的布局方式和造景方法进行了简要的概括,并结合宾馆不同位置空间的绿化装饰进行了实例分析。  相似文献   

从居室植物装饰的作用、配置原则、布局方式、造景方法及各空间的绿化装饰手法等不同视角进行了探讨,说明巧妙地对居室进行植物装饰,成为人们改善居住环境、享受自然的重要措施。  相似文献   

屋顶绿化建植的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探讨了屋顶绿化装饰的特点、应注意的事项,提出以往带帽、加罩之类以增加美观的屋顶建成屋顶小花园的思路。  相似文献   

本文从家居环境绿化的概念、作用、设计、存在问题、解决途径五个方面阐述了室内植物在现代居室绿化装饰中扮演的重要角色。居住环境绿化将更有利于我们生活环境质量的提升,使人与自然之间架起一座联系的桥梁,更好地满足现今社会城市居民回归自然的心理需要。  相似文献   

福建省南平市室内观叶植物调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,室内观叶植物被大量应用于室内绿化装饰。通过对南平市区宾馆、饭店、机关单位、花圃、工厂企业等单位室内观叶植物的调查,并对它们的性状、来源和观赏价值等进行统计分析,查清了南平市室内观叶植物资源状况,为绿化美化室内环境及观叶植物的栽培引种提供了原始材料和科学依据。  相似文献   

阳台作为居家对外交流的窗口,如果能用植物材料将其装饰起来,会对城市众多建筑物起到美化、绿化的作用。不同的阳台类型与不同的植物材料,能形成风格各异的景象。比如,为突出装饰效果,形成鲜明的色彩对比,可用暖色调的植物花卉来装饰冷色调的阳台;或者相反,使阳台花卉更加鲜艳夺目。向阳光照较好的阳台应以观花、花叶兼容的喜光植物来装饰,而光照较差的阳台则应以耐阴喜好凉爽的植物装饰。阳台美化的方式常见的有花箱式、悬垂式、花堆式等。花箱式的花箱一般为长方形,排放或悬挂都比较节省阳台面积和空间。培育好的盆花摆进花箱,…  相似文献   

芳香植物的挥发性物质对人体具有医疗保健功能.通过问卷调查,研究了高校师生在校园中不同区域对芳香植物保健功能的需求.结果显示:①希望教学区中的学习区主要满足振奋提神、消除疲劳、提高记忆力和注意力的功能,休闲区主要满足舒缓放松、消除疲劳、振奋提神的功能;②希望生活区中的运动区主要满足振奋提神的功能,休闲区主要满足消除疲劳、...  相似文献   

A suite of regional allometric aboveground biomass functions were derived for Betula pubescens and Betula pendula for Norwegian conditions. The data consisted of 67 trees sampled throughout Norway. A total of 14 component functions were developed for total aboveground, total stem, stemwood, stem bark, live crown, live branch, leaf, and dead branch biomass using combinations of diameter at breast height and height as predictor variables. Application of the derived functions to existing local southern Norwegian mountain birch and regional Swedish biomass datasets indicated an overall good predictive ability of the developed functions. However, the functions produced slight underestimates, suggesting that the respective birch populations had differing biomass allocation patterns. When the developed functions were applied to Norwegian National Forest Inventory data, they produced slightly higher biomass stock and stock change estimates than what is obtained using existing Swedish functions. The higher estimates were evident in the north, central, and western part of Norway, while estimates were similar in southeastern Norway where growing conditions are most similar to Swedish conditions. The analysis indicates that the derived functions are the best available for regional birch biomass stock and stock change estimation in Norway.  相似文献   

孙海燕、周世健等对P范分布及其参数估计理论作出了重大贡献,但他们提出了两种不同形式的P范分布密度函数.针对延续了10年的P范分布密度函数的形式差异和争议,讨论了两种不同形式的多元P范分布密度函数及其数据处理的特点,证明了两种不同形式的多元P范分布密度函数等价,从而统一了多元P范分布的理论基础,并提出有关的符号建议,以便于多元P范分布理论在数据处理中的推广应用.  相似文献   

The study presents four ways to formulate a landscape level forest planning model for group planning using a heuristic optimization method called ‘HERO’. The HERO method is composed of two primary steps: first, forest management goals are defined; then a management plan is sought to fulfill the defined goals. The planning models consider the landscape (whole area) and forest holdings as separate hierarchical levels. Within the planning models, each participant's forest management goals are defined using additive priority functions consisting of weighted sub-utility and/or achievement functions. Maximizing the achievement function minimizes the deviation from the target value for the corresponding goal variable. (i) The integrated top-down model uses achievement functions on the landscape level and sub-utility functions on the individual holding level; while (ii) the integrated bottom-up model uses achievement functions on the holding level and sub-utility functions on the landscape level. (iii) The integrated utility maximization model consists of weighted sub-utility functions on both the landscape and the individual holding levels and (iv) the integrated regret minimization model uses achievement functions on both levels. The use of different priority models was illustrated in a case study, which consisted of four neighboring private land holdings. In general, the priority models worked in a logical way. Large deviations from the targets could be prevented by using achievement functions in the overall priority models. On the other hand, the differences between the models were not very large, and the results of only one case cannot be generalized. It seems that all the alternative priority models might have use in different planning situations. However, interactive use of the models should be preferred.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in Asia is reviewed here from both scientific and socio-economic perspectives. Biodiversity in Asia has been very high, for historical and climatic reasons; however, this situation has been changing rapidly, due to population growth and economic development. The forest biodiversity in this region has both global and local value, yet it is seriously threatened. As natural capital, biodiversity functions in a variety of ways: production and regulation functions have global value, while habitat and information functions have social and cultural value, as well as local importance. Sustainable forest management is dependent on the regulatory functions of the ecosystem and biodiversity. Sometimes the functions of forests or biodiversity make conflict. Moreover, biodiversity has an information function related to sustainability via local knowledge and culture. Levin’s (1999) proposals are helpful as a conceptual framework for developing sustainable management for Asian forests.  相似文献   

“鱼”在中国古典园林中具有重要作用并被广泛应用,与其相关的“渔”也以不同形式隐含于古典园林之中,目前缺少两者相关的系统研究。对鱼类在中国古典园林中应用的历史沿革进行概括,并从观赏娱乐对象、文化寓意、生态功能、意境营造、放生对象等方面研究了鱼在古典园林中的作用及应用方式。继而从造园主题、舫等园林建筑营建、沧浪意象的造景主题等方面探讨了中国古典园林中的渔。最后,对古典园林中鱼和渔的内涵进行了分析。  相似文献   

湿地水文功能研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
湿地是流域水资源和水循环的重要组成部分,是自然界最富生物多样性的生态系统和人类最重要的生存环境之一,它不仅为人类的生产、生活提供多种资源,而且具有巨大的生态环境功能和效益。湿地的水文功能主要包括调蓄洪水、补充地下水、提供水源、保持或改善水质、调节气候、保护海岸带等功能,其独特的水文功能对维持流域生态系统的健康和改善区域生态环境具有十分重要的意义。因此,湿地水文功能的研究已引起国内外学者的关注。本文从湿地水文、水文功能两个方面综述了国内外研究的现状,并指出了目前研究中存在的主要问题及未来研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

介绍地理信息系统的概念和特点,设计以ArcGIS为平台的系统软件结构,阐述GIS在数据库管理、火险预防、扑救指挥、灾后评估等方面的功能和设计。其中介绍资源地图、参数数据、防火设施、历史数据管理功能;火险区域、林火预报功能;火点精确定位、最佳扑火路径、火灾模拟、指挥决策辅助以及灾后评估等功能。集成基础地理信息、森林资源信息、专题防火信息、遥感数据等森林防火相关信息,提供强大的编辑、查询、制图等功能。  相似文献   

徐琤  邬嘉颖 《中国城市林业》2013,11(3):19-21,24
城市绿地建设在确保生态功能的基础上应该凸现一定的文化内涵。文中以无锡为例,通过具体案例探讨城市绿地"文化建绿"的原则,并对在建设规划层面的主要途径进行讨论。    相似文献   

浅析竹类植物的城市生态环境效应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
竹子具有显著的生态效应,在生态建设中发挥着巨大的作用。在总结有关竹类植物生态效应研究成果的基础上,针对现代城市环境特点,着重分析竹类植物对城市环境的生态作用,指出在城市生态环境建设中应重视竹类植物的运用及其生态功能的持续有效发挥。  相似文献   

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